예제 #1
def doSims(numTraj=2):

    o1 = standardOptions()

    o1.simulation_mode = Options.firstStep
    o1.num_simulations = numTraj
    o1.output_interval = 1
    o1.simulation_time = ATIME_OUT

    myComplex1 = makeComplex(["GTCACTGCTTTT"], "............")
    myComplex2 = makeComplex(["GTCACTGC", "GCAGTGAC"], ".(((((((+))))))).")

    o1.start_state = [myComplex1, myComplex2]

    #     myComplex = makeComplex(["GTCACTGCTTTT","GTCACTGC","GCAGTGAC"], "..(.........+).((((((+))))))..")
    #     o1.start_state = [myComplex]

    # no stop conditions, just timeout.

    o1.initial_seed = time.time() * 1000000
    #     o1. initial_seed = 1501710503137097

    s = SimSystem(o1)
def create_test11():

    struc1 = ".......((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((+....................))))))))))))))))))))))))+......................))))))))))))))))))))))"

    complex1 = makeComplex([seq0, seq1, seq2], struc1)
    complex2 = makeComplex([seq0, seq1, seq2], struc1)

    return createOptions(complex1, complex2, "First Passage Time")
예제 #3
def doExperiment(trials):

    # complexes


    # output + signal + backbone
    complex_dotparen = "." * 10 + "(" * (len(seqOutput) - 10)
    complex_dotparen += "+" + "." * 16 + "(" * (len(seqSignal) - 16)
    complex_dotparen += "+" + "." * 6 + ")" * (len(seqBackbone) - 6)
    myGate = makeComplex([seqOutput, seqSignal, seqBackbone], complex_dotparen)

    myFuel = makeComplex([seqFuel], "." * len(seqFuel))

    myLeakedSignal = makeComplex([seqSignal], "." * len(seqSignal))

    for x in [myGate, myFuel]:
        setBoltzmann(x, trials, supersample=10)

    # stopping states

    # the failed state is when the fuel releases again
    # the success state is when the leaked signal is observed.
    # we use dissocMacrostate - this only checks the presence of strands in the complex, and
    # does not depend on dotparens structure.

    successStopping = StopCondition(
        Options.STR_SUCCESS, [(myLeakedSignal, Options.dissocMacrostate, 0)])
    failedStopping = StopCondition(Options.STR_FAILURE,
                                   [(myFuel, Options.dissocMacrostate, 0)])

    # options

    stdOptions = standardOptions(trials=trials)

    stdOptions.start_state = [myGate, myFuel]
    stdOptions.stop_conditions = [successStopping, failedStopping]

    # buffer and temperature
    stdOptions.sodium = 0.05
    stdOptions.magnesium = 0.0125  ##  believed to be 11.5 mM effectively -- using 12.5 mM anyway

    stdOptions.temperature = 25  # can run at higher temperature to increase leak rate.

    # rate model
    stdOptions.simulation_time = 10.0

    return stdOptions
def create_test10():

    seq0 = "GTCACTGCTTTT"
    seq1 = "GCAGTGAC"
    dotparen1 = "..((((((....+)))))).."

    seq2 = "GTCACTGC"
    dotparen2 = "........"

    complex1 = makeComplex([seq0, seq1], dotparen1)
    complex2 = makeComplex([seq2], dotparen2)

    return createOptions(complex1, complex2, "First Passage Time")
def create_test12():

    seq0 = "GTAATGTCGGCG"
    seq1 = "CGCCGACATTAC"
    seq2 = "GTAATG"
    struc1 = "(...........+).....((((((+))))))"
    #     struc1 =    "(...........+).....((((((+))))))"

    complex1 = makeComplex([seq0, seq1, seq2], struc1)
    complex2 = makeComplex([seq0, seq1, seq2], struc1)

    myOptions = createOptions(complex1, complex2, "First Passage Time")
    #     setArrheniusConstantsDNA23(myOptions)

    return myOptions
예제 #6
def hybridizationString(seq):

    cutoff = 0.75
    ids = [65, 66]

    N = len(seq)
    output = []
    """ start with the seperated, zero-bp state """
    dotparen1 = "." * N + "+" + "." * N

    complex0 = makeComplex([seq], "." * N, [ids[0]])
    complex1 = makeComplex([seqComplement(seq)], "." * N, [ids[1]])
    seperated = [complex0, complex1]

        bps is the number of basepairs between the strands
        offset is the offset of where the pairing starts

    dotparen0 = [seq, seqComplement(seq)]

    for bps in range(1, N + 1):

        for offset in range(N):

            dotparen1 = list("." * N + "+" + "." * N)

            if (bps + offset < (N + 1)) and bps < np.ceil(cutoff * N):
                #             if (bps + offset < (N + 1)):

                for i in range(bps):

                    dotparen1[offset + i] = "("
                    dotparen1[2 * N - offset - i] = ")"

                dotparen1 = "".join(dotparen1)
                complex = makeComplex(dotparen0, dotparen1, ids)

    """ We always require the final state to be the success state"""

    complex0 = makeComplex(dotparen0, "(" * N + "+" + ")" * N, ids)

    return output
def create_test13():

    seq0 = "ACTGACTGACTG"
    seq1 = "ACTG"
    seq2 = "CATTCAGTACAGT"
    struc1 = "((((((.(....+...(+)...).)).))))"

    complex1 = makeComplex([seq0, seq1, seq2], struc1)

    myOptions = createOptions(complex1, complex1, "First Passage Time")
    myOptions.join_concentration = 1.0e-9
    #     setArrheniusConstantsDNA23(myOptions)

    return myOptions
예제 #8
    def get_startStates(self):

        pathway_list = []
        strand_ids = [100, 200]
        for state in self.statespace:
            output = self.myFilter(state)
            if output == False:
                sequence_list, dotparen_list = output
            if len(dotparen_list) == 1:
                new_complex = makeComplex(sequence_list, dotparen_list[0],
            elif len(dotparen_list) == 2:
                new_complex0 = makeComplex([sequence_list[0]],
                                           dotparen_list[0], [strand_ids[0]])
                new_complex1 = makeComplex([sequence_list[1]],
                                           dotparen_list[1], [strand_ids[1]])
                pathway_list.append([new_complex1, new_complex0])

        return pathway_list
예제 #9
    def get_startStates(self):
        pathway_list = []
        strand_ids = [1]
        for state in self.statespace:
            output = self.myFilter(state)
            if output == False:
                sequence_list, dotparen_list = output

            new_complex = makeComplex(sequence_list, dotparen_list[0],

        return pathway_list
예제 #10
    def fattenStateSpace(self):

        ogVerb = Builder.verbosity
        Builder.verbosity = False
        counter = 0

        def inspectionSim(inputs):

            o1 = standardOptions()
            o1.rate_method = self.options.rate_method
            o1.start_state = inputs[0]

            return o1

        for key, value in self.protoSpace.items():

            if ogVerb and ((counter % 100) == 0):
                print("Searching for missing transitions. Progress " +
                      str(counter) + " / " + str(len(self.protoSpace)))

            (seqs, ids, structs) = self.protoSequences[key]

            myState = []

            for seq, id, struct in zip(seqs, ids, structs):

                seqs = seq.split('+')
                ids = id.split(',')
                myC = makeComplex(seqs, struct, ids)

            ''' post: myState is the state we want to explore transitions for. '''

            myB = Builder(inspectionSim, [myState])


            counter += 1

        Builder.verbosity = ogVerb
def doSims(strandSeq, numTraj=2):

    o1 = standardOptions()

    o1.simulation_mode = Literals.trajectory
    o1.num_simulations = numTraj
    o1.output_interval = 1
    o1.join_concentration = 1.0e-9
    #     o1.join_concentration = 1.0
    o1.simulation_time = 0.000005

    seq1 = "ACTGACTGACTG"
    seq2 = "ACTG"
    seq3 = "CATTCAGTACAGT"

    struct = "((((((.((.(.+).((+)).)).)).))))"

    #     # Using domain representation makes it easier to write secondary structures.
    #     domain1 = Domain(name="d1", sequence=seq1)
    #     domain2 = Domain(name="d2", sequence=seq2)
    #     domain3 = Domain(name="d3", sequence=seq3)
    #     strand1 = Strand(name="s1", domains=[domain1])
    #     strand2 = Strand(name="s2", domains=[domain2])
    #     strand3 = Strand(name="s3", domains=[domain3])

    myComplex = makeComplex([seq1, seq2, seq3], struct)

    print myComplex

    o1.start_state = [myComplex]

    # Note: no stopping conditions

    o1.initial_seed = 1777 + 6

    s = SimSystem(o1)
예제 #12
def threewaybmString(lefttoe, displace, righttoe):
    ''' toehold switch around in the substrate '''
    N = len(displace)
    rT = len(lefttoe)
    lT = len(righttoe)

    output = list()

    invaderSq = lefttoe + displace + righttoe
    incumbentSq = displace
    substrateSq = seqComplement(invaderSq)

    invaderID = 65
    incumbentID = 66
    substrateID = 67
    """ start with the separated, zero-bp state """
    complex0 = makeComplex([invaderSq], "." * (lT + N + rT), [invaderID])
    complex1 = makeComplex([incumbentSq, substrateSq],
                           "(" * N + "+" + "." * lT + ")" * N + "." * rT,
                           [incumbentID, substrateID])
    seperated = [complex0, complex1]

    ''' left invasion toehold '''
    seqsL = [invaderSq, substrateSq, incumbentSq]
    idsL = [invaderID, substrateID, incumbentID]
    weaving = weave(lT)

    for pair in weaving:
        dotparen = "." * (N + rT) + pair[0] + "+" + pair[
            1] + "(" * N + "." * rT + "+" + ")" * N
        output.append([makeComplex(seqsL, dotparen, idsL)])

    if lT == 0:
        dotparen = "." * (
            N + rT) + "" + "+" + "" + "(" * N + "." * rT + "+" + ")" * N
    ''' the dotparen of the weave is the fully hybridized toehold.
        Toggle the basepairs one step at a time.
    for invasion in range(N - 1):
        parenList = list(dotparen)
        parenList[rT + N - 1 - invasion] = "("
        parenList[lT + N + rT + 1 + lT + invasion] = ")"
        parenList[-invasion - 1] = "."
        dotparen = "".join(parenList)
        output.append([makeComplex(seqsL, dotparen, idsL)])
    ''' right invasion toehold '''
    seqsR = [invaderSq, incumbentSq, substrateSq]
    idsR = [invaderID, incumbentID, substrateID]
    weaving = weave(rT)

    for pair in weaving:
        dotparen = pair[0] + "." * (
            N + lT) + "+" + "(" * N + "+" + "." * lT + ")" * N + pair[1]
        output.append([makeComplex(seqsR, dotparen, idsR)])

    if rT == 0:
        dotparen = "" + "." * (
            N + lT) + "+" + "(" * N + "+" + "." * lT + ")" * N + ""
        Toggle the basepairs one step at a time.
    for invasion in range(N - 1):
        parenList = list(dotparen)
        parenList[rT + invasion] = "("
        parenList[lT + N + rT + 1 + invasion] = "."
        dotparen = "".join(parenList)
        output.append([makeComplex(seqsR, dotparen, idsR)])
    ''' Do not forget to set the final state.
        This is just the displaced strand floating freely.
    output.append([makeComplex([incumbentSq], "." * N, [incumbentID])])

    return output