예제 #1
def templatize(src, origin=None):
    # Get all the paths that we know about
    paths = [os.path.abspath(path) for name, path in find('(.*)')]

    # Hijack the process if the file we're talking about is in one of the
    # finder paths.
    if origin and os.path.abspath(origin) in paths:
        with open(origin) as template_file:

            # Load the template content.
            content = template_file.read()

            # Find all the translatable strings.
            processor = I18nPreprocessor()
            pattern = re.compile(processor.trans_re, flags=re.DOTALL)
            strings = set(re.findall(pattern, content))

            def escape(s):
                s = s.replace('\\', '\\\\')
                s = s.replace('"', r'\"')
                return s

            # Build a string that looks like a Python file that's ready to be
            # translated.
            translatable = '\n'.join(['_("""{0}""")'.format(escape(string))
                                      for string in strings])

            return translatable

    # If the file isn't in one of our paths, then delegate to the original
    # method.
        return base_templatize(src, origin)
예제 #2
def templatize(src, origin=None):
    # Get all the paths that we know about
    paths = [os.path.abspath(path) for name, path in find('(.*)')]

    # Hijack the process if the file we're talking about is in one of the
    # finder paths.
    if origin and os.path.abspath(origin) in paths:
        with open(origin) as template_file:

            # Load the template content.
            content = template_file.read()

            # Find all the translatable strings.
            processor = I18nPreprocessor()
            pattern = re.compile(processor.trans_re, flags=re.DOTALL)
            strings = set(re.findall(pattern, content))

            def escape(s):
                s = s.replace('\\', '\\\\')
                s = s.replace('"', r'\"')
                return s

            # Build a string that looks like a Python file that's ready to be
            # translated.
            translatable = '\n'.join(
                ['_("""{0}""")'.format(escape(string)) for string in strings])

            return translatable

    # If the file isn't in one of our paths, then delegate to the original
    # method.
        return base_templatize(src, origin)
예제 #3
def _load_template(template_name):
    from mustachejs.loading import find
    with open(find(template_name), 'r') as f:
        return f.read()