예제 #1
파일: solicit.py 프로젝트: Mathix/mylar3
def solicit(month, year):
    #convert to numerics just to ensure this...
    month = int(month)
    year = int(year)

    #print ( "month: " + str(month) )
    #print ( "year: " + str(year) )

    # in order to gather ALL upcoming - let's start to loop through months going ahead one at a time
    # until we get a null then break. (Usually not more than 3 months in advance is available)
    mnloop = 0
    upcoming = []

    publishers = {
        'DC Comics': 'DC Comics',
        'DC\'s': 'DC Comics',
        'Marvel': 'Marvel Comics',
        'Image': 'Image Comics',
        'IDW': 'IDW Publishing',
        'Dark Horse': 'Dark Horse'

    # -- this is no longer needed (testing)
    #    while (mnloop < 5):
    #        if year == 2014:
    #            if len(str(month)) == 1:
    #                month_string = '0' + str(month)
    #            else:
    #                month_string = str(month)
    #            datestring = str(year) + str(month_string)
    #        else:
    #            datestring = str(month) + str(year)

    #        pagelinks = "http://www.comicbookresources.com/tag/solicits" + str(datestring)

    #using the solicits+datestring leaves out some entries occasionally
    #should use http://www.comicbookresources.com/tag/solicitations
    #then just use the logic below but instead of datestring, find the month term and
    #go ahead up to +5 months.

    if month > 0:
        month_start = month
        month_end = month + 5
        #if month_end > 12:
        # ms = 8, me=13  [(12-8)+(13-12)] = [4 + 1] = 5
        # [(12 - ms) + (me - 12)] = number of months (5)

        monthlist = []
        mongr = month_start

        #we need to build the months we can grab, but the non-numeric way.
        while (mongr <= month_end):
            mon = mongr
            if mon == 13:
                mon = 1
                year += 1

            if len(str(mon)) == 1:
                mon = '0' + str(mon)

                "month": helpers.fullmonth(str(mon)).lower(),
                "num_month": mon,
                "year": str(year)
            mongr += 1

        logger.info('months: ' + str(monthlist))

        pagelinks = "http://www.comicbookresources.com/tag/solicitations"

        #logger.info('datestring:' + datestring)
        #logger.info('checking:' + pagelinks)
        pageresponse = urllib.request.urlopen(pagelinks)
        soup = BeautifulSoup(pageresponse)
        cntlinks = soup.findAll('h3')
        lenlinks = len(cntlinks)
        #logger.info( str(lenlinks) + ' results' )

        publish = []
        resultURL = []
        resultmonth = []
        resultyear = []

        x = 0
        cnt = 0

        while (x < lenlinks):
            headt = cntlinks[
                x]  #iterate through the hrefs pulling out only results.
            if "/?page=article&amp;id=" in str(headt):
                #print ("titlet: " + str(headt))
                headName = headt.findNext(text=True)
                #print ('headName: ' + headName)
                if 'Image' in headName: print('IMAGE FOUND')
                if not all([
                        'Marvel' in headName, 'DC' in headName, 'Image'
                        in headName
                ]) and ('Solicitations' in headName or 'Solicits' in headName):
                    # test for month here (int(month) + 5)
                    if not any(
                            d.get('month', None) == str(headName).lower()
                            for d in monthlist):
                        for mt in monthlist:
                            if mt['month'] in headName.lower():
                                logger.info('matched on month: ' +
                                logger.info('matched on year: ' +

                                pubstart = headName.find('Solicitations')
                                publishchk = False
                                for pub in publishers:
                                    if pub in headName[:pubstart]:
                                        #print 'publisher:' + str(publishers[pub])
                                        publishchk = True
                                if publishchk == False:
                                    #publish.append( headName[:pubstart].strip() )
                                abc = headt.findAll('a', href=True)[0]
                                ID_som = abc[
                                    'href']  #first instance will have the right link...
                                #print '(' + str(cnt) + ') [ ' + publish[cnt] + '] Link URL: ' + resultURL[cnt]
                                cnt += 1

                        logger.info('incorrect month - not using.')

            x += 1

        if cnt == 0:
            return  #break  # no results means, end it

        loopthis = (cnt - 1)
        #this loops through each 'found' solicit page
        #shipdate = str(month_string) + '-' + str(year)  - not needed.
        while (loopthis >= 0):
            #print 'loopthis is : ' + str(loopthis)
            #print 'resultURL is : ' + str(resultURL[loopthis])
            shipdate = str(resultmonth[loopthis]) + '-' + str(
            upcoming += populate(resultURL[loopthis], publish[loopthis],
            loopthis -= 1

    logger.info(str(len(upcoming)) + ' upcoming issues discovered.')

    newfl = mylar.CACHE_DIR + "/future-releases.txt"
    newtxtfile = open(newfl, 'wb')

    cntr = 1
    for row in upcoming:
        if row['Extra'] is None or row['Extra'] == '':
            extrarow = 'N/A'
            extrarow = row['Extra']
            str(row['Shipdate']) + '\t' + str(row['Publisher']) + '\t' +
            str(row['Issue']) + '\t' + str(row['Comic']) + '\t' +
            str(extrarow) + '\tSkipped' + '\t' + str(cntr) + '\n')
        cntr += 1


    logger.fdebug('attempting to populate future upcoming...')

    mylardb = os.path.join(mylar.DATA_DIR, "mylar.db")

    connection = sqlite3.connect(str(mylardb))
    cursor = connection.cursor()

    # we should extract the issues that are being watched, but no data is available yet ('Watch For' status)
    # once we get the data, store it, wipe the existing table, retrieve the new data, populate the data into
    # the table, recheck the series against the current watchlist and then restore the Watch For data.

    cursor.executescript('drop table if exists future;')

        "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS future (SHIPDATE, PUBLISHER text, ISSUE text, COMIC VARCHAR(150), EXTRA text, STATUS text, FutureID text, ComicID text);"

    csvfile = open(newfl, "rb")
    creader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter='\t')

    t = 1

    for row in creader:
            #print ("Row: %s" % row)
            cursor.execute("INSERT INTO future VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,null);",
        except Exception as e:
            logger.fdebug("Error - invald arguments...-skipping")
        t += 1
    logger.fdebug('successfully added ' + str(t) +
                  ' issues to future upcoming table.')

예제 #2
파일: importer.py 프로젝트: ChaniD/mylar
                    myDB.upsert("issues", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
                except sqlite3.InterfaceError, e:
                    #raise sqlite3.InterfaceError(e)
                    logger.error("Something went wrong - I can't add the issue information into my DB.")
                    myDB.action("DELETE FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?", [comicid])

    #figure publish dates here...
    styear = str(SeriesYear)
    #if SeriesYear == '0000':
    #    styear = firstdate[:4]        
    if firstdate[5:7] == '00': 
        stmonth = "?"
        stmonth = helpers.fullmonth(firstdate[5:7])
    ltyear = re.sub('/s','', latestdate[:4])
    if latestdate[5:7] == '00':
        ltmonth = "?"
        ltmonth = helpers.fullmonth(latestdate[5:7])

    #try to determine if it's an 'actively' published comic from above dates
    #threshold is if it's within a month (<45 days) let's assume it's recent.
    c_date = datetime.date(int(latestdate[:4]),int(latestdate[5:7]),1)
    n_date = datetime.date.today()
    recentchk = (n_date - c_date).days
    #print ("recentchk: " + str(recentchk))
    if recentchk <= 55:
        lastpubdate = 'Present'
예제 #3
파일: solicit.py 프로젝트: Hellowlol/mylar
def solicit(month, year):
    #convert to numerics just to ensure this...
    month = int(month)
    year = int(year)

    #print ( "month: " + str(month) )
    #print ( "year: " + str(year) )

    # in order to gather ALL upcoming - let's start to loop through months going ahead one at a time
    # until we get a null then break. (Usually not more than 3 months in advance is available)
    mnloop = 0
    upcoming = []

    publishers = {'DC Comics':'DC Comics', 'DC\'s': 'DC Comics', 'Marvel':'Marvel Comics', 'Image':'Image Comics', 'IDW':'IDW Publishing', 'Dark Horse':'Dark Horse'}

# -- this is no longer needed (testing)
#    while (mnloop < 5):
#        if year == 2014:
#            if len(str(month)) == 1:
#                month_string = '0' + str(month)
#            else:
#                month_string = str(month)
#            datestring = str(year) + str(month_string)
#        else:
#            datestring = str(month) + str(year)

#        pagelinks = "http://www.comicbookresources.com/tag/solicits" + str(datestring)

        #using the solicits+datestring leaves out some entries occasionally
        #should use http://www.comicbookresources.com/tag/solicitations
        #then just use the logic below but instead of datestring, find the month term and 
        #go ahead up to +5 months.

    if month > 0:
        month_start = month
        month_end = month + 5
        #if month_end > 12:
            # ms = 8, me=13  [(12-8)+(13-12)] = [4 + 1] = 5
            # [(12 - ms) + (me - 12)] = number of months (5)

        monthlist = []
        mongr = month_start

        #we need to build the months we can grab, but the non-numeric way.
        while (mongr <= month_end):
            mon = mongr
            if mon == 13:
                mon = 1
                year +=1

            if len(str(mon)) == 1:
                mon = '0' + str(mon)

            monthlist.append({"month":     helpers.fullmonth(str(mon)).lower(),
                              "num_month": mon,
                              "year":      str(year)})

        logger.info('months: ' + str(monthlist))

        pagelinks = "http://www.comicbookresources.com/tag/solicitations"

        #logger.info('datestring:' + datestring)
        #logger.info('checking:' + pagelinks)
        pageresponse = urllib2.urlopen ( pagelinks )
        soup = BeautifulSoup (pageresponse)
        cntlinks = soup.findAll('h3')
        lenlinks = len(cntlinks)
        #logger.info( str(lenlinks) + ' results' )

        publish = []
        resultURL = []
        resultmonth = []
        resultyear = []

        x = 0
        cnt = 0

        while (x < lenlinks):
            headt = cntlinks[x] #iterate through the hrefs pulling out only results.
            if "/?page=article&amp;id=" in str(headt):
                #print ("titlet: " + str(headt))
                headName = headt.findNext(text=True)
                #print ('headName: ' + headName)
                if 'Image' in headName: print 'IMAGE FOUND'
                if not all( ['Marvel' in headName, 'DC' in headName, 'Image' in headName] ) and ('Solicitations' in headName or 'Solicits' in headName):
                   # test for month here (int(month) + 5)
                    if not any(d.get('month', None) == str(headName).lower() for d in monthlist):
                        for mt in monthlist:
                            if mt['month'] in headName.lower():
                                logger.info('matched on month: ' + str(mt['month']))
                                logger.info('matched on year: ' + str(mt['year']))

                                pubstart = headName.find('Solicitations')
                                publishchk = False
                                for pub in publishers:
                                    if pub in headName[:pubstart]:
                                        #print 'publisher:' + str(publishers[pub])
                                        publishchk = True
                                if publishchk == False:
                                    #publish.append( headName[:pubstart].strip() )
                                abc = headt.findAll('a', href=True)[0]
                                ID_som = abc['href']  #first instance will have the right link...
                                resultURL.append( ID_som )
                                #print '(' + str(cnt) + ') [ ' + publish[cnt] + '] Link URL: ' + resultURL[cnt]

                        logger.info('incorrect month - not using.')

        if cnt == 0:
            return #break  # no results means, end it

        loopthis = (cnt-1)
        #this loops through each 'found' solicit page 
        #shipdate = str(month_string) + '-' + str(year)  - not needed.
        while ( loopthis >= 0 ):
            #print 'loopthis is : ' + str(loopthis)
            #print 'resultURL is : ' + str(resultURL[loopthis])
            shipdate = str(resultmonth[loopthis]) + '-' + str(resultyear[loopthis])
            upcoming += populate(resultURL[loopthis], publish[loopthis], shipdate)
            loopthis -=1

    logger.info( str(len(upcoming)) + ' upcoming issues discovered.' )

    newfl = mylar.CACHE_DIR + "/future-releases.txt"
    newtxtfile = open(newfl, 'wb')

    cntr = 1
    for row in upcoming:
        if row['Extra'] is None or row['Extra'] == '':
            extrarow = 'N/A'
            extrarow = row['Extra']
        newtxtfile.write(str(row['Shipdate']) + '\t' + str(row['Publisher']) + '\t' + str(row['Issue']) + '\t' + str(row['Comic']) + '\t' + str(extrarow) + '\tSkipped' + '\t' + str(cntr) + '\n')
        cntr +=1


    logger.fdebug( 'attempting to populate future upcoming...' )

    mylardb = os.path.join(mylar.DATA_DIR, "mylar.db")

    connection = sqlite3.connect(str(mylardb))
    cursor = connection.cursor()

    # we should extract the issues that are being watched, but no data is available yet ('Watch For' status)
    # once we get the data, store it, wipe the existing table, retrieve the new data, populate the data into 
    # the table, recheck the series against the current watchlist and then restore the Watch For data.

    cursor.executescript('drop table if exists future;')

    cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS future (SHIPDATE, PUBLISHER text, ISSUE text, COMIC VARCHAR(150), EXTRA text, STATUS text, FutureID text, ComicID text);")

    csvfile = open(newfl, "rb")
    creader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter='\t')

    t = 1

    for row in creader:
            #print ("Row: %s" % row)
            cursor.execute("INSERT INTO future VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,null);", row)
        except Exception, e:
            logger.fdebug("Error - invald arguments...-skipping")
예제 #4
    def Process_next(self,comicid,issueid,issuenumOG,ml=None):
            annchk = "no"
            extensions = ('.cbr', '.cbz')
            snatchedtorrent = False
            myDB = db.DBConnection()
            comicnzb = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from comics WHERE comicid=?", [comicid]).fetchone()
            issuenzb = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from issues WHERE issueid=? AND comicid=? AND ComicName NOT NULL", [issueid,comicid]).fetchone()
            if ml is not None and mylar.SNATCHEDTORRENT_NOTIFY:
                snatchnzb = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from snatched WHERE IssueID=? AND ComicID=? AND (provider=? OR provider=?) AND Status='Snatched'", [issueid,comicid,'KAT','CBT']).fetchone() 
                if snatchnzb is None:
                    logger.fdebug('Was not downloaded with Mylar and the usage of torrents. Disabling torrent manual post-processing completion notification.')
                    logger.fdebug('Was downloaded from ' + snatchnzb['Provider'] + '. Enabling torrent manual post-processing completion notification.')
                    snatchedtorrent = True
            logger.fdebug('issueid: ' + str(issueid))
            logger.fdebug('issuenumOG: ' + str(issuenumOG))
            if issuenzb is None:
                issuenzb = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from annuals WHERE issueid=? and comicid=?", [issueid,comicid]).fetchone()
                annchk = "yes"
            #issueno = str(issuenum).split('.')[0]
            #new CV API - removed all decimals...here we go AGAIN!
            issuenum = issuenzb['Issue_Number']
            issue_except = 'None'

            if 'au' in issuenum.lower() and issuenum[:1].isdigit():
                issuenum = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", issuenum)
                issue_except = ' AU'
            elif 'ai' in issuenum.lower() and issuenum[:1].isdigit():
                issuenum = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", issuenum)
                issue_except = ' AI'
            elif 'inh' in issuenum.lower() and issuenum[:1].isdigit():
                issuenum = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", issuenum)
                issue_except = '.INH'
            elif 'now' in issuenum.lower() and issuenum[:1].isdigit():
                if '!' in issuenum: issuenum = re.sub('\!', '', issuenum)
                issuenum = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", issuenum)
                issue_except = '.NOW'

            if '.' in issuenum:
                iss_find = issuenum.find('.')
                iss_b4dec = issuenum[:iss_find]
                iss_decval = issuenum[iss_find+1:]
                if int(iss_decval) == 0:
                    iss = iss_b4dec
                    issdec = int(iss_decval)
                    issueno = str(iss)
                    self._log("Issue Number: " + str(issueno))
                    logger.fdebug("Issue Number: " + str(issueno))
                    if len(iss_decval) == 1:
                        iss = iss_b4dec + "." + iss_decval
                        issdec = int(iss_decval) * 10
                        iss = iss_b4dec + "." + iss_decval.rstrip('0')
                        issdec = int(iss_decval.rstrip('0')) * 10
                    issueno = iss_b4dec
                    self._log("Issue Number: " + str(iss))
                    logger.fdebug("Issue Number: " + str(iss))
                iss = issuenum
                issueno = str(iss)

            # issue zero-suppression here
            if mylar.ZERO_LEVEL == "0": 
                zeroadd = ""
                if mylar.ZERO_LEVEL_N  == "none": zeroadd = ""
                elif mylar.ZERO_LEVEL_N == "0x": zeroadd = "0"
                elif mylar.ZERO_LEVEL_N == "00x": zeroadd = "00"

            logger.fdebug("Zero Suppression set to : " + str(mylar.ZERO_LEVEL_N))

            if str(len(issueno)) > 1:
                if int(issueno) < 0:
                    self._log("issue detected is a negative")
                    prettycomiss = '-' + str(zeroadd) + str(abs(issueno))
                elif int(issueno) < 10:
                    self._log("issue detected less than 10")
                    if '.' in iss:
                        if int(iss_decval) > 0:
                            issueno = str(iss)
                            prettycomiss = str(zeroadd) + str(iss)
                            prettycomiss = str(zeroadd) + str(int(issueno))
                        prettycomiss = str(zeroadd) + str(iss)
                    if issue_except != 'None': 
                        prettycomiss = str(prettycomiss) + issue_except
                    self._log("Zero level supplement set to " + str(mylar.ZERO_LEVEL_N) + ". Issue will be set as : " + str(prettycomiss))
                elif int(issueno) >= 10 and int(issueno) < 100:
                    self._log("issue detected greater than 10, but less than 100")
                    if mylar.ZERO_LEVEL_N == "none":
                        zeroadd = ""
                        zeroadd = "0"
                    if '.' in iss:
                        if int(iss_decval) > 0:
                            issueno = str(iss)
                            prettycomiss = str(zeroadd) + str(iss)
                           prettycomiss = str(zeroadd) + str(int(issueno))
                        prettycomiss = str(zeroadd) + str(iss)
                    if issue_except != 'None':
                        prettycomiss = str(prettycomiss) + issue_except
                    self._log("Zero level supplement set to " + str(mylar.ZERO_LEVEL_N) + ".Issue will be set as : " + str(prettycomiss))
                    self._log("issue detected greater than 100")
                    if '.' in iss:
                        if int(iss_decval) > 0:
                            issueno = str(iss)
                    prettycomiss = str(issueno)
                    if issue_except != 'None':
                        prettycomiss = str(prettycomiss) + issue_except
                    self._log("Zero level supplement set to " + str(mylar.ZERO_LEVEL_N) + ". Issue will be set as : " + str(prettycomiss))
                prettycomiss = str(issueno)
                self._log("issue length error - cannot determine length. Defaulting to None:  " + str(prettycomiss))

            if annchk == "yes":
                self._log("Annual detected.")
            logger.fdebug("Pretty Comic Issue is : " + str(prettycomiss))
            issueyear = issuenzb['IssueDate'][:4]
            self._log("Issue Year: " + str(issueyear))
            logger.fdebug("Issue Year : " + str(issueyear))
            month = issuenzb['IssueDate'][5:7].replace('-','').strip()
            month_name = helpers.fullmonth(month)
#            comicnzb= myDB.action("SELECT * from comics WHERE comicid=?", [comicid]).fetchone()
            publisher = comicnzb['ComicPublisher']
            self._log("Publisher: " + publisher)
            logger.fdebug("Publisher: " + str(publisher))
            #we need to un-unicode this to make sure we can write the filenames properly for spec.chars
            series = comicnzb['ComicName'].encode('ascii', 'ignore').strip()
            self._log("Series: " + series)
            logger.fdebug("Series: " + str(series))
            seriesyear = comicnzb['ComicYear']
            self._log("Year: " + seriesyear)
            logger.fdebug("Year: "  + str(seriesyear))
            comlocation = comicnzb['ComicLocation']
            self._log("Comic Location: " + comlocation)
            logger.fdebug("Comic Location: " + str(comlocation))
            comversion = comicnzb['ComicVersion']
            self._log("Comic Version: " + str(comversion))
            logger.fdebug("Comic Version: " + str(comversion))
            if comversion is None:
                comversion = 'None'
            #if comversion is None, remove it so it doesn't populate with 'None'
            if comversion == 'None':
                chunk_f_f = re.sub('\$VolumeN','',mylar.FILE_FORMAT)
                chunk_f = re.compile(r'\s+')
                chunk_file_format = chunk_f.sub(' ', chunk_f_f)
                self._log("No version # found for series - tag will not be available for renaming.")
                logger.fdebug("No version # found for series, removing from filename")
                logger.fdebug("new format is now: " + str(chunk_file_format))
                chunk_file_format = mylar.FILE_FORMAT

            if annchk == "no":
                chunk_f_f = re.sub('\$Annual','',chunk_file_format)
                chunk_f = re.compile(r'\s+')
                chunk_file_format = chunk_f.sub(' ', chunk_f_f)
                logger.fdebug('not an annual - removing from filename paramaters')
                logger.fdebug('new format: ' + str(chunk_file_format))

                logger.fdebug('chunk_file_format is: ' + str(chunk_file_format))
                if '$Annual' not in chunk_file_format:
                #if it's an annual, but $Annual isn't specified in file_format, we need to
                #force it in there, by default in the format of $Annual $Issue
                    prettycomiss = "Annual " + str(prettycomiss)
                    logger.fdebug('prettycomiss: ' + str(prettycomiss))

            ofilename = None

            #if meta-tagging is not enabled, we need to declare the check as being fail
            #if meta-tagging is enabled, it gets changed just below to a default of pass
            pcheck = "fail"

            #tag the meta.
            if mylar.ENABLE_META:
                self._log("Metatagging enabled - proceeding...")
                logger.fdebug("Metatagging enabled - proceeding...")
                pcheck = "pass"
                    import cmtagmylar
                    if ml is None:
                        pcheck = cmtagmylar.run(self.nzb_folder, issueid=issueid)
                        pcheck = cmtagmylar.run(self.nzb_folder, issueid=issueid, manual="yes", filename=ml['ComicLocation'])

                except ImportError:
                    logger.fdebug("comictaggerlib not found on system. Ensure the ENTIRE lib directory is located within mylar/lib/comictaggerlib/")
                    logger.fdebug("continuing with PostProcessing, but I'm not using metadata.")
                    pcheck = "fail"
                if pcheck == "fail":
                    self._log("Unable to write metadata successfully - check mylar.log file. Attempting to continue without tagging...")
                    logger.fdebug("Unable to write metadata successfully - check mylar.log file. Attempting to continue without tagging...")
                elif pcheck == "unrar error":
                    self._log("This is a corrupt archive - whether CRC errors or it's incomplete. Marking as BAD, and retrying a different copy.")
                    logger.error("This is a corrupt archive - whether CRC errors or it's incomplete. Marking as BAD, and retrying a different copy.")
                    return self.log
                    otofilename = pcheck
                    self._log("Sucessfully wrote metadata to .cbz - Continuing..")
                    logger.fdebug("Sucessfully wrote metadata to .cbz (" + str(otofilename) + ") - Continuing..")
            #Run Pre-script

            if mylar.ENABLE_PRE_SCRIPTS:
                nzbn = self.nzb_name #original nzb name
                nzbf = self.nzb_folder #original nzb folder
                #name, comicyear, comicid , issueid, issueyear, issue, publisher
                #create the dic and send it.
                seriesmeta = []
                seriesmetadata = {}
                            'name':                 series,
                            'comicyear':            seriesyear,
                            'comicid':              comicid,
                            'issueid':              issueid,
                            'issueyear':            issueyear,
                            'issue':                issuenum,
                            'publisher':            publisher
                seriesmetadata['seriesmeta'] = seriesmeta
                self._run_pre_scripts(nzbn, nzbf, seriesmetadata )

        #rename file and move to new path
        #nfilename = series + " " + issueno + " (" + seriesyear + ")"

            file_values = {'$Series':    series,
                           '$Issue':     prettycomiss,
                           '$Year':      issueyear,
                           '$series':    series.lower(),
                           '$Publisher': publisher,
                           '$publisher': publisher.lower(),
                           '$VolumeY':   'V' + str(seriesyear),
                           '$VolumeN':   comversion,
                           '$monthname': month_name,
                           '$month':     month,
                           '$Annual':    'Annual'

            #if it's a Manual Run, use the ml['ComicLocation'] for the exact filename.
            if ml is None:
                for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(self.nzb_folder):
                    for filename in filenames:
                        if filename.lower().endswith(extensions):
                            odir = root
                            ofilename = filename
                            path, ext = os.path.splitext(ofilename)
                if odir is None:
                    logger.fdebug('no root folder set.')
                    odir = self.nzb_folder
                logger.fdebug('odir: ' + str(odir))
                logger.fdebug('ofilename: ' + str(ofilename))

                if pcheck == "fail":
                    otofilename = ml['ComicLocation']
                logger.fdebug('otofilename:' + str(otofilename))
                odir, ofilename = os.path.split(otofilename)
                logger.fdebug('odir: ' + str(odir))
                logger.fdebug('ofilename: ' + str(ofilename))
                path, ext = os.path.splitext(ofilename)
                logger.fdebug('path: ' + str(path))
                logger.fdebug('ext:' + str(ext))

            if ofilename is None:
                logger.error(u"Aborting PostProcessing - the filename doesn't exist in the location given. Make sure that " + str(self.nzb_folder) + " exists and is the correct location.")
            self._log("Original Filename: " + ofilename)
            self._log("Original Extension: " + ext)
            logger.fdebug("Original Filname: " + str(ofilename))
            logger.fdebug("Original Extension: " + str(ext))

            if mylar.FILE_FORMAT == '' or not mylar.RENAME_FILES:
                self._log("Rename Files isn't enabled...keeping original filename.")
                logger.fdebug("Rename Files isn't enabled - keeping original filename.")
                #check if extension is in nzb_name - will screw up otherwise
                if ofilename.lower().endswith(extensions):
                    nfilename = ofilename[:-4]
                    nfilename = ofilename
                nfilename = helpers.replace_all(chunk_file_format, file_values)
                if mylar.REPLACE_SPACES:
                    #mylar.REPLACE_CHAR ...determines what to replace spaces with underscore or dot
                    nfilename = nfilename.replace(' ', mylar.REPLACE_CHAR)
            nfilename = re.sub('[\,\:\?]', '', nfilename)
            nfilename = re.sub('[\/]', '-', nfilename)
            self._log("New Filename: " + nfilename)
            logger.fdebug("New Filename: " + str(nfilename))

            #src = os.path.join(self.nzb_folder, ofilename)
            src = os.path.join(odir, ofilename)
            filechecker.validateAndCreateDirectory(comlocation, True)

            if mylar.LOWERCASE_FILENAMES:
                dst = (comlocation + "/" + nfilename + ext).lower()
                dst = comlocation + "/" + nfilename + ext.lower()    
            self._log("Source:" + src)
            self._log("Destination:" +  dst)
            logger.fdebug("Source: " + str(src))
            logger.fdebug("Destination: " + str(dst))

            if ml is None:
                #downtype = for use with updater on history table to set status to 'Downloaded'
                downtype = 'True'
                #non-manual run moving/deleting...
                logger.fdebug('self.nzb_folder: ' + self.nzb_folder)
                logger.fdebug('odir: ' + str(odir))
                logger.fdebug('ofilename:' + str(ofilename))
                logger.fdebug('nfilename:' + str(nfilename + ext))
                if mylar.RENAME_FILES:
                    if str(ofilename) != str(nfilename + ext):
                        logger.fdebug("Renaming " + os.path.join(odir, str(ofilename)) + " ..to.. " + os.path.join(odir,str(nfilename + ext)))
                        os.rename(os.path.join(odir, str(ofilename)), os.path.join(odir,str(nfilename + ext)))
                        logger.fdebug('filename is identical as original, not renaming.')

                #src = os.path.join(self.nzb_folder, str(nfilename + ext))
                src = os.path.join(odir, str(nfilename + ext))
                    shutil.move(src, dst)
                except (OSError, IOError):
                    self._log("Failed to move directory - check directories and manually re-run.")
                    self._log("Post-Processing ABORTED.")
                #tidyup old path
                except (OSError, IOError):
                    self._log("Failed to remove temporary directory - check directory and manually re-run.")
                    self._log("Post-Processing ABORTED.")

                self._log("Removed temporary directory : " + str(self.nzb_folder))
                #downtype = for use with updater on history table to set status to 'Post-Processed'
                downtype = 'PP'
                #Manual Run, this is the portion.
                if mylar.RENAME_FILES:
                    if str(ofilename) != str(nfilename + ext):
                        logger.fdebug("Renaming " + os.path.join(self.nzb_folder, str(ofilename)) + " ..to.. " + os.path.join(self.nzb_folder,str(nfilename + ext)))
                        os.rename(os.path.join(odir, str(ofilename)), os.path.join(odir ,str(nfilename + ext)))
                        logger.fdebug('filename is identical as original, not renaming.')
                src = os.path.join(odir, str(nfilename + ext))
                logger.fdebug('odir rename: ' + os.path.join(odir, str(ofilename)) + ' TO ' + os.path.join(odir, str(nfilename + ext)))
                logger.fdebug('odir src : ' + os.path.join(odir, str(nfilename + ext)))
                logger.fdebug("Moving " + src + " ... to ... " + dst)
                    shutil.move(src, dst)
                except (OSError, IOError):
                    logger.fdebug("Failed to move directory - check directories and manually re-run.")
                    logger.fdebug("Post-Processing ABORTED.")
                logger.fdebug("Successfully moved to : " + dst)
                #tidyup old path
                #    os.remove(os.path.join(self.nzb_folder, str(ofilename)))
                #    logger.fdebug("Deleting : " + os.path.join(self.nzb_folder, str(ofilename)))
                #except (OSError, IOError):
                #    logger.fdebug("Failed to remove temporary directory - check directory and manually re-run.")
                #    logger.fdebug("Post-Processing ABORTED.")
                #    return
                #logger.fdebug("Removed temporary directory : " + str(self.nzb_folder))

            #Hopefully set permissions on downloaded file
                permission = int(mylar.CHMOD_FILE, 8)
                os.chmod(dst.rstrip(), permission)
            except OSError:
                logger.error('Failed to change file permissions. Ensure that the user running Mylar has proper permissions to change permissions in : ' + dst)
                logger.fdebug('Continuing post-processing but unable to change file permissions in ' + dst)
                    #delete entry from nzblog table
            myDB.action('DELETE from nzblog WHERE issueid=?', [issueid])
                    #update snatched table to change status to Downloaded
            if annchk == "no":
                updater.foundsearch(comicid, issueid, down=downtype)
                dispiss = 'issue: ' + str(issuenumOG)
                updater.foundsearch(comicid, issueid, mode='want_ann', down=downtype)
                dispiss = 'annual issue: ' + str(issuenumOG)

                    #force rescan of files
            logger.info(u"Post-Processing completed for: " + series + " " + dispiss )
            self._log(u"Post Processing SUCCESSFUL! ")

            if mylar.WEEKFOLDER:
                #if enabled, will *copy* the post-processed file to the weeklypull list folder for the given week.

            # retrieve/create the corresponding comic objects
            if mylar.ENABLE_EXTRA_SCRIPTS:
                folderp = str(dst) #folder location after move/rename
                nzbn = self.nzb_name #original nzb name
                filen = str(nfilename + ext) #new filename
                #name, comicyear, comicid , issueid, issueyear, issue, publisher
                #create the dic and send it.
                seriesmeta = []
                seriesmetadata = {}
                            'name':                 series,
                            'comicyear':            seriesyear,
                            'comicid':              comicid,
                            'issueid':              issueid,
                            'issueyear':            issueyear,
                            'issue':                issuenum,
                            'publisher':            publisher
                seriesmetadata['seriesmeta'] = seriesmeta
                self._run_extra_scripts(nzbn, self.nzb_folder, filen, folderp, seriesmetadata )

            if ml is not None:
                #we only need to return self.log if it's a manual run and it's not a snatched torrent
                if snatchedtorrent: 
                    #manual run + snatched torrent
                    #manual run + not snatched torrent (or normal manual-run)
                    return self.log

            if annchk == "no":
                prline = series + '(' + issueyear + ') - issue #' + issuenumOG
                prline = series + ' Annual (' + issueyear + ') - issue #' + issuenumOG
            prline2 = 'Mylar has downloaded and post-processed: ' + prline

            if mylar.PROWL_ENABLED:
                pushmessage = prline
                logger.info(u"Prowl request")
                prowl = notifiers.PROWL()
                prowl.notify(pushmessage,"Download and Postprocessing completed")
            if mylar.NMA_ENABLED:
                nma = notifiers.NMA()
                nma.notify(prline=prline, prline2=prline2)

            if mylar.PUSHOVER_ENABLED:
                logger.info(u"Pushover request")
                pushover = notifiers.PUSHOVER()
                pushover.notify(prline, "Download and Post-Processing completed")

            if mylar.BOXCAR_ENABLED:
                boxcar = notifiers.BOXCAR()
                boxcar.notify(prline=prline, prline2=prline2)

            if mylar.PUSHBULLET_ENABLED:
                pushbullet = notifiers.PUSHBULLET()
                pushbullet.notify(prline=prline, prline2=prline2)
            return self.log
예제 #5
    def rename_file(self, ofilename, issue=None, annualize=None, arc=False, file_format=None): #comicname, issue, comicyear=None, issueid=None)
            comicid = self.comicid   # it's coming in unicoded...
            issueid = self.issueid

            if file_format is None:
                file_format = mylar.CONFIG.FILE_FORMAT

            logger.fdebug('comicid: %s' % comicid)
            logger.fdebug('issue# as per cv: %s' % issue)
            logger.fdebug('issueid:' + str(issueid))

            if issueid is None:
                logger.fdebug('annualize is ' + str(annualize))
                if arc:
                    #this has to be adjusted to be able to include story arc issues that span multiple arcs
                    chkissue = self.myDB.selectone("SELECT * from storyarcs WHERE ComicID=? AND Issue_Number=?", [comicid, issue]).fetchone()
                    chkissue = self.myDB.selectone("SELECT * from issues WHERE ComicID=? AND Issue_Number=?", [comicid, issue]).fetchone()
                    if all([chkissue is None, annualize is None, not mylar.CONFIG.ANNUALS_ON]):
                        chkissue = self.myDB.selectone("SELECT * from annuals WHERE ComicID=? AND Issue_Number=?", [comicid, issue]).fetchone()

                if chkissue is None:
                    #rechk chkissue against int value of issue #
                    if arc:
                        chkissue = self.myDB.selectone("SELECT * from storyarcs WHERE ComicID=? AND Int_IssueNumber=?", [comicid, issuedigits(issue)]).fetchone()
                        chkissue = self.myDB.selectone("SELECT * from issues WHERE ComicID=? AND Int_IssueNumber=?", [comicid, issuedigits(issue)]).fetchone()
                        if all([chkissue is None, annualize == 'yes', mylar.CONFIG.ANNUALS_ON]):
                            chkissue = self.myDB.selectone("SELECT * from annuals WHERE ComicID=? AND Int_IssueNumber=?", [comicid, issuedigits(issue)]).fetchone()

                    if chkissue is None:
                        logger.error('Invalid Issue_Number - please validate.')
                        logger.info('Int Issue_number compare found. continuing...')
                        issueid = chkissue['IssueID']
                    issueid = chkissue['IssueID']

            #use issueid to get publisher, series, year, issue number
            logger.fdebug('issueid is now : ' + str(issueid))
            if arc:
                issueinfo = self.myDB.selectone("SELECT * from storyarcs WHERE ComicID=? AND IssueID=? AND StoryArc=?", [comicid, issueid, arc]).fetchone()
                issueinfo = self.myDB.selectone("SELECT * from issues WHERE ComicID=? AND IssueID=?", [comicid, issueid]).fetchone()
                if issueinfo is None:
                    logger.fdebug('not an issue, checking against annuals')
                    issueinfo = self.myDB.selectone("SELECT * from annuals WHERE ComicID=? AND IssueID=?", [comicid, issueid]).fetchone()
                    if issueinfo is None:
                        logger.fdebug('Unable to rename - cannot locate issue id within db')
                        annualize = True

            if issueinfo is None:
                logger.fdebug('Unable to rename - cannot locate issue id within db')

            #remap the variables to a common factor.
            if arc:
                issuenum = issueinfo['IssueNumber']
                issuedate = issueinfo['IssueDate']
                publisher = issueinfo['IssuePublisher']
                series = issueinfo['ComicName']
                seriesfilename = series   #Alternate FileNaming is not available with story arcs.
                seriesyear = issueinfo['SeriesYear']
                arcdir = helpers.filesafe(issueinfo['StoryArc'])
                if mylar.CONFIG.REPLACE_SPACES:
                    arcdir = arcdir.replace(' ', mylar.CONFIG.REPLACE_CHAR)
                if mylar.CONFIG.STORYARCDIR:
                    storyarcd = os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.DESTINATION_DIR, "StoryArcs", arcdir)
                    logger.fdebug('Story Arc Directory set to : ' + storyarcd)
                    logger.fdebug('Story Arc Directory set to : ' + mylar.CONFIG.GRABBAG_DIR)
                    storyarcd = os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.DESTINATION_DIR, mylar.CONFIG.GRABBAG_DIR)

                comlocation = storyarcd
                comversion = None   #need to populate this.

                issuenum = issueinfo['Issue_Number']
                issuedate = issueinfo['IssueDate']
                publisher = self.comic['ComicPublisher']
                series = self.comic['ComicName']
                if self.comic['AlternateFileName'] is None or self.comic['AlternateFileName'] == 'None':
                    seriesfilename = series
                    seriesfilename = self.comic['AlternateFileName']
                    logger.fdebug('Alternate File Naming has been enabled for this series. Will rename series title to : ' + seriesfilename)
                seriesyear = self.comic['ComicYear']
                comlocation = self.comic['ComicLocation']
                comversion = self.comic['ComicVersion']

            unicodeissue = issuenum

            if type(issuenum) == str:
               vals = {'\xbd':'.5','\xbc':'.25','\xbe':'.75','\u221e':'9999999999','\xe2':'9999999999'}
               vals = {'\xbd':'.5','\xbc':'.25','\xbe':'.75','\\u221e':'9999999999','\xe2':'9999999999'}
            x = [vals[key] for key in vals if key in issuenum]
            if x:
                issuenum = x[0]
                logger.fdebug('issue number formatted: %s' % issuenum)

            #comicid = issueinfo['ComicID']
            #issueno = str(issuenum).split('.')[0]
            issue_except = 'None'
            issue_exceptions = ['AU',
            valid_spaces = ('.', '-')
            for issexcept in issue_exceptions:
                if issexcept.lower() in issuenum.lower():
                    logger.fdebug('ALPHANUMERIC EXCEPTION : [' + issexcept + ']')
                    v_chk = [v for v in valid_spaces if v in issuenum]
                    if v_chk:
                        iss_space = v_chk[0]
                        logger.fdebug('character space denoted as : ' + iss_space)
                        logger.fdebug('character space not denoted.')
                        iss_space = ''
#                    if issexcept == 'INH':
#                       issue_except = '.INH'
                    if issexcept == 'NOW':
                       if '!' in issuenum: issuenum = re.sub('\!', '', issuenum)
#                       issue_except = '.NOW'

                    issue_except = iss_space + issexcept
                    logger.fdebug('issue_except denoted as : ' + issue_except)
                    issuenum = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", issuenum)

#            if 'au' in issuenum.lower() and issuenum[:1].isdigit():
#                issue_except = ' AU'
#            elif 'ai' in issuenum.lower() and issuenum[:1].isdigit():
#                issuenum = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", issuenum)
#                issue_except = ' AI'
#            elif 'inh' in issuenum.lower() and issuenum[:1].isdigit():
#                issuenum = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", issuenum)
#                issue_except = '.INH'
#            elif 'now' in issuenum.lower() and issuenum[:1].isdigit():
#                if '!' in issuenum: issuenum = re.sub('\!', '', issuenum)
#                issuenum = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", issuenum)
#                issue_except = '.NOW'
            if '.' in issuenum:
                iss_find = issuenum.find('.')
                iss_b4dec = issuenum[:iss_find]
                if iss_find == 0:
                    iss_b4dec = '0'
                iss_decval = issuenum[iss_find +1:]
                if iss_decval.endswith('.'):
                    iss_decval = iss_decval[:-1]
                if int(iss_decval) == 0:
                    iss = iss_b4dec
                    issdec = int(iss_decval)
                    issueno = iss
                    if len(iss_decval) == 1:
                        iss = iss_b4dec + "." + iss_decval
                        issdec = int(iss_decval) * 10
                        iss = iss_b4dec + "." + iss_decval.rstrip('0')
                        issdec = int(iss_decval.rstrip('0')) * 10
                    issueno = iss_b4dec
                iss = issuenum
                issueno = iss
            # issue zero-suppression here
            if mylar.CONFIG.ZERO_LEVEL == "0":
                zeroadd = ""
                if mylar.CONFIG.ZERO_LEVEL_N  == "none": zeroadd = ""
                elif mylar.CONFIG.ZERO_LEVEL_N == "0x": zeroadd = "0"
                elif mylar.CONFIG.ZERO_LEVEL_N == "00x": zeroadd = "00"

            logger.fdebug('Zero Suppression set to : ' + str(mylar.CONFIG.ZERO_LEVEL_N))
            prettycomiss = None

            if issueno.isalpha():
                logger.fdebug('issue detected as an alpha.')
                prettycomiss = str(issueno)
                    x = float(issuenum)
                    #validity check
                    if x < 0:
                        logger.info('I\'ve encountered a negative issue #: %s. Trying to accomodate.' % issueno)
                        prettycomiss = '-' + str(zeroadd) + str(issueno[1:])
                    elif x == 9999999999:
                        logger.fdebug('Infinity issue found.')
                        issuenum = 'infinity'
                    elif x >= 0:
                        raise ValueError
                except ValueError as e:
                    logger.warn('Unable to properly determine issue number [ %s] - you should probably log this on github for help.' % issueno)

            if prettycomiss is None and len(str(issueno)) > 0:
                #if int(issueno) < 0:
                #    self._log("issue detected is a negative")
                #    prettycomiss = '-' + str(zeroadd) + str(abs(issueno))
                if int(issueno) < 10:
                    logger.fdebug('issue detected less than 10')
                    if '.' in iss:
                        if int(iss_decval) > 0:
                            issueno = str(iss)
                            prettycomiss = str(zeroadd) + str(iss)
                            prettycomiss = str(zeroadd) + str(int(issueno))
                        prettycomiss = str(zeroadd) + str(iss)
                    if issue_except != 'None':
                        prettycomiss = str(prettycomiss) + issue_except
                    logger.fdebug('Zero level supplement set to ' + str(mylar.CONFIG.ZERO_LEVEL_N) + '. Issue will be set as : ' + str(prettycomiss))
                elif int(issueno) >= 10 and int(issueno) < 100:
                    logger.fdebug('issue detected greater than 10, but less than 100')
                    if mylar.CONFIG.ZERO_LEVEL_N == "none":
                        zeroadd = ""
                        zeroadd = "0"
                    if '.' in iss:
                        if int(iss_decval) > 0:
                            issueno = str(iss)
                            prettycomiss = str(zeroadd) + str(iss)
                           prettycomiss = str(zeroadd) + str(int(issueno))
                        prettycomiss = str(zeroadd) + str(iss)
                    if issue_except != 'None':
                        prettycomiss = str(prettycomiss) + issue_except
                    logger.fdebug('Zero level supplement set to ' + str(mylar.CONFIG.ZERO_LEVEL_N) + '.Issue will be set as : ' + str(prettycomiss))
                    logger.fdebug('issue detected greater than 100')
                    if issuenum == 'infinity':
                        prettycomiss = 'infinity'
                        if '.' in iss:
                            if int(iss_decval) > 0:
                                issueno = str(iss)
                        prettycomiss = str(issueno)
                    if issue_except != 'None':
                        prettycomiss = str(prettycomiss) + issue_except
                    logger.fdebug('Zero level supplement set to ' + str(mylar.CONFIG.ZERO_LEVEL_N) + '. Issue will be set as : ' + str(prettycomiss))
            elif len(str(issueno)) == 0:
                prettycomiss = str(issueno)
                logger.fdebug('issue length error - cannot determine length. Defaulting to None:  ' + str(prettycomiss))

            logger.fdebug('Pretty Comic Issue is : ' + str(prettycomiss))
            if mylar.CONFIG.UNICODE_ISSUENUMBER:
                logger.fdebug('Setting this to Unicode format as requested: %s' % prettycomiss)
                prettycomiss = unicodeissue

            issueyear = issuedate[:4]
            month = issuedate[5:7].replace('-', '').strip()
            month_name = helpers.fullmonth(month)
            if month_name is None:
                month_name = 'None'
            logger.fdebug('Issue Year : ' + str(issueyear))
            logger.fdebug('Publisher: ' + publisher)
            logger.fdebug('Series: ' + series)
            logger.fdebug('Year: '  + str(seriesyear))
            logger.fdebug('Comic Location: ' + comlocation)

            if self.comic['Corrected_Type'] is not None:
                if self.comic['Type'] != self.comic['Corrected_Type']:
                    booktype = self.comic['Corrected_Type']
                    booktype = self.comic['Type']
                booktype = self.comic['Type']

            if booktype == 'Print' or all([booktype != 'Print', mylar.CONFIG.FORMAT_BOOKTYPE is False]):
                chunk_fb = re.sub('\$Type', '', file_format)
                chunk_b = re.compile(r'\s+')
                chunk_file_format = chunk_b.sub(' ', chunk_fb)
                chunk_file_format = file_format

            if any([comversion is None, booktype != 'Print']):
                comversion = 'None'

            #if comversion is None, remove it so it doesn't populate with 'None'
            if comversion == 'None':
                chunk_f_f = re.sub('\$VolumeN', '', chunk_file_format)
                chunk_f = re.compile(r'\s+')
                chunk_file_format = chunk_f.sub(' ', chunk_f_f)
                logger.fdebug('No version # found for series, removing from filename')
                logger.fdebug("new format: " + str(chunk_file_format))

            if annualize is None:
                chunk_f_f = re.sub('\$Annual', '', chunk_file_format)
                chunk_f = re.compile(r'\s+')
                chunk_file_format = chunk_f.sub(' ', chunk_f_f)
                logger.fdebug('not an annual - removing from filename paramaters')
                logger.fdebug('new format: ' + str(chunk_file_format))

                logger.fdebug('chunk_file_format is: ' + str(chunk_file_format))
                if mylar.CONFIG.ANNUALS_ON:
                    if 'annual' in series.lower():
                        if '$Annual' not in chunk_file_format: # and 'annual' not in ofilename.lower():
                        #if it's an annual, but $annual isn't specified in file_format, we need to
                        #force it in there, by default in the format of $Annual $Issue
                            #prettycomiss = "Annual " + str(prettycomiss)
                            logger.fdebug('[%s][ANNUALS-ON][ANNUAL IN SERIES][NO ANNUAL FORMAT] prettycomiss: %s' % (series, prettycomiss))
                            #because it exists within title, strip it then use formatting tag for placement of wording.
                            chunk_f_f = re.sub('\$Annual', '', chunk_file_format)
                            chunk_f = re.compile(r'\s+')
                            chunk_file_format = chunk_f.sub(' ', chunk_f_f)
                            logger.fdebug('[%s][ANNUALS-ON][ANNUAL IN SERIES][ANNUAL FORMAT] prettycomiss: %s' % (series, prettycomiss))
                        if '$Annual' not in chunk_file_format: # and 'annual' not in ofilename.lower():
                        #if it's an annual, but $annual isn't specified in file_format, we need to
                        #force it in there, by default in the format of $Annual $Issue
                            prettycomiss = "Annual %s" % prettycomiss
                            logger.fdebug('[%s][ANNUALS-ON][ANNUAL NOT IN SERIES][NO ANNUAL FORMAT] prettycomiss: %s' % (series, prettycomiss))
                            logger.fdebug('[%s][ANNUALS-ON][ANNUAL NOT IN SERIES][ANNUAL FORMAT] prettycomiss: %s' % (series, prettycomiss))

                    #if annuals aren't enabled, then annuals are being tracked as independent series.
                    #annualize will be true since it's an annual in the seriesname.
                    if 'annual' in series.lower():
                        if '$Annual' not in chunk_file_format: # and 'annual' not in ofilename.lower():
                        #if it's an annual, but $annual isn't specified in file_format, we need to
                        #force it in there, by default in the format of $Annual $Issue
                            #prettycomiss = "Annual " + str(prettycomiss)
                            logger.fdebug('[%s][ANNUALS-OFF][ANNUAL IN SERIES][NO ANNUAL FORMAT] prettycomiss: %s' % (series, prettycomiss))
                            #because it exists within title, strip it then use formatting tag for placement of wording.
                            chunk_f_f = re.sub('\$Annual', '', chunk_file_format)
                            chunk_f = re.compile(r'\s+')
                            chunk_file_format = chunk_f.sub(' ', chunk_f_f)
                            logger.fdebug('[%s][ANNUALS-OFF][ANNUAL IN SERIES][ANNUAL FORMAT] prettycomiss: %s' % (series, prettycomiss))
                        if '$Annual' not in chunk_file_format: # and 'annual' not in ofilename.lower():
                            #if it's an annual, but $annual isn't specified in file_format, we need to
                            #force it in there, by default in the format of $Annual $Issue
                            prettycomiss = "Annual %s" % prettycomiss
                            logger.fdebug('[%s][ANNUALS-OFF][ANNUAL NOT IN SERIES][NO ANNUAL FORMAT] prettycomiss: %s' % (series, prettycomiss))
                            logger.fdebug('[%s][ANNUALS-OFF][ANNUAL NOT IN SERIES][ANNUAL FORMAT] prettycomiss: %s' % (series, prettycomiss))

                    logger.fdebug('Annual detected within series title of ' + series + '. Not auto-correcting issue #')

            seriesfilename = seriesfilename #.encode('ascii', 'ignore').strip()
            filebad = [':', ',', '/', '?', '!', '\'', '\"', '\*'] #in u_comicname or '/' in u_comicname or ',' in u_comicname or '?' in u_comicname:
            for dbd in filebad:
                if dbd in seriesfilename:
                    if any([dbd == '/', dbd == '*']): 
                        repthechar = '-'
                        repthechar = ''
                    seriesfilename = seriesfilename.replace(dbd, repthechar)
                    logger.fdebug('Altering series name due to filenaming restrictions: ' + seriesfilename)

            publisher = re.sub('!', '', publisher)

            file_values = {'$Series':    seriesfilename,
                           '$Issue':     prettycomiss,
                           '$Year':      issueyear,
                           '$series':    series.lower(),
                           '$Publisher': publisher,
                           '$publisher': publisher.lower(),
                           '$VolumeY':   'V' + str(seriesyear),
                           '$VolumeN':   comversion,
                           '$monthname': month_name,
                           '$month':     month,
                           '$Annual':    'Annual',
                           '$Type':      booktype

            extensions = ('.cbr', '.cbz', '.cb7')

            if ofilename.lower().endswith(extensions):
                path, ext = os.path.splitext(ofilename)

            if file_format == '':
                logger.fdebug('Rename Files is not enabled - keeping original filename.')
                #check if extension is in nzb_name - will screw up otherwise
                if ofilename.lower().endswith(extensions):
                    nfilename = ofilename[:-4]
                    nfilename = ofilename
                chunk_file_format = re.sub('[()|[]]', '', chunk_file_format).strip()
                nfilename = helpers.replace_all(chunk_file_format, file_values)
                if mylar.CONFIG.REPLACE_SPACES:
                    #mylar.CONFIG.REPLACE_CHAR ...determines what to replace spaces with underscore or dot
                    nfilename = nfilename.replace(' ', mylar.CONFIG.REPLACE_CHAR)

            nfilename = re.sub('[\,\:]', '', nfilename) + ext.lower()
            logger.fdebug('New Filename: ' + nfilename)

            if mylar.CONFIG.LOWERCASE_FILENAMES:
                nfilename = nfilename.lower()
                dst = os.path.join(comlocation, nfilename)
                dst = os.path.join(comlocation, nfilename)

            logger.fdebug('Source: ' + ofilename)
            logger.fdebug('Destination: ' + dst)

            rename_this = {"destination_dir": dst,
                           "nfilename": nfilename,
                           "issueid": issueid,
                           "comicid": comicid}

            return rename_this
예제 #6
파일: importer.py 프로젝트: mriutta/mylar
                        "Something went wrong - I can't add the issue information into my DB."
                    myDB.action("DELETE FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?",
                n += 1

    #figure publish dates here...
    styear = str(SeriesYear)
    #if SeriesYear == '0000':
    #    styear = firstdate[:4]
    if firstdate[5:7] == '00':
        stmonth = "?"
        stmonth = helpers.fullmonth(firstdate[5:7])
    ltyear = re.sub('/s', '', latestdate[:4])
    if latestdate[5:7] == '00':
        ltmonth = "?"
        ltmonth = helpers.fullmonth(latestdate[5:7])

    #try to determine if it's an 'actively' published comic from above dates
    #threshold is if it's within a month (<45 days) let's assume it's recent.
    c_date = datetime.date(int(latestdate[:4]), int(latestdate[5:7]), 1)
    n_date = datetime.date.today()
    recentchk = (n_date - c_date).days
    #print ("recentchk: " + str(recentchk))
    if recentchk <= 55:
        lastpubdate = 'Present'
예제 #7
    def Process_next(self, comicid, issueid, issuenumOG, ml=None):
        annchk = "no"
        extensions = ('.cbr', '.cbz')
        myDB = db.DBConnection()
        comicnzb = myDB.action("SELECT * from comics WHERE comicid=?",
        issuenzb = myDB.action(
            "SELECT * from issues WHERE issueid=? AND comicid=? AND ComicName NOT NULL",
            [issueid, comicid]).fetchone()
        logger.fdebug('issueid: ' + str(issueid))
        logger.fdebug('issuenumOG: ' + str(issuenumOG))
        if issuenzb is None:
            issuenzb = myDB.action(
                "SELECT * from annuals WHERE issueid=? and comicid=?",
                [issueid, comicid]).fetchone()
            annchk = "yes"
        #issueno = str(issuenum).split('.')[0]
        #new CV API - removed all decimals...here we go AGAIN!
        issuenum = issuenzb['Issue_Number']
        issue_except = 'None'

        if 'au' in issuenum.lower() and issuenum[:1].isdigit():
            issuenum = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", issuenum)
            issue_except = ' AU'
        elif 'ai' in issuenum.lower() and issuenum[:1].isdigit():
            issuenum = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", issuenum)
            issue_except = ' AI'
        elif 'inh' in issuenum.lower() and issuenum[:1].isdigit():
            issuenum = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", issuenum)
            issue_except = '.INH'
        elif 'now' in issuenum.lower() and issuenum[:1].isdigit():
            if '!' in issuenum: issuenum = re.sub('\!', '', issuenum)
            issuenum = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", issuenum)
            issue_except = '.NOW'

        if '.' in issuenum:
            iss_find = issuenum.find('.')
            iss_b4dec = issuenum[:iss_find]
            iss_decval = issuenum[iss_find + 1:]
            if int(iss_decval) == 0:
                iss = iss_b4dec
                issdec = int(iss_decval)
                issueno = str(iss)
                self._log("Issue Number: " + str(issueno), logger.DEBUG)
                logger.fdebug("Issue Number: " + str(issueno))
                if len(iss_decval) == 1:
                    iss = iss_b4dec + "." + iss_decval
                    issdec = int(iss_decval) * 10
                    iss = iss_b4dec + "." + iss_decval.rstrip('0')
                    issdec = int(iss_decval.rstrip('0')) * 10
                issueno = iss_b4dec
                self._log("Issue Number: " + str(iss), logger.DEBUG)
                logger.fdebug("Issue Number: " + str(iss))
            iss = issuenum
            issueno = str(iss)

        # issue zero-suppression here
        if mylar.ZERO_LEVEL == "0":
            zeroadd = ""
            if mylar.ZERO_LEVEL_N == "none": zeroadd = ""
            elif mylar.ZERO_LEVEL_N == "0x": zeroadd = "0"
            elif mylar.ZERO_LEVEL_N == "00x": zeroadd = "00"

        logger.fdebug("Zero Suppression set to : " + str(mylar.ZERO_LEVEL_N))

        if str(len(issueno)) > 1:
            if int(issueno) < 10:
                self._log("issue detected less than 10", logger.DEBUG)
                if '.' in iss:
                    if int(iss_decval) > 0:
                        issueno = str(iss)
                        prettycomiss = str(zeroadd) + str(iss)
                        prettycomiss = str(zeroadd) + str(int(issueno))
                    prettycomiss = str(zeroadd) + str(iss)
                if issue_except != 'None':
                    prettycomiss = str(prettycomiss) + issue_except
                    "Zero level supplement set to " + str(mylar.ZERO_LEVEL_N) +
                    ". Issue will be set as : " + str(prettycomiss),
            elif int(issueno) >= 10 and int(issueno) < 100:
                self._log("issue detected greater than 10, but less than 100",
                if mylar.ZERO_LEVEL_N == "none":
                    zeroadd = ""
                    zeroadd = "0"
                if '.' in iss:
                    if int(iss_decval) > 0:
                        issueno = str(iss)
                        prettycomiss = str(zeroadd) + str(iss)
                        prettycomiss = str(zeroadd) + str(int(issueno))
                    prettycomiss = str(zeroadd) + str(iss)
                if issue_except != 'None':
                    prettycomiss = str(prettycomiss) + issue_except
                    "Zero level supplement set to " + str(mylar.ZERO_LEVEL_N) +
                    ".Issue will be set as : " + str(prettycomiss),
                self._log("issue detected greater than 100", logger.DEBUG)
                if '.' in iss:
                    if int(iss_decval) > 0:
                        issueno = str(iss)
                prettycomiss = str(issueno)
                if issue_except != 'None':
                    prettycomiss = str(prettycomiss) + issue_except
                    "Zero level supplement set to " + str(mylar.ZERO_LEVEL_N) +
                    ". Issue will be set as : " + str(prettycomiss),
            prettycomiss = str(issueno)
                "issue length error - cannot determine length. Defaulting to None:  "
                + str(prettycomiss), logger.DEBUG)

        if annchk == "yes":
            self._log("Annual detected.")
        logger.fdebug("Pretty Comic Issue is : " + str(prettycomiss))
        issueyear = issuenzb['IssueDate'][:4]
        self._log("Issue Year: " + str(issueyear), logger.DEBUG)
        logger.fdebug("Issue Year : " + str(issueyear))
        month = issuenzb['IssueDate'][5:7].replace('-', '').strip()
        month_name = helpers.fullmonth(month)
        #            comicnzb= myDB.action("SELECT * from comics WHERE comicid=?", [comicid]).fetchone()
        publisher = comicnzb['ComicPublisher']
        self._log("Publisher: " + publisher, logger.DEBUG)
        logger.fdebug("Publisher: " + str(publisher))
        #we need to un-unicode this to make sure we can write the filenames properly for spec.chars
        series = comicnzb['ComicName'].encode('ascii', 'ignore').strip()
        self._log("Series: " + series, logger.DEBUG)
        logger.fdebug("Series: " + str(series))
        seriesyear = comicnzb['ComicYear']
        self._log("Year: " + seriesyear, logger.DEBUG)
        logger.fdebug("Year: " + str(seriesyear))
        comlocation = comicnzb['ComicLocation']
        self._log("Comic Location: " + comlocation, logger.DEBUG)
        logger.fdebug("Comic Location: " + str(comlocation))
        comversion = comicnzb['ComicVersion']
        self._log("Comic Version: " + str(comversion), logger.DEBUG)
        logger.fdebug("Comic Version: " + str(comversion))
        if comversion is None:
            comversion = 'None'
        #if comversion is None, remove it so it doesn't populate with 'None'
        if comversion == 'None':
            chunk_f_f = re.sub('\$VolumeN', '', mylar.FILE_FORMAT)
            chunk_f = re.compile(r'\s+')
            chunk_file_format = chunk_f.sub(' ', chunk_f_f)
                "No version # found for series - tag will not be available for renaming.",
                "No version # found for series, removing from filename")
            logger.fdebug("new format is now: " + str(chunk_file_format))
            chunk_file_format = mylar.FILE_FORMAT

        if annchk == "no":
            chunk_f_f = re.sub('\$Annual', '', chunk_file_format)
            chunk_f = re.compile(r'\s+')
            chunk_file_format = chunk_f.sub(' ', chunk_f_f)
            logger.fdebug('not an annual - removing from filename paramaters')
            logger.fdebug('new format: ' + str(chunk_file_format))

            logger.fdebug('chunk_file_format is: ' + str(chunk_file_format))
            if '$Annual' not in chunk_file_format:
                #if it's an annual, but $Annual isn't specified in file_format, we need to
                #force it in there, by default in the format of $Annual $Issue
                prettycomiss = "Annual " + str(prettycomiss)
                logger.fdebug('prettycomiss: ' + str(prettycomiss))

        ofilename = None

        #if meta-tagging is not enabled, we need to declare the check as being fail
        #if meta-tagging is enabled, it gets changed just below to a default of pass
        pcheck = "fail"

        #tag the meta.
        if mylar.ENABLE_META:
            self._log("Metatagging enabled - proceeding...")
            logger.fdebug("Metatagging enabled - proceeding...")
            pcheck = "pass"
                import cmtagmylar
                if ml is None:
                    pcheck = cmtagmylar.run(self.nzb_folder, issueid=issueid)
                    pcheck = cmtagmylar.run(self.nzb_folder,

            except ImportError:
                    "comictaggerlib not found on system. Ensure the ENTIRE lib directory is located within mylar/lib/comictaggerlib/"
                    "continuing with PostProcessing, but I'm not using metadata."
                pcheck = "fail"

            if pcheck == "fail":
                    "Unable to write metadata successfully - check mylar.log file. Attempting to continue without tagging..."
                    "Unable to write metadata successfully - check mylar.log file. Attempting to continue without tagging..."
            elif pcheck == "unrar error":
                    "This is a corrupt archive - whether CRC errors or it's incomplete. Marking as BAD, and retrying a different copy."
                    "This is a corrupt archive - whether CRC errors or it's incomplete. Marking as BAD, and retrying a different copy."
                return self.log
                otofilename = pcheck
                self._log("Sucessfully wrote metadata to .cbz - Continuing..")
                logger.fdebug("Sucessfully wrote metadata to .cbz (" +
                              str(otofilename) + ") - Continuing..")
        #Run Pre-script

        if mylar.ENABLE_PRE_SCRIPTS:
            nzbn = self.nzb_name  #original nzb name
            nzbf = self.nzb_folder  #original nzb folder
            #name, comicyear, comicid , issueid, issueyear, issue, publisher
            #create the dic and send it.
            seriesmeta = []
            seriesmetadata = {}
                'name': series,
                'comicyear': seriesyear,
                'comicid': comicid,
                'issueid': issueid,
                'issueyear': issueyear,
                'issue': issuenum,
                'publisher': publisher
            seriesmetadata['seriesmeta'] = seriesmeta
            self._run_pre_scripts(nzbn, nzbf, seriesmetadata)

    #rename file and move to new path
    #nfilename = series + " " + issueno + " (" + seriesyear + ")"

        file_values = {
            '$Series': series,
            '$Issue': prettycomiss,
            '$Year': issueyear,
            '$series': series.lower(),
            '$Publisher': publisher,
            '$publisher': publisher.lower(),
            '$VolumeY': 'V' + str(seriesyear),
            '$VolumeN': comversion,
            '$monthname': month_name,
            '$month': month,
            '$Annual': 'Annual'

        #if it's a Manual Run, use the ml['ComicLocation'] for the exact filename.
        if ml is None:

            for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(self.nzb_folder):
                for filename in filenames:
                    if filename.lower().endswith(extensions):
                        ofilename = filename
                        path, ext = os.path.splitext(ofilename)
            if pcheck == "fail":
                otofilename = ml['ComicLocation']
            logger.fdebug('otofilename:' + str(otofilename))
            odir, ofilename = os.path.split(otofilename)
            logger.fdebug('ofilename: ' + str(ofilename))
            path, ext = os.path.splitext(ofilename)
            logger.fdebug('path: ' + str(path))
            logger.fdebug('ext:' + str(ext))

        if ofilename is None:
                u"Aborting PostProcessing - the filename doesn't exist in the location given. Make sure that "
                + str(self.nzb_folder) +
                " exists and is the correct location.")
        self._log("Original Filename: " + ofilename, logger.DEBUG)
        self._log("Original Extension: " + ext, logger.DEBUG)
        logger.fdebug("Original Filname: " + str(ofilename))
        logger.fdebug("Original Extension: " + str(ext))

        if mylar.FILE_FORMAT == '' or not mylar.RENAME_FILES:
                "Rename Files isn't enabled...keeping original filename.",
                "Rename Files isn't enabled - keeping original filename.")
            #check if extension is in nzb_name - will screw up otherwise
            if ofilename.lower().endswith(extensions):
                nfilename = ofilename[:-4]
                nfilename = ofilename
            nfilename = helpers.replace_all(chunk_file_format, file_values)
            if mylar.REPLACE_SPACES:
                #mylar.REPLACE_CHAR ...determines what to replace spaces with underscore or dot
                nfilename = nfilename.replace(' ', mylar.REPLACE_CHAR)
        nfilename = re.sub('[\,\:\?]', '', nfilename)
        nfilename = re.sub('[\/]', '-', nfilename)
        self._log("New Filename: " + nfilename, logger.DEBUG)
        logger.fdebug("New Filename: " + str(nfilename))

        src = os.path.join(self.nzb_folder, ofilename)

        filechecker.validateAndCreateDirectory(comlocation, True)

        if mylar.LOWERCASE_FILENAMES:
            dst = (comlocation + "/" + nfilename + ext).lower()
            dst = comlocation + "/" + nfilename + ext.lower()
        self._log("Source:" + src, logger.DEBUG)
        self._log("Destination:" + dst, logger.DEBUG)
        logger.fdebug("Source: " + str(src))
        logger.fdebug("Destination: " + str(dst))

        if ml is None:
            #non-manual run moving/deleting...
            logger.fdebug('self.nzb_folder: ' + self.nzb_folder)
            logger.fdebug('ofilename:' + str(ofilename))
            logger.fdebug('nfilename:' + str(nfilename + ext))
            os.rename(os.path.join(self.nzb_folder, str(ofilename)),
                      os.path.join(self.nzb_folder, str(nfilename + ext)))
            src = os.path.join(self.nzb_folder, str(nfilename + ext))
                shutil.move(src, dst)
            except (OSError, IOError):
                    "Failed to move directory - check directories and manually re-run.",
                self._log("Post-Processing ABORTED.", logger.DEBUG)
            #tidyup old path
            except (OSError, IOError):
                    "Failed to remove temporary directory - check directory and manually re-run.",
                self._log("Post-Processing ABORTED.", logger.DEBUG)

            self._log("Removed temporary directory : " + str(self.nzb_folder),
            #Manual Run, this is the portion.
            logger.fdebug("Renaming " +
                          os.path.join(self.nzb_folder, str(ofilename)) +
                          " ..to.. " +
                          os.path.join(self.nzb_folder, str(nfilename + ext)))
            os.rename(os.path.join(self.nzb_folder, str(ofilename)),
                      os.path.join(self.nzb_folder, str(nfilename + ext)))
            src = os.path.join(self.nzb_folder, str(nfilename + ext))
            logger.fdebug("Moving " + src + " ... to ... " + dst)
                shutil.move(src, dst)
            except (OSError, IOError):
                    "Failed to move directory - check directories and manually re-run."
                logger.fdebug("Post-Processing ABORTED.")
            logger.fdebug("Successfully moved to : " + dst)
            #tidyup old path
            #    os.remove(os.path.join(self.nzb_folder, str(ofilename)))
            #    logger.fdebug("Deleting : " + os.path.join(self.nzb_folder, str(ofilename)))
            #except (OSError, IOError):
            #    logger.fdebug("Failed to remove temporary directory - check directory and manually re-run.")
            #    logger.fdebug("Post-Processing ABORTED.")
            #    return
            #logger.fdebug("Removed temporary directory : " + str(self.nzb_folder))

            #delete entry from nzblog table
        myDB.action('DELETE from nzblog WHERE issueid=?', [issueid])
        #update snatched table to change status to Downloaded
        if annchk == "no":
            updater.foundsearch(comicid, issueid, down='True')
            dispiss = 'issue: ' + str(issuenumOG)
            updater.foundsearch(comicid, issueid, mode='want_ann', down='True')
            dispiss = 'annual issue: ' + str(issuenumOG)

            #force rescan of files
        logger.info(u"Post-Processing completed for: " + series + " " +
        self._log(u"Post Processing SUCCESSFULL! ", logger.DEBUG)

        # retrieve/create the corresponding comic objects
        if mylar.ENABLE_EXTRA_SCRIPTS:
            folderp = str(dst)  #folder location after move/rename
            nzbn = self.nzb_name  #original nzb name
            filen = str(nfilename + ext)  #new filename
            #name, comicyear, comicid , issueid, issueyear, issue, publisher
            #create the dic and send it.
            seriesmeta = []
            seriesmetadata = {}
                'name': series,
                'comicyear': seriesyear,
                'comicid': comicid,
                'issueid': issueid,
                'issueyear': issueyear,
                'issue': issuenum,
                'publisher': publisher
            seriesmetadata['seriesmeta'] = seriesmeta
            self._run_extra_scripts(nzbn, self.nzb_folder, filen, folderp,

        if ml is not None:
            return self.log
            if mylar.PROWL_ENABLED:
                pushmessage = series + '(' + issueyear + ') - issue #' + issuenumOG
                logger.info(u"Prowl request")
                prowl = notifiers.PROWL()
                             "Download and Postprocessing completed")

            if mylar.NMA_ENABLED:
                nma = notifiers.NMA()
                nma.notify(series, str(issueyear), str(issuenumOG))

            if mylar.PUSHOVER_ENABLED:
                pushmessage = series + ' (' + str(
                    issueyear) + ') - issue #' + str(issuenumOG)
                logger.info(u"Pushover request")
                pushover = notifiers.PUSHOVER()
                                "Download and Post-Processing completed")

            if mylar.BOXCAR_ENABLED:
                boxcar = notifiers.BOXCAR()
                boxcar.notify(series, str(issueyear), str(issuenumOG))

        return self.log