import arcpy
import mycount

table = "G:\School\Personal Drive\Fall2014\Python\Excercises\Exercise12\streets.shp"
print mycount.countstringfields(table)
import arcpy
import mycount
table = "G:\School\Personal Drive\Fall2014\Python\Excercises\Exercise12\streets.shp"
print mycount.countstringfields(table)
예제 #3
import mycount

table = "C:/Python/Data/Exercise12/streets.shp"
import arcpy
from arcpy import env
env.workspace = "C:/Users/amhill2604/Desktop/MyExcercises/MyEx12"
import mycount

"""Challenge_1/Part_2:Script where you call the other script called

import sys
import mycount

streetsLayer = arcpy.mapping.Layer("streets")
numberOfFieldsTypeString = mycount.countstringfields(streetsLayer)
del streetsLayer
print numberOfFieldsTypeString
#Runs but gives a ValueError: Layer is an invalid data source.
예제 #6
import arcpy
import mycount

table = mycount.countstringfields(
print table
예제 #7
# Name: David Espinola
#Date: April 21, 2019
#Description: Challenge 1- Create a custom function called countstringfields that determines the number of fileds of type string in an input feature class
#Create this function in a seperate script(for example, that you call from another script(for example, You can use the streets.shp
# feature class in the Exercise12 folder.
import arcpy
import mycount  #import function
arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/GEO6533/Python/Data/Exercise12"  #set workspace

num_strings = mycount.countstringfields(
)  #use function to count number of string fields in streets feature class and save into a variable num_strings
print(num_strings)  #print value in num_strings