def checkdif(table1, table2): #έλεγχος μεγεθών πινάκων sql1 = f"select * from {table1}" cursor.execute(sql1) size1 = len(cursor.fetchall()) sql2 = f"select * from {table2}" cursor.execute(sql2) size2 = len(cursor.fetchall()) print("size1", size1) print("size2", size2)
def moneyfr( ): #τι ποσοστό όλων των κόμβων ανά μήνα είναι και financial και γαλλικοί refer = ('2014-01-', '2014-02-', '2014-03-', '2014-04-', '2014-05-', '2014-06-', '2014-07-', '2014-08-', '2014-09-', '2014-10-', '2014-11-', '2014-12-') frenchx = [ "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" ] frenchy = [] for month in refer: #sql = "select distinct tran.AcquiringAccountHolder from Transactions_New as tran inner join EUTL_AccountHolders as acc on tran.AcquiringAccountHolder=acc.holderName where'DE' inner join EUTL_AccHolderClassification as class on acc.rawCode=class.holder where class.category='financial'" sql00 = f"""select distinct tran.acquiringaccountholder from transactions_new as tran, eutl_accountholders as acc, eutl_accholderclassification as class where tran.acquiringaccountholder = acc.holdername and acc.rawcode=class.holder and TransactionDate LIKE '{month}%'""" sql01 = f"""select distinct tran.transferringaccountholder from transactions_new as tran, eutl_accountholders as acc, eutl_accholderclassification as class where tran.transferringaccountholder = acc.holdername and acc.rawcode=class.holder and TransactionDate LIKE '{month}%'""" cursor.execute(sql00) acqall = cursor.fetchall() cursor.execute(sql01) transall = cursor.fetchall() duplall = acqall + transall sql2 = f"""select distinct tran.acquiringaccountholder from transactions_new as tran, eutl_accountholders as acc, eutl_accholderclassification as class where tran.acquiringaccountholder = acc.holdername and'FR' and acc.rawcode=class.holder and category='financial' and TransactionDate LIKE '{month}%'""" sql3 = f"""select distinct tran.transferringaccountholder from transactions_new as tran, eutl_accountholders as acc, eutl_accholderclassification as class where tran.transferringaccountholder = acc.holdername and'FR' and acc.rawcode=class.holder and category='financial' and TransactionDate LIKE '{month}%'""" cursor.execute(sql2) acq = cursor.fetchall() cursor.execute(sql3) trans = cursor.fetchall() #sql1= ("tran.AcquiringAccountHolder") #cursor.execute(sql) #result = cursor.fetchall() dupllist = acq + trans frenchy.append( len(get_unique(dupllist)) * 100 / len(get_unique(duplall))) #print(len(acq),len(trans),len(get_unique(dupllist))) axs[0, 1].plot(frenchx, frenchy) axs[0, 1].set_title('French')
def moneyde( ): #τι ποσοστό όλων των κόμβων ανά μήνα είναι και financial και γερμανικοί refer = ('2008-04-', '2009-04-', '2010-04-', '2011-04-', '2012-04-', '2013-04-', '2014-04') germanx = ['08', '09', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14'] germany = [] for month in refer: #sql = "select distinct tran.AcquiringAccountHolder from Transactions_New as tran inner join EUTL_AccountHolders as acc on tran.AcquiringAccountHolder=acc.holderName where'DE' inner join EUTL_AccHolderClassification as class on acc.rawCode=class.holder where class.category='financial'" #sql0 = f"SELECT * FROM Transactions_New WHERE TransactionDate LIKE '{month}%'" sql00 = f"""select distinct tran.acquiringaccountholder from transactions_new as tran, eutl_accountholders as acc, eutl_accholderclassification as class where tran.acquiringaccountholder = acc.holdername and acc.rawcode=class.holder and TransactionDate LIKE '{month}%'""" sql01 = f"""select distinct tran.transferringaccountholder from transactions_new as tran, eutl_accountholders as acc, eutl_accholderclassification as class where tran.transferringaccountholder = acc.holdername and acc.rawcode=class.holder and TransactionDate LIKE '{month}%'""" cursor.execute(sql00) acqall = cursor.fetchall() cursor.execute(sql01) transall = cursor.fetchall() duplall = acqall + transall sql2 = f"""select distinct tran.acquiringaccountholder from transactions_new as tran, eutl_accountholders as acc, eutl_accholderclassification as class where tran.acquiringaccountholder = acc.holdername and'DE' and acc.rawcode=class.holder and category='financial' and TransactionDate LIKE '{month}%'""" sql3 = f"""select distinct tran.transferringaccountholder from transactions_new as tran, eutl_accountholders as acc, eutl_accholderclassification as class where tran.transferringaccountholder = acc.holdername and'DE' and acc.rawcode=class.holder and category='financial' and TransactionDate LIKE '{month}%'""" cursor.execute(sql2) acq = cursor.fetchall() cursor.execute(sql3) trans = cursor.fetchall() #sql1= ("tran.AcquiringAccountHolder") #cursor.execute(sql) #result = cursor.fetchall() dupllist = acq + trans germany.append( len(get_unique(dupllist)) * 100 / len(get_unique(duplall))) #print(len(acq),len(trans),len(get_unique(dupllist))) axs[1, 0].plot(germanx, germany, 'tab:green') axs[1, 0].set_title('Germany')
def sector20(): #σεκτορ 20 για ολλανδία γαλλία γερμανία refer = ('2014-01-', '2014-02-', '2014-03-', '2014-04-', '2014-05-', '2014-06-', '2014-07-', '2014-08-', '2014-09-', '2014-10-', '2014-11-', '2014-12-') combx = [ "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" ] comby = [] for month in refer: sql00 = f"""select tran.acquiringaccountholder from transactions_new as tran, eutl_accountholders as acc, eutl_accholderclassification as class where tran.acquiringaccountholder = acc.holdername and acc.rawcode=class.holder and TransactionDate LIKE '{month}%'""" sql01 = f"""select tran.transferringaccountholder from transactions_new as tran, eutl_accountholders as acc, eutl_accholderclassification as class where tran.transferringaccountholder = acc.holdername and acc.rawcode=class.holder and TransactionDate LIKE '{month}%'""" cursor.execute(sql00) acqall = cursor.fetchall() cursor.execute(sql01) transall = cursor.fetchall() duplall = acqall + transall sql = f"""select tran.acquiringaccountholder from transactions_new as tran, eutl_accountholders as acc, eutl_accholderclassification as class where tran.acquiringaccountholder = acc.holdername and acc.rawcode=class.holder and class.sector='20' and TransactionDate LIKE '{month}%'""" sql1 = f"""select tran.transferringaccountholder from transactions_new as tran, eutl_accountholders as acc, eutl_accholderclassification as class where tran.transferringaccountholder = acc.holdername and acc.rawcode=class.holder and class.sector='20' and TransactionDate LIKE '{month}%'""" cursor.execute(sql) acq = cursor.fetchall() cursor.execute(sql1) trans = cursor.fetchall() dupllist = acq + trans comby.append( len(get_unique(dupllist)) * 100 / len(get_unique(duplall))) #print(len(acq),len(trans),len(get_unique(dupllist))) sec[1].plot(combx, comby)
def mineral(): #διυλιστήρια refer = ('2014-01-', '2014-02-', '2014-03-', '2014-04-', '2014-05-', '2014-06-', '2014-07-', '2014-08-', '2014-09-', '2014-10-', '2014-11-', '2014-12-') mineralx = [ "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" ] mineraly = [] for month in refer: sql00 = f"""select distinct tran.acquiringaccountholder from transactions_new as tran, eutl_accountholders as acc, eutl_accholderclassification as class where tran.acquiringaccountholder = acc.holdername and acc.rawcode=class.holder and TransactionDate LIKE '{month}%'""" sql01 = f"""select distinct tran.transferringaccountholder from transactions_new as tran, eutl_accountholders as acc, eutl_accholderclassification as class where tran.transferringaccountholder = acc.holdername and acc.rawcode=class.holder and TransactionDate LIKE '{month}%'""" cursor.execute(sql00) acqall = cursor.fetchall() cursor.execute(sql01) transall = cursor.fetchall() duplall = acqall + transall sql = f"""select tran.acquiringaccountholder from transactions_new as tran, eutl_accountholders as acc, eutl_accholderclassification as class where tran.acquiringaccountholder = acc.holdername and acc.rawcode=class.holder and (class.sector='2' or class.sector='21') and TransactionDate LIKE '{month}%'""" sql1 = f"""select tran.transferringaccountholder from transactions_new as tran, eutl_accountholders as acc, eutl_accholderclassification as class where tran.transferringaccountholder = acc.holdername and acc.rawcode=class.holder and (class.sector='2' or class.sector='21') and TransactionDate LIKE '{month}%'""" cursor.execute(sql) acq = cursor.fetchall() cursor.execute(sql1) trans = cursor.fetchall() dupllist = acq + trans mineraly.append( len(get_unique(dupllist)) * 100 / len(get_unique(duplall))) #print(len(acq),len(trans),len(get_unique(dupllist))) sec[0].plot(mineralx, mineraly)
def sector20(): refer = ('2008-04-', '2009-04-', '2010-04-', '2011-04-', '2012-04-', '2013-04-', '2014-04') combx = ['2008', '2009', '2010', '2011', '2012', '2013', '2014'] comby = [] for month in refer: sql00 = f"""select distinct tran.acquiringaccountholder from transactions_new as tran, eutl_accountholders as acc, eutl_accholderclassification as class where tran.acquiringaccountholder = acc.holdername and acc.rawcode=class.holder and TransactionDate LIKE '{month}%'""" sql01 = f"""select distinct tran.transferringaccountholder from transactions_new as tran, eutl_accountholders as acc, eutl_accholderclassification as class where tran.transferringaccountholder = acc.holdername and acc.rawcode=class.holder and TransactionDate LIKE '{month}%'""" cursor.execute(sql00) acqall = cursor.fetchall() cursor.execute(sql01) transall = cursor.fetchall() duplall = acqall + transall sql = f"""select tran.acquiringaccountholder from transactions_new as tran, eutl_accountholders as acc, eutl_accholderclassification as class where tran.acquiringaccountholder = acc.holdername and acc.rawcode=class.holder and class.sector='20' and TransactionDate LIKE '{month}%'""" sql1 = f"""select tran.transferringaccountholder from transactions_new as tran, eutl_accountholders as acc, eutl_accholderclassification as class where tran.transferringaccountholder = acc.holdername and acc.rawcode=class.holder and class.sector='20' and TransactionDate LIKE '{month}%'""" cursor.execute(sql) acq = cursor.fetchall() cursor.execute(sql1) trans = cursor.fetchall() dupllist = acq + trans comby.append( len(get_unique(dupllist)) * 100 / len(get_unique(duplall))) #print(len(acq),len(trans),len(get_unique(dupllist))) sec[1].plot(combx, comby)
def mineral(): refer = ('2008-12-', '2009-12-', '2010-12-', '2011-12-', '2012-12-', '2013-12-', '2014-12') mineralx = ['2008', '2009', '2010', '2011', '2012', '2013', '2014'] mineraly = [] for month in refer: sql00 = f"""select distinct tran.acquiringaccountholder from transactions_new as tran, eutl_accountholders as acc, eutl_accholderclassification as class where tran.acquiringaccountholder = acc.holdername and acc.rawcode=class.holder and TransactionDate LIKE '{month}%'""" sql01 = f"""select distinct tran.transferringaccountholder from transactions_new as tran, eutl_accountholders as acc, eutl_accholderclassification as class where tran.transferringaccountholder = acc.holdername and acc.rawcode=class.holder and TransactionDate LIKE '{month}%'""" cursor.execute(sql00) acqall = cursor.fetchall() cursor.execute(sql01) transall = cursor.fetchall() duplall = acqall + transall sql = f"""select tran.acquiringaccountholder from transactions_new as tran, eutl_accountholders as acc, eutl_accholderclassification as class where tran.acquiringaccountholder = acc.holdername and acc.rawcode=class.holder and (class.sector='2' or class.sector='21') and TransactionDate LIKE '{month}%'""" sql1 = f"""select tran.transferringaccountholder from transactions_new as tran, eutl_accountholders as acc, eutl_accholderclassification as class where tran.transferringaccountholder = acc.holdername and acc.rawcode=class.holder and (class.sector='2' or class.sector='21') and TransactionDate LIKE '{month}%'""" cursor.execute(sql) acq = cursor.fetchall() cursor.execute(sql1) trans = cursor.fetchall() dupllist = acq + trans mineraly.append( len(get_unique(dupllist)) * 100 / len(get_unique(duplall))) #print(len(acq),len(trans),len(get_unique(dupllist))) sec[0].plot(mineralx, mineraly)
def counting(table1): #μέγεθος πίνακα sql1 = f"select * from {table1}" cursor.execute(sql1) size1 = len(cursor.fetchall()) print("size:", size1)