def setup_logging(username=None): """Setup logging module. Args: username: str, optional, current login name """ global MSULOGENABLED global MSUDEBUGLOGENABLED if (logging.root.handlers and logging.root.handlers[0].__class__ is FleetingFileHandler): return if munki.pref('MSUDebugLogEnabled'): MSUDEBUGLOGENABLED = True if munki.pref('MSULogEnabled'): MSULOGENABLED = True if not MSULOGENABLED: return if username is None: username = os.getlogin() or 'UID%d' % os.getuid() if not os.path.exists(MSULOGDIR): try: os.mkdir(MSULOGDIR, 01777) except OSError, err: logging.error('mkdir(%s): %s', MSULOGDIR, str(err)) return
def applicationDidFinishLaunching_(self, sender): '''NSApplication delegate method called at launch''' # Prevent automatic relaunching at login on Lion+ if NSApp.respondsToSelector_('disableRelaunchOnLogin'): NSApp.disableRelaunchOnLogin() ver = NSBundle.mainBundle().infoDictionary().get( 'CFBundleShortVersionString') msclog.log("MSC", "launched", "VER=%s" % ver) # if we're running under Snow Leopard, swap out the Dock icon for one # without the Retina assets to avoid an appearance issue when the # icon has a badge in the Dock (and App Switcher) # Darwin major version 10 is Snow Leopard (10.6) if os.uname()[2].split('.')[0] == '10': myImage = NSImage.imageNamed_("Managed Software Center 10_6") NSApp.setApplicationIconImage_(myImage) # setup client logging msclog.setup_logging() # have the statuscontroller register for its own notifications self.statusController.registerForNotifications() # user may have launched the app manually, or it may have # been launched by /usr/local/munki/managedsoftwareupdate # to display available updates if munki.thereAreUpdatesToBeForcedSoon(hours=2): # skip the check and just display the updates # by pretending the lastcheck is now lastcheck = else: lastcheck = munki.pref('LastCheckDate') max_cache_age = munki.pref('CheckResultsCacheSeconds') # if there is no lastcheck timestamp, check for updates. if not lastcheck: self.mainWindowController.checkForUpdates() elif lastcheck.timeIntervalSinceNow() * -1 > int(max_cache_age): # check for updates if the last check is over the # configured manualcheck cache age max. self.mainWindowController.checkForUpdates() elif MunkiItems.updateCheckNeeded(): # check for updates if we have optional items selected for install # or removal that have not yet been processed self.mainWindowController.checkForUpdates() # load the initial view only if we are not already loading something else. # enables launching the app to a specific panel, eg. from URL handler if not self.mainWindowController.webView.isLoading(): self.mainWindowController.loadInitialView()
def applicationDidFinishLaunching_(self, sender): '''NSApplication delegate method called at launch''' # Prevent automatic relaunching at login on Lion+ if NSApp.respondsToSelector_('disableRelaunchOnLogin'): NSApp.disableRelaunchOnLogin() ver = NSBundle.mainBundle().infoDictionary().get('CFBundleShortVersionString') msclog.log("MSC", "launched", "VER=%s" % ver) # if we're running under Snow Leopard, swap out the Dock icon for one # without the Retina assets to avoid an appearance issue when the # icon has a badge in the Dock (and App Switcher) # Darwin major version 10 is Snow Leopard (10.6) if os.uname()[2].split('.')[0] == '10': myImage = NSImage.imageNamed_("Managed Software Center 10_6") NSApp.setApplicationIconImage_(myImage) # setup client logging msclog.setup_logging() # have the statuscontroller register for its own notifications self.statusController.registerForNotifications() # user may have launched the app manually, or it may have # been launched by /usr/local/munki/managedsoftwareupdate # to display available updates if munki.thereAreUpdatesToBeForcedSoon(hours=2): # skip the check and just display the updates # by pretending the lastcheck is now lastcheck = else: lastcheck = munki.pref('LastCheckDate') max_cache_age = munki.pref('CheckResultsCacheSeconds') # if there is no lastcheck timestamp, check for updates. if not lastcheck: self.mainWindowController.checkForUpdates() elif lastcheck.timeIntervalSinceNow() * -1 > int(max_cache_age): # check for updates if the last check is over the # configured manualcheck cache age max. self.mainWindowController.checkForUpdates() elif MunkiItems.updateCheckNeeded(): # check for updates if we have optional items selected for install # or removal that have not yet been processed self.mainWindowController.checkForUpdates() # load the initial view only if we are not already loading something else. # enables launching the app to a specific panel, eg. from URL handler if not self.mainWindowController.webView.isLoading(): self.mainWindowController.loadInitialView()
def showLogWindow_(self, notification): '''Show the log window.''' if self.window.isVisible(): # It's already open, just move it to front self.window.makeKeyAndOrderFront_(self) return screenRect = NSScreen.mainScreen().frame() windowRect = screenRect.copy() windowRect.origin.x = 100.0 windowRect.origin.y = 200.0 windowRect.size.width -= 200.0 windowRect.size.height -= 300.0 logfile = munki.pref('LogFile') self.pathControl.setURL_(NSURL.fileURLWithPath_(logfile)) self.window.setTitle_(os.path.basename(logfile)) self.window.setFrame_display_(windowRect, NO) self.window.makeKeyAndOrderFront_(self) self.watchLogFile_(logfile) # allow dragging from table view to outside of the app self.logView.setDraggingSourceOperationMask_forLocal_( NSDragOperationAll, NO)
def getOptionalInstallItems(): if munki.pref('AppleSoftwareUpdatesOnly'): return [] if not 'optional_install_items' in _cache: _cache['optional_install_items'] = [OptionalItem(item) for item in getInstallInfo().get('optional_installs', [])] return _cache['optional_install_items']
def getOptionalInstallItems(): if munki.pref('AppleSoftwareUpdatesOnly'): return [] if not 'optional_install_items' in _cache: _cache['optional_install_items'] = [ OptionalItem(item) for item in getInstallInfo().get('optional_installs', [])] return _cache['optional_install_items']
def getOptionalInstallItems(): if munki.pref('AppleSoftwareUpdatesOnly'): return [] if not 'optional_install_items' in _cache: _cache['optional_install_items'] = [ OptionalItem(item) for item in getInstallInfo().get('optional_installs', [])] featured_items = getInstallInfo().get('featured_items', []) for item in _cache['optional_install_items']: if item['name'] in featured_items: item['featured'] = True return _cache['optional_install_items']
def getOptionalInstallItems(): if munki.pref('AppleSoftwareUpdatesOnly'): return [] if not 'optional_install_items' in _cache: _cache['optional_install_items'] = [ OptionalItem(item) for item in getInstallInfo().get('optional_installs', []) ] featured_items = getInstallInfo().get('featured_items', []) for item in _cache['optional_install_items']: if item['name'] in featured_items: item['featured'] = True return _cache['optional_install_items']
def showHelp_(self, sender): helpURL = munki.pref('HelpURL') if helpURL: NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace().openURL_(NSURL.URLWithString_(helpURL)) else: alertTitle = NSLocalizedString(u"Help", u"No help alert title") alertDetail = NSLocalizedString( u"Help isn't available for Managed Software Center.", u"No help alert detail") alert = NSAlert.alertWithMessageText_defaultButton_alternateButton_otherButton_informativeTextWithFormat_( alertTitle, NSLocalizedString(u"OK", u"OK button title"), nil, nil, u"%@", alertDetail) result = alert.runModal()
def get_custom_resources(): '''copies custom resources into our html dir''' if not _html_dir: return managed_install_dir = munki.pref('ManagedInstallDir') source_path = os.path.join(managed_install_dir, 'client_resources/') if os.path.exists(source_path): dest_path = os.path.join(_html_dir, 'custom') if os.path.exists(dest_path): try: shutil.rmtree(dest_path, ignore_errors=True) except (OSError, IOError), err: msclog.debug_log('Error clearing %s: %s' % (dest_path, err)) if not os.path.exists(dest_path): try: os.mkdir(dest_path) except (OSError, IOError), err: msclog.debug_log('Error creating %s: %s' % (dest_path, err))
def applicationDidFinishLaunching_(self, sender): NSLog(u"Managed Software Update finished launching.") munki.log("MSU", "launched") runmode = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().stringForKey_("mode") or \ os.environ.get("ManagedSoftwareUpdateMode") if runmode: self.runmode = runmode NSLog("Runmode: %s" % runmode) # Prevent automatic relaunching at login on Lion if NSApp.respondsToSelector_('disableRelaunchOnLogin'): NSApp.disableRelaunchOnLogin() consoleuser = munki.getconsoleuser() if consoleuser == None or consoleuser == u"loginwindow": # Status Window only NSMenu.setMenuBarVisible_(NO) self.munkiStatusController.startMunkiStatusSession() elif self.runmode == "MunkiStatus": self.munkiStatusController.startMunkiStatusSession() else: # user may have launched the app manually, or it may have # been launched by /usr/local/munki/managedsoftwareupdate # to display available updates lastcheck = NSDate.dateWithString_(munki.pref('LastCheckDate')) if not lastcheck or lastcheck.timeIntervalSinceNow() < -60: # it's been more than a minute since the last check self.checkForUpdates() return # do we have existing updates to display? if not self._listofupdates: self.getAvailableUpdates() if self._listofupdates: self.displayUpdatesWindow() else: # no updates available. Should we check for some? self.checkForUpdates()
def html_dir(): '''sets up our local html cache directory''' global _html_dir if _html_dir: return _html_dir bundle_id = NSBundle.mainBundle().bundleIdentifier() cache_dir_urls = NSFileManager.defaultManager().URLsForDirectory_inDomains_( NSCachesDirectory, NSUserDomainMask) if cache_dir_urls: cache_dir = cache_dir_urls[0].path() else: cache_dir = u'/private/tmp' our_cache_dir = os.path.join(cache_dir, bundle_id) if not os.path.exists(our_cache_dir): os.makedirs(our_cache_dir) _html_dir = os.path.join(our_cache_dir, 'html') if os.path.exists(_html_dir): # empty it shutil.rmtree(_html_dir) os.mkdir(_html_dir) # symlink our static files dir resourcesPath = NSBundle.mainBundle().resourcePath() source_path = os.path.join(resourcesPath, 'WebResources') link_path = os.path.join(_html_dir, 'static') os.symlink(source_path, link_path) # symlink the Managed Installs icons dir managed_install_dir = munki.pref('ManagedInstallDir') source_path = os.path.join(managed_install_dir, 'icons') link_path = os.path.join(_html_dir, 'icons') os.symlink(source_path, link_path) # unzip any custom client resources get_custom_resources() return _html_dir
def html_dir(): '''sets up our local html cache directory''' global _html_dir if _html_dir: return _html_dir bundle_id = NSBundle.mainBundle().bundleIdentifier() cache_dir_urls = NSFileManager.defaultManager( ).URLsForDirectory_inDomains_(NSCachesDirectory, NSUserDomainMask) if cache_dir_urls: cache_dir = cache_dir_urls[0].path() else: cache_dir = u'/private/tmp' our_cache_dir = os.path.join(cache_dir, bundle_id) if not os.path.exists(our_cache_dir): os.makedirs(our_cache_dir) _html_dir = os.path.join(our_cache_dir, 'html') if os.path.exists(_html_dir): # empty it shutil.rmtree(_html_dir) os.mkdir(_html_dir) # symlink our static files dir resourcesPath = NSBundle.mainBundle().resourcePath() source_path = os.path.join(resourcesPath, 'WebResources') link_path = os.path.join(_html_dir, 'static') os.symlink(source_path, link_path) # symlink the Managed Installs icons dir managed_install_dir = munki.pref('ManagedInstallDir') source_path = os.path.join(managed_install_dir, 'icons') link_path = os.path.join(_html_dir, 'icons') os.symlink(source_path, link_path) # unzip any custom client resources get_custom_resources() return _html_dir
def munkiStatusSessionEnded_(self, socketSessionResult): consoleuser = munki.getconsoleuser() if (self.runmode == "MunkiStatus" or consoleuser == None or consoleuser == u"loginwindow"): # Status Window only, so we should just quit munki.log("MSU", "exit_munkistatus") NSApp.terminate_(self) # The managedsoftwareupdate run will have changed state preferences # in ManagedInstalls.plist. Load the new values. munki.reload_prefs() alertMessageText = NSLocalizedString(u"Update check failed", None) if self.managedsoftwareupdate_task == "installwithnologout": alertMessageText = NSLocalizedString(u"Install session failed", None) if socketSessionResult == -1: # connection was dropped unexpectedly self.mainWindowController.theWindow.makeKeyAndOrderFront_(self) alert = NSAlert.alertWithMessageText_defaultButton_alternateButton_otherButton_informativeTextWithFormat_( alertMessageText, NSLocalizedString(u"Quit", None), objc.nil, objc.nil, NSLocalizedString(u"There is a configuration problem with the managed software installer. The process ended unexpectedly. Contact your systems administrator.", None)) alert.beginSheetModalForWindow_modalDelegate_didEndSelector_contextInfo_( self.mainWindowController.theWindow, self, self.quitAlertDidEnd_returnCode_contextInfo_, objc.nil) return elif socketSessionResult == -2: # socket timed out before connection self.mainWindowController.theWindow.makeKeyAndOrderFront_(self) alert = NSAlert.alertWithMessageText_defaultButton_alternateButton_otherButton_informativeTextWithFormat_( alertMessageText, NSLocalizedString(u"Quit", None), objc.nil, objc.nil, NSLocalizedString(u"There is a configuration problem with the managed software installer. Could not start the process. Contact your systems administrator.", None)) alert.beginSheetModalForWindow_modalDelegate_didEndSelector_contextInfo_( self.mainWindowController.theWindow, self, self.quitAlertDidEnd_returnCode_contextInfo_, objc.nil) return if self.managedsoftwareupdate_task == "installwithnologout": # we're done. munki.log("MSU", "exit_installwithnologout") NSApp.terminate_(self) elif self.managedsoftwareupdate_task == "manualcheck": self.managedsoftwareupdate_task = None self._listofupdates = [] self.getAvailableUpdates() #NSLog(u"Building table of available updates.") self.buildUpdateTableData() if self._optionalInstalls: #NSLog(u"Building table of optional software.") self.buildOptionalInstallsData() #NSLog(u"Showing main window.") self.mainWindowController.theWindow.makeKeyAndOrderFront_(self) #NSLog(u"Main window was made key and ordered front") if self._listofupdates: return # no list of updates; let's check the LastCheckResult for more info lastCheckResult = munki.pref("LastCheckResult") if lastCheckResult == 0: munki.log("MSU", "no_updates") self.noUpdatesAlert() elif lastCheckResult == 1: NSApp.requestUserAttention_(NSCriticalRequest) elif lastCheckResult == -1: munki.log("MSU", "cant_update", "cannot contact server") alert = NSAlert.alertWithMessageText_defaultButton_alternateButton_otherButton_informativeTextWithFormat_( NSLocalizedString(u"Cannot check for updates", None), NSLocalizedString(u"Quit", None), objc.nil, objc.nil, NSLocalizedString(u"Managed Software Update cannot contact the update server at this time.\nIf this situation continues, contact your systems administrator.", None)) alert.beginSheetModalForWindow_modalDelegate_didEndSelector_contextInfo_( self.mainWindowController.theWindow, self, self.quitAlertDidEnd_returnCode_contextInfo_, objc.nil) elif lastCheckResult == -2: munki.log("MSU", "cant_update", "failed preflight") alert = NSAlert.alertWithMessageText_defaultButton_alternateButton_otherButton_informativeTextWithFormat_( NSLocalizedString(u"Cannot check for updates", None), NSLocalizedString(u"Quit", None), objc.nil, objc.nil, NSLocalizedString(u"Managed Software Update failed its preflight check.\nTry again later.", None)) alert.beginSheetModalForWindow_modalDelegate_didEndSelector_contextInfo_( self.mainWindowController.theWindow, self, self.quitAlertDidEnd_returnCode_contextInfo_, objc.nil)
def applicationDidFinishLaunching_(self, sender): NSLog(u"Managed Software Update finished launching.") ver = NSBundle.mainBundle().infoDictionary().get( 'CFBundleShortVersionString') NSLog("MSU GUI version: %s" % ver) munki.log("MSU", "launched", "VER=%s" % ver) runmode = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().stringForKey_("mode") or \ os.environ.get("ManagedSoftwareUpdateMode") if runmode: self.runmode = runmode NSLog("Runmode: %s" % runmode) # Prevent automatic relaunching at login on Lion if NSApp.respondsToSelector_('disableRelaunchOnLogin'): NSApp.disableRelaunchOnLogin() # register for notification messages so we can be told if available updates # change while we are open notification_center = NSDistributedNotificationCenter.defaultCenter() notification_center.addObserver_selector_name_object_suspensionBehavior_( self, self.updateAvailableUpdates, 'com.googlecode.munki.ManagedSoftwareUpdate.update', None, NSNotificationSuspensionBehaviorDeliverImmediately) # register for notification messages so we can be told to # display a logout warning notification_center = NSDistributedNotificationCenter.defaultCenter() notification_center.addObserver_selector_name_object_suspensionBehavior_( self, self.forcedLogoutWarning, 'com.googlecode.munki.ManagedSoftwareUpdate.logoutwarn', None, NSNotificationSuspensionBehaviorDeliverImmediately) consoleuser = munki.getconsoleuser() if consoleuser == None or consoleuser == u"loginwindow": # Status Window only NSMenu.setMenuBarVisible_(NO) self.munkiStatusController.startMunkiStatusSession() elif self.runmode == "MunkiStatus": self.munkiStatusController.startMunkiStatusSession() else: # user may have launched the app manually, or it may have # been launched by /usr/local/munki/managedsoftwareupdate # to display available updates if munki.thereAreUpdatesToBeForcedSoon(hours=2): # skip the check and just display the updates # by pretending the lastcheck is now lastcheck = else: lastcheck = NSDate.dateWithString_(munki.pref('LastCheckDate')) if not lastcheck or lastcheck.timeIntervalSinceNow() < -60: # it's been more than a minute since the last check self.checkForUpdates() return # do we have existing updates to display? if not self._listofupdates: self.getAvailableUpdates() if self._listofupdates: self.displayUpdatesWindow() else: # no updates available. Should we check for some? self.checkForUpdates()
def munkiStatusSessionEnded_(self, sessionResult): '''Called by StatusController when a Munki session ends''' msclog.debug_log(u"MunkiStatus session ended: %s" % sessionResult) msclog.debug_log(u"MunkiStatus session type: %s" % self.managedsoftwareupdate_task) tasktype = self.managedsoftwareupdate_task self.managedsoftwareupdate_task = None self._update_in_progress = False # The managedsoftwareupdate run will have changed state preferences # in ManagedInstalls.plist. Load the new values. munki.reload_prefs() lastCheckResult = munki.pref("LastCheckResult") if sessionResult != 0 or lastCheckResult < 0: OKButtonTitle = NSLocalizedString(u"OK", u"OK button title") alertMessageText = NSLocalizedString( u"Update check failed", u"Update Check Failed title") if tasktype == "installwithnologout": alertMessageText = NSLocalizedString( u"Install session failed", u"Install Session Failed title") if sessionResult == -1: # connection was dropped unexpectedly msclog.log("MSC", "cant_update", "unexpected process end") detailText = NSLocalizedString( (u"There is a configuration problem with the managed software installer. " "The process ended unexpectedly. Contact your systems administrator."), u"Unexpected Session End message") elif sessionResult == -2: # session never started msclog.log("MSC", "cant_update", "process did not start") detailText = NSLocalizedString( (u"There is a configuration problem with the managed software installer. " "Could not start the process. Contact your systems administrator."), u"Could Not Start Session message") elif lastCheckResult == -1: # server not reachable msclog.log("MSC", "cant_update", "cannot contact server") detailText = NSLocalizedString( (u"Managed Software Center cannot contact the update server at this time.\n" "Try again later. If this situation continues, " "contact your systems administrator."), u"Cannot Contact Server detail") elif lastCheckResult == -2: # preflight failed msclog.log("MSU", "cant_update", "failed preflight") detailText = NSLocalizedString( (u"Managed Software Center cannot check for updates now.\n" "Try again later. If this situation continues, " "contact your systems administrator."), u"Failed Preflight Check detail") # show the alert sheet self.window().makeKeyAndOrderFront_(self) alert = NSAlert.alertWithMessageText_defaultButton_alternateButton_otherButton_informativeTextWithFormat_( alertMessageText, OKButtonTitle, nil, nil, u"%@", detailText) alert.beginSheetModalForWindow_modalDelegate_didEndSelector_contextInfo_( self.window(), self, self.munkiSessionErrorAlertDidEnd_returnCode_contextInfo_, nil) return if tasktype == 'checktheninstall': MunkiItems.reset() # possibly check again if choices have changed self.updateNow() return # all done checking and/or installing: display results self.resetAndReload() if MunkiItems.updateCheckNeeded(): # more stuff pending? Let's do it... self.updateNow()
def applicationDidFinishLaunching_(self, sender): NSLog(u"Managed Software Update finished launching.") ver = NSBundle.mainBundle().infoDictionary().get( 'CFBundleShortVersionString') NSLog("MSU GUI version: %s" % ver) munki.log("MSU", "launched", "VER=%s" % ver) runmode = (NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().stringForKey_("mode") or os.environ.get("ManagedSoftwareUpdateMode")) if runmode: self.runmode = runmode NSLog("Runmode: %s" % runmode) else: consoleuser = munki.getconsoleuser() if consoleuser == None or consoleuser == u"loginwindow": # we're at the loginwindow, so display MunkiStatus self.runmode = "MunkiStatus" # Prevent automatic relaunching at login on Lion if NSApp.respondsToSelector_('disableRelaunchOnLogin'): NSApp.disableRelaunchOnLogin() # register for notification messages so we can be told if available # updates change while we are open notification_center = NSDistributedNotificationCenter.defaultCenter() notification_center.addObserver_selector_name_object_suspensionBehavior_( self, self.updateAvailableUpdates, 'com.googlecode.munki.ManagedSoftwareUpdate.update', None, NSNotificationSuspensionBehaviorDeliverImmediately) # register for notification messages so we can be told to # display a logout warning notification_center = NSDistributedNotificationCenter.defaultCenter() notification_center.addObserver_selector_name_object_suspensionBehavior_( self, self.forcedLogoutWarning, 'com.googlecode.munki.ManagedSoftwareUpdate.logoutwarn', None, NSNotificationSuspensionBehaviorDeliverImmediately) if self.runmode == "MunkiStatus": self.munkiStatusController.startMunkiStatusSession() else: # user may have launched the app manually, or it may have # been launched by /usr/local/munki/managedsoftwareupdate # to display available updates if munki.thereAreUpdatesToBeForcedSoon(hours=2): # skip the check and just display the updates # by pretending the lastcheck is now lastcheck = else: lastcheck = NSDate.dateWithString_(munki.pref('LastCheckDate')) # if there is no lastcheck timestamp, check for updates. if not lastcheck: self.checkForUpdates() return # otherwise, only check for updates if the last check is over the # configured manualcheck cache age max. max_cache_age = ( munki.pref('CheckResultsCacheSeconds') or DEFAULT_GUI_CACHE_AGE_SECS) if lastcheck.timeIntervalSinceNow() * -1 > int(max_cache_age): self.checkForUpdates() return # if needed, get updates from InstallInfo. if not self._listofupdates: self.getAvailableUpdates() # if updates exist, display them. if self._listofupdates: self.displayUpdatesWindow() else: # only check for updates if cache secs config is not defined. if munki.pref('CheckResultsCacheSeconds'): self.mainWindowController.theWindow.makeKeyAndOrderFront_( self) self.noUpdatesAlert() else: self.checkForUpdates()
def munkiStatusSessionEnded_(self, socketSessionResult): consoleuser = munki.getconsoleuser() if (self.runmode == "MunkiStatus" or consoleuser == None or consoleuser == u"loginwindow"): # Status Window only, so we should just quit munki.log("MSU", "exit_munkistatus") # clear launch trigger file so we aren't immediately # relaunched by launchd munki.clearLaunchTrigger() NSApp.terminate_(self) # The managedsoftwareupdate run will have changed state preferences # in ManagedInstalls.plist. Load the new values. munki.reload_prefs() alertMessageText = NSLocalizedString(u"Update check failed", None) if self.managedsoftwareupdate_task == "installwithnologout": alertMessageText = NSLocalizedString(u"Install session failed", None) if socketSessionResult == -1: # connection was dropped unexpectedly self.mainWindowController.theWindow.makeKeyAndOrderFront_(self) alert = NSAlert.alertWithMessageText_defaultButton_alternateButton_otherButton_informativeTextWithFormat_( alertMessageText, NSLocalizedString(u"Quit", None), objc.nil, objc.nil, NSLocalizedString( u"There is a configuration problem with the managed software installer. The process ended unexpectedly. Contact your systems administrator.", None)) alert.beginSheetModalForWindow_modalDelegate_didEndSelector_contextInfo_( self.mainWindowController.theWindow, self, self.quitAlertDidEnd_returnCode_contextInfo_, objc.nil) return elif socketSessionResult == -2: # socket timed out before connection self.mainWindowController.theWindow.makeKeyAndOrderFront_(self) alert = NSAlert.alertWithMessageText_defaultButton_alternateButton_otherButton_informativeTextWithFormat_( alertMessageText, NSLocalizedString(u"Quit", None), objc.nil, objc.nil, NSLocalizedString( u"There is a configuration problem with the managed software installer. Could not start the process. Contact your systems administrator.", None)) alert.beginSheetModalForWindow_modalDelegate_didEndSelector_contextInfo_( self.mainWindowController.theWindow, self, self.quitAlertDidEnd_returnCode_contextInfo_, objc.nil) return if self.managedsoftwareupdate_task == "installwithnologout": # we're done. munki.log("MSU", "exit_installwithnologout") NSApp.terminate_(self) elif self.managedsoftwareupdate_task == "manualcheck": self.managedsoftwareupdate_task = None self._listofupdates = [] self.getAvailableUpdates() #NSLog(u"Building table of available updates.") self.buildUpdateTableData() if self._optionalInstalls: #NSLog(u"Building table of optional software.") self.buildOptionalInstallsData() #NSLog(u"Showing main window.") self.mainWindowController.theWindow.makeKeyAndOrderFront_(self) #NSLog(u"Main window was made key and ordered front") if self._listofupdates: return # no list of updates; let's check the LastCheckResult for more info lastCheckResult = munki.pref("LastCheckResult") if lastCheckResult == 0: munki.log("MSU", "no_updates") self.noUpdatesAlert() elif lastCheckResult == 1: NSApp.requestUserAttention_(NSCriticalRequest) elif lastCheckResult == -1: munki.log("MSU", "cant_update", "cannot contact server") alert = NSAlert.alertWithMessageText_defaultButton_alternateButton_otherButton_informativeTextWithFormat_( NSLocalizedString(u"Cannot check for updates", None), NSLocalizedString(u"Quit", None), objc.nil, objc.nil, NSLocalizedString( u"Managed Software Update cannot contact the update server at this time.\nIf this situation continues, contact your systems administrator.", None)) alert.beginSheetModalForWindow_modalDelegate_didEndSelector_contextInfo_( self.mainWindowController.theWindow, self, self.quitAlertDidEnd_returnCode_contextInfo_, objc.nil) elif lastCheckResult == -2: munki.log("MSU", "cant_update", "failed preflight") alert = NSAlert.alertWithMessageText_defaultButton_alternateButton_otherButton_informativeTextWithFormat_( NSLocalizedString(u"Cannot check for updates", None), NSLocalizedString(u"Quit", None), objc.nil, objc.nil, NSLocalizedString( u"Managed Software Update failed its preflight check.\nTry again later.", None)) alert.beginSheetModalForWindow_modalDelegate_didEndSelector_contextInfo_( self.mainWindowController.theWindow, self, self.quitAlertDidEnd_returnCode_contextInfo_, objc.nil)