예제 #1
def build_updates_page():
    '''available/pending updates'''
    page_name = u'updates.html'

    # need to consolidate/centralize this flag. Accessing it this way is ugly.
    if NSApp.delegate().mainWindowController._update_in_progress:
        return build_update_status_page()

    item_list = MunkiItems.getEffectiveUpdateList()

    other_updates = [
        item for item in MunkiItems.getOptionalInstallItems()
        if item['status'] == 'update-available'

    page = {}
    page['update_rows'] = u''
    page['hide_progress_spinner'] = u'hidden'
    page['hide_other_updates'] = u'hidden'
    page['install_all_button_classes'] = u''

    item_template = get_template('update_row_template.html')

    if item_list:
        for item in item_list:
            page['update_rows'] += item_template.safe_substitute(item)
    elif not other_updates:
        status_results_template = get_template('status_results_template.html')
        alert = {}
        alert['primary_status_text'] = NSLocalizedString(
            u"Your software is up to date.",
            u"No Pending Updates primary text")
        alert['secondary_status_text'] = NSLocalizedString(
            u"There is no new software for your computer at this time.",
            u"No Pending Updates secondary text")
        alert['hide_progress_bar'] = u'hidden'
        alert['progress_bar_value'] = u''
        page['update_rows'] = status_results_template.safe_substitute(alert)

    count = len(item_list)
    page['update_count'] = msclib.updateCountMessage(count)
    page['install_btn_label'] = msclib.getInstallAllButtonTextForCount(count)
    page['warning_text'] = get_warning_text()

    page['other_updates_header_message'] = NSLocalizedString(
        u"Other available updates", u"Other Available Updates label")
    page['other_update_rows'] = u''

    if other_updates:
        page['hide_other_updates'] = u''
        for item in other_updates:
            page['other_update_rows'] += item_template.safe_substitute(item)

    footer = get_template('footer_template.html', raw=True)
    generate_page(page_name, 'updates_template.html', page, footer=footer)
예제 #2
파일: mschtml.py 프로젝트: 50kaliber/munki
def build_updates_page():
    '''available/pending updates'''
    page_name = u'updates.html'
    # need to consolidate/centralize this flag. Accessing it this way is ugly.
    if NSApp.delegate().mainWindowController._update_in_progress:
        return build_update_status_page()

    item_list = MunkiItems.getEffectiveUpdateList()

    other_updates = [
        item for item in MunkiItems.getOptionalInstallItems()
        if item['status'] == 'update-available']

    page = {}
    page['update_rows'] = u''
    page['hide_progress_spinner'] = u'hidden'
    page['hide_other_updates'] = u'hidden'
    page['install_all_button_classes'] = u''
    item_template = get_template('update_row_template.html')

    if item_list:
        for item in item_list:
            page['update_rows'] += item_template.safe_substitute(item)
    elif not other_updates:
        status_results_template = get_template('status_results_template.html')
        alert = {}
        alert['primary_status_text'] = NSLocalizedString(
             u"Your software is up to date.", u"No Pending Updates primary text")
        alert['secondary_status_text'] = NSLocalizedString(
             u"There is no new software for your computer at this time.",
             u"No Pending Updates secondary text")
        alert['hide_progress_bar'] = u'hidden'
        alert['progress_bar_value'] = u''
        page['update_rows'] = status_results_template.safe_substitute(alert)

    count = len(item_list)
    page['update_count'] = msclib.updateCountMessage(count)
    page['install_btn_label'] = msclib.getInstallAllButtonTextForCount(count)
    page['warning_text'] = get_warning_text()

    page['other_updates_header_message'] = NSLocalizedString(
        u"Other available updates",
        u"Other Available Updates label")
    page['other_update_rows'] = u''

    if other_updates:
        page['hide_other_updates'] = u''
        for item in other_updates:
            page['other_update_rows'] += item_template.safe_substitute(item)
    footer = get_template('footer_template.html', raw=True)
    generate_page(page_name, 'updates_template.html', page, footer=footer)
예제 #3
파일: mschtml.py 프로젝트: ygini/munki
def build_updates_page():
    '''available/pending updates'''
    page_name = u'updates.html'

    # need to consolidate/centralize this flag. Accessing it this way is ugly.
    if NSApp.delegate().mainWindowController._update_in_progress:
        return build_update_status_page()

    item_list = MunkiItems.getEffectiveUpdateList()

    problem_updates = MunkiItems.getProblemItems()
    for item in problem_updates:
        item['hide_cancel_button'] = u'hidden'

    # find any optional installs with update available
    other_updates = [
        item for item in MunkiItems.getOptionalInstallItems()
        if item['status'] == 'update-available'

    # find any listed optional install updates that require a higher OS
    # or have insufficient disk space or other blockers (because they have a
    # note)
    blocked_optional_updates = [
        item for item in MunkiItems.getOptionalInstallItems()
        if item['status'] == 'installed' and item.get('note')
    for item in blocked_optional_updates:
        item['hide_cancel_button'] = u'hidden'


    page = {}
    page['update_rows'] = u''
    page['hide_progress_spinner'] = u'hidden'
    page['hide_problem_updates'] = u'hidden'
    page['hide_other_updates'] = u'hidden'
    page['install_all_button_classes'] = u''

    item_template = get_template('update_row_template.html')

    # build pending updates table
    if item_list:
        for item in item_list:
            page['update_rows'] += item_template.safe_substitute(item)
    elif not other_updates and not problem_updates:
        status_results_template = get_template('status_results_template.html')
        alert = {}
        alert['primary_status_text'] = NSLocalizedString(
            u"Your software is up to date.",
            u"No Pending Updates primary text")
        alert['secondary_status_text'] = NSLocalizedString(
            u"There is no new software for your computer at this time.",
            u"No Pending Updates secondary text")
        alert['hide_progress_bar'] = u'hidden'
        alert['progress_bar_value'] = u''
        page['update_rows'] = status_results_template.safe_substitute(alert)

    count = len(
        [item for item in item_list if item['status'] != 'problem-item'])
    page['update_count'] = msclib.updateCountMessage(count)
    page['install_btn_label'] = msclib.getInstallAllButtonTextForCount(count)
    page['warning_text'] = get_warning_text()

    # build problem updates table
    page['problem_updates_header_message'] = NSLocalizedString(
        u"Problem updates", u"Problem Updates label")
    page['problem_update_rows'] = u''

    if problem_updates:
        page['hide_problem_updates'] = u''
        for item in problem_updates:
            page['problem_update_rows'] += item_template.safe_substitute(item)

    # build other available updates table
    page['other_updates_header_message'] = NSLocalizedString(
        u"Other available updates", u"Other Available Updates label")
    page['other_update_rows'] = u''

    if other_updates:
        page['hide_other_updates'] = u''
        for item in other_updates:
            page['other_update_rows'] += item_template.safe_substitute(item)

    footer = get_template('footer_template.html', raw=True)
    generate_page(page_name, 'updates_template.html', page, footer=footer)
예제 #4
파일: mschtml.py 프로젝트: munki/munki
def build_updates_page():
    '''available/pending updates'''
    page_name = u'updates.html'
    # need to consolidate/centralize this flag. Accessing it this way is ugly.
    if NSApp.delegate().mainWindowController._update_in_progress:
        return build_update_status_page()

    item_list = MunkiItems.getEffectiveUpdateList()

    problem_updates = MunkiItems.getProblemItems()
    for item in problem_updates:
        item['hide_cancel_button'] = u'hidden'

    # find any optional installs with update available
    other_updates = [
        item for item in MunkiItems.getOptionalInstallItems()
        if item['status'] == 'update-available']

    # find any listed optional install updates that require a higher OS
    # or have insufficient disk space or other blockers (because they have a
    # note)
    blocked_optional_updates = [
        item for item in MunkiItems.getOptionalInstallItems()
        if item['status'] == 'installed' and item.get('note')]
    for item in blocked_optional_updates:
        item['hide_cancel_button'] = u'hidden'


    page = {}
    page['update_rows'] = u''
    page['hide_progress_spinner'] = u'hidden'
    page['hide_problem_updates'] = u'hidden'
    page['hide_other_updates'] = u'hidden'
    page['install_all_button_classes'] = u''
    item_template = get_template('update_row_template.html')

    # build pending updates table
    if item_list:
        for item in item_list:
            page['update_rows'] += item_template.safe_substitute(item)
    elif not other_updates and not problem_updates:
        status_results_template = get_template('status_results_template.html')
        alert = {}
        alert['primary_status_text'] = NSLocalizedString(
             u"Your software is up to date.", u"No Pending Updates primary text")
        alert['secondary_status_text'] = NSLocalizedString(
             u"There is no new software for your computer at this time.",
             u"No Pending Updates secondary text")
        alert['hide_progress_bar'] = u'hidden'
        alert['progress_bar_value'] = u''
        page['update_rows'] = status_results_template.safe_substitute(alert)

    count = len([item for item in item_list if item['status'] != 'problem-item'])
    page['update_count'] = msclib.updateCountMessage(count)
    page['install_btn_label'] = msclib.getInstallAllButtonTextForCount(count)
    page['warning_text'] = get_warning_text()

    # build problem updates table
    page['problem_updates_header_message'] = NSLocalizedString(
        u"Problem updates",
        u"Problem Updates label")
    page['problem_update_rows'] = u''

    if problem_updates:
        page['hide_problem_updates'] = u''
        for item in problem_updates:
            page['problem_update_rows'] += item_template.safe_substitute(item)

    # build other available updates table
    page['other_updates_header_message'] = NSLocalizedString(
        u"Other available updates",
        u"Other Available Updates label")
    page['other_update_rows'] = u''

    if other_updates:
        page['hide_other_updates'] = u''
        for item in other_updates:
            page['other_update_rows'] += item_template.safe_substitute(item)
    footer = get_template('footer_template.html', raw=True)
    generate_page(page_name, 'updates_template.html', page, footer=footer)
예제 #5
    def updateOptionalInstallButtonClicked_(self, item_name):
        '''this method is called from JavaScript when a user clicks
        the cancel or add button in the updates list'''
        # TO-DO: better handling of all the possible "unexpected error"s
        document = self.webView.mainFrameDocument()
        item = MunkiItems.optionalItemForName_(item_name)
        if not item:
            msclog.debug_log('Unexpected error: Can\'t find item for %s' % item_name)
        update_table_row = document.getElementById_('%s_update_table_row' % item_name)
        if not update_table_row:
            msclog.debug_log('Unexpected error: Can\'t find table row for %s' % item_name)
        # remove this row from its current table
        node = update_table_row.parentNode().removeChild_(update_table_row)

        previous_status = item['status']
        # update item status
        # do we need to add a new node to the other list?
        if item.get('needs_update'):
            # make some new HTML for the updated item
            managed_update_names = MunkiItems.getInstallInfo().get('managed_updates', [])
            item_template = mschtml.get_template('update_row_template.html')
            item_html = item_template.safe_substitute(item)

            if item['status'] in ['install-requested', 'update-will-be-installed', 'installed']:
                # add the node to the updates-to-install table
                table = document.getElementById_('updates-to-install-table')
            if item['status'] == 'update-available':
                # add the node to the other-updates table
                table = document.getElementById_('other-updates-table')
            if not table:
                msclog.debug_log('Unexpected error: could not find other-updates-table')
            # this isn't the greatest way to add something to the DOM
            # but it works...
            table.setInnerHTML_(table.innerHTML() + item_html)

        # might need to toggle visibility of other updates div
        other_updates_div = document.getElementById_('other-updates')
        other_updates_div_classes = other_updates_div.className().split(' ')
        other_updates_table = document.getElementById_('other-updates-table')
        if other_updates_table.innerHTML().strip():
            if 'hidden' in other_updates_div_classes:
                other_updates_div.setClassName_(' '.join(other_updates_div_classes))
            if not 'hidden' in other_updates_div_classes:
                other_updates_div.setClassName_(' '.join(other_updates_div_classes))

        # update the updates-to-install header to reflect the new list of updates to install
        updateCount = self.getUpdateCount()
        update_count_message = msclib.updateCountMessage(updateCount)
        update_count_element = document.getElementById_('update-count-string')
        if update_count_element:

        warning_text = mschtml.get_warning_text()
        warning_text_element = document.getElementById_('update-warning-text')
        if warning_text_element:

        # update text of Install All button
        install_all_button_element = document.getElementById_('install-all-button-text')
        if install_all_button_element:

        # update count badges
        if MunkiItems.updateCheckNeeded():
            # check for updates after a short delay so UI changes visually complete first
            self.performSelector_withObject_afterDelay_(self.checkForUpdates, True, 1.0)