def diffConfigFile(tag1, tag2, fileName): print("file:", fileName) config1 = BetterConfigParser() config2 = BetterConfigParser() + 'config/' + fileName) + 'config/' + fileName) sections = list(set(config1.sections() + config2.sections())) commonSections = [ x for x in sections if x in config1.sections() and x in config2.sections() ] print("common sections:", commonSections) for section in commonSections: firstItemInSection = True items1d = {x[0]: x[1] for x in config1.items(section, raw=True)} items2d = {x[0]: x[1] for x in config2.items(section, raw=True)} items1 = [x[0] for x in config1.items(section, raw=True)] items2 = [x[0] for x in config2.items(section, raw=True)] items = list(set(items1 + items2)) commonItems = list( set([x for x in items if x in items1 and x in items2])) for item in commonItems: if item not in os.environ: try: item1 = config1.get(section, item) item2 = config2.get(section, item) item1 = items1d[item] item2 = items2d[item] if item1 != item2: if firstItemInSection: firstItemInSection = False print('-' * 80) print(' \x1b[34m' + fileName + '\x1b[0m: ' + section) print('-' * 80) print(section + ':' + item) d = difflib.Differ() result = list([item1], [item2])) for line in result: if line.startswith('+'): color = '\x1b[31m' elif line.startswith('-'): color = '\x1b[32m' elif line.startswith('?'): color = '\x1b[34m' print(' ' + color + line + '\x1b[0m') except Exception as e: pass
def diffConfigFile(tag1, tag2, fileName): print("file:", fileName) config1 = BetterConfigParser() config2 = BetterConfigParser() + 'config/' + fileName) + 'config/' + fileName) sections = list(set(config1.sections() + config2.sections())) commonSections = [x for x in sections if x in config1.sections() and x in config2.sections()] print("common sections:", commonSections) for section in commonSections: firstItemInSection = True items1d = {x[0]:x[1] for x in config1.items(section, raw=True)} items2d = {x[0]:x[1] for x in config2.items(section, raw=True)} items1 = [x[0] for x in config1.items(section, raw=True)] items2 = [x[0] for x in config2.items(section, raw=True)] items = list(set(items1 + items2)) commonItems = list(set([x for x in items if x in items1 and x in items2])) for item in commonItems: if item not in os.environ: try: item1 = config1.get(section, item) item2 = config2.get(section, item) item1 = items1d[item] item2 = items2d[item] if item1 != item2: if firstItemInSection: firstItemInSection = False print('-'*80) print(' \x1b[34m' + fileName + '\x1b[0m: ' + section) print('-'*80) print(section + ':' + item) d = difflib.Differ() result = list([item1], [item2])) for line in result: if line.startswith('+'): color = '\x1b[31m' elif line.startswith('-'): color = '\x1b[32m' elif line.startswith('?'): color = '\x1b[34m' print(' '+color+line+'\x1b[0m') except Exception as e: pass
parser.add_option("-V", "--validate", dest="validate", default=True, action="store_false", help="Make validation plot the weights") (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(argv) if opts.config == "": opts.config = "config" from myutils import BetterConfigParser print opts.config config = BetterConfigParser() prefix = config.get('LHEWeights', 'prefix') newpostfix = config.get('LHEWeights', 'newpostfix') inclusive = config.get('LHEWeights', 'inclusive') files = eval(config.get('LHEWeights', 'fileList')) lheBin = eval(config.get('LHEWeights', 'lheBin')) fileList = [] for file in files: new_entry = [prefix + file + '.root', files[file], []] if file == inclusive: fileList.insert(0, new_entry) else: fileList.append(new_entry) print fileList print lheBin
else: print '' vhbbPlotDef=opts.config[0].split('/')[0]+'/vhbbPlotDef.ini' opts.config.append(vhbbPlotDef)#adds it to the config list config = BetterConfigParser() #path = opts.path region = opts.region # additional blinding cut: addBlindingCut = None if config.has_option('Plot_general','addBlindingCut'):#contained in plots, cut on the event number addBlindingCut = config.get('Plot_general','addBlindingCut') print 'adding add. blinding cut' print "Compile external macros" print "=======================\n" #get locations: Wdir=config.get('Directories','Wdir')# working direcoty containing the ouput samplesinfo=config.get('Directories','samplesinfo')# samples_nosplit.cfg path = config.get('Directories','plottingSamples')# from which samples to plot section='Plot:%s'%region info = ParseInfo(samplesinfo,path) #creates a list of Samples by reading the info in samples_nosplit.cfg and the conentent of the path.
dest="config", default=[], action="append", help="directory config") #parser.add_option("-S", "--samples", dest="names", default="", # help="samples you want to run on") (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(argv) config = BetterConfigParser() #namelist=opts.names.split(',') #print "namelist:",namelist pathIN = config.get('Directories', 'PREPin') pathOUT = config.get('Directories', 'PREPout') samplesinfo = config.get('Directories', 'samplesinfo') sampleconf = BetterConfigParser() prefix = sampleconf.get('General', 'prefix') info = ParseInfo(samples_path=pathIN, config=config) print "samplesinfo:", samplesinfo cross_sections = {} samples = [] for job in info: if not job.identifier in samples: if type(job.xsec) is list: job.xsec = job.xsec[0] cross_sections[job.identifier] = job.xsec
class XbbRun: def __init__(self, opts): # get file list self.filelist = FileList.decompress(opts.fileList) if len(opts.fileList) > 0 else None print "len(filelist)",len(self.filelist), if len(self.filelist) > 0: print "filelist[0]:", self.filelist[0] else: print '' # config self.debug = 'XBBDEBUG' in os.environ self.verifyCopy = True self.opts = opts self.config = BetterConfigParser() = self.config.get('Configuration', 'channel') # load namespace, TODO VHbbNameSpace = self.config.get('VHbbNameSpace', 'library') ROOT.gSystem.Load(VHbbNameSpace) # directories self.pathIN = self.config.get('Directories', opts.inputDir) self.pathOUT = self.config.get('Directories', opts.outputDir) self.tmpDir = self.config.get('Directories', 'scratch') print 'INput samples:\t%s'%self.pathIN print 'OUTput samples:\t%s'%self.pathOUT self.fileLocator = FileLocator(config=self.config) # check if given sample identifier uniquely matches a samples from config matchingSamples = ParseInfo(samples_path=self.pathIN, config=self.config).find(identifier=opts.sampleIdentifier) if len(matchingSamples) != 1: print "ERROR: need exactly 1 sample identifier as input with -S !!" print matchingSamples exit(1) self.sample = matchingSamples[0] # collections self.collections = [x.strip() for x in opts.addCollections.split(',') if len(x.strip()) > 0] if len(opts.addCollections.strip())>0 else [] if len(self.collections) < 1: print "\x1b[31mWARNING: no collections added! Specify the collections to add with the --addCollections option!\x1b[0m" print 'collections to add:', self.collections self.collections = self.parseCollectionList(self.collections) print 'after parsing:', self.collections # temorary folder to save the files of this job on the scratch temporaryName = self.sample.identifier + '/' + uuid.uuid4().hex # input files self.subJobs = [] if opts.join: print("INFO: join input files! This is an experimental feature!") # translate naming convention of .txt file to imported files after the prep step inputFileNamesAfterPrep = [self.fileLocator.getFilenameAfterPrep(x) for x in self.filelist] self.subJobs.append({ 'inputFileNames': self.filelist, 'localInputFileNames': ["{path}/{subfolder}/{filename}".format(path=self.pathIN, subfolder=self.sample.identifier, filename=localFileName) for localFileName in inputFileNamesAfterPrep], 'outputFileName': "{path}/{subfolder}/{filename}".format(path=self.pathOUT, subfolder=self.sample.identifier, filename=inputFileNamesAfterPrep[0]), 'tmpFileName': "{path}/{subfolder}/{filename}".format(path=self.tmpDir, subfolder=temporaryName, filename=inputFileNamesAfterPrep[0]), }) else: # create separate subjob for all files (default!) for inputFileName in self.filelist: inputFileNamesAfterPrep = [self.fileLocator.getFilenameAfterPrep(inputFileName)] self.subJobs.append({ 'inputFileNames': [inputFileName], 'localInputFileNames': ["{path}/{subfolder}/{filename}".format(path=self.pathIN, subfolder=self.sample.identifier, filename=localFileName) for localFileName in inputFileNamesAfterPrep], 'outputFileName': "{path}/{subfolder}/{filename}".format(path=self.pathOUT, subfolder=self.sample.identifier, filename=inputFileNamesAfterPrep[0]), 'tmpFileName': "{path}/{subfolder}/{filename}".format(path=self.tmpDir, subfolder=temporaryName, filename=inputFileNamesAfterPrep[0]), }) # lists of single modules can be given instead of a module, "--addCollections Sys.all" # [Sys] # all = ['Sys.Vtype', 'Sys.Leptons', ...] # TODO: make it fully recursive def parseCollectionList(self, collections): collectionsListsReplaced = [] for collection in collections: if '.' in collection: section = collection.split('.')[0] key = collection.split('.')[1] listExpression = self.config.get(section, key).strip() if listExpression.startswith('[') and listExpression.endswith(']'): listParsed = eval(listExpression) for i in listParsed: collectionsListsReplaced.append(i) else: collectionsListsReplaced.append(collection) else: collectionsListsReplaced.append(collection) return collectionsListsReplaced # run all subjobs def run(self): nFilesProcessed = 0 nFilesFailed = 0 for subJob in self.subJobs: # only process if output is non-existing/broken or --force was used if self.opts.force or not self.fileLocator.isValidRootFile(subJob['outputFileName']): # create directories outputFolder = '/'.join(subJob['outputFileName'].split('/')[:-1]) tmpFolder = '/'.join(subJob['tmpFileName'].split('/')[:-1]) self.fileLocator.makedirs(outputFolder) self.fileLocator.makedirs(tmpFolder) # load sample tree sampleTree = SampleTree(subJob['localInputFileNames'], config=self.config) if not sampleTree.tree: print "trying fallback...", len(subJob['inputFileNames']) if len(subJob['inputFileNames']) == 1: # try original naming scheme if reading directly from Heppy/Nano ntuples (without prep) fileNameOriginal = self.pathIN + '/' + subJob['inputFileNames'][0] print "FO:", fileNameOriginal xrootdRedirector = self.fileLocator.getRedirector(fileNameOriginal) sampleTree = SampleTree([fileNameOriginal], config=self.config, xrootdRedirector=xrootdRedirector) if not sampleTree.tree: print "\x1b[31mERROR: file does not exist or is broken, will be SKIPPED!\x1b[0m" nFilesFailed += 1 continue else: print "\x1b[31mERROR: file does not exist or is broken, will be SKIPPED! (old naming scheme not supported for joining multipel files)\x1b[0m" nFilesFailed += 1 continue # to use this syntax, use "--addCollections Sys.Vtype" for a config file entry like this: # [Sys] # Vtype = VtypeCorrector.VtypeCorrector(channel='Zll') # (instead of passing the tree in the constructor, the setTree method can be used) pyModules = [] versionTable = [] for collection in self.collections: if '.' in collection: section = collection.split('.')[0] key = collection.split('.')[1] if self.config.has_section(section) and self.config.has_option(section, key): pyCode = self.config.get(section, key) elif '(' in collection and collection.endswith(')'): print "WARNING: config option", collection, " not found, interpreting it as Python code!" pyCode = collection else: print "\x1b[31mERROR: config option not found:", collection, ". To specify Python code directly, pass a complete constructor, e.g. --addCollections 'Module.Class()'. Module has to be placed in python/myutils/ folder.\x1b[0m" raise Exception("ConfigError") # import module from myutils moduleName = pyCode.split('(')[0].split('.')[0].strip() if self.debug: print "DEBUG: import module:", moduleName print("\x1b[33mDEBUG: " + collection + ": run PYTHON code:\n"+pyCode+"\x1b[0m") globals()[moduleName] = importlib.import_module(".{module}".format(module=moduleName), package="myutils") # get object wObject = eval(pyCode) # pass the tree and other variables if needed to finalize initialization if hasattr(wObject, "customInit") and callable(getattr(wObject, "customInit")): wObject.customInit({'config': self.config, 'sampleTree': sampleTree, 'tree': sampleTree.tree, 'sample': self.sample, 'channel':, 'pathIN': self.pathIN, 'pathOUT': self.pathOUT, }) # add callbacks if the objects provides any if hasattr(wObject, "processEvent") and callable(getattr(wObject, "processEvent")): sampleTree.addCallback('event', wObject.processEvent) for cb in ["finish", "prepareOutput"]: if hasattr(wObject, cb) and callable(getattr(wObject, cb)): sampleTree.addCallback(cb, getattr(wObject, cb)) # add branches if hasattr(wObject, "getBranches") and callable(getattr(wObject, "getBranches")): sampleTree.addOutputBranches(wObject.getBranches()) pyModules.append(wObject) versionTable.append([moduleName, wObject.getVersion() if hasattr(wObject, "getVersion") else 0]) else: print "\x1b[31mERROR: config option not found:", collection, " the format should be: [Section].[Option]\x1b[0m" raise Exception("ConfigError") for moduleName, moduleVersion in versionTable: print " > {m}:{v}".format(m=moduleName, v=moduleVersion) # DEPRECATED, do not use anymore ---> use BranchTools.TreeFormulas() if 'addbranches' in self.collections: writeNewVariables = eval(self.config.get("Regression", "writeNewVariablesDict")) sampleTree.addOutputBranches(writeNewVariables) # DEPRECATED, do not use anymore ---> use BranchTools.Drop() if 'removebranches' in self.collections: bl_branch = eval(config.get('Branches', 'useless_branch')) for br in bl_branch: sampleTree.addBranchToBlacklist(br) bl_branch = eval(config.get('Branches', 'useless_after_sys')) for br in bl_branch: sampleTree.addBranchToBlacklist(br) # define output file sampleTree.addOutputTree(subJob['tmpFileName'], cut='1', branches='*', friend=self.opts.friend) # run processing for pyModule in pyModules: if hasattr(pyModule, "beforeProcessing"): getattr(pyModule, "beforeProcessing")() sampleTree.process() for pyModule in pyModules: if hasattr(pyModule, "afterProcessing"): getattr(pyModule, "afterProcessing")() # if output trees have been produced: copy temporary file to output folder if sampleTree.getNumberOfOutputTrees() > 0: try: self.fileLocator.cp(subJob['tmpFileName'], subJob['outputFileName'], force=True) print 'copy ', subJob['tmpFileName'], subJob['outputFileName'] if self.verifyCopy: if not self.fileLocator.isValidRootFile(subJob['outputFileName']): print 'INFO: output at final destination broken, try to copy again from scratch disk to final destination...' self.fileLocator.cp(subJob['tmpFileName'], subJob['outputFileName'], force=True) print 'INFO: second attempt copy done!' if not self.fileLocator.isValidRootFile(subJob['outputFileName']): print '\x1b[31mERROR: output still broken!\x1b[0m' nFilesFailed += 1 raise Exception("FileCopyError") else: print 'INFO: file is good after second attempt!' except Exception as e: print e print "\x1b[31mERROR: copy from scratch to final destination failed!!\x1b[0m" # delete temporary file try: self.fileLocator.rm(subJob['tmpFileName']) except Exception as e: print e print "WARNING: could not delete file on scratch!" # clean up if hasattr(wObject, "cleanUp") and callable(getattr(wObject, "cleanUp")): getattr(wObject, "cleanUp")() else: print 'SKIP:', subJob['inputFileNames'] if nFilesFailed > 0: raise Exception("ProcessingIncomplete")
sys.exit(123) en = opts.tag #create the list with the samples to run over samplesList = opts.samples.split(",") # timestamp = time.asctime().replace(' ','_').replace(':','-') timestamp = time.strftime("%Y_%m_%d-%H_%M_%S") if (debugPrintOUts): print 'samplesList', samplesList if (debugPrintOUts): print 'timestamp', timestamp # the list of the config is taken from the path config pathconfig = BetterConfigParser()'%sconfig/paths.ini' % (en)) _configs = pathconfig.get('Configuration', 'List').split(" ") configs = ['%sconfig/' % (en) + c for c in _configs] if (debugPrintOUts): print 'configs', configs if (debugPrintOUts): print 'opts.ftag', opts.ftag if not opts.ftag == '': tagDir = pathconfig.get('Directories', 'tagDir') if (debugPrintOUts): print 'tagDir', tagDir DirStruct = { 'tagDir': tagDir, 'ftagdir': '%s/%s/' % (tagDir, opts.ftag), 'logpath': '%s/%s/%s/' % (tagDir, opts.ftag, 'Logs'), 'plotpath': '%s/%s/%s/' % (tagDir, opts.ftag, 'Plots'), 'limitpath': '%s/%s/%s/' % (tagDir, opts.ftag, 'Limits'), 'confpath': '%s/%s/%s/' % (tagDir, opts.ftag, 'config')
print ('opts.filelist="'+opts.filelist+'"') filelist=filter(None,opts.filelist.replace(' ', '').split(';')) print (filelist) print ("len(filelist)",len(filelist),) if len(filelist)>0: print ("filelist[0]:",filelist[0]) else: print ('') #Import after configure to get help message from myutils import BetterConfigParser, progbar, printc, ParseInfo, MvaEvaluator config = BetterConfigParser() anaTag = config.get("Analysis","tag") #get locations: Wdir=config.get('Directories','Wdir') samplesinfo=config.get('Directories','samplesinfo') #read shape systematics systematics=config.get('systematics','systematics') #systematics INpath = config.get('Directories','MVAin') OUTpath = config.get('Directories','MVAout') info = ParseInfo(samplesinfo,INpath) arglist = ''
#parser.add_option("-P", "--path", dest="path", default="", # help="path to samples") parser.add_option("-S", "--samples", dest="names", default="", help="samples you want to run on") parser.add_option("-C", "--config", dest="config", default=[], action="append", help="configuration defining the plots to make") (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(argv) if opts.config =="": opts.config = "config" from myutils import BetterConfigParser, ParseInfo print opts.config config = BetterConfigParser() anaTag = config.get("Analysis","tag") TrainFlag = eval(config.get('Analysis','TrainFlag')) btagLibrary = config.get('BTagReshaping','library') samplesinfo=config.get('Directories','samplesinfo') VHbbNameSpace=config.get('VHbbNameSpace','library') ROOT.gSystem.Load(VHbbNameSpace) AngLikeBkgs=eval(config.get('AngularLike','backgrounds')) ang_yield=eval(config.get('AngularLike','yields')) #path=opts.path pathIN = config.get('Directories','SYSin') pathOUT = config.get('Directories','SYSout') tmpDir = os.environ["TMPDIR"] print 'INput samples:\t%s'%pathIN
parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-C", "--config", dest="config", default=[], action="append", help="directory config") parser.add_option("-S", "--sampleIdentifier", dest="sampleIdentifier", default="", help="samples you want to run on") parser.add_option("-f", "--fileList", dest="fileList", default="", help="list of files you want to run on") parser.add_option("-l", "--limit", dest="limit", default=None, help="max number of files to process") (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(argv) config = BetterConfigParser() fileList = FileList.decompress(opts.fileList) if len(opts.fileList)>0 else None pathOUT = config.get('Directories','PREPout') samplesinfo=config.get('Directories','samplesinfo') samplefiles = config.get('Directories','samplefiles') sampleconf = BetterConfigParser() whereToLaunch = config.get('Configuration','whereToLaunch') info = ParseInfo(samplesinfo, None) samples = [x for x in info if not x.subsample and (len(opts.sampleIdentifier) == 0 or x.identifier in opts.sampleIdentifier.split(','))] treeCopier = copytreePSI.CopyTreePSI(config=config) if opts.limit and len(samples) > int(opts.limit): samples= samples[:int(opts.limit)] for sample in samples: treeCopier.copytreePSI(pathIN=samplefiles, pathOUT=pathOUT, folderName=sample.identifier, skimmingCut=sample.addtreecut, fileList=fileList)
"--config", dest="config", default=[], action="append", help="configuration file") (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(argv) if opts.config == "": opts.config = "config" #Import after configure to get help message from myutils import BetterConfigParser, progbar, printc, ParseInfo, MvaEvaluator config = BetterConfigParser() anaTag = config.get("Analysis", "tag") #get locations: Wdir = config.get('Directories', 'Wdir') samplesinfo = config.get('Directories', 'samplesinfo') #systematics INpath = config.get('Directories', 'MVAin') OUTpath = config.get('Directories', 'MVAout') #read shape systematics systematics = config.get('systematics', 'systematics') info = ParseInfo(samplesinfo, INpath) arglist = opts.discr #RTight_blavla,bsbsb
sampleName = section sampleNameShort = '_'.join(sampleName.split('_')[0:7]).strip() if '_ext' in sampleName: sampleNameShort = sampleNameShort.split('_ext')[0] elif '_backup' in sampleName: sampleNameShort = sampleNameShort.split('_backup')[0] if sampleNameShort in sampleDict: sampleDict[sampleNameShort].append(sampleName) else: sampleDict[sampleNameShort] = [sampleName] if verify: extweight = 0 try: extweight = float(config.get(section, 'extweight')) except: pass sampleWeights[sampleNameShort] = float( sampleWeights[sampleNameShort] ) + extweight if sampleNameShort in sampleWeights else extweight if verify: for sampleNameShort, totalWeight in sampleWeights.iteritems(): if sampleNameShort in sampleDict and len( sampleDict[sampleNameShort]) > 1: print sampleNameShort, ":", totalWeight else: for sample, extParts in sampleDict.iteritems(): if len(extParts) > 1: print '-' * 80
dest="fileList", default="", help="list of files you want to run on") parser.add_option("-l", "--limit", dest="limit", default=None, help="max number of files to process") (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(argv) config = BetterConfigParser() fileList = FileList.decompress( opts.fileList) if len(opts.fileList) > 0 else None pathOUT = config.get('Directories', 'PREPout') samplefiles = config.get('Directories', 'samplefiles') sampleconf = config whereToLaunch = config.get('Configuration', 'whereToLaunch') info = ParseInfo(samples_path=None, config=config) samples = [ x for x in info if not x.subsample and (len(opts.sampleIdentifier) == 0 or x.identifier in opts.sampleIdentifier.split(',')) ] treeCopier = copytreePSI.CopyTreePSI(config=config) if opts.limit and len(samples) > int(opts.limit): samples = samples[:int(opts.limit)] for sample in samples:
class XbbRun: def __init__(self, opts): # get file list self.filelist = FileList.decompress(opts.fileList) if len(opts.fileList) > 0 else None print "len(filelist)",len(self.filelist), if len(self.filelist) > 0: print "filelist[0]:", self.filelist[0] else: print '' # config self.debug = 'XBBDEBUG' in os.environ self.verifyCopy = True self.opts = opts self.config = BetterConfigParser() samplesinfo = self.config.get('Directories', 'samplesinfo') = self.config.get('Configuration', 'channel') # load namespace, TODO VHbbNameSpace = self.config.get('VHbbNameSpace', 'library') ROOT.gSystem.Load(VHbbNameSpace) # directories self.pathIN = self.config.get('Directories', opts.inputDir) self.pathOUT = self.config.get('Directories', opts.outputDir) self.tmpDir = self.config.get('Directories', 'scratch') print 'INput samples:\t%s'%self.pathIN print 'OUTput samples:\t%s'%self.pathOUT self.fileLocator = FileLocator(config=self.config) # check if given sample identifier uniquely matches a samples from config matchingSamples = ParseInfo(samplesinfo, self.pathIN).find(identifier=opts.sampleIdentifier) if len(matchingSamples) != 1: print "ERROR: need exactly 1 sample identifier as input with -S !!" print matchingSamples exit(1) self.sample = matchingSamples[0] # collections self.collections = [x.strip() for x in opts.addCollections.split(',') if len(x.strip()) > 0] if len(opts.addCollections.strip())>0 else [] if len(self.collections) < 1: print "\x1b[31mWARNING: no collections added! Specify the collections to add with the --addCollections option!\x1b[0m" print 'collections to add:', self.collections self.collections = self.parseCollectionList(self.collections) print 'after parsing:', self.collections # temorary folder to save the files of this job on the scratch temporaryName = self.sample.identifier + '/' + uuid.uuid4().hex # input files self.subJobs = [] if opts.join: print("INFO: join input files! This is an experimental feature!") # translate naming convention of .txt file to imported files after the prep step inputFileNamesAfterPrep = [self.fileLocator.getFilenameAfterPrep(x) for x in self.filelist] self.subJobs.append({ 'inputFileNames': self.filelist, 'localInputFileNames': ["{path}/{subfolder}/{filename}".format(path=self.pathIN, subfolder=self.sample.identifier, filename=localFileName) for localFileName in inputFileNamesAfterPrep], 'outputFileName': "{path}/{subfolder}/{filename}".format(path=self.pathOUT, subfolder=self.sample.identifier, filename=inputFileNamesAfterPrep[0]), 'tmpFileName': "{path}/{subfolder}/{filename}".format(path=self.tmpDir, subfolder=temporaryName, filename=inputFileNamesAfterPrep[0]), }) else: # create separate subjob for all files (default!) for inputFileName in self.filelist: inputFileNamesAfterPrep = [self.fileLocator.getFilenameAfterPrep(inputFileName)] self.subJobs.append({ 'inputFileNames': [inputFileName], 'localInputFileNames': ["{path}/{subfolder}/{filename}".format(path=self.pathIN, subfolder=self.sample.identifier, filename=localFileName) for localFileName in inputFileNamesAfterPrep], 'outputFileName': "{path}/{subfolder}/{filename}".format(path=self.pathOUT, subfolder=self.sample.identifier, filename=inputFileNamesAfterPrep[0]), 'tmpFileName': "{path}/{subfolder}/{filename}".format(path=self.tmpDir, subfolder=temporaryName, filename=inputFileNamesAfterPrep[0]), }) # lists of single modules can be given instead of a module, "--addCollections Sys.all" # [Sys] # all = ['Sys.Vtype', 'Sys.Leptons', ...] # TODO: make it fully recursive def parseCollectionList(self, collections): collectionsListsReplaced = [] for collection in collections: if '.' in collection: section = collection.split('.')[0] key = collection.split('.')[1] listExpression = self.config.get(section, key).strip() if listExpression.startswith('[') and listExpression.endswith(']'): listParsed = eval(listExpression) for i in listParsed: collectionsListsReplaced.append(i) else: collectionsListsReplaced.append(collection) else: collectionsListsReplaced.append(collection) return collectionsListsReplaced # run all subjobs def run(self): nFilesProcessed = 0 nFilesFailed = 0 for subJob in self.subJobs: # only process if output is non-existing/broken or --force was used if self.opts.force or not self.fileLocator.isValidRootFile(subJob['outputFileName']): # create directories outputFolder = '/'.join(subJob['outputFileName'].split('/')[:-1]) tmpFolder = '/'.join(subJob['tmpFileName'].split('/')[:-1]) self.fileLocator.makedirs(outputFolder) self.fileLocator.makedirs(tmpFolder) # load sample tree sampleTree = SampleTree(subJob['localInputFileNames'], config=self.config) if not sampleTree.tree: print "trying fallback...", len(subJob['inputFileNames']) if len(subJob['inputFileNames']) == 1: # try original naming scheme if reading directly from Heppy/Nano ntuples (without prep) fileNameOriginal = self.pathIN + '/' + subJob['inputFileNames'][0] print "FO:", fileNameOriginal xrootdRedirector = self.fileLocator.getRedirector(fileNameOriginal) sampleTree = SampleTree([fileNameOriginal], config=self.config, xrootdRedirector=xrootdRedirector) if not sampleTree.tree: print "\x1b[31mERROR: file does not exist or is broken, will be SKIPPED!\x1b[0m" nFilesFailed += 1 continue else: print "\x1b[31mERROR: file does not exist or is broken, will be SKIPPED! (old naming scheme not supported for joining multipel files)\x1b[0m" nFilesFailed += 1 continue # to use this syntax, use "--addCollections Sys.Vtype" for a config file entry like this: # [Sys] # Vtype = VtypeCorrector.VtypeCorrector(channel='Zll') # (instead of passing the tree in the constructor, the setTree method can be used) pyModules = [] for collection in self.collections: if '.' in collection: section = collection.split('.')[0] key = collection.split('.')[1] pyCode = self.config.get(section, key) # import module from myutils moduleName = pyCode.split('(')[0].split('.')[0].strip() if self.debug: print "DEBUG: import module:", moduleName print("\x1b[33mDEBUG: " + collection + ": run PYTHON code:\n"+pyCode+"\x1b[0m") globals()[moduleName] = importlib.import_module(".{module}".format(module=moduleName), package="myutils") # get object wObject = eval(pyCode) # pass the tree and other variables if needed to finalize initialization if hasattr(wObject, "customInit") and callable(getattr(wObject, "customInit")): wObject.customInit({'config': self.config, 'sampleTree': sampleTree, 'tree': sampleTree.tree, 'sample': self.sample, 'channel':, 'pathIN': self.pathIN, 'pathOUT': self.pathOUT, }) # add callbacks if the objects provides any if hasattr(wObject, "processEvent") and callable(getattr(wObject, "processEvent")): sampleTree.addCallback('event', wObject.processEvent) # add branches if hasattr(wObject, "getBranches") and callable(getattr(wObject, "getBranches")): sampleTree.addOutputBranches(wObject.getBranches()) pyModules.append(wObject) # DEPRECATED, do not use anymore ---> use BranchTools.TreeFormulas() if 'addbranches' in self.collections: writeNewVariables = eval(self.config.get("Regression", "writeNewVariablesDict")) sampleTree.addOutputBranches(writeNewVariables) # DEPRECATED, do not use anymore ---> use BranchTools.Drop() if 'removebranches' in self.collections: bl_branch = eval(config.get('Branches', 'useless_branch')) for br in bl_branch: sampleTree.addBranchToBlacklist(br) bl_branch = eval(config.get('Branches', 'useless_after_sys')) for br in bl_branch: sampleTree.addBranchToBlacklist(br) # define output file sampleTree.addOutputTree(subJob['tmpFileName'], cut='1', branches='*', friend=self.opts.friend) # run processing for pyModule in pyModules: if hasattr(pyModule, "beforeProcessing"): getattr(pyModule, "beforeProcessing")() sampleTree.process() for pyModule in pyModules: if hasattr(pyModule, "afterProcessing"): getattr(pyModule, "afterProcessing")() # if output trees have been produced: copy temporary file to output folder if sampleTree.getNumberOfOutputTrees() > 0: try: self.fileLocator.cp(subJob['tmpFileName'], subJob['outputFileName'], force=True) print 'copy ', subJob['tmpFileName'], subJob['outputFileName'] if self.verifyCopy: if not self.fileLocator.isValidRootFile(subJob['outputFileName']): print 'INFO: output at final destination broken, try to copy again from scratch disk to final destination...' self.fileLocator.cp(subJob['tmpFileName'], subJob['outputFileName'], force=True) print 'INFO: second attempt copy done!' if not self.fileLocator.isValidRootFile(subJob['outputFileName']): print '\x1b[31mERROR: output still broken!\x1b[0m' nFilesFailed += 1 raise Exception("FileCopyError") else: print 'INFO: file is good after second attempt!' except Exception as e: print e print "\x1b[31mERROR: copy from scratch to final destination failed!!\x1b[0m" # delete temporary file try: self.fileLocator.rm(subJob['tmpFileName']) except Exception as e: print e print "WARNING: could not delete file on scratch!" # clean up if hasattr(wObject, "cleanUp") and callable(getattr(wObject, "cleanUp")): getattr(wObject, "cleanUp")() else: print 'SKIP:', subJob['inputFileNames'] if nFilesFailed > 0: raise Exception("ProcessingIncomplete")
dest='maxEvents', default=10000, help="max number of events per file. Default 10000") (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(argv) if opts.config == "": opts.config = "config" config = BetterConfigParser() import ROOT ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch(True) namelistIN = opts.samples namelist = namelistIN.split(',') samplesinfo = config.get('Directories', 'samplesinfo') INpath = config.get('Directories', 'samplepath') + '/envW/sys/' OUTpath = INpath # for the moemnt OUTpath = INpath ->> TO FIX info = parse_info(samplesinfo, INpath) for job in info: if eval( if in namelist: #get trees: print INpath + '/' + job.prefix + job.identifier + '.root' sourceFile = ROOT.TFile.Open( INpath + '/' + job.prefix + job.identifier + '.root', 'read') Tree = sourceFile.Get('tree') obj = ROOT.TObject nentries = Tree.GetEntries() print nentries
parser.add_option("-M", "--max-events", dest='maxEvents', default=10000, help="max number of events per file. Default 10000") (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(argv) if opts.config =="": opts.config = "config" config = BetterConfigParser() import ROOT ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch(True) namelistIN=opts.samples namelist=namelistIN.split(',') samplesinfo=config.get('Directories','samplesinfo') INpath=config.get('Directories','samplepath')+'/envW/sys/' OUTpath=INpath # for the moemnt OUTpath = INpath ->> TO FIX info = parse_info(samplesinfo,INpath) for job in info: if eval( if in namelist: #get trees: print INpath+'/'+job.prefix+job.identifier+'.root' sourceFile = ROOT.TFile.Open(INpath+'/'+job.prefix+job.identifier+'.root','read') Tree = sourceFile.Get('tree') obj = ROOT.TObject nentries = Tree.GetEntries() print nentries
# parser.add_option("-P", "--path", dest="path", default="", # help="path to samples") parser.add_option("-S", "--samples", dest="names", default="", help="samples you want to run on") parser.add_option( "-C", "--config", dest="config", default=[], action="append", help="configuration defining the plots to make" ) (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(argv) if opts.config == "": opts.config = "config" from myutils import BetterConfigParser, ParseInfo, TreeCache print opts.config config = BetterConfigParser() anaTag = config.get("Analysis", "tag") TrainFlag = eval(config.get("Analysis", "TrainFlag")) btagLibrary = config.get("BTagReshaping", "library") samplesinfo = config.get("Directories", "samplesinfo") VHbbNameSpace = config.get("VHbbNameSpace", "library") ROOT.gSystem.Load(VHbbNameSpace) AngLikeBkgs = eval(config.get("AngularLike", "backgrounds")) ang_yield = eval(config.get("AngularLike", "yields")) # path=opts.path pathIN = config.get("Directories", "SYSin") pathOUT = config.get("Directories", "SYSout") tmpDir = os.environ["TMPDIR"] print "INput samples:\t%s" % pathIN
#opts.config.append('13TeVconfig/vhbbPlotDef.ini') #print 'Plot Config List: ',opts.config config = BetterConfigParser() #path = opts.path region = opts.region batch = opts.batch print batch # additional blinding cut: addBlindingCut = None if config.has_option('Plot_general', 'addBlindingCut'): addBlindingCut = config.get('Plot_general', 'addBlindingCut') print 'adding add. blinding cut' #get locations: Wdir = config.get('Directories', 'Wdir') # the samples_nosplit.cfg file in 13TeV samplesinfo = config.get('Directories', 'samplesinfo') # which directory to take the samples from(sys_out currently) path = config.get('Directories', 'plottingSamples') # Add external macros # For batch jobs lock the compliation #lock = Lock() #sleep(np.random.rand(1,1)*120)
opts.config = "config" from myutils import BetterConfigParser, printc, ParseInfo, mvainfo, StackMaker, HistoMaker print opts.config opts.config.append('heppy13TeVconfig/vhbbPlotDef.ini') config = BetterConfigParser() #path = opts.path region = opts.region # additional blinding cut: addBlindingCut = None if config.has_option('Plot_general','addBlindingCut'): addBlindingCut = config.get('Plot_general','addBlindingCut') print 'adding add. blinding cut' #get locations: Wdir=config.get('Directories','Wdir') samplesinfo=config.get('Directories','samplesinfo') path = config.get('Directories','plottingSamples') section='Plot:%s'%region info = ParseInfo(samplesinfo,path) #----------Histo from trees------------ def doPlot(): vars = (config.get(section, 'vars')).split(',')
print "Please provide a task.\n-J prep:\tpreparation of Trees\n-J sys:\t\twrite regression and systematics\n-J eval:\tcreate MVA output\n-J plot:\tproduce Plots\n-J dc:\t\twrite workspaces and datacards" sys.exit(123) en = opts.tag #create the list with the samples to run over samplesList = opts.samples.split(",") timestamp = time.asctime().replace(' ', '_').replace(':', '-') if (debugPrintOUts): print 'samplesList', samplesList if (debugPrintOUts): print 'timestamp', timestamp # the list of the config is taken from the path config pathconfig = BetterConfigParser()'%sconfig/paths' % (en)) _configs = pathconfig.get('Configuration', 'List').split(" ") configs = ['%sconfig/' % (en) + c for c in _configs] if (debugPrintOUts): print 'configs', configs if (debugPrintOUts): print 'opts.ftag', opts.ftag if not opts.ftag == '': tagDir = pathconfig.get('Directories', 'tagDir') # DEBUG PURPOSE ONLY # sys.exit() if (debugPrintOUts): print 'tagDir', tagDir DirStruct = { 'tagDir': tagDir, 'ftagdir': '%s/%s/' % (tagDir, opts.ftag), 'logpath': '%s/%s/%s/' % (tagDir, opts.ftag, 'Logs'), 'plotpath': '%s/%s/%s/' % (tagDir, opts.ftag, 'Plots'),
parser.add_option("-A", "--apply", dest="apply", default=True, action="store_true", help="configuration defining the") parser.add_option("-W", "--weight", dest="weights", default=True, action="store_false", help="Calculate the weights") parser.add_option("-V", "--validate", dest="validate", default=False, action="store_false", help="Make validation plot the weights") (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(argv) if opts.config =="": opts.config = "config" from myutils import BetterConfigParser print opts.config config = BetterConfigParser() prefix = config.get('lheWeights','prefix') newpostfix = config.get('lheWeights','newpostfix') inclusive = config.get('lheWeights','inclusive') files = eval(config.get('lheWeights','fileList')) lheBin = eval(config.get('lheWeights','lheBin')) print '\n========= Looping over Drell Yan Samples ==========\n' fileList = [] for file in files: new_entry = [prefix+file+'.root',files[file],[]] print new_entry if file == inclusive: fileList.insert(0, new_entry) else: fileList.append(new_entry)
parser.add_option("-r","--regions", dest="regions", default='', help="cut region identifiers, separated by comma") parser.add_option("-t","--type", dest="fitType", default='', help="shapes_prefit, shapes_fit_b, shapes_fit_s") (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(argv) if opts.config == "": opts.config = ["config"] # Import after configure to get help message from myutils import BetterConfigParser, mvainfo, ParseInfo config = BetterConfigParser() if len(opts.fitType) < 1: if config.has_option('Fit','FitType'): opts.fitType = config.get('Fit','FitType') else: opts.fitType = "shapes_prefit" # run plotter if len(opts.regions) < 1: regions = eval(config.get('Fit', 'regions')).keys() else: regions = opts.regions.split(',') for region in regions: plotter = PostfitPlotter(config=config, region=region, directory=opts.fitType) plotter.prepare()
help="configuration tag") parser.add_option("-t","--trainingRegions", dest="trainingRegions", default='', help="cut region identifier") parser.add_option("-l","--load", dest="loadHDF", action="store_const", default=False, const=True, help="load hdf files") parser.add_option("--force", dest="force", action="store_const", default=False, const=True, help="force reloading samples (use it when cuts have changed)") (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(argv) if opts.config =="": opts.config = ["config"] # Import after configure to get help message if len(opts.tag.strip()) > 1: config = BetterConfigParser()"{tag}config/paths.ini".format(tag=opts.tag)) configFiles = config.get("Configuration", "List").split(' ') opts.config = ["{tag}config/{file}".format(tag=opts.tag, file=x.strip()) for x in configFiles] print("reading config files:", opts.config) # load config config = BetterConfigParser() converter = SampleTreesToDataFrameConverter(config,config_name=opts.tag) if not opts.loadHDF: converter.loadSamples(safe_hdf=True,force=opts.force) dfs = converter.getDataFrames()
"--local", dest="local", default=True, help="True to run it locally. False to run on batch system using config") (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(argv) if opts.config == "": opts.config = "config" #Import after configure to get help message from myutils import BetterConfigParser, mvainfo, ParseInfo, TreeCache #load config config = BetterConfigParser() anaTag = config.get("Analysis", "tag") run = gui = opts.verbose #GLOABAL rescale from Train/Test Spliiting: global_rescale = 2. #get locations: MVAdir = config.get('Directories', 'vhbbpath') + '/data/' samplesinfo = config.get('Directories', 'samplesinfo') #systematics systematics = config.get('systematics', 'systematics') systematics = systematics.split(' ') weightF = config.get('Weights', 'weightF')
default='', help="cut regions identifier") parser.add_option("-C", "--config", dest="config", default=[], action="append", help="configuration file") (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(argv) if opts.config == "": opts.config = "config" # Import after configure to get help message from myutils import BetterConfigParser, mvainfo, ParseInfo # load config config = BetterConfigParser() # if no region is given in argument, run it for all of them regionsListString = opts.regions if len( opts.regions.strip()) > 0 else config.get('LimitGeneral', 'List') regions = [ x.strip() for x in regionsListString.split(',') if len(x.strip()) > 0 ] for region in regions: mergeDC = MergeDatacards(config=config, region=region) isComplete = mergeDC.prepare() if isComplete:
# Import heppy configurations argv = sys.argv parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-S", "--samples", dest="names", default="", help="samples you want to run on") parser.add_option("-C", "--config", dest="config", default=[], action="append", help="configuration defining the plots to make") (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(argv) if opts.config =="": opts.config = "config" config = BetterConfigParser() samplesinfo = config.get('Directories','samplesinfo') tmpDir = os.environ["TMPDIR"] pathIN = config.get('Directories','SYSout') pathOUT = config.get('Directories','SYSout') name = config.get('TrainRegression', 'name') namelist = opts.names.split(',') info = ParseInfo(samplesinfo,pathIN) # Now load kinFit modules/namspaces ROOT.gSystem.Load("")
sampleName = section sampleNameShort = '_'.join(sampleName.split('_')[0:7]).strip() if '_ext' in sampleName: sampleNameShort = sampleNameShort.split('_ext')[0] elif '_backup' in sampleName: sampleNameShort = sampleNameShort.split('_backup')[0] if sampleNameShort in sampleDict: sampleDict[sampleNameShort].append(sampleName) else: sampleDict[sampleNameShort] = [sampleName] if verify: extweight = 0 try: extweight = float(config.get(section, 'extweight')) except: pass sampleWeights[sampleNameShort] = float(sampleWeights[sampleNameShort]) + extweight if sampleNameShort in sampleWeights else extweight if verify: for sampleNameShort,totalWeight in sampleWeights.iteritems(): if sampleNameShort in sampleDict and len(sampleDict[sampleNameShort])>1: print sampleNameShort,":",totalWeight else: for sample,extParts in sampleDict.iteritems(): if len(extParts) > 1: print '-'*80 print sample,":" getExtWeights(config,extParts)
#path_ = '/mnt/t3nfs01/data01/shome/gaperrin/VHbb/CMSSW_7_4_3/src/Xbb/python/logs_v25/MERGESYSCACHINGDCSPLIT_SB_M/Limits/' #path_ = '/mnt/t3nfs01/data01/shome/gaperrin/VHbb/CMSSW_7_4_3/src/Xbb/python/logs_v25/MERGESYSCACHINGDCSPLIT_SB_Mjj_08_08_17_v3/Limits/' #path_ = '/mnt/t3nfs01/data01/shome/gaperrin/VHbb/CMSSW_7_4_3/src/Xbb/python/logs_v25/MSCACHINGSPLIT_eval_v8_sigPS_All_rmvbr_VH_7/Limits/' path_ = '/mnt/t3nfs01/data01/shome/berger_p2/VHbb/CMSSW_9_4_0_pre3/src/Xbb/python/logs_v25/rundc-all-test12/Limits' #------------------------------------------------------ #---------- Mjj --------------------------------------- #mode = 'Mjj' #xMin=0 #xMax=255 #masses = ['125'] #Abins = ['highPt','lowPt','medPt'] #channels= ['Zee','Zmm'] #------------------------------------------------------ path = config.get('Directories', 'limits') outpath = config.get('Directories', 'plotpath') setup = eval(config.get('LimitGeneral', 'setup')) Dict = eval(config.get('LimitGeneral', 'Dict')) MCs = [Dict[s] for s in setup] sys_BDT = ['CUETP8M1'] + eval(config.get('LimitGeneral', 'sys_BDT')) #systematicsnaming = eval(config.get('LimitGeneral','systematicsnaming')) #systematicsnaming = eval(config.get('LimitGeneral','systematicsnaming_HighPt')) #systematicsnaming = eval(config.get('LimitGeneral','systematicsnaming_LowPt')) systematicsnaming = eval(config.get('LimitGeneral', 'systematicsnaming')) systs = [systematicsnaming[s] for s in sys_BDT] sys_weight = eval(config.get('LimitGeneral', 'weightF_sys')) for sw in sys_weight:
import os argv = sys.argv #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # prepare sample .txt files from ntuple folders #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #get files info from config parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-C", "--config", dest="config", default=[], action="append", help="directory config") (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(argv) config = BetterConfigParser() inputPath = config.get('Directories', 'samplepath') outputPath = config.get('Directories', 'samplefiles') print 'INPUT: ', inputPath print 'OUTPUT:', outputPath print '-'*80 if '/pnfs/' in inputPath: inputPath = '/pnfs/' + inputPath.split('/pnfs/')[-1] sampleNameReplacementRules = { 'RunIISummer16MiniAODv2_': '', } sampleFileReplacementRules = { '/pnfs/': '' } # find all folders which contain ntuples
#!/usr/bin/env python import os,sys,ROOT from optparse import OptionParser ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch(True) #--CONFIGURE--------------------------------------------------------------------- argv = sys.argv parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-S", "--section", dest="section", default="Cuts", help="Config section") parser.add_option("-V", "--value", dest="var", default="", help="Config value") parser.add_option("-C", "--config", dest="config", default=[], action="append", help="configuration file") (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(argv) from myutils import BetterConfigParser config = BetterConfigParser() print config.get(opts.section,opts.var)
parser.add_option("-F", "--force", dest="force", action="store_true", help="overwrite existing files", default=False) (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(argv) if opts.config == "": opts.config = "config" filelist = FileList.decompress(opts.fileList) if len(opts.fileList) > 0 else None print "len(filelist)",len(filelist), if len(filelist) > 0: print "filelist[0]:", filelist[0] else: print '' debug = 'XBBDEBUG' in os.environ config = BetterConfigParser() anaTag = config.get("Analysis","tag") TrainFlag = eval(config.get('Analysis','TrainFlag')) btagLibrary = config.get('BTagReshaping','library') samplesinfo=config.get('Directories','samplesinfo') channel=config.get('Configuration','channel') VHbbNameSpace=config.get('VHbbNameSpace','library') ROOT.gSystem.Load(VHbbNameSpace) pathIN = config.get('Directories','SYSin') pathOUT = config.get('Directories','SYSout') tmpDir = config.get('Directories','scratch') print 'INput samples:\t%s'%pathIN print 'OUTput samples:\t%s'%pathOUT fileLocator = FileLocator(config=config) # samples
class TBmaster(object): def __init__(self, TB, client, psiSubscription, Logger, color='black', psiVersion='psi46expert'): self.TB = TB self.client = client self.psiSubscription = psiSubscription self.color = color self.Logger = Logger self.TBSubscription = '/TB%s'%self.TB self.client.subscribe(self.TBSubscription) self.dir = '' self.psiVersion = psiVersion if self.psiVersion.lower().endswith("psi46expert"): self.version ='psi46expert' elif self.psiVersion.lower().endswith("pyxar"): self.version ='pyxar' elif self.psiVersion.lower().endswith("pxar"): self.version ='pxar' else: self.version = 'unknown' self.failed = False self.busy = False self.testName ='unkown' self.testNo = -1 self.TestEnd = False self.DoTest= False self.ClosePSI= False self.Abort = False self.LogFile = "" self.RootFile = "" # default value in Vcal units, -1 means use untrimmed parameters # this setting is overwritten if [Test Trim] is specified in the ini file # containg testParameters=Vcal=* self.trimVcal = -1 self.init = BetterConfigParser()"../config/elComandante.ini") try: testParameters = self.init.get('Test Trim','testParameters') pos1 = testParameters.find("=") if pos1 > 0: testParametersName = testParameters[0:pos1] testParametersValue = testParameters[pos1+1:] if testParametersName.lower() == "vcal": self.trimVcal = int(testParametersValue) self.Logger << "TB%s: using option '-T %s' when calling pxar"%(self.TB, self.trimVcal) except: self.Logger << "TB%s: no [Test Trim] section found in ini file, using untrimmed parameters"%self.TB def _spawn(self,executestr): my_env = os.environ if my_env.has_key("LD_PRELOAD"): my_env["LD_PRELOAD"] = "/opt/glibc-2.14/lib/" + my_env["LD_PRELOAD"] else: my_env["LD_PRELOAD"] = "/opt/glibc-2.14/lib/" self.proc = subprocess.Popen([executestr,''], shell = True, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stdin = subprocess.PIPE, env = my_env) self.busy = True def _kill(self): try: self.proc.kill() self.Logger.warning("PSI%s KILLED"%self.TB) except: self.Logger.warning("nothing to be killed") def _abort(self): self.Logger.warning('ABORT!') self._kill() self.Abort = False return True def _resetVariables(self): self.busy = False self.failed = False self.TestEnd = False self.DoTest = False self.ClosePSI = False self.Abort = False def _readAllSoFar(self, retVal = ''): while ([self.proc.stdout],[],[],0)[0]!=[]) and self.proc.poll() is None: retVal += return retVal @staticmethod def findError(stat): return any([Error in stat for Error in ['error','Error','anyOtherString','command not found']]) def _readout(self): internalFailed = False self.Logger << '>>> Aquire Testboard %s <<<'%self.TB # self._answer(self) while self.proc.poll() is None and self.ClosePSI==False: if self.Abort: internalFailed = self._abort() lines = [''] lines = self._readAllSoFar(lines[-1]).split('\n') for a in range(len(lines)-1): line=lines[a] hesays=line.rstrip() self.client.send(self.TBSubscription,'%s\n'%hesays) self.Logger.printcolor("psi46@TB%s >> %s"%(self.TB,hesays),self.color) if self.findError(line.rstrip()): self.Logger << 'The following error triggered the exception:' self.Logger.warning(line.rstrip()) self.client.send(self.psiSubscription, 'psi46@TB%s - Error >> %s\n'%(self.TB,line.rstrip())) self.client.send(self.TBSubscription, 'Error >> %s\n'%(line.rstrip())) internalFailed = True self.failed = True self._kill() if 'command not found' in line.strip(): self.Logger.warning("psi46expert for TB%s not found"%self.TB) if self.Abort: internalFailed = self._abort() self.failed = internalFailed or self.failed self.Logger << '>>> Release Testboard %s <<<'%self.TB self.TestEnd = True self.busy = False # check if log and root files have been written try: with open(self.LogFile) as f: lines = f.readlines() if not "welcome to pxar" in lines[0].lower() or not ("this is the end, my friend" in lines[-1].lower() or "pixsetup free fpxarmemory" in lines[-1].lower()): print "\x1b[46m\x1b[97mWARNING: incomplete logfile: '%s'! \x1b[0m"%self.LogFile internalFailed = True self.failed = True except: if len(self.LogFile) > 0: print "\x1b[46m\x1b[97mWARNING: can't open logfile: '%s'! \x1b[0m"%self.LogFile internalFailed = True self.failed = True if len(self.RootFile) > 0 and not os.path.isfile(self.RootFile): print "\x1b[45m\x1b[97mCRITICAL: .root file does not exist: %s! \x1b[0m"%self.RootFile internalFailed = True self.failed = True return internalFailed def _answer(self): name = self.get_directory_name() if self.failed: self.client.send(self.psiSubscription,':STAT:TB%s! %s:failed\n'%(self.TB,name)) self.Logger.warning(':Test %s failed in TB%s'%(name,self.TB)) self.client.send(self.psiSubscription,':STAT:TB%s! %s:failed\n'%(self.TB,name)) elif self.busy: self.client.send(self.psiSubscription,':STAT:TB%s! %s:busy\n'%(self.TB,name)) #self.Logger << ':Test %s busy in TB%s'%(name,self.TB) else: self.client.send(self.psiSubscription,':STAT:TB%s! %s:finished\n'%(self.TB,name)) self.Logger << ':Test %s finished in TB%s'%(name,self.TB) def get_directory_name(self): dir = self.dir.rstrip('/') name = dir.split('/')[-1] return name def executeTest(self,whichTest,dir,fname): self._resetVariables() self.dir = dir self.Logger << 'executing psi46 %s in TB%s'%(whichTest,self.TB) if self.version == 'pyxar': executestr='%s --dir %s --nogui < %s'%(self.psiVersion,dir,whichTest) elif self.version == 'pxar': # cat test | ../bin/pXar -d whereever #executestr = 'cat {testfile} | {psiVersion} -dir {dir} -r {rootfilename}.root -log {logfilename}.log'.format(testfile = whichTest, psiVersion = self.psiVersion, dir = dir, rootfilename = fname, logfilename = fname) logIDString = 'TB%s'%self.TB trimParameters = '' if self.trimVcal >= 0: trimParameters = '-T %i'%self.trimVcal executestr = 'cat %(testfile)s | %(psiVersion)s -d %(dir)s -v DEBUG %(trim)s -r %(rootfilename)s.root -L %(logIDString)s'%{'testfile' : whichTest, 'psiVersion' : self.psiVersion, 'dir' : dir, 'rootfilename' : fname, 'trim' : trimParameters, 'logIDString' : logIDString} else: executestr='%s -dir %s -f %s -r %s.root -log %s.log'%(self.psiVersion,dir,whichTest,fname,fname) self.LogFile = "%s/%s.log"%(dir, fname) self.RootFile = "%s/%s.root"%(dir, fname) self._spawn(executestr) self.failed=self._readout() self._answer() def openTB(self,dir,fname,poff=False): self._resetVariables() self.dir = dir self.Logger << 'open TB%s'%(self.TB) if self.version == 'pyxar': executestr='%s --dir %s --nogui'%(self.psiVersion,dir) elif self.version == 'pxar': # cat test | ../bin/pXar -d whereever trimParameters = '' if self.trimVcal >= 0: trimParameters = '-T %i'%self.trimVcal executestr = '%(psiVersion)s -d %(dir)s %(trim)s -r %(rootfilename)s.root'%{'psiVersion' : self.psiVersion, 'dir' : dir, 'rootfilename' : fname, 'trim' : trimParameters} else: executestr='%s -dir %s -r %s.root -log %s.log'%(self.psiVersion,dir,fname,fname) if poff: executestr+=' -t poff -i' self.Logger << 'exec string = %s'%executestr self._spawn(executestr) self.failed=self._readout() self.Logger << 'done, failed = %s'%self.failed self._answer() while not self.ClosePSI: pass self.Logger << 'CLOSE TB %s HERE'%(self.TB) self.proc.communicate(input='exit\n')[0] self.proc.poll() if (None == self.proc.returncode): try: self.proc.send_signal(signal.SIGINT) except: self.Logger << 'Process already killed' self._answer() def sendTBStatus(self): self._answer()
#parse args and setup logdir args = parser.parse_args() Logger = printer() Logger.set_name("Psi46Log") Logger.set_prefix('') Logger.set_logfile('%s'%(args.loggingDir),'psi46Handler.log') Logger <<'ConfigDir: "%s"'%args.configDir configDir= args.configDir numTB = int(args.numTB) #load config config = BetterConfigParser()'/elComandante.conf') #config clientName = "psi46" serverZiel=config.get('subsystem','Ziel') Port = int(config.get('subsystem','Port')) serverPort = int(config.get('subsystem','Port')) psiSubscription = config.get('subsystem','psiSubscription') errorSubscription = "/error" #construct client = sClient(serverZiel,serverPort,clientName) #subscribe client.subscribe(psiSubscription) #---------------------------------------------------- #handler def handler(signum, frame): Logger << 'Close Connection' client.closeConnection() #Logger << 'Signal handler called with signal', signum
#Import after configure to get help message from myutils import BetterConfigParser, mvainfo, ParseInfo, TreeCache import os if os.path.exists("../interface/"): print 'ROOT.gROOT.LoadMacro("../interface/")' ROOT.gROOT.LoadMacro("../interface/") #load config config = BetterConfigParser() run = gui = opts.verbose anaTag = config.get("Analysis", "tag") #print "Compile external macros" #print "=======================\n" ## compile external macros to compute variables on the fly #ROOT.gSystem.CompileMacro("../plugins/PU.C") #GLOABAL rescale from Train/Test Spliiting: global_rescale = 2. #get locations: MVAdir = config.get('Directories', 'vhbbpath') + '/python/weights/' samplesinfo = config.get('Directories', 'samplesinfo') #systematics
# opts.config.append('13TeVconfig/vhbbPlotDef.ini') # print 'Plot Config List: ',opts.config config = BetterConfigParser() # path = opts.path region = opts.region batch = opts.batch print batch # additional blinding cut: addBlindingCut = None if config.has_option("Plot_general", "addBlindingCut"): addBlindingCut = config.get("Plot_general", "addBlindingCut") print "adding add. blinding cut" # get locations: Wdir = config.get("Directories", "Wdir") # the samples_nosplit.cfg file in 13TeV samplesinfo = config.get("Directories", "samplesinfo") # which directory to take the samples from(sys_out currently) path = config.get("Directories", "plottingSamples") # Add external macros # For batch jobs lock the compliation # lock = Lock()
def drawFromDC(): config = BetterConfigParser() print "opts.config:", opts.config dataname = '' if 'Zmm' in opts.bin: dataname = 'Zmm' elif 'Zee' in opts.bin: dataname = 'Zee' elif 'Wmunu' in opts.bin: dataname = 'Wmn' elif 'Wenu' in opts.bin: dataname = 'Wen' elif 'Znunu' in opts.bin: dataname = 'Znn' elif 'Wtn' in opts.bin: dataname = 'Wtn' print 'Variable printing' print opts.var if (opts.var == ''): var = 'BDT' if dataname == 'Zmm' or dataname == 'Zee': var = 'BDT_Zll' elif dataname == 'Wmn' or dataname == 'Wen': var = 'BDT_Wln' elif dataname == 'Znn': if 'HighPt' in opts.bin: var = 'BDT_ZnnHighPt' elif 'LowPt' in opts.bin: var = 'BDT_ZnnLowPt' elif 'LowCSV' in opts.bin: var = 'BDT_ZnnLowCSV' else: var = 'BDT_Znn' if dataname == '' or var == 'BDT': raise RuntimeError, "Did not recognise mode or var from %s" % opts.bin else: var = opts.var region = 'BDT' ws_var = config.get('plotDef:%s' % var, 'relPath') ws_var = ROOT.RooRealVar(ws_var, ws_var, -1., 1.) blind = eval(config.get('Plot:%s' % region, 'blind')) Stack = StackMaker(config, var, region, True) if 'LowPt' in opts.bin or 'ch1_Wenu' == opts.bin or 'ch2_Wmunu' == opts.bin: print 'Niklas %s' % opts.bin Stack.addFlag2 = 'Low p_{T}(V)' elif 'MedPt' in opts.bin or 'ch1_Wenu2' == opts.bin or 'ch2_Wmunu2' == opts.bin: Stack.addFlag2 = 'Intermediate p_{T}(V)' elif 'HighPt' in opts.bin or 'ch1_Wenu3' == opts.bin or 'ch2_Wmunu3' == opts.bin: Stack.addFlag2 = 'High p_{T}(V)' else: Stack.addFlag2 = '' preFit = False addName = 'PostFit_%s' % ( if not opts.mlfit: addName = 'PreFit' preFit = True Stack.options['pdfName'] = '%s_%s_%s.pdf' % (var, opts.bin, addName) log = eval(config.get('Plot:%s' % region, 'log')) setup = config.get('Plot_general', 'setup').split(',') if dataname == 'Zmm' or dataname == 'Zee': try: setup.remove('W1b') setup.remove('W2b') setup.remove('Wlight') setup.remove('WH') except: print '@INFO: Wb / Wligh / WH not present in the datacard' # if not dataname == 'Znn' and 'QCD' in setup: # setup.remove('QCD') Stack.setup = setup Dict = eval(config.get('LimitGeneral', 'Dict')) lumi = eval(config.get('Plot_general', 'lumi')) options = copy(opts) options.dataname = "data_obs" options.mass = 0 options.format = "%8.3f +/- %6.3f" = opts.bin options.excludeSyst = [] options.norm = False options.stat = False options.bin = True # fake that is a binary output, so that we parse shape lines options.out = "tmp.root" options.fileName = args[0] options.cexpr = False options.fixpars = False options.libs = [] options.verbose = 0 options.poisson = 0 options.nuisancesToExclude = [] options.noJMax = None theBinning = ROOT.RooFit.Binning(Stack.nBins, Stack.xMin, Stack.xMax) file = open(opts.dc, "r") os.chdir(os.path.dirname(opts.dc)) DC = parseCard(file, options) if not DC.hasShapes: DC.hasShapes = True MB = ShapeBuilder(DC, options) theShapes = {} theSyst = {} nuiVar = {} if opts.mlfit: nuiVar = readBestFit(opts.mlfit) if not opts.bin in DC.bins: raise RuntimeError, "Cannot open find %s in bins %s of %s" % ( opts.bin, DC.bins, opts.dc) for b in DC.bins: if != None and ( != b): continue exps = {} expNui = {} shapeNui = {} reducedShapeNui = {} for (p, e) in DC.exp[b].items( ): # so that we get only self.DC.processes contributing to this bin exps[p] = [e, []] expNui[p] = [e, []] for (lsyst, nofloat, pdf, pdfargs, errline) in DC.systs: if pdf in ('param', 'flatParam'): continue # begin skip systematics skipme = False for xs in options.excludeSyst: if, lsyst): skipme = True if skipme: continue # end skip systematics counter = 0 for p in DC.exp[b].keys( ): # so that we get only self.DC.processes contributing to this bin if errline[b][p] == 0: continue # if p == 'QCD' and not 'QCD' in setup: continue if pdf == 'gmN': exps[p][1].append(1 / sqrt(pdfargs[0] + 1)) elif pdf == 'gmM': exps[p][1].append(errline[b][p]) elif type(errline[b][p]) == list: kmax = max(errline[b][p][0], errline[b][p][1], 1.0 / errline[b][p][0], 1.0 / errline[b][p][1]) exps[p][1].append(kmax - 1.) elif pdf == 'lnN': lnNVar = max(errline[b][p], 1.0 / errline[b][p]) - 1. if not nuiVar.has_key('%s_%s' % (, lsyst)): nui = 0. else: nui = nuiVar['%s_%s' % (, lsyst)][0] lnNVar = lnNVar * nuiVar['%s_%s' % (, lsyst)][1] exps[p][1].append(lnNVar) expNui[p][1].append(abs(1 - errline[b][p]) * nui) elif ("shape" in pdf): #print 'shape %s %s: %s'%(pdf,p,lsyst) s0 = MB.getShape(b, p) sUp = MB.getShape(b, p, lsyst + "Up") sDown = MB.getShape(b, p, lsyst + "Down") if (s0.InheritsFrom("RooDataHist")): s0 = ROOT.RooAbsData.createHistogram( s0, p, ws_var, theBinning) s0.SetName(p) sUp = ROOT.RooAbsData.createHistogram( sUp, p + lsyst + 'Up', ws_var, theBinning) sUp.SetName(p + lsyst + 'Up') sDown = ROOT.RooAbsData.createHistogram( sDown, p + lsyst + 'Down', ws_var, theBinning) sDown.SetName(p + lsyst + 'Down') theShapes[p] = s0.Clone() theShapes[p + lsyst + 'Up'] = sUp.Clone() theShapes[p + lsyst + 'Down'] = sDown.Clone() if not nuiVar.has_key('%s_%s' % (, lsyst)): nui = 0. reducedNui = 1. else: nui = nuiVar['%s_%s' % (, lsyst)][0] reducedNui = nuiVar['%s_%s' % (, lsyst)][1] shapeNui[p + lsyst] = nui reducedShapeNui[lsyst] = reducedNui if not 'CMS_vhbb_stat' in lsyst: if counter == 0: theSyst[lsyst] = s0.Clone() theSyst[lsyst + 'Up'] = sUp.Clone() theSyst[lsyst + 'Down'] = sDown.Clone() else: theSyst[lsyst].Add(s0) theSyst[lsyst + 'Up'].Add(sUp.Clone()) theSyst[lsyst + 'Down'].Add(sDown.Clone()) counter += 1 procs = DC.exp[b].keys() procs.sort() print "Original procs:", procs # if not 'QCD' in setup and 'QCD' in procs: # procs.remove('QCD') if not 'W2b' in setup and 'WjHF' in procs: procs.remove('WjHF') if not 'Wlight' in setup and 'WjLF' in procs: procs.remove('WjLF') fmt = ("%%-%ds " % max([len(p) for p in procs])) + " " + options.format #Compute norm uncertainty and best fit theNormUncert = {} theBestFit = {} for p in procs: relunc = sqrt(sum([x * x for x in exps[p][1]])) print fmt % (p, exps[p][0], exps[p][0] * relunc) theNormUncert[p] = relunc absBestFit = sum([x for x in expNui[p][1]]) theBestFit[p] = 1. + absBestFit histos = [] typs = [] setup2 = copy(setup) shapesUp = [[] for _ in range(0, len(setup2))] shapesDown = [[] for _ in range(0, len(setup2))] sigCount = 0 signalList = ['ZH', 'WH'] #signalList = ['VVb'] for p in procs: b = opts.bin for s in setup: if not Dict[s] == p: continue if s in signalList: if sigCount == 0: Overlay = copy(theShapes[Dict[s]]) else: Overlay.Add(theShapes[Dict[s]]) sigCount += 1 else: histos.append(theShapes[Dict[s]]) typs.append(s) for (lsyst, nofloat, pdf, pdfargs, errline) in DC.systs: if errline[b][p] == 0: continue if ("shape" in pdf) and not 'CMS_vhbb_stat' in lsyst: print 'syst %s' % lsyst shapesUp[setup2.index(s)].append(theShapes[Dict[s] + lsyst + 'Up']) shapesDown[setup2.index(s)].append( theShapes[Dict[s] + lsyst + 'Down']) #------------- #Compute absolute uncertainty from shapes counter = 0 for (lsyst, nofloat, pdf, pdfargs, errline) in DC.systs: sumErr = 0 for p in procs: sumErr += errline[b][p] if ("shape" in pdf) and not 'CMS_vhbb_stat' in lsyst and not sumErr == 0: theSystUp = theSyst[lsyst + 'Up'].Clone() theSystUp.Add(theSyst[lsyst].Clone(), -1.) theSystUp.Multiply(theSystUp) theSystDown = theSyst[lsyst + 'Down'].Clone() theSystDown.Add(theSyst[lsyst].Clone(), -1.) theSystDown.Multiply(theSystDown) theSystUp.Scale(reducedShapeNui[lsyst]) theSystDown.Scale(reducedShapeNui[lsyst]) if counter == 0: theAbsSystUp = theSystUp.Clone() theAbsSystDown = theSystDown.Clone() else: theAbsSystUp.Add(theSystUp.Clone()) theAbsSystDown.Add(theSystDown.Clone()) counter += 1 #------------- #Best fit for shapes if not preFit: histos, Overlay, typs = getBestFitShapes(procs, theShapes, shapeNui, theBestFit, DC, setup, opts, Dict) counter = 0 errUp = [] total = [] errDown = [] nBins = histos[0].GetNbinsX() print 'total bins %s' % nBins Error = ROOT.TGraphAsymmErrors(histos[0]) theTotalMC = histos[0].Clone() for h in range(1, len(histos)): theTotalMC.Add(histos[h]) total = [[]] * nBins errUp = [[]] * nBins errDown = [[]] * nBins for bin in range(1, nBins + 1): binError = theTotalMC.GetBinError(bin) if math.isnan(binError): binError = 0. total[bin - 1] = theTotalMC.GetBinContent(bin) #Stat uncertainty of the MC outline errUp[bin - 1] = [binError] errDown[bin - 1] = [binError] #Relative norm uncertainty of the individual MC for h in range(0, len(histos)): print "h:", h print "bin:", bin print "histos:", histos print "theNormUncert:", theNormUncert print "histos[h]:", histos[h] errUp[bin - 1].append(histos[h].GetBinContent(bin) * theNormUncert[histos[h].GetName()]) errDown[bin - 1].append(histos[h].GetBinContent(bin) * theNormUncert[histos[h].GetName()]) #Shape uncertainty of the MC for bin in range(1, nBins + 1): #print sqrt(theSystUp.GetBinContent(bin)) errUp[bin - 1].append(sqrt(theAbsSystUp.GetBinContent(bin))) errDown[bin - 1].append(sqrt(theAbsSystDown.GetBinContent(bin))) #Add all in quadrature totErrUp = [sqrt(sum([x**2 for x in bin])) for bin in errUp] totErrDown = [sqrt(sum([x**2 for x in bin])) for bin in errDown] #Make TGraph with errors for bin in range(1, nBins + 1): if not total[bin - 1] == 0: point = histos[0].GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(bin) Error.SetPoint(bin - 1, point, 1) Error.SetPointEYlow(bin - 1, totErrDown[bin - 1] / total[bin - 1]) print 'down %s' % (totErrDown[bin - 1] / total[bin - 1]) Error.SetPointEYhigh(bin - 1, totErrUp[bin - 1] / total[bin - 1]) print 'up %s' % (totErrUp[bin - 1] / total[bin - 1]) #----------------------- #Read data data0 = MB.getShape(opts.bin, 'data_obs') if (data0.InheritsFrom("RooDataHist")): data0 = ROOT.RooAbsData.createHistogram(data0, 'data_obs', ws_var, theBinning) data0.SetName('data_obs') datas = [data0] datatyps = [None] datanames = [dataname] print "blind:", blind print "'BDT' in var:", 'BDT' in var if blind and 'BDT' in var: print "I'm blinding..." for bin in range(datas[0].GetNbinsX() / 2, datas[0].GetNbinsX() + 1): datas[0].SetBinContent(bin, 0) histos.append(copy(Overlay)) if 'ZH' in signalList and 'WH' in signalList: typs.append('VH') if 'ZH' in Stack.setup: Stack.setup.remove('ZH') if 'WH' in Stack.setup: Stack.setup.remove('WH') Stack.setup.insert(0, 'VH') elif 'ZH' in signalList: typs.append('ZH') elif 'WH' in signalList: typs.append('WH') elif 'VVb' in signalList: typs.append('VVb') print Stack.setup Stack.histos = histos Stack.typs = typs Stack.datas = datas Stack.datatyps = datatyps Stack.datanames = datanames Stack.overlay = [Overlay] Stack.AddErrors = Error if dataname == 'Wtn': lumi = 18300. Stack.lumi = lumi Stack.doPlot() print 'i am done!\n'
var = opts.variable #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #--read variables from config--------------------------------------------------- # 7 or 8TeV Analysis print "Compile external macros" print "=======================\n" # compile external macros to compute variables on the fly #ROOT.gSystem.CompileMacro("../plugins/PU.C") print 'Assigne variables from config' print '==============================\n' anaTag = config.get("Analysis", "tag") if not any([anaTag == '7TeV', anaTag == '8TeV', anaTag == '13TeV']): raise Exception( "anaTag %s unknown. Specify 8TeV or 7TeV or 13TeV in the general config" % anaTag) # Directories: Wdir = config.get('Directories', 'Wdir') vhbbpath = config.get('Directories', 'vhbbpath') samplesinfo = config.get('Directories', 'samplesinfo') path = config.get('Directories', 'dcSamples') outpath = config.get('Directories', 'limits') optimisation = opts.optimisation optimisation_training = False UseTrainSample = eval(config.get('Analysis', 'UseTrainSample')) if UseTrainSample: print 'Training events will be used'
parser.add_option("-V", "--variable", dest="variable", default="", help="variable for shape analysis") parser.add_option("-C", "--config", dest="config", default=[], action="append", help="configuration file") (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(argv) config = BetterConfigParser() var=opts.variable #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Add external macros #ROOT.gSystem.CompileMacro("../plugins/PU.C") #--read variables from config--------------------------------------------------- # 7 or 8TeV Analysis anaTag = config.get("Analysis","tag") # Directories: Wdir=config.get('Directories','Wdir') vhbbpath=config.get('Directories','vhbbpath') samplesinfo=config.get('Directories','samplesinfo') path = config.get('Directories','dcSamples') outpath=config.get('Directories','limits') try: os.stat(outpath) except: os.mkdir(outpath) # parse histogram config: treevar = config.get('dc:%s'%var,'var') name = config.get('dc:%s'%var,'wsVarName')
(opts, args) = parser.parse_args(argv) if opts.config == "": opts.config = "config" weight = opts.weight evaluate_optimisation = False if weight != '': evaluate_optimisation = True #Import after configure to get help message from myutils import BetterConfigParser, ParseInfo, MvaEvaluator config = BetterConfigParser() anaTag = config.get("Analysis", "tag") fileLocator = FileLocator(config=config) print ("OPTS", opts) if len(opts.fileList) > 0: filelist = FileList.decompress(opts.fileList) if len(opts.fileList) > 0 else None print ("len(filelist)", len(filelist)) if len(filelist) > 0: print ("filelist[0]:", filelist[0]) else: filelist = SampleTree({'name': opts.sampleIdentifier, 'folder': config.get('Directories', 'MVAin')}, countOnly=True, splitFilesChunkSize=-1, config=config).getSampleFileNameChunks()[0] print ("INFO: no file list given, use all files!") print (len(filelist), filelist) #get locations: Wdir = config.get('Directories', 'Wdir')
parser.add_option("-C", "--config", dest="config", default=[], action="append", help="configuration defining the plots to make") (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(argv) if opts.config == "": opts.config = "config" from myutils import BetterConfigParser, ParseInfo print opts.config config = BetterConfigParser() anaTag = config.get("Analysis", "tag") TrainFlag = eval(config.get('Analysis', 'TrainFlag')) btagLibrary = config.get('BTagReshaping', 'library') samplesinfo = config.get('Directories', 'samplesinfo') VHbbNameSpace = config.get('VHbbNameSpace', 'library') ROOT.gSystem.Load(VHbbNameSpace) AngLikeBkgs = eval(config.get('AngularLike', 'backgrounds')) ang_yield = eval(config.get('AngularLike', 'yields')) #path=opts.path pathIN = config.get('Directories', 'SYSin') pathOUT = config.get('Directories', 'SYSout') tmpDir = os.environ["TMPDIR"] print 'INput samples:\t%s' % pathIN
def drawFromDC(): config = BetterConfigParser() region = opts.region print "\nopts.config:",opts.config print "opts:", opts print "var:", opts.var print "bin:", opts.bin #Should Read this from the parser datanames = config.get('dc:%s'%opts.bin,'data').split(' ') print 'dataname is', datanames region = opts.bin var = opts.var ws_var = config.get('plotDef:%s'%var,'relPath') nbin = int(config.get('plotDef:%s'%var,'nBins')) xmin = float(config.get('plotDef:%s'%var,'min')) xmax = float(config.get('plotDef:%s'%var,'max')) blind = eval(opts.blind) postfit = eval(opts.postfit) print 'config:', config print 'var: ', var print 'region: ', region print 'blind: ', blind print 'postfit: ', postfit Group_dc = eval(config.get('Plot_general','Group_dc')) Stack=StackMaker(config,var,region,True) # check for pre or post fit options preFit = False addName = 'PostFit_%s' %( if not opts.mlfit: addName = 'PreFit' preFit = True print '\n-----> Fit Type( : ', print ' (opts.mlfit): ', opts.mlfit print ' preFit : ', preFit Stack.options['pdfName'] = '%s_%s_%s.pdf' %(var,opts.bin,addName) #log = eval(config.get('Plot:%s'%region,'log')) if 'Zee' in opts.bin or 'Zuu' in opts.bin: #VH setup = ['ggZHbb', 'qqZHbb','Zbb','Zb','Z_udscg','TT','VV2b','VVlight','ST'] #VV #setup = ['VV2b','ggZHbb','qqZHbb','Z_udscg','Zb','Zbb','TT','VVlight','ST'] channel = 'ZllHbb' if 'Zee' in opts.bin: lep_channel = 'Zee' elif 'Zuu' in opts.bin: lep_channel = 'Zuu' #region_dic = {'BDT':'SIG','CRZlight':'Zlf','CRZb':'Zhf','CRttbar':'TT'} region_dic = { 'BDT':'BDT', 'CRZlight':'CRZlight', 'CRZb':'CRZb', 'CRttbar':'CRttbar', 'ZeeMass_lowpt':'ZeeMass_lowpt', 'ZeeMass_highpt':'ZeeMass_highpt', 'ZuuMass_lowpt':'ZuuMass_lowpt', 'ZuuMass_highpt':'ZuuMass_highpt', 'ZeeMassVV_lowpt':'ZeeMassVV_lowpt', 'ZeeMassVV_highpt':'ZeeMassVV_highpt', 'ZuuMassVV_lowpt':'ZuuMassVV_lowpt', 'ZuuMassVV_highpt':'ZuuMassVV_highpt', 'ZuuMass_Vptbin0':'ZuuMass_Vptbin0', 'ZuuMass_Vptbin1':'ZuuMass_Vptbin1', 'ZuuMass_Vptbin2':'ZuuMass_Vptbin2', 'ZeeMass_Vptbin0':'ZeeMass_Vptbin0', 'ZeeMass_Vptbin1':'ZeeMass_Vptbin1', 'ZeeMass_Vptbin2':'ZeeMass_Vptbin2', } print 'opts.bin is', opts.bin region_name = [region_dic[key] for key in region_dic if (key in opts.bin)] region_name = region_name[0] print 'region_name is', region_name pt_region_dic = {'lowpt':'lowpt','highpt':'highpt','bin0':'bin0','bin1':'bin1','bin2':'bin2'} pt_region_name = [pt_region_dic[key] for key in pt_region_dic if (key in opts.bin)] pt_region_name = pt_region_name[0] else: print '@ERROR: This is not a Zll region. Aborting' sys.exit() Stack.setup = setup Dict = eval(config.get('LimitGeneral','Dict')) lumi = eval(config.get('General','lumi')) Stack.nBins = nbin Stack.xMin = xmin Stack.xMax = xmax print '/n----> The Binning:' print 'nBins:', Stack.nBins print 'xMin:', Stack.xMin print 'xMax:', Stack.xMax theBinning = ROOT.RooFit.Binning(Stack.nBins,Stack.xMin,Stack.xMax) ################# #We are now skiping a large part of the orginal code, as everything that remains to be done is to read the postfit plot from the mlfit.root #How should the scale sys (lnN be handled) ? # histos = [] typs = [] shapes = {} shapesUp = [[] for _ in range(0,len(setup))] shapesDown = [[] for _ in range(0,len(setup))] #signalList = ['ggZHbb', 'qqZHbb'] #signalList = [] sigCount = 0 #Overlay ={} Overlay = [] prefit_overlay = [] postfit_from_wc = False if opts.mlfit.split('/')[-1] != 'mlfit.root': postfit_from_wc = True dirname = '' #### #Open the mlfit.root and retrieve the mc print 'opts.mlfit is', opts.mlfit file = ROOT.TFile.Open(opts.mlfit) #if file == None: raise RuntimeError, "Cannot open file %s" % theFile #print '\n\n-----> Fit File: ',file print '=====================' print 'POSTFIT IS', postfit print '=====================' if postfit: if not postfit_from_wc: if not'shapes_fit_s'): print '@ERROR: didn\'t find the shapes_fit_s directory. Aborting' sys.exit() else: pass else: if not'shapes_prefit'): print '@ERROR: didn\'t find the shapes_prefit directory. Aborting' sys.exit() folder_found = False for dir in ROOT.gDirectory.GetListOfKeys(): dirinfo = dir.GetName().split('_') print 'dir name is', dir.GetName().split('_') ##if not (dirinfo[0] == channel and dirinfo[2] == lep_channel and dirinfo[3] == region_name and dirinfo[4] == pt_region_name): print 'dirinfo is', dirinfo print 'lep_channel is', lep_channel print 'region_name is', region_name print 'pt_region_name is', pt_region_name if not (dirinfo[0] == lep_channel and dirinfo[1] == region_name and dirinfo[2] == pt_region_name): #for VV if not (dirinfo[2] == region_name.split('_')[0] and dirinfo[3] == pt_region_name): if not (len(dirinfo) > 3 and dirinfo[3] == region_name.split('_')[0] and dirinfo[4] == 'Vpt'+pt_region_name): continue if postfit_from_wc and 'prefit' in dirinfo: continue folder_found = True dirname = dir.GetName() #signal, use prefit for s in setup: if ('ZHbb' in s and postfit) and not postfit_from_wc: print 'ERROR' sys.exit()'/shapes_prefit') found = False for subdir in ROOT.gDirectory.GetListOfKeys(): #print 'subdir name is', subdir.GetName() if subdir.GetName() == Dict[s]: found = True hist = rebinHist(gDirectory.Get(subdir.GetName()).Clone(), nbin, xmin, xmax) histos.append(hist) typs.append(s) #print 's is', s #print 'signalList is', signalList #if s in signalList: # hist.SetTitle(s) # Overlay.append(hist) # print 'the Histogram title is', hist.GetTitle() else: #SF_ZJets = [0.95188, 0.94404, 1.0463] #SF_TTbar = 1.0373 #;Vpt high #SF_ZJets = [1.1235, 0.91368, 1.2435] #SF_TTbar = 1.0601 #Start be getting the SF print 'Gonna apply SF' scale = 1 #if 'low' in opts.dc: # if 'TT' in s: scale = 1.01 # if 'Z_udscg' in s: scale = 0.96 # if 'Zb' in s: scale = 0.99 # if 'Zbb' in s : scale = 1.04 #elif 'high' in opts.dc: # if 'TT' in s: scale = 1.01 # if 'Z_udscg' in s: scale = 1.03 # if 'Zb' in s: scale = 0.96 # if 'Zbb' in s: scale = 1.23 #else: # pass #'/shapes_fit_s') #if not postfit_from_wc: #'/shapes_prefit') # print 'ERROR2' # sys.exit() #else: # scale = 1 found = False for subdir in ROOT.gDirectory.GetListOfKeys(): print 'subdir name is', subdir.GetName() #print 'Dict is ', Dict if subdir.GetName() == Dict[s] or (postfit_from_wc and subdir.GetName() == s): found = True hist = rebinHist(gDirectory.Get(subdir.GetName()).Clone(), nbin, xmin, xmax, scale) histos.append(hist) typs.append(s) print 's is', s #print 'signalList is', signalList #if s in signalList: # hist.SetTitle(s) # Overlay.append(hist) # print 'the Histogram title is', hist.GetTitle() #take prefit distr. for signal if not found: print '@ERROR: didn\'t find the postfit histogram. Aborting' sys.exit() if not postfit_from_wc:'/shapes_prefit/'+dirname) print 'ERROR3' sys.exit() if not postfit_from_wc: total = rebinHist(gDirectory.Get('total').Clone(), nbin, xmin, xmax) total.SetTitle('prefit') prefit_overlay.append(total) break if not folder_found: print '@ERROR: Folder was not found.' print 'lep_channel', lep_channel print 'region_name', region_name print 'pt_region_name', pt_region_name sys.exit() #retrieve the data options = copy(opts) options.dataname = "data_obs" options.mass = 0 options.format = "%8.3f +/- %6.3f" = opts.bin options.excludeSyst = [] options.norm = False options.stat = False options.bin = True # fake that is a binary output, so that we parse shape lines options.out = "tmp.root" options.fileName = args[0] options.cexpr = False options.fixpars = False options.libs = [] options.verbose = 0 options.poisson = 0 options.nuisancesToExclude = [] options.noJMax = None #This needs to be done from the "dc" root file print 'file is ',opts.dc dc_file= open(opts.dc, "r") os.chdir(os.path.dirname(opts.dc)) DC = parseCard(dc_file, options) if not DC.hasShapes: DC.hasShapes = True MB = ShapeBuilder(DC, options) data0 = MB.getShape(opts.bin,'data_obs') if (data0.InheritsFrom("RooDataHist")): data0 = ROOT.RooAbsData.createHistogram(data0,'data_obs',ws_var,theBinning) data0.SetName('data_obs') datas=[data0] if blind and 'BDT' in var: for bin in range(datas[0].GetNbinsX()-3,datas[0].GetNbinsX()+1): datas[0].SetBinContent(bin,0) if blind and 'Mass' in var: for bin in range(datas[0].GetNbinsX()-13,datas[0].GetNbinsX()-7): datas[0].SetBinContent(bin,0) datatyps = [None] #print '\nshapes!!!', shapes print '\nOVERLAY!!!', Overlay #Add all the histos and overlay to the stackmaker such that they can be ploted #print 'before Stack, histos are', histos #sys.exit() Stack.histos = histos Stack.typs = typs Stack.overlay = Overlay Stack.prefit_overlay = prefit_overlay Stack.datas = datas Stack.datatyps = datatyps Stack.datanames= datanames Stack.AddErrors= True Stack.lumi = lumi if 'BDT' in var: Stack.forceLog = True Stack.doPlot() print 'i am done!\n'
if __name__ == "__main__": # read arguments argv = sys.argv parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-t", "--regions", dest="regions", default='', help="cut regions identifier") parser.add_option("-C", "--config", dest="config", default=[], action="append", help="configuration file") (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(argv) if opts.config == "": opts.config = "config" # Import after configure to get help message from myutils import BetterConfigParser, mvainfo, ParseInfo # load config config = BetterConfigParser() # if no region is given in argument, run it for all of them regionsListString = opts.regions if len(opts.regions.strip())>0 else config.get('LimitGeneral', 'List') regions = [x.strip() for x in regionsListString.split(',') if len(x.strip()) > 0] for region in regions: mergeDC = MergeDatacards(config=config, region=region) isComplete = mergeDC.prepare() if isComplete: else: raise Exception("InputDcIncomplete")
def drawFromDC(): config = BetterConfigParser() region = opts.region print "\nopts.config:", opts.config print "opts:", opts print "var:", opts.var print "bin:", opts.bin dataname = 'Zll' if 'Zuu' in opts.bin: dataname = 'Zuu' elif 'Zee' in opts.bin: dataname = 'Zee' elif 'Wmn' in opts.bin: dataname = 'Wmn' elif 'Wen' in opts.bin: dataname = 'Wen' elif 'Znn' in opts.bin: dataname = 'Znn' elif 'Wtn' in opts.bin: dataname = 'Wtn' if (opts.var == ''): var = 'BDT' if dataname == 'Zmm' or dataname == 'Zee': var = 'BDT_Zll' elif dataname == 'Wmn' or dataname == 'Wen': var = 'BDT_Wln' elif dataname == 'Znn': var = 'BDT_Znn' #if 'HighPt' in opts.bin: var = 'BDT_ZnnHighPt' #if 'LowPt' in opts.bin: var = 'BDT_ZnnLowPt' #if 'LowCSV' in opts.bin: var = 'BDT_ZnnLowCSV' if dataname == '' or var == 'BDT': raise RuntimeError, 'Did not recognise mode or var from ' + opts.bin else: var = opts.var if opts.var == 'BDT': if 'LowPt' in opts.bin: var = 'gg_plus_ZH125_low_Zpt' elif 'MedPt' in opts.bin: var = 'gg_plus_ZH125_low_Zpt' elif 'HighPt' in opts.bin: var = 'gg_plus_ZH125_high_Zpt' elif 'VV' in opts.bin: var = 'VV_bdt' else: var = 'gg_plus_ZH125_high_Zpt' if opts.var == 'CRBDT': if 'LowPt' in opts.bin: var = 'gg_plus_ZH125_low_Zpt_CR' elif 'MedPt' in opts.bin: var = 'gg_plus_ZH125_low_Zpt_CR' elif 'HighPt' in opts.bin: var = 'gg_plus_ZH125_high_Zpt_CR' else: var = 'gg_plus_ZH125_high_Zpt_CR' #if 'BDT' in var: # region = 'BDT' #else: region = opts.bin ws_var = config.get('plotDef:%s' % var, 'relPath') print 'ws_var:', ws_var if opts.var == 'BDT': ws_var = ROOT.RooRealVar(ws_var, ws_var, -1, 1.) else: ws_var = ROOT.RooRealVar(ws_var, ws_var, -1, 1.) print 'config:', config print 'var: ', var #if 'Wen' in region: # region = 'WenHighPt' #if 'Wmn' in region: # region = 'WmnHighPt' if 'Znn' in region: region = 'Znn_13TeV_Signal' print 'region: ', region blind = eval(config.get('Plot:%s' % region, 'blind')) Stack = StackMaker(config, var, region, True) if 'low' in opts.bin or 'ch1_Wenu' == opts.bin or 'ch2_Wmunu' == opts.bin: Stack.addFlag2 = 'Low p_{T}(V)' elif 'MedPt' in opts.bin or 'ch1_Wenu2' == opts.bin or 'ch2_Wmunu2' == opts.bin: Stack.addFlag2 = 'Intermediate p_{T}(V)' elif 'high' in opts.bin or 'ch1_Wenu3' == opts.bin or 'ch2_Wmunu3' == opts.bin: Stack.addFlag2 = 'High p_{T}(V)' # check for pre or post fit options preFit = False addName = 'PostFit_%s' % ( if not opts.mlfit: addName = 'PreFit' preFit = True print '\n-----> Fit Type( : ', print ' (opts.mlfit): ', opts.mlfit print ' preFit : ', preFit print ' opts.bin : ', opts.bin Stack.options['pdfName'] = '%s_%s_%s.pdf' % (var, opts.bin, addName) log = eval(config.get('Plot:%s' % region, 'log')) if 'Zll' in opts.bin or 'Zee' in opts.bin or 'Zuu' in opts.bin or 'Zmm' in opts.bin: #setup = config.get('Plot_general','setup').split(',') setup = [ 'ZH', 'ggZH', 'DY2b', 'DY1b', 'DYlight', 'TT', 'VVHF', 'VVLF', 'ST' ] signalList = ['ZH'] channel = 'ZllHbb' if 'Zee' in opts.bin: lep_channel = 'Zee' elif 'Zuu' in opts.bin: lep_channel = 'Zmm' region_dic = { 'BDT': 'SIG', ' Zlf': 'Zlf', 'Zhf': 'Zhf', 'TT': 'TT', '13TeV': 'SIG' } region_name = [ region_dic[key] for key in region_dic if (key in opts.bin) ] region_name = 'SIG' if 'Zlf' in opts.bin: region_name = 'Zlf' if 'Zhf' in opts.bin: region_name = 'Zhf' if 'ttbar' in opts.bin: region_name = 'TT' if 'low' in opts.bin or 'Low' in opts.bin: pt_region_name = 'low' if 'high' in opts.bin or 'High' in opts.bin: pt_region_name = 'high' if 'med' in opts.bin or 'Med' in opts.bin: pt_region_name = 'med' # ['ZllHbb', 'ch1', 'Zmm', 'SIG', 'low'] if 'Zmm' in lep_channel and 'low' in pt_region_name: zll_index = 'ch1' elif 'Zmm' in lep_channel and 'high' in pt_region_name: zll_index = 'ch3' elif 'Zee' in lep_channel and 'high' in pt_region_name: zll_index = 'ch4' elif 'Zee' in lep_channel and 'low' in pt_region_name: zll_index = 'ch2' else: zll_index = 'ch2' # binning nBins = Stack.nBins xMin = Stack.xMin xMax = Stack.xMax # for stat hists if 'Zee' in lep_channel and 'low' in pt_region_name and 'minCMVA' not in opts.var: stat_name = opts.bin elif 'Zee' in lep_channel and 'high' in pt_region_name and 'minCMVA' not in opts.var: stat_name = opts.bin elif 'Zmm' in lep_channel and 'low' in pt_region_name and 'minCMVA' not in opts.var: stat_name = opts.bin elif 'Zmm' in lep_channel and 'high' in pt_region_name and 'minCMVA' not in opts.var: stat_name = opts.bin else: stat_name = opts.bin if 'minCMVA' in opts.var: if 'low' in pt_region_name: if 'Zmm' in lep_channel: if 'Zlf' in region_name: stat_name = 'Zlf_low_Zuu' if 'Zhf' in region_name: stat_name = 'Zhf_low_Zuu' if 'TT' in region_name: stat_name = 'ttbar_low_Zuu' else: if 'Zlf' in region_name: stat_name = 'Zlf_low_Zee' if 'Zhf' in region_name: stat_name = 'Zhf_low_Zee' if 'TT' in region_name: stat_name = 'ttbar_low_Zee' if 'high' in pt_region_name: if 'Zmm' in lep_channel: if 'Zlf' in region_name: stat_name = 'Zlf_high_Zuu' if 'Zhf' in region_name: stat_name = 'Zhf_high_Zuu' if 'TT' in region_name: stat_name = 'ttbar_high_Zuu' else: if 'Zlf' in region_name: stat_name = 'Zlf_high_Zee' if 'Zhf' in region_name: stat_name = 'Zhf_high_Zee' if 'TT' in region_name: stat_name = 'ttbar_high_Zee' if 'Wmn' in opts.bin or 'Wen' in opts.bin: setup = [ 'WH', 'ZH', 'Wj2b', 'Wj1b', 'Wj0b', 'DY2b', 'DY1b', 'DYlight', 'TT', 'VVHF', 'VVLF', 'ST' ] signalList = ['ZH', 'WH'] channel = 'WlnHbb' if 'Wen' in opts.bin: lep_channel = 'Wen' if 'tt' in region: region_name = 'ttWen' elif 'whf' in region: if 'High' in opts.bin: region_name = 'whfWenHigh' else: region_name = 'whfWenLow' elif 'wlf' in region: region_name = 'wlfWen' else: region_name = opts.bin if 'Wmn' in opts.bin: lep_channel = 'Wmn' if 'tt' in region: region_name = 'ttWmn' elif 'whf' in region: if 'High' in opts.bin: region_name = 'whfWmnHigh' else: region_name = 'whfWmnLow' elif 'wlf' in region: region_name = 'wlfWmn' else: region_name = opts.bin pt_region_name = 'none' nBins = 40 xMin = -1 xMax = 1 stat_name = 'BDT_' + opts.bin + '_' if 'Znn' in opts.bin: setup = [ 'ZH', 'ggZH', 'WH', 'DY2b', 'DY1b', 'DYlight', 'Wj2b', 'Wj1b', 'Wj0b', 'TT', 'VVHF', 'VVLF', 'ST' ] signalList = ['ZH'] channel = 'Znn' lep_channel = 'Znn' if 'nAddJet1' in opts.bin: pt_region_name = 'nAddJet1' elif 'nAddJet0' in opts.bin: pt_region_name = 'nAddJet0' else: pt_region_name = 'High' region_name = 'SR' nBins = 25 xMin = -1 xMax = 1 if 'QCD' in opts.dc: region_name = 'QCD' stat_name = 'Znn_13TeV_QCD' elif 'TT' in opts.dc: region_name = 'TT' stat_name = 'Znn_13TeV_TT' elif 'Zbb' in opts.dc: region_name = 'Zbb' stat_name = 'Znn_13TeV_Zbb' elif 'Zlight' in opts.dc: region_name = 'Zlight' stat_name = 'Znn_13TeV_Zlight' else: stat_name = opts.bin print '############' print 'Channel is', channel print 'lepton channel is', lep_channel print 'region_name is', region_name print 'pt region_name is', pt_region_name print '/n----> The Binning:' print 'nBins:', nBins print 'xMin:', xMin print 'xMax:', xMax if dataname == 'Zmm' or dataname == 'Zee': try: setup.remove('W1b') setup.remove('W2b') setup.remove('Wlight') setup.remove('WH') except: print '@INFO: Wb / Wligh / WH not present in the datacard' if not dataname == 'Znn' and 'QCD' in setup: setup.remove('QCD') Stack.setup = setup Dict = eval(config.get('LimitGeneral', 'Dict')) lumi = eval(config.get('Plot_general', 'lumi')) options = copy(opts) options.dataname = "data_obs" options.mass = 0 options.format = "%8.3f +/- %6.3f" = opts.bin options.excludeSyst = [] options.norm = False options.stat = False options.bin = True # fake that is a binary output, so that we parse shape lines options.out = "tmp.root" options.fileName = args[0] options.filename = region options.cexpr = False options.fixpars = False options.libs = [] options.verbose = 0 options.poisson = 0 options.nuisancesToExclude = [] options.noJMax = None theBinning = ROOT.RooFit.Binning(nBins, xMin, xMax) # for prefit erros prefit_error_histos = [] postfit_error_histos = [] histos = [] typs = [] shapes = {} shapesUp = [[] for _ in range(0, len(setup))] shapesDown = [[] for _ in range(0, len(setup))] sigCount = 0 Overlay = [] prefit_overlay = [] dirname = '' #Open the mlfit.root and retrieve the mc file = ROOT.TFile.Open(opts.mlfit) if file == None: raise RuntimeError, "Cannot open file %s" % opts.mlfit print '\n\n-----> Fit File: ', file for dir in ROOT.gDirectory.GetListOfKeys(): dirinfo = dir.GetName().split('_') print 'dirinfo:', dirinfo if 'Znn' in dirinfo[0] and 'Znn' not in opts.bin: continue if 'ZllHbb' in dirinfo[0] and ('Zmm' not in lep_channel and 'Zee' not in lep_channel): continue if 'W' in dirinfo[0] and 'W' not in opts.bin: continue if 'W' in opts.bin: print 'channel, lepton channel, region_name:', channel, lep_channel, region_name #if not (dirinfo[0] == channel and dirinfo[1] == lep_channel and dirinfo[2] == region_name): if not (dirinfo[0] == region_name and dirinfo[1] == 'postfit'): continue else: print '!!! Match !!!' if 'Znn' in opts.bin: print 'channel, lepton channel, region_name, pt_region_name:', channel, lep_channel, region_name, pt_region_name #if not (dirinfo[0] == lep_channel and dirinfo[2] == pt_region_name and dirinfo[3] == 'postfit'): if not (dirinfo[0] == lep_channel and dirinfo[2] == region_name and dirinfo[3] == 'postfit'): continue else: print '!!! Match !!!' if 'Zuu' in opts.bin or 'Zee' in opts.bin: print 'channel, zll index, lepton channel, region_name, pt_region_name:', channel, zll_index, lep_channel, region_name, pt_region_name if not (dirinfo[0] == lep_channel and dirinfo[1] == region_name and dirinfo[2] == pt_region_name and dirinfo[3] == 'postfit'): continue else: print '!!! Match !!!' print 'Directory:', dir.GetName() dirname = dir.GetName() # Pull out the MC stat uncertainties first #hists_WenHighPt40.root #vhbb_WenHighPt40_13TeV.txt if 'W' in opts.bin: stat_filename = opts.dc.replace('.txt', '.root') stat_filename = stat_filename.replace('vhbb', 'hists') stat_filename = stat_filename.replace('_13TeV', '') else: stat_filename = opts.dc.replace('.txt', '.root') stat_filename = stat_filename.replace('DC_', '') print '\n Opening card for MC stat hists:', stat_filename print 'Dir name:', stat_name stat_file = ROOT.TFile.Open(stat_filename) if 'W' not in opts.bin: stat_hists = {} for s in setup: for dir in ROOT.gDirectory.GetListOfKeys(): #print 'dir:', dir.GetName() if 'W' in opts.bin: wlvname = dir.GetName().replace(stat_name, '') if wlvname == Dict[s]: stat_hists[wlvname] = ROOT.gDirectory.Get( dir.GetName()).Clone() if dir.GetName() == Dict[s]: stat_hists[dir.GetName()] = ROOT.gDirectory.Get( dir.GetName()).Clone() #stat_file.Close() print '\nStat_hists:', stat_hists file = ROOT.TFile.Open(opts.mlfit)'shapes_fit_s') subdir_list = [x for x in ROOT.gDirectory.GetListOfKeys()] for s in setup: print '\ns:', s found = False #for subdir in ROOT.gDirectory.GetListOfKeys(): for subdir in subdir_list: print 'subdir name is', subdir.GetName() print 'Dict Key is', Dict[s] if subdir.GetName() == Dict[s]: found = True # Set Histos postFit shapes and preFit errors hist = rebinHist( ROOT.gDirectory.Get(subdir.GetName()).Clone(), nBins, xMin, xMax, dirname, subdir, prefit_error_histos, postfit_error_histos, stat_hists) histos.append(hist) typs.append(s) if s in signalList: hist.SetTitle(s) Overlay.append(hist) #print 'the Histogram title is', hist.GetTitle() break if not found: print '@ERROR: didn\'t find the postfit histogram. Aborting' hist = ROOT.TH1F(Dict[s], Dict[s], nBins, xMin, xMax) histos.append(hist) typs.append(s) #sys.exit()'/shapes_prefit/'+dirname) #total = rebinHist(ROOT.gDirectory.Get('total').Clone(), Stack.nBins, Stack.xMin, Stack.xMax) #total.SetTitle('prefit') #prefit_overlay.append(total) break # Get the total pre/post fit error #print '\n Calculating final pre/post fit errors' #print prefit_error_histos for i, iErrorHist in enumerate(prefit_error_histos): #print i,iErrorHist if i == 0: temp_prefit_error = iErrorHist.Clone() else: temp_prefit_error.Add(iErrorHist) for i, iErrorHist in enumerate(postfit_error_histos): #print i,iErrorHist if i == 0: temp_postfit_error = iErrorHist.Clone() else: temp_postfit_error.Add(iErrorHist) final_prefit_error = ROOT.TGraphAsymmErrors(temp_prefit_error) final_postfit_error = ROOT.TGraphAsymmErrors(temp_postfit_error) total = [[]] * nBins errUp = [[]] * nBins errDown = [[]] * nBins total_post = [[]] * nBins errUp_post = [[]] * nBins errDown_post = [[]] * nBins # rebin the final errors for bin in range(1, nBins + 1): binError = temp_prefit_error.GetBinError(bin) total[bin - 1] = temp_prefit_error.GetBinContent(bin) errUp[bin - 1] = [binError] errDown[bin - 1] = [binError] binError_post = temp_postfit_error.GetBinError(bin) total_post[bin - 1] = temp_postfit_error.GetBinContent(bin) errUp_post[bin - 1] = [binError_post] errDown_post[bin - 1] = [binError_post] #Add all in quadrature totErrUp = [sqrt(sum([x**2 for x in bin])) for bin in errUp] totErrDown = [sqrt(sum([x**2 for x in bin])) for bin in errDown] totErrUp_post = [sqrt(sum([x**2 for x in bin])) for bin in errUp_post] totErrDown_post = [sqrt(sum([x**2 for x in bin])) for bin in errDown_post] for bin in range(1, nBins + 1): if not total[bin - 1] == 0: point = histos[0].GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(bin) final_prefit_error.SetPoint(bin - 1, point, 1) final_prefit_error.SetPointEYlow( bin - 1, totErrDown[bin - 1] / total[bin - 1]) final_prefit_error.SetPointEYhigh( bin - 1, totErrUp[bin - 1] / total[bin - 1]) if not total_post[bin - 1] == 0: point = histos[0].GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(bin) final_postfit_error.SetPoint(bin - 1, point, 1) final_postfit_error.SetPointEYlow( bin - 1, totErrDown_post[bin - 1] / total_post[bin - 1]) final_postfit_error.SetPointEYhigh( bin - 1, totErrUp_post[bin - 1] / total_post[bin - 1]) # ================================================= ##### Read data print '\n#### Datafile is ', opts.dc dc_file = open(opts.dc, "r") os.chdir(os.path.dirname(opts.dc)) DC = parseCard(dc_file, options) if not DC.hasShapes: DC.hasShapes = True MB = ShapeBuilder(DC, options) data0 = MB.getShape(opts.bin, 'data_obs') print data0 if (data0.InheritsFrom("RooDataHist")): data0 = ROOT.RooAbsData.createHistogram(data0, 'data_obs', ws_var, theBinning) data0.SetName('data_obs') datas = [data0] datatyps = [None] datanames = [dataname] print '\nDATA HIST:', data0 print 'Data name:', dataname # if opts.var == 'BDT': # print '!!!! Blinding !!!!' # if 'Zee' in dataname or 'Zuu' in dataname: # for bin in range(4,datas[0].GetNbinsX()+1): # datas[0].SetBinContent(bin,0) # if 'Znn' in dataname: # for bin in range(20,datas[0].GetNbinsX()+1): # datas[0].SetBinContent(bin,0) # if 'W' in dataname: # for bin in range(4,datas[0].GetNbinsX()+1): # #print datas[0].GetBinContent(bin,0) # datas[0].SetBinContent(bin,0) #else: for bin in range(0, datas[0].GetNbinsX() + 1): print datas[0].GetBinContent(bin, 0) # ======================================================= #if 'VV' in opts.bin: if isVV: signalList = ['VVHF', ' VVHF'] print 'Signal List:', signalList #histos.append(copy(Overlay)) if 'ZH' in signalList and 'WH' in signalList: #typs.append('WH') #if 'ZH' in Stack.setup: Stack.setup.remove('ZH') #if 'WH' in Stack.setup: Stack.setup.remove('WH') #Stack.setup.insert(0,'WH') #print 'Stack.setup:', Stack.setup typs.append('WH') typs.append('ZH') #elif 'ZH' in signalList: #Stack.setup.remove('WH') #typs.append('ggZH') # typs.append('ZH') if 'VVb' in signalList or 'VVHF' in signalList: #typs.append('WH') typs.append('ZH') typs.append('VVHF') if 'VVHF' in Stack.setup: Stack.setup.remove('VVHF') Stack.setup.insert(0, 'VVHF') if 'ZH' in Stack.setup: Stack.setup.remove('ZH') Stack.setup.insert(-1, 'ZH') if 'WH' in Stack.setup: Stack.setup.remove('WH') Stack.setup.insert(-1, 'WH') if 'ggZH' in Stack.setup: Stack.setup.remove('ggZH') Stack.setup.insert(-1, 'ggZH') Stack.nBins = nBins Stack.xMin = xMin Stack.xMax = xMax print '\n-----> Stack.setup(double check)...', Stack print 'Post Histos:', histos print 'Datas:', datas print 'typs:', typs Stack.histos = histos Stack.typs = typs Stack.datas = datas Stack.datatyps = datatyps Stack.datanames = datanames Stack.filename = region #if opts.var is not 'BDT': #Stack.prefit_overlay = [prefit_overlay] #if '13TeV' in region: #Stack.overlay = [Overlay] print '\n\n\t\t Overlay: ', Stack.overlay # Add custom postFit errors #Stack.AddErrors = final_prefit_error Stack.AddErrors_Postfit = final_postfit_error if dataname == 'Wtn': lumi = 18300. Stack.lumi = lumi Stack.doPlot() print 'i am done!\n'
vhbbPlotDef = opts.config[0].split('/')[0] + '/vhbbPlotDef.ini' opts.config.append(vhbbPlotDef) #adds it to the config list config = BetterConfigParser() #path = opts.path region = opts.region # additional blinding cut: addBlindingCut = None if config.has_option( 'Plot_general', 'addBlindingCut'): #contained in plots, cut on the event number addBlindingCut = config.get('Plot_general', 'addBlindingCut') print 'adding add. blinding cut' print "Compile external macros" print "=======================\n" #get locations: Wdir = config.get('Directories', 'Wdir') # working direcoty containing the ouput samplesinfo = config.get('Directories', 'samplesinfo') # samples_nosplit.cfg path = config.get('Directories', 'plottingSamples') # from which samples to plot section = 'Plot:%s' % region
xMin = -1 xMax = 1 masses = ["125"] Abins = ["HighPt", "LowPt"] channels = ["Zee", "Zmm"] # ------------------------------------------------------ # ---------- Mjj --------------------------------------- # mode = 'Mjj' # xMin=0 # xMax=255 # masses = ['125'] # Abins = ['highPt','lowPt','medPt'] # channels= ['Zee','Zmm'] # ------------------------------------------------------ path = config.get("Directories", "limits") outpath = config.get("Directories", "plotpath") setup = eval(config.get("LimitGeneral", "setup")) Dict = eval(config.get("LimitGeneral", "Dict")) MCs = [Dict[s] for s in setup] sys_BDT = eval(config.get("LimitGeneral", "sys_BDT")) systematicsnaming = eval(config.get("LimitGeneral", "systematicsnaming")) systs = [systematicsnaming[s] for s in sys_BDT] if eval(config.get("LimitGeneral", "weightF_sys")): systs.append("UEPS") def myText(txt="CMS Preliminary", ndcX=0, ndcY=0, size=0.8):
parser.add_option("-N","--name", dest="set_name", default='', help="Parameter setting name. Output files will have this name") parser.add_option("-L","--local",dest="local", default=True, help="True to run it locally. False to run on batch system using config") (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(argv) if opts.config =="": opts.config = "config" #Import after configure to get help message from myutils import BetterConfigParser, mvainfo, ParseInfo, TreeCache #load config config = BetterConfigParser() anaTag = config.get("Analysis","tag") run = gui = opts.verbose print '-----> Input Training Sample(s): ', run #GLOABAL rescale from Train/Test Spliiting: global_rescale=2. #get locations: MVAdir = config.get('Directories','vhbbpath')+'/data/' samplesinfo = config.get('Directories','samplesinfo') #systematics systematics = config.get('systematics','systematics') systematics = systematics.split(' ')
#parser.add_option("-P", "--path", dest="path", default="", # help="path to samples") parser.add_option("-S", "--samples", dest="names", default="", help="samples you want to run on") parser.add_option("-C", "--config", dest="config", default=[], action="append", help="configuration defining the plots to make") (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(argv) if opts.config =="": opts.config = "config" from myutils import BetterConfigParser, ParseInfo, TreeCache print opts.config config = BetterConfigParser() anaTag = config.get("Analysis","tag") TrainFlag = eval(config.get('Analysis','TrainFlag')) btagLibrary = config.get('BTagReshaping','library') samplesinfo=config.get('Directories','samplesinfo') VHbbNameSpace=config.get('VHbbNameSpace','library') ROOT.gSystem.Load(VHbbNameSpace) AngLikeBkgs=eval(config.get('AngularLike','backgrounds')) ang_yield=eval(config.get('AngularLike','yields')) #path=opts.path pathIN = config.get('Directories','SYSin') pathOUT = config.get('Directories','SYSout') tmpDir = os.environ["TMPDIR"] print 'INput samples:\t%s'%pathIN
sys.exit(123) en = opts.tag #create the list with the samples to run over samplesList=opts.samples.split(",") timestamp = time.asctime().replace(' ','_').replace(':','-') if(debugPrintOUts): print 'samplesList',samplesList if(debugPrintOUts): print 'timestamp',timestamp # the list of the config is taken from the path config pathconfig = BetterConfigParser()'%sconfig/paths'%(en)) _configs = pathconfig.get('Configuration','List').split(" ") configs = [ '%sconfig/'%(en) + c for c in _configs ] if(debugPrintOUts): print 'configs',configs if(debugPrintOUts): print 'opts.ftag',opts.ftag if not opts.ftag == '': tagDir = pathconfig.get('Directories','tagDir') # DEBUG PURPOSE ONLY # sys.exit() if(debugPrintOUts): print 'tagDir',tagDir DirStruct={'tagDir':tagDir,'ftagdir':'%s/%s/'%(tagDir,opts.ftag),'logpath':'%s/%s/%s/'%(tagDir,opts.ftag,'Logs'),'plotpath':'%s/%s/%s/'%(tagDir,opts.ftag,'Plots'),'limitpath':'%s/%s/%s/'%(tagDir,opts.ftag,'Limits'),'confpath':'%s/%s/%s/'%(tagDir,opts.ftag,'config') } if(debugPrintOUts): print 'DirStruct',DirStruct
parser.add_option("-C", "--config", dest="config", default=[], action="append", help="configuration defining the plots to make") (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(argv) if opts.config == "": opts.config = "config" from myutils import BetterConfigParser, ParseInfo, TreeCache print opts.config config = BetterConfigParser() anaTag = config.get("Analysis", "tag") TrainFlag = eval(config.get('Analysis', 'TrainFlag')) btagLibrary = config.get('BTagReshaping', 'library') samplesinfo = config.get('Directories', 'samplesinfo') VHbbNameSpace = config.get('VHbbNameSpace', 'library') ROOT.gSystem.Load(VHbbNameSpace) AngLikeBkgs = eval(config.get('AngularLike', 'backgrounds')) ang_yield = eval(config.get('AngularLike', 'yields')) #path=opts.path pathIN = config.get('Directories', 'SYSin') pathOUT = config.get('Directories', 'SYSout') tmpDir = os.environ["TMPDIR"] print 'INput samples:\t%s' % pathIN
#get files info from config parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-C", "--config", dest="config", default=[], action="append", help="directory config") parser.add_option("-S", "--samples", dest="names", default="", help="samples you want to run on") (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(argv) config = BetterConfigParser() namelist=opts.names.split(',') pathIN = config.get('Directories','PREPin') pathOUT = config.get('Directories','PREPout') samplesinfo=config.get('Directories','samplesinfo') sampleconf = BetterConfigParser() prefix=sampleconf.get('General','prefix') info = ParseInfo(samplesinfo,pathIN) for job in info: if not in namelist: continue if job.subsample: continue copytree(pathIN,pathOUT,prefix,job.prefix,job.identifier,'',job.addtreecut)
def getEventCount(config, sampleIdentifier, cut="1", sampleTree=None): if not sampleTree: sampleTree = SampleTree({'name': sampleIdentifier, 'folder': config.get('Directories',args.fromFolder).strip()}, config=config) h1 = ROOT.TH1D("h1","h1",1,0,2) nEvents = sampleTree.tree.Draw("1>>h1", "(" + cut + ")*genWeight") nEventsWeighted = h1.GetBinContent(1) h1.Delete() return nEventsWeighted # load config config = BetterConfigParser() configFolder = args.tag + 'config/' print "config folder:", configFolder + '/paths.ini') configFiles = [x for x in config.get('Configuration','List').strip().split(' ') if len(x.strip()) > 0] config = BetterConfigParser() for configFile in configFiles: + configFile) print "read config ", configFile pruneThreshold = float(args.prune) sampleGroups = [] for x in args.samples.split(','): sampleGroups.append(x.split('+')) sampleCuts = args.cuts.strip().split(',') if args.fc != '': cutGroups = [x.strip(',').split(',') for x in args.fc.strip(';').split(';')] # cartesian product
help= "for eff. scale factor computation: restrict to this list of comma separated bins (Starting at bin 1)" ) (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(argv) if opts.config == "": opts.config = ["config"] # Import after configure to get help message from myutils import BetterConfigParser, mvainfo, ParseInfo config = BetterConfigParser() if len(opts.fitType) < 1: if config.has_option('Fit', 'FitType'): opts.fitType = config.get('Fit', 'FitType') else: opts.fitType = "shapes_prefit" # run plotter if len(opts.regions) < 1 or opts.regions.strip() == 'None': regions = eval(config.get('Fit', 'regions')).keys() else: regions = opts.regions.strip().split(',') for i in range(len(regions)): if '+' in regions[i]: regions[i] = regions[i].split('+') print("REGIONS:", regions) scaleFactorTable = [] plotCommands = []
#parse args and setup logdir args = parser.parse_args() Logger = printer() Logger.set_name("Psi46Log") Logger.set_prefix('') Logger.set_logfile('%s' % (args.loggingDir), 'psi46Handler.log') Logger << 'ConfigDir: "%s"' % args.configDir configDir = args.configDir numTB = int(args.numTB) #load config config = BetterConfigParser() + '/elComandante.conf') #config clientName = "psi46" serverZiel = config.get('subsystem', 'Ziel') Port = int(config.get('subsystem', 'Port')) serverPort = int(config.get('subsystem', 'Port')) psiSubscription = config.get('subsystem', 'psiSubscription') errorSubscription = "/error" #construct client = sClient(serverZiel, serverPort, clientName) #subscribe client.subscribe(psiSubscription) #---------------------------------------------------- #handler def handler(signum, frame): Logger << 'Close Connection'
parser.add_option("-t","--trainingRegions", dest="trainingRegions", default='', help="cut region identifier") parser.add_option("-S","--systematics", dest="systematics", default=2, help="include systematics (0 for none, 1 for bdtVars, 2 for all (with btagWeights)") parser.add_option("-x", "--test", dest="test", action="store_true", help="for debugging only!!!", default=False) (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(argv) if opts.config =="": opts.config = ["config"] # Import after configure to get help message from myutils import BetterConfigParser, mvainfo, ParseInfo if len(opts.tag.strip()) > 1: config = BetterConfigParser()"{tag}config/paths.ini".format(tag=opts.tag)) configFiles = config.get("Configuration", "List").split(' ') opts.config = ["{tag}config/{file}".format(tag=opts.tag, file=x.strip()) for x in configFiles] print("reading config files:", opts.config) sys = False btagSys = False if int(opts.systematics) > 0: sys = True if int(opts.systematics) > 1: btagSys = True # load config config = BetterConfigParser() converter = SampleTreesToNumpyConverter(config, opts.trainingRegions, useSyst=sys, useWeightSyst=btagSys, testRun=opts.test) success = if not success:
print(filelist) print( "len(filelist)", len(filelist), ) if len(filelist) > 0: print("filelist[0]:", filelist[0]) else: print('') #Import after configure to get help message from myutils import BetterConfigParser, progbar, printc, ParseInfo, MvaEvaluator config = BetterConfigParser() anaTag = config.get("Analysis", "tag") #get locations: Wdir = config.get('Directories', 'Wdir') samplesinfo = config.get('Directories', 'samplesinfo') #read shape systematics systematics = config.get('systematics', 'systematics') #systematics INpath = config.get('Directories', 'MVAin') OUTpath = config.get('Directories', 'MVAout') info = ParseInfo(samplesinfo, INpath) arglist = ''
def drawFromDC(): config = BetterConfigParser() region = opts.region print "\nopts.config:",opts.config print "opts:", opts print "var:", opts.var print "bin:", opts.bin dataname = 'Zll' if 'Zmm' in opts.bin: dataname = 'Zmm' elif 'Zee' in opts.bin: dataname = 'Zee' elif 'Wmunu' in opts.bin: dataname = 'Wmn' elif 'Wenu' in opts.bin: dataname = 'Wen' elif 'Znunu' in opts.bin: dataname = 'Znn' elif 'Wtn' in opts.bin: dataname = 'Wtn' if (opts.var == ''): var = 'BDT' if dataname == 'Zmm' or dataname == 'Zee': var = 'BDT_Zll' elif dataname == 'Wmn' or dataname == 'Wen': var = 'BDT_Wln' elif dataname == 'Znn': if 'HighPt' in opts.bin: var = 'BDT_ZnnHighPt' if 'LowPt' in opts.bin: var = 'BDT_ZnnLowPt' if 'LowCSV' in opts.bin: var = 'BDT_ZnnLowCSV' if dataname == '' or var == 'BDT': raise RuntimeError, 'Did not recognise mode or var from '+opts.bin else: var = opts.var if 'BDT' in var: region = 'BDT' else: region = opts.bin ws_var = config.get('plotDef:%s'%var,'relPath') if region == 'BDT': ws_var = ROOT.RooRealVar(ws_var,ws_var,-1.,1.) else: ws_var = ROOT.RooRealVar(ws_var,ws_var, 0, 1.) blind = eval(config.get('Plot:%s'%region,'blind')) print 'config:', config print 'var: ', var print 'region: ', region Stack=StackMaker(config,var,region,True) if 'LowPt' in opts.bin or 'ch1_Wenu' == opts.bin or 'ch2_Wmunu' == opts.bin: Stack.addFlag2 = 'Low p_{T}(V)' elif 'MedPt' in opts.bin or 'ch1_Wenu2' == opts.bin or 'ch2_Wmunu2' == opts.bin: Stack.addFlag2 = 'Intermediate p_{T}(V)' elif 'HighPt' in opts.bin or 'ch1_Wenu3' == opts.bin or 'ch2_Wmunu3' == opts.bin: Stack.addFlag2 = 'High p_{T}(V)' # check for pre or post fit options preFit = False addName = 'PostFit_%s' %( if not opts.mlfit: addName = 'PreFit' preFit = True print '\n-----> Fit Type( : ', print ' (opts.mlfit): ', opts.mlfit print ' preFit : ', preFit Stack.options['pdfName'] = '%s_%s_%s.pdf' %(var,opts.bin,addName) log = eval(config.get('Plot:%s'%region,'log')) setup = config.get('Plot_general','setup').split(',') if dataname == 'Zmm' or dataname == 'Zee': try: setup.remove('W1b') setup.remove('W2b') setup.remove('Wlight') setup.remove('WH') except: print '@INFO: Wb / Wligh / WH not present in the datacard' if not dataname == 'Znn' and 'QCD' in setup: setup.remove('QCD') Stack.setup = setup Dict = eval(config.get('LimitGeneral','Dict')) lumi = eval(config.get('Plot_general','lumi')) options = copy(opts) options.dataname = "data_obs" options.mass = 0 options.format = "%8.3f +/- %6.3f" = opts.bin options.excludeSyst = [] options.norm = False options.stat = False options.bin = True # fake that is a binary output, so that we parse shape lines options.out = "tmp.root" options.fileName = args[0] options.cexpr = False options.fixpars = False options.libs = [] options.verbose = 0 options.poisson = 0 options.nuisancesToExclude = [] options.noJMax = None theBinning = ROOT.RooFit.Binning(Stack.nBins,Stack.xMin,Stack.xMax) file = open(opts.dc, "r") os.chdir(os.path.dirname(opts.dc)) print '\nDC Path:', os.path.dirname(opts.dc) DC = parseCard(file, options) if not DC.hasShapes: DC.hasShapes = True MB = ShapeBuilder(DC, options) theShapes = {} theSyst = {} nuiVar = {} print '\n\n ------> Mlfit File: ', opts.mlfit if opts.mlfit: nuiVar = readBestFit(opts.mlfit) if not opts.bin in DC.bins: raise RuntimeError, "Cannot open find %s in bins %s of %s" % (opts.bin,DC.bins,opts.dc) print '\n-----> Looping over bins in datacard...' for b in DC.bins: print ' bin: ', b if != None and ( != b): continue exps = {} expNui = {} shapeNui = {} reducedShapeNui = {} for (p,e) in DC.exp[b].items(): # so that we get only self.DC.processes contributing to this bin exps[p] = [ e, [] ] expNui[p] = [ e, [] ] print '\n-----> Datacard systematics: ', DC.systs for (lsyst,nofloat,pdf,pdfargs,errline) in DC.systs: print '\n-----> Looping over systematics in datacard: ', (lsyst,nofloat,pdf,pdfargs,errline) if pdf in ('param', 'flatParam'): continue # begin skip systematics skipme = False for xs in options.excludeSyst: if, lsyst): skipme = True if skipme: print '\n-----> skipping systematics...' continue # end skip systematics counter = 0 print '\n\t-----> Looping over keys in datacard: ', DC.exp[b].keys() for p in DC.exp[b].keys(): # so that we get only self.DC.processes contributing to this bin print '\n\t-----> Looping over process in this bin: ', p if errline[b][p] == 0: continue if p == 'QCD' and not 'QCD' in setup: continue if pdf == 'gmN': exps[p][1].append(1/sqrt(pdfargs[0]+1)); elif pdf == 'gmM': exps[p][1].append(errline[b][p]); elif type(errline[b][p]) == list: kmax = max(errline[b][p][0], errline[b][p][1], 1.0/errline[b][p][0], 1.0/errline[b][p][1]); exps[p][1].append(kmax-1.); elif pdf == 'lnN': lnNVar = max(errline[b][p], 1.0/errline[b][p])-1. if not nuiVar.has_key('%s_%s'%(,lsyst)): nui = 0. else: nui= nuiVar['%s_%s'%(,lsyst)][0] lnNVar = lnNVar*nuiVar['%s_%s'%(,lsyst)][1] exps[p][1].append(lnNVar) expNui[p][1].append(abs(1-errline[b][p])*nui); elif 'shape' in pdf: print '\n\t-----> Filling the Shapes for this process...' #print 'shape %s %s: %s'%(pdf,p,lsyst) s0 = MB.getShape(b,p) sUp = MB.getShape(b,p,lsyst+"Up") sDown = MB.getShape(b,p,lsyst+"Down") if (s0.InheritsFrom("RooDataHist")): s0 = ROOT.RooAbsData.createHistogram(s0,p,ws_var,theBinning) s0.SetName(p) sUp = ROOT.RooAbsData.createHistogram(sUp,p+lsyst+'Up',ws_var,theBinning) sUp.SetName(p+lsyst+'Up') sDown = ROOT.RooAbsData.createHistogram(sDown,p+lsyst+'Down',ws_var,theBinning) sDown.SetName(p+lsyst+'Down') theShapes[p] = s0.Clone() theShapes[p+lsyst+'Up'] = sUp.Clone() theShapes[p+lsyst+'Down'] = sDown.Clone() if not nuiVar.has_key('%s_%s'%(,lsyst)): nui = 0. reducedNui = 1. else: nui= nuiVar['%s_%s'%(,lsyst)][0] reducedNui= nuiVar['%s_%s'%(,lsyst)][1] shapeNui[p+lsyst] = nui reducedShapeNui[lsyst] = reducedNui if not 'CMS_vhbb_stat' in lsyst: if counter == 0: theSyst[lsyst] = s0.Clone() theSyst[lsyst+'Up'] = sUp.Clone() theSyst[lsyst+'Down'] = sDown.Clone() else: theSyst[lsyst].Add(s0) theSyst[lsyst+'Up'].Add(sUp.Clone()) theSyst[lsyst+'Down'].Add(sDown.Clone()) counter += 1 procs = DC.exp[b].keys(); procs.sort() if not 'QCD' in setup and 'QCD' in procs: procs.remove('QCD') if not 'W2b' in setup and 'WjHF' in procs: procs.remove('WjHF') if not 'Wlight' in setup and 'WjLF' in procs: procs.remove('WjLF') fmt = ("%%-%ds " % max([len(p) for p in procs]))+" "+options.format; #Compute norm uncertainty and best fit theNormUncert = {} theBestFit = {} print '\n-----> Computing norm uncertaint and best fit...' for p in procs: relunc = sqrt(sum([x*x for x in exps[p][1]])) print fmt % (p, exps[p][0], exps[p][0]*relunc) theNormUncert[p] = relunc absBestFit = sum([x for x in expNui[p][1]]) theBestFit[p] = 1.+absBestFit histos = [] typs = [] setup2=copy(setup) shapesUp = [[] for _ in range(0,len(setup2))] shapesDown = [[] for _ in range(0,len(setup2))] sigCount = 0 signalList = ['ZH','WH'] # for shape analysis? for p in procs: b = opts.bin print 'process: ', p print 'setup:',setup print 'Dict:', Dict print 'theShapes:', theShapes for s in setup: print '-----> Fillings the shapes for: ', s if not Dict[s] == p: continue if s in signalList: if sigCount ==0: Overlay=copy(theShapes[Dict[s]]) else: Overlay.Add(theShapes[Dict[s]]) sigCount += 1 else: histos.append(theShapes[Dict[s]]) typs.append(s) for (lsyst,nofloat,pdf,pdfargs,errline) in DC.systs: if errline[b][p] == 0: continue if ("shape" in pdf) and not 'CMS_vhbb_stat' in lsyst: print 'syst %s'%lsyst shapesUp[setup2.index(s)].append(theShapes[Dict[s]+lsyst+'Up']) shapesDown[setup2.index(s)].append(theShapes[Dict[s]+lsyst+'Down']) #------------- #Compute absolute uncertainty from shapes counter = 0 for (lsyst,nofloat,pdf,pdfargs,errline) in DC.systs: sumErr = 0 for p in procs: sumErr += errline[b][p] print '---> PDF:',pdf, lsyst if ("shape" in pdf) and not 'CMS_vhbb_stat' in lsyst and not sumErr == 0: theSystUp = theSyst[lsyst+'Up'].Clone() theSystUp.Add(theSyst[lsyst].Clone(),-1.) theSystUp.Multiply(theSystUp) theSystDown = theSyst[lsyst+'Down'].Clone() theSystDown.Add(theSyst[lsyst].Clone(),-1.) theSystDown.Multiply(theSystDown) theSystUp.Scale(reducedShapeNui[lsyst]) theSystDown.Scale(reducedShapeNui[lsyst]) if counter == 0: theAbsSystUp = theSystUp.Clone() theAbsSystDown = theSystDown.Clone() else: theAbsSystUp.Add(theSystUp.Clone()) theAbsSystDown.Add(theSystDown.Clone()) counter +=1 #------------- #Best fit for shapes if not preFit: # Set the preFit as an overlay print '\n Making prefit overlay...' print procs i = 0 for hist in theShapes: if hist not in procs: continue print 'Process:', hist print 'Shape:', theShapes[hist] print 'i:', i if i == 0: prefit_overlay=copy(theShapes[hist]) #prefit_overlay=theShapes[hist] print 'First Integral:', theShapes[hist].Integral() i+=1 else: #prefit_overlay.Add(theShapes[hist], 1.0) prefit_overlay.Add(theShapes[hist]) print 'Integral:', theShapes[hist].Integral() print 'prefit_overlay:', prefit_overlay print 'Integral:', prefit_overlay.Integral() print '\n-----> Getting best fit shapes(for postFit)...' histos, Overlay, typs = getBestFitShapes(procs,theShapes,shapeNui,theBestFit,DC,setup,opts,Dict) counter = 0 errUp=[] total=[] errDown=[] nBins = histos[0].GetNbinsX() #print histos # temp hack to get histo names right #names = ['ggZH','DY2B', 'DY1B', 'DYlight', 'TT', 'VV'] #for name,i in enumerate(histos): # i.SetName(names[name]) #Overlay.SetName('ZH') # end hack print '\n total bins %s'%nBins print '\n histos: ',histos print '\n theNormUncert: ',theNormUncert print '\n Overlay: ', Overlay Error = ROOT.TGraphAsymmErrors(histos[0]) theTotalMC = histos[0].Clone() for h in range(1,len(histos)): theTotalMC.Add(histos[h]) total = [[]]*nBins errUp = [[]]*nBins errDown = [[]]*nBins print '\n\n\t\t -----> The Histos: ', histos for bin in range(1,nBins+1): binError = theTotalMC.GetBinError(bin) if math.isnan(binError): binError = 0. total[bin-1]=theTotalMC.GetBinContent(bin) #Stat uncertainty of the MC outline errUp[bin-1] = [binError] errDown[bin-1] = [binError] # Temp hack to fix theNormUncert naming temp_theNormUncert = {} for i,hist in enumerate(histos): for x in theNormUncert: #print '\nx: ', x if x in histos[i].GetName(): temp_theNormUncert[histos[i].GetName()] = theNormUncert[x] #print temp_theNormUncert #Relative norm uncertainty of the individual MC for h in range(0,len(histos)): #errUp[bin-1].append(histos[h].GetBinContent(bin)*theNormUncert[histos[h].GetName()]) #errDown[bin-1].append(histos[h].GetBinContent(bin)*theNormUncert[histos[h].GetName()]) errUp[bin-1].append(histos[h].GetBinContent(bin)*temp_theNormUncert[histos[h].GetName()]) errDown[bin-1].append(histos[h].GetBinContent(bin)*temp_theNormUncert[histos[h].GetName()]) #Shape uncertainty of the MC for bin in range(1,nBins+1): #print sqrt(theSystUp.GetBinContent(bin)) errUp[bin-1].append(sqrt(theAbsSystUp.GetBinContent(bin))) errDown[bin-1].append(sqrt(theAbsSystDown.GetBinContent(bin))) #Add all in quadrature totErrUp=[sqrt(sum([x**2 for x in bin])) for bin in errUp] totErrDown=[sqrt(sum([x**2 for x in bin])) for bin in errDown] #Make TGraph with errors for bin in range(1,nBins+1): if not total[bin-1] == 0: point=histos[0].GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(bin) Error.SetPoint(bin-1,point,1) Error.SetPointEYlow(bin-1,totErrDown[bin-1]/total[bin-1]) #print 'down %s'%(totErrDown[bin-1]/total[bin-1]) Error.SetPointEYhigh(bin-1,totErrUp[bin-1]/total[bin-1]) #print 'up %s'%(totErrUp[bin-1]/total[bin-1]) #----------------------- #Read data data0 = MB.getShape(opts.bin,'data_obs') if (data0.InheritsFrom("RooDataHist")): data0 = ROOT.RooAbsData.createHistogram(data0,'data_obs',ws_var,theBinning) data0.SetName('data_obs') datas=[data0] datatyps = [None] datanames=[dataname] print '\nDATA HIST:', data0 print 'Data name:', dataname if blind and 'BDT' in var: for bin in range(10,datas[0].GetNbinsX()+1): datas[0].SetBinContent(bin,0) #for bin in range(0,datas[0].GetNbinsX()+1): # print 'Data in bin x:', datas[0].GetBinContent(bin) histos.append(copy(Overlay)) if 'ZH' in signalList and 'WH' in signalList: typs.append('ZH') if 'ZH' in Stack.setup: Stack.setup.remove('ZH') if 'WH' in Stack.setup: Stack.setup.remove('WH') Stack.setup.insert(0,'ZH') elif 'ZH' in signalList: typs.append('ZH') elif 'WH' in signalList: typs.append('WH') elif 'VVb' in signalList: typs.append('VVb') print '\n-----> Stack.setup(double check)...' print 'Histos:', histos print 'typs:', typs Stack.histos = histos Stack.typs = typs Stack.datas = datas Stack.datatyps = datatyps Stack.datanames= datanames Stack.prefit_overlay = [prefit_overlay] if region == 'BDT': Stack.overlay = [Overlay] print '\n\n\t\t Overlay: ',Stack.overlay Stack.AddErrors=Error if dataname == 'Wtn': lumi = 18300. Stack.lumi = lumi Stack.doPlot() print 'i am done!\n'