def send_input(json_obj, pp, send_file=False, send_public=False, msg_receiver_s='', subj='', sent_msg_cont=''): # get aliases: only_return_book = False if msg_receiver_s != '' or subj != '': only_return_book = True addr_alia = iop.print_addr_book(json_obj, only_return_book) # 1. prompt for subject / or default # subj='' #iop.input_prompt(propmtstr='\n Enter message subject: ', confirm=True, soft_quite=True) # 2. prompt for receiver / check key or pass exist ... if msg_receiver_s == '': msg_receiver_s = iop.input_prompt( propmtstr= '\n Enter receiver address or alias - multiple after comas: ', confirm=False, soft_quite=True) if msg_receiver_s == 'q' or msg_receiver_s == '': print('Quitting message...') return '', '', '', '' # msg_receiver_s=msg_receiver_s.split(',') msg_receivers_list = msg_receiver_s #[] #msg_receiver.strip().lower() # for msg_receiver in msg_receiver_s: # if msg_receiver in addr_alia.keys(): # msg_receivers_list.append(msg_receiver.strip()) # elif '@' in msg_receiver and send_public: # msg_receivers_list.append(msg_receiver.strip()) # else : # if not full mail try match alias # print('Extracting alias address...') # tmp=0 # for kk in addr_alia.keys(): # if addr_alia[kk]==msg_receiver: # tmp=1 # print('Matched alias '+msg_receiver+' to '+kk) # msg_receivers_list.append(kk) # break print(msg_receivers_list) if len(msg_receivers_list) == 0: print(' proper address found - quitting message!...') return '', '', '', '' else: print('Sending to ' + str(msg_receivers_list)) same_keys = True keytype = [] key = [] if send_public == False: pubkeys = iop.gpg_uids() # "outgoing_encryption_type","outgoing_encryption_key" for ijk, msg_receiver in enumerate(msg_receivers_list): if json_obj["outgoing_encryption_type"] == 'pgp': if json_obj["outgoing_encryption_key"] in str(pubkeys): keytype.append('pgp') key.append(json_obj["outgoing_encryption_key"]) else: print('Wrong key ' + json_obj["outgoing_encryption_key"] + ' for address ' + msg_receiver) print('Available keys: ' + str(pubkeys)) return '', '', '', '' elif json_obj[ "outgoing_encryption_type"] == 'aes256': #msg_receiver in json_obj["address_book"].keys(): keytype.append('aes256') key.append(json_obj["outgoing_encryption_key"]) else: print( 'Address ' + msg_receiver + ' missing key or password! First add the address to address book using command saveaddr and set proper password for message encryption and decryption.' ) return '', '', '', '' if same_keys and ijk > 0: if keytype[ijk] != keytype[ijk - 1] or key[ijk] != key[ijk - 1]: same_keys = False print( '[!] Provided addresses have different keys/passwords - will send multiple messages if you continue...' ) msg_content = '' if send_public: subj = iop.input_prompt(propmtstr='\n Enter message subject: ', confirm=True, soft_quite=True) # if empty - quit sending ... if send_file: msg_content = iop.select_file(tmppath='my_files') elif sent_msg_cont != '': msg_content = sent_msg_cont else: # 3. prompt for content -> save to attachment msg_content = iop.input_prompt( propmtstr='\n Enter message text/content: ', confirm=True, soft_quite=True) # if empty - quit sending ... if msg_content in ['', 'q']: if msg_content == '': print('Quitting message - empty content...') else: print('Quitting message.') return '', '', '', '' str_new_id_send = str(0) new_id_send = 0 try: new_id_send = int(json_obj["send_internal_id"]) + 1 str_new_id_send = str(new_id_send) except: print() ret_list = [] if send_public: fname = '' #os.path.join('archive','sent','sent_'+str_new_id_send+'.txt') if send_file: fname = msg_content # else: # iop.save_file(fname,msg_content ) ret_list.append([fname, subj, msg_receivers_list, msg_content]) elif same_keys: ret_list.append([ iop.encr_msg(msg_content, keytype[0], key[0], internal_id_str=str_new_id_send), subj, msg_receivers_list, str_new_id_send ]) else: print('msg_content', msg_content) for ijk in range(len(keytype)): ret_list.append([ iop.encr_msg(msg_content, keytype[ijk], key[ijk], internal_id_str=str_new_id_send), subj, msg_receivers_list[ijk], str_new_id_send ]) new_id_send += 1 str_new_id_send = str(new_id_send) json_obj["send_internal_id"] = str_new_id_send # iop.saving_encr_cred( json.dumps(json_obj), newest_file, pp) return ret_list
def search_incoming(mail_from, mail_from_pswd, imap_addr, def_opt_init={}): mail = None try: mail = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(imap_addr) mail.login(mail_from, mail_from_pswd)'inbox') except: err_track = traceback.format_exc() return {"Error": err_track}, [] def_opt = { 'date_before': 'any', 'date_since': 'any', 'from': 'any', 'subject': 'any', 'last_msg_limit': 5, 'only_new': 'yes' } def_opt_set = { 'date_before': ['*', 'any', 'all', '9912-12-12'], 'date_since': ['*', 'any', 'all', '1912-12-12'], 'from': ['*', 'any', 'all'], 'subject': ['*', 'all', 'any'] } def_opt_usr = def_opt.copy( ) #{'date_before':'2019-09-01','date_since':'any', 'from':'*', 'subject':'any', 'last_msg_limit':5, 'only_new':'no'} #def_opt ## tutaj prompter - user wybier i potwierdza dane ... 6 danych ... if def_opt_init != {}: for kk, vv in def_opt_usr.items(): if kk in def_opt_init: def_opt_usr[kk] = def_opt_init[kk] #overwrite with init value else: # manual enter values # print('\nSet mail search params ... ') #,json_obj[kk]) for kk in def_opt_usr.keys(): opt = '' if kk in def_opt_set.keys(): opt = ' Options: ' + str(def_opt_set[kk]) tmpv = iop.input_prompt( '> Enter [' + str(kk) + '] current: [' + str(def_opt_usr[kk]) + '] ' + opt + ' OR end editing [e] : ', False, True) tmpv = tmpv.strip() if tmpv == 'e': break elif tmpv == '': continue elif kk == 'last_msg_limit': try: tmpv = int(tmpv) except: # print('Wrong mail search value - should be int number: '+tmpv) continue def_opt_usr[kk] = tmpv #propmtstr,confirm=False, soft_quite=False # print('Mail search params: ', def_opt_usr) total_str = '' if True: #def_opt_usr!=def_opt: for kk, vv in def_opt_usr.items(): if kk == 'only_new': #,'only_new':['yes','no','y','n'] if vv in ['yes', 'y']: total_str += '(UNSEEN) ' elif kk == 'last_msg_limit': # def_opt_usr['last_msg_limit'] continue elif vv not in def_opt_set[kk]: # if not default option: if vv in ['*', 'any', 'all']: continue if kk == 'date_since': tmpdate = datetime.datetime.strptime(vv, '%Y-%m-%d') tmpdate = tmpdate.strftime("%d-%b-%Y") total_str += '(SENTSINCE {0})'.format(tmpdate) + ' ' elif kk == 'date_before': tmpdate = datetime.datetime.strptime(vv, '%Y-%m-%d') tmpdate = tmpdate.strftime("%d-%b-%Y") total_str += '(SENTBEFORE {0})'.format(tmpdate) + ' ' elif kk == 'from': total_str += '(FROM {0})'.format(vv.strip()) + ' ' elif kk == 'subject': total_str += '(SUBJECT "{0}")'.format(vv.strip()) + ' ' # elif kk=='last_msg_limit': # if vv>1 total_str = total_str.strip() if total_str == '': total_str = 'ALL' # now seelect top N msg ... # print('Search string: ['+total_str+']') ttype, data = None, total_str ) #'(SENTSINCE {0})'.format(date), '(FROM {0})'.format(sender_email.strip()) if ttype != 'OK': mail.close() mail.logout() return {}, [] #'no msg found' mail_ids = data[0] id_list = mail_ids.split() inter_indxi = [int(x) for x in id_list] # inter_indxi.sort(reverse = True) inter_indxi.sort() msg_to_process = {} # def_opt_usr['last_msg_limit'] max_iter = def_opt_usr['last_msg_limit'] if max_iter < 1 or max_iter > len(inter_indxi) or max_iter > 999: max_iter = min(999, len(inter_indxi)) # print('Search [last_msg_limit]<1, setting max '+str(max_iter)+' messages') # max_iter=999 # in here only return indexes for decryption! # print('... processing messages ... count ',str(len(inter_indxi))) iilist = [] for i in inter_indxi: #[25] if max_iter < 1: break # first fetch body structure to count attachments! and email size typ, dd = mail.fetch(str(i), 'BODYSTRUCTURE') att_count = 0 msg_size = 0 if len(dd) > 0: #count att: # print('\n***'+str(email.message_from_bytes(dd[0] ))+'***\n') bstr = str(email.message_from_bytes(dd[0])) #.lower() tmpstr = bstr.split("\"ATTACHMENT\"") #'attachment') att_count += len(tmpstr) - 1 # print('att_count',att_count) # exit() typ, dd = mail.fetch(str(i), '(RFC822.SIZE)') tmps = str(email.message_from_bytes(dd[0])) tmps = tmps.replace('(', '').replace(')', '') tmps = tmps.split() if len(tmps) > 2: if 'RFC822.SIZE' in tmps[1]: # print('size?',tmps[2]) msg_size = tmps[2] if iop.is_int(msg_size): msg_size = str(round(float(msg_size) / 1024 / 1024, 1)) + ' MB' typ, dd = mail.fetch( str(i), '(BODY.PEEK[] FLAGS)') # FIRST READ FLAGS TO RESTORE THEM ! for response_part in dd: if isinstance(response_part, tuple): msg = email.message_from_string( response_part[1].decode('utf-8')) mail_to = '' if msg["To"] != None: mail_to = msg["To"] #.split(',') # print(msg["Date"]+'|'+msg["From"]+'|'+msg["Subject"]) tmpdate = email.utils.parsedate(msg["Date"]) tmpdate = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(tmpdate)) tmpdate = tmpdate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') iilist.append(max_iter) tmpdict = { "Date": tmpdate, "From": msg["From"], "To": mail_to, "Subject": msg["Subject"], "ID": str(i), "Attachments": att_count, "EmailSize": msg_size } msg_to_process[max_iter] = tmpdict #.append(tmpdict) max_iter -= 1 mail.close() mail.logout() return msg_to_process, iilist
print('Initial consolidation run:') # run through all addresse with nonzero balances wallet_consolidation(CLI_STR, json_conf, FEE) while deamon_warning not in zxc: # and citer>0: if selected_mode == 'wallet': wallet_mode_limits = {} wallet_mode_limits["tx_amount_limit"] = '999999' wallet_mode_limits[ "tx_time_limit_hours"] = '1' # no limits when wallet mode! # print() time.sleep(0.5) user_cmd = iop.input_prompt("\nEnter your command:", confirm=False, soft_quite=True) #input() user_cmd = iop.clear_whites(user_cmd) if user_cmd.lower() in ['confirm', 'confirmed' ] and toconfstr != '': user_cmd = toconfstr elif toconfstr != '': print('Cancelled previous operation') toconfstr = '' user_cmd = '' if user_cmd != '': if 'consolidate' in COMMANDS and user_cmd.lower() in [
def external_addr_book(internal_addr_list, cur_path, pp, CLI_STR, print_only=False): json_conf = get_addr_book(cur_path, pp) #json.loads('{}') if print_only: return print_cur_addr_book(json_conf) act = ["add", "del"] print("Actions: " + str(act)) while True: change = False print(print_cur_addr_book(json_conf)) sela = iop.optional_input('Select action or quit [q]: ', options_list=act, soft_quite=True) if sela in ['', 'q']: break elif sela == "add": newa = '' while True: newa = iop.input_prompt('Enter new address: ', confirm=False, soft_quite=True) if newa in ['', 'q']: break isv, isz = wallet_commands.isaddrvalid(CLI_STR, newa) if isv: break else: print('Addresss not valid - enter correct address...') if newa in ['', 'q']: continue addrnick = '' while True: addrnick = iop.input_prompt( 'Enter unique address owner nick/name: ', confirm=True, soft_quite=True) # print('internal_addr_list',internal_addr_list) # print('internal_addr_list.keys()',internal_addr_list.keys()) if len(addrnick) < 1: print("Minimum 1 character required...") elif addrnick in internal_addr_list.values(): print( "This name is already taken [internal wallet alias], enter a different one..." ) elif addrnick in json_conf: print( "This name is already taken, enter a different one...") else: break if addrnick != '' and newa != '': json_conf[addrnick] = newa change = True elif sela == "del": addrnick = iop.optional_input( 'Enter address owner nick/name from the book to DELETE it: ', options_list=json_conf.keys(), soft_quite=True) if addrnick != '': del json_conf[addrnick] change = True if change: iop.saving_encr_cred(json.dumps(json_conf), cur_path, pp)
def read_app_settings(selected_mode, init_pass=''): if not os.path.exists('tmp'): os.mkdir('tmp') set_name = [ 'email_addr', "email_password", "imap_addr", "smtp_addr", "tx_amount_limit", "tx_time_limit_hours", "outgoing_encryption_type", "outgoing_encryption_key", "incoming_encryption_type", "incoming_encryption_key", "incoming_mail_sender_email", "incoming_mail_title", "wallet_secret_key", "gpg_password", "incoming_tx_notification", "staking_summary_notification", "wallet_encryption", "active_consolidation_address" ] # set_name=['email_addr',"email_password","imap_addr","smtp_addr","tx_amount_limit","tx_time_limit_hours","outgoing_encryption_type","outgoing_encryption_key","incoming_encryption_type","incoming_encryption_key","incoming_mail_sender_email","incoming_mail_title","wallet_secret_key","gpg_password","incoming_tx_notification","staking_summary_notification"] set_value = [ "my@email", "*****", "", "", "1", "24", "aes256,pgp", "keyin", "aes256,pgp", "keyout", "optional", "optional", "optional", "semioptional", "off", "off", "", "" ] musthave = [ 'email_addr', "email_password", "imap_addr", "smtp_addr", "tx_amount_limit", "tx_time_limit_hours", "outgoing_encryption_type", "outgoing_encryption_key", "incoming_encryption_type", "incoming_encryption_key" ] DEAMON_DEFAULTS = {} for ij, sn in enumerate(set_name): DEAMON_DEFAULTS[sn] = set_value[ij].replace("optional", "").replace( "semioptional", "") json_conf = '' newest_date, newest_file, filed = iop.get_config_file() pswd = '' # print(newest_date, newest_file, filed) # exit() if newest_file != '': # print('read file - edit in options then exit and force enter again ... ') try_decr = True decr_str = '' while try_decr: pp = init_pass if pp == '': pp = iop.ask_password(newest_file) try: str_rep = iop.decrypt_cred(pp, newest_file) if 'failed' in str_rep: print( "Your password didn't match the config file ... Try another password or quit [q]" ) if init_pass != '': print('Wrong password for config file ' + newest_file) exit() continue else: decr_str = str_rep.split(iop.lorem_ipsum()) if len(decr_str) < 2: print( "Your password didn't match the config file ... Try another password or quit [q]" ) if init_pass != '': print('Wrong password for config file ' + newest_file) exit() continue decr_str = decr_str[1] try_decr = False pswd = pp except: err_track = traceback.format_exc() print(err_track) if init_pass != '': print('Wrong password for config file ' + newest_file) exit() print( "Your password didn't match the config file ... Try another password or quit [q]" ) init_pass = '' if try_decr == False: json_conf = json.loads(json.dumps(DEAMON_DEFAULTS)) json_conf_tmp = json.loads(decr_str) for jct, vv in json_conf_tmp.items(): # print(jct,jct in hidden_par) if jct in json_conf: # and jct not in ["consumer_key", "consumer_secret"]: json_conf[jct] = vv if jct in musthave: musthave.remove(jct) if len(musthave) > 0: print('Elements missing in config file ', str(musthave)) exit() else: pp = iop.ask_password() pswd = pp json_obj = json.loads(json.dumps(DEAMON_DEFAULTS)) print('\nCreating new generic config ... ') if selected_mode == 'deamon': outuids = [] inuids = [] for kk in set_name: #json_obj.keys(): if "encryption_type" in kk: json_obj[kk] = iop.optional_input('> Enter ' + str(kk) + ' : ', ['aes256', 'pgp'], soft_quite=False) if json_obj[kk] == 'pgp': musthave.append("gpg_password") if "outgoing" in kk: outuids = iop.gpg_uids(False, True) else: inuids = iop.gpg_uids(True, True) elif kk == "outgoing_encryption_key" and json_obj[ "outgoing_encryption_type"] == 'pgp': json_obj[kk] = iop.optional_input('> Enter ' + str(kk) + ' : ', outuids, soft_quite=False) elif kk == "incoming_encryption_key" and json_obj[ "incoming_encryption_type"] == 'pgp': json_obj[kk] = iop.optional_input('> Enter ' + str(kk) + ' : ', inuids, soft_quite=False) # check must have fields are not empty !!! elif kk in musthave: strtmp = '' while strtmp == '': strtmp = iop.input_prompt('> Enter ' + str(kk) + ' : ', True, True) if strtmp == '': print('This value cannot be empty - try again...') elif kk == "tx_amount_limit" and not iop.is_float( strtmp): print('This value must be numeric - try again...') elif kk == "tx_time_limit_hours" and not iop.is_int( strtmp): print('This value must be integer - try again...') else: json_obj[kk] = strtmp else: json_obj[kk] = iop.input_prompt( '> Enter value for ' + str(kk) + ' or hit enter for empty: ', True, True) print('Creating done, accepted values:\n' + str(json_obj)) newest_file = list(filed.keys()) newest_file = newest_file[0] json_conf = json.dumps(json_obj) iop.saving_encr_cred(json_conf, newest_file, pswd) # encr_str=iop.lorem_ipsum() # iop.createtmpfile(encr_str) return json_conf, pswd
def edit_app_settings(json_conf, pswd): set_name = [ 'email_addr', "email_password", "imap_addr", "smtp_addr", "tx_amount_limit", "tx_time_limit_hours", "outgoing_encryption_type", "outgoing_encryption_key", "incoming_encryption_type", "incoming_encryption_key", "incoming_mail_sender_email", "incoming_mail_title", "wallet_secret_key", "gpg_password", "incoming_tx_notification", "staking_summary_notification", "wallet_encryption", "active_consolidation_address" ] set_name_alia = alias_mapping(set_name) newest_date, newest_file, filed = iop.get_config_file() toedit = '' while True: print_current_settings(set_name, json_conf, set_name_alia) toedit = iop.optional_input( 'Enter alias to edit value or quite [q] or quite and save [S]: ', options_list=list(set_name_alia.values()) + ['S'], soft_quite=True) if toedit == 'S': iop.saving_encr_cred(json.dumps(json_conf), newest_file, pswd) print( 'App settings changed - exiting. Please start the app again.') exit() elif toedit in ['q', '']: print('\n! Exit editing without saving, current setup:') print_current_settings(set_name, json_conf, set_name_alia) break nameii = [ key for (key, value) in set_name_alia.items() if value == toedit ] print('Editing ' + nameii[0] + ', current value = ' + json_conf[nameii[0]]) newvv = '' if "encryption_type" in nameii[0]: newvv = iop.optional_input('Enter new value [aes256/pgp]: ', options_list=['aes256', 'pgp'], soft_quite=True) elif nameii[0] in [ "incoming_tx_notification", "staking_summary_notification" ]: # "incoming_tx_notification","staking_summary_notification" newvv = iop.optional_input('Select status for [' + nameii[0] + '] or quit [q]: ', options_list=['on', 'off'], soft_quite=True) elif nameii[0] == "wallet_encryption": newvv = iop.input_prompt( 'Enter wallet encryption password (min. length 16, max. 32): ', confirm=True, soft_quite=True) while (len(newvv) < 16 or '"' in newvv or "'" in newvv) and newvv.lower() not in ['q', '']: if len(newvv) < 16: print('Password [' + newvv + '] length is ' + str(len(newvv)) + ' < 16, try again or quit...') else: print( 'Password [' + newvv + '] contains forbidden character [",\'], try again or quit...' ) newvv = iop.input_prompt( 'Enter wallet encryption password (min. length 16, max. 32): ', confirm=True, soft_quite=True) if newvv.lower() in ['q', '']: newvv = '' else: newvv = iop.input_prompt('Enter new value (enter for empty): ', confirm=True, soft_quite=True) while nameii[0] in [ "outgoing_encryption_key", "incoming_encryption_key", "gpg_password" ] and ('"' in newvv or "'" in newvv): print( 'Password or key [' + newvv + '] contains forbidden character [",\'], try again or quit...' ) newvv = iop.input_prompt('Enter new value (enter for empty): ', confirm=True, soft_quite=True) json_conf[nameii[0]] = newvv