예제 #1
def parse_options(program_text: str, testcase: DataDrivenTestCase,
                  incremental_step: int) -> Options:
    """Parse comments like '# flags: --foo' in a test case."""
    options = Options()
    flags = re.search('# flags: (.*)$', program_text, flags=re.MULTILINE)
    if incremental_step > 1:
        flags2 = re.search(f'# flags{incremental_step}: (.*)$', program_text,
        if flags2:
            flags = flags2

    if flags:
        flag_list = flags.group(1).split()
        flag_list.append('--no-site-packages')  # the tests shouldn't need an installed Python
        targets, options = process_options(flag_list, require_targets=False)
        if targets:
            # TODO: support specifying targets via the flags pragma
            raise RuntimeError('Specifying targets via the flags pragma is not supported.')
        flag_list = []
        options = Options()
        # TODO: Enable strict optional in test cases by default (requires *many* test case changes)
        options.strict_optional = False
        options.error_summary = False

    # Allow custom python version to override testcase_pyversion.
    if all(flag.split('=')[0] not in ['--python-version', '-2', '--py2'] for flag in flag_list):
        options.python_version = testcase_pyversion(testcase.file, testcase.name)

    if testcase.config.getoption('--mypy-verbose'):
        options.verbosity = testcase.config.getoption('--mypy-verbose')

    return options
예제 #2
def start_server_and_analyze(config, workspace, python_executable=None):
    if settings is None:
        log.error('Settings is None')

    log.info(f'mypy version: {mypy_version}')
    log.info(f'mypyls version: {mypyls_version}')

    options = Options()
    options.check_untyped_defs = True
    options.follow_imports = 'error'
    options.use_fine_grained_cache = True
    options.python_executable = python_executable

    stderr_stream = StringIO()
    config_file = settings.get('configFile')
    if config_file == '':
        # Use empty string rather than null in vscode settings, so that it's shown in settings editor GUI.
        config_file = None
    log.info(f'Trying to read mypy config file from {config_file or "default locations"}')
    with redirect_stderr(stderr_stream):
        if mypy_version >= '0.770':
            def set_strict_flags():
                # The code to set all strict options using the 'strict' flag is in mypy.main.process_options,
                # and we cannot access it from here, so we disable `strict = True` in the config file for now.
                    "Setting 'strict' in the configuration file is not supported by mypy-vscode for now. "
                    "The option will be ignored. You may set individual strict flags instead "
                    "(see 'mypy -h' for the list of flags enabled in strict mode).")
            parse_config_file(options, set_strict_flags, config_file)
            parse_config_file(options, config_file)

    stderr = stderr_stream.getvalue()
    if stderr:
        log.error(f'Error reading mypy config file:\n{stderr}')
        workspace.show_message(f'Error reading mypy config file:\n{stderr}')
    if options.config_file:
        log.info(f'Read mypy config from: {options.config_file}')
        log.info(f'Mypy configuration not read, using defaults.')
        if config_file:
            workspace.show_message(f'Mypy config file not found:\n{config_file}')

    options.show_column_numbers = True
    if options.follow_imports not in ('error', 'skip'):
        workspace.show_message(f"Cannot use follow_imports='{options.follow_imports}', using 'error' instead.")
        options.follow_imports = 'error'

    if mypy_version > '0.720':
        options.color_output = False
        options.error_summary = False
        options.pretty = False

    log.info(f'python_executable after applying config: {options.python_executable}')
    workspace.mypy_server = Server(options, DEFAULT_STATUS_FILE)

    mypy_check(workspace, config)
예제 #3
def start_server_and_analyze(config, workspace, python_executable=None):
    if settings is None:
        log.error('Settings is None')

    log.info(f'mypy version: {mypy_version}')
    log.info(f'mypyls version: {mypyls_version}')

    options = Options()
    options.check_untyped_defs = True
    options.follow_imports = 'error'
    options.use_fine_grained_cache = True
    options.python_executable = python_executable

    stderr_stream = StringIO()
    config_file = settings.get('configFile')
    if config_file == '':
        # Use empty string rather than null in vscode settings, so that it's shown in settings editor GUI.
        config_file = None
        f'Trying to read mypy config file from {config_file or "default locations"}'
    with redirect_stderr(stderr_stream):
        parse_config_file(options, config_file)
    stderr = stderr_stream.getvalue()
    if stderr:
        log.error(f'Error reading mypy config file:\n{stderr}')
        workspace.show_message(f'Error reading mypy config file:\n{stderr}')
    if options.config_file:
        log.info(f'Read mypy config from: {options.config_file}')
        log.info(f'Mypy configuration not read, using defaults.')
        if config_file:
                f'Mypy config file not found:\n{config_file}')

    options.show_column_numbers = True
    if options.follow_imports not in ('error', 'skip'):
            f"Cannot use follow_imports='{options.follow_imports}', using 'error' instead."
        options.follow_imports = 'error'

    if mypy_version > '0.720':
        options.color_output = False
        options.error_summary = False

        f'python_executable after applying config: {options.python_executable}'
    workspace.mypy_server = Server(options, DEFAULT_STATUS_FILE)

    mypy_check(workspace, config)