def refine_bbox_nd(bbox, bbox_delta, im_info=None, means=None, stds=None): xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = nd.split(data=bbox, num_outputs=4, axis=1) bbox_width = xmax - xmin + 1. bbox_height = ymax - ymin + 1. center_x = 0.5 * (xmin + xmax) center_y = 0.5 * (ymin + ymax) bbox_delta_reshape = nd.Reshape(data=bbox_delta, shape=(0, -1, 4)) dx, dy, dw, dh = nd.split(data=bbox_delta_reshape, num_outputs=4, axis=2, squeeze_axis=1) if (means is not None) and (stds is not None): dx = dx * stds[0] + means[0] dy = dy * stds[1] + means[1] dw = dw * stds[2] + means[2] dh = dh * stds[3] + means[3] refine_center_x = nd.broadcast_add(lhs=center_x, rhs=nd.broadcast_mul(lhs=bbox_width, rhs=dx)) refine_center_y = nd.broadcast_add(lhs=center_y, rhs=nd.broadcast_mul(lhs=bbox_height, rhs=dy)) refined_width = nd.broadcast_mul(lhs=bbox_width, rhs=nd.exp(dw)) refined_height = nd.broadcast_mul(lhs=bbox_height, rhs=nd.exp(dh)) w_offset = 0.5 * (refined_width - 1.) h_offset = 0.5 * (refined_height - 1.) refined_xmin = nd.expand_dims(refine_center_x - w_offset, axis=1) refined_ymin = nd.expand_dims(refine_center_y - h_offset, axis=1) refined_xmax = nd.expand_dims(refine_center_x + w_offset, axis=1) refined_ymax = nd.expand_dims(refine_center_y + h_offset, axis=1) refined_bbox = nd.concat(refined_xmin, refined_ymin, refined_xmax, refined_ymax, dim=1) if im_info is not None: # assume im_info [[height, width, scale]] with shape (1,3) im_hw = nd.slice_axis(im_info, axis=1, begin=0, end=2) im_wh = nd.reverse(im_hw, axis=1) im_wh = im_wh - 1. im_wh = nd.tile(data=im_wh, reps=(1, 2)) im_wh = nd.Reshape(im_wh, shape=(1, 4, 1)) refined_bbox = nd.broadcast_minimum(lhs=refined_bbox, rhs=im_wh) refined_bbox = nd.broadcast_maximum(lhs=refined_bbox, rhs=nd.zeros_like(refined_bbox)) # print refined_bbox.debug_str() return refined_bbox
def forward(self, x): root = next(iter(self._structure.items()))[0] router, router_mat, weight, embedd = self._contextify(x)(root) presence = nd.sum(router_mat, axis=2) weight_adj = presence * weight depth = len(self._weightlayer) - nd.topk(nd.reverse(presence, axis=1)) - 1 depth = depth[:, 0] remainder = 1 - nd.sum(weight_adj, axis=1) remainder += nd.choose_element_0index(weight_adj, depth) weight_adj = nd.fill_element_0index(weight_adj, remainder, depth) return (router, weight, weight_adj, router_mat)
def forward(self, inputs, states_forward=None, states_backward=None): inputs_reversed = nd.reverse(inputs, axis=2) if not (states_forward and states_backward): states_forward, states_backward = self.begin_state(batch_size=inputs.shape[1]) outputs_forward = [] outputs_backward = [] for i in range(self.num_layers): if i == 0: output, states_forward[i] = getattr(self, 'forward_lstm_{}'.format(i))(inputs, states_forward[i]) outputs_forward.append(output) output, states_backward[i] = getattr(self, 'backward_lstm_{}'.format(i))(inputs_reversed, states_backward[i]) outputs_backward.append(output) else: output, states_forward[i] = getattr(self, 'forward_lstm_{}'.format(i))(outputs_forward[i-1], states_forward[i]) outputs_forward.append(output) output, states_backward[i] = getattr(self, 'backward_lstm_{}'.format(i))(outputs_backward[i-1], states_backward[i]) outputs_backward.append(output) return outputs_forward, states_forward, outputs_backward, states_backward
def forward(self, x): root = next(iter(self._structure.items()))[0] if (len(self._routerlayer) > 0): router, router_mat, weight, embedd = self._contextify(x)(root) presence = nd.sum(router_mat, axis=2) weight_adj = presence * weight depth = len(self._weightlayer) - nd.topk( nd.reverse(presence, axis=1)) depth -= 1 depth = depth[:, 0] remainder = 1 - nd.sum(weight_adj, axis=1) remainder += nd.choose_element_0index(weight_adj, depth) weight_adj = nd.fill_element_0index(weight_adj, remainder, depth) head = nd.sum(nd.expand_dims(weight_adj, axis=2) * router_mat, axis=1) return nd.expand_dims(, embedd), axis=-1) else: head = nd.ones_like(nd.slice_axis(x, axis=1, begin=0, end=None)) return self._contextify(x)(root) * head
presence = nd.sum(router_mat, axis=2) weight_adj = presence * weight weight router + 0.5 nd.argmin(nd.abs(router + 0.5), axis=1) router_mat[1][4] depth where = nd.argmin(nd.abs(router + 0.5), axis=1) nd.concat(*[router_mat[i][k] for i, k in enumerate(where)], dim=0) depth = len(tree._weightlayer) - nd.topk(nd.reverse(presence, axis=1)) depth -= 1 depth = depth[:, 0] remainder = 1 - nd.sum(weight_adj, axis=1) remainder += nd.choose_element_0index(weight_adj, depth) weight_adj = nd.fill_element_0index(weight_adj, remainder, depth) head = nd.sum(nd.expand_dims(weight_adj, axis=2) * router_mat, axis=1) print(head) nd.expand_dims(, embedd), axis=-1) old = weight_adj remainder
tree = Tree() tree.collect_params().initialize(force_reinit=True) tree(nd.array([[1, 3], [5, 6], [1, 2], [3, 0], [8, 8], [3.5, 3.5]])) tree(nd.array([[10, 3], [3.5, 4.5], [0, 2], [2.9, 6], [5, 6]])) nd.sum(nd.expand_dims(weight_adj, axis=2) * router_mat, axis=1) weight_adj router_mat nd.sum(router_mat, axis=2) (6 - nd.topk(nd.reverse(nd.sum(router_mat, axis=2), axis=1)))[:, 0] nd.choose_element_0index(nd.sum(router_mat, axis=2), nd.array([4, 6, 1, 0, 6])) weight nd.sum(router_mat, axis=2) * weight nd.sum(nd.sum(router_mat, axis=2) * weight, axis=1) tree.collect_params() [x for x in tree._weightlayer] [key for key, value in tree._weightlayer._children.items()] tree._weightlayer(nd.array([[1, 3], [5, 6], [6, 2], [20, 20]])) tree._routerlayer(nd.array([[1, 3], [5, 6], [6, 2], [2, 2]]))
def _viterbi_decode(self, feats): """ CRF's prediction algorithm, Viterbi algorithm, which finds the best path based on features Args: feats (NDArray): a representative representation of each symbol representing the entire sequence in a batch, shape is (seq_len, batch_size, tagset_size) Returns: path_score (NDArray): value of score , shape is (batch_size, ) best_path_matrix (NDArray): the matrix of best path, shape is (batch_size, seq_len) """ batch_size = feats.shape[1] # vvars shape:(batch_size, self.tagset_size) vvars = nd.full((batch_size, self.tagset_size), -10000., ctx=self.ctx) vvars[:, self.tag2idx[START_TAG]] = 0.0 def update_decode(data, states): feat = data vvars_iner = states # vvars_t shape: (self.tagset_size, batch_size, self.tagset_size) vvars_t = nd.broadcast_axis(nd.expand_dims(vvars_iner, axis=0), axis=0, size=self.tagset_size) # trans shape: (self.tagset_size, 1, self.tagset_size) trans = nd.expand_dims(, axis=1) next_tag_var = vvars_t + trans # best_tag_id shape: (self.tagset_size, batch_size) best_tag_id = nd.argmax(next_tag_var, axis=-1) # bptrs_t, viterbivars_t shape :(batch_size, tagset_size) viterbivars_t = nd.transpose(nd.pick(next_tag_var, best_tag_id, axis=-1), axes=(1, 0)) bptrs_t = nd.transpose(best_tag_id, axes=(1, 0)) vvars_iner = viterbivars_t + feat return bptrs_t, vvars_iner # backpointers shape: (seq_len, batch_size, self.tagset_size) backpointers, vvars = nd.contrib.foreach(update_decode, feats, vvars) # transform to STOP_TAG # terminal_var shape: (batch_size, self.tagset_size) terminal_var = vvars +[self.tag2idx[STOP_TAG]] best_tag_id = nd.argmax(terminal_var, axis=1) # path_score shape:(batch_size, ) path_score = nd.pick(terminal_var, best_tag_id, axis=1) # According to the reverse pointer backpointers to decode the best path best_path = [best_tag_id] for bptrs_t in nd.reverse(backpointers, axis=0): # best_tag_id shape: (batch_size, ) best_tag_id = nd.pick(bptrs_t, best_tag_id, axis=1) best_path.append(best_tag_id) # remove START_TAG # start shape: (batch_size, ) start = best_path.pop() # Check if start is the start symbol for i in range(batch_size): assert start[i].asscalar() == self.tag2idx[START_TAG] best_path.reverse() # Build the matrix of the best path, shape: (batch_size, seq_len) best_path_matrix = nd.stack(*best_path, axis=1) return path_score, best_path_matrix