예제 #1
파일: cmd.py 프로젝트: neilramaswamy/chords
def chord_quiz() -> None:
    note = choice(notes)
    chord_key, chord_name = choice(list(Chord.names.items()))

    inp = input(f"Enter space-separated notes for {note} {chord_name}: ")

    target_chord = Chord(Note(note), chord_key)

    # TODO: More-intelligent parsing to account for upper-case characters.
    submission = inp.split(' ')
    is_correct = are_chords_equal(target_chord, submission)

    print("You were right!") if is_correct else print("You were wrong.")
예제 #2
파일: cmd.py 프로젝트: neilramaswamy/chords
def scale_quiz() -> None:
    note = choice(notes)
    scale = sample(Scale.greek_modes_set, 1)[0]

    inp = input(f"Enter space-separateed notess for {note} {scale}: ")

    correct_scale = Scale(Note(note), scale)
    correct_notes = [str(correct_scale[i]) for i in range(len(correct_scale))]

    # TODO: Better answer-checking algorithm
    if inp.split(' ') == correct_notes:
        print("You got the correct scale!")
        print("You got it wrong!")
예제 #3
def are_chords_equal(c1: Chord, notes: List[str]) -> bool:
    Returns whether two chords have the same notes in the same order, not 
    considering octave.
    chord_notes = c1.notes

    if not len(chord_notes) is len(notes):
        return False

    for i in range(len(chord_notes)):
        if not are_notes_equal(chord_notes[i], Note(notes[i])):
            return False

    return True
예제 #4
from musthe import Note, Chord
from typing import List

def are_notes_equal(n1: Note, n2: Note) -> bool:
    Returns whether `n1` and `n2` are the same note, disregarding octave or enharmonic equivalence.
    Checks note name and accidental value to determine this equality.
    letters_equal = n1.letter == n2.letter
    accidentals_equal = n1.accidental == n2.accidental

    return letters_equal and accidentals_equal

assert (are_notes_equal(Note("A4"), Note("A4")))
assert (are_notes_equal(Note("E#3"), Note("E#5")))
assert (not are_notes_equal(Note("B#"), Note("C")))

def are_chords_equal(c1: Chord, notes: List[str]) -> bool:
    Returns whether two chords have the same notes in the same order, not 
    considering octave.
    chord_notes = c1.notes

    if not len(chord_notes) is len(notes):
        return False

    for i in range(len(chord_notes)):
예제 #5
# player.play_note("A", 0.2)

# To play a G flat on octave n°3 for 2.5 seconds
# player.play_note("G3b", 2.5)

# To play a F sharp on octave n°5 for the default duration of 0.5 seconds
# player.play_note("F5#")

# To pause the player for 3.5 seconds
# player.play_note("pause", 3.5)

play_with_musicalBeeps = False
play_with_rtmidi = True

note_len_s = 0.2
root_Note = Note("A4")
s = Scale(root_Note, 'major')

# Iterating Scales  (Original Mode)
original_mode_bool = False
if original_mode_bool:
    for scale_ in s.scales.keys():
        cs = Scale(root_Note, scale_)
        scale_short = []
        scale_full = []
        frecuency_ = []

        for n in cs.notes:
예제 #6
from musthe import Note, Interval, scale

NOTES = ['C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'A', 'B']
ALTERATIONS = ['', 'b', '#']
WTF_NOTES = ['B#', 'E#', 'Fb', 'Cb']

SCALES = ['melodic_minor', 'major', 'harmonic_minor', 'mixolydian', 'dorian', 'lydian', 'major_pentatonic', 'phrygian', 'natural_minor', 'minor_pentatonic', 'locrian']

for n in NOTES:
	for alt in ALTERATIONS:
		note = Note(n+alt)
		if str(note) in WTF_NOTES:
		for s in SCALES:
			scale_name = s.replace('_', ' ')
			front = 'The %s scale of %s is...' % (scale_name, str(note))
			back = ' '.join(map(str, scale(note, s)))

			print '\t'.join([front, back])
예제 #7
from musthe import Interval
from musthe import Note
from musthe import Scale

# Notes Define
A4 = Note("A4")
Eb = Note("Eb")
C0 = Note("C0") # number =  0
B0 = Note("B0") # number = 11
C1 = Note('C1') # number = 12

# Intervals Define
P1_int = Interval('P1') # 0 semitones
P5_int = Interval('P5') # 7 semitones
m2_int = Interval('m2') # 2 semitones

# Tests 1. Add Interval to a Note
test_1 = C0 + P1_int

# Test 2. Check Octave Value is incremented when a 
# number surpass current octave
test_2 = B0 + P5_int

# Test 3. Print Scales Notes
예제 #8
    if opp == '>':
        case1 = (a.letter.idx > b.letter.idx) and (a.octave == b.octave)
        case2 = a.octave > b.octave
        return case1 or case2
    elif opp == '<':
        case1 = (a.letter.idx < b.letter.idx) and (a.octave == b.octave)
        case2 = a.octave < b.octave
        return case1 or case2

possible_keys = ['A', 'C', 'D', 'F', 'G', 'Bb', 'Eb']
possible_tonalities = [
    'major', 'natural_minor', 'harmonic_minor', 'major_pentatonic'

key = Note(random.choice(possible_keys))
tonality = random.choice(possible_tonalities)

tune_chars = list(itertools.product(possible_keys, possible_tonalities))

melodies = []
good_melodies = []

for k, t in tune_chars:
    k_note = Note(k + '3')
    possible_notes = [*Scale(k_note, t)][:14]
    for melody in list(itertools.permutations(possible_notes, 4)):
        melodies.append((melody, k, t))

lowest = Note('F4')
highest = Note('A#5')
예제 #9
def transpose_chord_info(chord_info, pitch, number_of_bars=None):
    Transpose a chord_info string to lilypond chord info

    chord_info: d2:m7 g:7 c1:maj7, with pitch: d => e2:m7 a:7 d1:maj7
    chord_info: C7, pitch: d, number_of_bars: 2 => d1:7 d1:7

    Note: when using C7 notation (from the riff.chord property) -> number of bars is mandatory

    return: new lilypond chord string

    # *****************************************************************************************************************
    # Todo: expose via REST API -> so the client can use it to calculate the correct lilypond chord info values upon
    #  changing the pitch of an exercise item
    # *****************************************************************************************************************

    notes = {
        "c": "P1",
        "cis": "A1",
        "d": "M2",
        "ees": "m3",
        "e": "M3",
        "f": "P4",
        "fis": "A4",
        "g": "P5",
        "gis": "A5",
        "aes": "m6",
        "a": "M6",
        "bes": "m7",
        "b": "M7",
    to_lilypond = {
        "c": "c",
        "cb": "b",
        "db": "des",
        "d": "d",
        "eb": "ees",
        "e": "e",
        "a": "a",
        "ab": "aes",
        "b": "b",
        "bb": "bes",
        "c#": "cis",
        "c##": "d",
        "d#": "dis",
        "e#": "f",
        "fb": "e",
        "f": "f",
        "f#": "fis",
        "f##": "g",
        "g": "g",
        "gb": "fis",
        "g#": "gis",
        "g##": "a",
        "a#": "ais",
        "b#": "c",
    lilypond_mood = {"M": "maj", "m": "m"}

    if chord_info and len(chord_info) and chord_info[0].isupper():
        if len(chord_info) > 1 and (chord_info[1] == "#"
                                    or chord_info[1] == "b"):
            root_key = str(Note(chord_info[0:2]) +
            o = 1
            root_key = str(Note(chord_info[0]) +
            o = 0
        if root_key in to_lilypond.keys():
            root_key = to_lilypond[root_key]
        # Done with root key : continue with rest of chord
        digit = ""
        separator = ":"
        if len(chord_info) == 1:
            chord_mood = ""
            separator = ""
        elif chord_info[1 + o].isdigit():  # Handle C7, C#7, Bb7
            chord_mood = ""
            digit = chord_info[1 + o]
        elif len(chord_info) == 2 + o:  # Handle Cm, C#m, Bbm, CM, C#M
            chord_mood = (lilypond_mood[chord_info[1 + o]] if chord_info[1 + o]
                          in lilypond_mood.keys() else chord_info[1 + o])
        elif len(chord_info) == 3 + o:  # Handle Cm7, C#m7, CM7, BbM9, Cm9, CM6
            chord_mood = (lilypond_mood[chord_info[1 + o]] if chord_info[1 + o]
                          in lilypond_mood.keys() else chord_info[1 + o])
            digit = chord_info[2 + o]
        elif len(chord_info) == 4 + o:  # Handle Cmaj
            chord_mood = chord_info[1 + o:4 + o]
        elif len(chord_info) == 5 + o:  # Handle Cmaj7
            chord_mood = chord_info[1 + o:4 + o]
            digit = chord_info[4 + o]
            logger.info("Couldn't parse chord info", chord_info=chord_info)
            raise ValueError
        logger.info("Using chord from riff",
        if not number_of_bars or number_of_bars == 1:
            return f"{root_key}1{separator}{chord_mood}{digit}"
        result = []
        for i in range(0, number_of_bars):
        return " ".join(result)
    elif chord_info:
        chords = chord_info.split(" ")
        logger.info("Using chord-info in lilypond format",
        result = []
        for chord in chords:
            if ":" in chord:
                root_key, chord_mood = chord.split(":")
                # 3 case: c1, cis2, c and cis
                duration = ""
                numbers = re.findall(r'\d+', root_key)
                if len(numbers):
                    # print(numbers)
                    duration = numbers[0]
                    # print(f"Duration: {duration}")
                root_key = root_key.replace("1", "").replace("2",
                if root_key.endswith("is"):
                    root_key = root_key[0] + "#"
                if root_key.endswith("es"):
                    root_key = root_key[0] + "b"

                new_root_key = str(Note(root_key) +
                # print(new_root_key)
                if new_root_key in to_lilypond.keys():
                    new_root_key = to_lilypond[new_root_key]
                    # simplify some chords
                    if new_root_key == "dis":
                        new_root_key = "ees"
                    if new_root_key == "gis":
                        new_root_key = "aes"
                    if new_root_key == "ais":
                        new_root_key = "bes"
                    if new_root_key == "des":
                        new_root_key = "cis"
                    new_root_key = f"{new_root_key}{duration}"
                    print(f"Error with {new_root_key}")
                    1 / 0
            else:  # handle lilypond chords without mode like "c1"
                root_key = chord
                duration = ""
                numbers = re.findall(r'\d+', root_key)
                if len(numbers):
                    # print(numbers)
                    duration = numbers[0]
                    # print(f"Duration: {duration}")
                root_key = root_key.replace("1", "").replace("2",
                if root_key.endswith("is"):
                    root_key = root_key[0] + "#"
                if root_key.endswith("es"):
                    root_key = root_key[0] + "b"

                new_root_key = str(Note(root_key) +
                # print(new_root_key)
                if new_root_key in to_lilypond.keys():
                    new_root_key = to_lilypond[new_root_key]
                    # simplify some chords
                    if new_root_key == "dis":
                        new_root_key = "ees"
                    if new_root_key == "gis":
                        new_root_key = "aes"
                    if new_root_key == "ais":
                        new_root_key = "bes"
                    if new_root_key == "des":
                        new_root_key = "cis"
                    new_root_key = f"{new_root_key}{duration}"
                    print(f"Error with {new_root_key}")
                    1 / 0
            # else:
            #     logger.error("Expected ':' in chord", chord=chord, complete_chord_info=chord_info)
            #     result.append(f"Error in:{chord}")
        return " ".join(result)