im = ax.pcolormesh(x_plot / 1000, y_plot / 1000, plot_map, cmap="CMRmap", vmin=0.6, vmax=0.95) ax.set_xlabel("Easting (m)") ax.set_ylabel("Northing (m)") ax.scatter( d_obj.station_locations.rel_east / 1000, d_obj.station_locations.rel_north / 1000, marker="v", s=12, c="k", ) ax.set_xlim((-8, 8)) ax.set_ylim((-8, 8)) plt.colorbar(im, ax=ax) array2raster.array2raster( r"c:\Users\jpeacock\OneDrive - DOI\Geysers\steam_map.tif", (-122.96702 + 0.026, 38.732042 + 0.023), 200, 200, np.log10(c_map), )
### make equally spaced points on regular grid x_new = np.linspace(east.min(), east.max(), num=(east.max() - east.min()) / d) y_new = np.linspace(north.min(), north.max(), num=(north.max() - north.min()) / d) xg, yg = np.meshgrid(x_new, y_new) ### interpolate the data onto a regular grid basement = interpolate.griddata((east, north), -1 * a[2], (xg, yg), method='cubic') ### make raster b = array2raster.array2raster(fn[:-4] + '.tif', (lower_left[1], lower_left[0]), d, d, basement) ### make a point cloud x0, y0, z0 = gis_tools.project_point_ll2utm(model_center[0], model_center[1], epsg=data_epsg) x = (north.copy() - y0) / 1000. y = (east.copy() - x0) / 1000. z = -1 * a[2].copy() pointsToVTK(fn[0:-4], x, y, z, {'depth': z}) fig = plt.figure(2) fig.clf() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, aspect='equal') im = ax.pcolormesh(xg, yg, basement, cmap='viridis', vmin=0, vmax=3.00)
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 1 + ii, aspect="equal") im = ax.pcolormesh( gx, gy, conductance, cmap="gnuplot2", ) # vmin=conductance[pad:-pad, pad:-pad].min(), # vmax=conductance[pad:-pad, pad:-pad].max()) ax.scatter(d.station_locations.rel_east, d.station_locations.rel_north, marker="v", s=20) ax.set_xlim((m.grid_east[pad], m.grid_east[-pad])) ax.set_ylim((m.grid_north[pad], m.grid_north[-pad])) cb = plt.colorbar(im, ax=ax, shrink=0.35) array2raster.array2raster( Path(m.save_path).joinpath( f"canv_conductance_impedance_{key}.tiff").as_posix(), (lower_left[0], lower_left[1]), 8000.0, 8000.0, conductance[pad:-pad, pad:-pad], )
ii = np.where(north == line[1])[0][0] jj = np.where(east == line[0])[0][0] kk = np.where(depth == line[4])[0][0] vp_arr['vp'][ii, jj, kk] = line[5] vp_arr['per_vp'][ii, jj, kk] = line[6] vp_arr['dvp'][ii, jj, kk] = line[7] ll_corner = (lon.min(), lat.min()) for ii, dd in enumerate(depth): if ii % 2 == 1: continue a2r.array2raster( os.path.join(sv_path, 'waite_vp_{0:0.0f}km_wgs84.tif'.format(dd - depth.min())), ll_corner, 500., 500, vp_arr['vp'][:, :, ii]) #vtk_east = np.append(east, east[-1]*1) #vtk_north = np.append(north, north[-1]*1) #vtk_depth = np.append(depth, depth[-1]*1) ##vtk_east = east ##vtk_north = north ##vtk_depth = depth # #vtk_vp = vp_arr['vp'].T #vtk_per_vp = vp_arr['per_vp'].T #vtk_dvp = vp_arr['dvp'].T # #a2vtk.gridToVTK(r"c:\Users\jpeacock\Documents\iMush\waite_vp", # vtk_north, vtk_east, vtk_depth,
num=(a['easting'].max() - a['easting'].min()) / d) y_new = np.linspace(a['northing'].min(), a['northing'].max(), num=(a['northing'].max() - a['northing'].min()) / d) xg, yg = np.meshgrid(x_new, y_new) ### interpolate the data onto a regular grid basement = interpolate.griddata((a['easting'], a['northing']), a['mag'], (xg, yg), method='linear') ### make raster b = array2raster.array2raster(fn[:-4] + '.tif', lower_left, d, d, basement, projection='NAD83') ### make a point cloud x0, y0, z0 = gis_tools.project_point_ll2utm(model_center[0], model_center[1], epsg=data_epsg) x = (a['northing'].copy() - y0) / 1000. y = (a['easting'].copy() - x0) / 1000. z = a['mag'].copy() / np.abs(a['mag']).max() pointsToVTK(fn[0:-4], x, y, z, {'mag': z}) fig = plt.figure(1) fig.clf()
vmax=conductance[pad:-pad, pad:-pad].max(), ) ax.scatter(d.station_locations.rel_east, d.station_locations.rel_north, marker="v", s=20) print(conductance[pad:-pad, pad:-pad].min(), conductance[pad:-pad, pad:-pad].max()) ax.set_xlim((m.grid_east[pad], m.grid_east[-pad])) ax.set_ylim((m.grid_north[pad], m.grid_north[-pad])) cb = plt.colorbar(im, ax=ax, shrink=0.35) array2raster.array2raster( r"c:\Users\jpeacock\OneDrive - DOI\Geothermal\GraniteSprings\modem_inv\inv_03\1d_conductance_{0}.tif" .format(key), (-119.052319, 40.179765000000003), 300.0, 300.0, conductance[pad:-pad, pad:-pad], ) # array2raster.array2raster(r"c:\Users\jpeacock\OneDrive - DOI\Geothermal\Umatilla\modem_inv\inv_09\conductance_{0}_crust.tiff".format(key), # model_center, # 166., # 110., # conductance[pad:-pad, pad:-pad])
kk = np.where(depth == line[4])[0][0] vp_arr["vp"][ii, jj, kk] = line[5] vp_arr["per_vp"][ii, jj, kk] = line[6] vp_arr["dvp"][ii, jj, kk] = line[7] ll_corner = (lon.min(), lat.min()) for ii, dd in enumerate(depth): if ii % 2 == 1: continue a2r.array2raster( os.path.join(sv_path, "waite_vp_{0:0.0f}km_wgs84.tif".format(dd - depth.min())), ll_corner, 500.0, 500, vp_arr["vp"][:, :, ii], ) # vtk_east = np.append(east, east[-1]*1) # vtk_north = np.append(north, north[-1]*1) # vtk_depth = np.append(depth, depth[-1]*1) ##vtk_east = east ##vtk_north = north ##vtk_depth = depth # # vtk_vp = vp_arr['vp'].T # vtk_per_vp = vp_arr['per_vp'].T # vtk_dvp = vp_arr['dvp'].T
a["northing"].min(), a["northing"].max(), num=(a["northing"].max() - a["northing"].min()) / d, ) xg, yg = np.meshgrid(x_new, y_new) ### interpolate the data onto a regular grid basement = interpolate.griddata((a["easting"], a["northing"]), a["mag"], (xg, yg), method="linear") ### make raster b = array2raster.array2raster(fn[:-4] + ".tif", lower_left, d, d, basement, projection="NAD83") ### make a point cloud x0, y0, z0 = gis_tools.project_point_ll2utm(model_center[0], model_center[1], epsg=data_epsg) x = (a["northing"].copy() - y0) / 1000.0 y = (a["easting"].copy() - x0) / 1000.0 z = a["mag"].copy() / np.abs(a["mag"]).max() pointsToVTK(fn[0:-4], x, y, z, {"mag": z}) fig = plt.figure(1) fig.clf()