예제 #1
    def perspective_refreshInboxList(self, charName, lastID):
        #Find all the mail since the last update (or first update)..a handful of joins here
        cnt = 0
        mailList = {}
        query = "SELECT id, message_from,subject,message_to,tin,message,time_end,item_proto from MailStore \
                 WHERE id > %d and message_to = '%s';" % (lastID, charName)
        for id, mail_from, subject, mail_to, tin, message, time_end, itemProto in self.conn.execute(
            cnt += 1
            mailList[id] = MailItem(mail_from, subject, mail_to, tin, message,
                                    time_end, id)
            mailList[id].itemProto = itemProto

        if cnt < 1:
            return None
            for id, mail in mailList.iteritems():
                if mail.itemProto:
                    item = ItemInstanceReceive(None, True)
                    #Populate the item with instance values
                    item.setItemAH(self.conn, id)
                    #Set Auction values to be used by the world server and client
                    item.auctionID = id
                    item.auctionItemID = mail.itemProto
                    mailList[id].item = item
            return mailList
예제 #2
    def perspective_sendRevoke(self, item, target):
        if not self.checkProxyConn():

        mail = MailItem(
            "Auction House", "%s has been returned!" % item.name, target, 0,
            "%s has been returned from the Auction House." % item.name,
            time() + 7200, 0)
        mail.item = item
        MAILCONNECT.perspective_sendMail(mail, item.auctionItemID)
예제 #3
    def perspective_auctionTimeLimit(self, item, target):
        if not self.checkProxyConn():

        mail = MailItem(
            "Auction House", "%s failed to sell!" % item.name, target, 0,
            "%s failed to sell so it is being returned." % item.name,
            time() + 7200, 0)
        mail.item = item
        MAILCONNECT.perspective_sendMail(mail, item.auctionItemID)
예제 #4
    def perspective_sendWinnings(self, item, money, buyer, seller):
        if not self.checkProxyConn():

        mail = MailItem(
            "Auction House", "You have won %s!" % item.name, buyer, 0,
            "You have won %s!  Please take your winnings!" % item.name,
            time() + 7200, 0)
        mail.item = item
        MAILCONNECT.perspective_sendMail(mail, item.auctionItemID)

        mail = MailItem(
            "Auction House", "You successfully sold %s" % item.name, seller,
            money, "You successfully sold %s!  Please take your earnings!" %
            time() + 7200, 0)
        MAILCONNECT.perspective_sendMail(mail, 0)