예제 #1
def main(args):
    rid = args[1].decode("gb18030").encode("utf8");
    if len(args)==1:
        depth = 3
        depth = int(args[2].decode("gb18030").encode("utf8"));
    #points traversal:
    nodes = []
    p = MudRoomSearchProblem(rid,None)
#            nodes = depthFirstTraversalList(p,nodes,depth)
    nodes = breadthFirstTraversalList(p,nodes,depth)
#        print [node.status for node in nodes]
    i = 0
    ret = ""
    while i<len(nodes)-1:
        init_rid = nodes[i].status
        goal_rid = nodes[i+1].status
        p = MudRoomSearchProblem(init_rid,goal_rid)
        for act in actions:
            ret = ret + act + ";"
        i = i + 1
    retlist = ret.split(";")
    for a in retlist[:-1]:
        print a
예제 #2
def getAreaRooms(area, exp_depth=2):
    arooms = []
    brooms = []
    conn = getconn()
    cursor = conn.cursor()
        'SELECT t2.rid  FROM area_name_map t1,(select rid,rname,ifnull(t_area,area) as tarea from v_traversal_roominfo) t2 where t1.area=t2.tarea and t1.cname=?',
        (area.decode("utf8"), ))
    rows = cursor.fetchall()
    for row in rows:
        'SELECT t2.rid  FROM area_name_map t1,(select rid,rname,ifnull(t_area,area) as tarea from v_traversal_roominfo) t2,v_roomrel_nextarea t3 where t2.rid=t3.rid and t1.area=t2.tarea and t3.next_area<>? and t1.cname=?',
        (area.decode("utf8"), area.decode("utf8")))
    rows = cursor.fetchall()
    for row in rows:
        if row[0] not in brooms:

    if len(brooms) > 0:
        nodes = []
        for rid in brooms:
            p = MudRoomSearchProblem(rid, None)
            #            nodes = depthFirstTraversalList(p,nodes,depth)
            nodes = breadthFirstTraversalList(p, nodes, exp_depth)
        for node in nodes:
            if node.status not in arooms:

    return (arooms, brooms)
예제 #3
def main(args):
    ref_rid = args[1].decode("gb18030").encode("utf8")
    rname = args[2].decode("gb18030").encode("utf8")
    if len(args) == 2:
        depth = 5
        depth = int(args[3].decode("gb18030").encode("utf8"))

#    ref_rid = "978dd91452cfa9ca80d8816822786374"
#    rname = "北大街"
#    depth =0
    rids = get_room_list_byRName(ref_rid, rname)
    #    print rids
    #    print area,rname
    #    print ridlist
    #points traversal:
    if len(rids) > 0:
        nodes = []
        for rid in rids:
            p = MudRoomSearchProblem(rid, None)
            #            nodes = depthFirstTraversalList(p,nodes,depth)
            nodes = breadthFirstTraversalList(p, nodes, depth)


        #        print [node.status for node in nodes]
        i = 0
        ret = ""
        while i < len(nodes) - 1:
            init_rid = nodes[i].status
            goal_rid = nodes[i + 1].status
            p = MudRoomSearchProblem(init_rid, goal_rid)
            actions, _, _ = bfs(p)
            for act in actions:
                ret = ret + act + ";"
            i = i + 1
        retlist = ret.split(";")

        for a in retlist[:-1]:
            print a
예제 #4
def main(args):
    loc = args[1].decode("gb18030").encode("utf8")
    if len(args) == 1:
        depth = 3
        depth = int(args[2].decode("gb18030").encode("utf8"))

#    loc='扬州打铁铺'
#    depth=2

    (area, rname) = loc_split(loc)

    ridlist = get_room_list(area, rname)

    #    print area,rname
    #    print ridlist
    if len(ridlist) > 0:
        nodes = []
        for rid in ridlist:
            p = MudRoomSearchProblem(rid, None)
            nodes = depthFirstTraversalList(p, nodes, depth)


        #        print [node.status for node in nodes]
        i = 0
        ret = ""
        while i < len(nodes) - 1:
            init_rid = nodes[i].status
            goal_rid = nodes[i + 1].status
            p = MudRoomSearchProblem(init_rid, goal_rid)
            actions, _, _ = bfs(p)
            for act in actions:
                ret = ret + act + ";"
            i = i + 1

        retlist = ret.split(";")

        for a in retlist[:-1]:
            print a
예제 #5
def walk_stepbystep2(ref_rid,goal_rid):
    #return action and next ref_rid
    if len(ref_rid)==0 or ref_rid == "0":
        return ("0","0")
        p = MudRoomSearchProblem(ref_rid,goal_rid)
        actions,cost,nodes = breadthFirstTCSearch(p)
        if len(actions)==0 or len(nodes)<1:
            return ("0","0")
            return (actions[0],nodes[1].status)
예제 #6
def main(args):
    #2d5c8daa1b737d97509231fda8c49d05 9834ec789ab9f8f08c46c50678f66f3a
    init_rid = args[1].decode("gb18030")
    goal_rid = args[2].decode("gb18030")
    pre = int(args[3].decode("gb18030"))
    #    init_rid = '2d5c8daa1b737d97509231fda8c49d05'
    #    goal_rid = '9834ec789ab9f8f08c46c50678f66f3a'
    p = MudRoomSearchProblem(init_rid, goal_rid)
    _, _, nodes = ucs(p)
    pre_rid = "0"
    ret = pre_rid + ";"
    if len(nodes) > pre:
        pre_rid = nodes[-1 * pre].status
        p1 = MudRoomSearchProblem(pre_rid, goal_rid)
        actions, _, _ = ucs(p1)
        ret = pre_rid + ";"
        for act in actions:
            ret = ret + act + ";"

    retlist = ret[:-1].split(";")
    for a in retlist:
        print a
예제 #7
def main(args):
    #2d5c8daa1b737d97509231fda8c49d05 9834ec789ab9f8f08c46c50678f66f3a
    init_rid = args[1].decode("gb18030");
    goal_rid = args[2].decode("gb18030");
#    init_rid = '2d5c8daa1b737d97509231fda8c49d05'
#    goal_rid = '9834ec789ab9f8f08c46c50678f66f3a'
    p = MudRoomSearchProblem(init_rid,goal_rid)
    actions,cost,nodes = ucs(p)
    ret = str(cost) + ";"
    for act in actions:
        ret = ret + act + ";"
    retlist = ret.split(";")
    for a in retlist:
        print a
예제 #8
def get_room_list_byRName(ref_rid, rname):
    depth = 15
    nodes = []
    p = MudRoomSearchProblem(ref_rid, None)
    nodes = breadthFirstTraversalList(p, nodes, depth)
    conn = getconn()
    cursor = conn.cursor()
    cursor.execute('SELECT rid from roominfo where rname=?',
                   (rname.decode("utf8"), ))
    rows = cursor.fetchall()

    if len(rows) == 0:
        return []

    rids = []
    for n in nodes:
        for row in rows:
            if row[0] == n.status:

    return rids
예제 #9
def sortNodes(nodes):
    if len(nodes) > 15:
        return nodes
    sortedNodes = []
    init_rid = nodes[0].status
    del nodes[0]
    while len(nodes) > 0:
        min_cost = 999999
        min_index = 0
        i = 0
        while i < len(nodes):
            goal_rid = nodes[i].status
            p = MudRoomSearchProblem(init_rid, goal_rid)
            _, cost, _ = bfs(p)
            if cost < min_cost:
                min_cost = cost
                min_index = i
            i = i + 1
        init_rid = nodes[min_index].status
        del nodes[min_index]
    return sortedNodes
예제 #10
def main(args):
    loc = args[1].decode("gb18030").encode("utf8")
    if len(args) == 1:
        depth = 0
        depth = int(args[2].decode("gb18030").encode("utf8"))
#    loc='灵鹫密道'
#    depth=0

    (area, rname) = loc_split(loc)

    (ridlist, arooms, brooms) = get_room_list(area, rname)

    #    print area,rname
    #    print ridlist
    #points traversal:
    if len(rname) > 0 and len(ridlist) > 0:
        nodes = []
        for rid in ridlist:
            p = MudRoomSearchProblem(rid, None)
            #            nodes = depthFirstTraversalList(p,nodes,depth)
            nodes = breadthFirstTraversalList(p, nodes, depth)

#        print [node.status for node in nodes]
        nodes = sortNodes(nodes)
        #        print [node.status for node in nodes]
        i = 0
        ret = ""
        while i < len(nodes) - 1:
            init_rid = nodes[i].status
            goal_rid = nodes[i + 1].status
            p = MudRoomSearchProblem(init_rid, goal_rid)
            actions, _, _ = bfs(p)
            for act in actions:
                ret = ret + act + ";"
            i = i + 1
        retlist = ret.split(";")

        #        print retlist[:-1]

        for a in retlist[:-1]:
            print a

    #area traversal:
    if len(rname) == 0:
        #use brooms[0] as start point
        startp = ridlist[0]
        if len(brooms) > 0:
            startp = brooms[0]
        nodes = []
        p = MudRoomSearchProblem(startp, None)
        nodes = depthFirstTraversalList_inArea(p, arooms)

        #        print [node.status for node in nodes]
        nodes = sortNodes(nodes)
        i = 0
        ret = ""
        while i < len(nodes) - 1:
            init_rid = nodes[i].status
            goal_rid = nodes[i + 1].status
            p = MudRoomSearchProblem(init_rid, goal_rid)
            actions, _, _ = bfs(p)
            for act in actions:
                ret = ret + act + ";"
            i = i + 1
        retlist = ret.split(";")

        for a in retlist[:-1]:
            print a
예제 #11
def main(args):
    loc = args[1].decode("gb18030").encode("utf8");
    if len(args)==1:
        depth = 3
        depth = int(args[2].decode("gb18030").encode("utf8"));
#    loc='扬州打铁铺'
#    depth=2
    ss = re.split("\s+",loc)  
    (area,rname) = ("","")
    if len(ss) == 1:
        area = ss[0]
    if len(ss) > 1 :
        (area,rname) = (ss[0],ss[1])
    (ridlist,arooms,brooms) = get_room_list_bypy(area,rname)
    #points traversal:
    if len(rname)>0 and len(ridlist)>0:        
        nodes = []
        for rid in ridlist:
            p = MudRoomSearchProblem(rid,None)
#            nodes = depthFirstTraversalList(p,nodes,depth)
            nodes = breadthFirstTraversalList(p,nodes,depth)
#        print [node.status for node in nodes]
        i = 0
        ret = ""
        while i<len(nodes)-1:
            init_rid = nodes[i].status
            goal_rid = nodes[i+1].status
            p = MudRoomSearchProblem(init_rid,goal_rid)
            for act in actions:
                ret = ret + act + ";"
            i = i + 1
        retlist = ret.split(";")
        for a in retlist[:-1]:
            print a
    #area traversal:
    if len(rname)==0:   
        #use brooms[0] as start point
        startp = ridlist[0]
        if len(brooms)>0:
            startp = brooms[0]
        nodes = []
        p = MudRoomSearchProblem(startp,None)
        nodes = depthFirstTraversalList_inArea(p,arooms)
#        print [node.status for node in nodes]
        i = 0
        ret = ""
        while i<len(nodes)-1:
            init_rid = nodes[i].status
            goal_rid = nodes[i+1].status
            p = MudRoomSearchProblem(init_rid,goal_rid)
            for act in actions:
                ret = ret + act + ";"
            i = i + 1    
        retlist = ret.split(";")
        for a in retlist[:-1]:
            print a