예제 #1
    def test_with_almost_converged_stat_dist(self):
        """ test for #106 """
        from msmtools.analysis import committor, is_reversible
        from msmtools.flux import tpt, flux_matrix, to_netflux, ReactiveFlux

        T = np.array([[
            0.2576419223095193, 0.2254214623509954, 0.248270708174756,
                          0.2233847186210225, 0.2130434781715344,
                          0.2793477268264001, 0.284224076381043
                          0.2118717275169231, 0.2405661227681972,
                          0.2943396213976011, 0.2532225283172787
                          0.2328617711043517, 0.2485926610067547,
                          0.2571819311236834, 0.2613636367652102
        mu = np.array([
            0.2306979668517676, 0.2328013892993006, 0.2703312416016573,
        assert is_reversible(T)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(mu.dot(T), mu)
        np.testing.assert_equal(mu.dot(T), T.T.dot(mu))
        A = [0]
        B = [1]

        # forward committor
        qplus = committor(T, A, B, forward=True, mu=mu)
        # backward committor
        if is_reversible(T, mu=mu):
            qminus = 1.0 - qplus
            qminus = committor(T, A, B, forward=False, mu=mu)

        tpt_obj = tpt(T, A, B)
        # gross flux
        grossflux = flux_matrix(T, mu, qminus, qplus, netflux=False)
        # net flux
        netflux = to_netflux(grossflux)
        F = ReactiveFlux(A,
예제 #2
    def calc_committor(T, source, target, forward=None):
        """Calculate forward or backward committor for each node between source and target.

        T : 2D numpy.ndarray.
            Row stochastic transition matrix.

        source : list.
            Source of probability flux. Committor value i will be the probability of leaving source and reaching node i
            before reaching target or source again.

        target : list.
            Sink of probability flux. Committor value i will be the probability of reaching target from node i before
            reaching source.

        forward : bool.
            If True, forward committor is calculated. If False, backward committor is calculated.

        committor : 1D numpy.ndarray.
            Committor values in order of transition matrix.
        committor = mana.committor(T, source, target, forward=forward)
        return committor
예제 #3
파일: ctmc.py 프로젝트: rahmanhpu/bkit
    def committor(self, source, target, forward=True):
        """Compute the committor between sets of states.

        source : Set
            The set of source states.
        target : Set
            The set of target states.
        forward : bool, optional
            If true, compute the forward committor (default). If false,
            compute the backward committor.

        (M,) ndarray
            Vector of committor probabilities.

        source = [self.index(state) for state in set(source)]
        target = [self.index(state) for state in set(target)]
        return msmana.committor(self.jump_matrix,
예제 #4
    def setUp(self):
        P = np.array([[0.8, 0.15, 0.05, 0.0,
                       0.0], [0.1, 0.75, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05],
                      [0.05, 0.1, 0.8, 0.0, 0.05], [0.0, 0.2, 0.0, 0.8, 0.0],
                      [0.0, 0.02, 0.02, 0.0, 0.96]])
        P = csr_matrix(P)
        A = [0]
        B = [4]
        mu = statdist(P)
        qminus = committor(P, A, B, forward=False, mu=mu)
        qplus = committor(P, A, B, forward=True, mu=mu)
        self.A = A
        self.B = B
        self.F = flux_matrix(P, mu, qminus, qplus, netflux=True)

        self.paths = [
            np.array([0, 1, 4]),
            np.array([0, 2, 4]),
            np.array([0, 1, 2, 4])
        self.capacities = [
            0.0072033898305084252, 0.0030871670702178975,
예제 #5
 def test_backward_comittor(self):
     P = self.bdc.transition_matrix_sparse()
     un = committor(P, list(range(10)), list(range(90, 100)), forward=False)
     u = self.bdc.committor_backward(9, 90)
     assert_allclose(un, u)
예제 #6
 def test_backward_comittor(self):
     P = self.bdc.transition_matrix()
     un = committor(P, [0, 1], [8, 9], forward=False)
     u = self.bdc.committor_backward(1, 8)
     assert_allclose(un, u)
예제 #7
파일: api.py 프로젝트: yuhangwang/msmtools
def tpt(T, A, B, mu=None, qminus=None, qplus=None, rate_matrix=False):
    r""" Computes the A->B reactive flux using transition path theory (TPT)

    T : (M, M) ndarray or scipy.sparse matrix
        Transition matrix (default) or Rate matrix (if rate_matrix=True)
    A : array_like
        List of integer state labels for set A
    B : array_like
        List of integer state labels for set B
    mu : (M,) ndarray (optional)
        Stationary vector
    qminus : (M,) ndarray (optional)
        Backward committor for A->B reaction
    qplus : (M,) ndarray (optional)
        Forward committor for A-> B reaction
    rate_matrix = False : boolean
        By default (False), T is a transition matrix.
        If set to True, T is a rate matrix.

    tpt: msmtools.flux.ReactiveFlux object
        A python object containing the reactive A->B flux network
        and several additional quantities, such as stationary probability,
        committors and set definitions.

    The central object used in transition path theory is
    the forward and backward comittor function.

    TPT (originally introduced in [1]) for continous systems has a
    discrete version outlined in [2]. Here, we use the transition
    matrix formulation described in [3].

    See also
    msmtools.analysis.committor, ReactiveFlux

    .. [1] W. E and E. Vanden-Eijnden.
        Towards a theory of transition paths.
        J. Stat. Phys. 123: 503-523 (2006)
    .. [2] P. Metzner, C. Schuette and E. Vanden-Eijnden.
        Transition Path Theory for Markov Jump Processes.
        Multiscale Model Simul 7: 1192-1219 (2009)
    .. [3] F. Noe, Ch. Schuette, E. Vanden-Eijnden, L. Reich and T. Weikl:
        Constructing the Full Ensemble of Folding Pathways from Short Off-Equilibrium Simulations.
        Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 106, 19011-19016 (2009)

    import msmtools.analysis as msmana

    if len(A) == 0 or len(B) == 0:
        raise ValueError('set A or B is empty')
    n = T.shape[0]
    if len(A) > n or len(B) > n or max(A) > n or max(B) > n:
        raise ValueError(
            'set A or B defines more states, than given transition matrix.')
    if (rate_matrix is False) and (not msmana.is_transition_matrix(T)):
        raise ValueError('given matrix T is not a transition matrix')
    if (rate_matrix is True):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            'TPT with rate matrix is not yet implemented - But it is very simple, so feel free to do it.'

    # we can compute the following properties from either dense or sparse T
    # stationary dist
    if mu is None:
        mu = msmana.stationary_distribution(T)
    # forward committor
    if qplus is None:
        qplus = msmana.committor(T, A, B, forward=True)
    # backward committor
    if qminus is None:
        if msmana.is_reversible(T, mu=mu):
            qminus = 1.0 - qplus
            qminus = msmana.committor(T, A, B, forward=False, mu=mu)
    # gross flux
    grossflux = flux_matrix(T, mu, qminus, qplus, netflux=False)
    # net flux
    netflux = to_netflux(grossflux)

    # construct flux object
    from .reactive_flux import ReactiveFlux

    F = ReactiveFlux(A,
    # done
    return F