def dumpcheck(): cursor = Database(dbname='ics', username='******', password='******', host='', port='3306') searchbag = "SELECT DEREGISTER_DT, lpc, xbid, xpid, REGISTER_LOCATION, DEREGISTER_LOCATION, flightnr FROM FACT_BAG_SUMMARIES_V WHERE DEREGISTER_DT >= to_date( to_char( SYSDATE - 1/ ( 24 * 60 ), 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss' ), 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss' ) AND DEREGISTER_LOCATION IN ( 'M41', 'M81', 'SAT-M10a', 'SAT-M10b' ) order by DEREGISTER_DT DESC" destinationResult = accessOracle(searchbag) for row in destinationResult: searchbag = "select bid from ics.dumpbag where bid = '{}'".format( row[2]) bid = cursor.run_query(searchbag) if not bid: # 新行李 if row[1]: lpc = row[1] else: lpc = 'NULL' if row[6]: flight = row[6] else: flight = "" adddumpBag = "insert into ics.dumpbag (created_time, lpc, bid, pid, REGISTER_LOCATION, DEREGISTER_LOCATION, flight) values ('{}', {}, '{}', {}, '{}', '{}', '{}'); ".format( row[0], lpc, row[2], row[3], row[4], row[5], flight) cursor.run_query(adddumpBag) "the bag {} have already arrived destination:{}".format( row[1], row[5]))
def bagdata(): bagdata = [] today ="%Y-%m-%d") searchbag = "select created_time,lpc,currentstation,destination, DEPAIRLINE, DEPFLIGHT, STD, status from ics.onlinebag where created_time > '{}' and status is NULL".format( today) cursor = Database(dbname='ics', username='******', password='******', host='', port='3306') queryResult = cursor.run_query(searchbag) for row in queryResult: bag_dist = { 'measurement': 'bags', 'tags': { 'createdTime': row[0], "flight": "{}".format(row[4], row[5]), "STD": row[6] }, 'fields': { "lpc": float(row[1]), "currentstation": row[2], "destination": row[3], "status": random.randint(0, 4) } } bagdata.append(bag_dist) return bagdata
def init(): # sqlquery = "insert into ics.plcname_contrast (plcname, sortname) values ('{}', '{}')".format(plcname_list[i], sortname_list[i]) cursor = Database(dbname='ics', username='******', password='******', host='', port='3306') for i in range(1): # sqlquery = "insert into ics.plcname_contrast (plcname, sortname) values ('{}', '{}')".format(plcname_list[i], sortname_list[i]) addDelayBag = "insert into ics.plcname_contrast (plcname, sortname) values ('{}', '{}'); ".format("time", "time") queryResult = cursor.run_query(addDelayBag) print(queryResult)
def firstCheck(): # 需要补充一个STD时间距离现在不到1小时的紧急行李 before30mins = ( - datetime.timedelta(minutes=30)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") today ="%Y-%m-%d") searchbag = "select lpc, created_time, DEPAIRLINE, DEPFLIGHT, STD from ics.onlinebag where created_time > '{}' and status is NULL and (created_time < '{}' or STD < NOW()+INTERVAL 1 HOUR) ".format( today, before30mins) cursor = Database(dbname='ics', username='******', password='******', host='', port='3306') queryResult = cursor.run_query(searchbag) for lpc_list in queryResult: sqlquery = "WITH cr AS ( SELECT IDEVENT FROM WC_PACKAGEINFO WHERE lpc = {} and L_DESTINATIONSTATIONID is not null ORDER BY EVENTTS DESC ) SELECT CURRENTSTATIONID, L_DESTINATIONSTATIONID FROM WC_PACKAGEINFO where IDEVENT = ( SELECT max( IDEVENT ) FROM cr )".format( lpc_list[0]) destinationResult = accessOracle(sqlquery) for row in destinationResult: if row[0] == row[1]: # 当前位置就是目的地 updatebagstatus = "update onlinebag set status = 'arrived', currentstation='{}',destination = '{}' where lpc = {}".format( row[0], row[1], lpc_list[0]) queryResult = cursor.run_query(updatebagstatus) # elif int(row[0]) in [41, 42, 81, 82, 220, 221]: # 已到达弃包处 updatebagstatus = "update onlinebag set status = 'dump', currentstation='{}',destination = '{}' where lpc = {}".format( row[0], row[1], lpc_list[0]) queryResult = cursor.run_query(updatebagstatus) "the bag:{} from flight:{}{} was dump,it is location in {}" .format(lpc_list[0], lpc_list[2], lpc_list[3], row[0])) elif int(row[0]) in [100, 110, 200, 210]: # 早到处 "the bag:{} from flight:{}{} is location in store {}". format(lpc_list[0], lpc_list[2], lpc_list[3], row[0])) updatebagstatus = "update onlinebag set status = 'store', currentstation='{}',destination = '{}' where lpc = {}".format( row[0], row[1], lpc_list[0]) queryResult = cursor.run_query(updatebagstatus) searchbag = "select lpc from ics.storebag where lpc = {}".format( lpc_list[0]) lpc = cursor.run_query(searchbag) if not lpc: addStoreBag = "insert into ics.storebag (created_time, lpc, DEPAIRLINE, DEPFLIGHT, STD) values ('{}', {}, '{}', '{}', '{}'); ".format( lpc_list[1], lpc_list[0], lpc_list[2], lpc_list[3], lpc_list[4]) queryResult = cursor.run_query(addStoreBag) else: # 异常行李 searchbag = "select lpc from ics.delaybag where lpc = {}".format( lpc_list[0]) lpc = cursor.run_query(searchbag) if not lpc: addDelayBag = "insert into ics.delaybag (created_time, lpc, DEPAIRLINE, DEPFLIGHT, STD, currentstation, destination) values ('{}', {}, '{}', '{}', '{}', '{}', '{}'); ".format( lpc_list[1], lpc_list[0], lpc_list[2], lpc_list[3], lpc_list[4], row[0], row[1]) queryResult = cursor.run_query(addDelayBag) "the bag:{} didn't arrive, the lastest position is {}". format(lpc_list[0], row[0]))
def getBagNumber(localtime): list1 = [localtime] query = "WITH ar AS ( select _name, max( _timestamp ) time FROM baggage_collection GROUP BY _name ), br AS ( select bag.* FROM ar, baggage_collection bag WHERE bag._name = ar._name AND bag._timestamp = ar.time AND bag._timestamp > '2022-05-25 13:00:00' ) select br._name,br._value FROM br, plcname_contrast WHERE plcname_contrast.plcname = br._name ORDER BY" cursor = Database(dbname='test', username='******', password='******', host='', port='3306') queryResult = cursor.run_query(query) for row in queryResult: list1.append(int(row[1])) return list1
def getBagNumber(localtime): list1 = [localtime] query = "with br as (WITH cr AS ( select _name, max( _timestamp ) time FROM baggage_collection GROUP BY _name ) select BAG._NAME, bag._VALUE FROM baggage_collection bag, cr WHERE bag._name = cr._name AND bag._timestamp = cr.time AND bag._timestamp > '2022-05-25 13:00:00' ) select br._name ,br._value from br, plcname_contrast where br._name = plcname order by" cursor = Database(dbname='test', username='******', password='******', host='', port='3306') queryResult = cursor.run_query(query) for row in queryResult: list1.append(int(row[1])) return list1
def secondcheck(): today ="%Y-%m-%d") searchbag = "select lpc, created_time, DEPAIRLINE, DEPFLIGHT, STD from ics.delaybag where created_time > '{}' ".format( today) # 暂时 cursor = Database(dbname='ics', username='******', password='******', host='', port='3306') queryResult = cursor.run_query(searchbag) for lpc_list in queryResult: sqlquery = "select lpc, sum( CASE WHEN EXECUTEDTASK = 'AutoScan' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) autoscan FROM WC_PACKAGEINFO WHERE lpc ={} AND TARGETPROCESSID LIKE 'BSIS%' and CURRENTSTATIONID in (581,582,583,584,585,586,587,588) GROUP BY lpc".format( lpc_list[0]) Result = accessOracle(sqlquery) if Result[0][1] > 4: add_mulcirclebag = "insert into ics.overcirclebag (created_time, lpc, autoscantimes) values ('{}', '{}', {})".format( today, Result[0][0], Result[0][1]) queryResult = cursor.run_query(add_mulcirclebag)"the bag:{} cricle time is {}".format( lpc_list[0], Result[0][1]))
def main(): currentWeek = ( - datetime.timedelta(days=7)).strftime("%Y%m%d") filename = "c://work//Datacollector//weeklyreport//rsocheckdata-{}.xlsx".format( currentWeek) # 要追加或者修改表格的文件名。 query1 = "select count(*) from ics.noread" cursor = Database(dbname='ics', username='******', password='******', host='', port='3306') queryResult = cursor.run_query(query1) rownumber = queryResult[0][0] query2 = "select * from ics.noread limit {},{}".format( int(rownumber) - 7, int(rownumber)) queryResult = cursor.run_query(query2) columns = ["date", "departure", "arrive"] df = pd.DataFrame(queryResult, columns=columns) dc = df try: with pd.ExcelWriter(filename) as writer: dc.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='sheet1', index=False) except Exception as e: logging.error(e)
"Data.PLC36.T3_Arrive_13", "Data.PLC36.T3_Arrive_14", "Data.PLC37.T3_Arrive_15", "Data.PLC37.T3_Arrive_16", "Data.PLC37.T3_Arrive_17", "Data.PLC37.T3_Arrive_18", "Data.PLC04.VCC_output", "Data.PLC05.VCC_output", "Data.PLC06.VCC_output", "Data.PLC07.VCC_output", "Data.PLC08.VCC_output", "Data.PLC20.VCC_output", "Data.PLC21.VCC_output", "Data.PLC22.VCC_output", "Data.PLC23.VCC_output", "Data.PLC24.VCC_output", "Data.PLC38.VCC_output", "Data.PLC39.VCC_output", "Data.PLC3116.A_EI", "Data.PLC3115.A_EO", "Data.PLC3145.A_WI", "Data.PLC3146.A_WO", "Data.PLC3241.D01_O", "Data.PLC3242.D02_O", "Data.PLC3241.D01_I", "Data.PLC3242.D02_I", "Data.PLC3243.D01", "Data.PLC3244.D02", "Data.PLC3205.A01", "Data.PLC3245.A02" ] # 输出首行 cursor = Database(dbname='test', username='******', password='******', host='', port='3306') def main(): sqlquery = "insert into test.test (plcname, sortname) values ('{}', '{}'); ".format( "time", "time") cursor.run_query(sqlquery) # addDelayBag = "insert into ics.plcname_contrast (plcname, sortname) values ('{}', '{}'); ".format("time", "time") # queryResult = cursor.run_query(addDelayBag) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
def bagdata(): bagdata = [] today ="%Y-%m-%d") # before30mins = ( - datetime.timedelta(minutes=30)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") cursor = Database(dbname='ics', username='******', password='******', host='', port='3306') searchbag = "select created_time,lpc,currentstation,destination, DEPAIRLINE, DEPFLIGHT, STD, status from ics.onlinebag where created_time > '{}' and (STATUS != 'arrived' OR STATUS IS NULL) ".format(today) queryResult = cursor.run_query(searchbag) for row in queryResult: try: destination = int(row[3]) except: if row[3] == "100,110,200,210,220,221,42,82": destination = 1000 # 弃包和中转总称 elif row[3] == "220,221,41,42,81,82": destination = 1001 # 弃包地 elif row[3] == "None": logging.error("destination write error.{}".format(row[3])) destination = None else: destination = 1002 # 其他异常 logging.error("1002 error") match row[7]: case "arrived": status = 1 case "store": status = 2 case "dump": status = 3 case _: status = 4 if len(row[5]) < 4: flightnr = str(row[5]).zfill(4) else: flightnr = str(row[5]) flight = "{}{}".format(row[4], flightnr) bag_dist = { 'measurement': 'bags', 'tags': { 'createdTime': row[0], "flight": flight, "STD": row[6] }, 'fields': { "lpc": int(row[1]), "currentstation": int(row[2]), "destination": destination, "status": status } } bagdata.append(bag_dist) searchdumpbag = "select created_time,lpc,bid,pid,REGISTER_LOCATION, DEREGISTER_LOCATION, flight from ics.dumpbag where created_time > '{}' ".format(today) queryResult = cursor.run_query(searchdumpbag) for row in queryResult: if not row[1]: lpc = '' else: lpc = row[1] if not row[6]: flight = '' else: flight = row[6] dumpbag_dist = { 'measurement': 'dumpbags', 'tags': { 'createdTime': row[0], "lpc": lpc, "bid": row[2], "REGISTER_LOCATION": row[4], "DEREGISTER_LOCATION": row[5], "FLIGHT": flight }, 'fields': { "pid": int(row[3]) } } bagdata.append(dumpbag_dist) searchdelaybag = "with cr as ( select lpc from delaybag where created_time > curdate() ) select created_time, onlinebag.lpc, currentstation, destination, DEPAIRLINE, DEPFLIGHT, STD, `status` from onlinebag ,cr where onlinebag.lpc = cr.lpc " queryResult = cursor.run_query(searchdelaybag) for row in queryResult: if row[3] == "100,110,200,210,220,221,42,82": destination = 1000 # 弃包和中转总称 elif row[3] == "220,221,41,42,81,82": destination = 1001 # 弃包地 elif row[3] == "None": logging.error("destination write error.{}".format(row[3])) destination = None else: destination = int(row[3]) match row[7]: case "arrived": status = 1 case "store": status = 2 case "dump": status = 3 case _: status = 4 delaybag_dist = { 'measurement': 'delaybags', 'tags': { 'createdTime': row[0], "flight": "{}{}".format(row[4], row[5]), "STD": row[6] }, 'fields': { "lpc": int(row[1]), "currentstation": int(row[2]), "destination": destination, "status": status } } bagdata.append(delaybag_dist) return bagdata
def secondcheck(): today ="%Y-%m-%d") searchbag = "select lpc, created_time, DEPAIRLINE, DEPFLIGHT, STD from ics.delaybag where created_time > '{}' and currentstation is not null ".format( today) # 暂时 cursor = Database(dbname='ics', username='******', password='******', host='', port='3306') queryResult = cursor.run_query(searchbag) for lpc_list in queryResult: sqlquery = "WITH ar AS ( SELECT IDEVENT, EVENTTS, AREAID, ZONEID, EQUIPMENTID FROM WC_TRACKINGREPORT track WHERE lpc = {} ), br AS ( SELECT lpc, EVENTTS, ( AREAID || '.' || ZONEID || '.' || EQUIPMENTID ) location , L_DESTINATION FROM WC_TRACKINGREPORT WHERE IDEVENT = ( SELECT max( IDEVENT ) FROM ar ) ), dr AS ( SELECT CURRENTSTATIONID, IDEVENT, lpc FROM WC_PACKAGEINFO WHERE lpc = {} ) SELECT CURRENTSTATIONID, L_DESTINATION, br.EVENTTS AS latest_time, br.LOCATION FROM dr, br WHERE dr.IDEVENT = ( SELECT max( IDEVENT ) FROM dr )".format( lpc_list[0], lpc_list[0]) destinationResult = accessOracle(sqlquery) # print(destinationResult) for row in destinationResult: if row[0] == row[1]: # 当前位置就是目的地 updatebagstatus = "update onlinebag set status = 'arrived', currentstation='{}',destination = '{}' where lpc = {}".format( row[0], row[1], lpc_list[0]) cursor.run_query(updatebagstatus) deleteDelayBag = "DELETE FROM ics.delaybag WHERE lpc = {};".format( lpc_list[0]) cursor.run_query(deleteDelayBag) "the bag {} have already arrived destination:{} and removed from delaybag list" .format(lpc_list[0], row[0])) elif int(row[0]) in [41, 42, 81, 82, 220, 221]: # 已到达弃包处 updatebagstatus = "update onlinebag set status = 'dump', currentstation='{}',destination = '{}' where lpc = {}".format( row[0], row[1], lpc_list[0]) cursor.run_query(updatebagstatus) deleteDelayBag = "DELETE FROM ics.delaybag WHERE lpc = {};".format( lpc_list[0]) cursor.run_query(deleteDelayBag) "the bag:{} from flight:{}{} has already dumped to {} and removed from the delaybag list" .format(lpc_list[0], lpc_list[2], lpc_list[3], row[0])) elif int(row[0]) in [100, 110, 200, 210]: # 这部分好像不需要 "the bag:{} from flight:{}{} is location in store {}". format(lpc_list[0], lpc_list[2], lpc_list[3], row[0])) updatebagstatus = "update onlinebag set status = 'store' where lpc = {}".format( lpc_list[0]) queryResult = cursor.run_query(updatebagstatus) searchbag = "select lpc from ics.storebag where lpc = {}".format( lpc_list[0]) lpc = cursor.run_query(searchbag) if not lpc: addStoreBag = "insert into ics.storebag (created_time, lpc, DEPAIRLINE, DEPFLIGHT, STD) values ('{}', {}, '{}', '{}', '{}'); ".format( lpc_list[1], lpc_list[0], lpc_list[2], lpc_list[3], lpc_list[4]) queryResult = cursor.run_query(addStoreBag) else: searchbag = "select currentstation from ics.delaybag where lpc = {}".format( lpc_list[0]) currentstation = cursor.run_query(searchbag) if currentstation != row[3]: localTime = row[2] + datetime.timedelta(hours=8) latest_time = localTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") updatebagstatus = "update delaybag set currentstation='{}',destination = '{}', latest_time = '{}' where lpc = '{}'".format( row[3], row[1], latest_time, lpc_list[0]) # 更新delaybag当前位置 queryResult = cursor.run_query(updatebagstatus) "the bag:{} didn't arrive, the lastest position is {}". format(lpc_list[0], row[3]))