def ping_db(db): """Checks and connects, if database not connected""" try: command = "select 1;" db.execute(command) except: db = mysql_py.Db() return db
def remove_request_db(users_request, book_key): """Remove database entry of the users request""" db = mysql_py.Db() params = book_key.split(":") book_id = params[2] library = params[1] for u in users_request: command = "delete from global_request where data = %s and book_id = %s and library = %s;" db.execute(command, u, book_id, library)
def remove_from_db(users_request): """Remove database entry of the request.""" db = mysql_py.Db() for u in users_request: info = json.loads(u) if 'sno' in info.keys(): sno = int(info['sno']) command = "delete from request where sno = %s;" db.execute(command, sno) db.close()
def manager(q_mass_worker): db = mysql_py.Db() while True: book_id = False while book_id == False: book_id = q_mass_worker.pop_and_remove(wait_type='nonblocking') if book_id == False: book_id = get_id_from_another_worker(mass_worker_key) if book_id == False: time.sleep(1) try: book_id = json.loads(book_id) except ValueError: pass if isinstance(book_id, list): email = book_id[0] no_of_uploads = book_id[1] if email not in (None, ""): send_email(email, no_of_uploads) continue ia_w = IaWorker(book_id) stored_identifier = ia_w.stored_copy_check() if stored_identifier != None: continue db = ping_db(db) md5_book = hashlib.md5(ia_w.Id + ia_w.library).hexdigest() redundancy_book = db.execute( "select count(*) from request where md5_book=%s and confirmed=1 and job_submitted=1;", md5_book) if redundancy_book[0][0] != 0: continue metadata_status = ia_w.set_metadata() if isinstance(metadata_status, (int, long, float, complex)): if metadata_status == 7: log.write( '%s %s API limit exceeded Sleeping with book_id:%s\n' % (, __worker_name, book_id)) log.flush() time.sleep(seconds_until_google_quota_refresh()) q_mass_worker.add(book_id) continue elif metadata_status == 3: log.write("%s %s Book download restricted\n" % (, book_id)) log.flush() continue elif metadata_status == 2: log.write("%s %s Not Public Domain\n" % (, book_id)) log.flush() continue elif metadata_status == 0: pass else: log.write( "%s Metadata Error, library:%s, ID:%s, status:%s\n" % (, 'gb', book_id, metadata_status)) log.flush() continue """ ia_identifier_found = ia_w.check_in_IA(ia_w.library, ia_w.Id) if ia_identifier_found is not False: ia_w.save_ia_identifier(ia_identifier_found) continue """ if not os.path.isfile(ia_w.pdf_path): download_status = gb.download_book(ia_w.Id) if download_status != 0: log.write("%s Download Error, library:%s, ID:%s\n" % (, 'gb', book_id)) log.flush() continue download_progress_key = ia_w.book_key + ":download_progress" redis_py.set(download_progress_key, 1, True) try: upload_status = ia_w.upload_to_IA(ia_w.library, ia_w.Id) if str(upload_status) == "[<Response [200]>]": upload_progress_key = ia_w.book_key + ":upload_progress" redis_py.set(upload_progress_key, 1, True) ia_w.save_ia_identifier(ia_w.ia_identifier) except: filename = ia_w.filename command = "rm %s" % (filename) try: subprocess.check_call(command, shell=True) except: log.write("%s Command rm %s failed" % (, filename)) log.flush()
def __init__(self, value): """Assign variable, and get metadata from cache""" redis_key3 = keys.redis_key3 self.redis_key3 = redis_key3 self.redis = redis_py.Redis() if isinstance(value, (int, long, float, complex)): db = mysql_py.Db() values = db.execute( 'select library, book_id from request where sno = %s;', value)[0] db.close() self.library = values[0] self.Id = values[1].encode('utf-8') self.book_key = "%s:%s:%s" % (redis_key3, self.library, self.Id) self.redis.set(redis_key3 + ":ongoing_job_identifier", self.Id) self.ia_identifier = None self.id_for_key = self.Id else: self.library = value['library'] self.Id = value['Id'] self.ia_identifier = "bub_" + self.library + "_" + value[ 'ia_identifier_suffix'] self.book_key = "%s:%s:%s" % (redis_key3, self.library, value['ia_identifier_suffix']) self.redis.set(redis_key3 + ":ongoing_job_identifier", value['ia_identifier_suffix']) self.id_for_key = value['ia_identifier_suffix'] if '/' not in self.id_for_key: self.redis_output_file_key = "%s:%s:%s:output_file" % ( redis_key3, self.library, self.id_for_key) else: self.redis_output_file_key = "%s:%s:%s:output_file" % ( redis_key3, self.library, hashlib.md5( self.id_for_key).hexdigest()) self.library_name = bridge.lib_module(self.library)[1] metadata_key = self.book_key + ":meta_data" metadata = redis_py.get(metadata_key, True) info = json.loads(metadata) try: self.title = info['title'].encode( "utf-8") + " " + info['subtitle'].encode("utf-8") except: self.title = str(info['title'].encode("utf-8")) + " " + str( info['subtitle']) = info['author'].encode("utf-8") self.publisher = info['publisher'].encode("utf-8") self.description = info['description'].replace("\n", "").encode("utf-8") self.printType = info['printType'].encode("utf-8") self.publishedDate = re.sub("[^0123456789/.-]", "", info['publishedDate'].encode("utf-8")) self.infoLink = info['infoLink'] self.publicDomain = info['publicDomain'] language_code = info['language'].encode("utf-8") if self.publishedDate not in (None, ""): try: self.publishedDate = re.sub('[x?]', '0', self.publishedDate) self.year = parser.parse(self.publishedDate).year self.month = parser.parse(self.publishedDate).month = parser.parse(self.publishedDate).day except: self.year = "" self.month = "" = "" else: self.year = "" self.month = "" = "" try: self.language = lang_code(language_code) except: self.language = "" self.pdf_path = "/data/scratch/BUB_downloads/bub_%s_%s.pdf" % ( self.library, self.Id) self.scanner = info['scanner'] self.sponser = info['sponser']
# Maintained at import redis import time import mysql_py import keys def Redis(): redis_host = keys.redis_host redis_port = keys.redis_port return redis.Redis(host=redis_host, port=redis_port) db = mysql_py.Db() redisg = Redis() class Lock(object): """A Lock based on Redis Key value system.""" def __init__(self, key): self.key = key self.redis = Redis() def acquire(self, timeout=0): while self.redis.get(self.key) is '1': time.sleep(0.1) continue self.redis.set(self.key, '1') if timeout != 0: