class SYLT(Frame): """Synchronised lyrics/text.""" _framespec = [ EncodingSpec('encoding'), StringSpec('lang', 3), ByteSpec('format'), ByteSpec('type'), EncodedTextSpec('desc'), SynchronizedTextSpec('text'), ] @property def HashKey(self): return '%s:%s:%r' % (self.FrameID, self.desc, self.lang) def __eq__(self, other): return str(self) == other __hash__ = Frame.__hash__ def __str__(self): return u"".join(text for (text, time) in self.text) def __bytes__(self): return text_type(self).encode("utf-8")
class RBUF(FrameOpt): """Recommended buffer size. Attributes: * size -- recommended buffer size in bytes * info -- if ID3 tags may be elsewhere in the file (optional) * offset -- the location of the next ID3 tag, if any MutagenX will not find the next tag itself. """ _framespec = [SizedIntegerSpec('size', 3)] _optionalspec = [ ByteSpec('info'), SizedIntegerSpec('offset', 4), ] def __eq__(self, other): return self.size == other __hash__ = FrameOpt.__hash__ def __pos__(self): return self.size
class GRID(FrameOpt): """Group identification registration.""" _framespec = [ Latin1TextSpec('owner'), ByteSpec('group'), ] _optionalspec = [BinaryDataSpec('data')] @property def HashKey(self): return '%s:%s' % (self.FrameID, def __pos__(self): return def __bytes__(self): return self.owner.encode('utf-8') def __str__(self): return self.owner def __eq__(self, other): return self.owner == other or == other __hash__ = FrameOpt.__hash__
class COMR(FrameOpt): """Commercial frame.""" _framespec = [ EncodingSpec('encoding'), Latin1TextSpec('price'), StringSpec('valid_until', 8), Latin1TextSpec('contact'), ByteSpec('format'), EncodedTextSpec('seller'), EncodedTextSpec('desc'), ] _optionalspec = [ Latin1TextSpec('mime'), BinaryDataSpec('logo'), ] @property def HashKey(self): return '%s:%s' % (self.FrameID, self._writeData()) def __eq__(self, other): return self._writeData() == other._writeData() __hash__ = FrameOpt.__hash__
class POPM(FrameOpt): """Popularimeter. This frame keys a rating (out of 255) and a play count to an email address. Attributes: * email -- email this POPM frame is for * rating -- rating from 0 to 255 * count -- number of times the files has been played (optional) """ _framespec = [ Latin1TextSpec('email'), ByteSpec('rating'), ] _optionalspec = [IntegerSpec('count')] @property def HashKey(self): return '%s:%s' % (self.FrameID, def __eq__(self, other): return self.rating == other __hash__ = FrameOpt.__hash__ def __pos__(self): return self.rating def _pprint(self): return "%s=%r %r/255" % (, getattr(self, 'count', None), self.rating)
class APIC(Frame): """Attached (or linked) Picture. Attributes: * encoding -- text encoding for the description * mime -- a MIME type (e.g. image/jpeg) or '-->' if the data is a URI * type -- the source of the image (3 is the album front cover) * desc -- a text description of the image * data -- raw image data, as a byte string MutagenX will automatically compress large images when saving tags. """ _framespec = [ EncodingSpec('encoding'), Latin1TextSpec('mime'), ByteSpec('type'), EncodedTextSpec('desc'), BinaryDataSpec('data'), ] def __eq__(self, other): return == other __hash__ = Frame.__hash__ @property def HashKey(self): return '%s:%s' % (self.FrameID, self.desc) def _pprint(self): return "%s (%s, %d bytes)" % (self.desc, self.mime, len(
class MLLT(Frame): """MPEG location lookup table. This frame's attributes may be changed in the future based on feedback from real-world use. """ _framespec = [ SizedIntegerSpec('frames', 2), SizedIntegerSpec('bytes', 3), SizedIntegerSpec('milliseconds', 3), ByteSpec('bits_for_bytes'), ByteSpec('bits_for_milliseconds'), BinaryDataSpec('data'), ] def __eq__(self, other): return == other __hash__ = Frame.__hash__
class ETCO(Frame): """Event timing codes.""" _framespec = [ ByteSpec("format"), KeyEventSpec("events"), ] def __eq__(self, other): return == other __hash__ = Frame.__hash__
class PIC(APIC): """Attached Picture. The 'mime' attribute of an ID3v2.2 attached picture must be either 'PNG' or 'JPG'. """ _framespec = [ EncodingSpec('encoding'), StringSpec('mime', 3), ByteSpec('type'), EncodedTextSpec('desc'), BinaryDataSpec('data') ]
class SYTC(Frame): """Synchronised tempo codes. This frame's attributes may be changed in the future based on feedback from real-world use. """ _framespec = [ ByteSpec("format"), BinaryDataSpec("data"), ] def __eq__(self, other): return == other __hash__ = Frame.__hash__
class ASPI(Frame): """Audio seek point index. Attributes: S, L, N, b, and Fi. For the meaning of these, see the ID3v2.4 specification. Fi is a list of integers. """ _framespec = [ SizedIntegerSpec("S", 4), SizedIntegerSpec("L", 4), SizedIntegerSpec("N", 2), ByteSpec("b"), ASPIIndexSpec("Fi"), ] def __eq__(self, other): return self.Fi == other __hash__ = Frame.__hash__
class RVRB(Frame): """Reverb.""" _framespec = [ SizedIntegerSpec('left', 2), SizedIntegerSpec('right', 2), ByteSpec('bounce_left'), ByteSpec('bounce_right'), ByteSpec('feedback_ltl'), ByteSpec('feedback_ltr'), ByteSpec('feedback_rtr'), ByteSpec('feedback_rtl'), ByteSpec('premix_ltr'), ByteSpec('premix_rtl'), ] def __eq__(self, other): return (self.left, self.right) == other __hash__ = Frame.__hash__
class SIGN(Frame): """Signature frame.""" _framespec = [ ByteSpec('group'), BinaryDataSpec('sig'), ] @property def HashKey(self): return '%s:%c:%s' % (self.FrameID,, self.sig) def __bytes__(self): return self.sig def __eq__(self, other): return self.sig == other __hash__ = Frame.__hash__
class POSS(Frame): """Position synchronisation frame Attribute: * format -- format of the position attribute (frames or milliseconds) * position -- current position of the file """ _framespec = [ ByteSpec('format'), IntegerSpec('position'), ] def __pos__(self): return self.position def __eq__(self, other): return self.position == other __hash__ = Frame.__hash__
class EQU2(Frame): """Equalisation (2). Attributes: method -- interpolation method (0 = band, 1 = linear) desc -- identifying description adjustments -- list of (frequency, vol_adjustment) pairs """ _framespec = [ ByteSpec("method"), Latin1TextSpec("desc"), VolumeAdjustmentsSpec("adjustments"), ] def __eq__(self, other): return self.adjustments == other __hash__ = Frame.__hash__ @property def HashKey(self): return '%s:%s' % (self.FrameID, self.desc)
class ENCR(Frame): """Encryption method registration. The standard does not allow multiple ENCR frames with the same owner or the same method. MutagenX only verifies that the owner is unique. """ _framespec = [ Latin1TextSpec('owner'), ByteSpec('method'), BinaryDataSpec('data'), ] @property def HashKey(self): return "%s:%s" % (self.FrameID, self.owner) def __bytes__(self): return def __eq__(self, other): return == other __hash__ = Frame.__hash__