def _writeModuleHeader(f, intf, doc): print("module %s (" %, file=f) b = StringIO() for portname in intf.argnames: print(" %s," % portname, file=b) print(b.getvalue()[:-2], file=f) b.close() print(");", file=f) print(doc, file=f) print(file=f) for portname in intf.argnames: s = intf.argdict[portname] if s._name is None: raise ToVerilogError(_error.ShadowingSignal, portname) if s._inList: raise ToVerilogError(_error.PortInList, portname) # make sure signal name is equal to its port name s._name = portname r = _getRangeString(s) p = _getSignString(s) if s._driven: if s._read: warnings.warn("%s: %s" % (_error.OutputPortRead, portname), category=ToVerilogWarning) print("output %s%s%s;" % (p, r, portname), file=f) if s._driven == 'reg': print("reg %s%s%s;" % (p, r, portname), file=f) else: print("wire %s%s%s;" % (p, r, portname), file=f) else: if not s._read: warnings.warn("%s: %s" % (_error.UnusedPort, portname), category=ToVerilogWarning) print("input %s%s%s;" % (p, r, portname), file=f) print(file=f)
def __call__(self, func, *args, **kwargs): global _converting if _converting: return func(*args, **kwargs) # skip else: # clean start sys.setprofile(None) from myhdl import _traceSignals if _traceSignals._tracing: raise ToVerilogError("Cannot use toVerilog while tracing signals") if not callable(func): raise ToVerilogError(_error.FirstArgType, "got %s" % type(func)) _converting = 1 if is None: name = func.func_name else: name = str( try: h = _HierExtr(name, func, *args, **kwargs) finally: _converting = 0 vpath = name + ".v" vfile = open(vpath, 'w') ### initialize properly ### _genUniqueSuffix.reset() siglist, memlist = _analyzeSigs(h.hierarchy) arglist = _flatten( # print _checkArgs(arglist) genlist = _analyzeGens(arglist, h.absnames) _annotateTypes(genlist) intf = _analyzeTopFunc(func, *args, **kwargs) = name doc = _makeDoc(inspect.getdoc(func)) self._convert_filter(h, intf, siglist, memlist, genlist) _writeFileHeader(vfile, vpath, self.timescale) _writeModuleHeader(vfile, intf, doc) _writeSigDecls(vfile, intf, siglist, memlist) _convertGens(genlist, vfile) _writeModuleFooter(vfile) vfile.close() # don't write testbench if module has no ports if len(intf.argnames) > 0 and not toVerilog.no_testbench: tbpath = "tb_" + vpath tbfile = open(tbpath, 'w') _writeTestBench(tbfile, intf) tbfile.close() ### clean-up properly ### self._cleanup(siglist) return
def _writeSigDecls(f, intf, siglist, memlist): constwires = [] for s in siglist: if not s._used: continue if s._name in intf.argnames: continue r = _getRangeString(s) p = _getSignString(s) if s._driven: if not s._read: warnings.warn("%s: %s" % (_error.UnreadSignal, s._name), category=ToVerilogWarning) k = 'wire' if s._driven == 'reg': k = 'reg' # the following line implements initial value assignments # print >> f, "%s %s%s = %s;" % (k, r, s._name, int(s._val)) print("%s %s%s%s;" % (k, p, r, s._name), file=f) elif s._read: # the original exception # raise ToVerilogError(_error.UndrivenSignal, s._name) # changed to a warning and a continuous assignment to a wire warnings.warn("%s: %s" % (_error.UndrivenSignal, s._name), category=ToVerilogWarning) constwires.append(s) print("wire %s%s;" % (r, s._name), file=f) print(file=f) for m in memlist: if not m._used: continue # infer attributes for the case of named signals in a list for i, s in enumerate(m.mem): if not m._driven and s._driven: m._driven = s._driven if not m._read and s._read: m._read = s._read if not m._driven and not m._read: continue r = _getRangeString(m.elObj) p = _getSignString(m.elObj) k = 'wire' if m._driven: k = m._driven print("%s %s%s%s [0:%s-1];" % (k, p, r,, m.depth), file=f) print(file=f) for s in constwires: if s._type in (bool, intbv): c = int(s.val) else: raise ToVerilogError("Unexpected type for constant signal", s._name) print("assign %s = %s;" % (s._name, c), file=f) print(file=f) # shadow signal assignments for s in siglist: if hasattr(s, 'toVerilog') and s._driven: print(s.toVerilog(), file=f) print(file=f)
def raiseError(self, msg, info): raise ToVerilogError("Error in user defined Verilog code", msg, info)
def _checkArgs(arglist): for arg in arglist: if not isinstance(arg, (GeneratorType, _Instantiator, _UserVerilogCode)): raise ToVerilogError(_error.ArgType, arg)
def raiseError(self, node, kind, msg=""): lineno = self.getLineNo(node) info = "in file %s, line %s:\n " % \ (self.tree.sourcefile, self.tree.lineoffset + lineno) raise ToVerilogError(kind, msg, info)
def __call__(self, func, *args, **kwargs): global _converting if _converting: return func(*args, **kwargs) # skip else: # clean start sys.setprofile(None) from myhdl import _traceSignals if _traceSignals._tracing: raise ToVerilogError("Cannot use toVerilog while tracing signals") if not isinstance(func, _Block): if not callable(func): raise ToVerilogError(_error.FirstArgType, "got %s" % type(func)) _converting = 1 if is None: name = func.__name__ if isinstance(func, _Block): name = func.func.__name__ else: name = str( if isinstance(func, _Block): try: h = _getHierarchy(name, func) finally: _converting = 0 else: warnings.warn( "\n toVerilog(): Deprecated usage: See", stacklevel=2) try: h = _HierExtr(name, func, *args, **kwargs) finally: _converting = 0 if is None: directory = '' else: directory = vfilename = name + ".v" vpath = os.path.join(directory, vfilename) vfile = open(vpath, 'w') ### initialize properly ### _genUniqueSuffix.reset() arglist = _flatten( # print _checkArgs(arglist) genlist = _analyzeGens(arglist, h.absnames) siglist, memlist = _analyzeSigs(h.hierarchy) _annotateTypes(genlist) # infer interface if isinstance(func, _Block): # infer interface after signals have been analyzed func._inferInterface() intf = func else: intf = _analyzeTopFunc(func, *args, **kwargs) = name doc = _makeDoc(inspect.getdoc(func)) self._convert_filter(h, intf, siglist, memlist, genlist) _writeFileHeader(vfile, vpath, self.timescale) _writeModuleHeader(vfile, intf, doc) _writeSigDecls(vfile, intf, siglist, memlist) _convertGens(genlist, vfile) _writeModuleFooter(vfile) vfile.close() # don't write testbench if module has no ports if len(intf.argnames) > 0 and not toVerilog.no_testbench: tbpath = os.path.join(directory, "tb_" + vfilename) tbfile = open(tbpath, 'w') _writeTestBench(tbfile, intf, self.trace) tbfile.close() # build portmap for cosimulation portmap = {} for n, s in intf.argdict.items(): if hasattr(s, 'driver'): portmap[n] = s.driver() else: portmap[n] = s self.portmap = portmap ### clean-up properly ### self._cleanup(siglist) return