예제 #1
파일: Sim.py 프로젝트: NSalem/Rodgers2014
 def __init__(self, p_flip=.9, Nt=100, b0=.3, b1=.9, noise_level=.1, 
     aov_typ=2, poissonify=False):
     """Initialize a new simulation and set parameters"""
     self.p_flip = p_flip
     self.Nt = int(my.rint(Nt)) # 0d array sometimes
     self.b0 = b0
     self.b1 = b1
     self.noise_level = noise_level
     self.aov_typ = aov_typ 
     self.poissonify = poissonify
예제 #2
def take_equally_spaced(arr, n):
    """Take n equally spaced elements from arr
    We avoid the endpoints. So, divide the array into n+1 segments, and
    take the highest point of each segment, discarding the last.
    # e.g., we want 2 equally spaced, so they are at 1/3 and 2/3
    arr = np.asarray(arr)
    first_element_relative = 1.0 / (n + 1)
    relative_pos = np.linspace(
        first_element_relative, 1 - first_element_relative, n)
    absolute_pos = my.rint((len(arr) - 1) * relative_pos)
    return arr[absolute_pos]
예제 #3
 def __init__(self,
     """Initialize a new simulation and set parameters"""
     self.p_flip = p_flip
     self.Nt = int(my.rint(Nt))  # 0d array sometimes
     self.b0 = b0
     self.b1 = b1
     self.noise_level = noise_level
     self.aov_typ = aov_typ
     self.poissonify = poissonify
예제 #4
파일: Sim.py 프로젝트: NSalem/Rodgers2014
    def generate_inputs(self):
        """Set x0 (normal), x1 (binary), and noise"""
        # Random normals
        self.x0 = np.random.standard_normal((self.Nt,))

        # Discretify x1, starting with max possible corr
        self.x1 = (self.x0 > 0).astype(np.int)

        # Flip a random number of bits, to decrease correlation
        nflip = my.rint(self.p_flip * self.Nt)
        self.x1[:nflip] = np.random.binomial(1, .5, nflip)
        # Scale
        self.x1 = self.x1 - self.x1.mean()
        self.x1 = self.x1 / self.x1.std()
        # Generate noise
        self.noise = self.noise_level * np.random.standard_normal((self.Nt,))        
예제 #5
    def generate_inputs(self):
        """Set x0 (normal), x1 (binary), and noise"""
        # Random normals
        self.x0 = np.random.standard_normal((self.Nt, ))

        # Discretify x1, starting with max possible corr
        self.x1 = (self.x0 > 0).astype(np.int)

        # Flip a random number of bits, to decrease correlation
        nflip = my.rint(self.p_flip * self.Nt)
        self.x1[:nflip] = np.random.binomial(1, .5, nflip)

        # Scale
        self.x1 = self.x1 - self.x1.mean()
        self.x1 = self.x1 / self.x1.std()

        # Generate noise
        self.noise = self.noise_level * np.random.standard_normal((self.Nt, ))
예제 #6
def display_perf_by_servo_from_day(date=None):
    """Plot perf vs servo position from all sessions from date"""
    # Get bdf and its dates
    bdf = BeWatch.db.get_behavior_df()
    bdf_dates = bdf['dt_end'].apply(lambda dt: dt.date())
    # Set to most recent date in database if None
    if date is None:
        date = bdf_dates.max()
    # Choose the ones to display
    display_dates = bdf.ix[bdf_dates == date]
    if len(display_dates) > 20:
        raise ValueError("too many dates")
    # Display each
    f, axa = plt.subplots(2, my.rint(np.ceil(len(display_dates) / 2.0)),
        figsize=(15, 5))
    for nax, (idx, row) in enumerate(display_dates.iterrows()):
        ax = axa.flatten()[nax]
        display_perf_by_servo(session=row['session'], ax=ax)
        ax.set_title(row['session'], size='small')
예제 #7
파일: plot.py 프로젝트: cxrodgers/my
def generate_colorbar(n_colors, mapname='jet', rounding=100, start=0., stop=1.):
    """Generate N evenly spaced colors from start to stop in map"""
    color_idxs = my.rint(rounding * np.linspace(start, stop, n_colors))[::-1]
    colors = plt.cm.get_cmap('jet', rounding)(color_idxs)
    return colors
예제 #8
파일: main1.py 프로젝트: NSalem/Rodgers2014

# Create figure
# Rows for N
# 4 columns: narrow and broad, score1 and score2
f, axa = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(9, 3))
f.subplots_adjust(left=.125, right=.95, wspace=.75)

# Noise levels to plot
n_noise_levels_to_plot = list(range(len(noise_level_l)))
n_noise_levels_to_plot = np.where(
    (noise_level_l > 3) & (noise_level_l < 65))[0]

# Which n_noise_levels to plot
idxs = my.rint(100 * np.linspace(.4, 1.0, len(n_noise_levels_to_plot)))[::-1]
colors = plt.cm.get_cmap('Blues', 100)(idxs)
colors2= plt.cm.get_cmap('Reds', 100)(idxs)

# Get the gains (relative to signal) using the indexes of data (ngain)
gain_vs_sig = gains_l[data.index]

# Iterate over noise_levels
for nnnl, n_noise_level in enumerate(n_noise_levels_to_plot): #data['m'].columns:
    # Get the noise level, and gain_vs_noise
    noise_level = noise_level_l[n_noise_level]
    x_to_plot = gain_vs_sig / noise_level
    # Plot this trace
    y_to_plot = data[n_noise_level].copy()
    axa[0].plot(x_to_plot, y_to_plot,
예제 #9
# Use cross_point to index back into gains_l
cross_point_val = cross_point.applymap(
    lambda idx: gains_l[int(idx)] if not np.isnan(idx) else np.nan)
cross_point_val.index = cross_point.index
cross_point_val.columns = cross_point.columns

# Make a heatmap version of the above
f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5, 5))
im = my.plot.imshow(np.log10(cross_point_val['m'].divide(noise_level_l, axis=1).T), 
    cmap=plt.cm.hot, ax=ax)
my.plot.harmonize_clim_in_subplots(fig=f, clim=(-1.0, 3))
ax.set_yticklabels(['2^-%d' % my.rint(np.log2(val)) for val in noise_level_l])
ax.set_xticklabels([str(int(val)) for val in N_l[::-1]])
ax.set_xlabel('network size')
ax.set_ylabel('sensory signal-to-noise ratio')

# Colorbar
cbar_ax = f.add_axes([.85, .15, .05, .7])
cb = f.colorbar(im, cax=cbar_ax)
cb.set_ticks((-1, 0, 1, 2, 3))
cb.set_ticklabels((.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000))

f.savefig('parameter space 1.svg')

예제 #10
data = medians['score1b'].unstack('n_noise_level')
data2 = medians['score2b'].unstack('n_noise_level')

# Create figure
# Rows for N
# 4 columns: narrow and broad, score1 and score2
f, axa = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(9, 3))
f.subplots_adjust(left=.125, right=.95, wspace=.75)

# Noise levels to plot
n_noise_levels_to_plot = list(range(len(noise_level_l)))
n_noise_levels_to_plot = np.where((noise_level_l > 3)
                                  & (noise_level_l < 65))[0]

# Which n_noise_levels to plot
idxs = my.rint(100 * np.linspace(.4, 1.0, len(n_noise_levels_to_plot)))[::-1]
colors = plt.cm.get_cmap('Blues', 100)(idxs)
colors2 = plt.cm.get_cmap('Reds', 100)(idxs)

# Get the gains (relative to signal) using the indexes of data (ngain)
gain_vs_sig = gains_l[data.index]

# Iterate over noise_levels
for nnnl, n_noise_level in enumerate(
        n_noise_levels_to_plot):  #data['m'].columns:
    # Get the noise level, and gain_vs_noise
    noise_level = noise_level_l[n_noise_level]
    x_to_plot = gain_vs_sig / noise_level

    # Plot this trace
    y_to_plot = data[n_noise_level].copy()