예제 #1
 def unifiedTest(self):
     C4 = Note(); C4.name = "C"
     D4 = Note(); D4.name = "D"
     E4 = Note(); E4.name = "E"
     F4 = Note(); F4.name = "F"
     G4 = Note(); G4.name = "G"
     A4 = Note(); A4.name = "A"
     B4 = Note(); B4.name = "B"
     C5 = Note(); C5.name = "C"; C5.octave = 5
     D5 = Note(); D5.name = "D"; D5.octave = 5
     a = VoiceLeadingQuartet(C4, D4, G4, A4)
     assert a.similarMotion() == True
     assert a.parallelMotion() == True
     assert a.antiParallelMotion() == False
     assert a.obliqueMotion() == False
     assert a.parallelInterval(interval.stringToInterval("P5")) == True
     assert a.parallelInterval(interval.stringToInterval("M3")) == False
     b = VoiceLeadingQuartet(C4, C4, G4, G4)
     assert b.noMotion() == True
     assert b.parallelMotion() == False
     assert b.antiParallelMotion() == False
     assert b.obliqueMotion() == False
     c = VoiceLeadingQuartet(C4, G4, C5, G4)
     assert c.antiParallelMotion() == True
     assert c.hiddenInterval(interval.stringToInterval("P5")) == False
     d = VoiceLeadingQuartet(C4, D4, E4, A4)
     assert d.hiddenInterval(Interval("P5")) == True
     assert d.hiddenInterval(Interval("A4")) == False
     assert d.hiddenInterval(Interval("AA4")) == False
예제 #2
def searchForNotes(notesStr):
    '''the notesStr is a string of notes in the following form:
    "C4 D4 E4 B3 C4"
    that's it: name, octave. With no accidentals.  If octave is 0 then
    it means do not bother checking for octaves.
    Currently octave is ignored anyhow.
    notesArr = notesStr.split()
    noteObjArr = []
    for tN in notesArr:
        tNName = tN[0]
        if tNName.lower() != "r":
            tNObj = Note()
            tNObj.name = tN[0]
            tNObj.octave = int(tN[1])
            tNObj = Rest()
    ballataObj  = cadencebook.BallataSheet()
    searcher1 = NoteSearcher(noteObjArr) 
    streamLily = ""

    for thisWork in ballataObj:
        for thisCadence in thisWork.snippets:
            if thisCadence is None:
            for i in range(len(thisCadence.parts)):
                if searcher1.compareToStream(thisCadence.parts[i].flat) is True:
                    notesList = ""
                    for thisNote in thisCadence.parts[i].flat.notesAndRests:
                        #thisNote.editorial.color = "blue"
                        if hasattr(thisNote.lily, "value"):
                            notesList += thisNote.lily.value + " "
                    streamLily += "\\score {" + \
                            "<< \\time " + str(thisCadence.timeSig) + \
                            "\n \\new Staff {" + str(thisCadence.parts[i].lily) + "} >>" + \
                            thisCadence.header() + "\n}\n"
                    print("In piece %r found in stream %d: %s" % (thisWork.title, i, notesList))
    if streamLily:
        lS = lily.lilyString.LilyString(streamLily)
예제 #3
def searchForIntervals(notesStr):
    '''notesStr is the same as above.  Now however we check to see
    if the generic intervals are the same, rather than the note names.
    Useful if the clef is missing.
    notesArr = notesStr.split()
    noteObjArr = []
    for tN in notesArr:
        tNObj = Note()
        tNObj.name = tN[0]
        tNObj.octave = int(tN[1])
    interObjArr = []
    for i in range(len(noteObjArr) - 1):
        int1 = interval.notesToInterval(noteObjArr[i], noteObjArr[i+1])
    #print interObjArr

    searcher1 = IntervalSearcher(interObjArr) 
    ballataObj  = cadencebook.BallataSheet()
    streamLily = ""

    for thisWork in ballataObj:
        for thisCadence in thisWork.snippets:
            if (thisCadence is None):
            for i in range(len(thisCadence.parts)):
                if searcher1.compareToStream(thisCadence.parts[i].flat) is True:
                    notesList = ""
                    for thisNote in thisCadence.parts[i].flat.notes:
                        notesList += thisNote.name + " "
                        #thisNote.editorial.color = "blue"
                    streamLily += "\\score {" + \
                            "<< \\time " + str(thisCadence.timeSig) + \
                            "\n \\new Staff {" + str(thisCadence.parts[i].lily) + "} >>" + \
                            str(thisCadence.header()) + "\n}\n"
                    print("In piece %r found in stream %d: %s" % (thisWork.title, i, notesList))

    if streamLily:
예제 #4
 def testGenerateFirstSpecies(self):
     A First Species Counterpoint Generator by Jackie Rogoff (MIT 2010) written as part of 
     an UROP (Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program) project at M.I.T. 2007.
     n101 = Note()
     n101.duration.type = "quarter"
     n101.name = "A"
     aMinor = scale.ConcreteMinorScale(n101)
     n101b = Note()
     n101b.duration.type = "quarter"
     n101b.name = "D"
     dMinor = scale.ConcreteMinorScale(n101b)
     counterpoint1 = ModalCounterpoint()
     (n110, n111, n112, n113) = (Note(), Note(), Note(), Note())
     (n114, n115, n116, n117, n118) = (Note(), Note(), Note(), Note(), Note())
     (n119, n120, n121, n122, n123) = (Note(), Note(), Note(), Note(), Note())
     (n124, n125, n126, n127, n128) = (Note(), Note(), Note(), Note(), Note())
     n110.duration.type = "quarter"
     n111.duration.type = "quarter"
     n112.duration.type = "quarter"
     n113.duration.type = "quarter"
     n114.duration.type = "quarter"
     n115.duration.type = "quarter"
     n116.duration.type = "quarter"
     n117.duration.type = "quarter"
     n118.duration.type = "quarter"
     n110.name = "A"
     n110.octave = 3
     n111.name = "C"
     n111.octave = 4
     n112.name = "B"
     n112.octave = 3
     n113.name = "C"
     n113.octave = 4
     n114.name = "D"
     n115.name = "E"
     n116.name = "C"
     n116.octave = 4
     n117.name = "B"
     n117.octave = 3
     n118.name = "A"
     n118.octave = 3
     n119.name = "F"
     n120.name = "E"
     n121.name = "D"
     n122.name = "G"
     n123.name = "F"
     n124.name = "A"
     n125.name = "G"
     n126.name = "F"
     n127.name = "E"
     n128.name = "D"
     cantusFirmus1 = Stream([n110, n111, n112, n113, n114, n115, n116, n117, n118])
     cantusFirmus2 = Stream([n110, n115, n114, n119, n120, n113, n121, n116, n117, n118])
     cantusFirmus3 = Stream([n114, n119, n115, n121, n122, n123, n124, n125, n126, n127, n128])
     choices = [cantusFirmus1, cantusFirmus2, cantusFirmus3, cantusFirmus3, cantusFirmus3, cantusFirmus3]
     cantusFirmus = random.choice(choices)
     thisScale = aMinor
     if cantusFirmus is cantusFirmus3:
         thisScale = dMinor
     goodHarmony = False
     goodMelody = False
     while (goodHarmony == False or goodMelody == False):
             hopeThisWorks = counterpoint1.generateFirstSpecies(cantusFirmus, thisScale)
             print [note1.name + str(note1.octave) for note1 in hopeThisWorks.notes]
             hopeThisWorks2 = counterpoint1.raiseLeadingTone(hopeThisWorks, thisScale)
             print [note1.name + str(note1.octave) for note1 in hopeThisWorks2.notes]