def main(dbN, geneN): (con, cursor) = mycgi.connectDB(db=dbN) # prep RNA-Seq data availability table cursor.execute( 'create temporary table t_avail_RNASeq as select distinct samp_id from rpkm_gene_expr' ) # prep exonSkip info cursor.execute( 'select delExons,frame,loc1,loc2, count(*) cnt from splice_skip where gene_sym = "%s" and nPos>=5 group by delExons order by count(*) desc' % geneN) results = cursor.fetchall() conditionL_exonSkip = [] for (delExons, frame, loc1, loc2, cnt) in results: if ':Y' in frame: frame_code = 'in' elif ':N' in frame: frame_code = 'off' else: frame_code = 'utr' conditionL_exonSkip.append( [ ('nReads', 'splice_skip', 'loc1="%s" and loc2="%s" and nPos>=5' % (loc1,loc2), '%3d', '%s<br><sup>(n=%s, %s)</sup>' % (delExons.split(',')[0], cnt,frame_code),), \ # ('avg(nReads)', 'splice_normal', 'loc1="%s" or loc2="%s"' % (loc1,loc2), '%d') ]) ('sum(nReads)', 'splice_normal', 'loc1="%s"' % (loc1,), '%d') ]) # prep mutation info # where gene_symL like "%s%s%s" and ch_type != "synonymous_variant" and ch_type != "nc_transcript_variant,synonymous_variant" and ch_type != "intron_variant,synonymous_variant" \ if dbN == 'CancerSCAN': cursor.execute('create temporary table t_mut as \ select concat(substring(chrom,4,4),":",cast(chrSta as char),ref,">",alt) as ch_pos, ch_dna,ch_aa,ch_type,cosmic from mutation_cs \ where find_in_set("%s",gene_sym) > 0 and ch_type != "synonymous_variant" and ch_type != "nc_transcript_variant,synonymous_variant" and ch_type != "intron_variant,synonymous_variant" \ and ch_type != "nc_transcript_variant" and ch_type != "intron_variant,nc_transcript_variant" and ch_type != "intron_variant" and ch_type != "Substitution - coding silent"\ and nReads_alt<>2 order by ch_type desc' % (geneN)) else: cursor.execute('create temporary table t_mut as \ select concat(substring(chrom,4,4),":",cast(chrSta as char),ref,">",alt) as ch_pos, ch_dna,ch_aa,ch_type,cosmic from mutation_rxsq \ where find_in_set("%s",gene_symL) > 0 and ch_type != "synonymous_variant" and ch_type != "nc_transcript_variant,synonymous_variant" and ch_type != "intron_variant,synonymous_variant" \ and ch_type != "nc_transcript_variant" and ch_type != "intron_variant,nc_transcript_variant" and ch_type != "intron_variant" and ch_type != "Substitution - coding silent"\ and nReads_alt<>2 order by ch_type desc' % (geneN)) cursor.execute( 'select *,count(*) cnt from t_mut group by ch_pos order by count(*) desc, cosmic desc' ) results = cursor.fetchall() conditionL_mutation = [] for (ch_pos, ch_dna, ch_aa, ch_type, cosmic, cnt) in results: ch_aa = ch_aa.replace(',', '<br>') if (dbN == 'CancerSCAN' and 'cosmic' in cosmic) or (dbN != 'CancerSCAN' and cosmic): cosmic_fmt = '<font color="red">%s</font><br><sup>(n=%d, %s)</sup>' else: cosmic_fmt = '%s<br><sup>(n=%d, %s)</sup>' if ch_aa: cnd = ch_aa elif ch_dna: cnd = ch_dna else: cnd = ch_pos if dbN == 'CancerSCAN': conditionL_mutation.append([ ('nReads_alt', 'mutation_cs', 'nReads_alt<>2 and concat(substring(chrom,4,4),":",cast(chrSta as char),ref,">",alt)="%s"' % ch_pos, '%d', cosmic_fmt % (cnd, cnt, mutation_map(ch_type, dbN))), \ ('nReads_ref', 'mutation_cs', 'nReads_alt<>2 and concat(substring(chrom,4,4),":",cast(chrSta as char),ref,">",alt)="%s"' % ch_pos, '%d') ]) else: conditionL_mutation.append( [ ('nReads_alt,r_nReads_alt', 'mutation_rxsq', 'nReads_alt<>2 and concat(substring(chrom,4,4),":",cast(chrSta as char),ref,">",alt)="%s"' % ch_pos, '%d', cosmic_fmt % (cnd, cnt, mutation_map(ch_type, dbN))), \ ('nReads_ref,r_nReads_ref', 'mutation_rxsq', 'nReads_alt<>2 and concat(substring(chrom,4,4),":",cast(chrSta as char),ref,">",alt)="%s"' % ch_pos, '%d') ]) # prep fusion table cursor.execute('create temporary table t_fusion as \ select samp_id,locate(":Y",frame)>1 frame,count(nPos) nEvents \ from splice_fusion where nPos>=2 and (find_in_set("%s",gene_sym1) or find_in_set("%s",gene_sym2)) group by samp_id, locate(":Y",frame)>1' % (geneN, geneN)) # prep eiJunc info cursor.execute( 'select loc,juncAlias, count(*) cnt from splice_eiJunc where gene_sym="%s" and nReads>=10 group by loc' % geneN) results = cursor.fetchall() conditionL_eiJunc = [] for (loc, juncAlias, cnt) in results: conditionL_eiJunc.append([ ('nReads', 'splice_eiJunc', 'loc="%s" and nReads>=10' % loc, '%3d', '%s<br><sup>(n=%s)</sup>' % (juncAlias, cnt)), ('sum(nReads)', 'splice_normal', 'loc1="%s"' % (loc, ), '%d') ]) # outlier outlier_sId = [] if dbN in ['ircr1', 'tcga1', 'ccle1']: cursor.execute( 'select samp_id, expr_MAD from array_gene_expr_MAD mad, gene_expr_stat stat where mad.gene_sym = stat.gene_sym and (mad.expr_MAD >= stat.q75 + 3*(stat.q75 - stat.q25) or mad.expr_MAD <= stat.q25 - 3*(stat.q75 - stat.q25)) and mad.gene_sym = "%s"' % geneN) results3 = cursor.fetchall() for i in range(len(results3)): outlier_sId.append(results3[i][0]) ## corrected CN value available? cncorr_sId = [] if dbN in ['ircr1']: cursor.execute( 'select distinct samp_id from xsq_purity where tumor_frac != "ND"') resultsCorr = cursor.fetchall() for i in range(len(resultsCorr)): cncorr_sId.append(resultsCorr[i][0]) normal_sId = [] if dbN in ['ircr1']: cursor.execute('select distinct samp_id from xsq_purity') tttt = cursor.fetchall() for i in range(len(tttt)): normal_sId.append(tttt[i][0]) conditionL = conditionL_preH[ dbN] + conditionL_mutation + conditionL_fusion + conditionL_exonSkip + conditionL_eiJunc print '<p><h4>%s status of %s panel <small><a href="">[GeneCard]</a> <a href="">[PubMed]</a></small></h4></p>' % ( geneN, mycgi.db2dsetN(dbN), geneN, geneN) # census cursor.execute( 'select tumor_soma, tumor_germ, syndrome, mut_type from common.census where gene_sym="%s"' % geneN) census = cursor.fetchall() print('\n<font size=2> <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">') print( '<tr>\n<td rowspan=2>Census</td>\n<td>tumor_soma</td>\n<td>tumor_germ</td>\n<td>syndrome</td>\n<td>mut_type</td>\n</tr>\n' ) if len(census) != 0: print( '<tr>\n<td>%s</td>\n<td>%s</td>\n<td>%s</td>\n<td>%s</td>\n</tr>\n' % (census[0][0], census[0][1], census[0][2], census[0][3])) else: print('<tr>\n<td></td>\n<td></td>\n<td></td>\n<td></td>\n</tr>\n') # drugbank cursor.execute('select drug from common.drugbank where gene_sym="%s"' % geneN) drug = [x for (x, ) in cursor.fetchall()] print('\n<font size=2> <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">') print('<br><tr>\n<td>Drug</td>\n') print('<td>%s</td>\n</tr>\n' % ('</br>\n'.join(drug))) # pathway cursor.execute( 'select biocarta_id, biocarta_desc from common.biocarta where gene_sym="%s"' % geneN) biocarta = cursor.fetchall() cursor.execute( 'select kegg_id, kegg_desc from common.kegg where gene_sym="%s"' % geneN) kegg = cursor.fetchall() cursor.execute('select go_id, go_desc from common.go where gene_sym="%s"' % geneN) go = cursor.fetchall() print('\n<font size=2> <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">') print('<br><tr>\n<td>Biocarta</td>\n<td>KEGG</td>\n<td>GO</td>\n</tr>\n') print('<tr><td><div style="width:100%; height:50px; overflow:auto">') for (id, desc) in biocarta: print( '<a href="">%s</br>' % (id, desc)) print('</td>\n<td><div style="width:100%; height:50px; overflow:auto">') for (id, desc) in kegg: print( '<a href="">%s</br>' % (id, desc)) print('</td>\n<td><div style="width:100%; height:50px; overflow:auto">') for (id, desc) in go: print( '<a href="">%s</br>' % (id, desc)) print('</div></td>\n</tr>\n') if dbN == 'CancerSCAN': cursor.execute( '''CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t_id AS SELECT DISTINCT samp_id FROM mutation_cs UNION SELECT DISTINCT samp_id FROM cs_cn''' ) elif dbN == 'tcga1': cursor.execute('create temporary table t_id as \ select distinct samp_id from array_gene_expr union select distinct samp_id from array_cn union select distinct samp_id from splice_normal union select distinct samp_id from mutation_rxsq union select distinct samp_id from rpkm_gene_expr' ) else: cursor.execute('create temporary table t_id as \ select distinct samp_id from array_gene_expr union select distinct samp_id from array_cn union select distinct samp_id from splice_normal union select distinct samp_id from mutation_rxsq union select distinct samp_id from rpkm_gene_expr union select distinct samp_id from xsq_cn' ) cursor.execute('alter table t_id add index (samp_id)') cursor.execute( 'create temporary table t_expr as select * from array_gene_expr where gene_sym="%s"' % geneN) #cursor.execute('create temporary table t_cn as select * from xsq_cn where gene_sym="%s"' % geneN) cursor.execute('alter table t_expr add index (samp_id,gene_sym)') #cursor.execute('alter table t_cn add index (samp_id,gene_sym)') cursor.execute( 'select samp_id from t_id left join t_expr using (samp_id) order by z_score desc' ) #cursor.execute('select samp_id from t_id left join t_cn using (samp_id) order by value_log2 desc') results = cursor.fetchall() numTotSamp = len(results) print('\n<font size=3> <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">') # header: row1 print '<br><tr>\n<td rowspan=2><div class="verticaltext" align="middle">samples<br><sup>n=%s</sup></div></td>' % numTotSamp, for i in range(len(conditionL)): row = conditionL[i] if type(row) == list: row = row[0] if i < len(conditionL_preH[dbN]): if ('tag' in row[1]) or ('t_avail' in row[1]) or ( 'subtype' in row[1]) or ('purity' in row[1]): cursor.execute('select count(*) from %s where %s' % (row[1], row[2])) elif ('loh' in row[1]): cursor.execute( 'select count(distinct samp_id) from xsq_purity' ) # of samples for which purity pipeline was applied = # of samples with matched blood exome else: cursor.execute( 'select count(*) from %s where %s and gene_sym ="%s"' % (row[1], row[2], geneN)) count = cursor.fetchone() if 'MAD' in row[4]: print( '<td rowspan=2 align="middle"><div class="verticaltext">%s, n=%s)</sup></div></td>' % (row[-1], count[0])) else: print( '<td rowspan=2 align="middle"><div class="verticaltext">%s<br><sup>(n=%s)</sup></div></td>' % (row[-1], count[0])) else: if i == len(conditionL_preH[dbN]) and len(conditionL_mutation) > 0: print('<td align="middle" colspan=%s>mutation (mt/wt)</td>' % len(conditionL_mutation)) elif i == len(conditionL_preH[dbN]) + len(conditionL_mutation): print( '<td align="middle" colspan=%s><a href="">fusion</a></td>' % (len(conditionL_fusion), dbN)) elif i == len( conditionL_preH[dbN]) + len(conditionL_mutation) + len( conditionL_fusion) and len(conditionL_exonSkip) > 0: print( '<td align="middle" colspan=%s><a href="">exonSkip</a> (mt/wt)</td>' % (len(conditionL_exonSkip), dbN)) elif i == len(conditionL_preH[dbN]) + len( conditionL_mutation) + len(conditionL_fusion) + len( conditionL_exonSkip) and len(conditionL_eiJunc) > 0: print( '<td align="middle" colspan=%s><a href="">3p deletion</a> (mt/wt)</td>' % (len(conditionL_eiJunc), dbN)) print('\n</tr>\n') # header: row2 print '<tr>\n', for i in range(len(conditionL)): row = conditionL[i] if type(row) == list: row = row[0] if i < len(conditionL_preH[dbN]): pass else: print( '<td height="100"><div class="verticaltext" align="middle">%s</div></td>' % row[-1]) print('\n</tr>\n') for (sId, ) in results: print '<tr>', # print '<td nowrap><a href="">%s</td>' % (dbN,sId,sId), new_id = mycgi.get_new_id(sId) print '<td nowrap><a href="">%s</td>' % ( dbN, new_id, new_id), d_flag = None r_flag = None for row in conditionL: outlier = None if type(row) == list: row_wt = row[1] row = row[0] else: row_wt = None (col, tbl, cnd, fmt) = row[:4] cursor.execute('show columns from %s like "gene_sym"' % tbl) if cursor.fetchone(): cnd += ' and gene_sym="%s"' % geneN if tbl == 'mutation_rxsq': cursor.execute( 'select distinct %s from %s where samp_id="%s" and (%s)' % (col, tbl, sId, cnd)) else: cursor.execute( 'select %s from %s where samp_id="%s" and (%s)' % (col, tbl, sId, cnd)) results2 = cursor.fetchall() if len(results2) > 1: print sId raise Exception if type(row) == tuple and row[-1] == 'RSq': if len(results2) > 0: r_flag = True else: r_flag = False if type(row) == tuple and row[-1] == 'XSq': if len(results2) > 0: d_flag = True else: d_flag = False if sId not in normal_sId: # flag for matched normal p_flag = False else: p_flag = True if type(row) == tuple and row[-1] == 'expr<br><sup>(MAD': if sId in outlier_sId: outlier = True else: outlier = False if len(results2) == 1: # and results2[0][0] not in (0,'0'): value = ('%s' % fmt) % results2[0][0] if len(results2[0]) >= 2: n_value = ('%s' % fmt) % results2[0][1] else: n_value = 0 if row_wt: (col, tbl, cnd, fmt) = row_wt[:4] if tbl == 'mutation_rxsq': cursor.execute( 'select distinct %s from %s where samp_id="%s" and %s' % (col, tbl, sId, cnd)) else: cursor.execute( 'select %s from %s where samp_id="%s" and %s' % (col, tbl, sId, cnd)) results_wt = cursor.fetchone() n_count_wt = 0 if results_wt[0]: count_wt = ('%s' % fmt) % results_wt[0] else: count_wt = 0 if len(results_wt) >= 2: count_wt = ('%s' % fmt) % results_wt[0] n_count_wt = ('%s' % fmt) % results_wt[1] if row[1] == 'mutation_rxsq': # if int(n_value)!=0 and int(n_count_wt)!=0 and int(value)!=0 and int(count_wt)!=0: if int(n_value) != 0 and int(value) != 0: if int(value) > (int(value) + int(count_wt) ) * cutoff and int(n_value) > ( int(n_value) + int(n_count_wt)) * cutoff: print '<td><font color=red><b>%s</b></font><sub>/%s</sub>,<font color=468847><b>%s</b><sub>/%s</sub></font></td>' % ( value, count_wt, n_value, n_count_wt), elif int(n_value) > (int(n_value) + int(n_count_wt)) * cutoff: print '<td>%s<sub>/%s</sub>,<font color=468847><b>%s</b><sub>/%s</sub></font></td>' % ( value, count_wt, n_value, n_count_wt), elif int(value) > (int(value) + int(count_wt)) * cutoff: print '<td><font color=red><b>%s</b></font><sub>/%s</sub>,<font color=468847>%s<sub>/%s</sub></font></td>' % ( value, count_wt, n_value, n_count_wt), else: print '<td>%s<sub>/%s</sub>,<font color=468847>%s<sub>/%s</sub></font></td>' % ( value, count_wt, n_value, n_count_wt), elif int(value) == 0 and int( count_wt) == 0: ## no exome if int(n_value) > (int(n_value) + int(n_count_wt)) * cutoff: print '<td><font color=468847><b>%s</b><sub>/%s</sub></font></td>' % ( n_value, n_count_wt), else: print '<td><font color=468847>%s<sub>/%s</sub></font></td>' % ( n_value, n_count_wt), elif int(n_value) == 0 and int( n_count_wt) == 0: ## no normal if int(value) > (int(value) + int(count_wt)) * cutoff: print '<td><font color=red><b>%s</b></font><sub>/%s</sub></td>' % ( value, count_wt), else: print '<td>%s<sub>/%s</sub></td>' % (value, count_wt), else: if int(value) > (int(value) + int(count_wt)) * cutoff: tmp = row[4].split('<br>')[0].split('/') if len(tmp) > 1 and tmp[0] == tmp[1]: print '<td>%s<sub>/%s</sub></td>' % (value, count_wt), else: print '<td><font color=red><b>%s</b></font><sub>/%s</sub></td>' % ( value, count_wt), else: print '<td>%s<sub>/%s</sub></td>' % (value, count_wt), else: if row[1] == 't_fusion': html_content = "" if row[4] == 'in': print '<a name="%s"></a>' % sId html_content = mycgi.compose_fusion_table( cursor, dbN, geneN, sId, "in") print ''' <td><div class="tooltip_content">%s</div><div class="tooltip_link"><a href="#current">%s</a></div></td> ''' % (html_content, value) else: html_content = mycgi.compose_fusion_table( cursor, dbN, geneN, sId, "off") print ''' <td><div class="tooltip_content">%s</div><div class="tooltip_link"><a href="#current">%s</a></div></td> ''' % (html_content, value) elif outlier: print '<td><font color=red><b>%s</b></font></td>' % value elif tbl == 'array_cn' or tbl == 'cs_cn': ##aCGH (cl, bL) = cn_format(value) print '<td><font color=%s>%s%s%s</font></td>' % ( cl, bL[0], value, bL[1]) elif tbl == 'xsq_cn': (cl1, bL1) = cn_format(value) if sId in cncorr_sId: cursor.execute( 'select %s from xsq_cn_corr where samp_id="%s" and (%s)' % (col, sId, cnd)) val_corr = ('%s' % fmt) % cursor.fetchone()[0] (cl2, bL2) = cn_format(val_corr) print '<td><font color=%s>%s%s%s</font>,<font color=%s>%s%s%s</font></td>' % ( cl1, bL1[0], value, bL1[1], cl2, bL2[0], val_corr, bL2[1]) else: print '<td><font color=%s>%s%s%s</font></td>' % ( cl1, bL1[0], value, bL1[1]) else: print '<td>%s</td>' % value else: #grey out if (r_flag == False and row[1] in ('splice_skip', 't_fusion', 'splice_eiJunc', 'rpkm_gene_expr') ) or (r_flag == False and d_flag == False and row[1] in ('mutation_rxsq')) or ( (d_flag == False or p_flag == False) and row[1] in ('xsq_loh')): print '<td bgcolor=silver></td>' else: print '<td></td>' print '</tr>' print('\n</table> </font>\n') return
def main(dbN, geneN): (con, cursor) = mycgi.connectDB(db=dbN) if dbN == 'ccle1': mutation_map = {'DEL:3\'UTR':'UTR', 'SNP:3\'UTR':'UTR', 'SNP:Missense_Mutation':'MS', 'SNP:Intron':'INT', 'DEL:Frame_Shift_Del':'FS', \ 'SNP:5\'UTR':'UTR', 'DEL:In_Frame_Del':'FP', 'INS:3\'UTR':'UTR', 'SNP:Splice_Site_SNP':'SS', 'SNP:Nonsense_Mutation':'NS', \ 'INS:Frame_Shift_Ins':'FS', 'DEL:Intron':'INT', 'INS:Intron':'INT', 'DNP:Missense_Mutation':'MS', 'INS:Splice_Site_Ins':'SS', \ 'TNP:Intron':'INT', 'DNP:Nonsense_Mutation':'NS', 'DNP:Intron':'INT', 'SNP:De_novo_Start_OutOfFrame':'SOF', 'DNP:5\'UTR':'UTR', \ 'INS:5\'UTR':'UTR', 'SNP:Nonstop_Mutation':'NM', 'DNP:3\'UTR':'UTR', 'SNP:5\'Flank':'FLK', 'DEL:5\'UTR':'UTR', 'DNP:Splice_Site_DNP':'SS', \ 'INS:In_Frame_Ins':'FP', 'DEL:Splice_Site_Del':'SS', 'SNP:De_novo_Start_InFrame':'SIF', 'DEL:5\'Flank':'FLK', 'INS:5\'Flank':'FLK', \ 'DNP:De_novo_Start_InFrame':'SIF', 'DNP:Stop_Codon_DNP':'STC', 'INS:Stop_Codon_Ins':'STC', 'TNP:Nonsense_Mutation':'NS', \ 'TNP:Missense_Mutation':'MS', 'DEL:Start_Codon_Del':'SC'} else: mutation_map = {'':'UK','SNP:Intron':'INT', 'SNP:5\'UTR':'UTR', 'SNP:3\'UTR':'UTR', 'SNP:RNA':'RNA', 'SNP:5\'Flank':'FLK', \ 'DEL:Frame_Shift_Del':'FS', 'DEL:In_Frame_Del':'FP', 'DEL:Splice_Site':'SS', 'DEL:Translation_Start_Site':'TSS', \ 'DNP:Missense_Mutation':'MS', 'DNP:Nonsense_Mutation':'NS', 'DNP:Splice_Site':'SS', \ 'INS:Frame_Shift_Ins':'FS', 'INS:In_Frame_Ins':'FP', 'INS:Splice_Site':'SS', \ 'SNP:Missense_Mutation':'MS', 'SNP:Nonsense_Mutation':'NS', 'SNP:Nonstop_Mutation':'NM', 'SNP:Splice_Site':'SS', 'SNP:Translation_Start_Site':'TSS', \ 'Substitution - Missense':'MS', 'Substitution - Nonsense':'NS', 'Substitution - Missense,Substitution - coding silent':'MS', 'Nonstop extension':'rNS'} # prep RNA-Seq data availability table cursor.execute( 'create temporary table t_avail_RNASeq as select distinct samp_id from splice_normal' ) # prep exonSkip info cursor.execute( 'select delExons,frame,loc1,loc2, count(*) cnt from splice_skip where gene_sym = "%s" and nPos>=5 group by delExons order by count(*) desc' % geneN) results = cursor.fetchall() conditionL_exonSkip = [] for (delExons, frame, loc1, loc2, cnt) in results: if ':Y' in frame: frame_code = 'in' elif ':N' in frame: frame_code = 'off' else: frame_code = 'utr' conditionL_exonSkip.append( [ ('nReads', 'splice_skip', 'loc1="%s" and loc2="%s" and nPos>=5' % (loc1,loc2), '%3d', '%s<br><sup>(n=%s, %s)</sup>' % (delExons.split(',')[0], cnt,frame_code),), \ # ('avg(nReads)', 'splice_normal', 'loc1="%s" or loc2="%s"' % (loc1,loc2), '%d') ]) ('sum(nReads)', 'splice_normal', 'loc1="%s"' % (loc1,), '%d') ]) # prep mutation info cursor.execute('create temporary table t_mut as \ select concat(substring(chrom,4,4),":",cast(chrSta as char),ref,">",alt) as ch_pos, ch_dna,ch_aa,ch_type,cosmic from mutation_normal \ where find_in_set("%s",gene_symL)>0 and nReads_alt>2 order by ch_type desc' % (geneN)) cursor.execute( 'select *,count(*) cnt from t_mut group by ch_pos order by count(*) desc, cosmic desc limit 20' ) results = cursor.fetchall() conditionL_mutation = [] for (ch_pos, ch_dna, ch_aa, ch_type, cosmic, cnt) in results: ch_aa = ch_aa.replace(',', '<br>') if cosmic: cosmic_fmt = '<font color="red">%s</font><br><sup>(n=%d, %s)</sup>' else: cosmic_fmt = '%s<br><sup>(n=%d, %s)</sup>' if ch_aa: cnd = ch_aa elif ch_dna: cnd = ch_dna else: cnd = ch_pos conditionL_mutation.append( [ ('nReads_alt', 'mutation_normal', 'nReads_alt>2 and concat(substring(chrom,4,4),":",cast(chrSta as char),ref,">",alt)="%s"' % ch_pos, '%d', cosmic_fmt % (cnd, cnt, mutation_map[ch_type])), \ ('nReads_ref', 'mutation_normal', 'nReads_alt>2 and concat(substring(chrom,4,4),":",cast(chrSta as char),ref,">",alt)="%s"' % ch_pos, '%d') ]) # prep fusion table cursor.execute('create temporary table t_fusion as \ select samp_id,locate(":Y",frame)>1 frame,count(nPos) nEvents \ from splice_fusion where nPos>=2 and (find_in_set("%s",gene_sym1) or find_in_set("%s",gene_sym2)) group by samp_id, locate(":Y",frame)>1' % (geneN, geneN)) # prep eiJunc info cursor.execute( 'select loc,juncAlias, count(*) cnt from splice_eiJunc where gene_sym="%s" and nReads>=10 group by loc' % geneN) results = cursor.fetchall() conditionL_eiJunc = [] for (loc, juncAlias, cnt) in results: conditionL_eiJunc.append([ ('nReads', 'splice_eiJunc', 'loc="%s" and nReads>=10' % loc, '%3d', '%s<br><sup>(n=%s)</sup>' % (juncAlias, cnt)), ('sum(nReads)', 'splice_normal', 'loc1="%s"' % (loc, ), '%d') ]) # outlier outlier_sId = [] cursor.execute( 'select samp_id, expr_MAD from array_gene_expr_MAD mad, gene_expr_stat stat where mad.gene_sym = stat.gene_sym and (mad.expr_MAD >= stat.q75 + 3*(stat.q75 - stat.q25) or mad.expr_MAD <= stat.q25 - 3*(stat.q75 - stat.q25)) and mad.gene_sym = "%s"' % geneN) results3 = cursor.fetchall() for i in range(len(results3)): outlier_sId.append(results3[i][0]) conditionL = conditionL_preH[ dbN] + conditionL_mutation + conditionL_fusion + conditionL_exonSkip + conditionL_eiJunc print '<p><h4>%s status of %s panel <small><a href="">[GeneCard]</a> <a href="">[PubMed]</a></small></h4></p>' % ( geneN, mycgi.db2dsetN[dbN], geneN, geneN) # census cursor.execute( 'select tumor_soma, tumor_germ, syndrome, mut_type from common.census where gene_sym="%s"' % geneN) census = cursor.fetchall() print('\n<font size=2> <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">') print( '<tr>\n<td rowspan=2>Census</td>\n<td>tumor_soma</td>\n<td>tumor_germ</td>\n<td>syndrome</td>\n<td>mut_type</td>\n</tr>\n' ) if len(census) != 0: print( '<tr>\n<td>%s</td>\n<td>%s</td>\n<td>%s</td>\n<td>%s</td>\n</tr>\n' % (census[0][0], census[0][1], census[0][2], census[0][3])) else: print('<tr>\n<td></td>\n<td></td>\n<td></td>\n<td></td>\n</tr>\n') # drugbank cursor.execute('select drug from common.drugbank where gene_sym="%s"' % geneN) drug = [x for (x, ) in cursor.fetchall()] print('\n<font size=2> <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">') print('<br><tr>\n<td>Drug</td>\n') print('<td>%s</td>\n</tr>\n' % ('</br>\n'.join(drug))) # pathway cursor.execute( 'select biocarta_id, biocarta_desc from common.biocarta where gene_sym="%s"' % geneN) biocarta = cursor.fetchall() cursor.execute( 'select kegg_id, kegg_desc from common.kegg where gene_sym="%s"' % geneN) kegg = cursor.fetchall() cursor.execute('select go_id, go_desc from common.go where gene_sym="%s"' % geneN) go = cursor.fetchall() print('\n<font size=2> <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">') print('<br><tr>\n<td>Biocarta</td>\n<td>KEGG</td>\n<td>GO</td>\n</tr>\n') print('<tr><td><div style="width:100%; height:50px; overflow:auto">') for (id, desc) in biocarta: print( '<a href="">%s</br>' % (id, desc)) print('</td>\n<td><div style="width:100%; height:50px; overflow:auto">') for (id, desc) in kegg: print( '<a href="">%s</br>' % (id, desc)) print('</td>\n<td><div style="width:100%; height:50px; overflow:auto">') for (id, desc) in go: print( '<a href="">%s</br>' % (id, desc)) print('</div></td>\n</tr>\n') cursor.execute('create temporary table t_id as \ select distinct samp_id from array_gene_expr union select distinct samp_id from array_cn union select distinct samp_id from splice_normal union select distinct samp_id from mutation_normal' ) cursor.execute('alter table t_id add index (samp_id)') cursor.execute( 'create temporary table t_expr as select * from array_gene_expr where gene_sym="%s"' % geneN) cursor.execute('alter table t_expr add index (samp_id,gene_sym)') cursor.execute( 'select samp_id from t_id left join t_expr using (samp_id) order by z_score desc' ) results = cursor.fetchall() numTotSamp = len(results) print('\n<font size=3> <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">') # header: row1 print '<br><tr>\n<td rowspan=2><div class="verticaltext" align="middle">samples<br><sup>n=%s</sup></div></td>' % numTotSamp, for i in range(len(conditionL)): row = conditionL[i] if type(row) == list: row = row[0] if i < len(conditionL_preH[dbN]): if ('tag' in row[1]) or ('t_avail' in row[1]): cursor.execute('select count(*) from %s where %s' % (row[1], row[2])) else: cursor.execute( 'select count(*) from %s where %s and gene_sym ="%s"' % (row[1], row[2], geneN)) count = cursor.fetchone() if 'MAD' in row[4]: print( '<td rowspan=2 align="middle"><div class="verticaltext">%s, n=%s)</sup></div></td>' % (row[-1], count[0])) else: print( '<td rowspan=2 align="middle"><div class="verticaltext">%s<br><sup>(n=%s)</sup></div></td>' % (row[-1], count[0])) else: if i == len(conditionL_preH[dbN]) and len(conditionL_mutation) > 0: print('<td align="middle" colspan=%s>mutation (mt/wt)</td>' % len(conditionL_mutation)) elif i == len(conditionL_preH[dbN]) + len(conditionL_mutation): print( '<td align="middle" colspan=%s><a href="">fusion</a></td>' % (len(conditionL_fusion), dbN)) elif i == len( conditionL_preH[dbN]) + len(conditionL_mutation) + len( conditionL_fusion) and len(conditionL_exonSkip) > 0: print( '<td align="middle" colspan=%s><a href="">exonSkip</a> (mt/wt)</td>' % (len(conditionL_exonSkip), dbN)) elif i == len(conditionL_preH[dbN]) + len( conditionL_mutation) + len(conditionL_fusion) + len( conditionL_exonSkip) and len(conditionL_eiJunc) > 0: print( '<td align="middle" colspan=%s><a href="">3p deletion</a> (mt/wt)</td>' % (len(conditionL_eiJunc), dbN)) print('\n</tr>\n') # header: row2 print '<tr>\n', for i in range(len(conditionL)): row = conditionL[i] if type(row) == list: row = row[0] if i < len(conditionL_preH[dbN]): pass else: print( '<td height="100"><div class="verticaltext" align="middle">%s</div></td>' % row[-1]) print('\n</tr>\n') for (sId, ) in results: print '<tr>', print '<td nowrap><a href="">%s</td>' % ( dbN, sId, sId), d_flag = None r_flag = None for row in conditionL: outlier = None if type(row) == list: row_wt = row[1] row = row[0] else: row_wt = None (col, tbl, cnd, fmt) = row[:4] cursor.execute('show columns from %s like "gene_sym"' % tbl) if cursor.fetchone(): cnd += ' and gene_sym="%s"' % geneN cursor.execute('select %s from %s where samp_id="%s" and (%s)' % (col, tbl, sId, cnd)) results2 = cursor.fetchall() if len(results2) > 1: print sId raise Exception if type(row) == tuple and row[-1] == 'RSq': if len(results2) > 0: r_flag = True else: r_flag = False if type(row) == tuple and row[-1] == 'XSq': if len(results2) > 0: d_flag = True else: d_flag = False if type(row) == tuple and row[-1] == 'expr<br><sup>(MAD': if sId in outlier_sId: outlier = True else: outlier = False if len(results2) == 1 and results2[0][0] not in (0, '0'): value = ('%s' % fmt) % results2[0][0] if row_wt: (col, tbl, cnd, fmt) = row_wt[:4] cursor.execute( 'select %s from %s where samp_id="%s" and %s' % (col, tbl, sId, cnd)) results_wt = cursor.fetchone() if results_wt[0]: count_wt = ('%s' % fmt) % results_wt[0] else: count_wt = 0 #here -highlight if int(value) > (int(value) + int(count_wt)) * cutoff: tmp = row[4].split('<br>')[0].split('/') if len(tmp) > 1 and tmp[0] == tmp[1]: print '<td>%s<sub>/%s</sub></td>' % (value, count_wt), else: print '<td><font color=red><b>%s</b></font><sub>/%s</sub></td>' % ( value, count_wt), else: print '<td>%s<sub>/%s</sub></td>' % (value, count_wt), else: if row[1] == 't_fusion': html_content = "" if row[4] == 'in': print '<a name="%s"></a>' % sId html_content = mycgi.compose_fusion_table( cursor, dbN, geneN, sId, "in") print ''' <td><div class="tooltip_content">%s</div><div class="tooltip_link"><a href="#current">%s</a></div></td> ''' % (html_content, value) else: html_content = mycgi.compose_fusion_table( cursor, dbN, geneN, sId, "off") print ''' <td><div class="tooltip_content">%s</div><div class="tooltip_link"><a href="#current">%s</a></div></td> ''' % (html_content, value) elif outlier: print '<td><font color=red><b>%s</b></font></td>' % value else: print '<td>%s</td>' % value else: #grey out if (r_flag == False and row[1] in ('splice_skip', 't_fusion', 'splice_eiJunc')) or ( d_flag == False and row[1] in ('mutation_normal')): print '<td bgcolor=silver></td>' else: print '<td></td>' print '</tr>' print('\n</table> </font>\n') return
def main(dbN,geneN): (con,cursor) = mycgi.connectDB(db=dbN) if dbN == 'ccle1': mutation_map = {'DEL:3\'UTR':'UTR', 'SNP:3\'UTR':'UTR', 'SNP:Missense_Mutation':'MS', 'SNP:Intron':'INT', 'DEL:Frame_Shift_Del':'FS', \ 'SNP:5\'UTR':'UTR', 'DEL:In_Frame_Del':'FP', 'INS:3\'UTR':'UTR', 'SNP:Splice_Site_SNP':'SS', 'SNP:Nonsense_Mutation':'NS', \ 'INS:Frame_Shift_Ins':'FS', 'DEL:Intron':'INT', 'INS:Intron':'INT', 'DNP:Missense_Mutation':'MS', 'INS:Splice_Site_Ins':'SS', \ 'TNP:Intron':'INT', 'DNP:Nonsense_Mutation':'NS', 'DNP:Intron':'INT', 'SNP:De_novo_Start_OutOfFrame':'SOF', 'DNP:5\'UTR':'UTR', \ 'INS:5\'UTR':'UTR', 'SNP:Nonstop_Mutation':'NM', 'DNP:3\'UTR':'UTR', 'SNP:5\'Flank':'FLK', 'DEL:5\'UTR':'UTR', 'DNP:Splice_Site_DNP':'SS', \ 'INS:In_Frame_Ins':'FP', 'DEL:Splice_Site_Del':'SS', 'SNP:De_novo_Start_InFrame':'SIF', 'DEL:5\'Flank':'FLK', 'INS:5\'Flank':'FLK', \ 'DNP:De_novo_Start_InFrame':'SIF', 'DNP:Stop_Codon_DNP':'STC', 'INS:Stop_Codon_Ins':'STC', 'TNP:Nonsense_Mutation':'NS', \ 'TNP:Missense_Mutation':'MS', 'DEL:Start_Codon_Del':'SC'} else: mutation_map = {'':'UK','SNP:Intron':'INT', 'SNP:5\'UTR':'UTR', 'SNP:3\'UTR':'UTR', 'SNP:RNA':'RNA', 'SNP:5\'Flank':'FLK', \ 'DEL:Frame_Shift_Del':'FS', 'DEL:In_Frame_Del':'FP', 'DEL:Splice_Site':'SS', 'DEL:Translation_Start_Site':'TSS', \ 'DNP:Missense_Mutation':'MS', 'DNP:Nonsense_Mutation':'NS', 'DNP:Splice_Site':'SS', \ 'INS:Frame_Shift_Ins':'FS', 'INS:In_Frame_Ins':'FP', 'INS:Splice_Site':'SS', \ 'SNP:Missense_Mutation':'MS', 'SNP:Nonsense_Mutation':'NS', 'SNP:Nonstop_Mutation':'NM', 'SNP:Splice_Site':'SS', 'SNP:Translation_Start_Site':'TSS', \ 'Substitution - Missense':'MS', 'Substitution - Nonsense':'NS', 'Substitution - Missense,Substitution - coding silent':'MS', 'Nonstop extension':'rNS'} # prep RNA-Seq data availability table cursor.execute('create temporary table t_avail_RNASeq as select distinct samp_id from splice_normal') # prep exonSkip info cursor.execute('select delExons,frame,loc1,loc2, count(*) cnt from splice_skip where gene_sym = "%s" and nPos>=5 group by delExons order by count(*) desc' % geneN) results = cursor.fetchall() conditionL_exonSkip = [] for (delExons,frame,loc1,loc2, cnt) in results: if ':Y' in frame: frame_code = 'in' elif ':N' in frame: frame_code = 'off' else: frame_code = 'utr' conditionL_exonSkip.append( [ ('nReads', 'splice_skip', 'loc1="%s" and loc2="%s" and nPos>=5' % (loc1,loc2), '%3d', '%s<br><sup>(n=%s, %s)</sup>' % (delExons.split(',')[0], cnt,frame_code),), \ # ('avg(nReads)', 'splice_normal', 'loc1="%s" or loc2="%s"' % (loc1,loc2), '%d') ]) ('sum(nReads)', 'splice_normal', 'loc1="%s"' % (loc1,), '%d') ]) # prep mutation info cursor.execute('create temporary table t_mut as \ select concat(substring(chrom,4,4),":",cast(chrSta as char),ref,">",alt) as ch_pos, ch_dna,ch_aa,ch_type,cosmic from mutation_normal \ where find_in_set("%s",gene_symL)>0 and nReads_alt>2 order by ch_type desc' % (geneN)) cursor.execute('select *,count(*) cnt from t_mut group by ch_pos order by count(*) desc, cosmic desc limit 20') results = cursor.fetchall() conditionL_mutation = [] for (ch_pos,ch_dna,ch_aa,ch_type,cosmic,cnt) in results: ch_aa = ch_aa.replace(',','<br>') if cosmic: cosmic_fmt = '<font color="red">%s</font><br><sup>(n=%d, %s)</sup>' else: cosmic_fmt = '%s<br><sup>(n=%d, %s)</sup>' if ch_aa: cnd = ch_aa elif ch_dna: cnd = ch_dna else: cnd = ch_pos conditionL_mutation.append( [ ('nReads_alt', 'mutation_normal', 'nReads_alt>2 and concat(substring(chrom,4,4),":",cast(chrSta as char),ref,">",alt)="%s"' % ch_pos, '%d', cosmic_fmt % (cnd, cnt, mutation_map[ch_type])), \ ('nReads_ref', 'mutation_normal', 'nReads_alt>2 and concat(substring(chrom,4,4),":",cast(chrSta as char),ref,">",alt)="%s"' % ch_pos, '%d') ]) # prep fusion table cursor.execute('create temporary table t_fusion as \ select samp_id,locate(":Y",frame)>1 frame,count(nPos) nEvents \ from splice_fusion where nPos>=2 and (find_in_set("%s",gene_sym1) or find_in_set("%s",gene_sym2)) group by samp_id, locate(":Y",frame)>1' % (geneN,geneN)) # prep eiJunc info cursor.execute('select loc,juncAlias, count(*) cnt from splice_eiJunc where gene_sym="%s" and nReads>=10 group by loc' % geneN) results = cursor.fetchall() conditionL_eiJunc = [] for (loc,juncAlias,cnt) in results: conditionL_eiJunc.append( [ ('nReads', 'splice_eiJunc', 'loc="%s" and nReads>=10' % loc, '%3d', '%s<br><sup>(n=%s)</sup>' % (juncAlias, cnt)), ('sum(nReads)', 'splice_normal', 'loc1="%s"' % (loc,), '%d') ]) # outlier outlier_sId = [] cursor.execute('select samp_id, expr_MAD from array_gene_expr_MAD mad, gene_expr_stat stat where mad.gene_sym = stat.gene_sym and (mad.expr_MAD >= stat.q75 + 3*(stat.q75 - stat.q25) or mad.expr_MAD <= stat.q25 - 3*(stat.q75 - stat.q25)) and mad.gene_sym = "%s"' % geneN) results3 = cursor.fetchall() for i in range(len(results3)): outlier_sId.append(results3[i][0]) conditionL = conditionL_preH[dbN] + conditionL_mutation + conditionL_fusion + conditionL_exonSkip + conditionL_eiJunc print '<p><h4>%s status of %s panel <small><a href="">[GeneCard]</a> <a href="">[PubMed]</a></small></h4></p>' % (geneN,mycgi.db2dsetN[dbN],geneN,geneN) # census cursor.execute('select tumor_soma, tumor_germ, syndrome, mut_type from common.census where gene_sym="%s"' % geneN) census = cursor.fetchall() print('\n<font size=2> <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">') print('<tr>\n<td rowspan=2>Census</td>\n<td>tumor_soma</td>\n<td>tumor_germ</td>\n<td>syndrome</td>\n<td>mut_type</td>\n</tr>\n') if len(census) != 0: print('<tr>\n<td>%s</td>\n<td>%s</td>\n<td>%s</td>\n<td>%s</td>\n</tr>\n' % (census[0][0],census[0][1],census[0][2],census[0][3])) else: print('<tr>\n<td></td>\n<td></td>\n<td></td>\n<td></td>\n</tr>\n') # drugbank cursor.execute('select drug from common.drugbank where gene_sym="%s"' % geneN) drug = [x for (x,) in cursor.fetchall()] print('\n<font size=2> <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">') print('<br><tr>\n<td>Drug</td>\n') print('<td>%s</td>\n</tr>\n' % ('</br>\n'.join(drug))) # pathway cursor.execute('select biocarta_id, biocarta_desc from common.biocarta where gene_sym="%s"' % geneN) biocarta = cursor.fetchall() cursor.execute('select kegg_id, kegg_desc from common.kegg where gene_sym="%s"' % geneN) kegg = cursor.fetchall() cursor.execute('select go_id, go_desc from common.go where gene_sym="%s"' % geneN) go = cursor.fetchall() print('\n<font size=2> <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">') print('<br><tr>\n<td>Biocarta</td>\n<td>KEGG</td>\n<td>GO</td>\n</tr>\n') print('<tr><td><div style="width:100%; height:50px; overflow:auto">') for (id,desc) in biocarta: print('<a href="">%s</br>' % (id,desc)) print('</td>\n<td><div style="width:100%; height:50px; overflow:auto">') for (id,desc) in kegg: print('<a href="">%s</br>' % (id,desc)) print('</td>\n<td><div style="width:100%; height:50px; overflow:auto">') for (id,desc) in go: print('<a href="">%s</br>' % (id,desc)) print('</div></td>\n</tr>\n') cursor.execute('create temporary table t_id as \ select distinct samp_id from array_gene_expr union select distinct samp_id from array_cn union select distinct samp_id from splice_normal union select distinct samp_id from mutation_normal') cursor.execute('alter table t_id add index (samp_id)') cursor.execute('create temporary table t_expr as select * from array_gene_expr where gene_sym="%s"' % geneN) cursor.execute('alter table t_expr add index (samp_id,gene_sym)') cursor.execute('select samp_id from t_id left join t_expr using (samp_id) order by z_score desc') results = cursor.fetchall() numTotSamp = len(results) print('\n<font size=3> <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">') # header: row1 print '<br><tr>\n<td rowspan=2><div class="verticaltext" align="middle">samples<br><sup>n=%s</sup></div></td>' % numTotSamp, for i in range(len(conditionL)): row = conditionL[i] if type(row) == list: row = row[0] if i < len(conditionL_preH[dbN]): if ('tag' in row[1]) or ('t_avail' in row[1]): cursor.execute('select count(*) from %s where %s' % (row[1], row[2])) else: cursor.execute('select count(*) from %s where %s and gene_sym ="%s"' % (row[1], row[2], geneN)) count = cursor.fetchone() if 'MAD' in row[4]: print('<td rowspan=2 align="middle"><div class="verticaltext">%s, n=%s)</sup></div></td>' % (row[-1],count[0])) else: print('<td rowspan=2 align="middle"><div class="verticaltext">%s<br><sup>(n=%s)</sup></div></td>' % (row[-1],count[0])) else: if i == len(conditionL_preH[dbN]) and len(conditionL_mutation)>0: print('<td align="middle" colspan=%s>mutation (mt/wt)</td>' % len(conditionL_mutation)) elif i == len(conditionL_preH[dbN])+len(conditionL_mutation): print('<td align="middle" colspan=%s><a href="">fusion</a></td>' % (len(conditionL_fusion),dbN)) elif i == len(conditionL_preH[dbN])+len(conditionL_mutation)+len(conditionL_fusion) and len(conditionL_exonSkip)>0: print('<td align="middle" colspan=%s><a href="">exonSkip</a> (mt/wt)</td>' % (len(conditionL_exonSkip),dbN)) elif i == len(conditionL_preH[dbN])+len(conditionL_mutation)+len(conditionL_fusion)+len(conditionL_exonSkip) and len(conditionL_eiJunc)>0: print('<td align="middle" colspan=%s><a href="">3p deletion</a> (mt/wt)</td>' % (len(conditionL_eiJunc),dbN)) print('\n</tr>\n') # header: row2 print '<tr>\n', for i in range(len(conditionL)): row = conditionL[i] if type(row) == list: row = row[0] if i < len(conditionL_preH[dbN]): pass else: print('<td height="100"><div class="verticaltext" align="middle">%s</div></td>' % row[-1]) print('\n</tr>\n') for (sId,) in results: print '<tr>', print '<td nowrap><a href="">%s</td>' % (dbN,sId,sId), d_flag = None r_flag = None for row in conditionL: outlier = None if type(row) == list: row_wt = row[1] row = row[0] else: row_wt = None (col,tbl,cnd,fmt) = row[:4] cursor.execute('show columns from %s like "gene_sym"' % tbl) if cursor.fetchone(): cnd += ' and gene_sym="%s"' % geneN cursor.execute('select %s from %s where samp_id="%s" and (%s)' % (col,tbl,sId,cnd)) results2 = cursor.fetchall() if len(results2) > 1: print sId raise Exception if type(row)==tuple and row[-1]=='RSq': if len(results2) > 0: r_flag = True else: r_flag = False if type(row)==tuple and row[-1]=='XSq': if len(results2) > 0: d_flag = True else: d_flag = False if type(row)==tuple and row[-1]=='expr<br><sup>(MAD': if sId in outlier_sId: outlier = True else: outlier = False if len(results2) == 1 and results2[0][0] not in (0,'0'): value = ('%s' % fmt) % results2[0][0] if row_wt: (col,tbl,cnd,fmt) = row_wt[:4] cursor.execute('select %s from %s where samp_id="%s" and %s' % (col,tbl,sId,cnd)) results_wt = cursor.fetchone() if results_wt[0]: count_wt = ('%s' % fmt) % results_wt[0] else: count_wt = 0 #here -highlight if int(value) > (int(value)+int(count_wt)) * cutoff: tmp = row[4].split('<br>')[0].split('/') if len(tmp)>1 and tmp[0]==tmp[1]: print '<td>%s<sub>/%s</sub></td>' % (value, count_wt), else: print '<td><font color=red><b>%s</b></font><sub>/%s</sub></td>' % (value, count_wt), else: print '<td>%s<sub>/%s</sub></td>' % (value, count_wt), else: if row[1] == 't_fusion': html_content = "" if row[4] == 'in': print '<a name="%s"></a>' %sId html_content = mycgi.compose_fusion_table(cursor,dbN, geneN, sId, "in") print ''' <td><div class="tooltip_content">%s</div><div class="tooltip_link"><a href="#current">%s</a></div></td> ''' % (html_content, value) else : html_content = mycgi.compose_fusion_table(cursor,dbN, geneN, sId, "off") print ''' <td><div class="tooltip_content">%s</div><div class="tooltip_link"><a href="#current">%s</a></div></td> ''' % (html_content, value) elif outlier: print '<td><font color=red><b>%s</b></font></td>' % value else : print '<td>%s</td>' % value else: #grey out if (r_flag==False and row[1] in ('splice_skip','t_fusion','splice_eiJunc')) or (d_flag==False and row[1] in ('mutation_normal')): print '<td bgcolor=silver></td>' else: print '<td></td>' print '</tr>' print('\n</table> </font>\n') return
def main(dbN, geneN): (con, cursor) = mycgi.connectDB(db=dbN) # prep RNA-Seq data availability table cursor.execute("create temporary table t_avail_RNASeq as select distinct samp_id from rpkm_gene_expr") # prep exonSkip info cursor.execute( 'select delExons,frame,loc1,loc2, count(*) cnt from splice_skip where gene_sym = "%s" and nPos>=5 group by delExons order by count(*) desc' % geneN ) results = cursor.fetchall() conditionL_exonSkip = [] for (delExons, frame, loc1, loc2, cnt) in results: if ":Y" in frame: frame_code = "in" elif ":N" in frame: frame_code = "off" else: frame_code = "utr" conditionL_exonSkip.append( [ ( "nReads", "splice_skip", 'loc1="%s" and loc2="%s" and nPos>=5' % (loc1, loc2), "%3d", "%s<br><sup>(n=%s, %s)</sup>" % (delExons.split(",")[0], cnt, frame_code), ), # ('avg(nReads)', 'splice_normal', 'loc1="%s" or loc2="%s"' % (loc1,loc2), '%d') ]) ("sum(nReads)", "splice_normal", 'loc1="%s"' % (loc1,), "%d"), ] ) # prep mutation info # where gene_symL like "%s%s%s" and ch_type != "synonymous_variant" and ch_type != "nc_transcript_variant,synonymous_variant" and ch_type != "intron_variant,synonymous_variant" \ if dbN == "CancerSCAN": cursor.execute( 'create temporary table t_mut as \ select concat(substring(chrom,4,4),":",cast(chrSta as char),ref,">",alt) as ch_pos, ch_dna,ch_aa,ch_type,cosmic from mutation_cs \ where find_in_set("%s",gene_sym) > 0 and ch_type != "synonymous_variant" and ch_type != "nc_transcript_variant,synonymous_variant" and ch_type != "intron_variant,synonymous_variant" \ and ch_type != "nc_transcript_variant" and ch_type != "intron_variant,nc_transcript_variant" and ch_type != "intron_variant" and ch_type != "Substitution - coding silent"\ and nReads_alt<>2 order by ch_type desc' % (geneN) ) else: cursor.execute( 'create temporary table t_mut as \ select concat(substring(chrom,4,4),":",cast(chrSta as char),ref,">",alt) as ch_pos, ch_dna,ch_aa,ch_type,cosmic from mutation_rxsq \ where find_in_set("%s",gene_symL) > 0 and ch_type != "synonymous_variant" and ch_type != "nc_transcript_variant,synonymous_variant" and ch_type != "intron_variant,synonymous_variant" \ and ch_type != "nc_transcript_variant" and ch_type != "intron_variant,nc_transcript_variant" and ch_type != "intron_variant" and ch_type != "Substitution - coding silent"\ and nReads_alt<>2 order by ch_type desc' % (geneN) ) cursor.execute("select *,count(*) cnt from t_mut group by ch_pos order by count(*) desc, cosmic desc") results = cursor.fetchall() conditionL_mutation = [] for (ch_pos, ch_dna, ch_aa, ch_type, cosmic, cnt) in results: ch_aa = ch_aa.replace(",", "<br>") if (dbN == "CancerSCAN" and "cosmic" in cosmic) or (dbN != "CancerSCAN" and cosmic): cosmic_fmt = '<font color="red">%s</font><br><sup>(n=%d, %s)</sup>' else: cosmic_fmt = "%s<br><sup>(n=%d, %s)</sup>" if ch_aa: cnd = ch_aa elif ch_dna: cnd = ch_dna else: cnd = ch_pos if dbN == "CancerSCAN": conditionL_mutation.append( [ ( "nReads_alt", "mutation_cs", 'nReads_alt<>2 and concat(substring(chrom,4,4),":",cast(chrSta as char),ref,">",alt)="%s"' % ch_pos, "%d", cosmic_fmt % (cnd, cnt, mutation_map(ch_type, dbN)), ), ( "nReads_ref", "mutation_cs", 'nReads_alt<>2 and concat(substring(chrom,4,4),":",cast(chrSta as char),ref,">",alt)="%s"' % ch_pos, "%d", ), ] ) else: conditionL_mutation.append( [ ( "nReads_alt,r_nReads_alt", "mutation_rxsq", 'nReads_alt<>2 and concat(substring(chrom,4,4),":",cast(chrSta as char),ref,">",alt)="%s"' % ch_pos, "%d", cosmic_fmt % (cnd, cnt, mutation_map(ch_type, dbN)), ), ( "nReads_ref,r_nReads_ref", "mutation_rxsq", 'nReads_alt<>2 and concat(substring(chrom,4,4),":",cast(chrSta as char),ref,">",alt)="%s"' % ch_pos, "%d", ), ] ) # prep fusion table cursor.execute( 'create temporary table t_fusion as \ select samp_id,locate(":Y",frame)>1 frame,count(nPos) nEvents \ from splice_fusion where nPos>=2 and (find_in_set("%s",gene_sym1) or find_in_set("%s",gene_sym2)) group by samp_id, locate(":Y",frame)>1' % (geneN, geneN) ) # prep eiJunc info cursor.execute( 'select loc,juncAlias, count(*) cnt from splice_eiJunc where gene_sym="%s" and nReads>=10 group by loc' % geneN ) results = cursor.fetchall() conditionL_eiJunc = [] for (loc, juncAlias, cnt) in results: conditionL_eiJunc.append( [ ( "nReads", "splice_eiJunc", 'loc="%s" and nReads>=10' % loc, "%3d", "%s<br><sup>(n=%s)</sup>" % (juncAlias, cnt), ), ("sum(nReads)", "splice_normal", 'loc1="%s"' % (loc,), "%d"), ] ) # outlier outlier_sId = [] if dbN in ["ircr1", "tcga1", "ccle1"]: cursor.execute( 'select samp_id, expr_MAD from array_gene_expr_MAD mad, gene_expr_stat stat where mad.gene_sym = stat.gene_sym and (mad.expr_MAD >= stat.q75 + 3*(stat.q75 - stat.q25) or mad.expr_MAD <= stat.q25 - 3*(stat.q75 - stat.q25)) and mad.gene_sym = "%s"' % geneN ) results3 = cursor.fetchall() for i in range(len(results3)): outlier_sId.append(results3[i][0]) ## corrected CN value available? cncorr_sId = [] if dbN in ["ircr1"]: cursor.execute('select distinct samp_id from xsq_purity where tumor_frac != "ND"') resultsCorr = cursor.fetchall() for i in range(len(resultsCorr)): cncorr_sId.append(resultsCorr[i][0]) normal_sId = [] if dbN in ["ircr1"]: cursor.execute("select distinct samp_id from xsq_purity") tttt = cursor.fetchall() for i in range(len(tttt)): normal_sId.append(tttt[i][0]) conditionL = ( conditionL_preH[dbN] + conditionL_mutation + conditionL_fusion + conditionL_exonSkip + conditionL_eiJunc ) print '<p><h4>%s status of %s panel <small><a href="">[GeneCard]</a> <a href="">[PubMed]</a></small></h4></p>' % ( geneN, mycgi.db2dsetN(dbN), geneN, geneN, ) # census cursor.execute('select tumor_soma, tumor_germ, syndrome, mut_type from common.census where gene_sym="%s"' % geneN) census = cursor.fetchall() print ('\n<font size=2> <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">') print ( "<tr>\n<td rowspan=2>Census</td>\n<td>tumor_soma</td>\n<td>tumor_germ</td>\n<td>syndrome</td>\n<td>mut_type</td>\n</tr>\n" ) if len(census) != 0: print ( "<tr>\n<td>%s</td>\n<td>%s</td>\n<td>%s</td>\n<td>%s</td>\n</tr>\n" % (census[0][0], census[0][1], census[0][2], census[0][3]) ) else: print ("<tr>\n<td></td>\n<td></td>\n<td></td>\n<td></td>\n</tr>\n") # drugbank cursor.execute('select drug from common.drugbank where gene_sym="%s"' % geneN) drug = [x for (x,) in cursor.fetchall()] print ('\n<font size=2> <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">') print ("<br><tr>\n<td>Drug</td>\n") print ("<td>%s</td>\n</tr>\n" % ("</br>\n".join(drug))) # pathway cursor.execute('select biocarta_id, biocarta_desc from common.biocarta where gene_sym="%s"' % geneN) biocarta = cursor.fetchall() cursor.execute('select kegg_id, kegg_desc from common.kegg where gene_sym="%s"' % geneN) kegg = cursor.fetchall() cursor.execute('select go_id, go_desc from common.go where gene_sym="%s"' % geneN) go = cursor.fetchall() print ('\n<font size=2> <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">') print ("<br><tr>\n<td>Biocarta</td>\n<td>KEGG</td>\n<td>GO</td>\n</tr>\n") print ('<tr><td><div style="width:100%; height:50px; overflow:auto">') for (id, desc) in biocarta: print ('<a href="">%s</br>' % (id, desc)) print ('</td>\n<td><div style="width:100%; height:50px; overflow:auto">') for (id, desc) in kegg: print ('<a href="">%s</br>' % (id, desc)) print ('</td>\n<td><div style="width:100%; height:50px; overflow:auto">') for (id, desc) in go: print ('<a href="">%s</br>' % (id, desc)) print ("</div></td>\n</tr>\n") if dbN == "CancerSCAN": cursor.execute( """CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t_id AS SELECT DISTINCT samp_id FROM mutation_cs UNION SELECT DISTINCT samp_id FROM cs_cn""" ) elif dbN == "tcga1": cursor.execute( "create temporary table t_id as \ select distinct samp_id from array_gene_expr union select distinct samp_id from array_cn union select distinct samp_id from splice_normal union select distinct samp_id from mutation_rxsq union select distinct samp_id from rpkm_gene_expr" ) else: cursor.execute( "create temporary table t_id as \ select distinct samp_id from array_gene_expr union select distinct samp_id from array_cn union select distinct samp_id from splice_normal union select distinct samp_id from mutation_rxsq union select distinct samp_id from rpkm_gene_expr union select distinct samp_id from xsq_cn" ) cursor.execute("alter table t_id add index (samp_id)") cursor.execute('create temporary table t_expr as select * from array_gene_expr where gene_sym="%s"' % geneN) # cursor.execute('create temporary table t_cn as select * from xsq_cn where gene_sym="%s"' % geneN) cursor.execute("alter table t_expr add index (samp_id,gene_sym)") # cursor.execute('alter table t_cn add index (samp_id,gene_sym)') cursor.execute("select samp_id from t_id left join t_expr using (samp_id) order by z_score desc") # cursor.execute('select samp_id from t_id left join t_cn using (samp_id) order by value_log2 desc') results = cursor.fetchall() numTotSamp = len(results) print ('\n<font size=3> <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">') # header: row1 print '<br><tr>\n<td rowspan=2><div class="verticaltext" align="middle">samples<br><sup>n=%s</sup></div></td>' % numTotSamp, for i in range(len(conditionL)): row = conditionL[i] if type(row) == list: row = row[0] if i < len(conditionL_preH[dbN]): if ("tag" in row[1]) or ("t_avail" in row[1]) or ("subtype" in row[1]) or ("purity" in row[1]): cursor.execute("select count(*) from %s where %s" % (row[1], row[2])) elif "loh" in row[1]: cursor.execute( "select count(distinct samp_id) from xsq_purity" ) # of samples for which purity pipeline was applied = # of samples with matched blood exome else: cursor.execute('select count(*) from %s where %s and gene_sym ="%s"' % (row[1], row[2], geneN)) count = cursor.fetchone() if "MAD" in row[4]: print ( '<td rowspan=2 align="middle"><div class="verticaltext">%s, n=%s)</sup></div></td>' % (row[-1], count[0]) ) else: print ( '<td rowspan=2 align="middle"><div class="verticaltext">%s<br><sup>(n=%s)</sup></div></td>' % (row[-1], count[0]) ) else: if i == len(conditionL_preH[dbN]) and len(conditionL_mutation) > 0: print ('<td align="middle" colspan=%s>mutation (mt/wt)</td>' % len(conditionL_mutation)) elif i == len(conditionL_preH[dbN]) + len(conditionL_mutation): print ( '<td align="middle" colspan=%s><a href="">fusion</a></td>' % (len(conditionL_fusion), dbN) ) elif ( i == len(conditionL_preH[dbN]) + len(conditionL_mutation) + len(conditionL_fusion) and len(conditionL_exonSkip) > 0 ): print ( '<td align="middle" colspan=%s><a href="">exonSkip</a> (mt/wt)</td>' % (len(conditionL_exonSkip), dbN) ) elif ( i == len(conditionL_preH[dbN]) + len(conditionL_mutation) + len(conditionL_fusion) + len(conditionL_exonSkip) and len(conditionL_eiJunc) > 0 ): print ( '<td align="middle" colspan=%s><a href="">3p deletion</a> (mt/wt)</td>' % (len(conditionL_eiJunc), dbN) ) print ("\n</tr>\n") # header: row2 print "<tr>\n", for i in range(len(conditionL)): row = conditionL[i] if type(row) == list: row = row[0] if i < len(conditionL_preH[dbN]): pass else: print ('<td height="100"><div class="verticaltext" align="middle">%s</div></td>' % row[-1]) print ("\n</tr>\n") for (sId,) in results: print "<tr>", # print '<td nowrap><a href="">%s</td>' % (dbN,sId,sId), new_id = mycgi.get_new_id(sId) print '<td nowrap><a href="">%s</td>' % (dbN, new_id, new_id), d_flag = None r_flag = None for row in conditionL: outlier = None if type(row) == list: row_wt = row[1] row = row[0] else: row_wt = None (col, tbl, cnd, fmt) = row[:4] cursor.execute('show columns from %s like "gene_sym"' % tbl) if cursor.fetchone(): cnd += ' and gene_sym="%s"' % geneN if tbl == "mutation_rxsq": cursor.execute('select distinct %s from %s where samp_id="%s" and (%s)' % (col, tbl, sId, cnd)) else: cursor.execute('select %s from %s where samp_id="%s" and (%s)' % (col, tbl, sId, cnd)) results2 = cursor.fetchall() if len(results2) > 1: print sId raise Exception if type(row) == tuple and row[-1] == "RSq": if len(results2) > 0: r_flag = True else: r_flag = False if type(row) == tuple and row[-1] == "XSq": if len(results2) > 0: d_flag = True else: d_flag = False if sId not in normal_sId: # flag for matched normal p_flag = False else: p_flag = True if type(row) == tuple and row[-1] == "expr<br><sup>(MAD": if sId in outlier_sId: outlier = True else: outlier = False if len(results2) == 1: # and results2[0][0] not in (0,'0'): value = ("%s" % fmt) % results2[0][0] if len(results2[0]) >= 2: n_value = ("%s" % fmt) % results2[0][1] else: n_value = 0 if row_wt: (col, tbl, cnd, fmt) = row_wt[:4] if tbl == "mutation_rxsq": cursor.execute('select distinct %s from %s where samp_id="%s" and %s' % (col, tbl, sId, cnd)) else: cursor.execute('select %s from %s where samp_id="%s" and %s' % (col, tbl, sId, cnd)) results_wt = cursor.fetchone() n_count_wt = 0 if results_wt[0]: count_wt = ("%s" % fmt) % results_wt[0] else: count_wt = 0 if len(results_wt) >= 2: count_wt = ("%s" % fmt) % results_wt[0] n_count_wt = ("%s" % fmt) % results_wt[1] if row[1] == "mutation_rxsq": # if int(n_value)!=0 and int(n_count_wt)!=0 and int(value)!=0 and int(count_wt)!=0: if int(n_value) != 0 and int(value) != 0: if ( int(value) > (int(value) + int(count_wt)) * cutoff and int(n_value) > (int(n_value) + int(n_count_wt)) * cutoff ): print "<td><font color=red><b>%s</b></font><sub>/%s</sub>,<font color=468847><b>%s</b><sub>/%s</sub></font></td>" % ( value, count_wt, n_value, n_count_wt, ), elif int(n_value) > (int(n_value) + int(n_count_wt)) * cutoff: print "<td>%s<sub>/%s</sub>,<font color=468847><b>%s</b><sub>/%s</sub></font></td>" % ( value, count_wt, n_value, n_count_wt, ), elif int(value) > (int(value) + int(count_wt)) * cutoff: print "<td><font color=red><b>%s</b></font><sub>/%s</sub>,<font color=468847>%s<sub>/%s</sub></font></td>" % ( value, count_wt, n_value, n_count_wt, ), else: print "<td>%s<sub>/%s</sub>,<font color=468847>%s<sub>/%s</sub></font></td>" % ( value, count_wt, n_value, n_count_wt, ), elif int(value) == 0 and int(count_wt) == 0: ## no exome if int(n_value) > (int(n_value) + int(n_count_wt)) * cutoff: print "<td><font color=468847><b>%s</b><sub>/%s</sub></font></td>" % ( n_value, n_count_wt, ), else: print "<td><font color=468847>%s<sub>/%s</sub></font></td>" % (n_value, n_count_wt), elif int(n_value) == 0 and int(n_count_wt) == 0: ## no normal if int(value) > (int(value) + int(count_wt)) * cutoff: print "<td><font color=red><b>%s</b></font><sub>/%s</sub></td>" % (value, count_wt), else: print "<td>%s<sub>/%s</sub></td>" % (value, count_wt), else: if int(value) > (int(value) + int(count_wt)) * cutoff: tmp = row[4].split("<br>")[0].split("/") if len(tmp) > 1 and tmp[0] == tmp[1]: print "<td>%s<sub>/%s</sub></td>" % (value, count_wt), else: print "<td><font color=red><b>%s</b></font><sub>/%s</sub></td>" % (value, count_wt), else: print "<td>%s<sub>/%s</sub></td>" % (value, count_wt), else: if row[1] == "t_fusion": html_content = "" if row[4] == "in": print '<a name="%s"></a>' % sId html_content = mycgi.compose_fusion_table(cursor, dbN, geneN, sId, "in") print """ <td><div class="tooltip_content">%s</div><div class="tooltip_link"><a href="#current">%s</a></div></td> """ % ( html_content, value, ) else: html_content = mycgi.compose_fusion_table(cursor, dbN, geneN, sId, "off") print """ <td><div class="tooltip_content">%s</div><div class="tooltip_link"><a href="#current">%s</a></div></td> """ % ( html_content, value, ) elif outlier: print "<td><font color=red><b>%s</b></font></td>" % value elif tbl == "array_cn" or tbl == "cs_cn": ##aCGH (cl, bL) = cn_format(value) print "<td><font color=%s>%s%s%s</font></td>" % (cl, bL[0], value, bL[1]) elif tbl == "xsq_cn": (cl1, bL1) = cn_format(value) if sId in cncorr_sId: cursor.execute('select %s from xsq_cn_corr where samp_id="%s" and (%s)' % (col, sId, cnd)) val_corr = ("%s" % fmt) % cursor.fetchone()[0] (cl2, bL2) = cn_format(val_corr) print "<td><font color=%s>%s%s%s</font>,<font color=%s>%s%s%s</font></td>" % ( cl1, bL1[0], value, bL1[1], cl2, bL2[0], val_corr, bL2[1], ) else: print "<td><font color=%s>%s%s%s</font></td>" % (cl1, bL1[0], value, bL1[1]) else: print "<td>%s</td>" % value else: # grey out if ( (r_flag == False and row[1] in ("splice_skip", "t_fusion", "splice_eiJunc", "rpkm_gene_expr")) or (r_flag == False and d_flag == False and row[1] in ("mutation_rxsq")) or ((d_flag == False or p_flag == False) and row[1] in ("xsq_loh")) ): print "<td bgcolor=silver></td>" else: print "<td></td>" print "</tr>" print ("\n</table> </font>\n") return