def managerstaffing(request): shift_manager = ShiftManager() usernamequery = (str(request.user), ) name = shift_manager.getname(usernamequery) shifts = Shift() all_shifts = shifts.ShowAllShifts() all_staffing = shifts.ShowAllStaffing() if request.method == 'POST': form = AddShiftForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): flight_type = form.cleaned_data['flight_type'] flight_date = form.cleaned_data['flight_date'] notes = form.cleaned_data['notes'] shift_manager.insertshift(flight_type, flight_date, notes) template = 'base/staffingshow.html' args = { 'form': form, 'flight_type': flight_type, 'flight_date': flight_date } else: form = AddShiftForm() template = 'base/managerstaffing1.html' args = { 'name': name, 'all_shifts': all_shifts, 'all_staffing': all_staffing, 'form': form } return render(request, template, args)
def newshift(request): try: personal_num = str(request.user) air_crew = AirCrew() if air_crew.CheckPilot(personal_num): crew_role = 'pilot' else: crew_role = 'navigator' flight_date = request.GET.get('flight_date') flight_type = request.GET.get('flight_type') leader = str(request.GET.get('leader')) newshift = Shift() newshift.InsertToStaffing(flight_date, flight_type, personal_num, crew_role, leader) if leader == '0': leader = ' Number 2' elif leader == '1': leader == 'Movil' if leader == '3': leader = ' ' context = { 'flight_date': flight_date, 'flight_type': flight_type, 'leader': leader } return render (request, 'base/newshift1.html', context) except: return redirect ('/profile')
def managershifts(request): shifts = Shift() shift_manager = ShiftManager() all_shifts = shifts.ShowAllShifts() totalgoal = shift_manager.totalgoal() totaldid = shift_manager.totaldid() remain = float(totalgoal) - float(totaldid) args = {'all_shifts': all_shifts,'totalgoal': totalgoal, 'totaldid': totaldid, 'remain': remain} return render(request, 'base/managershifts1.html', args)
def Profile(request): if request.user.is_staff: shift_manager = ShiftManager() usernamequery = (str(request.user), ) name = shift_manager.getname(usernamequery) totalgoal = shift_manager.totalgoal() totaldid = shift_manager.totaldid() remain = float(totalgoal) - float(totaldid) args = { 'name': name, 'totalgoal': totalgoal, 'totaldid': totaldid, 'remain': remain } return render(request, 'base/managerpage.html', args) else: username = str(request.user) usernamequery = (str(request.user), ) mydb = mysql.connector.connect(host="localhost", user="******", password='******', database='flight_manager', auth_plugin='mysql_native_password') mycursor = mydb.cursor() query = """ SELECT goal FROM flight_manager.air_crew WHERE personal_number = %s """ mycursor.execute(query, usernamequery) results = mycursor.fetchall() mydb.commit() for row in results: shift = str(row[0]) new_shift = Shift() all_shifts = new_shift.ShowAllShifts() if len(shift) == 0: shift = '0' air_crew = AirCrew() future_shifts = air_crew.ShowFutureShifts(username) name = air_crew.getname(usernamequery) howmanydid = air_crew.howmanydid(username) howmanytot = air_crew.howmanytot(usernamequery) name = air_crew.getname(usernamequery) try: left = int(shift) - int(howmanydid[0]) except: left = str('0') finally: args = { 'user': name, 'shifts': shift, 'all_shifts': all_shifts, 'howmanydid': howmanydid[0], 'left': left, 'shift': shift } return render(request, 'base/profile.html', args)
def myweek(self): today ='%Y-%m-%d') mydb = mysql.connector.connect(host="", user="******", password='******', database='heroku_947e29c06a5b4a3') mycursor = mydb.cursor() query = """SELECT * FROM shifts left join staffing on staffing.flight_date = shifts.flight_date and staffing.flight_type = shifts.flight_type WHERE YEARWEEK(shifts.flight_date) = YEARWEEK(curdate()); """ mycursor.execute(query, ) results = mycursor.fetchall() mydb.commit() mycursor.close() shifts = [] for row in results: shift = Shift() shift.flight_date = str(row[0]) shift.flight_type = str(row[1]).capitalize() shift.notes = str(row[2]).capitalize() if shift.flight_date < today: shift.status = 'Done' else: shift.status = "Not Done" shifts.append(shift) return shifts
def unmannedshifts(request): air_crew = AirCrew() shift = Shift() all_shifts = shift.ShowAllShifts() username = str(request.user) if air_crew.CheckLeader(username) == True: if air_crew.CheckPilot(username) == True: available = air_crew.ShowAvailableShiftsLeaders('pilot') elif air_crew.CheckPilot(username) == False: available = air_crew.ShowAvailableShiftsLeaders('navigator') elif not air_crew.CheckLeader(username) == True: if air_crew.CheckPilot(username): available = air_crew.ShowAvailableShifts('pilot') elif air_crew.CheckPilot(username) == False: available = air_crew.ShowAvailableShifts('navigator') args = {'available': available} return render(request, 'base/unmannedshifts.html', args)
def managershowalljobs(request): shifts = Shift() all_jobs = shifts.showalljobs() if request.method == 'POST': form = AddShiftForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): shift_manager = ShiftManager() flight_type = form.cleaned_data['flight_type'] flight_date = form.cleaned_data['flight_date'] notes = form.cleaned_data['notes'] shift_manager.insertshift(flight_date, flight_type, notes) args = {'form': form} return redirect('/managershowalljobs') else: form = AddShiftForm() template = 'base/manageralljobs.html' args = {'form': form, 'all_jobs': all_jobs} return render(request, template, args)
def ShowMyShifts(self, username): username = (username,) mydb = mysql.connector.connect(host="localhost", user="******", password='******', database='flight_manager', auth_plugin='mysql_native_password') mycursor = mydb.cursor() query = """ SELECT flight_manager.staffing.flight_date, flight_manager.staffing.flight_type, flight_manager.staffing.leader , shifts.notes FROM flight_manager.staffing join flight_manager.shifts where flight_manager.staffing.flight_type = flight_manager.shifts.flight_type and flight_manager.staffing.flight_date = flight_manager.shifts.flight_date and personal_num= %s """ mycursor.execute(query, username) results = mycursor.fetchall() mydb.commit() my_shifts = [] for row in results: shift = Shift() shift.flight_date = str(row[0]) shift.flight_type = str(row[1]) shift.leader = str(row[2]) shift.notes = str(row[3]) my_shifts.append(shift) return my_shifts
def ShowAvailableShifts(self, status): arg = (status,) mydb = mysql.connector.connect(host="localhost", user="******", password='******', database='flight_manager', auth_plugin='mysql_native_password') mycursor = mydb.cursor() query = """ SELECT flight_manager.shifts.flight_date, flight_manager.shifts.flight_type, flight_manager.type_of_shift.crew_role, flight_manager.type_of_shift.leader from flight_manager.shifts join flight_manager.type_of_shift on shifts.flight_type = type_of_shift.flight_type left join flight_manager.staffing on flight_manager.shifts.flight_date = flight_manager.staffing.flight_date and flight_manager.type_of_shift.flight_type = flight_manager.staffing.flight_type and (flight_manager.type_of_shift.crew_role = flight_manager.staffing.crew_role or flight_manager.type_of_shift.crew_role = 'all') and flight_manager.type_of_shift.leader = flight_manager.staffing.leader where personal_num is NULL and (type_of_shift.crew_role = %s or type_of_shift.crew_role = 'all') and (type_of_shift.leader ='0' or type_of_shift.leader = '3') and flight_manager.shifts.flight_date > CURDATE() """ mycursor.execute(query, arg) results = mycursor.fetchall() mydb.commit() available_shifts1 = [] for row in results: shift = Shift() shift.flight_date = str(row[0]) shift.flight_type = str(row[1]) shift.crew_role = str(row[2]) shift.leader = str(row[3]) available_shifts1.append(shift) return available_shifts1
def unmannedshifts(self): mydb = mysql.connector.connect(host="localhost", user="******", password='******', database='flight_manager', auth_plugin='mysql_native_password') mycursor = mydb.cursor() query = """ SELECT flight_manager.shifts.flight_date, flight_manager.shifts.flight_type, flight_manager.type_of_shift.crew_role, flight_manager.type_of_shift.leader from flight_manager.shifts join flight_manager.type_of_shift on shifts.flight_type = type_of_shift.flight_type left join flight_manager.staffing on flight_manager.shifts.flight_date = flight_manager.staffing.flight_date and flight_manager.type_of_shift.flight_type = flight_manager.staffing.flight_type and (flight_manager.type_of_shift.crew_role = flight_manager.staffing.crew_role or flight_manager.type_of_shift.crew_role = 'all') and flight_manager.type_of_shift.leader = flight_manager.staffing.leader where personal_num is NULL """ mycursor.execute(query) results = mycursor.fetchall() mydb.commit() unmenned_shifts = [] count = 1 for row in results: shift = Shift() shift.number = count count = count + 1 shift.flight_date = str(row[0]) shift.flight_type = str(row[1]).capitalize() shift.crew_role = str(row[2]).capitalize() if str(row[3]) == '1': shift.leader = 'Must Be Movil' elif str(row[3]) == '0': shift.leader = 'Number 2' else: shift.leader = 'All' unmenned_shifts.append(shift) return unmenned_shifts
def unmannedshifts(self): mydb = mysql.connector.connect(host="", user="******", password='******', database='heroku_947e29c06a5b4a3') mycursor = mydb.cursor() query = """ SELECT shifts.flight_date, shifts.flight_type, type_of_shift.crew_role, type_of_shift.leader from shifts join type_of_shift on shifts.flight_type = type_of_shift.flight_type left join staffing on shifts.flight_date = staffing.flight_date and type_of_shift.flight_type = staffing.flight_type and (type_of_shift.crew_role = staffing.crew_role or type_of_shift.crew_role = 'all') and type_of_shift.leader = staffing.leader where personal_num is NULL """ mycursor.execute(query) results = mycursor.fetchall() mydb.commit() mycursor.close() unmenned_shifts = [] count = 1 for row in results: shift = Shift() shift.number = count count = count +1 shift.flight_date = str(row[0]) shift.flight_type = str(row[1]).capitalize() shift.crew_role =str(row[2]).capitalize() if str(row[3]) =='1': shift.leader = 'Must Be Movil' elif str(row[3]) == '0': shift.leader = 'Number 2' else : shift.leader = 'All' unmenned_shifts.append(shift) return unmenned_shifts
def allshifts(request): shift = Shift() all_shifts = shift.ShowAllShifts() args = {'all_shifts' : all_shifts} return render(request, 'base/allshifts.html', args)