class PanelBasicExample(VerticalLayout, IClickListener): def __init__(self): super(PanelBasicExample, self).__init__() self.setSpacing(True) # Panel 1 - with caption self._panel = Panel('This is a standard Panel') self._panel.setHeight('200px') # we want scrollbars # let's adjust the panels default layout (a VerticalLayout) layout = self._panel.getContent() layout.setMargin(True) # we want a margin layout.setSpacing(True) # and spacing between components self.addComponent(self._panel) # Let's add a few rows to provoke scrollbars: for _ in range(20): l = Label('The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.') self._panel.addComponent(l) # Caption toggle: b = Button('Toggle caption') b.addListener(self, IClickListener) self.addComponent(b) def buttonClick(self, event): if self._panel.getCaption() == '': self._panel.setCaption('This is a standard Panel') else: self._panel.setCaption('')
def panel(ui): """Creates a panel-based Muntjac user interface for a specified UI object. This function does not modify the UI object passed to it. The object returned may be either a component or None. """ # Bind the context values to the 'info' object: # Get the content that will be displayed in the user interface: content = ui._groups nr_groups = len(content) if nr_groups == 0: panel = None if nr_groups == 1: panel = _GroupPanel(content[0], ui).control elif nr_groups > 1: panel = TabSheet() _fill_panel(panel, content, ui) panel.ui = ui # If the UI is scrollable then wrap the panel in a Panel. if ui.scrollable and panel is not None: sa = Panel() sa.addComponent(panel) # sa.getParent().setResizable(True) panel = sa return panel
class PanelLightExample(VerticalLayout, IClickListener): def __init__(self): super(PanelLightExample, self).__init__() self.setSpacing(True) self.setSpacing(True) # Panel 1 - with caption self._panel = Panel('This is a light Panel') self._panel.setStyleName(Reindeer.PANEL_LIGHT) self._panel.setHeight('200px') # we want scrollbars # let's adjust the panels default layout (a VerticalLayout) layout = self._panel.getContent() layout.setMargin(True) # we want a margin layout.setSpacing(True) # and spacing between components self.addComponent(self._panel) # Let's add a few rows to provoke scrollbars: for _ in range(20): l = Label('The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.') self._panel.addComponent(l) # Caption toggle: b = Button('Toggle caption') b.addListener(self, IClickListener) self.addComponent(b) def buttonClick(self, event): if self._panel.getCaption() is None: self._panel.setCaption('This is a light Panel') else: self._panel.setCaption(None)
def __init__(self): super(ApplicationLayoutWindow, self).__init__() # Our main layout is a horizontal layout main = HorizontalLayout() main.setSizeFull() self.setContent(main) # Tree to the left treePanel = Panel() # for scrollbars treePanel.setStyleName(Reindeer.PANEL_LIGHT) treePanel.setHeight('100%') treePanel.setWidth(None) treePanel.getContent().setSizeUndefined() self.addComponent(treePanel) tree = Tree() tree.setContainerDataSource(ExampleUtil.getHardwareContainer()) tree.setItemCaptionPropertyId(ExampleUtil.hw_PROPERTY_NAME) for idd in tree.rootItemIds(): tree.expandItemsRecursively(idd) treePanel.addComponent(tree) # vertically divide the right area left = VerticalLayout() left.setSizeFull() self.addComponent(left) main.setExpandRatio(left, 1.0) # use all available space # table on top tbl = Table() tbl.setWidth('100%') tbl.setContainerDataSource(ExampleUtil.getISO3166Container()) tbl.setSortDisabled(True) tbl.setPageLength(7) left.addComponent(tbl) # Label on bottom textPanel = Panel() # for scrollbars textPanel.setStyleName(Reindeer.PANEL_LIGHT) textPanel.setSizeFull() left.addComponent(textPanel) left.setExpandRatio(textPanel, 1.0) # use all available space text = Label(ExampleUtil.lorem, Label.CONTENT_XHTML) text.setWidth('500px') # some limit is good for text textPanel.addComponent(text)
def __init__(self): super(CssLayoutsExample, self).__init__() self.setMargin(True) # Note, that this code example may not be self explanatory without # checking out the related CSS file in the sampler theme. panel = Panel('Panel') panel.setStyleName('floatedpanel') panel.setWidth('30%') panel.setHeight('370px') panel.addComponent( Label('This panel is 30% wide ' + 'and 370px high (defined on the server side) ' + 'and floated right (with custom css). ' + 'Try resizing the browser window to see ' + 'how the black boxes (floated left) ' + 'behave. Every third of them has colored text ' + 'to demonstrate the dynamic css injection.')) bottomCenter = Label( 'I\'m a 3 inches wide footer at the bottom of the layout') bottomCenter.setSizeUndefined() # disable 100% default width bottomCenter.setStyleName('footer') cssLayout = MyCssLayout() cssLayout.setWidth('100%') cssLayout.addComponent(panel) for _ in range(15): # add black labels that float left cssLayout.addComponent(Brick()) cssLayout.addComponent(bottomCenter) self.addComponent(cssLayout)
def __init__(self): super(CssLayoutsExample, self).__init__() self.setMargin(True) # Note, that this code example may not be self explanatory without # checking out the related CSS file in the sampler theme. panel = Panel('Panel') panel.setStyleName('floatedpanel') panel.setWidth('30%') panel.setHeight('370px') panel.addComponent(Label('This panel is 30% wide ' + 'and 370px high (defined on the server side) ' + 'and floated right (with custom css). ' + 'Try resizing the browser window to see ' + 'how the black boxes (floated left) ' + 'behave. Every third of them has colored text ' + 'to demonstrate the dynamic css injection.')) bottomCenter = Label( 'I\'m a 3 inches wide footer at the bottom of the layout') bottomCenter.setSizeUndefined() # disable 100% default width bottomCenter.setStyleName('footer') cssLayout = MyCssLayout() cssLayout.setWidth('100%') cssLayout.addComponent(panel) for _ in range(15): # add black labels that float left cssLayout.addComponent(Brick()) cssLayout.addComponent(bottomCenter) self.addComponent(cssLayout)
def __init__(self): super(IconsExample, self).__init__() self.setSpacing(True) # Button w/ icon button = Button('Save') button.setIcon(ThemeResource('../sampler/icons/action_save.gif')) self.addComponent(button) # Label l = Label('Icons are very handy') l.setCaption('Comment') l.setIcon(ThemeResource('../sampler/icons/comment_yellow.gif')) self.addComponent(l) # Panel w/ links p = Panel('Handy links') p.setIcon(ThemeResource('../sampler/icons/icon_info.gif')) self.addComponent(p) lnk = Link('', ExternalResource('')) lnk.setIcon(ThemeResource('../sampler/icons/icon_world.gif')) p.addComponent(lnk) lnk = Link('', ExternalResource('')) lnk.setIcon(ThemeResource('../sampler/icons/icon_world.gif')) p.addComponent(lnk) lnk = Link('', ExternalResource('')) lnk.setIcon(ThemeResource('../sampler/icons/icon_world.gif')) p.addComponent(lnk) lnk = Link('', ExternalResource('')) lnk.setIcon(ThemeResource('../sampler/icons/icon_world.gif')) p.addComponent(lnk)
def createPanel(self, number): p = Panel('Panel %d' % number) p.getContent().setSpacing(True) # Let's create a customized shortcut that jumps to the next field p.addAction(NextFieldListener("Next field", KeyCode.ARROW_DOWN, None)) # Firstname input with an input prompt for demo clarity firstname = TextField('Firstname') firstname.setInputPrompt('ALT-SHIFT-F to focus') p.addComponent(firstname) # Using firstname.addShortcutListener() would add globally, # but we want the shortcut only in this panel: p.addAction( FocusShortcut(firstname, KeyCode.F, ModifierKey.ALT, ModifierKey.SHIFT)) # additinally we'll add a global shortcut for this field using the # shorthand notation (^1 == CTRL-1,NextFieldListener etc) firstname.addShortcutListener( FocusShortcut(firstname, 'Focus panel &_' + str(number))) p.setDescription('CTRL-' + str(number) + ' to focus') # Lastname input with an input prompt for demo clarity lastname = TextField('Lastname') lastname.setInputPrompt('ALT-SHIFT-L to focus') p.addComponent(lastname) # Using firstname.addShortcutListener() would add globally, # but we want the shortcut only in this panel: p.addAction( FocusShortcut(lastname, KeyCode.L, ModifierKey.ALT, ModifierKey.SHIFT)) # Button with a simple click-listener save = Button('Save', SaveListener(self, p)) p.addComponent(save) # setClickShortcut() would add global shortcut, instead we # 'scope' the shortcut to the panel: p.addAction( ClickShortcut(save, KeyCode.S, ModifierKey.ALT, ModifierKey.SHIFT)) return p
def createPanel(self, number): p = Panel('Panel %d' % number) p.getContent().setSpacing(True) # Let's create a customized shortcut that jumps to the next field p.addAction(NextFieldListener("Next field", KeyCode.ARROW_DOWN, None)) # Firstname input with an input prompt for demo clarity firstname = TextField('Firstname') firstname.setInputPrompt('ALT-SHIFT-F to focus') p.addComponent(firstname) # Using firstname.addShortcutListener() would add globally, # but we want the shortcut only in this panel: p.addAction(FocusShortcut(firstname, KeyCode.F, ModifierKey.ALT, ModifierKey.SHIFT)) # additinally we'll add a global shortcut for this field using the # shorthand notation (^1 == CTRL-1,NextFieldListener etc) firstname.addShortcutListener(FocusShortcut(firstname, 'Focus panel &_' + str(number))) p.setDescription('CTRL-' + str(number) + ' to focus') # Lastname input with an input prompt for demo clarity lastname = TextField('Lastname') lastname.setInputPrompt('ALT-SHIFT-L to focus') p.addComponent(lastname) # Using firstname.addShortcutListener() would add globally, # but we want the shortcut only in this panel: p.addAction(FocusShortcut(lastname, KeyCode.L, ModifierKey.ALT, ModifierKey.SHIFT)) # Button with a simple click-listener save = Button('Save', SaveListener(self, p)) p.addComponent(save) # setClickShortcut() would add global shortcut, instead we # 'scope' the shortcut to the panel: p.addAction(ClickShortcut(save, KeyCode.S, ModifierKey.ALT, ModifierKey.SHIFT)) return p
class FeatureView(HorizontalLayout): _MSG_SHOW_SRC = 'View Source' def __init__(self): super(FeatureView, self).__init__() self._right = None self._left = None self._controls = None self._title = Label("", Label.CONTENT_XHTML) self._showSrc = None self._exampleCache = dict() self._currentFeature = None self._srcWindow = None self.setWidth('100%') self.setMargin(True) self.setSpacing(True) self.setStyleName('sample-view') self._left = VerticalLayout() self._left.setWidth('100%') self._left.setSpacing(True) self._left.setMargin(False) self.addComponent(self._left) self.setExpandRatio(self._left, 1) rightLayout = VerticalLayout() self._right = Panel(rightLayout) rightLayout.setMargin(True, False, False, False) self._right.setStyleName(Reindeer.PANEL_LIGHT) self._right.addStyleName('feature-info') self._right.setWidth('319px') self.addComponent(self._right) self._controls = HorizontalLayout() self._controls.setWidth('100%') self._controls.setStyleName('feature-controls') self._title.setStyleName('title') self._controls.addComponent(self._title) self._controls.setExpandRatio(self._title, 1) resetExample = NativeButton('Reset', ResetListener(self)) resetExample.setStyleName(BaseTheme.BUTTON_LINK) resetExample.addStyleName('reset') resetExample.setDescription('Reset Sample') self._controls.addComponent(resetExample) self._showSrc = ActiveLink() self._showSrc.setDescription( 'Right / middle / ctrl / shift -click for browser window/tab') self._showSrc.addListener(ShowSrcListener(self), ILinkActivatedListener) self._showSrc.setCaption(self._MSG_SHOW_SRC) self._showSrc.addStyleName('showcode') self._showSrc.setTargetBorder(Link.TARGET_BORDER_NONE) self._controls.addComponent(self._showSrc) def showSource(self, source): if self._srcWindow is None: self._srcWindow = Window('Python source') self._srcWindow.getContent().setSizeUndefined() self._srcWindow.setWidth('70%') self._srcWindow.setHeight('60%') self._srcWindow.setPositionX(100) self._srcWindow.setPositionY(100) self._srcWindow.removeAllComponents() self._srcWindow.addComponent(CodeLabel(source)) if self._srcWindow.getParent() is None: self.getWindow().addWindow(self._srcWindow) def resetExample(self): if self._currentFeature is not None: w = self.getWindow() w.removeSubwindows() f = self._currentFeature self._currentFeature = None if f in self._exampleCache: del self._exampleCache[f] self.setFeature(f) def setFeature(self, feature): from muntjac.demo.sampler.SamplerApplication import SamplerApplication if feature != self._currentFeature: self._currentFeature = feature self._right.removeAllComponents() self._left.removeAllComponents() self._left.addComponent(self._controls) self._title.setValue('<span>' + feature.getName() + '</span>') # if feature.getSinceVersion().isNew(): # self._title.addStyleName('new') # else: # self._title.removeStyleName('new') self._left.addComponent(self.getExampleFor(feature)) self._right.setCaption('Description and Resources') # Do not show parent description if it's directly inside the root alll = SamplerApplication.getAllFeatures() parent = alll.getParent(feature) isRoot = alll.getParent(parent) is None desc = parent.getDescription() hasParentDesc = False if parent is not None and not isRoot: parentLabel = Label(parent.getDescription()) if desc is not None and desc != '': parentLabel.setContentMode(Label.CONTENT_XHTML) self._right.addComponent(parentLabel) hasParentDesc = True desc = feature.getDescription() if desc is not None and desc != '': # Sample description uses additional decorations if a parent # description is found l = Label( ("<div class=\"outer-deco\"><div class=\"deco\">" "<span class=\"deco\"></span>") + desc + "</div></div>", Label.CONTENT_XHTML) self._right.addComponent(l) if hasParentDesc: l.setStyleName('sample-description') else: l.setStyleName('description') # open src in new window -link self._showSrc.setTargetName(self._currentFeature.getFragmentName()) er = ExternalResource(self.getApplication().getURL() + 'src/' + self._currentFeature.getFragmentName()) self._showSrc.setResource(er) resources = feature.getRelatedResources() if resources is not None: res = VerticalLayout() self.caption = Label("<span>Additional Resources</span>", Label.CONTENT_XHTML) self.caption.setStyleName('section') self.caption.setWidth('100%') res.addComponent(self.caption) res.setMargin(False, False, True, False) for r in resources: l = Link(r.getName(), r) l.setIcon(ThemeResource('../runo/icons/16/note.png')) res.addComponent(l) self._right.addComponent(res) apis = feature.getRelatedAPI() if apis is not None: api = VerticalLayout() self.caption = Label("<span>API Documentation</span>", Label.CONTENT_XHTML) self.caption.setStyleName('section') self.caption.setWidth('100%') api.addComponent(self.caption) api.setMargin(False, False, True, False) for r in apis: l = Link(r.getName(), r) ic = ThemeResource('../runo/icons/16/document-txt.png') l.setIcon(ic) api.addComponent(l) self._right.addComponent(api) features = feature.getRelatedFeatures() if features is not None: rel = VerticalLayout() self.caption = Label("<span>Related Samples</span>", Label.CONTENT_XHTML) self.caption.setStyleName('section') self.caption.setWidth('100%') rel.addComponent(self.caption) rel.setMargin(False, False, True, False) for c in features: f = SamplerApplication.getFeatureFor(c) if f is not None: er = ExternalResource(self.getApplication().getURL() + '#' + f.getFragmentName()) al = ActiveLink(f.getName(), er) if isinstance(f, FeatureSet): ic = ThemeResource('../sampler/icons/category.gif') else: ic = ThemeResource('../sampler/icons/sample.png') al.setIcon(ic) al.addListener(LinkListener(self, f), ILinkActivatedListener) rel.addComponent(al) self._right.addComponent(rel) def getExampleFor(self, f): ex = self._exampleCache.get(f) if ex is None: ex = f.getExample() self._exampleCache[f] = ex return ex
class FeatureView(HorizontalLayout): _MSG_SHOW_SRC = 'View Source' def __init__(self): super(FeatureView, self).__init__() self._right = None self._left = None self._controls = None self._title = Label("", Label.CONTENT_XHTML) self._showSrc = None self._exampleCache = dict() self._currentFeature = None self._srcWindow = None self.setWidth('100%') self.setMargin(True) self.setSpacing(True) self.setStyleName('sample-view') self._left = VerticalLayout() self._left.setWidth('100%') self._left.setSpacing(True) self._left.setMargin(False) self.addComponent(self._left) self.setExpandRatio(self._left, 1) rightLayout = VerticalLayout() self._right = Panel(rightLayout) rightLayout.setMargin(True, False, False, False) self._right.setStyleName(Reindeer.PANEL_LIGHT) self._right.addStyleName('feature-info') self._right.setWidth('319px') self.addComponent(self._right) self._controls = HorizontalLayout() self._controls.setWidth('100%') self._controls.setStyleName('feature-controls') self._title.setStyleName('title') self._controls.addComponent(self._title) self._controls.setExpandRatio(self._title, 1) resetExample = NativeButton('Reset', ResetListener(self)) resetExample.setStyleName(BaseTheme.BUTTON_LINK) resetExample.addStyleName('reset') resetExample.setDescription('Reset Sample') self._controls.addComponent(resetExample) self._showSrc = ActiveLink() self._showSrc.setDescription('Right / middle / ctrl / shift -click for browser window/tab') self._showSrc.addListener(ShowSrcListener(self), ILinkActivatedListener) self._showSrc.setCaption(self._MSG_SHOW_SRC) self._showSrc.addStyleName('showcode') self._showSrc.setTargetBorder(Link.TARGET_BORDER_NONE) self._controls.addComponent(self._showSrc) def showSource(self, source): if self._srcWindow is None: self._srcWindow = Window('Python source') self._srcWindow.getContent().setSizeUndefined() self._srcWindow.setWidth('70%') self._srcWindow.setHeight('60%') self._srcWindow.setPositionX(100) self._srcWindow.setPositionY(100) self._srcWindow.removeAllComponents() self._srcWindow.addComponent( CodeLabel(source) ) if self._srcWindow.getParent() is None: self.getWindow().addWindow(self._srcWindow) def resetExample(self): if self._currentFeature is not None: w = self.getWindow() w.removeSubwindows() f = self._currentFeature self._currentFeature = None if f in self._exampleCache: del self._exampleCache[f] self.setFeature(f) def setFeature(self, feature): from muntjac.demo.sampler.SamplerApplication import SamplerApplication if feature != self._currentFeature: self._currentFeature = feature self._right.removeAllComponents() self._left.removeAllComponents() self._left.addComponent(self._controls) self._title.setValue('<span>' + feature.getName() + '</span>') if feature.getSinceVersion().isNew(): self._title.addStyleName('new') else: self._title.removeStyleName('new') self._left.addComponent(self.getExampleFor(feature)) self._right.setCaption('Description and Resources') # Do not show parent description if it's directly inside the root alll = SamplerApplication.getAllFeatures() parent = alll.getParent(feature) isRoot = alll.getParent(parent) is None desc = parent.getDescription() hasParentDesc = False if parent is not None and not isRoot: parentLabel = Label(parent.getDescription()) if desc is not None and desc != '': parentLabel.setContentMode(Label.CONTENT_XHTML) self._right.addComponent(parentLabel) hasParentDesc = True desc = feature.getDescription() if desc is not None and desc != '': # Sample description uses additional decorations if a parent # description is found l = Label(("<div class=\"outer-deco\"><div class=\"deco\">" "<span class=\"deco\"></span>") + desc + "</div></div>", Label.CONTENT_XHTML) self._right.addComponent(l) if hasParentDesc: l.setStyleName('sample-description') else: l.setStyleName('description') # open src in new window -link self._showSrc.setTargetName(self._currentFeature.getFragmentName()) er = ExternalResource(self.getApplication().getURL() + 'src/' + self._currentFeature.getFragmentName()) self._showSrc.setResource(er) resources = feature.getRelatedResources() if resources is not None: res = VerticalLayout() self.caption = Label("<span>Additional Resources</span>", Label.CONTENT_XHTML) self.caption.setStyleName('section') self.caption.setWidth('100%') res.addComponent(self.caption) res.setMargin(False, False, True, False) for r in resources: l = Link(r.getName(), r) l.setIcon( ThemeResource('../runo/icons/16/note.png') ) res.addComponent(l) self._right.addComponent(res) apis = feature.getRelatedAPI() if apis is not None: api = VerticalLayout() self.caption = Label("<span>API Documentation</span>", Label.CONTENT_XHTML) self.caption.setStyleName('section') self.caption.setWidth('100%') api.addComponent(self.caption) api.setMargin(False, False, True, False) for r in apis: l = Link(r.getName(), r) ic = ThemeResource('../runo/icons/16/document-txt.png') l.setIcon(ic) api.addComponent(l) self._right.addComponent(api) features = feature.getRelatedFeatures() if features is not None: rel = VerticalLayout() self.caption = Label("<span>Related Samples</span>", Label.CONTENT_XHTML) self.caption.setStyleName('section') self.caption.setWidth('100%') rel.addComponent(self.caption) rel.setMargin(False, False, True, False) for c in features: f = SamplerApplication.getFeatureFor(c) if f is not None: er = ExternalResource(self.getApplication().getURL() + '#' + f.getFragmentName()) al = ActiveLink(f.getName(), er) if isinstance(f, FeatureSet): ic = ThemeResource('../sampler/icons/category.gif') else: ic = ThemeResource('../sampler/icons/sample.png') al.setIcon(ic) al.addListener(LinkListener(self, f), ILinkActivatedListener) rel.addComponent(al) self._right.addComponent(rel) def getExampleFor(self, f): ex = self._exampleCache.get(f) if ex is None: ex = f.getExample() self._exampleCache[f] = ex return ex