예제 #1
    def __init__(self, descr=None, **kwargs):
        """Initialize ClassWithCollections object

        descr : str
          Description of the instance
        # Note: __params_set was initialized in __new__
        if not self.__params_set:
            self.__descr = descr
            """Set humane description for the object"""

            # To avoid double initialization in case of multiple inheritance
            self.__params_set = True

            collections = self._collections
            # Assign attributes values if they are given among
            # **kwargs
            for arg, argument in kwargs.items():
                isset = False
                for collection in collections.itervalues():
                    if collection._is_initializable(arg):
                        collection._initialize(arg, argument)
                        isset = True
                if isset:
                    _ = kwargs.pop(arg)
                    known_params = reduce(
                       lambda x,y:x+y,
                         for x in collections.itervalues()
                         if not isinstance(x, ConditionalAttributesCollection)
                         ], [])
                    _, kwargs_list, _ = get_docstring_split(self.__init__)
                    known_params = sorted(known_params
                                          + [x[0] for x in kwargs_list])
                    raise TypeError(
                        "Unexpected keyword argument %s=%s for %s."
                        % (arg, argument, self)
                        + "\n\tValid parameters are: %s" % ', '.join(known_params))

            ## Initialize other base classes
            ##  commented out since it seems to be of no use for now
            #if init_classes is not None:
            #    # return back stateful arguments since they might be
            #    # processed by underlying classes
            #    kwargs.update(kwargs_stateful)
            #    for cls in init_classes:
            #        cls.__init__(self, **kwargs)
            #    if len(kwargs)>0:
            #        known_params = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, \
            #                            [x.keys() for x in collections],
            #                            [])
            #        raise TypeError, \
            #              "Unknown parameters %s for %s." % (kwargs.keys(),
            #                                                 self) \
            #              + " Valid parameters are %s" % known_params
        if __debug__:
            debug("COL", "ClassWithCollections.__init__ was done "
                  "for %s%s with descr=%s",
                  (self.__class__.__name__, _strid(self), descr))
예제 #2
    def test_docstrings(self):
        #import mvpa2.suite as mv
        from mvpa2.suite import suite_stats
        # Lets do compliance checks
        # Get gross information on what we have in general
        #mv_scope = dict((x, getattr(mv, x)) for x in dir(mv))
        gs = suite_stats()  #mv_scope)

        # all functions/classes/types should have some docstring
        missing = []
        # We should not have both :Parameters: and new style Parameters
        conflicting = []
        con_re1 = re.compile(':Parameters?:')
        con_re2 = re.compile(
        for c in ('functions', 'modules', 'objects', 'types') \
          + ('classes',) if sys.version_info[0] < 3 else ():
            missing1 = []
            conflicting1 = []
            for k, i in gs[c].iteritems():
                    s = i.__doc__.strip()
                except:  # pragma: no cover - should not be hit if ok_
                    s = ""
                if s == "":

                if hasattr(i, '__init__') and not c in ['objects']:
                    # Smoke test get_docstring_split which would be used
                    # if someone specifies incorrect keyword argument
                    _ = get_docstring_split(i.__init__)
                    #if not None in _:
                    #    print [x[0] for x in _[1]]
                    si = i.__init__.__doc__
                    k += '.__init__'
                    if si is None or si == "":
                            i_file = inspect.getfile(i)
                            if i_file == inspect.getfile(i.__init__) \
                               and 'mvpa' in i_file:
                                # if __init__ wasn't simply taken from some parent
                                # which is not within MVPA
                        except TypeError:
                            # for some things like 'debug' inspect can't figure path
                            # just skip for now
                    si = s

                if si is not None \
                       and  con_re1.search(si) and con_re2.search(si):
            if len(missing1):  # pragma: no cover - should not be hit if ok_
                missing.append("%s: " % c + ', '.join(missing1))
            if len(conflicting1
                   ):  # pragma: no cover - should not be hit if ok_
                conflicting.append("%s: " % c + ', '.join(conflicting1))

        sfailures = []
        if len(missing):  # pragma: no cover - should not be hit if ok_
            sfailures += [
                "Some items have missing docstrings:\n " + '\n '.join(missing)
        if len(conflicting):  # pragma: no cover - should not be hit if ok_
            sfailures += [
                "Some items have conflicting formats of docstrings:\n " +
                '\n '.join(conflicting)
        if len(sfailures):  # pragma: no cover - should not be hit if ok_
예제 #3
    def __init__(self, descr=None, **kwargs):
        """Initialize ClassWithCollections object

        descr : str
          Description of the instance
        # Note: __params_set was initialized in __new__
        if not self.__params_set:
            self.__descr = descr
            """Set humane description for the object"""

            # To avoid double initialization in case of multiple inheritance
            self.__params_set = True

            collections = self._collections
            # Assign attributes values if they are given among
            # **kwargs

            for arg, argument in self._custom_kwargs_sort_items(**kwargs):
                isset = False
                for collection in collections.itervalues():
                    if collection._is_initializable(arg):
                        collection._initialize(arg, argument)
                        isset = True
                if isset:
                    _ = kwargs.pop(arg)
                    known_params = reduce(
                       lambda x,y:x+y,
                         for x in collections.itervalues()
                         if not isinstance(x, ConditionalAttributesCollection)
                         ], [])
                    _, kwargs_list, _ = get_docstring_split(self.__init__)
                    known_params = sorted(known_params
                                          + [x[0] for x in kwargs_list])
                    raise TypeError(
                        "Unexpected keyword argument %s=%s for %s."
                        % (arg, argument, self)
                        + "\n\tValid parameters are: %s" % ', '.join(known_params))

            ## Initialize other base classes
            ##  commented out since it seems to be of no use for now
            #if init_classes is not None:
            #    # return back stateful arguments since they might be
            #    # processed by underlying classes
            #    kwargs.update(kwargs_stateful)
            #    for cls in init_classes:
            #        cls.__init__(self, **kwargs)
            #    if len(kwargs)>0:
            #        known_params = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, \
            #                            [x.keys() for x in collections],
            #                            [])
            #        raise TypeError, \
            #              "Unknown parameters %s for %s." % (kwargs.keys(),
            #                                                 self) \
            #              + " Valid parameters are %s" % known_params
        if __debug__:
            debug("COL", "ClassWithCollections.__init__ was done "
                  "for %s%s with descr=%s",
                  (self.__class__.__name__, _strid(self), descr))
예제 #4
    def test_docstrings(self):
        #import mvpa2.suite as mv
        from mvpa2.suite import suite_stats
        # Lets do compliance checks
        # Get gross information on what we have in general
        #mv_scope = dict((x, getattr(mv, x)) for x in dir(mv))
        gs = suite_stats()#mv_scope)

        # all functions/classes/types should have some docstring
        missing = []
        # We should not have both :Parameters: and new style Parameters
        conflicting = []
        con_re1 = re.compile(':Parameters?:')
        con_re2 = re.compile('(?::Parameters?:.*Parameters?\s*\n\s*-------'
        for c in ('functions', 'modules', 'objects', 'types') \
          + ('classes',) if sys.version_info[0] < 3 else ():
            missing1 = []
            conflicting1 = []
            for k, i in gs[c].iteritems():
                    s = i.__doc__.strip()
                except: # pragma: no cover - should not be hit if ok_
                    s = ""
                if s == "":

                if hasattr(i, '__init__') and not c in ['objects']:
                    # Smoke test get_docstring_split which would be used
                    # if someone specifies incorrect keyword argument
                    _ = get_docstring_split(i.__init__)
                    #if not None in _:
                    #    print [x[0] for x in _[1]]
                    si = i.__init__.__doc__
                    k += '.__init__'
                    if si is None or si == "":
                            i_file = inspect.getfile(i)
                            if i_file == inspect.getfile(i.__init__) \
                               and 'mvpa' in i_file:
                                # if __init__ wasn't simply taken from some parent
                                # which is not within MVPA
                        except TypeError:
                            # for some things like 'debug' inspect can't figure path
                            # just skip for now
                    si = s

                if si is not None \
                       and  con_re1.search(si) and con_re2.search(si):
            if len(missing1): # pragma: no cover - should not be hit if ok_
                missing.append("%s: " % c + ', '.join(missing1))
            if len(conflicting1): # pragma: no cover - should not be hit if ok_
                conflicting.append("%s: " % c + ', '.join(conflicting1))

        sfailures = []
        if len(missing): # pragma: no cover - should not be hit if ok_
            sfailures += ["Some items have missing docstrings:\n "
                          + '\n '.join(missing)]
        if len(conflicting): # pragma: no cover - should not be hit if ok_
            sfailures += ["Some items have conflicting formats of docstrings:\n "
                      + '\n '.join(conflicting)]
        if len(sfailures): # pragma: no cover - should not be hit if ok_