def get(self): """ A full, synchronous get-with-expiration check. The whole get-check-extract process is in three easily accessible stages so that async cache APIs can call them separately. """ if not self._policy.should_read_cache(): # this is now pretty normal for client. We should only log # this when the client isn't requesting it. # LOG.warn("", "Skipping cache", **self._log_kwds()) self._policy.add_cost('s') return ('miss', None) full_result = self.raw_get() key = self.get_key() if not self.check_result(key, full_result): # would rather log this in the policy object, because this # is the only use of tag? LOG.notice("%s.cache.result" % self._policy.tag, "", key=key, keyobj=self.key_obj, **self._log_kwds(code="miss")) if self._policy.allow_stale() and full_result: return ('miss', self._policy.extract_result(full_result)) else: return ('miss', None) return ('hit', self._policy.extract_result(full_result))
def fix_xml_encoding(text_body): """ If the given xml document has an encoding declaration, then reencode that document with that declaration. This sucks, but it's the only sane way to deal with lxml.html """ encoding = encoding_declaration(text_body) if encoding: # reencode so lxml can be happy - this totally # sucks because we just spent all this time # encoding it. LOG.notice("content.reencode", "Dumb reencoding of blob body as %s" % encoding) text_body = text_body.encode(encoding) return text_body
def get(self): """ Gets all the cache entries - will return a triple of:: ('hit', 'miss' or 'skip', value, CacheEntry) for each cache entry passed in to the CacheEntryList constructor """ # no memcache hooked up? if not self._policy.should_read_cache() or not self.cache: LOG.warn("", "Skipping cache", **self._log_kwds()) self._policy.add_cost('s') return [('skip', None, ce) for ce in self.cache_entries] self._policy.add_cost('r') with MemcacheChecker(self.cache): try: memcache_result = self.cache.get_multi( [ce.get_key() for ce in self.cache_entries]) except pylibmc.Error as e: memcache_result = {} LOG.error("memcache.error.get_multi", "memcache get_multi failure", error=e, **self._log_kwds()) assert isinstance(memcache_result, dict) result = [] # create an entry in the result for each cache entry for ce in self.cache_entries: key = ce.get_key() mr = memcache_result.get(key) if not ce.check_result(key, mr): result.append(('miss', None, ce)) else: result.append(('hit', ce._policy.extract_result(mr), ce)) misses = [miss for miss in result if miss[0] == 'miss'] hits = [hit for hit in result if hit[0] == 'hit'] miss_keys = [ce.key_obj for (status, value, ce) in misses] miss_hashes = [ce.get_key() for (status, value, ce) in misses] hit_keys = [ce.key_obj for (status, value, ce) in hits] hit_hashes = [ce.get_key() for (status, value, ce) in hits] if miss_keys: code = "hits+misses" if hit_keys else "all miss" else: code = "all hit" if hit_keys else "empty" LOG.notice("%s.cache.multiresult" % self._policy.tag, "", miss_hashes=miss_hashes, hit_hashes=hit_hashes, miss_count=len(misses), hit_count=len(hits), **self._log_kwds(code=code)) return result