def channels(): message = """select live_channel.chid,tvs_channel.chname,live_server.live_ip,live_url.live_path,live_status.sname """ message += """from tvs_channel,live_channel,live_server,live_url,live_status where tvs_channel.chid=live_channel.chid and """ message += """live_status.statusid=live_channel.statusid and live_url.live_urlid=live_channel.live_urlid and live_url.serverid = live_server.serverid """ message += """and live_url.status=0 order by live_channel.chid """ conn = my_sql.connect() cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(message) result = cursor.fetchall() conn.close() headers = ["频道名称", "直播地址", "直播路径", "发布状态"] print(yate.start_response()) print(yate.include_header("JSB living system")) print(yate.start_form("")) print(yate.start_table(tb_width="80%", tb_border="1px solid")) print(yate.tb_caption("已发布频道")) print(yate.tb_header(headers)) for array in result: print(yate.tb_data(array[1:])) print(yate.end_table()) print(yate.end_form()) print(yate.include_footer({"Home": "/index.html"}))
def editUrl(): print(Osyate.start_response()) ''' #Print table in browser ''' conn = connect('set_os.ini') cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute('''select u_hurl.spid,,,u_hurl.ip,u_hurl.port from u_hurl,u_sp where and u_hurl.statusid <> 2''') results = cur.fetchall() conn.close() title='地址管理' jsurl = '../js/edirUrl.js' print(Osyate.include_header(title,jsurl)) print(Osyate.start_div(divId='editOsname', site='left')) print(Osyate.start_table(classname='table', width='100%', site='left')) print(Osyate.start_tr()) tagname=['项目名称','地址','存储位置','端口号'] for item in tagname: print(Osyate.table_th(classname='bg_tr', site='left', ms=item)) print(Osyate.end_tr()) path = 'null' if results != (): for row in results: mixid = ''.join([str(row[0]),'&',str(row[1])]) #print 'mixid',mixid print(Osyate.url_t2(mixid,row[2],row[3],path,row[4])) print(Osyate.end_table()) print(Osyate.url_t3('')) print(Osyate.include_footer())
def deal_editMac(): osname = "" osid = "" # print(Osyate.start_response()) form_data = cgi.FieldStorage(encoding="gbk") conn = connect("set_os.ini") cur = conn.cursor() mid = form_data.getvalue("spid", None) mac1 = form_data.getvalue("mac1", None) mac2 = form_data.getvalue("mac2", None) submitinfo = form_data.getvalue("submit") deltinfo = "删除" updinfo = "修改" if (mid and mac1 and mac2) is not None: spid = int(mid.split("&").pop(0)) devid = int(mid.split("&").pop(1)) deltMes = """delete from u_devices where id=%s""" % devid updMes = """update u_devices set mac_l='%s', mac_u= '%s' where id=%s""" % (mac1, mac2, devid) if submitinfo == deltinfo: print("deddd") cur.execute(deltMes) conn.commit() if submitinfo == updinfo: cur.execute(updMes) conn.commit() editMac()
def channels_offline(channel_offline=True): message = ("""SELECT ulv_genchannels.channel_id, tvs_channel.chname, ulv_genaddress.gen_address, ulv_status.des FROM ulv_genchannels NATURAL JOIN tvs_channel, ulv_genaddress, ulv_status WHERE ulv_genchannels.channel_id = tvs_channel.chid AND tvs_channel.chid = ulv_genaddress.channel_id AND ulv_status.status_id=1 order by ulv_genchannels.sort_id, ulv_genchannels.channel_id""") conn = my_sql.connect() cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(message) result = cursor.fetchall() conn.close() headers = ["频道名称", "频道编号", "直播路径", "发布状态"] print(yate.start_response()) if channel_offline: print(yate.include_header("频道下线")) else: print(yate.include_header("已发布频道")) print(yate.start_form("")) print(yate.start_table(tb_width="100%", tb_border="1px solid")) print(yate.tb_header(headers)) for array in result: print(yate.do_table(array, channel_offline)) print(yate.end_table()) if channel_offline==True: print(yate.end_form("确定"))
def deal_editUrl(): conn = connect('set_os.ini') cur = conn.cursor() form_data = cgi.FieldStorage(encoding='gbk') mixid = form_data.getvalue('spid',None) ip = form_data.getvalue('ip',None) port = form_data.getvalue('port',None) submitValue = form_data.getvalue('submit',None) editinfo = '修改' deltinfo = '删除' if (mixid and ip and port and submitValue) is not None: spid = int(mixid.split('&').pop(0)) hurlid = int(mixid.split('&').pop(1)) delMes = '''delete from u_hurl where id=%s''' % hurlid updMes = '''update u_hurl set ip='%s',port=%s where id=%s''' % (ip,port,hurlid) if submitValue == editinfo: cur.execute(updMes) conn.commit() if submitValue == deltinfo: cur.execute(delMes) conn.commit() editUrl()
def deal_editOsname(): osname = "" osid = "" """ Get data from cgi """ form_data = cgi.FieldStorage() # print form_data if "osname" in form_data and "osid" in form_data: osname = form_data["osname"].value osid = form_data["osid"].value conn = connect() cursor = conn.cursor() """ Update db if u_sp's data changed! """ if osname != "" and osid != "": ms = """update u_sp set name="%s" where id=%s""" % (osname, osid) # print ms cursor.execute(ms) conn.commit() editOsname()
def MacAdd(): print(Osyate.start_response()) print(Osyate.addOms()) conn = connect('set_os.ini') cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("""select id,name from u_sp""") result = cursor.fetchall() conn.close() print(Osyate.start_select_mac('')) for row in result: print(Osyate.sub_option({row[0]:row[1]})) print(Osyate.sub_pubend_next()) print(Osyate.include_footer())
def get_response(): form_data = cgi.FieldStorage(encoding='gbk') print(Osyate.start_response()) spid = form_data.getvalue('osid',None) #print(form_data) if spid != None: conn = connect('set_os.ini') cursor = conn.cursor() msg = '''update u_hurl set statusid=3 where spid=%s''' % spid cursor.execute(msg) conn.commit() conn.close() print('YOU HAVE DONE IT SUCCESS!')
def genaddress_publish(): # channel_list allchannel = {} allcatagory = {} conn = my_sql.connect() cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute( """select live_url.chid,live_url.live_urlid,tvs_channel.chname from tvs_channel, live_url where tvs_channel.status=0 and live_url.status=0 and live_url.chid=tvs_channel.chid order by tvs_channel.chid""" ) dic = cur.fetchall() apd = "" for each in dic: apd = " ".join([str(each[0]), str(each[1])]) allchannel[apd] = each[2].encode("utf-8") apd = "" # print allchannel # select catagory id cur.execute("""select sort_id,sort_name from live_sort """) catagorydic = cur.fetchall() conn.close() for each in catagorydic: allcatagory[each[0]] = each[1].encode("utf-8") print(yate.start_response()) print(yate.render_publish(urls="")) # print(yate.start_form("")) print("mix")) print(yate.select_list_new(allchannel)) print(yate.end_select()) print("sortid")) print(yate.select_list_new(allcatagory)) print(yate.end_select()) """ print('logo')) print(yate.select_list_n(alllogoname)) print(yate.end_select()) """ # print(yate.end_form("add")) print(yate.submit())
def get_response(): spid = "" ip = "" port = "" # print(Osyate.start_response()) form_data = cgi.FieldStorage() if form_data: spid = form_data.getvalue("spid") ip = form_data.getvalue("ip") port = form_data.getvalue("port") conn = connect("set_os.ini") cursor = conn.cursor() if spid is not None and spid != "" and spid is not None and spid != "" and ip is not None and ip != "": cursor.execute("""insert into u_hurl (spid,ip,port,statusid) values(%s,'%s',%s,%s)""" % (spid, ip, port, 1)) conn.commit() conn.close() editUrl()
def EpgUrlAdd(): print(Osyate.addOms()) conn = connect('set_os.ini') cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("""SELECT, from u_sp as sp where not in (SELECT u_hurl.spid from u_hurl where u_hurl.statusid =2) or not in (SELECT u_hurl.spid from u_hurl)""") result = cursor.fetchall() conn.close() print(Osyate.start_select_Epg('')) for row in result: print(Osyate.sub_option({row[0]:row[1]})) print(Osyate.sub_pubend()) print(Osyate.include_footer())
def channels_publish(): cmdmsg = ("""SELECT tvs_channel.chid, tvs_channel.chname FROM tvs_channel NATURAL JOIN ulv_genaddress WHERE tvs_channel.`status` <> 1 AND tvs_channel.chid = ulv_genaddress.channel_id order by tvs_channel.chid""") conn = my_sql.connect() cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute(cmdmsg) result = cur.fetchall() msg = ("""select sort_id,sort_name from ulv_sort""") cur.execute(msg) sortinfo = cur.fetchall() conn.close() print(yate.start_response()) print(yate.include_header("上线频道")) print("<p ><b>通过下面的复选框选择要上线的频道</b></p>") print(yate.start_form("")) print(yate.start_table(tb_width="50%", tb_border="1px solid")) print(yate.start_row()) print("<center>") print("channel_id")) print(yate.select_option(result)) print(yate.end_select()) print('</center>') print(yate.end_row()) print(yate.start_row()) print("<center>") print("sort_id")) print(yate.select_option(sortinfo)) print(yate.end_select()) print('</center>') print(yate.end_row()) print(yate.start_row()) print(yate.end_form("确定")) print(yate.end_row()) print(yate.end_table())
def editOsname(title,links,msg=None): ''' Substitute the template ''' print(Osyate.start_response()) conn = connect('set_os.ini') cursor = conn.cursor() if msg == None: msg= '''select name,id from u_sp''' cursor.execute(msg) results = cursor.fetchall() conn.close() print(Osyate.osn_t1(title)) if results != (): for row in results: print(Osyate.osn_t2(row[0],row[1],row[2])) print(Osyate.osn_t3(links)) print(Osyate.include_footer())
def get_channelInfo_from_store(spid): m1 = ("""SELECT ulv_opchannels.chid, tvs_channel.chname, ulv_dns.dns_name, ulv_genaddress.gen_address, ulv_genchannels.sort_id from ulv_dns,ulv_genaddress,ulv_opchannels,ulv_genchannels,tvs_channel where ulv_opchannels.sp_id=%d and ulv_dns.sp_id =%d and ulv_genaddress.channel_id = ulv_opchannels.chid and tvs_channel.chid = ulv_opchannels.chid and ulv_genchannels.channel_id = ulv_opchannels.chid ORDER BY ulv_genchannels.sort_id, ulv_opchannels.chid""") % (spid,spid) conn = my_sql.connect() cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(m1) response = cursor.fetchall() conn.close() return(response)
def get_response(): print(yate.start_response()) form_data = cgi.FieldStorage(encoding='gbk') #print form_data osname ='' spid='' if form_data: osname = form_data.getvalue('osname') spid = form_data.getvalue('spid') conn = connect('set_os.ini') cursor = conn.cursor() if osname is not None and osname != '': ms = """insert into u_sp (name) values('%s')""" % osname cursor.execute(ms) conn.commit() EpgUrlAdd()
def get_response(): osname ='' spid='' pickosmac='' mac1='' mac2='' #print(Osyate.start_response()) form_data = cgi.FieldStorage() if form_data: osname = form_data.getvalue('osname') spid = form_data.getvalue('spid') pickosmac = form_data.getvalue('pickosmac') mac1 = form_data.getvalue('mac1') mac2 = form_data.getvalue('mac2') conn = connect('set_os.ini') cursor = conn.cursor() if pickosmac is not None and pickosmac != '' and ((mac1 is not None and mac1 != '' ) or (mac2 is not None and mac2 != '')): cursor.execute('''insert into u_devices (mac_l,mac_u,sp_id) values('%s','%s',%s)''' % (mac1,mac2,pickosmac)) conn.commit() editMac()
def editMac(): conn = connect('set_os.ini') cur = conn.cursor() ''' #Print table on browser ''' cur.execute('''select,,, u_devices.mac_l,u_devices.mac_u from u_devices,u_sp,u_hurl where and u_hurl.spid = and u_hurl.statusid <> 2 ''') results = cur.fetchall() conn.close() print(Osyate.start_response()) print(Osyate.mac_t1()) path = 'null' if results != (): for row in results: mixid=''.join([str(row[0]),'&',str(row[1])]) #print mixid print(Osyate.mac_t2(mixid,row[2],row[3],row[4])) print(Osyate.mac_t3('')) print(Osyate.include_footer())
def connect(self): if dbname is not None: return(my_sql.connect(dbname)) else: return(my_sql.connect())