def plot(data, headers=None, pconfig=None): """ Return HTML for a MultiQC table. :param data: 2D dict, first keys as sample names, then x:y data pairs :param headers: list of optional dicts with column config in key:value pairs. :return: HTML ready to be inserted into the page """ if headers is None: headers = [] if pconfig is None: pconfig = {} # Make a datatable object dt = table_object.datatable(data, headers, pconfig) # Collect unique sample names s_names = set() for d in for s_name in d.keys(): s_names.add(s_name) # Make a beeswarm plot if we have lots of samples if len(s_names) >= config.max_table_rows and pconfig.get( 'no_beeswarm') is not True: logger.debug('Plotting beeswarm instead of table, {} samples'.format( len(s_names))) warning = '<p class="text-muted"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-exclamation-sign" ' \ 'title="A beeswarm plot has been generated instead because of the large number of samples. '\ 'See"'\ ' data-toggle="tooltip"></span> Showing {} samples.</p>'.format(len(s_names)) return warning + beeswarm.make_plot(dt) else: return make_table(dt)
def plot (data, headers=[], pconfig={}): """ Return HTML for a MultiQC table. :param data: 2D dict, first keys as sample names, then x:y data pairs :param headers: list of optional dicts with column config in key:value pairs. :return: HTML ready to be inserted into the page """ # Make a datatable object dt = table_object.datatable(data, headers, pconfig) # Collect unique sample names s_names = set() for d in for s_name in d.keys(): s_names.add(s_name) # Make a beeswarm plot if we have lots of samples if len(s_names) >= config.max_table_rows and pconfig.get('no_beeswarm') is not True: logger.debug('Plotting beeswarm instead of table, {} samples'.format(len(s_names))) warning = """<p>This report is very large. A beeswarm plot has been generated instead of a table to aid usability. To disable this, set <code>max_table_rows</code> to a very high number in your MultiQC config file.</p>""" return warning + beeswarm.make_plot( dt ) else: return make_table ( dt )
def plot (data, headers=[], pconfig={}): """ Return HTML for a MultiQC table. :param data: 2D dict, first keys as sample names, then x:y data pairs :param headers: list of optional dicts with column config in key:value pairs. :return: HTML ready to be inserted into the page """ # Make a datatable object dt = table_object.datatable(data, headers, pconfig) # Collect unique sample names s_names = set() for d in for s_name in d.keys(): s_names.add(s_name) # Make a beeswarm plot if we have lots of samples if len(s_names) >= config.max_table_rows and pconfig.get('no_beeswarm') is not True: logger.debug('Plotting beeswarm instead of table, {} samples'.format(len(s_names))) warning = '<p class="text-muted"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-exclamation-sign" ' \ 'title="A beeswarm plot has been generated instead because of the large number of samples. '\ 'See"'\ ' data-toggle="tooltip"></span> Showing {} samples.</p>'.format(len(s_names)) return warning + beeswarm.make_plot( dt ) else: return make_table ( dt )