def review_edit(key): command = """SELECT {a}.review_id, {a}.first_name, {a}.last_name, {a}.organization_name, {a}.user_review, {a}.organization_id FROM {a} WHERE review_id = {p1} """.format(a='review', p1=key) cursor.execute(command) single_review = cursor.fetchone() org_id = single_review[5] form = ReviewForm(request.form, csrf_enabled=False, first_name=single_review[1], last_name=single_review[2], organization_name=single_review[3], user_review=single_review[4]) command = """ SELECT {a}.organization_name, {a}.organization_name FROM {a} INNER JOIN {b} ON {a}.organization_id = {b}.organization_id WHERE {b}.review_id = {id} """.format(a='organization', b='review', id=key) cursor.execute(command) org_name = cursor.fetchall() form.org_name.choices = org_name if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate(): first_name = last_name = # This variable is linked to the models org_name = user_review = # This command only works when if request.method == POST command = """ UPDATE review SET first_name='{f}', last_name='{l}',organization_name='{o}',user_review='{u}' WHERE review_id ={i} """.format(f=first_name, l=last_name, o=org_name, u=user_review, i=key) cursor.execute(command) conn.commit() flash('Your Review has been edited', 'success') return redirect(url_for('app.organization_detail', key=org_id)) if form.errors: flash(form.errors, 'danger') return render_template('review-edit.html', form=form, review_id=key)
def review_delete(key): command = """ SELECT organization_id FROM review WHERE review_id = {id} """.format(id=key) cursor.execute(command) selected_org_id = cursor.fetchone() org_id = selected_org_id[0] command = """ SELECT * FROM review WHERE review_id = {id} """.format(id=key) cursor.execute(command) command = """ DELETE FROM review WHERE review_id = {id} """.format(id=key) cursor.execute(command) conn.commit() flash('Your Review has been deleted') return redirect(url_for('app.organization_detail', key=org_id))
def sign_up(): # 1) Select the table to fetch all data from the database # command = """SELECT {a}.user_id, {a}.email, {a}.username, {a}.password # FROM {a} # """.format(a='User') # cursor.execute(command) # user_data = cursor.fetchall() # 2) Select the MAX(user_id) to make the id increment. If it's None then return 1. command = """ SELECT MAX(user_id) FROM User """ cursor.execute(command) next_user_id = cursor.fetchone() if next_user_id[0] == None: user_id = 1 else: user_id = next_user_id[0]+1 # 3) create the form function form = RegisterForm(request.form, crsf_enabled=False) # 4) creata an IF function if method = POST and create variable for form database if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate(): email = username = password = command = """ SELECT {a}.email, {a}.username FROM {a} WHERE {a}.email = '{e}' OR {a}.username = '******' """.format(e=email, u=username, a="User") cursor.execute(command) sign_up_verification = cursor.fetchone() if sign_up_verification == None: command = """ INSERT INTO {a} (user_id, email, username, password) VALUES ({id}, '{e}','{un}', '{p}') """.format(a='User', id=user_id, e=email, un=username, p=password) cursor.execute(command) conn.commit() session['logged_in'] = True flash('The user %s has been created' % (email), 'success') return redirect(url_for('app.home')) email_data = sign_up_verification[0] username_data = sign_up_verification[1] if email_data != None and username_data != None: if username == username_data and email == email_data: flash('Your email and username has been taken. Please choose another') return redirect(url_for('app.sign_up')) if email == email_data: flash('Your email has been taken. Please choose another') return redirect(url_for('app.sign_up')) if username == username_data: flash('Your username has been taken. Please choose another') return redirect(url_for('app.sign_up')) # 5) Insert data into database (INSERT INTO ... VALUES ...) #5) Create an error form if form.errors: flash(form.errors, 'danger') return render_template('sign_up.html', form=form)
def review_detail(key): command = """SELECT {a}.review_id, {a}.first_name, {a}.last_name, {a}.organization_name, {a}.user_review FROM {a} """.format(a='review') cursor.execute(command) review_data = cursor.fetchall() # This queries the review_id and make it autoincrement command = """ SELECT MAX(review_id) FROM review """ cursor.execute(command) next_id = cursor.fetchone() if next_id[0] == None: review_id = 1 else: review_id = next_id[0] + 1 command = """ SELECT {a}.organization_id FROM {a} WHERE {a}.organization_id = {id} """.format(a='organization', id=key) cursor.execute(command) selected_org_id = cursor.fetchone() form = ReviewForm( request.form, crsf_enabled=False) # This variable is linked to command = """ SELECT organization_name, organization_name FROM organization WHERE {a}.organization_id = {id} """.format(a='organization', id=key) cursor.execute(command) org_name = cursor.fetchall() form.org_name.choices = org_name if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate(): first_name = last_name = # This variable is linked to the models org_name = user_review = org_id = selected_org_id[0] command = """ INSERT INTO review (review_id, first_name, last_name, organization_name, user_review, organization_id) VALUES ({i},'{f}','{l}','{n}','{r}',{o}) """.format( i=review_id, f=first_name, l=last_name, n=org_name, r=user_review, o=org_id) #This format matches the models and if POST statement cursor.execute(command) conn.commit() # flash is a pop up? flash('Your Review has been added', 'success') return redirect(url_for('app.organization_detail', key=org_id)) if form.errors: flash(form.errors, 'danger') # This request's syntax is the router.(html file) # The user will be directed to this URL. The database should already be inserted and able to be viewed once redirected return render_template('reviewpage.html', form=form, review_list=review_data)