class KMAnalyse: def __init__(self): self.conf = (SparkConf() .setAppName("KMeans") .set("spark.cores.max", "2") .set('spark.executor.extraClassPath', '/usr/local/env/lib/mysql-connector-java-5.1.38-bin.jar')) = SparkContext(conf=self.conf) self.sqlctx = SQLContext( self.mysql_helper = MySQLHelper('core', host='') self.base = 'hdfs://master:9000/gmc/' def load_from_mysql(self, table, database='core'): url = "jdbc:mysql://" % database df ="jdbc").options(url=url, dbtable=table, driver="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").load() return df @staticmethod def clustering_score(data, k): model = KMeans.train(data, k=k) def distance(v1, v2): s = 0 # [1,2,3] [4,5,6] --> [(1,4),(2,5),(3,6)] pairs = zip(v1, v2) for p in pairs: sub = float(p[0]) - float(p[1]) s = s + sub * sub return math.sqrt(s) def dist_to_centroid(datum): # predict the data cluster = model.predict(datum) # get the current centroid --> means center point centroid = model.clusterCenters[cluster] # call distance method return distance(centroid, datum) return def try_different_k(self, dataframe, max_k, min_k=2): data = self.prepare_data(dataframe) get_id_sql = "select ID from t_CMMS_TEMP_KMEANS_RESULT order by ID desc limit 1" try: id = int(self.mysql_helper.fetchone(get_id_sql)[0]) + 1 except: id = 1 columns = str(dataframe.columns) l = [] for k in range(min_k, max_k): sorce = self.clustering_score(data, k) print(k, sorce) l.append(sorce) self.mysql_helper.execute('insert into t_CMMS_TEMP_KMEANS_RESULT(ID,K,SORCE,COLUMNS) values(%s,%s,%s,%s)', (id, k, sorce, columns)) return id def prepare_data(self, dataframe): ''' format data :param dataframe: :return: ''' def v_map(line): lst = [] for c in line: if c is not None: lst.append(float(c)) else: lst.append(0.0) return lst return dataframe.rdd.cache().map(v_map) def train_model(self, dataframe, k, model_name): ''' use data to train model :param dataframe: all columns for train :param k:k value :param model_name:the trained model :return:None ''' data = self.prepare_data(dataframe) # train to get model model = KMeans.train(data, k) # create model saving path path = self.base + model_name # try to delete the old model if it exists try: import subprocess["hadoop", "fs", "-rm", "-f", path]) except: pass # save new model on hdfs, path) # print all cluster of the model for c in model.clusterCenters: l = [] for i in c: i = decimal.Decimal(i).quantize(decimal.Decimal('0.01')) l.append(float(i)) print(l) def predict(self, model_name, data): ''' predict unknown data :param model_name: the trained model saving on hdfs :param data: unknown data :return: (cluster_index, cluster) ''' # try to load the specified model path = self.base + model_name try: model = KMeansModel.load(, path) except: raise Exception('No such model found on hdfs!') # get the predict : means which cluster it belongs to index = model.predict(data) print('Data:%s belongs to cluster:%s. The index is %s' % (data, model.clusterCenters[index], index)) return index, model.clusterCenters[index] def vaildate(self, validate_data, model_name): correct = 0 error = 0 for line in validate_data: known_cluster = line[0] stay_predict_data = line[1] predict_cluster = self.predict(model_name, stay_predict_data)[0] # Only get the index if known_cluster == predict_cluster: correct += 1 else: error += 1 total = len(validate_data) result = {'total': total, 'correct': correct, 'error': error, 'accurancy': correct / total} print(result) return result def find_best_k(self, df, times, min_k=2, max_k=15): l = [] for i in range(times): id = kma.try_different_k(df, max_k) l.append(id) sql = "SELECT k,avg(SORCE) FROM t_CMMS_TEMP_KMEANS_RESULT where ID in %s group by K" % str(tuple(l)) result = self.mysql_helper.fetchall(sql) for i in result: print(i[0]) print('\n') for i in result: print(i[1]) def print_model(self,model_name): # try to load the specified model path = self.base + model_name try: model = KMeansModel.load(, path) except: raise Exception('No such model found on hdfs!') for c in model.clusterCenters: print(c) for c in model.clusterCenters: l = [] for i in c: i = decimal.Decimal(i).quantize(decimal.Decimal('0.01')) l.append(float(i)) print(l) def test_rfm_data(self): life_cycle = self.load_from_mysql('t_CMMS_ANALYSE_LIFE').select('CUST_NO', 'LIFE_CYC') value = self.load_from_mysql('t_CMMS_ANALYSE_VALUE').select('CUST_NO', 'CUST_VALUE') loyalty = self.load_from_mysql('t_CMMS_ANALYSE_LOYALTY').select('CUST_NO', 'LOYALTY') rfm = loyalty.join(value, 'CUST_NO', 'left_outer').join(life_cycle, 'CUST_NO', 'left_outer').select('LIFE_CYC', 'CUST_VALUE', 'LOYALTY') return rfm def test_cust_info_data(self): return self.load_from_mysql('t_CMMS_TEMP_KMEANS_COLUMNS').select('LIFE_CYC', 'LOYALTY', 'CUST_RANK', 'AGE', 'LOCAL', 'SEX', 'AUM') def test_credit_data(self): return self.load_from_mysql('t_CMMS_TEMP_KMEANS_CREDIT').select('CREDIT', 'CYCLE_TIMES', 'CYCLE_AMT', 'INSTALLMENT_TIMES', 'INSTALLMENT_AMT', 'SWIPE_TIMES', 'SWIPE_AMT', 'CASH_TIMES', 'CASH_AMT') def full_keys_data(self): return self.load_from_mysql('t_CMMS_TEMP_KMEANS_CREDIT').select('CREDIT', 'CYCLE_TIMES', 'CYCLE_AMT', 'CYCLE_RATE', 'INSTALLMENT_TIMES', 'INSTALLMENT_AMT', 'SWIPE_TIMES', 'SWIPE_AMT', 'CASH_TIMES', 'CASH_AMT') def no_cycle_data(self): return self.load_from_mysql('t_CMMS_TEMP_KMEANS_CREDIT').select('CREDIT', 'INSTALLMENT_TIMES', 'INSTALLMENT_AMT', 'SWIPE_TIMES', 'SWIPE_AMT', 'CASH_TIMES', 'CASH_AMT') def no_amt_data(self): return self.load_from_mysql('t_CMMS_TEMP_KMEANS_CREDIT').select('CREDIT', 'CYCLE_TIMES', 'CYCLE_RATE', 'INSTALLMENT_TIMES', 'SWIPE_TIMES', 'CASH_TIMES') def no_cycle_amt(self): return self.load_from_mysql('t_CMMS_TEMP_KMEANS_CREDIT').select('CREDIT', 'CYCLE_TIMES', 'CYCLE_RATE', 'INSTALLMENT_TIMES', 'INSTALLMENT_AMT', 'SWIPE_TIMES', 'SWIPE_AMT', 'CASH_TIMES', 'CASH_AMT')
class Credit: def __init__(self): self.conf = (SparkConf() .setAppName("CREDIT") .set("spark.cores.max", "2") .set('spark.executor.extraClassPath', '/usr/local/env/lib/mysql-connector-java-5.1.38-bin.jar')) = SparkContext(conf=self.conf) self.sqlctx = SQLContext( self.mysql_helper = MySQLHelper('core', host='') self.base = 'hdfs://master:9000/gmc/' def load_from_mysql(self, table, database='core'): url = "jdbc:mysql://" % database df ="jdbc").options(url=url, dbtable=table, driver="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").load() return df def sql_operate(self, sql, rdd, once_size=1000): temp = [] for row in rdd.collect(): # print(row) if len(temp) >= once_size: self.mysql_helper.executemany(sql, temp) temp.clear() temp.append(row) if len(temp) != 0: self.mysql_helper.executemany(sql, temp) temp.clear() def prepare_fpgrowth_data(self): tran_df = self.load_from_mysql('t_CMMS_CREDIT_TRAN').filter("BILL_AMTFLAG = '+'").select('ACCTNBR', 'MER_CAT_CD') \ .filter("MER_CAT_CD != 0").filter("MER_CAT_CD != 6013") result = x: (str(int(x['ACCTNBR'])), [str(int(x['MER_CAT_CD'])), ])).groupByKey() def m(x): k = x[0] l = list(x[1]) v = set() for i in l: v.add(i[0]) return set(v) result = for i in result.take(10): print(i) model = FPGrowth.train(result, minSupport=0.05, numPartitions=10) result = model.freqItemsets().collect() for r in result: print(r) def cycle_credit(self): ''' 信用卡聚类数据预处理 :return: ''' print('---------------------------信用卡-Start--------------------------') # 交易流水 credit_tran_df = self.load_from_mysql('t_CMMS_CREDIT_TRAN').select('ACCTNBR', 'MONTH_NBR', 'BILL_AMT', 'BILL_AMTFLAG').filter( "BILL_AMTFLAG ='-'").cache() # 卡账户信息 credit_acct_df = self.load_from_mysql('ACCT_D').select('ACCTNBR', 'MONTH_NBR', 'STM_MINDUE') # 还款计算 return_amt = credit_tran_df.groupBy('ACCTNBR', 'MONTH_NBR').sum('BILL_AMT') return_amt ='ACCTNBR', 'MONTH_NBR', return_amt['sum(BILL_AMT)'].alias('RETURNED')) # 去除0最低还款额,即未消费的账单月 join = credit_acct_df.join(return_amt, ['ACCTNBR', 'MONTH_NBR'], 'outer').filter('STM_MINDUE != 0') # 清除缓存 self.sqlctx.clearCache() def which_cycle_type(line): mindue = line['STM_MINDUE'] returned = line['RETURNED'] ''' 0:normal,all returned 1:cycle credit 2:overdue,don't return money ''' if mindue is not None and returned is None: flag = 2 elif returned >= mindue * 10: flag = 0 elif returned > mindue and returned < mindue * 10: flag = 1 else: flag = 9 return Row(ACCTNBR=int(line['ACCTNBR']), MONTH_NBR=line['MONTH_NBR'], DUE_FLAG=flag, STM_MINDUE=line['STM_MINDUE']) # 返回为PipelinedRDD join = # 转为DataFrame join = self.sqlctx.createDataFrame(join) ''' +-------+--------+-----+ | ACCTNBR | DUE_FLAG | count | +-------+--------+-----+ | 608126 | 2 | 1 | | 608126 | 0 | 6 | | 608868 | 0 | 4 | ''' # 按还款类型分类 each_type = join.groupBy(['ACCTNBR', 'DUE_FLAG']) # 计算每种还款情况数量 each_type_count = each_type.count() # 计算每种还款情况的最低还款额之和 each_type_mindue_sum = each_type.sum('STM_MINDUE') # 计算还款情况总数 all_type_count = each_type_count.groupBy('ACCTNBR').sum('count') # join 上述三表 rate = each_type_count.join(each_type_mindue_sum, ['ACCTNBR', 'DUE_FLAG'], 'outer').join(all_type_count, 'ACCTNBR', 'outer') # print(rate.columns) # ['ACCTNBR', 'DUE_FLAG', 'count', 'sum(STM_MINDUE)', 'sum(count)'] # 筛选出循环信用的数据 # TODO 暂时只取了循环信用的 rate = rate.filter(rate['DUE_FLAG'] == 1) # 计算进入循环信用的比例 rate ='ACCTNBR', (rate['sum(STM_MINDUE)'] * 10).alias('CYCLE_AMT'), rate['count'].alias('CYCLE_TIMES'), (rate['count'] / rate['sum(count)']).alias('CYCLE_RATE')) # # print(rate.count()) def m(line): return line['CYCLE_TIMES'], line['CYCLE_AMT'], line['CYCLE_RATE'], line['ACCTNBR'] sql = "update t_CMMS_TEMP_KMEANS_CREDIT set CYCLE_TIMES=%s,CYCLE_AMT=%s,CYCLE_RATE=%s where ACCTNBR=%s" df = print('将数据更新至数据库...') self.sql_operate(sql, df) # 将未进入循环的 设为0 print('将未进入循环的 设为0...') self.mysql_helper.execute( "update t_CMMS_TEMP_KMEANS_CREDIT set CYCLE_TIMES=0,CYCLE_AMT=0,CYCLE_RATE=0 where CYCLE_TIMES is null ") def losing_warn(self,year,month): # #计算月份 # if season == 1: # months_now = [1,2,3] # months_before = [10,11,12] # year_before = year - 1 # else: # months_now = [season * 3 - 2, season * 3 - 1, season * 3] # months_before = [season * 3 - 5, season * 3 - 4, season * 3-3] # year_before = year # # # # # 抽取每个季度数据 # # for m in months_now: # 最近一个月 month = '%02d' % month for i in range(2,29): day = '%02d' % i date = str(year) + month + day print(date) sql = "select MONTH_NBR from t_CMMS_CREDIT_TRAN where INP_DATE = %s limit 1" try: month_nbr = self.mysql_helper.fetchone(sql,(date,)) if month_nbr is None: continue else: month_nbr = int(month_nbr[0]) break except Exception: continue if month_nbr is None: raise Exception("There is no data in database for month:%s" % month) else: print('the latest month_nbr is %s' % month_nbr) months_now = [month_nbr-2,month_nbr-1,month_nbr] months_before = [month_nbr-5,month_nbr-4,month_nbr-3] print('months_now',months_now) print('months_before',months_before) # 交易流水 credit_tran_df = self.load_from_mysql('t_CMMS_CREDIT_TRAN').select('ACCTNBR', 'INP_DATE', 'MONTH_NBR', 'BILL_AMT', 'BILL_AMTFLAG').filter("BILL_AMTFLAG ='+'").cache() # 筛选出两个季度对应的流水 months_now_filter = None months_before_filter = None for i in months_now: f = credit_tran_df.filter(credit_tran_df['MONTH_NBR'] == i) if months_now_filter is None: months_now_filter = f else: months_now_filter = months_now_filter.unionAll(f) for i in months_before: f = credit_tran_df.filter(credit_tran_df['MONTH_NBR'] == i) if months_before_filter is None: months_before_filter = f else: months_before_filter = months_before_filter.unionAll(f) months_now_filter.groupBy('MONTH_NBR').count().show() months_before_filter.groupBy('MONTH_NBR').count().show() months_now_count = months_now_filter.groupBy('ACCTNBR').count() months_before_count = months_before_filter.groupBy('ACCTNBR').count() join ='ACCTNBR',months_now_count['count'].alias('NOW_COUNT')).join('ACCTNBR',months_before_count['count'].alias('BEFORE_COUNT')),'ACCTNBR','outer' ) def m(line): ncount = line['NOW_COUNT'] bcount = line['BEFORE_COUNT'] ''' 计算增长率 9999:两季度均无数据 8888:仅第一季度有数据,流失客户 7777:仅第二季度有数据,新增客户 其他数字:第二个季度较第一季度增长率 (s2-s1)/s1*100 ''' if ncount is None: if bcount is None:# n none,b none pass else:# n none, b not none increment = -9999 else: if bcount is None:# n not none, b none increment = 8888 else:# n not none,b not none increment = round((ncount-bcount)/bcount*100) ''' 计算信用卡生命周期(以增长率计算) 100+ 快速增长 50-100 增长 -50-50 稳定 -50- 衰退 9999 流失 ''' if increment > 100 and increment != -9999: life = 1 # fast growing elif increment <=100 and increment >50: life = 2 # growing elif increment <= 50 and increment > -50: life = 3 # stable elif increment <= -50: life = 4 # losing else: life = 9 # no more tran completely lost return line['ACCTNBR'],month_nbr,increment,life sql = "replace into t_CMMS_ANALYSE_CREDIT(ACCTNBR, MONTH_NBR, INCREMENT,LIFE, UPDATE_TIME) values(%s,%s,%s,%s,now())" rdd = print(type(rdd)) self.sql_operate(sql,rdd)