def own_fans_filter(request): page = 1 tags = '' if request.GET.has_key('tags'): tags = request.GET['tags'] if request.GET.has_key('page'): page = int(request.GET['page']) tag_1 = tags.split(',') user_list = [] #connect to the mysql db conn = mysqlconn.dbconn() cursor = conn.cursor() #get all fans sql = 'select * from user;' cursor.execute(sql) fans = cursor.fetchall() for fan in fans: user_dict = dict(id=fan[0], screenname=fan[1], sex=fan[2], address=fan[3], description=fan[4], followersnumber=fan[5],fansnumber=fan[6],messagesnumber=fan[7],birthday=fan[9],matchcount = 0,tag=[],tagstring='') cursor.execute('select tag from user_tag where uid ='+fan[0]) tags = cursor.fetchall() for tag in tags: user_dict['tag'].append(tag[0]) user_list.append(user_dict) for user in user_list: for tag in user['tag']: user['tagstring'] = user['tagstring'] + tag+' ' for tag_target in tag_1: if tag.find(tag_target)!=-1: user['matchcount']=user['matchcount']+1 user_list.sort(lambda p1,p2:cmp(p1['matchcount'],p2['matchcount']),reverse=True) #未来在这里添加分页 #close the cursor cursor.close() #disconnet the link to mysql db mysqlconn.dbclose(conn) return render_to_response('own_fans_filter.html', {'fans':user_list[0:9]})
def management_fans(request): p = 0 type = 'null' if request.GET.has_key('p'): p = request.GET['p'] if request.GET.has_key('type'): type = request.GET['type'] #connect to the mysql conn = mysqlconn.dbconn() cursor = conn.cursor() sql = 'select user.screenname,, user.address, user.fansnumber, from user, user_vector where = user_vector.uid order by '+type+' desc limit '+str(int(p)*20)+',20;' cursor.execute(sql) fans = cursor.fetchall() print fans #close the cursor cursor.close() #disconnet the link to mysql db mysqlconn.dbclose(conn) return render_to_response('management_fans.html', {'fans':fans, 'page':int(p), 'type':type})
import client import mysqlconn if __name__ == '__main__': #connect to the mysql db conn = mysqlconn.dbconn() Client = client.Client.instance() if Client._init == 0: Client.init() ids = Client.get_friendids('1710173801').ids try: for id in ids: cursor = conn.cursor() insertstring = 'insert ignore into oppo_follow (uid,follow_id) values ( \'1710173801\',' + '\'' + str( id) + '\'' + ')' cursor.execute(insertstring) #close the cursor cursor.close() conn.commit() except Exception: pass #disconnet the link to mysql db mysqlconn.dbclose(conn)
import mysqlconn if __name__=='__main__': #connect to the mysql db conn = mysqlconn.dbconn() Client = client.Client.instance() if Client._init ==0: Client.init() statuses_count = Client.get_statuses_user_timeline('1710173801').total_number; count = 100 page_count = statuses_count/count+1 print page_count for i in range(1, page_count+1): statuses = Client.get_statuses_user_timeline('1710173801',count,i).statuses for status in statuses: try: cursor = conn.cursor() insertstring = 'insert ignore into oppo_weibo (mid,text,source,reposts_count,comments_count,attitudes_count,id,created_at) values ('+'\''+str(status.mid)+'\''+','+'\''+status.text+'\''+','+'\''+status.source+'\''+','+str(status.reposts_count)+','+str(status.comments_count)+','+str(status.attitudes_count)+','+'\''+str('\''+','+'\''+status.created_at+'\''+')' cursor.execute(insertstring) #close the cursor cursor.close() conn.commit() except Exception: pass #disconnet the link to mysql db mysqlconn.dbclose(conn)
def status_fans(request): #connect to the mysql db conn = mysqlconn.dbconn() cursor = conn.cursor() #get sum of the fans sql = 'select count(*) from user;' cursor.execute(sql) sum = cursor.fetchone()[0] #get the female num sql = 'select count(*) from user where sex="f";' cursor.execute(sql) fnum = cursor.fetchone()[0] #the percentage of female fperc = round(fnum / sum, 4) * 100 mperc = round((sum - fnum) / sum, 4) * 100 #get the top10 area sql = 'select address, count(*) as num from user where address <> "其他" group by address order by num desc limit 0,10;' cursor.execute(sql) areadic = cursor.fetchall() areaname = [] areanum = [] for area in areadic: areaname.append(area[0].encode('utf8')) areanum.append(int(area[1])) thisyear = time.strftime('%Y',time.localtime(time.time())) #this year, like '2012' #get the num of each age interval sql = 'select count(*) from user where birthday > ' + thisyear + '-18;' cursor.execute(sql) age1 = cursor.fetchone()[0] sql = 'select count(*) from user where birthday <= ' + thisyear + '-18 and birthday >= ' + thisyear + '-24;' cursor.execute(sql) age2 = cursor.fetchone()[0] sql = 'select count(*) from user where birthday < ' + thisyear + '-24 and birthday >= ' + thisyear + '-34;' cursor.execute(sql) age3 = cursor.fetchone()[0] sql = 'select count(*) from user where birthday < ' + thisyear + '-34;' cursor.execute(sql) age4 = cursor.fetchone()[0] sum = age1 + age2 + age3 + age4 age = [] age.append(round(age1 / sum, 4) * 100) age.append(round(age2 / sum, 4) * 100) age.append(round(age3 / sum, 4) * 100) age.append(round(age4 / sum, 4) * 100) #get the last weibo sent from where sql = 'select count(*) from user_source;' cursor.execute(sql) sum = cursor.fetchone()[0] sql = 'select source, count(*) as num from user_source group by source order by num desc limit 12;' cursor.execute(sql) sentfrom = [] for source, num in cursor.fetchall(): sentfrom.append((source, round(num / sum, 4) * 100)) #the distribution of the fans' tag sql = 'select count(*) from user_tag;' cursor.execute(sql) sum = cursor.fetchone()[0] sql = 'select tag, count(*) as num from user_tag group by tag order by num desc limit 10;' cursor.execute(sql) tagdic = cursor.fetchall() tag = [] for t in tagdic: tag.append((t[0].encode('utf8'), round(t[1] / sum, 4) * 100)) #close the cursor cursor.close() #disconnet the link to mysql db mysqlconn.dbclose(conn) return render_to_response('status.html', {'male':mperc, 'female':fperc, 'areaname':areaname, 'areanum':areanum, 'age':age, 'source':sentfrom, 'tag':tag})