예제 #1
        'front_distance': 0.05 + 0.15,
        'bottom_distance': 0.05 + 0.15,
        'jet_radius': 0.05,
        'width': 0.41,
        'jet_positions': [90, 270],
        'jet_width': 10,
        'clscale': 1.0

    if not os.path.exists(mesh_path):
        generate_mesh(geometry_params, template='geometry_2d.template_geo')
        # Convert to H5
        not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(mesh_path)) and os.mkdir(

        convert('mesh.msh', 'mesh.h5')
        cleanup(exts=('.msh', ))

        shutil.move('mesh.xml', mesh_path)
        shutil.move('mesh_facet_region.xml', surface_path)

    # With same dt and duration as with RL make the base flow
    dt = 0.0005
    solver_params = {'dt': dt}

    flow_params = {'mu': 1E-3, 'rho': 1}
    T_final = 5.0

    # Is there nonzero flow?
    u0_file, p0_file = 'mesh/u_init000000.vtu', 'mesh/p_init000000.vtu'
    if os.path.exists(u0_file) and os.path.exists(p0_file):
예제 #2
파일: hein_area.py 프로젝트: MiroK/tieler
from msh_convert import convert
from dolfin import (Measure, assemble, File, SubsetIterator, sqrt, avg,
                    TestFunction, FunctionSpace)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import subprocess, os
import numpy as np

ratios = []
exponents = [2, 3, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 5.5]
for hein in exponents[-1:]:
        ['gmsh -3 -clscale 0.075 -setnumber Hein %d tile_1_hein.geo' % hein],

    outputs = convert('tile_1_hein.msh', 'tile_1_hein.h5')
    mesh, surfaces, volumes = outputs

    dx = Measure('dx', domain=mesh, subdomain_data=volumes)

    intra = assemble(1 * dx(1))
    extra = assemble(1 * dx(0))
    ratios.append(extra / (intra + extra))
    print('Extracellular volume %.2f' % ratios[-1])

    # Now want to get ratio of cell surface area to its volume
    # Want to keep track of port areas - these are boundary integrals
    ds = Measure('ds', domain=mesh, subdomain_data=surfaces)
    dS = Measure('dS', domain=mesh, subdomain_data=surfaces)

    area_no_port = assemble(1 * dS(1))
    def start_class(self):
        Initialise attributes needed by the Environment object:
        Initialise history buffers, remesh if necessary, load initialization quantities if not remesh, create flow solver
        object, initialise probes, make converged flow if necessary, simulate to random position if random_start,
        fill probes buffer if no. probes changed wrt last remesh
        self.solver_step = 0  # Numerical step
        self.accumulated_drag = 0  # Sum of step drags so far
        self.accumulated_lift = 0

        self.initialized_vtu= False

        self.resetted_number_probes = False

        self.area_probe = None

       # Create ring buffers to hold recent history of jet values, probe values, lift, drag, area
        self.history_parameters = {}

        for crrt_jet in range(2):
            self.history_parameters["jet_{}".format(crrt_jet)] = RingBuffer(self.size_history)

        self.history_parameters["number_of_jets"] = 2

        for crrt_probe in range(len(self.output_params["locations"])):
            if self.output_params["probe_type"] == 'pressure':
                self.history_parameters["probe_{}".format(crrt_probe)] = RingBuffer(self.size_history)
            elif self.output_params["probe_type"] == 'velocity':
                self.history_parameters["probe_{}_u".format(crrt_probe)] = RingBuffer(self.size_history)
                self.history_parameters["probe_{}_v".format(crrt_probe)] = RingBuffer(self.size_history)

        self.history_parameters["number_of_probes"] = len(self.output_params["locations"])
        print("Number of probes: {}".format(self.history_parameters["number_of_probes"]))

        self.history_parameters["drag"] = RingBuffer(self.size_history)
        self.history_parameters["lift"] = RingBuffer(self.size_history)
        self.history_parameters["recirc_area"] = RingBuffer(self.size_history)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Remesh if necessary
        h5_file = '.'.join([self.path_root, 'h5'])  # mesh/turek_2d.h5
        msh_file = '.'.join([self.path_root, 'msh'])  # mesh/turek_2d.msh
        self.geometry_params['mesh'] = h5_file

        # Regenerate mesh?
        if self.geometry_params['remesh']:

            if self.verbose > 0:

            generate_mesh(self.geometry_params, template=self.geometry_params['template'])

            if self.verbose > 0:
                print("Generate .msh done")
            assert os.path.exists(msh_file)

            convert(msh_file, h5_file)
            if self.verbose > 0:
                print("Convert to .h5 done")
            assert os.path.exists(h5_file)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # If no remesh, load initialization fields and buffers

        if self.n_iter_make_ready is None:
            if self.verbose > 0:
                print("Load initial flow state")

            # Load initial fields
            self.flow_params['u_init'] = 'mesh/u_init.xdmf'
            self.flow_params['p_init'] = 'mesh/p_init.xdmf'

            if self.verbose > 0:
                print("Load buffer history")

            # Load ring buffers
            with open('mesh/dict_history_parameters.pkl', 'rb') as f:
                self.history_parameters = pickle.load(f)

            # Check everything is good to go

            if not "number_of_probes" in self.history_parameters:
                self.history_parameters["number_of_probes"] = 0
                print("Warning!! The number of probes was not set in the loaded hdf5 file")

            if not "number_of_jets" in self.history_parameters:
                self.history_parameters["number_of_jets"] = 2
                print("Warning!! The number of jets was not set in the loaded hdf5 file")

            if not "lift" in self.history_parameters:
                self.history_parameters["lift"] = RingBuffer(self.size_history)
                print("Warning!! No lift history found in the loaded hdf5 file")

            if not "drag" in self.history_parameters:
                self.history_parameters["drag"] = RingBuffer(self.size_history)
                print("Warning!! No lift history found in the loaded hdf5 file")

            if not "recirc_area" in self.history_parameters:
                self.history_parameters["recirc_area"] = RingBuffer(self.size_history)
                print("Warning!! No recirculation area history found in the loaded hdf5 file")

            # if not the same number of probes, reset
            if not self.history_parameters["number_of_probes"] == len(self.output_params["locations"]):
                for crrt_probe in range(len(self.output_params["locations"])):
                    if self.output_params["probe_type"] == 'pressure':
                        self.history_parameters["probe_{}".format(crrt_probe)] = RingBuffer(self.size_history)
                    elif self.output_params["probe_type"] == 'velocity':
                        self.history_parameters["probe_{}_u".format(crrt_probe)] = RingBuffer(self.size_history)
                        self.history_parameters["probe_{}_v".format(crrt_probe)] = RingBuffer(self.size_history)

                self.history_parameters["number_of_probes"] = len(self.output_params["locations"])

                print("Warning!! Number of probes was changed! Probes buffer content reset")

                self.resetted_number_probes = True

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # create the flow simulation object
        self.flow = FlowSolver(self.flow_params, self.geometry_params, self.solver_params)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Setup probes
        if self.output_params["probe_type"] == 'pressure':
            self.ann_probes = PressureProbeANN(self.flow, self.output_params['locations'])

        elif self.output_params["probe_type"] == 'velocity':
            self.ann_probes = VelocityProbeANN(self.flow, self.output_params['locations'])
            raise RuntimeError("Unknown probe type")

        # Setup drag and lift measurement
        self.drag_probe = PenetratedDragProbeANN(self.flow)
        self.lift_probe = PenetratedLiftProbeANN(self.flow)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # No flux from jets for starting
        self.Qs = np.zeros(2)
        self.action = np.zeros(2)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # prepare the arrays for plotting positions

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # if necessary, make converge
        if self.n_iter_make_ready is not None:
            self.u_, self.p_ = self.flow.evolve(self.Qs)
            if "dump_vtu" in self.inspection_params:
                path = 'results/area_out.pvd'
            self.area_probe = RecirculationAreaProbe(self.u_, 0, store_path=path)
            if self.verbose > 0:
                print("Compute initial flow for {} steps".format(self.n_iter_make_ready))

            for _ in range(self.n_iter_make_ready):
                self.u_, self.p_ = self.flow.evolve(self.Qs)

                self.probes_values = self.ann_probes.sample(self.u_, self.p_).flatten()
                self.drag = self.drag_probe.sample(self.u_, self.p_)
                self.lift = self.lift_probe.sample(self.u_, self.p_)
                self.recirc_area = self.area_probe.sample(self.u_, self.p_)

                self.write_history_parameters()  # Add new step data to history buffers
                self.visual_inspection()  # Create dynamic plots, show step data in command line and save it to saved_models/debug.csv
                self.output_data()  # Extend arrays of episode qtys, generate vtu files for area, u and p

                self.solver_step += 1

            encoding = XDMFFile.Encoding.HDF5
            mesh = convert(msh_file, h5_file)
            comm = mesh.mpi_comm()

            # save field data
            XDMFFile(comm, 'mesh/u_init.xdmf').write_checkpoint(self.u_, 'u0', 0, encoding)
            XDMFFile(comm, 'mesh/p_init.xdmf').write_checkpoint(self.p_, 'p0', 0, encoding)

            # save buffer dict
            with open('mesh/dict_history_parameters.pkl', 'wb') as f:
                pickle.dump(self.history_parameters, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # if reading from disk (no remesh), show to check everything ok
        if self.n_iter_make_ready is None:
            # If random_start == True, let's start in a random position of the vortex shedding
            if self.optimization_params["random_start"]:
                rd_advancement = np.random.randint(1712)  # 1712 is the number of steps of a shedding period. Needs to be hardcoded
                for j in range(rd_advancement):
                print("Simulated {} iterations before starting the control".format(rd_advancement))

            self.u_, self.p_ = self.flow.evolve(self.Qs)  # Initial step with Qs = 0
            if "dump_vtu" in self.inspection_params:
                path = 'results/area_out.pvd'
            self.area_probe = RecirculationAreaProbe(self.u_, 0, store_path=path)

            self.probes_values = self.ann_probes.sample(self.u_, self.p_).flatten()
            self.drag = self.drag_probe.sample(self.u_, self.p_)
            self.lift = self.lift_probe.sample(self.u_, self.p_)
            self.recirc_area = self.area_probe.sample(self.u_, self.p_)


        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # if necessary, fill the probes buffer
        if self.resetted_number_probes:
            print("Need to fill again the buffer; modified number of probes")

            # TODO: Execute runs for 1 action step, so we would be running for (T/Nb)*size_history. While it should be just for size_history.  In practice, remesh if probes change
            for _ in range(self.size_history):

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # ready now

        self.ready_to_use = True
예제 #4
    positions = [0, 60, 120, 180, 240, 300]
    geometry_params = {
        'jet_positions': positions,
        'output': '.'.join([root, 'geo']),
        'jet_width': 10,
        'clscale': 0.25

    h5_file = '.'.join([root, 'h5'])
    # Regenerate mesh?
    if True:
        generate_mesh(geometry_params, template='./geometry_2d.template_geo')
        msh_file = '.'.join([root, 'msh'])
        assert os.path.exists(msh_file)

        convert(msh_file, h5_file)
        assert os.path.exists(h5_file)

    comm = mpi_comm_world()
    h5 = HDF5File(comm, h5_file, 'r')
    mesh = Mesh()
    h5.read(mesh, 'mesh', False)

    surfaces = MeshFunction('size_t', mesh, mesh.topology().dim() - 1)
    h5.read(surfaces, 'facet')

    positions = [0, 60, 120, 180, 240, 300]

    cylinder_noslip_tag = 4
    first_jet = cylinder_noslip_tag + 1
    njets = len(positions)
예제 #5
    def start_class(self):
        self.solver_step = 0
        self.accumulated_drag = 0
        self.accumulated_lift = 0

        self.initialized_output = False

        self.resetted_number_probes = False

        self.area_probe = None

        self.history_parameters = {}

        for crrt_jet in range(len(self.geometry_params["jet_positions"])):
            self.history_parameters["jet_{}".format(crrt_jet)] = RingBuffer(self.size_history)

        self.history_parameters["number_of_jets"] = len(self.geometry_params["jet_positions"])

        for crrt_probe in range(len(self.output_params["locations"])):
            if self.output_params["probe_type"] == 'pressure':
                self.history_parameters["probe_{}".format(crrt_probe)] = RingBuffer(self.size_history)
            elif self.output_params["probe_type"] == 'velocity':
                self.history_parameters["probe_{}_u".format(crrt_probe)] = RingBuffer(self.size_history)
                self.history_parameters["probe_{}_v".format(crrt_probe)] = RingBuffer(self.size_history)

        self.history_parameters["number_of_probes"] = len(self.output_params["locations"])

        self.history_parameters["drag"] = RingBuffer(self.size_history)
        self.history_parameters["lift"] = RingBuffer(self.size_history)
        self.history_parameters["recirc_area"] = RingBuffer(self.size_history)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # remesh if necessary
        h5_file = '.'.join([self.path_root, 'h5'])
        msh_file = '.'.join([self.path_root, 'msh'])
        self.geometry_params['mesh'] = h5_file

        # Regenerate mesh?
        if self.geometry_params['remesh']:

            if self.verbose > 0:
                printi("generate_mesh start...")

            generate_mesh(self.geometry_params, template=self.geometry_params['template'])

            if self.verbose > 0:
                printi("generate_mesh done!")

            assert os.path.exists(msh_file)

            convert(msh_file, h5_file)
            assert os.path.exists(h5_file)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # if necessary, load initialization fields
        if self.n_iter_make_ready is None:
            if self.verbose > 0:
                printi("Load initial flow")

            self.flow_params['u_init'] = 'mesh/u_init.xdmf'
            self.flow_params['p_init'] = 'mesh/p_init.xdmf'

            if self.verbose > 0:
                printi("Load buffer history")

            with open('mesh/dict_history_parameters.pkl', 'rb') as f:
                self.history_parameters = pickle.load(f)

            if not "number_of_probes" in self.history_parameters:
                self.history_parameters["number_of_probes"] = 0

            if not "number_of_jets" in self.history_parameters:
                self.history_parameters["number_of_jets"] = len(self.geometry_params["jet_positions"])
                printi("Warning!! The number of jets was not set in the loaded hdf5 file")

            if not "lift" in self.history_parameters:
                self.history_parameters["lift"] = RingBuffer(self.size_history)
                printi("Warning!! No value for the lift founded")

            if not "recirc_area" in self.history_parameters:
                self.history_parameters["recirc_area"] = RingBuffer(self.size_history)
                printi("Warning!! No value for the recirculation area founded")

            # if not the same number of probes, reset
            if not self.history_parameters["number_of_probes"] == len(self.output_params["locations"]):
                for crrt_probe in range(len(self.output_params["locations"])):
                    if self.output_params["probe_type"] == 'pressure':
                        self.history_parameters["probe_{}".format(crrt_probe)] = RingBuffer(self.size_history)
                    elif self.output_params["probe_type"] == 'velocity':
                        self.history_parameters["probe_{}_u".format(crrt_probe)] = RingBuffer(self.size_history)
                        self.history_parameters["probe_{}_v".format(crrt_probe)] = RingBuffer(self.size_history)

                self.history_parameters["number_of_probes"] = len(self.output_params["locations"])

                printi("Warning!! Number of probes was changed! Probes buffer content reseted")

                self.resetted_number_probes = True

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # create the flow simulation object
        self.flow = FlowSolver(self.flow_params, self.geometry_params, self.solver_params)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Setup probes
        if self.output_params["probe_type"] == 'pressure':
            self.ann_probes = PressureProbeANN(self.flow, self.output_params['locations'])

        elif self.output_params["probe_type"] == 'velocity':
            self.ann_probes = VelocityProbeANN(self.flow, self.output_params['locations'])
            raise RuntimeError("unknown probe type")

        # Setup drag measurement
        self.drag_probe = PenetratedDragProbeANN(self.flow)
        self.lift_probe = PenetratedLiftProbeANN(self.flow)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # No flux from jets for starting
        self.Qs = np.zeros(len(self.geometry_params['jet_positions']))

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # prepare the arrays for plotting positions

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # if necessary, make converge
        if self.n_iter_make_ready is not None:
            self.u_, self.p_ = self.flow.evolve(self.Qs)
            if "dump" in self.inspection_params:
                path = 'results/area_out.pvd'
            self.area_probe = RecirculationAreaProbe(self.u_, 0, store_path=path)
            if self.verbose > 0:
                printi("Compute initial flow")

            for _ in range(self.n_iter_make_ready):
                self.u_, self.p_ = self.flow.evolve(self.Qs)

                self.probes_values = self.ann_probes.sample(self.u_, self.p_).flatten()
                self.drag = self.drag_probe.sample(self.u_, self.p_)
                self.lift = self.lift_probe.sample(self.u_, self.p_)
                self.recirc_area = self.area_probe.sample(self.u_, self.p_)


                self.solver_step += 1

        if self.n_iter_make_ready is not None:
            encoding = XDMFFile.Encoding_HDF5
            mesh = convert(msh_file, h5_file)
            comm = mesh.mpi_comm()

            # save field data
            XDMFFile(comm, 'mesh/u_init.xdmf').write_checkpoint(self.u_, 'u0', 0, encoding)
            XDMFFile(comm, 'mesh/p_init.xdmf').write_checkpoint(self.p_, 'p0', 0, encoding)

            # save buffer dict
            with open('mesh/dict_history_parameters.pkl', 'wb') as f:
                pickle.dump(self.history_parameters, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # if reading from disk, show to check everything ok
        if self.n_iter_make_ready is None:
            #Let's start in a random position of the vortex shading
            if self.optimization_params["random_start"]:
                rd_advancement = np.random.randint(650)
                for j in range(rd_advancement):
                print("Simulated {} iterations before starting the control".format(rd_advancement))

            self.u_, self.p_ = self.flow.evolve(self.Qs)
            if "dump" in self.inspection_params:
                path = 'results/area_out.pvd'
            self.area_probe = RecirculationAreaProbe(self.u_, 0, store_path=path)

            self.probes_values = self.ann_probes.sample(self.u_, self.p_).flatten()
            self.drag = self.drag_probe.sample(self.u_, self.p_)
            self.lift = self.lift_probe.sample(self.u_, self.p_)
            self.recirc_area = self.area_probe.sample(self.u_, self.p_)

            # self.visual_inspection()
            # self.output_data()

            # self.solver_step += 1

            # time.sleep(10)

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # if necessary, fill the probes buffer
        if self.resetted_number_probes:
            printi("Need to fill again the buffer; modified number of probes")

            for _ in range(self.size_history):

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # ready now

        #Initialisation du prob de recirculation area
        #if "dump" in self.inspection_params:
        #    path = 'results/area_out.pvd'
        #self.area_probe = RecirculationAreaProbe(self.u_, 0, store_path=path)

        self.ready_to_use = True