def __init__(self): """ initialization mtcnn_model:Used to extract face frame, output 5 key points (eyes, mouth, nose tip) facenet_model:Face recognition model, output 128 individual face feature points """ self.mtcnn_model = mtcnn.MTCNN() self.threshold = [0.5, 0.6, 0.8] self.facenet_model = InceptionResNetV1() model_path = 'model/facenet_keras.h5' self.facenet_model.load_weights(model_path) self.known_face_encodings = [] self.known_face_names = [] # Import face library face_date.pkl if os.path.exists('model/face_date.pkl'): with open('model/face_date.pkl', 'rb') as fr: try: data = pickle.load(fr) self.known_face_encodings = data[0] self.known_face_names = data[1] except EOFError: print("face_date.pkl文件为空") else: with open("model/face_date.pkl", mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as ff: pass
def face_extract(): print('Face The Camera') camera = cv2.VideoCapture(0) time.sleep(1) return_value, image = del camera image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) pixels = np.asarray(image) detector = mtcnn.MTCNN() results = detector.detect_faces(pixels) # extract the bounding box from the first face x1, y1, width, height = results[0]['box'] x1, y1 = abs(x1), abs(y1) x2, y2 = x1 + width, y1 + height # extract the face face = pixels[y1:y2, x1:x2] image = Image.fromarray(face) image = image.resize((160, 160)) face_array = np.asarray(image) face_array = np.expand_dims(face_array, axis=0) return face_array
def read_frames(self): # start the file video stream thread and allow the buffer to # start to fill print("[INFO] starting video file thread...") args = self.argument_parser() output_path = self.cwd / Path(args.output_dir) output_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) fvs = FileVideoStream( time.sleep(1.0) # start the FPS timer fps = FPS().start() detector = mtcnn.MTCNN() fno = 0 frames = VideoMeta( #print(meta) # loop over frames from the video file stream while fvs.more(): fno += 1 print(fno) # grab the frame from the threaded video file stream, resize # it, and convert it to grayscale (while still retaining 3 # channels) frame = if (fno % frames != 0): continue try: frame = imutils.resize(frame, width=450) except: break frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # frame = np.dstack([frame, frame, frame]) if args.detect == "haarcascade": results = self.face_cascade.detectMultiScale(frame, 1.3, 5) if len(results) != 0: self.crop(frame, results[0], str(output_path / Path(str(fno) + ".jpg"))) else: results = detector.detect_faces(frame) # display the size of the queue on the frame # cv2.putText(frame, "Queue Size: {}".format(fvs.Q.qsize()), # (10, 30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.6, (0, 255, 0), 2) # show the frame and update the FPS counter cv2.imshow("Frame", frame) cv2.waitKey(1) fps.update() # stop the timer and display FPS information fps.stop() print("[INFO] elasped time: {:.2f}".format(fps.elapsed())) print("[INFO] approx. FPS: {:.2f}".format(fps.fps())) # do a bit of cleanup cv2.destroyAllWindows() fvs.stop()
def get_frame(self): conn = sqlite3.connect('database.db') c = conn.cursor() fname = "recognizer/trainingData.yml" if not os.path.isfile(fname): print("\nPlease train the data first\n") return None # Model For Facial Expression Recognition model = FacialExpressionModel("model.json", "model_weights.h5") # Model For Face Recognizer face_detector = mtcnn.MTCNN() recognizer = cv2.face.LBPHFaceRecognizer_create() _, img = faces = face_detector.detect_faces(img) for res in faces: x, y, w, h = res["box"] x, y = abs(x), abs(y) x1, y1 = x+w, y+h image = img[y:y1, x:x1] image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # Recognizing Face ids, conf = recognizer.predict(image) c.execute("select roll_no from users where id = (?);", (ids,)) result = c.fetchall() try: roll_no = result[0][0] except: roll_no = 'Error' if conf > 50: roll_no = "No Match" image2 = cv2.resize(image, (48, 48)) # Predicting Expression pred = model.predict_emotion(image2[np.newaxis, :, :, np.newaxis]) msg = pred + " " + roll_no # Mark the Expression if Face is detected if roll_no != "Error" and roll_no != "No Match" : marked = count(roll_no, pred) if(marked): Attendance(roll_no) msg = "MARKED" cv2.putText(img, msg, (x, y), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (255, 255, 0), 2) cv2.rectangle(img, (x, y), (x+w, y+h), (255, 0, 0), 2) _, jpeg = cv2.imencode('.jpg', img) return jpeg.tobytes()
def read_frames(self): # start the file video stream thread and allow the buffer to # start to fill print("[INFO] starting video file thread...") args = self.argument_parser() output_path = self.cwd / Path(args.output_dir) output_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) fvs = FileVideoStream( time.sleep(1.0) # start the FPS timer fps = FPS().start() detector = mtcnn.MTCNN() fno = 0 #frames = VideoMeta( #print(meta) e = TfPoseEstimator(get_graph_path("mobilenet_thin"), target_size=(432, 368)) # loop over frames from the video file stream while fvs.more(): fno += 1 print(fno) # grab the frame from the threaded video file stream, resize # it, and convert it to grayscale (while still retaining 3 # channels) frame = #if (fno % frames != 0): # continue try: frame = imutils.resize(frame, width=432, height=368) except: break #frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) #frame = np.dstack([frame, frame, frame]) humans = e.inference(frame) image = TfPoseEstimator.draw_humans(frame, humans, imgcopy=False) print("humans:", humans) # display the size of the queue on the frame # cv2.putText(frame, "Queue Size: {}".format(fvs.Q.qsize()), # (10, 30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.6, (0, 255, 0), 2) # show the frame and update the FPS counter cv2.imshow("Frame", image) cv2.waitKey(1) fps.update() # stop the timer and display FPS information fps.stop() print("[INFO] elasped time: {:.2f}".format(fps.elapsed())) print("[INFO] approx. FPS: {:.2f}".format(fps.fps())) # do a bit of cleanup cv2.destroyAllWindows() fvs.stop()
def Entry(uname, your_roll_no, branch): # Connecting database conn = sqlite3.connect('database.db') if not os.path.exists('dataset'): os.makedirs('dataset') c = conn.cursor() face_detector = mtcnn.MTCNN() cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) new_folder = str(your_roll_no) + "-" + str(uname) + "-" + str(branch) if not os.path.exists("dataset/" + new_folder): os.mkdir("dataset/" + new_folder) else: return "Student already exists!!!" c.execute('INSERT INTO users (roll_no) VALUES (?)', (your_roll_no, )) uid = c.lastrowid sampleNum = 0 while True: ret, img = # Detecting faces from live Camera and cropping the faces faces = face_detector.detect_faces(img) for res in faces: x, y, w, h = res['box'] x, y = abs(x), abs(y) x1, y1 = x + w, y + h sampleNum = sampleNum + 1 image = img[y:y1, x:x1] image = cv2.resize(image, (256, 320)) # Saving the cropped faces with ID cv2.imwrite( "dataset/" + new_folder + "/Student." + str(uid) + "." + str(sampleNum) + ".jpg", image) register(uname, your_roll_no, branch) cv2.rectangle(img, (x, y), (x1, y1), (255, 0, 0), 2) cv2.waitKey(20) cv2.waitKey(1) if sampleNum >= 15: break cap.release() conn.commit() conn.close() cv2.destroyAllWindows() # Training the Dataset TrainDataset() return "Student Data Registered!!!"
def detect_face(img): pixels = np.asarray(img) detector = mtcnn.MTCNN() faces = detector.detect_faces(pixels) try: if(len(faces)!=1): raise DetectionError except DetectionError: print("Either no or multiple faces were found in the captured image.") pass x1, y1, width, height = faces[0]['box'] x2 = x1 + width y2 = y1 + height face = pixels[y1:y2, x1:x2] return face
def preprocessing(directory_path, save_path, required_size=(225, 225)): detector = dlib.get_frontal_face_detector() detecto_mtcnn = mtcnn.MTCNN() train_paths = glob(fr"{directory_path}\*") if not os.path.exists(f"{save_path}"): os.mkdir(fr"{save_path}") else: pass for path in tqdm(train_paths): name = path.split("\\")[-1] images = glob(f"{path}\\*") for image_path in images: try: temp_path = image_path.split("\\")[-1] image = cv2.imread(image_path) # image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) face_recs = detector(image, 1) face = None if len(face_recs) == 1: x = face_recs[0].left() y = face_recs[0].top() w = face_recs[0].right() - x h = face_recs[0].bottom() - y face = cv2.resize(image[y:y + h, x:x + w], required_size, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) else: print(fr"{name}") faces = detecto_mtcnn.detect_faces(image) for face in faces: x, y, width, height = face['box'] face = cv2.resize(image[y:y + height, x:x + width], required_size, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) if not os.path.exists(fr"{save_path}\{name}"): os.mkdir(fr"{save_path}\{name}") cv2.imwrite(fr"{save_path}\{name}\{temp_path}", face) else: cv2.imwrite(fr"{save_path}\{name}\{temp_path}", face) except Exception as e: print(e) exc_info = sys.exc_info() traceback.print_exception(*exc_info) del exc_info pass
def main(): ch = 'y' detector = mtcnn.MTCNN() while(ch=='y' or ch=='Y'): try: cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) except: sys.exit('An error occured while initializing the camera.') i=0 name = input('Enter name : ') roll = input('Enter roll no. : ') year = input('Enter graduation year : ') branch = input('Enter branch : ') isImageDirPresent, path = imagePath(roll) if isImageDirPresent=='end': continue print('Directory created successfully.') print('Alright. Good to go. Say cheese...') # To capture an image, press 'c'. To end capturing, press (or long press) 'q'. while(True): try: mydir = path ret, frame = frame = cv2.flip(frame, 1) cv2.imshow('Capturing', frame) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xff==ord('c'): face = detectFace(frame) filename = os.path.join(path, str(i) + '.jpg') # print(filename) cv2.imwrite(filename, frame) i = i+1 elif cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xff==ord('q'): break except: print("Something went wrong") cap.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() print('Saved {} images of {}.'.format(i, name)) print('') ch = input('Run again ? (y/n) : ') print('*******end*******')
def face_extract(file, size): image = cv2.imread(file) image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) pixels = np.asarray(image) detector = mtcnn.MTCNN() results = detector.detect_faces(pixels) # extract the bounding box from the first face x1, y1, width, height = results[0]['box'] x1, y1 = abs(x1), abs(y1) x2, y2 = x1 + width, y1 + height # extract the face face = pixels[y1:y2, x1:x2] image = Image.fromarray(face) image = image.resize(size) face_array = np.asarray(image) return face_array
def collect_data(img): detector = mtcnn.MTCNN() image_size = detector.image_size input_image_size = detector.input_image_size bounding_boxes, img = detector.run_mtcnn(img) nrof_faces = bounding_boxes.shape[0] if nrof_faces > 0: det = bounding_boxes[:, 0:4] img_size = np.asarray(img.shape)[0:2] if nrof_faces > 1: bounding_box_size = (det[:, 2] - det[:, 0]) * (det[:, 3] - det[:, 1]) img_center = img_size / 2 offsets = np.vstack([(det[:, 0] + det[:, 2]) / 2 - img_center[1], (det[:, 1] + det[:, 3]) / 2 - img_center[0]]) offset_dist_squared = np.sum(np.power(offsets, 2.0), 0) index = np.argmax(bounding_box_size - offset_dist_squared * 2.0) det = det[index, :] det = np.squeeze(det) bb_temp = np.zeros(4, dtype=np.int32) bb_temp[0] = det[0] bb_temp[1] = det[1] bb_temp[2] = det[2] bb_temp[3] = det[3] cropped_temp = img[bb_temp[1]:bb_temp[3], bb_temp[0]:bb_temp[2], :] cropped_temp = facenet.flip(cropped_temp, False) scaled_temp = misc.imresize(cropped_temp, (image_size, image_size), interp='bilinear') scaled_temp = cv2.resize(scaled_temp, (input_image_size, input_image_size), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) scaled_temp = facenet.prewhiten(scaled_temp) scaled_reshape = scaled_temp.reshape(-1, input_image_size, input_image_size, 3) return scaled_reshape
def extract_face(filename, required_size=(160, 160)): # print(filename) image = image = image.convert('RGB') pixels = np.asarray(image) detector = mtcnn.MTCNN() faces = detector.detect_faces(pixels) if len(faces)==0: #print('No faces were detected in the image {}'.format(filename)) return 'end', 'end' x1, y1, width, height = faces[0]['box'] x1, y1 = abs(x1), abs(y1) x2, y2 = x1 + width, y1 + height face = pixels[y1:y2, x1:x2] image = Image.fromarray(face) image = image.resize(required_size) face_array = np.asarray(image) return face_array, 'true'
def recognizeEmotion(model): pixels = cv2.cvtColor(get_new_img_webcam(), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) detector = mtcnn.MTCNN() faces = detector.detect_faces(pixels) print(faces) x, y, width, height = faces[0]['box'] face = pixels[y:y + height, x:x + width] fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 5)) axs[0].imshow(pixels) axs[1].imshow(face) face = Image.fromarray(face, 'RGB') face = transforms.Resize((224, 224))(face) face = transforms.ToTensor()(face).unsqueeze(1) # face = face.permute(1, 0, 2, 3) output = model(face) pred = output.argmax(dim=1, keepdim=True) class_ = getClassById(pred) return class_
def save_img(): key = cv2.waitKey() webcam = cv2.VideoCapture(0) while True: try: check, frame = cv2.imshow("capturing", frame) key = cv2.waitKey(1) if key == ord('s'): cv2.imshow("captured image", frame) pixels = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) detector = mtcnn.MTCNN() results = detector.detect_faces(pixels) x1, y1, width, height = results[0]['box'] x1, y1 = abs(x1), abs(y1) x2, y2 = x1 + width, y1 + height #face=pixels[y1:y2,x1:x2] face = pixels[y1 - 15:y2 + 15, x1 - 15:x2 + 15] image = Image.fromarray(face) image = image.resize((96, 96)) face = np.array(image) opencvImage = cv2.cvtColor(face, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) n = input("Enter name:") cv2.imwrite(filename="./images/" + n + ".jpg", img=opencvImage) print("image saved!") webcam.release() cv2.waitKey(1650) cv2.destroyAllWindows() break elif key == ord('q'): print("off...") webcam.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() break except (KeyboardInterrupt): print("off...") webcam.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() break
def _prepare_detector(self): """Prepare the MTCNN detector. This function should be invoked from a suitable Keras context (with controlled TensorFlow Graph and Session), that is usually it will be called via :py:meth:`run_tensorflow`. """ # Initialize the MTCNN detector detector = mtcnn.MTCNN() # The last part of the preparation process of MTCNN is to # create the models' (P-net, R-net and O-net) predict # functions. It may be possible to achieve this by calling # model._make_predict_function() for each of them, but this is # discourageds as it uses a private Keras API. The recomended # way to create the predict function is to call predict, as # the predict function will be automatically compiled on first # invocation. Hence we provide some dummy image and invoke # predict for all three networks by calling # detector.detect_faces(). image = np.random.randint(0, 255, (200, 200, 3), np.uint8) _ = detector.detect_faces(image) self._detector = detector
def start_camera(): #cv2.namedWindow("preview") vc = cv2.VideoCapture(0) if vc.isOpened(): # try to get the first frame rval, frame = else: rval = False while rval: #cv2.imshow("preview", frame) rval, frame = key = cv2.waitKey(20) detector = mtcnn.MTCNN() result = detector.detect_faces(frame) if len(result) > 0: image = crop_image(result, frame) image_resize = cv2.resize(image, (224, 224)) image_reshape = np.reshape(image_resize, [1, 224, 224, 3]) prediction = model.predict(image_reshape) #print(prediction) if key == 27: # exit on ESC break
def get_faces(file:str): """for file (path to file), open video and extract facial locations""" j = 0 cap = cv2.VideoCapture(file) length = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)) faces = [] i = 0 detector = mtcnn.MTCNN() while cap.isOpened(): ret, frame = i += 1 if ret==True: print('file %d frame %1.2f' % (j, i/length)) f = detector.detect_faces(frame) faces.append([x['box'] for x in f]) else: break print('writing to ' + file + 'faces.p') pickle.dump(faces, open(file+'faces.p', 'wb')) cap.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def extract_face(filename, required_size=None): # Avoid the caveat of default collection argument if required_size is None: required_size = (160, 160) image = image = image.convert('RGB') pixels = np.asarray(image) detector = mtcnn.MTCNN() results = detector.detect_faces(pixels) x1, y1, width, height = results[0]['box'] x1, y1 = abs(x1), abs(y1) x2, y2 = x1 + width, y1 + height face = pixels[y1:y2, x1:x2] image = Image.fromarray(face) image = image.resize(required_size) return np.asarray(image)
def __init__(self, face_cascade_path, eye_cascade_path, shape_predictor_path): self.cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) _, self.capture = self.face_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier(face_cascade_path) self.eye_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier(eye_cascade_path) self.pose_predictor = dlib.shape_predictor(shape_predictor_path) self.mtcnn_detector = mtcnn.MTCNN() self.hog_detector = dlib.get_frontal_face_detector() self.current_state = { "face": (0, 0, 100, 100), "right_eye": (0, 0, 10, 10), "left_eye": (0, 0, 10, 10), "right_pupil": (0, 0), "left_pupil": (0, 0), "pose": [0 for i in range(0, 68 * 2)] } cv2.startWindowThread()
import cv2 import mtcnn face_detector = mtcnn.MTCNN(min_face_size=50) img = cv2.imread('Coffee.jpeg') conf_t = 0.90 img_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) results = face_detector.detect_faces(img_rgb) print(results) for res in results: x1, y1, width, height = res['box'] x1, y1 = abs(x1), abs(y1) x2, y2 = x1 + width, y1 + height confidence = res['confidence'] if confidence < conf_t: continue key_points = res['keypoints'].values() cv2.rectangle(img, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (255, 255, 0), thickness=6) # cv2.putText(img, f'conf: {confidence:.3f}', (x1, y1), cv2.FONT_ITALIC, 1, (0, 0, 255), 2) for point in key_points:, point, 4, (0, 255, 0), thickness=-1) cv2.imshow('Sameer', img) cv2.imwrite('Coffee_face_detected.jpeg', img) cv2.waitKey(0)
def load_extractor(): global EXTRACTOR if EXTRACTOR is None: EXTRACTOR = mtcnn.MTCNN() return EXTRACTOR
frame = res if show: cv2.imshow(win_name, frame) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xff == ord(break_key): break # End #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # build function of face detection and recognition #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- encoder_model = 'facenet_keras.h5' required_size = (160, 160) # default size face_detector = mtcnn.MTCNN() # set face detector face_encoder = load_model(encoder_model) # build a function to generate an embedding from single face def get_embedding(photo): ''' photo: path of photo file, only support jpg and png format ''' # get features of face from photo img = cv2.imread(photo) img_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) results = face_detector.detect_faces(img_rgb) # convert the features of face into embedding of model embeddings = []
import cv2, mtcnn import numpy as np detect_net = mtcnn.MTCNN() imgpath = '../Data/Face_Normalization/' imglist = '../Data/Face_Normalization/crop_list.txt' savepath = '../Data/Face_Normalization/' boxes = detect_net.crop_image(imgpath, imglist, savepath)
import numpy as np import cv2 as cv import mtcnn from matplotlib import pyplot as plt detect_face = mtcnn.MTCNN() cap = cv.VideoCapture(0) while True: ret, frame = frame_rgb = cv.cvtColor(frame, cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB) result = detect_face.detect_faces(frame_rgb) print(frame_rgb.shape) mask = np.zeros(frame_rgb.shape, np.uint8) for res in result: x1, y1, w, h = res['box'] x2, y2 = x1 + w, y1 + h print("-------", res) cv.rectangle(frame_rgb, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (0, 0, 255), thickness=2) mask[y1:y2, x1:x2, :] = 1 frame_rgb = frame * mask[:, :, 1, np.newaxis] cv.imshow("Frame", frame_rgb)
def __init__(self): self.model = mtcnn.MTCNN(min_face_size=20)
import tensorflow as tf import mtcnn export_path = './mtcnn' model = mtcnn.MTCNN() print(dir(model)) with tf.keras.backend.get_session() as sess: tf.saved_model.simple_save(sess, export_path, inputs={'input_image': model.input}, outputs={ t for t in model.outputs})
def predict(filename, modelname): app_root = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) app_root = os.path.join(app_root, 'images') print('# load the model') model = load_model(os.path.join(app_root, 'facenet_keras.h5')) print('loaded the model') # load image from file print('# load the file') image =, filename)) print('# opened the flie') # convert to RGB, if needed image = image.convert('RGB') # convert to array pixels = np.asarray(image) os.remove(os.path.join(app_root, filename)) # create the detector, using default weights detector = mtcnn.MTCNN() # detect faces in the image results = detector.detect_faces(pixels) # extract the bounding box from the first face faces = list() print('# load the model') for i in range(0, len(results)): x1, y1, width, height = results[i]['box'] # bug fix x1, y1 = abs(x1), abs(y1) x2, y2 = x1 + width, y1 + height # extract the face face = pixels[y1:y2, x1:x2] # resize pixels to the model size image = Image.fromarray(face) image = image.resize((160, 160)) face_array = np.asarray(image) faces.append(face_array)".jpg") #pyplot.subplot(2, 7, i+1) #pyplot.axis('off') #pyplot.imshow(face_array) facesarray = np.asarray(faces) #getembeddings newfaceX = list() for face_pixels in facesarray: embedding = get_embedding(model, face_pixels) newfaceX.append(embedding) newfaceX = np.asarray(newfaceX) #print(newfaceX.shape) #normalising in_encoder = Normalizer(norm='l2') newfaceX = in_encoder.transform(newfaceX) loaded_model = pickle.load( open(os.path.join(app_root, modelname + '.sav'), 'rb')) aaa = loaded_model.predict(newfaceX) data = load(os.path.join(app_root, modelname + 'encoder.npz')) trainy, testy = data['arr_0'], data['arr_1'] out_encoder = LabelEncoder() trainy = out_encoder.transform(trainy) testy = out_encoder.transform(testy) predict_names = out_encoder.inverse_transform(aaa) return predict_names #predict('file.jpg','ootypicsmodel.sav')
def __init__(self): print("MTCNN version: " + mtcnn.__version__) print("FaceDetection class initialized") # create the detector, using default weights self.detector = mtcnn.MTCNN()
import threading import mtcnn from flask import jsonify import json import requests button_flag = [1,1,1,1,1,1] feature_list = [] button_name = ['','evans','hermsworth','jeremy','mark','olsen'] input_img="abc.jpg" modeldir = './model/20180402-114759.pb' npy='./npy' detector = mtcnn.MTCNN() image_size = detector.image_size input_image_size = detector.input_image_size sess = tf.Session() print('Loading Modal') with sess.as_default(): facenet.load_model(modeldir) images_placeholder = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name("input:0") embeddings = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name("embeddings:0") phase_train_placeholder = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name("phase_train:0") embedding_size = embeddings.get_shape()[1] print('Start Recognition')
def __init__(self): self.face_encoder, _ = get_network('FaceEncoder', 'test') self.detector = mtcnn.MTCNN() self.image_cnt = 0