class MainViewModel: def __init__(self): self.note_repository = NoteRepository() # Create notes field as a behavior subject with note from the business logic as an initial value # Your code here self.observables = [] def attach(self, observable): self.observables.append(observable) observable.update_view(self.note_repository.notes) def add_note(self, note: str): # Add note and emit event with new date to the subject # Your code here self.note_repository.add_note(note) for o in self.observables: o.update_view(self.note_repository.notes) def clear_all(self): # Clear all note and emit event with new data to the subject # Your code here self.note_repository.clear_all_notes() for o in self.observables: o.update_view(self.note_repository.notes)
class MainViewModel: def __init__(self): self.note_repository = NoteRepository() # Create notes field as a behavior subject with note from the business logic as an initial value # Your code here self.behavior = BehaviorSubject(self.note_repository.get_all_notes()) def add_note(self, note: str): # Add note and emit event with new date to the subject # Your code here self.note_repository.add_note(note) self.behavior.on_next(self.note_repository.get_all_notes()) def clear_all(self): # Clear all note and emit event with new data to the subject # Your code here self.note_repository.clear_all_notes() self.behavior.on_next(self.note_repository.get_all_notes())