def main(command, argument, paths_to_mutate, backup, runner, tests_dir, s, use_coverage, dict_synonyms, cache_only, version, suspicious_policy, untested_policy): """ commands:\n run [mutation id]\n Runs mutmut. You probably want to start with just trying this. If you supply a mutation ID mutmut will check just this mutant.\n results\n Print the results.\n apply [mutation id]\n Apply a mutation on disk.\n show [mutation id]\n Show a mutation diff.\n """ if version: print("mutmut version %s" % __version__) return valid_commands = ['run', 'results', 'apply', 'show', 'junitxml'] if command not in valid_commands: print('%s is not a valid command, must be one of %s' % (command, ', '.join(valid_commands))) return if command == 'results' and argument: print('The %s command takes no arguments' % command) return dict_synonyms = [x.strip() for x in dict_synonyms.split(',')] if command in ('show', 'diff'): if not argument: print_result_cache() return print(get_unified_diff(argument, dict_synonyms)) return if use_coverage and not exists('.coverage'): print('No .coverage file found. You must generate a coverage file to use this feature.') return if command == 'results': print_result_cache() return if command == 'junitxml': print_result_cache_junitxml(dict_synonyms, suspicious_policy, untested_policy) return if command == 'apply': do_apply(argument, dict_synonyms, backup) return paths_to_mutate = get_or_guess_paths_to_mutate(paths_to_mutate) if not isinstance(paths_to_mutate, (list, tuple)): paths_to_mutate = [x.strip() for x in paths_to_mutate.split(',')] if not paths_to_mutate: raise ErrorMessage('You must specify a list of paths to mutate. Either as a command line argument, or by setting paths_to_mutate under the section [mutmut] in setup.cfg') tests_dirs = [] for p in tests_dir.split(':'): tests_dirs.extend(glob(p, recursive=True)) for p in paths_to_mutate: for pt in tests_dir.split(':'): tests_dirs.extend(glob(p + '/**/' + pt, recursive=True)) del tests_dir os.environ['PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE'] = '1' # stop python from creating .pyc files using_testmon = '--testmon' in runner print(""" - Mutation testing starting - These are the steps: 1. A full test suite run will be made to make sure we can run the tests successfully and we know how long it takes (to detect infinite loops for example) 2. Mutants will be generated and checked Mutants are written to the cache in the .mutmut-cache directory. Print found mutants with `mutmut results`. Legend for output: 🎉 Killed mutants. The goal is for everything to end up in this bucket. ⏰ Timeout. Test suite took 10 times as long as the baseline so were killed. 🤔 Suspicious. Tests took a long time, but not long enough to be fatal. 🙁 Survived. This means your tests needs to be expanded. """) try: baseline_time_elapsed = time_test_suite(swallow_output=not s, test_command=runner, using_testmon=using_testmon) if using_testmon: copy('.testmondata', '.testmondata-initial') if not use_coverage: def _exclude(context): return False else: covered_lines_by_filename = {} coverage_data = read_coverage_data(use_coverage) def _exclude(context): try: covered_lines = covered_lines_by_filename[context.filename] except KeyError: covered_lines = coverage_data.lines(os.path.abspath(context.filename)) covered_lines_by_filename[context.filename] = covered_lines if covered_lines is None: return True current_line = context.current_line_index + 1 if current_line not in covered_lines: return True return False assert command == 'run' mutations_by_file = {} if argument is None: for path in paths_to_mutate: for filename in python_source_files(path, tests_dirs): update_line_numbers(filename) add_mutations_by_file(mutations_by_file, filename, _exclude, dict_synonyms) else: filename, mutation_id = filename_and_mutation_id_from_pk(int(argument)) mutations_by_file[filename] = [mutation_id] total = sum(len(mutations) for mutations in mutations_by_file.values()) print() print('2. Checking mutants') config = Config( swallow_output=not s, test_command=runner, exclude_callback=_exclude, baseline_time_elapsed=baseline_time_elapsed, backup=backup, dict_synonyms=dict_synonyms, total=total, using_testmon=using_testmon, cache_only=cache_only, tests_dirs=tests_dirs, hash_of_tests=hash_of_tests(tests_dirs), ) run_mutation_tests(config=config, mutations_by_file=mutations_by_file) print() except ErrorMessage as e: print('\nERROR %s' % e)
def main(command, argument, argument2, paths_to_mutate, backup, runner, tests_dir, test_time_multiplier, test_time_base, swallow_output, use_coverage, dict_synonyms, cache_only, version, suspicious_policy, untested_policy, pre_mutation, post_mutation, use_patch_file, paths_to_exclude): """return exit code, after performing an mutation test run. :return: the exit code from executing the mutation tests :rtype: int """ if version: print("mutmut version {}".format(__version__)) return 0 if use_coverage and use_patch_file: raise click.BadArgumentUsage( "You can't combine --use-coverage and --use-patch") valid_commands = [ 'run', 'results', 'apply', 'show', 'junitxml', 'html', 'update-cache' ] if command not in valid_commands: raise click.BadArgumentUsage( '{} is not a valid command, must be one of {}'.format( command, ', '.join(valid_commands))) if command == 'results' and argument: raise click.BadArgumentUsage( 'The {} command takes no arguments'.format(command)) dict_synonyms = [x.strip() for x in dict_synonyms.split(',')] if command in ('show', 'diff'): if not argument: print_result_cache() return 0 if argument == 'all': print_result_cache(show_diffs=True, dict_synonyms=dict_synonyms, print_only_filename=argument2) return 0 if os.path.isfile(argument): print_result_cache(show_diffs=True, only_this_file=argument) return 0 print(get_unified_diff(argument, dict_synonyms)) return 0 if use_coverage and not exists('.coverage'): raise FileNotFoundError( 'No .coverage file found. You must generate a coverage file to use this feature.' ) if command == 'results': print_result_cache() return 0 if command == 'junitxml': print_result_cache_junitxml(dict_synonyms, suspicious_policy, untested_policy) return 0 if command == 'html': create_html_report(dict_synonyms) return 0 if command == 'apply': do_apply(argument, dict_synonyms, backup) return 0 if paths_to_mutate is None: paths_to_mutate = guess_paths_to_mutate() if not isinstance(paths_to_mutate, (list, tuple)): paths_to_mutate = [x.strip() for x in paths_to_mutate.split(',')] if not paths_to_mutate: raise click.BadOptionUsage( '--paths-to-mutate', 'You must specify a list of paths to mutate. Either as a command line argument, or by setting paths_to_mutate under the section [mutmut] in setup.cfg' ) tests_dirs = [] for p in tests_dir.split(':'): tests_dirs.extend(glob(p, recursive=True)) for p in paths_to_mutate: for pt in tests_dir.split(':'): tests_dirs.extend(glob(p + '/**/' + pt, recursive=True)) del tests_dir current_hash_of_tests = hash_of_tests(tests_dirs) os.environ[ 'PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE'] = '1' # stop python from creating .pyc files using_testmon = '--testmon' in runner print(""" - Mutation testing starting - These are the steps: 1. A full test suite run will be made to make sure we can run the tests successfully and we know how long it takes (to detect infinite loops for example) 2. Mutants will be generated and checked Results are stored in .mutmut-cache. Print found mutants with `mutmut results`. Legend for output: 🎉 Killed mutants. The goal is for everything to end up in this bucket. ⏰ Timeout. Test suite took 10 times as long as the baseline so were killed. 🤔 Suspicious. Tests took a long time, but not long enough to be fatal. 🙁 Survived. This means your tests needs to be expanded. 🔇 Skipped. Skipped. """) baseline_time_elapsed = time_test_suite( swallow_output=not swallow_output, test_command=runner, using_testmon=using_testmon, current_hash_of_tests=current_hash_of_tests, ) if hasattr(mutmut_config, 'init'): mutmut_config.init() if using_testmon: copy('.testmondata', '.testmondata-initial') # if we're running in a mode with externally whitelisted lines covered_lines_by_filename = None coverage_data = None if use_coverage or use_patch_file: covered_lines_by_filename = {} if use_coverage: coverage_data = read_coverage_data() check_coverage_data_filepaths(coverage_data) else: assert use_patch_file covered_lines_by_filename = read_patch_data(use_patch_file) if command != 'run' and command != 'update-cache': raise click.BadArgumentUsage("Invalid command {}".format(command)) mutations_by_file = {} paths_to_exclude = paths_to_exclude or '' if paths_to_exclude: paths_to_exclude = [ path.strip() for path in paths_to_exclude.split(',') ] config = Config( total=0, # we'll fill this in later! swallow_output=not swallow_output, test_command=runner, covered_lines_by_filename=covered_lines_by_filename, coverage_data=coverage_data, baseline_time_elapsed=baseline_time_elapsed, backup=backup, dict_synonyms=dict_synonyms, using_testmon=using_testmon, cache_only=cache_only, tests_dirs=tests_dirs, hash_of_tests=current_hash_of_tests, test_time_multiplier=test_time_multiplier, test_time_base=test_time_base, pre_mutation=pre_mutation, post_mutation=post_mutation, paths_to_mutate=paths_to_mutate, ) parse_run_argument(argument, config, dict_synonyms, mutations_by_file, paths_to_exclude, paths_to_mutate, tests_dirs) if command == 'update-cache': print('Finished updating cash') return = sum( len(mutations) for mutations in mutations_by_file.values()) print() print('2. Checking mutants') progress = Progress( try: run_mutation_tests(config=config, progress=progress, mutations_by_file=mutations_by_file) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() return compute_exit_code(progress, e) else: return compute_exit_code(progress) finally: print() # make sure we end the output with a newline # Close all active multiprocessing queues to avoid hanging up the main process close_active_queues()
def main(command, argument, argument2, paths_to_mutate, backup, runner, tests_dir, test_time_multiplier, test_time_base, swallow_output, use_coverage, dict_synonyms, cache_only, version, suspicious_policy, untested_policy, pre_mutation, post_mutation, use_patch_file): """return exit code, after performing an mutation test run. :return: the exit code from executing the mutation tests :rtype: int """ if version: print("mutmut version %s" % __version__) return 0 if use_coverage and use_patch_file: raise click.BadArgumentUsage( "You can't combine --use-coverage and --use-patch") valid_commands = ['run', 'results', 'apply', 'show', 'junitxml'] if command not in valid_commands: raise click.BadArgumentUsage( '%s is not a valid command, must be one of %s' % (command, ', '.join(valid_commands))) if command == 'results' and argument: raise click.BadArgumentUsage('The %s command takes no arguments' % command) dict_synonyms = [x.strip() for x in dict_synonyms.split(',')] if command in ('show', 'diff'): if not argument: print_result_cache() return 0 if argument == 'all': print_result_cache(show_diffs=True, dict_synonyms=dict_synonyms, print_only_filename=argument2) return 0 print(get_unified_diff(argument, dict_synonyms)) return 0 if use_coverage and not exists('.coverage'): raise FileNotFoundError( 'No .coverage file found. You must generate a coverage file to use this feature.' ) if command == 'results': print_result_cache() return 0 if command == 'junitxml': print_result_cache_junitxml(dict_synonyms, suspicious_policy, untested_policy) return 0 if command == 'apply': do_apply(argument, dict_synonyms, backup) return 0 paths_to_mutate = get_or_guess_paths_to_mutate(paths_to_mutate) if not isinstance(paths_to_mutate, (list, tuple)): paths_to_mutate = [x.strip() for x in paths_to_mutate.split(',')] if not paths_to_mutate: raise click.BadOptionUsage( '--paths-to-mutate', 'You must specify a list of paths to mutate. Either as a command line argument, or by setting paths_to_mutate under the section [mutmut] in setup.cfg' ) tests_dirs = [] for p in tests_dir.split(':'): tests_dirs.extend(glob(p, recursive=True)) for p in paths_to_mutate: for pt in tests_dir.split(':'): tests_dirs.extend(glob(p + '/**/' + pt, recursive=True)) del tests_dir os.environ[ 'PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE'] = '1' # stop python from creating .pyc files using_testmon = '--testmon' in runner print(""" - Mutation testing starting - These are the steps: 1. A full test suite run will be made to make sure we can run the tests successfully and we know how long it takes (to detect infinite loops for example) 2. Mutants will be generated and checked Results are stored in .mutmut-cache. Print found mutants with `mutmut results`. Legend for output: 🎉 Killed mutants. The goal is for everything to end up in this bucket. ⏰ Timeout. Test suite took 10 times as long as the baseline so were killed. 🤔 Suspicious. Tests took a long time, but not long enough to be fatal. 🙁 Survived. This means your tests needs to be expanded. """) baseline_time_elapsed = time_test_suite(swallow_output=not swallow_output, test_command=runner, using_testmon=using_testmon) if using_testmon: copy('.testmondata', '.testmondata-initial') # if we're running in a mode with externally whitelisted lines if use_coverage or use_patch_file: covered_lines_by_filename = {} if use_coverage: coverage_data = read_coverage_data() else: assert use_patch_file covered_lines_by_filename = read_patch_data(use_patch_file) coverage_data = None def _exclude(context): try: covered_lines = covered_lines_by_filename[context.filename] except KeyError: if coverage_data is not None: covered_lines = coverage_data.lines( os.path.abspath(context.filename)) covered_lines_by_filename[context.filename] = covered_lines else: covered_lines = None if covered_lines is None: return True current_line = context.current_line_index + 1 if current_line not in covered_lines: return True return False else: def _exclude(context): del context return False if command != 'run': raise click.BadArgumentUsage("Invalid command %s" % command) mutations_by_file = {} if argument is None: for path in paths_to_mutate: for filename in python_source_files(path, tests_dirs): update_line_numbers(filename) add_mutations_by_file(mutations_by_file, filename, _exclude, dict_synonyms) else: filename, mutation_id = filename_and_mutation_id_from_pk(int(argument)) mutations_by_file[filename] = [mutation_id] total = sum(len(mutations) for mutations in mutations_by_file.values()) print() print('2. Checking mutants') config = Config( swallow_output=not swallow_output, test_command=runner, exclude_callback=_exclude, baseline_time_elapsed=baseline_time_elapsed, backup=backup, dict_synonyms=dict_synonyms, total=total, using_testmon=using_testmon, cache_only=cache_only, tests_dirs=tests_dirs, hash_of_tests=hash_of_tests(tests_dirs), test_time_multiplier=test_time_multiplier, test_time_base=test_time_base, pre_mutation=pre_mutation, post_mutation=post_mutation, ) try: run_mutation_tests(config=config, mutations_by_file=mutations_by_file) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() return compute_exit_code(config, e) else: return compute_exit_code(config) finally: print() # make sure we end the output with a newline