def test_againstLIBROSA_testToySig3Pure(self): my_val = extractor.spectralSpread(signal3, win_length=n_fft / sr, decomposition=True) lib_val = librosa.feature.spectral_bandwidth(y=signal3, n_fft=n_fft, hop_length=n_fft / 2) corr = calculateZcorr(my_val, retrieveLibrosaValue(lib_val)) assert corr >= 0.95 # assert 95% correlation b/w zscores
def spectralSpread(self, use_librosa=False, decomposition=True, hop_length=None, n_fft=None): """ Get spectral spread/bandwidth feature. :parameters: - use_librosa : boolean. Whether to use librosa or extractor feature extraction function. Default False. - decomposition : boolean. Whether to look at a time-series or an overall root mean square analysis of the piece. - win_length : float. Window length for the frames in the time series analysis. [seconds]. Default is 0.05 s. - hop_length : float. Hop length (i.e. overlap) between the frames in the time series analysis [samples]. Default is half-overlap. - n_fft : integer. The window length [samples]. For using with librosa. Default 2048 [samples]. """ if n_fft is None: n_fft = self.n_fft if hop_length is None: hop_length = int(n_fft / 2) if use_librosa: tmp = librosa.feature.spectral_bandwidth(,, n_fft=n_fft, hop_length=hop_length) self.insertFeature(tmp, 'spectralSpread', hop_length, full=False) self.insertExtractionParameters('spectralSpread', dict(hop_length=hop_length, n_fft=n_fft, librosa=use_librosa, decomposition=True)) else: tmp = extractor.spectralSpread(,, n_fft=n_fft, hop_length=hop_length, pad=self.pad, decomposition=decomposition) self.insertFeature(tmp, 'spectralSpread', hop_length, full=not decomposition) self.insertExtractionParameters('spectralSpread', dict(hop_length=hop_length, n_fft=n_fft, librosa=use_librosa, decomposition=decomposition, pad=self.pad)) return tmp
def test_againstMIR_test_alt(self): val = extractor.spectralSpread(test_alt, sr, decomposition=False) MIRVAL = 376.773 assert np.abs(val - MIRVAL) <= 0.15 * MIRVAL
def test_againstMIR_beethoven(self): val = extractor.spectralSpread(beet, sr, decomposition=False) MIRVAL = 1359.8841 assert np.abs(val - MIRVAL) <= 0.15 * MIRVAL