예제 #1
	def get_last_run_time(self, run_type):
		db = MySqlConnector('', 'fcc_amateur', 'root', 'a')
		db.execute_query(f"""SELECT id, run_date, run_type FROM last_run WHERE run_type='{run_type}' ORDER BY run_date desc LIMIT 1""", False)
		row = db.fetchone()
		if row is None:
			return None
		return row[1]
예제 #2
class VanitySearch:
    _mysql_connector = None

    def __init__(self):
        self._mysql_connector = MySqlConnector('', 'fcc_amateur',
                                               'root', 'a')

    def generate_possibles(self, *character_rules):
        character_rules = list(character_rules)
        possibles = set()

        if len(character_rules) == 1:
            for x in character_rules[0]:
            return possibles

        for x in character_rules[0]:
            sub_possibles = self.generate_possibles(*character_rules[1:])
            for y in sub_possibles:
                possibles.add(str(x) + str(y))
        return possibles

    def get_banned_handles(self, handles_set):
        banned = set()

        #           KC6AA-KC6ZZ, KL9KAA- KL9KHZ, KX6AA-KX6ZZ;
        banned_handles = set()
        banned_handles = banned_handles.union(
            self.generate_possibles({'KA'}, self.chars_through('2', '9'),
                                    self.chars_through('A', 'Z'),
                                    self.chars_through('A', 'Z')))
        banned_handles = banned_handles.union(
            self.generate_possibles({'KC4AA'}, self.chars_through('A', 'F')))
        banned_handles = banned_handles.union(
            self.generate_possibles({'KC4US'}, self.chars_through('A', 'Z')))
        banned_handles = banned_handles.union(
            self.generate_possibles({'KG4'}, self.chars_through('A', 'Z'),
                                    self.chars_through('A', 'Z')))
        banned_handles = banned_handles.union(
            self.generate_possibles({'KC6'}, self.chars_through('A', 'Z'),
                                    self.chars_through('A', 'Z')))
        banned_handles = banned_handles.union(
            self.generate_possibles({'KL9K'}, self.chars_through('A', 'H'),
                                    self.chars_through('A', 'Z')))
        banned_handles = banned_handles.union(
            self.generate_possibles({'KX6'}, self.chars_through('A', 'Z'),
                                    self.chars_through('A', 'Z')))
        banned_handles_contained = handles_set.intersection(banned_handles)
        banned = banned.union(banned_handles_contained)

        # 2.  Any call sign having the letters SOS or QRA-QUZ as the suffix;
        banned_suffixes = self.generate_possibles({'Q'},
                                                  self.chars_through('R', 'U'),
                                                  self.chars_through('A', 'Z'))
        for x in handles_set:
            if len(x) >= 3:
                end = x[-3:]
                if end in banned_suffixes:

        # 3.  Any call sign having the letters AM-AZ as the prefix (these prefixes
        #           are assigned to other countries by the ITU);
        banned_prefixes = self.generate_possibles({'A'},
                                                  self.chars_through('M', 'Z'))
        for x in handles_set:
            if len(x) >= 2:
                beginning = x[0:2]
                if beginning in banned_prefixes:

        # 4.  Any 2-by-3 format call sign having the letter X as the first letter of the suffix;
        for x in handles_set:
            if len(x) == 6 and x[2] in self.chars_through('0',
                                                          '9') and x[3] == 'X':

        # 5.  Any 2-by-3 format call sign having the letters AF, KF, NF, or WF as the prefix
        #           and the letters EMA as the suffix (U.S Government FEMA stations);
        banned_handles = self.generate_possibles({'A', 'K', 'N', 'W'}, 'F',
                                                 self.chars_through('0', '9'),
        banned_handles_contained = banned_handles.intersection(handles_set)
        banned = banned.union(banned_handles_contained)

        banned_prefixes = set()
        # 6.  Any 2-by-3 format call sign having the letters AA-AL as the prefix;
        # 7.  Any 2-by-3 format call sign having the letters NA-NZ as the prefix;
        # 8.  Any 2-by-3 format call sign having the letters WC, WK, WM, WR, or WT
        #           as the prefix (Group X call signs);
        banned_prefixes = banned_prefixes.union(
            self.generate_possibles({'A', 'K', 'N', 'W'},
                                    self.chars_through('A', 'L')))
        banned_prefixes = banned_prefixes.union(
            self.generate_possibles({'N'}, self.chars_through('A', 'Z')))
        banned_prefixes = banned_prefixes.union({'WC', 'WK', 'WM', 'WR', 'WT'})
        for x in handles_set:
            if len(x) == 6 and x[2] in self.chars_through(
                    '0', '9') and x[0:2] in banned_prefixes:

        # 9.  Any 2-by-3 format call sign having the letters KP, NP or WP as the prefix
        #           and the numeral 0, 6, 7, 8 or 9;
        # 10.  Any 2-by-2 format call sign having the letters KP, NP or WP as the prefix
        #           and the numeral 0, 6, 7, 8 or 9;
        # 11.  Any 2-by-1 format call sign having the letters KP, NP or WP as the prefix
        #           and the numeral 0, 6, 7, 8 or 9;
        banned_prefixes = self.generate_possibles({'K', 'N', 'W'}, {'P'},
                                                  {'0', '6', '7', '8', '9'})
        for x in handles_set:
            if len(x) >= 3:
                beginning = x[0:3]
                if beginning in banned_prefixes:

        # 12.  Call signs having the single letter prefix (K, N or W), a single digit numeral
        #           0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and a single letter suffix are reserved for the
        #           special event call sign system.
        short_handles = self.generate_possibles({'K', 'N', 'W'},
                                                self.chars_through('0', '9'))
        short_banned = short_handles.intersection(handles_set)
        banned = banned.union(short_banned)

        # Two letter prefixes that are designed for regions 11-13 are not available in regions
        # 1-10.
        regionals = self.generate_possibles(
            {'AL', 'KL', 'NL', 'WL', 'KP', 'NP', 'WP', 'AH', 'KH', 'NH', 'WH'},
            self.chars_through('0', '9'), self.chars_through('A', 'Z'))
        regional_banned = regionals.intersection(handles_set)
        banned = banned.union(regional_banned)

        return banned

    # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
    def chars_through(self, first, last):
        first_ord = ord(first)
        last_ord = ord(last)
        result = set()
        for x in range(first_ord, last_ord):
        return result

    def scan_existing_handles(self, possibles_list):
        possibles_str = "','".join(possibles_list)
        possibles_str = "'" + possibles_str + "'"
        query = f"""select hd_license_header.call_sign,expired_date from hd_license_header
					where hd_license_header.expired_date >= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 24 MONTH)
					AND hd_license_header.call_sign in ({possibles_str});"""
        self._mysql_connector.execute_query(query, False)
        row = self._mysql_connector.fetchone()

        existing = set()
        while True:
            row = self._mysql_connector.fetchone()
            if row is None:

        return existing

    def scan_license_applications(self, possibles_list):
        possibles_str = "','".join(possibles_list)
        possibles_str = "'" + possibles_str + "'"
        query = f"""select ad_application_detail.unique_identifier, ad_application_detail.uls_file_number, 
					ad_application_detail.receipt_date, vc_vanity_call_sign.requested_call_sign, vc_vanity_call_sign.
					order_preference from ad_application_detail join vc_vanity_call_sign on ad_application_detail.
					unique_identifier=vc_vanity_call_sign.unique_identifier where 
					ad_application_detail.receipt_date >= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 25 DAY) and 
					vc_vanity_call_sign.requested_call_sign in ({possibles_str});"""
        self._mysql_connector.execute_query(query, False)
        row = self._mysql_connector.fetchone()

        lowest_rank = dict.fromkeys(possibles_list)
        for x in lowest_rank:
            lowest_rank[x] = dict({'preference': None, 'date': None})

        while True:
            if row is None:

            order_pref = lowest_rank[row[3]]
            if order_pref['preference'] is None or row[4] <= order_pref[
                order_pref['preference'] = row[4]
                lowest_rank[row[3]] = order_pref
            if order_pref['date'] is None or row[2] <= order_pref['date']:
                order_pref['date'] = row[2]
                lowest_rank[row[3]] = order_pref

            row = self._mysql_connector.fetchone()

        return lowest_rank

    def generate_vanity_handles(self):
        possibles = set()
        handles_1x2 = self.generate_possibles({"K", "N", "W"},
                                              self.chars_through('0', '9'),
                                              self.chars_through('A', 'Z'),
                                              self.chars_through('A', 'Z'))
        handles_2x1 = self.generate_possibles({"A", "K", "N", "W"},
                                              self.chars_through('A', 'Z'),
                                              self.chars_through('0', '9'),
                                              self.chars_through('A', 'Z'))
        handles_2x2 = self.generate_possibles({"A", "K"},
                                              self.chars_through('A', 'Z'),
                                              self.chars_through('0', '9'),
                                              self.chars_through('A', 'Z'),
                                              self.chars_through('A', 'Z'))
        handles_1x3 = self.generate_possibles({"K", "N", "W"},
                                              self.chars_through('0', '9'),
                                              self.chars_through('A', 'Z'),
                                              self.chars_through('A', 'Z'),
                                              self.chars_through('A', 'Z'))
        possibles = possibles.union(handles_1x2, handles_2x1, handles_2x2,

        banned_handles = self.get_banned_handles(possibles)
        before_len = len(possibles)
        after_len = len(possibles)
        logging.info(f"Removed {before_len - after_len} banned.")

        before_len = len(possibles)
        existing = self.scan_existing_handles(possibles)
        after_len = len(possibles)
        logging.info(f"Removed {before_len - after_len} existing.")

        license_data = self.scan_license_applications(possibles)

        f = open("possibles.txt", "w+")
        for x in sorted(license_data):
            if license_data[x]['preference'] is not None and license_data[x][
                    'preference'] == 1:
            date_pref = license_data[x]['date']
            date_preference = f'\t{date_pref}' if date_pref is not None else ''
            order_pref = license_data[x]['preference']
            order_preference = f"\t{order_pref}" if order_pref is not None else ''
