예제 #1
파일: css_test.py 프로젝트: ejones/mythril
def test_css():
    eq_( dumps(
            css( MyClass, ('color', 'white'), 
                       border=(1, 'solid', '#CCC'), 
                       size=(200, 50), 
                       box_sizing='border-box' )[
            css( (u'some-class', SomeUtility), pos=(1, 0, 'relative bottom') )]),

         ' my-class{color:white;border:1px solid #CCC;box-sizing:border-box;'
         'padding:5px;width:200px;height:50px;} my-class some-class, my-class '
         'some-utility{position:relative;left:1px;bottom:0px;}' )

    eq_( dumps( css( ('a','b'), padding=0 )[ css( ('c','d'), padding=0 ) ] ),
         ' a, b{padding:0px;} a c, a d, b c, b d{padding:0px;}' )
예제 #2
파일: css_test.py 프로젝트: ejones/mythril
def test_special():
    eq_( color(32, 64, 128), u'#204080' )
    eq_( color(32, 64, 128, 255), u'rgba(32,64,128,1.0)' )
    eq_( color(255,255,255,127/255.0), color(255,255,255,127) )

    def speq( name, args, attrs ):
        eq_( css( '', (name,args) ).attrs, attrs )
    speq( 'pos', (5,10), ((u'position', u'absolute'),
                          (u'left', 5), (u'top', 10)))
    speq( 'pos', (5,10,u'fixed right'), ((u'position', u'fixed'),
                                         (u'right', 5), (u'top', 10)))
    speq( 'pos', (5,10,u'bottom relative'), ((u'position', u'relative'),
                                             (u'left',5), (u'bottom',10)) )
    speq( 'size', (5,10), ((u'width',5), (u'height',10)) )

    speq( 'border-radius', 5, ((u'border-radius', 5),
                               (u'-webkit-border-radius', 5),
                               (u'-moz-border-radius',5)) )
    eq_( css('', border_radius=5).attrs, ((u'border-radius', 5),
                                          (u'-webkit-border-radius', 5),
                                          (u'-moz-border-radius',5)) )
    speq( 'border-radius', (5,'top'), ((u'border-top-left-radius', 5),
                                       (u'-webkit-border-top-left-radius', 5),
                                       (u'-moz-border-radius-topleft', 5),
                                       (u'border-top-right-radius', 5),
                                       (u'-webkit-border-top-right-radius', 5),
                                       (u'-moz-border-radius-topright', 5)) )
    speq( 'border-radius', (5,'top left'), ((u'border-top-left-radius', 5),
                                            (u'-webkit-border-top-left-radius', 5),
                                            (u'-moz-border-radius-topleft', 5),) )

    speq( 'box-shadow', (5,10,5,5,'#CCC'), 
                ((u'box-shadow', (5,10,5,5,'#CCC','')),
                 (u'-webkit-box-shadow', (5,10,5,5,'#CCC','')),
                 (u'-moz-box-shadow', (5,10,5,5,'#CCC',''))) )

    speq( 'background-gradient', ((0,0,0), (32, 128, 64)),
                ((u'background-color', u'#104020'),
                 (u'background-image', u'-webkit-gradient(linear, left top, '
                                       u'left bottom, from(#000000), to(#208040))'),
                 (u'background-image', u'linear-gradient(top,#000000,#208040)')) )

    speq( 'opacity', .7, ((u'opacity', .7),
                          (u'filter', u'alpha(opacity=70)'),
                          (u'zoom', u'1')) )
    @special.register( name='-testy-test' )
    def _test_abc( arg ):
        return ((u'a',arg), (u'b',arg), (u'c',arg))
    speq( '-testy-test', 5, ((u'a',5), (u'b',5), (u'c',5)) )
예제 #3
파일: css_test.py 프로젝트: ejones/mythril
def test_static_background_gradient():
    global __bkgd_grad_img

    inlattr, fattr = css('', 
        static_background_gradient=((255,34,128), (23,69,128), 50)).attrs

    eq_(inlattr.name, 'background')
    eq_(fattr.name, '*background')
    test_image = path.join(dirname(__file__), 

    m = re.match(r'^url\(data:image/png;base64,([^)]+)\) 0 0 repeat-x$', 
    assert m, 'Incorrect format of inline image attribute: ' + repr(inlattr.value)
    pngeq(StringIO(m.group(1).decode('base64')), test_image)

    m = re.match(r'^url\((/.+)/([^)]+)\) 0 0 repeat-x$', fattr.value)
    assert m, 'Incorrect format of file image attribute: ' + repr(fattr.value)
    assert m.group(1) == resources.get_url_path(), \
          'Bad image url: ' + repr(fattr.value)
    __bkgd_grad_img = gen_image = path.join(resources.get_file_path(), m.group(2))

    pngeq(gen_image, test_image)
예제 #4
파일: css_test.py 프로젝트: ejones/mythril
 def speq( name, args, attrs ):
     eq_( css( '', (name,args) ).attrs, attrs )