예제 #1
파일: led.py 프로젝트: MSLNZ/msl-qt
    def paintEvent(self, event):
        """Overrides :meth:`QtWidgets.QWidget.paintEvent`."""
        option = QtWidgets.QStyleOption()

        h = option.rect.height()
        w = option.rect.width()
        if self._shape == Shapes.Triangle or self._shape == Shapes.Rounded:
            aspect = self._triangle_factor if self._shape == Shapes.Triangle else self._rounded_factor
            ah = w / aspect
            aw = w
            if ah > h:
                ah = h
                aw = h * aspect
            x = abs(aw - w) / 2.0
            y = abs(ah - h) / 2.0
            bounds = QtCore.QRectF(x, y, aw, ah)
            size = min(w, h)
            x = abs(size - w) / 2.0
            y = abs(size - h) / 2.0
            bounds = QtCore.QRectF(x, y, size, size)

        painter = QtGui.QPainter(self)
        painter.setRenderHint(QtGui.QPainter.Antialiasing, True)

        if self.isEnabled():
            color = self._on_color if self._is_on else self._off_color
            color = QtGui.QColor('#BDBDBD')

        lighter = QtGui.QColor(color).lighter(150)  # 150 -> 50% brighter

        color_str = 'rgb(%d,%d,%d)' % (color.red(), color.green(), color.blue())
        lighter_str = 'rgb(%d,%d,%d)' % (lighter.red(), lighter.green(), lighter.blue())

        svg = (SVG_MAP[self._shape] % (color_str, lighter_str)).encode('utf8')
        self._renderer.render(painter, bounds)
예제 #2
    def select_zoom(self, event):
        """Called when the user wants to zoom in."""
        if self.canvas.image is None:

        if event.button() & (QtCore.Qt.LeftButton | QtCore.Qt.MidButton):
            if event.isFinish():

                # get the coordinates of the highlighted region
                rect = QtCore.QRectF(pg.Point(event.buttonDownPos(event.button())), pg.Point(event.pos()))
                rect = self.view_box.childGroup.mapRectFromParent(rect).normalized()

                # get the size of the image on the canvas
                # DO NOT use self.canvas.width(), self.canvas.height()
                height, width = self.original_image.shape[:2]
                if self.zoom_history:
                    width = int(self.zoom_history[-1][2] * width)
                    height = int(self.zoom_history[-1][3] * height)

                angle = self.rotate_slider.value()
                values = rotate_zoom(angle, rect, width, height)
                if values is None:
                    return  # zoom outside of the image

                x, y, w, h, width, height = values

                # convert to the coordinates of the original (un-zoomed) image
                if self.zoom_history:
                    orig_height, orig_width = self.original_image.shape[:2]
                    x2, y2, w2, h2 = self.zoom_history[-1]
                    x = x * width / orig_width + x2
                    y = y * height / orig_height + y2
                    w *= w2
                    h *= h2

                self.append_zoom(x, y, w, h)

                self.view_box.updateScaleBox(event.buttonDownPos(), event.pos())