예제 #1
        # FIX overloading, default args / varargs, keyword args

        info = tdef.info
        if '__init__' not in info.methods and (
                tdef.is_generic() or (info.base and info.base.is_generic())):
            # Generic class with no explicit __init__ method
            # (i.e. __init__ inherited from superclass). Generate a
            # wrapper that initializes type variable slots and calls
            # the superclass __init__ method.
            selftype = self_type(info)    
            callee_type = (Callable)analyse_member_access(
                '__init__', selftype, None, False, True, None, None,
            # Now the callee type may contain the type variables of a
            # grandparent as bound type variables, but we want the
            # type variables of the parent class. Explicitly set the
            # bound type variables.
            callee_type = self.fix_bound_init_tvars(callee_type,
                map_instance_to_supertype(selftype, info.base))
            super_init = (FuncDef)info.base.get_method('__init__')
            # Build argument list.
            args = [Var('self')]
            for i in range(1, len(super_init.args)):
예제 #2
    def make_init_wrapper(self, tdef):
        """Make and return an implicit __init__ if class needs it.
        Otherwise, return an empty list. We include an implicit
        __init__ if the class is generic or if it extends a generic class
        and if it does not define __init__.
        The __init__ of a generic class requires one or more extra type
        variable arguments. The inherited __init__ may not accept these.

        For example, assume these definitions:
        . class A<T>: pass
        . class B(A<int>): pass
        The constructor for B will be (equivalent to)
        . void __init__(B self):
        .     self.__tv = <int>
        .     super().__init__(<int>)
        # FIX overloading, default args / varargs, keyword args

        info = tdef.info
        if '__init__' not in info.methods and (
                tdef.is_generic() or (info.base and info.base.is_generic())):
            # Generic class with no explicit __init__ method
            # (i.e. __init__ inherited from superclass). Generate a
            # wrapper that initializes type variable slots and calls
            # the superclass __init__ method.
            selftype = self_type(info)    
            callee_type = analyse_member_access(
                '__init__', selftype, None, False, True, None, None,
            # Now the callee type may contain the type variables of a
            # grandparent as bound type variables, but we want the
            # type variables of the parent class. Explicitly set the
            # bound type variables.
            callee_type = self.fix_bound_init_tvars(callee_type,
                map_instance_to_supertype(selftype, info.base))
            super_init = info.base.get_method('__init__')
            # Build argument list.
            args = [Var('self')]
            for i in range(1, len(super_init.args)):
                args[-1].type = callee_type.arg_types[i - 1]

            selft = self_type(self.tf.type_context())
            callee_type = prepend_arg_type(callee_type, selft)
            creat = FuncDef('__init__', args,
                            super_init.arg_kinds, [None] * len(args),
            creat.info = tdef.info
            creat.type = callee_type
            creat.is_implicit = False
            tdef.info.methods['__init__'] = creat
            # Insert a call to superclass constructor. If the
            # superclass is object, the constructor does nothing =>
            # omit the call.
            if tdef.info.base.full_name() != 'builtins.object':
            # Implicit cast from FuncDef[] to Node[] is safe below.
            return self.func_tf.transform_method(creat)
            return []
예제 #3
    def make_init_wrapper(self, tdef: ClassDef) -> List[Node]:
        """Make and return an implicit __init__ if class needs it.
        Otherwise, return an empty list. We include an implicit
        __init__ if the class is generic or if it extends a generic class
        and if it does not define __init__.
        The __init__ of a generic class requires one or more extra type
        variable arguments. The inherited __init__ may not accept these.

        For example, assume these definitions:
        . class A(Generic[T]): pass
        . class B(A[int]): pass
        The constructor for B will be (equivalent to)
        . def __init__(self: B) -> None:
        .     self.__tv = <int>
        .     super().__init__(<int>)
        # FIX overloading, default args / varargs, keyword args

        info = tdef.info
        if '__init__' not in info.names and (
                tdef.is_generic() or (info.bases and
            # Generic class with no explicit __init__ method
            # (i.e. __init__ inherited from superclass). Generate a
            # wrapper that initializes type variable slots and calls
            # the superclass __init__ method.

            base = info.mro[1]
            selftype = self_type(info)    
            callee_type = cast(Callable, analyse_member_access(
                '__init__', selftype, None, False, True, None, None,
            # Now the callee type may contain the type variables of a
            # grandparent as bound type variables, but we want the
            # type variables of the parent class. Explicitly set the
            # bound type variables.
            callee_type = self.fix_bound_init_tvars(callee_type,
                map_instance_to_supertype(selftype, base))
            super_init = cast(FuncDef, base.get_method('__init__'))
            # Build argument list.
            args = [Var('self')]
            for i in range(1, len(super_init.args)):
                args[-1].type = callee_type.arg_types[i - 1]

            selft = self_type(self.tf.type_context())
            callee_type = prepend_arg_type(callee_type, selft)
            creat = FuncDef('__init__', args,
                            super_init.arg_kinds, [None] * len(args),
            creat.info = tdef.info
            creat.type = callee_type
            creat.is_implicit = False
            tdef.info.names['__init__'] = SymbolTableNode(MDEF, creat,
            # Insert a call to superclass constructor. If the
            # superclass is object, the constructor does nothing =>
            # omit the call.
            if base.fullname() != 'builtins.object':
            # Implicit cast from FuncDef[] to Node[] is safe below.
            return Any(self.func_tf.transform_method(creat))
            return []