예제 #1
파일: updater.py 프로젝트: Nobrumski/mylar
def forceRescan(ComicID):
    myDB = db.DBConnection()
    # file check to see if issue exists
    rescan = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID]).fetchone()
    fc = filechecker.listFiles(dir=rescan['ComicLocation'], watchcomic=rescan['ComicName'])
    iscnt = rescan['Total']
    havefiles = 0
    mylar.AUTOWANT_ALL = 0
    fccnt = int(fc['comiccount'])
    issnum = 1
    fcnew = []
    n = 0
    while (n < iscnt):
        fn = 0
        haveissue = "no"
        print ("on issue " + str(int(n+1)) + " of " + str(iscnt) + " issues")
        print ("checking issue: " + str(issnum))
        # stupid way to do this, but check each issue against file-list in fc.
        while (fn < fccnt):
            tmpfc = fc['comiclist'][fn]
            print (str(issnum) + "against ... " + str(tmpfc['ComicFilename']))
            temploc = tmpfc['ComicFilename'].replace('_', ' ')
            fcnew = shlex.split(str(temploc))
            fcn = len(fcnew)
            som = 0
            #   this loop searches each word in the filename for a match.
            while (som < fcn):
                print (fcnew[som])
                #counts get buggered up when the issue is the last field in the filename - ie. '50.cbr'
                if ".cbr" in fcnew[som]:
                    fcnew[som] = fcnew[som].replace(".cbr", "")
                elif ".cbz" in fcnew[som]:
                    fcnew[som] = fcnew[som].replace(".cbz", "")
                if fcnew[som].isdigit():
                    print ("digit detected")
                    fcdigit = fcnew[som].lstrip('0')
                    print ( "filename:" + str(int(fcnew[som])) + " - issue: " + str(issnum) )
                    #fcdigit = fcnew[som].lstrip('0') + ".00"
                    if int(fcdigit) == int(issnum):
                        print ("matched")
                        print ("We have this issue - " + str(issnum) + " at " + tmpfc['ComicFilename'] )
                        haveissue = "yes"
                        isslocation = str(tmpfc['ComicFilename'])
                print ("failed word match on:" + str(fcnew[som]) + "..continuing next word")
            print (str(temploc) + " doesn't match anything...moving to next file.")
    print ("you have " + str(havefiles) + " comics!")
예제 #2
파일: updater.py 프로젝트: partymike/mylar
def foundsearch(ComicID, IssueID):
    myDB = db.DBConnection()
    #print ("Updater-ComicID: " + str(ComicID))
    #print ("Updater-IssueID: " + str(IssueID))
    comic = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID]).fetchone()
    issue = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM issues WHERE IssueID=?', [IssueID]).fetchone()
    #print ("comic location: " + comic['ComicLocation'])
    #this is too soon - file hasn't downloaded even yet.
    #fixed and addressed in search.py and follow-thru here!
    #check sab history for completion here :)
    CYear = issue['IssueDate'][:4]
    print ("year:" + str(CYear))
    #slog = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM sablog WHERE ComicName=? AND ComicYEAR=?', [issue['ComicName'], str(CYear)]).fetchone()
    #this checks the active queue for downloading/non-existant jobs
    #--end queue check
    #this checks history for completed jobs...
    #-- end history check

    fc = filechecker.listFiles(comic['ComicLocation'], comic['ComicName'])
    HaveDict = {"ComicID": ComicID}
    newHave = { "Have":    fc['comiccount'] }
    myDB.upsert("comics", newHave, HaveDict)
    issue = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM issues WHERE IssueID=? AND ComicID=?', [IssueID, ComicID]).fetchone()
    #print ("updating status to snatched")
    controlValueDict = {"IssueID":  IssueID}
    newValueDict = {"Status": "Snatched"}
    #print ("updating snatched db.")
    myDB.upsert("issues", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
    snatchedupdate = {"IssueID":     IssueID}
    newsnatchValues = {"ComicName":       comic['ComicName'],
                       "ComicID":         ComicID,
                       "Issue_Number":    issue['Issue_Number'],
                       "DateAdded":       helpers.now(),
                       "Status":          "Snatched"
    myDB.upsert("snatched", newsnatchValues, snatchedupdate)
    #we need to update sablog now to mark the nzo_id row as being completed and not used again.
    #this becomes an issue with files downloaded x2 or same name...

    #print ("finished updating snatched db.")
    logger.info(u"Updating now complete for " + str(comic['ComicName']) + " issue: " + str(issue['Issue_Number']))
예제 #3
파일: updater.py 프로젝트: mjsmjs/mylar
def forceRescan(ComicID):
    myDB = db.DBConnection()
    # file check to see if issue exists
    rescan = myDB.action("SELECT * FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?", [ComicID]).fetchone()
        u"Now checking files for "
        + str(rescan["ComicName"])
        + " ("
        + str(rescan["ComicYear"])
        + ") in "
        + str(rescan["ComicLocation"])
    fc = filechecker.listFiles(
        dir=rescan["ComicLocation"], watchcomic=rescan["ComicName"], AlternateSearch=rescan["AlternateSearch"]
    iscnt = rescan["Total"]
    havefiles = 0
    fccnt = int(fc["comiccount"])
    issnum = 1
    fcnew = []
    fn = 0
    issuedupechk = []
    reissues = myDB.action("SELECT * FROM issues WHERE ComicID=?", [ComicID]).fetchall()
    # if filechecker returns 0 files (it doesn't find any), but some issues have a status of 'Archived'
    # the loop below won't work...let's adjust :)
    arcissues = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM issues WHERE ComicID=? and Status='Archived'", [ComicID])
    if len(arcissues) > 0:
        havefiles = len(arcissues)
        logger.fdebug("Adjusting have total because of this many archive files:" + str(len(arcissues)))
    while fn < fccnt:
        haveissue = "no"
        issuedupe = "no"
            tmpfc = fc["comiclist"][fn]
        except IndexError:
        temploc = tmpfc["ComicFilename"].replace("_", " ")
        temploc = re.sub("[\#']", "", temploc)
        # logger.fdebug("temploc: " + str(temploc))
        if "annual" not in temploc:
            fcnew = shlex.split(str(temploc))
            fcn = len(fcnew)
            n = 0
            while n <= iscnt:
                som = 0
                    reiss = reissues[n]
                except IndexError:
                int_iss = helpers.decimal_issue(reiss["Issue_Number"])
                issyear = reiss["IssueDate"][:4]
                old_status = reiss["Status"]

                # logger.fdebug("integer_issue:" + str(int_iss) + " ... status: " + str(old_status))

                # if comic in format of "SomeSeries 5(c2c)(2013).cbr" whatever...it'll die.
                # can't distinguish the 5(c2c) to tell it's the issue #...

                while som < fcn:
                    # counts get buggered up when the issue is the last field in the filename - ie. '50.cbr'
                    # logger.fdebug("checking word - " + str(fcnew[som]))
                    if ".cbr" in fcnew[som].lower():
                        fcnew[som] = fcnew[som].replace(".cbr", "")
                    elif ".cbz" in fcnew[som].lower():
                        fcnew[som] = fcnew[som].replace(".cbz", "")
                    if "(c2c)" in fcnew[som].lower():
                        fcnew[som] = fcnew[som].replace("(c2c)", " ")
                        get_issue = shlex.split(str(fcnew[som]))
                        if fcnew[som] != " ":
                            fcnew[som] = get_issue[0]
                    if "." in fcnew[som]:
                        # logger.fdebug("decimal detected...adjusting.")
                            i = float(fcnew[som])
                        except ValueError, TypeError:
                            # not numeric
                            fcnew[som] = fcnew[som].replace(".", "")
                            # logger.fdebug("NOT NUMERIC - new word: " + str(fcnew[som]))
                            # numeric
                    if fcnew[som].isdigit():
                        # this won't match on decimal issues - need to fix.
                        # logger.fdebug("digit detected")
                        if int(fcnew[som]) > 0:
                            # fcdigit = fcnew[som].lstrip('0')
                            # fcdigit = str(int(fcnew[som]))
                            fcdigit = int(fcnew[som]) * 1000
                            # fcdigit = "0"
                            fcdigit = 0
                    elif "." in fcnew[som]:
                        # this will match on decimal issues
                        IssueChk = fcnew[som]
                        # logger.fdebug("decimal detected...analyzing if issue")
                        isschk_find = IssueChk.find(".")
                        isschk_b4dec = IssueChk[:isschk_find]
                        isschk_decval = IssueChk[isschk_find + 1 :]
                        if isschk_b4dec.isdigit():
                            # logger.fdebug("digit detected prior to decimal.")
                            if isschk_decval.isdigit():
                                # logger.fdebug("digit detected after decimal.")
                                # logger.fdebug("not an issue - no digit detected after decimal")
                            # logger.fdebug("not an issue - no digit detected prior to decimal")
                        # logger.fdebug("IssueNumber: " + str(IssueChk))
                        # logger.fdebug("..before decimal: " + str(isschk_b4dec))
                        # logger.fdebug("...after decimal: " + str(isschk_decval))
                        # --let's make sure we don't wipe out decimal issues ;)
                        if int(isschk_decval) == 0:
                            iss = isschk_b4dec
                            intdec = int(isschk_decval)
                            if len(isschk_decval) == 1:
                                iss = isschk_b4dec + "." + isschk_decval
                                intdec = int(isschk_decval) * 10
                                iss = isschk_b4dec + "." + isschk_decval.rstrip("0")
                                intdec = int(isschk_decval.rstrip("0")) * 10
                        fcdigit = (int(isschk_b4dec) * 1000) + intdec
                        # logger.fdebug("b4dec: " + str(isschk_b4dec))
                        # logger.fdebug("decval: " + str(isschk_decval))
                        # logger.fdebug("intdec: " + str(intdec))
                        # logger.fdebug("let's compare with this issue value: " + str(fcdigit))
                        # it's a word, skip it.
                        fcdigit = 1000000
                    # logger.fdebug("fcdigit: " + str(fcdigit))
                    # logger.fdebug("int_iss: " + str(int_iss))
                    if "." in str(int_iss):
                        int_iss = helpers.decimal_issue(int_iss)
                    # logger.fdebug("this is the int issue:" + str(int_iss))

                    if int(fcdigit) == int_iss:
                        # if issyear in fcnew[som+1]:
                        #    print "matched on year:" + str(issyear)
                        # issuedupechk here.
                        if int(fcdigit) in issuedupechk:
                                "duplicate issue detected - not counting this: " + str(tmpfc["ComicFilename"])
                            issuedupe = "yes"
                        logger.fdebug("matched...issue: " + str(rescan["ComicName"]) + " --- " + str(int_iss))
                        havefiles += 1
                        haveissue = "yes"
                        isslocation = str(tmpfc["ComicFilename"])
                        issSize = str(tmpfc["ComicSize"])
                        logger.fdebug(".......filename: " + str(isslocation))
                        logger.fdebug(".......filesize: " + str(tmpfc["ComicSize"]))
                        # to avoid duplicate issues which screws up the count...let's store the filename issues then
                        # compare earlier...
                        # else:
                        # if the issue # matches, but there is no year present - still match.
                        # determine a way to match on year if present, or no year (currently).
                    som += 1
                if haveissue == "yes":
                n += 1
        # we have the # of comics, now let's update the db.
        # even if we couldn't find the physical issue, check the status.
        # if Archived, increase the 'Have' count.
        if haveissue == "no" and issuedupe == "no":
            isslocation = "None"
            if old_status == "Skipped":
                if mylar.AUTOWANT_ALL:
                    issStatus = "Wanted"
                    issStatus = "Skipped"
            elif old_status == "Archived":
                havefiles += 1
                issStatus = "Archived"
            elif old_status == "Downloaded":
                issStatus = "Archived"
                havefiles += 1
            elif old_status == "Wanted":
                issStatus = "Wanted"
                issStatus = "Skipped"
            controlValueDict = {"IssueID": reiss["IssueID"]}
            newValueDict = {"Status": issStatus}

        elif haveissue == "yes":
            issStatus = "Downloaded"
            controlValueDict = {"IssueID": reiss["IssueID"]}
            newValueDict = {"Location": isslocation, "ComicSize": issSize, "Status": issStatus}
        myDB.upsert("issues", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
        fn += 1
예제 #4
    def Process(self):
            self._log("nzb name: " + str(self.nzb_name))
            self._log("nzb folder: " + str(self.nzb_folder))
            logger.fdebug("nzb name: " + str(self.nzb_name))
            logger.fdebug("nzb folder: " + str(self.nzb_folder))
            if mylar.USE_SABNZBD==0:
                logger.fdebug("Not using SABnzbd")
            elif mylar.USE_SABNZBD != 0 and self.nzb_name == 'Manual Run':
                logger.fdebug('Not using SABnzbd : Manual Run')
                # if the SAB Directory option is enabled, let's use that folder name and append the jobname.
                if mylar.SAB_DIRECTORY is not None and mylar.SAB_DIRECTORY is not 'None' and len(mylar.SAB_DIRECTORY) > 4:
                    self.nzb_folder = os.path.join(mylar.SAB_DIRECTORY, self.nzb_name).encode(mylar.SYS_ENCODING)
                    logger.fdebug('SABnzbd Download folder option enabled. Directory set to : ' + self.nzb_folder)

      # -- start. not used.
                #query SAB to find out if Replace Spaces enabled / not as well as Replace Decimals
                #querysab = str(mylar.SAB_HOST) + "/api?mode=get_config&section=misc&output=xml&apikey=" + str(mylar.SAB_APIKEY)
                #logger.info("querysab_string:" + str(querysab))
                #file = urllib2.urlopen(querysab)
                #data = file.read()
                #dom = parseString(data)

                #    sabreps = dom.getElementsByTagName('replace_spaces')[0].firstChild.wholeText
                #    errorm = dom.getElementsByTagName('error')[0].firstChild.wholeText
                #    logger.error(u"Error detected attempting to retrieve SAB data : " + errorm)
                #    return
                #sabrepd = dom.getElementsByTagName('replace_dots')[0].firstChild.wholeText
                #logger.fdebug("SAB Replace Spaces: " + str(sabreps))
                #logger.fdebug("SAB Replace Dots: " + str(sabrepd))
         # -- end. not used.

            if mylar.USE_NZBGET==1:
                if self.nzb_name != 'Manual Run': 
                    logger.fdebug("Using NZBGET")
                logger.fdebug("NZB name as passed from NZBGet: " + self.nzb_name)
                # if the NZBGet Directory option is enabled, let's use that folder name and append the jobname.
                if self.nzb_name == 'Manual Run':
                    logger.fdebug('Manual Run Post-Processing enabled.')
                elif mylar.NZBGET_DIRECTORY is not None and mylar.NZBGET_DIRECTORY is not 'None' and len(mylar.NZBGET_DIRECTORY) > 4:
                    self.nzb_folder = os.path.join(mylar.NZBGET_DIRECTORY, self.nzb_name).encode(mylar.SYS_ENCODING)
                    logger.fdebug('NZBGET Download folder option enabled. Directory set to : ' + self.nzb_folder)
            myDB = db.DBConnection()

            if self.nzb_name == 'Manual Run':
                logger.fdebug ("manual run initiated")
                #Manual postprocessing on a folder.
                #use the nzb_folder to determine every file
                #walk the dir,
                #once a series name and issue are matched,
                #write the series/issue/filename to a tuple
                #when all done, iterate over the tuple until completion...
                comicseries = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM comics")
                manual_list = []
                if comicseries is None: 
                    logger.error(u"No Series in Watchlist - aborting Manual Post Processing. Maybe you should be running Import?")
                    watchvals = {}
                    for cs in comicseries:
                        watchvals = {"SeriesYear":   cs['ComicYear'],
                                     "LatestDate":   cs['LatestDate'],
                                     "ComicVersion": cs['ComicVersion'],
                                     "Publisher":    cs['ComicPublisher'],
                                     "Total":        cs['Total']}
                        watchmatch = filechecker.listFiles(self.nzb_folder,cs['ComicName'],cs['ComicPublisher'],cs['AlternateSearch'], manual=watchvals)
                        if watchmatch['comiccount'] == 0: # is None:
                            fn = 0
                            fccnt = int(watchmatch['comiccount'])
                            if len(watchmatch) == 1: continue
                            while (fn < fccnt):
                                    tmpfc = watchmatch['comiclist'][fn]
                                except IndexError,KeyError:
                                temploc= tmpfc['JusttheDigits'].replace('_', ' ')
                                temploc = re.sub('[\#\']', '', temploc)

                                if 'annual' in temploc.lower():
                                    logger.info("annual detected.")
                                    annchk = "yes"
                                    fcdigit = helpers.issuedigits(re.sub('annual', '', str(temploc.lower())).strip())
                                    issuechk = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from annuals WHERE ComicID=? AND Int_IssueNumber=?", [cs['ComicID'],fcdigit]).fetchone()
                                    fcdigit = helpers.issuedigits(temploc)
                                    issuechk = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from issues WHERE ComicID=? AND Int_IssueNumber=?", [cs['ComicID'],fcdigit]).fetchone()

                                if issuechk is None:
                                    logger.fdebug("No corresponding issue # found for " + str(cs['ComicID']))
                                    datematch = "True"
                                    if len(watchmatch) >= 1 and tmpfc['ComicYear'] is not None:
                                        #if the # of matches is more than 1, we need to make sure we get the right series
                                        #compare the ReleaseDate for the issue, to the found issue date in the filename.
                                        #if ReleaseDate doesn't exist, use IssueDate
                                        #if no issue date was found, then ignore.
                                        issyr = None
                                        #logger.fdebug('issuedate:' + str(issuechk['IssueDate']))
                                        #logger.fdebug('issuechk: ' + str(issuechk['IssueDate'][5:7]))

                                        #logger.info('ReleaseDate: ' + str(issuechk['ReleaseDate']))
                                        #logger.info('IssueDate: ' + str(issuechk['IssueDate']))
                                        if issuechk['ReleaseDate'] is not None and issuechk['ReleaseDate'] != '0000-00-00':
                                            monthval = issuechk['ReleaseDate']
                                            if int(issuechk['ReleaseDate'][:4]) < int(tmpfc['ComicYear']):
                                                logger.fdebug(str(issuechk['ReleaseDate']) + ' is before the issue year of ' + str(tmpfc['ComicYear']) + ' that was discovered in the filename')
                                                datematch = "False"
                                            monthval = issuechk['IssueDate']
                                            if int(issuechk['IssueDate'][:4]) < int(tmpfc['ComicYear']):
                                                logger.fdebug(str(issuechk['IssueDate']) + ' is before the issue year ' + str(tmpfc['ComicYear']) + ' that was discovered in the filename')
                                                datematch = "False"

                                        if int(monthval[5:7]) == 11 or int(monthval[5:7]) == 12:
                                            issyr = int(monthval[:4]) + 1
                                            logger.fdebug('issyr is ' + str(issyr))
                                        elif int(monthval[5:7]) == 1 or int(monthval[5:7]) == 2:
                                            issyr = int(monthval[:4]) - 1

                                        if datematch == "False" and issyr is not None:
                                            logger.fdebug(str(issyr) + ' comparing to ' + str(tmpfc['ComicYear']) + ' : rechecking by month-check versus year.')
                                            datematch = "True"
                                            if int(issyr) != int(tmpfc['ComicYear']):
                                                logger.fdebug('[fail] Issue is before the modified issue year of ' + str(issyr))
                                                datematch = "False"
                                        logger.info("Found matching issue # " + str(fcdigit) + " for ComicID: " + str(cs['ComicID']) + " / IssueID: " + str(issuechk['IssueID']))
                                    if datematch == "True":
                                        manual_list.append({"ComicLocation":   tmpfc['ComicLocation'],
                                                            "ComicID":         cs['ComicID'],
                                                            "IssueID":         issuechk['IssueID'],
                                                            "IssueNumber":     issuechk['Issue_Number'],
                                                            "ComicName":       cs['ComicName']})
                                        logger.fdebug('Incorrect series - not populating..continuing post-processing')

                    logger.fdebug("There are " + str(len(manual_list)) + " files found that match on your watchlist, " + str(nm) + " do not match anything and will be ignored.")    
예제 #5
파일: updater.py 프로젝트: wraslor/mylar
def forceRescan(ComicID,archive=None):
    myDB = db.DBConnection()
    # file check to see if issue exists
    rescan = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID]).fetchone()
    logger.info('Now checking files for ' + rescan['ComicName'] + ' (' + str(rescan['ComicYear']) + ') in ' + rescan['ComicLocation'] )
    if archive is None:
        fc = filechecker.listFiles(dir=rescan['ComicLocation'], watchcomic=rescan['ComicName'], AlternateSearch=rescan['AlternateSearch'])
        fc = filechecker.listFiles(dir=archive, watchcomic=rescan['ComicName'], AlternateSearch=rescan['AlternateSearch'])
    iscnt = rescan['Total']
    havefiles = 0
    if mylar.ANNUALS_ON:
        an_cnt = myDB.action("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM annuals WHERE ComicID=?", [ComicID]).fetchall()
        anncnt = an_cnt[0][0]
        anncnt = 0
    fccnt = int(fc['comiccount'])
    issnum = 1
    fcnew = []
    fn = 0
    issuedupechk = []
    annualdupechk = []
    issueexceptdupechk = []
    reissues = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM issues WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID]).fetchall()
    issID_to_ignore = []
    while (fn < fccnt):  
        haveissue = "no"
        issuedupe = "no"
            tmpfc = fc['comiclist'][fn]
        except IndexError:
            logger.fdebug('Unable to properly retrieve a file listing for the given series.')
            logger.fdebug('Probably because the filenames being scanned are not in a parseable format')
            if fn == 0: 
        temploc= tmpfc['JusttheDigits'].replace('_', ' ')

#        temploc = tmpfc['ComicFilename'].replace('_', ' ')
        temploc = re.sub('[\#\']', '', temploc)
        logger.fdebug('temploc: ' + str(temploc))
        if 'annual' not in temploc.lower():
            #remove the extension here
            extensions = ('.cbr','.cbz')
            if temploc.lower().endswith(extensions):
                logger.fdebug('removed extension for issue: ' + str(temploc))
                temploc = temploc[:-4]
#            deccnt = str(temploc).count('.')
#            if deccnt > 1:
                #logger.fdebug('decimal counts are :' + str(deccnt))
                #if the file is formatted with '.' in place of spaces we need to adjust.
                #before replacing - check to see if digits on either side of decimal and if yes, DON'T REMOVE
#                occur=1
#                prevstart = 0
#                digitfound = "no"
#                decimalfound = "no"
#                tempreconstruct = ''
#                while (occur <= deccnt):
#                    n = occur
#                    start = temploc.find('.')
#                    while start >=0 and n > 1:
#                        start = temploc.find('.', start+len('.'))
#                        n-=1
#                    #logger.fdebug('occurance ' + str(occur) + ' of . at position: ' + str(start))
#                    if temploc[prevstart:start].isdigit():
#                        if digitfound == "yes":
#                            #logger.fdebug('this is a decimal, assuming decimal issue.')
#                            decimalfound = "yes"
#                            reconst = "." + temploc[prevstart:start] + " "
#                        else:
#                            #logger.fdebug('digit detected.')
#                            digitfound = "yes"
#                            reconst = temploc[prevstart:start]
#                    else:
#                        reconst = temploc[prevstart:start] + " "
#                    #logger.fdebug('word: ' + reconst)
#                    tempreconstruct = tempreconstruct + reconst 
#                    #logger.fdebug('tempreconstruct is : ' + tempreconstruct)
#                    prevstart = (start+1)
#                    occur+=1
#                #logger.fdebug('word: ' + temploc[prevstart:])
#                tempreconstruct = tempreconstruct + " " + temploc[prevstart:]
#                #logger.fdebug('final filename to use is : ' + str(tempreconstruct))
#                temploc = tempreconstruct            
            #logger.fdebug("checking " + str(temploc))
            #fcnew_b4 = shlex.split(str(temploc))            
            fcnew_af = re.findall('[^\()]+', temploc)
            fcnew = shlex.split(fcnew_af[0])

            fcn = len(fcnew)
            n = 0
            while (n <= iscnt):
                som = 0
                    reiss = reissues[n]
                except IndexError:
#                int_iss, iss_except = helpers.decimal_issue(reiss['Issue_Number'])
                int_iss = helpers.issuedigits(reiss['Issue_Number'])
                issyear = reiss['IssueDate'][:4]
                old_status = reiss['Status']
                issname = reiss['IssueName']
                #logger.fdebug('integer_issue:' + str(int_iss) + ' ... status: ' + str(old_status))

                #if comic in format of "SomeSeries 5(c2c)(2013).cbr" whatever...it'll die.
                #can't distinguish the 5(c2c) to tell it's the issue #...
                fnd_iss_except = 'None'
                #print ("Issue, int_iss, iss_except: " + str(reiss['Issue_Number']) + "," + str(int_iss) + "," + str(iss_except))

                while (som < fcn):
                    #counts get buggered up when the issue is the last field in the filename - ie. '50.cbr'
                    #logger.fdebug('checking word - ' + str(fcnew[som]))
                    if ".cbr" in fcnew[som].lower():
                        fcnew[som] = fcnew[som].replace(".cbr", "")
                    elif ".cbz" in fcnew[som].lower():
                        fcnew[som] = fcnew[som].replace(".cbz", "")
                    if "(c2c)" in fcnew[som].lower():
                        fcnew[som] = fcnew[som].replace("(c2c)", " ")
                        get_issue = shlex.split(str(fcnew[som]))
                        if fcnew[som] != " ":
                            fcnew[som] = get_issue[0]

                    if som+1 < len(fcnew) and len(fcnew[som+1]) == 2:
                        #print "fcnew[som+1]: " + str(fcnew[som+1])
                        #print "fcnew[som]: " + str(fcnew[som])
                        if 'au' in fcnew[som+1].lower():
                            #if the 'AU' is in 005AU vs 005 AU it will yield different results.
                            fcnew[som] = fcnew[som] + 'AU'
                            fcnew[som+1] = '93939999919190933'
                            logger.info('AU Detected seperate from issue - combining and continuing')
                        elif 'ai' in fcnew[som+1].lower():
                            #if the 'AI' is in 005AI vs 005 AI it will yield different results.
                            fcnew[som] = fcnew[som] + 'AI'
                            fcnew[som+1] = '93939999919190933'
                            logger.info('AI Detected seperate from issue - combining and continuing')

                    #sometimes scanners refuse to use spaces between () and lump the issue right at the start
                    #mylar assumes it's all one word in this case..let's dump the brackets.
                    fcdigit = helpers.issuedigits(fcnew[som])

                    #logger.fdebug("fcdigit: " + str(fcdigit))
                    #logger.fdebug("int_iss: " + str(int_iss))

                    if int(fcdigit) == int_iss:
                        logger.fdebug('issue match - fcdigit: ' + str(fcdigit) + ' ... int_iss: ' + str(int_iss))

                        if '-' in temploc and temploc.find(reiss['Issue_Number']) > temploc.find('-'):
                            logger.fdebug('I have detected a possible Title in the filename')
                            logger.fdebug('the issue # has occured after the -, so I assume that it is part of the Title')
                        for d in issuedupechk:
                            if int(d['fcdigit']) == int(fcdigit):
                                logger.fdebug('duplicate issue detected - not counting this: ' + str(tmpfc['ComicFilename']))
                                logger.fdebug('is a duplicate of ' + d['filename'])
                                logger.fdebug('fcdigit:' + str(fcdigit) + ' === dupedigit: ' + str(d['fcdigit']))
                                issuedupe = "yes"
                        if issuedupe == "no":
                            logger.fdebug('matched...issue: ' + rescan['ComicName'] + '#' + str(reiss['Issue_Number']) + ' --- ' + str(int_iss))
                            haveissue = "yes"
                            isslocation = str(tmpfc['ComicFilename'])
                            issSize = str(tmpfc['ComicSize'])
                            logger.fdebug('.......filename: ' + str(isslocation))
                            logger.fdebug('.......filesize: ' + str(tmpfc['ComicSize'])) 
                            # to avoid duplicate issues which screws up the count...let's store the filename issues then 
                            # compare earlier...
                            issuedupechk.append({'fcdigit': int(fcdigit),
                                                 'filename': tmpfc['ComicFilename']})
                        # if the issue # matches, but there is no year present - still match.
                        # determine a way to match on year if present, or no year (currently).

                    if issuedupe == "yes":
                        logger.fdebug('I should break out here because of a dupe.')
                if haveissue == "yes" or issuedupe == "yes": break
            # annual inclusion here.
            #logger.fdebug("checking " + str(temploc))
            reannuals = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM annuals WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID]).fetchall()
            fcnew = shlex.split(str(temploc))
            fcn = len(fcnew)
            n = 0
            while (n < anncnt):
                som = 0
                    reann = reannuals[n]
                except IndexError:
                int_iss, iss_except = helpers.decimal_issue(reann['Issue_Number'])
                issyear = reann['IssueDate'][:4]
                old_status = reann['Status']            
                while (som < fcn):
                    #counts get buggered up when the issue is the last field in the filename - ie. '50$
                    #logger.fdebug('checking word - ' + str(fcnew[som]))
                    if ".cbr" in fcnew[som].lower():
                        fcnew[som] = fcnew[som].replace(".cbr", "")
                    elif ".cbz" in fcnew[som].lower():
                        fcnew[som] = fcnew[som].replace(".cbz", "")
                    if "(c2c)" in fcnew[som].lower():
                        fcnew[som] = fcnew[som].replace("(c2c)", " ")
                        get_issue = shlex.split(str(fcnew[som]))
                        if fcnew[som] != " ":
                            fcnew[som] = get_issue[0]
                    if fcnew[som].lower() == 'annual':
                        logger.fdebug('Annual detected.')
                        if fcnew[som+1].isdigit():
                            ann_iss = fcnew[som+1]
                            logger.fdebug('Annual # ' + str(ann_iss) + ' detected.')
                            fcdigit = helpers.issuedigits(ann_iss)
                    logger.fdebug('fcdigit:' + str(fcdigit))
                    logger.fdebug('int_iss:' + str(int_iss))
                    if int(fcdigit) == int_iss:
                        logger.fdebug('annual match - issue : ' + str(int_iss))
                        for d in annualdupechk:
                            if int(d['fcdigit']) == int(fcdigit):
                                logger.fdebug('duplicate annual issue detected - not counting this: ' + str(tmpfc['ComicFilename']))
                                issuedupe = "yes"
                        if issuedupe == "no":
                            logger.fdebug('matched...annual issue: ' + rescan['ComicName'] + '#' + str(reann['Issue_Number']) + ' --- ' + str(int_iss))
                            haveissue = "yes"
                            isslocation = str(tmpfc['ComicFilename'])
                            issSize = str(tmpfc['ComicSize'])
                            logger.fdebug('.......filename: ' + str(isslocation))
                            logger.fdebug('.......filesize: ' + str(tmpfc['ComicSize']))
                            # to avoid duplicate issues which screws up the count...let's store the filename issues then
                            # compare earlier...
                            annualdupechk.append({'fcdigit': int(fcdigit)})
                if haveissue == "yes": break

        if issuedupe == "yes": pass
            #we have the # of comics, now let's update the db.
            #even if we couldn't find the physical issue, check the status.
            #-- if annuals aren't enabled, this will bugger out.
            writeit = True
            if mylar.ANNUALS_ON:
                if 'annual' in temploc.lower():
                    iss_id = reann['IssueID']
                    iss_id = reiss['IssueID']
                if 'annual' in temploc.lower():
                    logger.fdebug('Annual support not enabled, but annual issue present within directory. Ignoring annual.')
                    writeit = False
                    iss_id = reiss['IssueID']

            if writeit == True:
                logger.fdebug('issueID to write to db:' + str(iss_id))
                controlValueDict = {"IssueID": iss_id}

                #if Archived, increase the 'Have' count.
                #if archive:
                #    issStatus = "Archived"
                if haveissue == "yes":
                    issStatus = "Downloaded"
                    newValueDict = {"Location":           isslocation,
                                    "ComicSize":          issSize,
                                    "Status":             issStatus

                    if 'annual' in temploc.lower():
                        myDB.upsert("annuals", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
                        myDB.upsert("issues", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

    logger.fdebug('IssueID to ignore: ' + str(issID_to_ignore))

    #here we need to change the status of the ones we DIDN'T FIND above since the loop only hits on FOUND issues.
    update_iss = []
    tmpsql = "SELECT * FROM issues WHERE ComicID=? AND IssueID not in ({seq})".format(seq=','.join(['?']*(len(issID_to_ignore)-1)))
    chkthis = myDB.action(tmpsql, issID_to_ignore).fetchall()
#    chkthis = None
    if chkthis is None: 
        for chk in chkthis:
            old_status = chk['Status']
            logger.fdebug('old_status:' + str(old_status))
            if old_status == "Skipped":
                if mylar.AUTOWANT_ALL:
                    issStatus = "Wanted"
                    issStatus = "Skipped"
            elif old_status == "Archived":
                issStatus = "Archived"
            elif old_status == "Downloaded":
                issStatus = "Archived"
            elif old_status == "Wanted":
                issStatus = "Wanted"
            elif old_status == "Ignored":
                issStatus = "Ignored"
            elif old_status == "Snatched":   #this is needed for torrents, or else it'll keep on queuing..
                issStatus = "Snatched"
                issStatus = "Skipped"

            logger.fdebug("new status: " + str(issStatus))

            update_iss.append({"IssueID": chk['IssueID'],
                               "Status":  issStatus})
    if len(update_iss) > 0:
        i = 0
        #do it like this to avoid DB locks...
        for ui in update_iss:
            controlValueDict = {"IssueID": ui['IssueID']}
            newStatusValue = {"Status": ui['Status']}
            myDB.upsert("issues", newStatusValue, controlValueDict)
        logger.info('Updated the status of ' + str(i) + ' issues for ' + rescan['ComicName'] + ' (' + str(rescan['ComicYear']) + ') that were not found.')

    logger.info('Total files located: ' + str(havefiles))
    foundcount = havefiles
    arcfiles = 0
    # if filechecker returns 0 files (it doesn't find any), but some issues have a status of 'Archived'
    # the loop below won't work...let's adjust :)
    arcissues = myDB.action("SELECT count(*) FROM issues WHERE ComicID=? and Status='Archived'", [ComicID]).fetchall()
    if int(arcissues[0][0]) > 0:
        arcfiles = arcissues[0][0]
        havefiles = havefiles + arcfiles
        logger.fdebug('Adjusting have total to ' + str(havefiles) + ' because of this many archive files:' + str(arcfiles))

    ignorecount = 0
    if mylar.IGNORE_HAVETOTAL:   # if this is enabled, will increase Have total as if in Archived Status
        ignores = myDB.action("SELECT count(*) FROM issues WHERE ComicID=? AND Status='Ignored'", [ComicID]).fetchall()
        if int(ignores[0][0]) > 0:
            ignorecount = ignores[0][0]
            havefiles = havefiles + ignorecount
            logger.fdebug('Adjusting have total to ' + str(havefiles) + ' because of this many Ignored files:' + str(ignorecount))

    #now that we are finished...
    #adjust for issues that have been marked as Downloaded, but aren't found/don't exist.
    #do it here, because above loop only cycles though found comics using filechecker.
    downissues = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM issues WHERE ComicID=? and Status='Downloaded'", [ComicID])
    if downissues is None:
        archivedissues = 0 #set this to 0 so it tallies correctly.
        for down in downissues:
            #print "downlocation:" + str(down['Location'])
            #remove special characters from 
            #temploc = rescan['ComicLocation'].replace('_', ' ')
            #temploc = re.sub('[\#\'\/\.]', '', temploc)
            #print ("comiclocation: " + str(rescan['ComicLocation']))
            #print ("downlocation: " + str(down['Location']))
            if down['Location'] is None:
                logger.fdebug('location does not exist which means file was not downloaded successfully, or was moved.')
                controlValue = {"IssueID":  down['IssueID']}
                newValue = {"Status":    "Archived"}
                myDB.upsert("issues", newValue, controlValue)
                comicpath = os.path.join(rescan['ComicLocation'], down['Location'])
                if os.path.exists(comicpath):
                    #print "Issue exists - no need to change status."
                    #print "Changing status from Downloaded to Archived - cannot locate file"
                    controlValue = {"IssueID":   down['IssueID']}
                    newValue = {"Status":    "Archived"}
                    myDB.upsert("issues", newValue, controlValue)
        totalarc = arcfiles + archivedissues
        havefiles = havefiles + archivedissues  #arcfiles already tallied in havefiles in above segment
        logger.fdebug('I have changed the status of ' + str(archivedissues) + ' issues to a status of Archived, as I now cannot locate them in the series directory.')

    #let's update the total count of comics that was found.
    controlValueStat = {"ComicID":     rescan['ComicID']}
    newValueStat = {"Have":            havefiles

    combined_total = rescan['Total'] + anncnt

    myDB.upsert("comics", newValueStat, controlValueStat)
    logger.info('I have physically found ' + str(foundcount) + ' issues, ignored ' + str(ignorecount) + ' issues, and accounted for ' + str(totalarc) + ' in an Archived state. Total Issue Count: ' + str(havefiles) + ' / ' + str(combined_total))

예제 #6
파일: importer.py 프로젝트: Nobrumski/mylar
def addComictoDB(comicid):
    # Putting this here to get around the circular import. Will try to use this to update images at later date.
    from mylar import cache
    myDB = db.DBConnection()
    # myDB.action('DELETE from blacklist WHERE ComicID=?', [comicid])

    # We need the current minimal info in the database instantly
    # so we don't throw a 500 error when we redirect to the artistPage

    controlValueDict = {"ComicID":     comicid}

    dbcomic = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?', [comicid]).fetchone()
    if dbcomic is None:
        newValueDict = {"ComicName":   "Comic ID: %s" % (comicid),
                "Status":   "Loading"}
        newValueDict = {"Status":   "Loading"}

    myDB.upsert("comics", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

    # we need to lookup the info for the requested ComicID in full now        
    comic = cv.getComic(comicid,'comic')

    if not comic:
        logger.warn("Error fetching comic. ID for : " + comicid)
        if dbcomic is None:
            newValueDict = {"ComicName":   "Fetch failed, try refreshing. (%s)" % (comicid),
                    "Status":   "Active"}
            newValueDict = {"Status":   "Active"}
        myDB.upsert("comics", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
    if comic['ComicName'].startswith('The '):
        sortname = comic['ComicName'][4:]
        sortname = comic['ComicName']

    logger.info(u"Now adding/updating: " + comic['ComicName'])
    #--Now that we know ComicName, let's try some scraping
    # gcd will return issue details (most importantly publishing date)
    gcdinfo=parseit.GCDScraper(comic['ComicName'], comic['ComicYear'], comic['ComicIssues'], comicid) 
    if gcdinfo == "No Match":
        logger.warn("No matching result found for " + comic['ComicName'] + " (" + comic['ComicYear'] + ")" )
    logger.info(u"Sucessfully retrieved details for " + comic['ComicName'] )
    # print ("Series Published" + parseit.resultPublished)

    #comic book location on machine
    # setup default location here
    comlocation = mylar.DESTINATION_DIR + "/" + comic['ComicName'] + " (" + comic['ComicYear'] + ")"
    #if mylar.REPLACE_SPACES == "yes":
        #mylar.REPLACE_CHAR ...determines what to replace spaces with underscore or dot
    mylarREPLACE_CHAR = '_'
    comlocation = comlocation.replace(' ', mylarREPLACE_CHAR)
    #if it doesn't exist - create it (otherwise will bugger up later on)
    if os.path.isdir(str(comlocation)):
        logger.info(u"Directory (" + str(comlocation) + ") already exists! Continuing...")
        #print ("Directory doesn't exist!")
            logger.info(u"Directory successfully created at: " + str(comlocation))
        except OSError.e:
            if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:

    #print ("root dir for series: " + comlocation)
    #try to account for CV not updating new issues as fast as GCD
    if gcdinfo['gcdvariation'] == "yes":
        comicIssues = str(int(comic['ComicIssues']) + 1)
        comicIssues = comic['ComicIssues']
    controlValueDict = {"ComicID":      comicid}
    newValueDict = {"ComicName":        comic['ComicName'],
                    "ComicSortName":    sortname,
                    "ComicYear":        comic['ComicYear'],
                    "ComicImage":       comic['ComicImage'],
                    "Total":            comicIssues,
                    "Description":      comic['ComicDesc'],
                    "ComicLocation":    comlocation,
                    "ComicPublisher":   comic['ComicPublisher'],
                    "ComicPublished":   parseit.resultPublished,
                    "DateAdded":        helpers.today(),
                    "Status":           "Loading"}
    myDB.upsert("comics", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
    issued = cv.getComic(comicid,'issue')
    logger.info(u"Sucessfully retrieved issue details for " + comic['ComicName'] )
    n = 0
    iscnt = int(comicIssues)
    issid = []
    issnum = []
    issname = []
    issdate = []
    int_issnum = []
    #let's start issue #'s at 0 -- thanks to DC for the new 52 reboot! :)
    latestiss = "0"
    latestdate = "0000-00-00"
    while (n < iscnt):       
        firstval = issued['issuechoice'][n]
        cleanname = helpers.cleanName(firstval['Issue_Name'])
        issid.append( str(firstval['Issue_ID']) )
        issnum.append( str(firstval['Issue_Number']) )
        bb = 0
        while (bb < iscnt):
            gcdval = gcdinfo['gcdchoice'][bb]      
            #print ("issuecompare: " + str(issnum[n]))
            #print ("issuecheck: " + str(gcdval['GCDIssue']) )
            if str(gcdval['GCDIssue']) == str(issnum[n]):
                issdate.append( str(gcdval['GCDDate']) )
                issnumchg = issnum[n].replace(".00", "")
                #print ("issnumchg" + str(issnumchg) + "...latestiss:" + str(latestiss))
                #get the latest issue / date using the date.
                if gcdval['GCDDate'] > latestdate:
                    latestiss = str(issnumchg)
                    latestdate = str(gcdval['GCDDate'])
                bb = iscnt
        #logger.info(u"IssueID: " + str(issid[n]) + " IssueNo: " + str(issnum[n]) + " Date" + str(issdate[n]) )
    latestiss = latestiss + ".00"
    #once again - thanks to the new 52 reboot...start n at 0.
    n = 0
    logger.info(u"Now adding/updating issues for" + comic['ComicName'])

    # file check to see if issue exists
    logger.info(u"Checking directory for existing issues.")
    fc = filechecker.listFiles(dir=comlocation, watchcomic=comic['ComicName'])
    havefiles = 0

    fccnt = int(fc['comiccount'])
    logger.info(u"Found " + str(fccnt) + " issues of " + comic['ComicName'])
    fcnew = []
    while (n < iscnt):
        fn = 0
        haveissue = "no"

        #print ("on issue " + str(int(n+1)) + " of " + str(iscnt) + " issues")
        # check if the issue already exists
        iss_exists = myDB.select('SELECT * from issues WHERE IssueID=?', [issid[n]])

        #print ("checking issue: " + str(int_issnum[n]))
        # stupid way to do this, but check each issue against file-list in fc.
        while (fn < fccnt):
            tmpfc = fc['comiclist'][fn]
            #print (str(int_issnum[n]) + " against ... " + str(tmpfc['ComicFilename']))
            temploc = tmpfc['ComicFilename'].replace('_', ' ')
            fcnew = shlex.split(str(temploc))
            fcn = len(fcnew)
            som = 0
            #   this loop searches each word in the filename for a match.
            while (som < fcn): 
                #print (fcnew[som])
                #counts get buggered up when the issue is the last field in the filename - ie. '50.cbr'
                if ".cbr" in fcnew[som]:
                    fcnew[som] = fcnew[som].replace(".cbr", "")
                elif ".cbz" in fcnew[som]:
                    fcnew[som] = fcnew[som].replace(".cbz", "")                   
                if fcnew[som].isdigit():
                    #print ("digit detected")
                    #good ol' 52 again....
                    if int(fcnew[som]) > 0:
                        fcdigit = fcnew[som].lstrip('0')
                    else: fcdigit = "0"
                    #print ( "filename:" + str(int(fcnew[som])) + " - issue: " + str(int_issnum[n]) )
                    if int(fcdigit) == int_issnum[n]:
                        #print ("matched")
                        #print ("We have this issue - " + str(issnum[n]) + " at " + tmpfc['ComicFilename'] )
                        haveissue = "yes"
                        isslocation = str(tmpfc['ComicFilename'])
                #print ("failed word match on:" + str(fcnew[som]) + "..continuing next word")
            #print (str(temploc) + " doesn't match anything...moving to next file.")

        if haveissue == "no": isslocation = "None"
        controlValueDict = {"IssueID":  issid[n]}
        newValueDict = {"ComicID":            comicid,
                        "ComicName":          comic['ComicName'],
                        "IssueName":          issname[n],
                        "Issue_Number":       issnum[n],
                        "IssueDate":          issdate[n],
                        "Location":           isslocation,
                        "Int_IssueNumber":    int_issnum[n]

        # Only change the status & add DateAdded if the issue is not already in the database
        if not len(iss_exists):
            controlValueDict = {"IssueID":  issid[n]}
            newValueDict['DateAdded'] = helpers.today()

        if haveissue == "no":
            if mylar.AUTOWANT_ALL:
                newValueDict['Status'] = "Wanted"
            #elif release_dict['releasedate'] > helpers.today() and mylar.AUTOWANT_UPCOMING:
            #    newValueDict['Status'] = "Wanted"
                newValueDict['Status'] = "Skipped"
        elif haveissue == "yes":
            newValueDict['Status'] = "Downloaded"

        myDB.upsert("issues", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

#        logger.debug(u"Updating comic cache for " + comic['ComicName'])
#        cache.getThumb(ComicID=issue['issueid'])
#    newValueDict['LastUpdated'] = helpers.now()
#    myDB.upsert("comics", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
#    logger.debug(u"Updating cache for: " + comic['ComicName'])
#    cache.getThumb(ComicIDcomicid)

    controlValueStat = {"ComicID":     comicid}
    newValueStat = {"Status":          "Active",
                    "Have":            havefiles,
                    "LatestIssue":     latestiss,
                    "LatestDate":      latestdate

    myDB.upsert("comics", newValueStat, controlValueStat)
    logger.info(u"Updating complete for: " + comic['ComicName'])
    #here we grab issues that have been marked as wanted above...
    results = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM issues where ComicID=? AND Status='Wanted'", [comicid])    
    if results:
        logger.info(u"Attempting to grab wanted issues for : "  + comic['ComicName'])

        for result in results:
            foundNZB = "none"
            if (mylar.NZBSU or mylar.DOGNZB or mylar.EXPERIMENTAL) and (mylar.SAB_HOST):
                foundNZB = search.searchforissue(result['IssueID'])
                if foundNZB == "yes":
                    updater.foundsearch(result['ComicID'], result['IssueID'])
    else: logger.info(u"No issues marked as wanted for " + comic['ComicName'])

    logger.info(u"Finished grabbing what I could.")
예제 #7
파일: updater.py 프로젝트: ChaniD/mylar
def forceRescan(ComicID,archive=None):
    myDB = db.DBConnection()
    # file check to see if issue exists
    rescan = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID]).fetchone()
    logger.info(u"Now checking files for " + rescan['ComicName'] + " (" + str(rescan['ComicYear']) + ") in " + str(rescan['ComicLocation']) )
    if archive is None:
        fc = filechecker.listFiles(dir=rescan['ComicLocation'], watchcomic=rescan['ComicName'], AlternateSearch=rescan['AlternateSearch'])
        fc = filechecker.listFiles(dir=archive, watchcomic=rescan['ComicName'], AlternateSearch=rescan['AlternateSearch'])
    iscnt = rescan['Total']
    havefiles = 0
    fccnt = int(fc['comiccount'])
    issnum = 1
    fcnew = []
    fn = 0
    issuedupechk = []
    issueexceptdupechk = []
    reissues = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM issues WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID]).fetchall()
    while (fn < fccnt):  
        haveissue = "no"
        issuedupe = "no"
            tmpfc = fc['comiclist'][fn]
        except IndexError:
        temploc= tmpfc['JusttheDigits'].replace('_', ' ')

#        temploc = tmpfc['ComicFilename'].replace('_', ' ')
        temploc = re.sub('[\#\']', '', temploc)
        logger.fdebug("temploc: " + str(temploc))
        if 'annual' not in temploc:
            #remove the extension here
            extensions = ('.cbr','.cbz')
            if temploc.lower().endswith(extensions):
                #logger.fdebug("removed extension for issue:" + str(temploc))
                temploc = temploc[:-4]
            deccnt = str(temploc).count('.')
            if deccnt > 1:
                #logger.fdebug("decimal counts are :" + str(deccnt))
                #if the file is formatted with '.' in place of spaces we need to adjust.
                #before replacing - check to see if digits on either side of decimal and if yes, DON'T REMOVE
                prevstart = 0
                digitfound = "no"
                decimalfound = "no"
                tempreconstruct = ''
                while (occur <= deccnt):
                    n = occur
                    start = temploc.find('.')
                    while start >=0 and n > 1:
                        start = temploc.find('.', start+len('.'))
                    #logger.fdebug("occurance " + str(occur) + " of . at position: " + str(start))
                    if temploc[prevstart:start].isdigit():
                        if digitfound == "yes":
                            #logger.fdebug("this is a decimal, assuming decimal issue.")
                            decimalfound = "yes"
                            reconst = "." + temploc[prevstart:start] + " "
                            #logger.fdebug("digit detected.")
                            digitfound = "yes"
                            reconst = temploc[prevstart:start]
                        reconst = temploc[prevstart:start] + " "
                    #logger.fdebug("word: " + reconst)
                    tempreconstruct = tempreconstruct + reconst 
                    #logger.fdebug("tempreconstruct is : " + tempreconstruct)
                    prevstart = (start+1)
                #logger.fdebug("word: " + temploc[prevstart:])
                tempreconstruct = tempreconstruct + " " + temploc[prevstart:]
                #logger.fdebug("final filename to use is : " + str(tempreconstruct))
                temploc = tempreconstruct            
            #logger.fdebug("checking " + str(temploc))
            fcnew = shlex.split(str(temploc))            
            fcn = len(fcnew)
            n = 0
            while (n <= iscnt):
                som = 0
                    reiss = reissues[n]
                except IndexError:
                int_iss, iss_except = helpers.decimal_issue(reiss['Issue_Number'])
                issyear = reiss['IssueDate'][:4]
                old_status = reiss['Status']
                #logger.fdebug("integer_issue:" + str(int_iss) + " ... status: " + str(old_status))

                #if comic in format of "SomeSeries 5(c2c)(2013).cbr" whatever...it'll die.
                #can't distinguish the 5(c2c) to tell it's the issue #...
                fnd_iss_except = 'None'
                #print ("Issue, int_iss, iss_except: " + str(reiss['Issue_Number']) + "," + str(int_iss) + "," + str(iss_except))

                while (som < fcn):
                    #counts get buggered up when the issue is the last field in the filename - ie. '50.cbr'
                    #logger.fdebug("checking word - " + str(fcnew[som]))
                    if ".cbr" in fcnew[som].lower():
                        fcnew[som] = fcnew[som].replace(".cbr", "")
                    elif ".cbz" in fcnew[som].lower():
                        fcnew[som] = fcnew[som].replace(".cbz", "")
                    if "(c2c)" in fcnew[som].lower():
                        fcnew[som] = fcnew[som].replace("(c2c)", " ")
                        get_issue = shlex.split(str(fcnew[som]))
                        if fcnew[som] != " ":
                            fcnew[som] = get_issue[0]
                    if '.' in fcnew[som]:
                        #logger.fdebug("decimal detected...adjusting.")
                            i = float(fcnew[som])
                        except ValueError, TypeError:
                            #not numeric
                            #logger.fdebug("NOT NUMERIC - new word: " + str(fcnew[som]))
                            fcnew[som] = fcnew[som].replace(".", "")
                    if fcnew[som].isdigit():
                        #this won't match on decimal issues - need to fix.
                        #logger.fdebug("digit detected")
                        if int(fcnew[som]) > 0:
                            # fcdigit = fcnew[som].lstrip('0')
                            #fcdigit = str(int(fcnew[som]))
                            fcdigit = int(fcnew[som]) * 1000
                            if som+1 < len(fcnew) and 'au' in fcnew[som+1].lower():
                                if len(fcnew[som+1]) == 2:
                                    #if the 'AU' is in 005AU vs 005 AU it will yield different results.
                                    fnd_iss_except = 'AU'
                                    #logger.info("AU Detected - fnd_iss_except set.")
                            #fcdigit = "0"
                            fcdigit = 0
                    elif "." in fcnew[som]:
                        #this will match on decimal issues
                        IssueChk = fcnew[som]
                        #logger.fdebug("decimal detected...analyzing if issue")
                        isschk_find = IssueChk.find('.')
                        isschk_b4dec = IssueChk[:isschk_find]
                        isschk_decval = IssueChk[isschk_find+1:]
                        if isschk_b4dec.isdigit():
                            #logger.fdebug("digit detected prior to decimal.")
                            if isschk_decval.isdigit():
                                #logger.fdebug("digit detected after decimal.")
                                #logger.fdebug("not an issue - no digit detected after decimal")
                            #logger.fdebug("not an issue - no digit detected prior to decimal")
                        #logger.fdebug("IssueNumber: " + str(IssueChk))
                        #logger.fdebug("..before decimal: " + str(isschk_b4dec))
                        #logger.fdebug("...after decimal: " + str(isschk_decval))
                        #--let's make sure we don't wipe out decimal issues ;)
                        if int(isschk_decval) == 0:
                            iss = isschk_b4dec
                            intdec = int(isschk_decval)
                            if len(isschk_decval) == 1:
                                iss = isschk_b4dec + "." + isschk_decval
                                intdec = int(isschk_decval) * 10
                                iss = isschk_b4dec + "." + isschk_decval.rstrip('0')
                                intdec = int(isschk_decval.rstrip('0')) * 10
                        fcdigit = (int(isschk_b4dec) * 1000) + intdec
                        #logger.fdebug("b4dec: " + str(isschk_b4dec))
                        #logger.fdebug("decval: " + str(isschk_decval))
                        #logger.fdebug("intdec: " + str(intdec))
                        #logger.fdebug("let's compare with this issue value: " + str(fcdigit))
                    elif 'au' in fcnew[som].lower():
                        #if AU is part of issue (5AU instead of 5 AU)
                        austart = fcnew[som].lower().find('au')
                        if fcnew[som][:austart].isdigit():
                            fcdigit = int(fcnew[som][:austart]) * 1000
                            fnd_iss_except = 'AU'
                            #logger.info("iss_except set to AU")
                        # it's a word, skip it.
                        fcdigit = 19283838380101193
                    #logger.fdebug("fcdigit: " + str(fcdigit))
                    #logger.fdebug("int_iss: " + str(int_iss))
                    if "." in str(int_iss):
                         int_iss = helpers.decimal_issue(int_iss)
                    #logger.fdebug("this is the int issue:" + str(int_iss))
                    #logger.fdebug("this is the fcdigit:" + str(fcdigit))
                    if int(fcdigit) == int_iss:
                        #logger.fdebug("issue match")
                        #logger.fdebug("fnd_iss_except: " + str(fnd_iss_except))
                        #logger.fdebug("iss_except: " + str(iss_except))
                        if str(fnd_iss_except) != 'None' and str(iss_except) == 'AU':
                            if fnd_iss_except.lower() == iss_except.lower():
                                logger.fdebug("matched for AU")
                                logger.fdebug("this is not an AU match..ignoring result.")
                        elif str(fnd_iss_except) == 'None' and str(iss_except) == 'AU':break
                        elif str(fnd_iss_except) == 'AU' and str(iss_except) == 'None':break
                        #if issyear in fcnew[som+1]:
                        #    print "matched on year:" + str(issyear)
                        #issuedupechk here.
                        #print ("fcdigit:" + str(fcdigit))
                        #print ("findiss_except:" + str(fnd_iss_except) + " = iss_except:" + str(iss_except))

                        #if int(fcdigit) in issuedupechk and str(fnd_iss_except) not in issueexceptdupechk: #str(fnd_iss_except) == str(iss_except):
                        for d in issuedupechk:
                            if int(d['fcdigit']) == int(fcdigit) and d['fnd_iss_except'] == str(fnd_iss_except):
                                logger.fdebug("duplicate issue detected - not counting this: " + str(tmpfc['ComicFilename']))
                                issuedupe = "yes"
                        if issuedupe == "no":
                            logger.fdebug("matched...issue: " + rescan['ComicName'] + "#" + str(reiss['Issue_Number']) + " --- " + str(int_iss))
                            haveissue = "yes"
                            isslocation = str(tmpfc['ComicFilename'])
                            issSize = str(tmpfc['ComicSize'])
                            logger.fdebug(".......filename: " + str(isslocation))
                            logger.fdebug(".......filesize: " + str(tmpfc['ComicSize'])) 
                            # to avoid duplicate issues which screws up the count...let's store the filename issues then 
                            # compare earlier...
                            issuedupechk.append({'fcdigit': int(fcdigit),
                                                 'fnd_iss_except': fnd_iss_except})
                        # if the issue # matches, but there is no year present - still match.
                        # determine a way to match on year if present, or no year (currently).

                if haveissue == "yes": break
        #we have the # of comics, now let's update the db.
        #even if we couldn't find the physical issue, check the status.
        #if Archived, increase the 'Have' count.
        if archive:
            issStatus = "Archived"
        if haveissue == "no" and issuedupe == "no":
            isslocation = "None"
            if old_status == "Skipped":
                if mylar.AUTOWANT_ALL:
                    issStatus = "Wanted"
                    issStatus = "Skipped"
            elif old_status == "Archived":
                issStatus = "Archived"
            elif old_status == "Downloaded":
                issStatus = "Archived"
            elif old_status == "Wanted":
                issStatus = "Wanted"
                issStatus = "Skipped"
            controlValueDict = {"IssueID": reiss['IssueID']}
            newValueDict = {"Status":    issStatus }

        elif haveissue == "yes":
            issStatus = "Downloaded"
            controlValueDict = {"IssueID":  reiss['IssueID']}
            newValueDict = {"Location":           isslocation,
                            "ComicSize":          issSize,
                            "Status":             issStatus
        myDB.upsert("issues", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
예제 #8
    def Process(self):
            self._log("nzb name: " + str(self.nzb_name), logger.DEBUG)
            self._log("nzb folder: " + str(self.nzb_folder), logger.DEBUG)
            logger.fdebug("nzb name: " + str(self.nzb_name))
            logger.fdebug("nzb folder: " + str(self.nzb_folder))
            if mylar.USE_SABNZBD==0:
                logger.fdebug("Not using SABnzbd")
            elif mylar.USE_SABNZBD != 0 and self.nzb_name == 'Manual Run':
                logger.fdebug('Not using SABnzbd : Manual Run')
                # if the SAB Directory option is enabled, let's use that folder name and append the jobname.
                if mylar.SAB_DIRECTORY is not None and mylar.SAB_DIRECTORY is not 'None' and len(mylar.SAB_DIRECTORY) > 4:
                    self.nzb_folder = os.path.join(mylar.SAB_DIRECTORY, self.nzb_name).encode(mylar.SYS_ENCODING)
                #lookup nzb_name in nzblog table to get issueid
                #query SAB to find out if Replace Spaces enabled / not as well as Replace Decimals
                querysab = str(mylar.SAB_HOST) + "/api?mode=get_config&section=misc&output=xml&apikey=" + str(mylar.SAB_APIKEY)
                #logger.info("querysab_string:" + str(querysab))
                file = urllib2.urlopen(querysab)
                data = file.read()
                dom = parseString(data)

                    sabreps = dom.getElementsByTagName('replace_spaces')[0].firstChild.wholeText
                    errorm = dom.getElementsByTagName('error')[0].firstChild.wholeText
                    logger.error(u"Error detected attempting to retrieve SAB data : " + errorm)
                sabrepd = dom.getElementsByTagName('replace_dots')[0].firstChild.wholeText
                logger.fdebug("SAB Replace Spaces: " + str(sabreps))
                logger.fdebug("SAB Replace Dots: " + str(sabrepd))
            if mylar.USE_NZBGET==1:
                logger.fdebug("Using NZBGET")
                logger.fdebug("NZB name as passed from NZBGet: " + self.nzb_name)
            myDB = db.DBConnection()

            if self.nzb_name == 'Manual Run':
                print ("manual run initiated")
                #Manual postprocessing on a folder.
                #use the nzb_folder to determine every file
                #walk the dir,
                #once a series name and issue are matched,
                #write the series/issue/filename to a tuple
                #when all done, iterate over the tuple until completion...
                comicseries = myDB.action("SELECT * FROM comics")
                manual_list = []
                if comicseries is None: 
                    logger.error(u"No Series in Watchlist - aborting Manual Post Processing. Maybe you should be running Import?")
                    watchvals = {}
                    for cs in comicseries:
                        watchvals = {"SeriesYear":   cs['ComicYear'],
                                     "LatestDate":   cs['LatestDate'],
                                     "ComicVersion": cs['ComicVersion'],
                                     "Total":        cs['Total']}
                        watchmatch = filechecker.listFiles(self.nzb_folder,cs['ComicName'],cs['AlternateSearch'], manual=watchvals)
                        if watchmatch is None:
                            fn = 0
                            fccnt = int(watchmatch['comiccount'])
                            if len(watchmatch) == 1: continue
                            while (fn < fccnt):
                                    tmpfc = watchmatch['comiclist'][fn]
                                except IndexError,KeyError:
                                temploc= tmpfc['JusttheDigits'].replace('_', ' ')
                                temploc = re.sub('[\#\']', '', temploc)
                                logger.fdebug("temploc: " + str(temploc))

                                ww = shlex.split(temploc)
                                lnw = len(ww)
                                wdc = 0
                                while (wdc < lnw):
                                    #counts get buggered up when the issue is the last field in the filename - ie. '50.cbr'
                                    if ".cbr" in ww[wdc].lower():
                                        ww[wdc] = ww[wdc].replace(".cbr", "")
                                    elif ".cbz" in ww[wdc].lower():
                                        ww[wdc] = ww[wdc].replace(".cbz", "")
                                    if "(c2c)" in ww[wdc].lower():
                                        ww[wdc] = ww[wdc].replace("(c2c)", " ")
                                        get_issue = shlex.split(str(ww[wdc]))
                                        if ww[wdc] != " ":
                                            ww[wdc] = get_issue[0]

                                    if '.' in ww[wdc]:
                                    #logger.fdebug("decimal detected...adjusting.")
                                            i = float(ww[wdc])
                                        except ValueError, TypeError:
                                        #not numeric
                                        #logger.fdebug("NOT NUMERIC - new word: " + str(ww[wdc]))
                                            ww[wdc] = ww[wdc].replace(".", "")

                                    if ww[wdc].isdigit():
                                        if int(ww[wdc]) > 0:
                                            if wdc+1 < len(ww) and 'au' in ww[wdc+1].lower():
                                                if len(ww[wdc+1]) == 2:
                                                #if the 'AU' is in 005AU vs 005 AU it will yield different results.
                                                    ww[wdc] = ww[wdc] + 'AU'
                                                    ww[wdc+1] = '93939999919190933'
                                                    logger.info("AU Detected seperate from issue - combining and continuing")

                                    fcdigit = helpers.issuedigits(ww[wdc])
                                    if 'annual' in self.nzb_name.lower():
                                        logger.info("annual detected.")
                                        annchk = "yes"
                                        issuechk = myDB.action("SELECT * from annuals WHERE ComicID=? AND Int_IssueNumber=?", [cs['ComicID'],fcdigit]).fetchone()
                                        issuechk = myDB.action("SELECT * from issues WHERE ComicID=? AND Int_IssueNumber=?", [cs['ComicID'],fcdigit]).fetchone()

                                    if issuechk is None:
                                        logger.info("No corresponding issue # found for " + str(cs['ComicID']))
                                        logger.info("Found matching issue # " + str(fcdigit) + " for ComicID: " + str(cs['ComicID']) + " / IssueID: " + str(issuechk['IssueID']))
                                        manual_list.append({"ComicLocation":   tmpfc['ComicLocation'],
                                                            "ComicID":         cs['ComicID'],
                                                            "IssueID":         issuechk['IssueID'],
                                                            "IssueNumber":     issuechk['Issue_Number'],
                                                            "ComicName":       cs['ComicName']})
                                        print manual_list
                    print("There are " + str(len(manual_list)) + " files found that match on your watchlist, " + str(nm) + " do not match anything and will be ignored.")    
예제 #9
파일: updater.py 프로젝트: partymike/mylar
def forceRescan(ComicID):
    myDB = db.DBConnection()
    # file check to see if issue exists
    rescan = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID]).fetchone()
    logger.info(u"Now checking files for " + str(rescan['ComicName']) + " (" + str(rescan['ComicYear']) + ") in " + str(rescan['ComicLocation']) )
    fc = filechecker.listFiles(dir=rescan['ComicLocation'], watchcomic=rescan['ComicName'])
    iscnt = rescan['Total']
    havefiles = 0
    fccnt = int(fc['comiccount'])
    issnum = 1
    fcnew = []
    n = 0
    reissues = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM issues WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID]).fetchall()
    while (n < iscnt):
        reiss = reissues[n]
        int_iss = reiss['Int_IssueNumber']
        fn = 0
        haveissue = "no"
        while (fn < fccnt):            
            tmpfc = fc['comiclist'][fn]
            temploc = tmpfc['ComicFilename'].replace('_', ' ')
            temploc = re.sub('[\#\']', '', temploc)
            if 'annual' not in temploc:               
                fcnew = shlex.split(str(temploc))
                fcn = len(fcnew)
                som = 0
                #   this loop searches each word in the filename for a match.
                while (som < fcn):
                    #counts get buggered up when the issue is the last field in the filename - ie. '50.cbr'
                    if ".cbr" in fcnew[som]:
                        fcnew[som] = fcnew[som].replace(".cbr", "")
                    elif ".cbz" in fcnew[som]:
                        fcnew[som] = fcnew[som].replace(".cbz", "")
                    if fcnew[som].isdigit():
                        if int(fcnew[som]) > 0:
                            fcdigit = fcnew[som].lstrip('0')
                        else: fcdigit = "0"
                        if int(fcdigit) == int_iss:
                            haveissue = "yes"
                            isslocation = str(tmpfc['ComicFilename'])
            else: pass
            if haveissue == "yes": break
        #we have the # of comics, now let's update the db.
        if haveissue == "no":
            isslocation = "None"
            if mylar.AUTOWANT_ALL:
                issStatus = "Wanted"
                issStatus = "Skipped"
        elif haveissue == "yes":
            issStatus = "Downloaded"
        controlValueDict = {"IssueID":  reiss['IssueID']}
        newValueDict = {"Location":           isslocation,
                        "Status":             issStatus
        myDB.upsert("issues", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

    #let's update the total count of comics that was found.
    controlValueStat = {"ComicID":     rescan['ComicID']}
    newValueStat = {"Have":            havefiles

    myDB.upsert("comics", newValueStat, controlValueStat)
    logger.info(u"I've found " + str(havefiles) + " / " + str(rescan['Total']) + " issues." )

예제 #10
파일: updater.py 프로젝트: ahnatar/mylar
def forceRescan(ComicID):
    myDB = db.DBConnection()
    # file check to see if issue exists
    rescan = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID]).fetchone()
    logger.info(u"Now checking files for " + str(rescan['ComicName']) + " (" + str(rescan['ComicYear']) + ") in " + str(rescan['ComicLocation']) )
    fc = filechecker.listFiles(dir=rescan['ComicLocation'], watchcomic=rescan['ComicName'])
    iscnt = rescan['Total']
    havefiles = 0
    fccnt = int(fc['comiccount'])
    issnum = 1
    fcnew = []
    fn = 0
    reissues = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM issues WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID]).fetchall()
    # if filechecker returns 0 files (it doesn't find any), but some issues have a status of 'Archived'
    # the loop below won't work...let's adjust :)
    arcissues = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM issues WHERE ComicID=? and Status='Archived'", [ComicID])
    if len(arcissues) > 0:
        havefiles = len(arcissues)
        print "have count adjusted to:" + str(len(arcissues))
    while (fn < fccnt):  
        haveissue = "no"
            tmpfc = fc['comiclist'][fn]
        except IndexError:
        temploc = tmpfc['ComicFilename'].replace('_', ' ')
        temploc = re.sub('[\#\']', '', temploc)
        if 'annual' not in temploc:
            fcnew = shlex.split(str(temploc))
            fcn = len(fcnew)
            n = 0
            while (n <= iscnt):
                som = 0
                    reiss = reissues[n]
                except IndexError:
                int_iss = reiss['Int_IssueNumber']
                issyear = reiss['IssueDate'][:4]
                old_status = reiss['Status']
                #print "integer_issue:" + str(int_iss) + " ... status: " + str(old_status)
                while (som < fcn):
                    #counts get buggered up when the issue is the last field in the filename - ie. '50.cbr'
                    #print ("checking word - " + str(fcnew[som]))
                    if ".cbr" in fcnew[som]:
                        fcnew[som] = fcnew[som].replace(".cbr", "")
                    elif ".cbz" in fcnew[som]:
                        fcnew[som] = fcnew[som].replace(".cbz", "")
                    if fcnew[som].isdigit():
                        #print ("digit detected")
                        if int(fcnew[som]) > 0:
                            # fcdigit = fcnew[som].lstrip('0')
                            fcdigit = str(int(fcnew[som]))
                            fcdigit = "0"
                        if int(fcdigit) == int_iss:
                            #if issyear in fcnew[som+1]: 
                            #    print "matched on year:" + str(issyear)
                            #print ("matched...issue: " + str(fcdigit) + " --- " + str(int_iss))
                            haveissue = "yes"
                            isslocation = str(tmpfc['ComicFilename'])
                            # if the issue # matches, but there is no year present - still match.
                            # determine a way to match on year if present, or no year (currently).
                if haveissue == "yes": break
        #we have the # of comics, now let's update the db.
        #even if we couldn't find the physical issue, check the status.
        #if Archived, increase the 'Have' count.
        if haveissue == "no":
            isslocation = "None"
            if old_status == "Skipped":
                if mylar.AUTOWANT_ALL:
                    issStatus = "Wanted"
                    issStatus = "Skipped"
            elif old_status == "Archived":
                issStatus = "Archived"
            elif old_status == "Downloaded":
                issStatus = "Archived"
            elif old_status == "Wanted":
                issStatus = "Wanted"
                issStatus = "Skipped"
        elif haveissue == "yes":
            issStatus = "Downloaded"
        controlValueDict = {"IssueID":  reiss['IssueID']}
        newValueDict = {"Location":           isslocation,
                        "Status":             issStatus
        myDB.upsert("issues", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

    #let's update the total count of comics that was found.
    controlValueStat = {"ComicID":     rescan['ComicID']}
    newValueStat = {"Have":            havefiles

    myDB.upsert("comics", newValueStat, controlValueStat)
    logger.info(u"I've found " + str(havefiles) + " / " + str(rescan['Total']) + " issues." )

    #now that we are finished...
    #adjust for issues that have been marked as Downloaded, but aren't found/don't exist.
    #do it here, because above loop only cycles though found comics using filechecker.
    downissues = myDB.action("SELECT * FROM issues WHERE ComicID=? and Status='Downloaded'", [ComicID]).fetchall()
    if downissues is None:
        for down in downissues:
            #print "downlocation:" + str(down['Location'])
            comicpath = os.path.join(rescan['ComicLocation'], down['Location'])
            if os.path.exists(comicpath):
                #print "Issue exists - no need to change status."
                #print "Changing status from Downloaded to Archived - cannot locate file"
                controlValue = {"IssueID":   down['IssueID']}
                newValue = {"Status":    "Archived"}
                myDB.upsert("issues", newValue, controlValue) 

예제 #11
파일: updater.py 프로젝트: mriutta/mylar
def forceRescan(ComicID, archive=None):
    myDB = db.DBConnection()
    # file check to see if issue exists
    rescan = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?',
    logger.info(u"Now checking files for " + rescan['ComicName'] + " (" +
                str(rescan['ComicYear']) + ") in " +
    if archive is None:
        fc = filechecker.listFiles(dir=rescan['ComicLocation'],
        fc = filechecker.listFiles(dir=archive,
    iscnt = rescan['Total']
    havefiles = 0
    fccnt = int(fc['comiccount'])
    issnum = 1
    fcnew = []
    fn = 0
    issuedupechk = []
    issueexceptdupechk = []
    reissues = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM issues WHERE ComicID=?',
    while (fn < fccnt):
        haveissue = "no"
        issuedupe = "no"
            tmpfc = fc['comiclist'][fn]
        except IndexError:
        temploc = tmpfc['JusttheDigits'].replace('_', ' ')

        #        temploc = tmpfc['ComicFilename'].replace('_', ' ')
        temploc = re.sub('[\#\']', '', temploc)
        logger.fdebug("temploc: " + str(temploc))
        if 'annual' not in temploc:
            #remove the extension here
            extensions = ('.cbr', '.cbz')
            if temploc.lower().endswith(extensions):
                #logger.fdebug("removed extension for issue:" + str(temploc))
                temploc = temploc[:-4]
            deccnt = str(temploc).count('.')
            if deccnt > 1:
                #logger.fdebug("decimal counts are :" + str(deccnt))
                #if the file is formatted with '.' in place of spaces we need to adjust.
                #before replacing - check to see if digits on either side of decimal and if yes, DON'T REMOVE
                occur = 1
                prevstart = 0
                digitfound = "no"
                decimalfound = "no"
                tempreconstruct = ''
                while (occur <= deccnt):
                    n = occur
                    start = temploc.find('.')
                    while start >= 0 and n > 1:
                        start = temploc.find('.', start + len('.'))
                        n -= 1
                    #logger.fdebug("occurance " + str(occur) + " of . at position: " + str(start))
                    if temploc[prevstart:start].isdigit():
                        if digitfound == "yes":
                            #logger.fdebug("this is a decimal, assuming decimal issue.")
                            decimalfound = "yes"
                            reconst = "." + temploc[prevstart:start] + " "
                            #logger.fdebug("digit detected.")
                            digitfound = "yes"
                            reconst = temploc[prevstart:start]
                        reconst = temploc[prevstart:start] + " "
                    #logger.fdebug("word: " + reconst)
                    tempreconstruct = tempreconstruct + reconst
                    #logger.fdebug("tempreconstruct is : " + tempreconstruct)
                    prevstart = (start + 1)
                    occur += 1
                #logger.fdebug("word: " + temploc[prevstart:])
                tempreconstruct = tempreconstruct + " " + temploc[prevstart:]
                #logger.fdebug("final filename to use is : " + str(tempreconstruct))
                temploc = tempreconstruct
            #logger.fdebug("checking " + str(temploc))
            fcnew = shlex.split(str(temploc))
            fcn = len(fcnew)
            n = 0
            while (n <= iscnt):
                som = 0
                    reiss = reissues[n]
                except IndexError:
                int_iss, iss_except = helpers.decimal_issue(
                issyear = reiss['IssueDate'][:4]
                old_status = reiss['Status']
                #logger.fdebug("integer_issue:" + str(int_iss) + " ... status: " + str(old_status))

                #if comic in format of "SomeSeries 5(c2c)(2013).cbr" whatever...it'll die.
                #can't distinguish the 5(c2c) to tell it's the issue #...
                fnd_iss_except = 'None'
                #print ("Issue, int_iss, iss_except: " + str(reiss['Issue_Number']) + "," + str(int_iss) + "," + str(iss_except))

                while (som < fcn):
                    #counts get buggered up when the issue is the last field in the filename - ie. '50.cbr'
                    #logger.fdebug("checking word - " + str(fcnew[som]))
                    if ".cbr" in fcnew[som].lower():
                        fcnew[som] = fcnew[som].replace(".cbr", "")
                    elif ".cbz" in fcnew[som].lower():
                        fcnew[som] = fcnew[som].replace(".cbz", "")
                    if "(c2c)" in fcnew[som].lower():
                        fcnew[som] = fcnew[som].replace("(c2c)", " ")
                        get_issue = shlex.split(str(fcnew[som]))
                        if fcnew[som] != " ":
                            fcnew[som] = get_issue[0]
                    if '.' in fcnew[som]:
                        #logger.fdebug("decimal detected...adjusting.")
                            i = float(fcnew[som])
                        except ValueError, TypeError:
                            #not numeric
                            #logger.fdebug("NOT NUMERIC - new word: " + str(fcnew[som]))
                            fcnew[som] = fcnew[som].replace(".", "")
                    if fcnew[som].isdigit():
                        #this won't match on decimal issues - need to fix.
                        #logger.fdebug("digit detected")
                        if int(fcnew[som]) > 0:
                            # fcdigit = fcnew[som].lstrip('0')
                            #fcdigit = str(int(fcnew[som]))
                            fcdigit = int(fcnew[som]) * 1000
                            if som + 1 < len(fcnew) and 'au' in fcnew[
                                    som + 1].lower():
                                if len(fcnew[som + 1]) == 2:
                                    #if the 'AU' is in 005AU vs 005 AU it will yield different results.
                                    fnd_iss_except = 'AU'
                                    #logger.info("AU Detected - fnd_iss_except set.")
                            #fcdigit = "0"
                            fcdigit = 0
                    elif "." in fcnew[som]:
                        #this will match on decimal issues
                        IssueChk = fcnew[som]
                        #logger.fdebug("decimal detected...analyzing if issue")
                        isschk_find = IssueChk.find('.')
                        isschk_b4dec = IssueChk[:isschk_find]
                        isschk_decval = IssueChk[isschk_find + 1:]
                        if isschk_b4dec.isdigit():
                            #logger.fdebug("digit detected prior to decimal.")
                            if isschk_decval.isdigit():
                                #logger.fdebug("digit detected after decimal.")
                                #logger.fdebug("not an issue - no digit detected after decimal")
                            #logger.fdebug("not an issue - no digit detected prior to decimal")
                        #logger.fdebug("IssueNumber: " + str(IssueChk))
                        #logger.fdebug("..before decimal: " + str(isschk_b4dec))
                        #logger.fdebug("...after decimal: " + str(isschk_decval))
                        #--let's make sure we don't wipe out decimal issues ;)
                        if int(isschk_decval) == 0:
                            iss = isschk_b4dec
                            intdec = int(isschk_decval)
                            if len(isschk_decval) == 1:
                                iss = isschk_b4dec + "." + isschk_decval
                                intdec = int(isschk_decval) * 10
                                iss = isschk_b4dec + "." + isschk_decval.rstrip(
                                intdec = int(isschk_decval.rstrip('0')) * 10
                        fcdigit = (int(isschk_b4dec) * 1000) + intdec
                        #logger.fdebug("b4dec: " + str(isschk_b4dec))
                        #logger.fdebug("decval: " + str(isschk_decval))
                        #logger.fdebug("intdec: " + str(intdec))
                        #logger.fdebug("let's compare with this issue value: " + str(fcdigit))
                    elif 'au' in fcnew[som].lower():
                        #if AU is part of issue (5AU instead of 5 AU)
                        austart = fcnew[som].lower().find('au')
                        if fcnew[som][:austart].isdigit():
                            fcdigit = int(fcnew[som][:austart]) * 1000
                            fnd_iss_except = 'AU'
                            #logger.info("iss_except set to AU")
                        # it's a word, skip it.
                        fcdigit = 19283838380101193
                    #logger.fdebug("fcdigit: " + str(fcdigit))
                    #logger.fdebug("int_iss: " + str(int_iss))
                    if "." in str(int_iss):
                        int_iss = helpers.decimal_issue(int_iss)
                    #logger.fdebug("this is the int issue:" + str(int_iss))
                    #logger.fdebug("this is the fcdigit:" + str(fcdigit))
                    if int(fcdigit) == int_iss:
                        #logger.fdebug("issue match")
                        #logger.fdebug("fnd_iss_except: " + str(fnd_iss_except))
                        #logger.fdebug("iss_except: " + str(iss_except))
                        if str(fnd_iss_except) != 'None' and str(
                                iss_except) == 'AU':
                            if fnd_iss_except.lower() == iss_except.lower():
                                logger.fdebug("matched for AU")
                                    "this is not an AU match..ignoring result."
                        elif str(fnd_iss_except) == 'None' and str(
                                iss_except) == 'AU':
                        elif str(fnd_iss_except) == 'AU' and str(
                                iss_except) == 'None':
                        #if issyear in fcnew[som+1]:
                        #    print "matched on year:" + str(issyear)
                        #issuedupechk here.
                        #print ("fcdigit:" + str(fcdigit))
                        #print ("findiss_except:" + str(fnd_iss_except) + " = iss_except:" + str(iss_except))

                        #if int(fcdigit) in issuedupechk and str(fnd_iss_except) not in issueexceptdupechk: #str(fnd_iss_except) == str(iss_except):
                        for d in issuedupechk:
                            if int(d['fcdigit']) == int(fcdigit) and d[
                                    'fnd_iss_except'] == str(fnd_iss_except):
                                    "duplicate issue detected - not counting this: "
                                    + str(tmpfc['ComicFilename']))
                                issuedupe = "yes"
                        if issuedupe == "no":
                            logger.fdebug("matched...issue: " +
                                          rescan['ComicName'] + "#" +
                                          str(reiss['Issue_Number']) +
                                          " --- " + str(int_iss))
                            havefiles += 1
                            haveissue = "yes"
                            isslocation = str(tmpfc['ComicFilename'])
                            issSize = str(tmpfc['ComicSize'])
                            logger.fdebug(".......filename: " +
                            logger.fdebug(".......filesize: " +
                            # to avoid duplicate issues which screws up the count...let's store the filename issues then
                            # compare earlier...
                        # if the issue # matches, but there is no year present - still match.
                        # determine a way to match on year if present, or no year (currently).

                    som += 1
                if haveissue == "yes": break
                n += 1
        #we have the # of comics, now let's update the db.
        #even if we couldn't find the physical issue, check the status.
        #if Archived, increase the 'Have' count.
        if archive:
            issStatus = "Archived"
        if haveissue == "no" and issuedupe == "no":
            isslocation = "None"
            if old_status == "Skipped":
                if mylar.AUTOWANT_ALL:
                    issStatus = "Wanted"
                    issStatus = "Skipped"
            elif old_status == "Archived":
                havefiles += 1
                issStatus = "Archived"
            elif old_status == "Downloaded":
                issStatus = "Archived"
                havefiles += 1
            elif old_status == "Wanted":
                issStatus = "Wanted"
                issStatus = "Skipped"
            controlValueDict = {"IssueID": reiss['IssueID']}
            newValueDict = {"Status": issStatus}

        elif haveissue == "yes":
            issStatus = "Downloaded"
            controlValueDict = {"IssueID": reiss['IssueID']}
            newValueDict = {
                "Location": isslocation,
                "ComicSize": issSize,
                "Status": issStatus
        myDB.upsert("issues", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
        fn += 1
예제 #12
    def Process(self):
        self._log("nzb name: " + str(self.nzb_name), logger.DEBUG)
        self._log("nzb folder: " + str(self.nzb_folder), logger.DEBUG)
        logger.fdebug("nzb name: " + str(self.nzb_name))
        logger.fdebug("nzb folder: " + str(self.nzb_folder))
        if mylar.USE_SABNZBD == 0:
            logger.fdebug("Not using SABnzbd")
        elif mylar.USE_SABNZBD != 0 and self.nzb_name == 'Manual Run':
            logger.fdebug('Not using SABnzbd : Manual Run')
            # if the SAB Directory option is enabled, let's use that folder name and append the jobname.
            if mylar.SAB_DIRECTORY is not None and mylar.SAB_DIRECTORY is not 'None' and len(
                    mylar.SAB_DIRECTORY) > 4:
                self.nzb_folder = os.path.join(mylar.SAB_DIRECTORY,
                    'SABnzbd Download folder option enabled. Directory set to : '
                    + self.nzb_folder)

    # -- start. not used.
    #query SAB to find out if Replace Spaces enabled / not as well as Replace Decimals
    #querysab = str(mylar.SAB_HOST) + "/api?mode=get_config&section=misc&output=xml&apikey=" + str(mylar.SAB_APIKEY)
    #logger.info("querysab_string:" + str(querysab))
    #file = urllib2.urlopen(querysab)
    #data = file.read()
    #dom = parseString(data)

    #    sabreps = dom.getElementsByTagName('replace_spaces')[0].firstChild.wholeText
    #    errorm = dom.getElementsByTagName('error')[0].firstChild.wholeText
    #    logger.error(u"Error detected attempting to retrieve SAB data : " + errorm)
    #    return
    #sabrepd = dom.getElementsByTagName('replace_dots')[0].firstChild.wholeText
    #logger.fdebug("SAB Replace Spaces: " + str(sabreps))
    #logger.fdebug("SAB Replace Dots: " + str(sabrepd))
    # -- end. not used.

        if mylar.USE_NZBGET == 1:
            logger.fdebug("Using NZBGET")
            logger.fdebug("NZB name as passed from NZBGet: " + self.nzb_name)
            # if the NZBGet Directory option is enabled, let's use that folder name and append the jobname.
            if mylar.NZBGET_DIRECTORY is not None and mylar.NZBGET_DIRECTORY is not 'None' and len(
                    mylar.NZBGET_DIRECTORY) > 4:
                self.nzb_folder = os.path.join(mylar.NZBGET_DIRECTORY,
                    'NZBGET Download folder option enabled. Directory set to : '
                    + self.nzb_folder)
        myDB = db.DBConnection()

        if self.nzb_name == 'Manual Run':
            logger.fdebug("manual run initiated")
            #Manual postprocessing on a folder.
            #use the nzb_folder to determine every file
            #walk the dir,
            #once a series name and issue are matched,
            #write the series/issue/filename to a tuple
            #when all done, iterate over the tuple until completion...
            comicseries = myDB.action("SELECT * FROM comics")
            manual_list = []
            if comicseries is None:
                    u"No Series in Watchlist - aborting Manual Post Processing. Maybe you should be running Import?"
                ccnt = 0
                nm = 0
                watchvals = {}
                for cs in comicseries:
                    watchvals = {
                        "SeriesYear": cs['ComicYear'],
                        "LatestDate": cs['LatestDate'],
                        "ComicVersion": cs['ComicVersion'],
                        "Publisher": cs['ComicPublisher'],
                        "Total": cs['Total']
                    watchmatch = filechecker.listFiles(self.nzb_folder,
                    if watchmatch['comiccount'] == 0:  # is None:
                        nm += 1
                        fn = 0
                        fccnt = int(watchmatch['comiccount'])
                        if len(watchmatch) == 1: continue
                        while (fn < fccnt):
                                tmpfc = watchmatch['comiclist'][fn]
                            except IndexError, KeyError:
                            temploc = tmpfc['JusttheDigits'].replace('_', ' ')
                            temploc = re.sub('[\#\']', '', temploc)

                            if 'annual' in temploc.lower():
                                logger.info("annual detected.")
                                annchk = "yes"
                                fcdigit = helpers.issuedigits(
                                    re.sub('annual', '',
                                issuechk = myDB.action(
                                    "SELECT * from annuals WHERE ComicID=? AND Int_IssueNumber=?",
                                    [cs['ComicID'], fcdigit]).fetchone()
                                fcdigit = helpers.issuedigits(temploc)
                                issuechk = myDB.action(
                                    "SELECT * from issues WHERE ComicID=? AND Int_IssueNumber=?",
                                    [cs['ComicID'], fcdigit]).fetchone()

                            if issuechk is None:
                                    "No corresponding issue # found for " +
                                datematch = "True"
                                if len(watchmatch) > 1 and tmpfc[
                                        'ComicYear'] is not None:
                                    #if the # of matches is more than 1, we need to make sure we get the right series
                                    #compare the ReleaseDate for the issue, to the found issue date in the filename.
                                    #if ReleaseDate doesn't exist, use IssueDate
                                    #if no issue date was found, then ignore.
                                    issyr = None
                                    if int(issuechk['IssueDate']
                                           [5:7]) == 11 or issuechk[
                                               'IssueDate'][5:7] == 12:
                                        issyr = int(issuechk['IssueDate'][:4])
                                    elif int(
                                        [5:7]) == 1 or int(
                                            issuechk['IssueDate'][5:7]) == 2:
                                        issyr = int(issuechk['IssueDate'][:4])

                                    if issuechk['ReleaseDate'] is not None:
                                        if int(issuechk['ReleaseDate']
                                               [:4]) < int(tmpfc['ComicYear']):
                                                str(issuechk['ReleaseDate']) +
                                                ' is before the issue year of '
                                                + str(tmpfc['ComicYear']) +
                                                ' that was discovered in the filename'
                                            datematch = "False"

                                        if int(issuechk['IssueDate']
                                               [:4]) < int(tmpfc['ComicYear']):
                                                str(issuechk['IssueDate']) +
                                                ' is before the issue year ' +
                                                str(tmpfc['ComicYear']) +
                                                ' that was discovered in the filename'
                                            datematch = "False"

                                    if datematch == "False" and issyr is not None:
                                            str(issyr) + ' comparing to ' +
                                            str(tmpfc['ComicYear']) +
                                            'rechecking by month-check versus year.'
                                        datematch == "True"
                                        if int(issyr) != int(
                                                '[fail] Issue is before the modified issue year of '
                                                + str(issyr))
                                            datematch = "False"

                                    logger.info("Found matching issue # " +
                                                str(fcdigit) +
                                                " for ComicID: " +
                                                str(cs['ComicID']) +
                                                " / IssueID: " +

                                if datematch == "True":
                                        'Incorrect series - not populating..continuing post-processing'

                            fn += 1
                logger.fdebug("There are " + str(len(manual_list)) +
                              " files found that match on your watchlist, " +
                              str(nm) +
                              " do not match anything and will be ignored.")
예제 #13
    def Process(self):
        self._log("nzb name: " + str(self.nzb_name), logger.DEBUG)
        self._log("nzb folder: " + str(self.nzb_folder), logger.DEBUG)
        logger.fdebug("nzb name: " + str(self.nzb_name))
        logger.fdebug("nzb folder: " + str(self.nzb_folder))
        if mylar.USE_SABNZBD == 0:
            logger.fdebug("Not using SABnzbd")
        elif mylar.USE_SABNZBD != 0 and self.nzb_name == 'Manual Run':
            logger.fdebug('Not using SABnzbd : Manual Run')
            # if the SAB Directory option is enabled, let's use that folder name and append the jobname.
            if mylar.SAB_DIRECTORY is not None and mylar.SAB_DIRECTORY is not 'None' and len(
                    mylar.SAB_DIRECTORY) > 4:
                self.nzb_folder = os.path.join(mylar.SAB_DIRECTORY,
                    'SABnzbd Download folder option enabled. Directory set to : '
                    + self.nzb_folder)

            #lookup nzb_name in nzblog table to get issueid

            #query SAB to find out if Replace Spaces enabled / not as well as Replace Decimals
            querysab = str(
            ) + "/api?mode=get_config&section=misc&output=xml&apikey=" + str(
            #logger.info("querysab_string:" + str(querysab))
            file = urllib2.urlopen(querysab)
            data = file.read()
            dom = parseString(data)

                sabreps = dom.getElementsByTagName(
                errorm = dom.getElementsByTagName(
                    u"Error detected attempting to retrieve SAB data : " +
            sabrepd = dom.getElementsByTagName(
            logger.fdebug("SAB Replace Spaces: " + str(sabreps))
            logger.fdebug("SAB Replace Dots: " + str(sabrepd))
        if mylar.USE_NZBGET == 1:
            logger.fdebug("Using NZBGET")
            logger.fdebug("NZB name as passed from NZBGet: " + self.nzb_name)
            # if the NZBGet Directory option is enabled, let's use that folder name and append the jobname.
            if mylar.NZBGET_DIRECTORY is not None and mylar.NZBGET_DIRECTORY is not 'None' and len(
                    mylar.NZBGET_DIRECTORY) > 4:
                self.nzb_folder = os.path.join(mylar.NZBGET_DIRECTORY,
                    'NZBGET Download folder option enabled. Directory set to : '
                    + self.nzb_folder)
        myDB = db.DBConnection()

        if self.nzb_name == 'Manual Run':
            logger.fdebug("manual run initiated")
            #Manual postprocessing on a folder.
            #use the nzb_folder to determine every file
            #walk the dir,
            #once a series name and issue are matched,
            #write the series/issue/filename to a tuple
            #when all done, iterate over the tuple until completion...
            comicseries = myDB.action("SELECT * FROM comics")
            manual_list = []
            if comicseries is None:
                    u"No Series in Watchlist - aborting Manual Post Processing. Maybe you should be running Import?"
                ccnt = 0
                nm = 0
                watchvals = {}
                for cs in comicseries:
                    watchvals = {
                        "SeriesYear": cs['ComicYear'],
                        "LatestDate": cs['LatestDate'],
                        "ComicVersion": cs['ComicVersion'],
                        "Publisher": cs['ComicPublisher'],
                        "Total": cs['Total']
                    watchmatch = filechecker.listFiles(self.nzb_folder,
                    if watchmatch['comiccount'] == 0:  # is None:
                        nm += 1
                        fn = 0
                        fccnt = int(watchmatch['comiccount'])
                        if len(watchmatch) == 1: continue
                        while (fn < fccnt):
                                tmpfc = watchmatch['comiclist'][fn]
                            except IndexError, KeyError:
                            temploc = tmpfc['JusttheDigits'].replace('_', ' ')
                            temploc = re.sub('[\#\']', '', temploc)
                            #logger.fdebug("temploc: " + str(temploc))

                            ww = shlex.split(temploc)
                            lnw = len(ww)
                            wdc = 0
                            while (wdc < lnw):
                                #counts get buggered up when the issue is the last field in the filename - ie. '50.cbr'
                                if ".cbr" in ww[wdc].lower():
                                    ww[wdc] = ww[wdc].replace(".cbr", "")
                                elif ".cbz" in ww[wdc].lower():
                                    ww[wdc] = ww[wdc].replace(".cbz", "")
                                if "(c2c)" in ww[wdc].lower():
                                    ww[wdc] = ww[wdc].replace("(c2c)", " ")
                                    get_issue = shlex.split(str(ww[wdc]))
                                    if ww[wdc] != " ":
                                        ww[wdc] = get_issue[0]

                                if '.' in ww[wdc]:
                                    #logger.fdebug("decimal detected...adjusting.")
                                        i = float(ww[wdc])
                                    except ValueError, TypeError:
                                        #not numeric
                                        #logger.fdebug("NOT NUMERIC - new word: " + str(ww[wdc]))
                                        ww[wdc] = ww[wdc].replace(".", "")

                                if ww[wdc].isdigit():
                                    if int(ww[wdc]) > 0:
                                        if wdc + 1 < len(ww) and 'au' in ww[
                                                wdc + 1].lower():
                                            if len(ww[wdc + 1]) == 2:
                                                #if the 'AU' is in 005AU vs 005 AU it will yield different results.
                                                ww[wdc] = ww[wdc] + 'AU'
                                                ww[wdc +
                                                   1] = '93939999919190933'
                                                    "AU Detected seperate from issue - combining and continuing"

                                fcdigit = helpers.issuedigits(ww[wdc])
                                if 'annual' in self.nzb_name.lower():
                                    logger.info("annual detected.")
                                    annchk = "yes"
                                    issuechk = myDB.action(
                                        "SELECT * from annuals WHERE ComicID=? AND Int_IssueNumber=?",
                                        [cs['ComicID'], fcdigit]).fetchone()
                                    issuechk = myDB.action(
                                        "SELECT * from issues WHERE ComicID=? AND Int_IssueNumber=?",
                                        [cs['ComicID'], fcdigit]).fetchone()

                                if issuechk is None:
                                        "No corresponding issue # found for " +
                                    datematch = "True"
                                    if len(watchmatch) > 1:
                                        #if the # of matches is more than 1, we need to make sure we get the right series
                                        #compare the ReleaseDate for the issue, to the found issue date in the filename.
                                        #if ReleaseDate doesn't exist, use IssueDate
                                        #if no issue date was found, then ignore.
                                        if issuechk['ReleaseDate'] is not None:
                                            if int(issuechk['ReleaseDate'][:4]
                                                   ) < int(tmpfc['ComicYear']):
                                                        ) +
                                                    ' is before the issue year of '
                                                    + str(tmpfc['ComicYear']) +
                                                    ' that was discovered in the filename'
                                                datematch = "False"
                                            if int(issuechk['IssueDate'][:4]
                                                   ) < int(tmpfc['ComicYear']):
                                                    ' is before the issue year '
                                                    + str(tmpfc['ComicYear']) +
                                                    ' that was discovered in the filename'
                                                datematch = "False"

                                        logger.info("Found matching issue # " +
                                                    str(fcdigit) +
                                                    " for ComicID: " +
                                                    str(cs['ComicID']) +
                                                    " / IssueID: " +

                                    if datematch == "True":
                                            'Incorrect series - not populating..continuing post-processing'
                                    ccnt += 1
                                    #print manual_list
                                wdc += 1
                            fn += 1
                logger.fdebug("There are " + str(len(manual_list)) +
                              " files found that match on your watchlist, " +
                              str(nm) +
                              " do not match anything and will be ignored.")