예제 #1
파일: okru.py 프로젝트: procool/myvdl
    def start(self):

        ident = self.find_ident()
        if ident is None:
            print "OK.RU: Unsupported url!"
            return None

        m_url = "https://m.ok.ru/video/" + ident
        params = self.curl_get_default_params()
curl 'https://m.ok.ru/video/94020831980' -H 'Host: m.ok.ru' -H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:49.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/49.0' -H 'Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8' -H 'Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5' --compressed -H 'Cookie: bci=-1960779979281354807; landref=ydalenka.ru; __dc=on; SERVERID=bcf0ec7670cbc75ebc8f0ce9d1a73887|WO/8C; TimezoneOffset=-180; ClientTimeDiff=-539; ClientTimeStr=14_3_2017_1_20_19; DCAPS=dpr%5E1%7Cvw%5E1600%7Csw%5E1600%7C' -H 'Connection: keep-alive' -H 'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1' -H 'Cache-Control: max-age=0'
        params["headers"]["Host"] = 'm.ok.ru'

            answ = CUrl.download(m_url, 'compressed', **params)
        except Exception as err:
            print "OK.RU: Can't load mobile video page! May be wrong url?"
            return None

            dt = re.findall('\<div id\=\"content\"(?:.*?)\<div id=\"mvplayer_cont\"(?:.*?)data\-video(?:.*?)href=\"(.*?)\"', answ)
            url = dt[0]
        except Exception as err:
            print "MAIL.RU: No video found!"

        extention = "mp4"

        flname = "%s.%s" % (ident, extention)
        print "OK.RU: DOWNLOADING:", url
        params = self.curl_get_default_params()
        CUrl.download(url, 'globoff', 'compressed', L=True, print_status=True, output=flname, **params)
        print "Saved as: %s" % flname
        return None
예제 #2
파일: __init__.py 프로젝트: procool/myvdl
    def get_index(self):

        kwargs = {
            'headers' : self.default_headers,
            'cookie-jar': self.cookies_jar_file,
	    'cookie': self.cookies_jar_file,

        counter = 0
        while True:
            answ = CUrl.download(self.url, 'compressed', **kwargs)

            ## Not authed:
            if len(re.findall("""LoginForm_username""", answ)) > 0:

            a_ = re.sub("\n+", " ", answ)
            uname = self.re_login.findall(a_)
            if len(uname) > 0:
                return uname[0], answ
            counter += 1
            if counter >= 5:
                print "Error on downloading url!"
                print answ
                print "============================"
예제 #3
파일: __init__.py 프로젝트: procool/myvdl
    def start(self):
        uname, answ = self.get_index()
        print "User: "******"""loadLectureCode\('(\d+)', 'code'\);""", answ)[0]);
        except Exception as err: 
            print "Wrong lecture code!"
            raise err

        lcode_kwargs = {
            'headers' : self.default_headers,
            'cookie': self.cookies_jar_file,
            'data': """id=%s&type=code""" % lecture_code,
        answ = CUrl.download("%s/lecture/loadCode" % self.host, 'compressed', **lcode_kwargs)
            jcode = json.loads(answ)['code']
        except Exception as err:
            print "Can't encode JSON of handler: /lecture/loadCode"
            raise err
            urls = re.findall(r'<iframe src="(.*?)"', jcode)

            ## Get all videos from page:
            for id, url in enumerate(urls):
                self.get_video(id, url)
        except Exception as err:
            print "Can't find video config url!"
            raise err
예제 #4
 def get_play_info(self, id):
     url = "%s/api/play/options/%s/?format=json&sqr4374_compat=1&no_404=true" % (self.host, id)
     params = self.curl_get_default_params()
     params['headers']['Accept'] = "application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01"
     params['headers']['Content-Type'] = "application/json"
     answ = CUrl.download(url, 'compressed', **params)
     return json.loads(answ)
예제 #5
파일: mailru.py 프로젝트: procool/myvdl
    def start(self):

        api_url = self.find_ident()
        if api_url is None:
            print "MAIL.RU: Unsupported url!"
            return None

        params = self.curl_get_default_params()
            answ = CUrl.download(api_url, 'compressed', **params)
            data = json.loads(answ)
            #print "DATA", json.dumps(data, indent=4)
        except Exception as err:
            print "MAIL.RU: Can't load video data, may be wrong url?"
            return None

        flname = "%s" % re.sub("""[\"\,\.\'\s\t\&\;\$\*]+""", "_",

        hq = 0
        url = None
        for v in data["videos"]:
            hq_ = int(v["key"].replace("p", ""))
            if hq_ > hq:
                hq = hq_
                url = v["url"]

        if url is None:
            print "MAIL.RU: No video found!"

        flext = re.findall("""\/\d+\.(.*?)\?""", url)[0]
        flname += ".%s" % flext

        print "MAIL.RU: DOWNLOADING:", url
        print "Saved as: %s" % flname
예제 #6
파일: tntonline.py 프로젝트: procool/myvdl
    def start(self):

        params = self.curl_get_default_params()
        answ = CUrl.download(self.url, 'compressed', **params)
        ident = self.re_ident.findall(answ)
        if len(ident) == 0:
            print "Can't find video ident!"
            return None

        print "Found ruTube ident: %s" % ident[0]
        self.engine.find_plugin("https://rutube.ru/play/embed/%s" % ident[0])
예제 #7
    def start(self, id):
        print "RUTUBE Embed..."

        url = "%s/play/embed/%s" % (self.main.host, id)
        params = self.main.curl_get_default_params()
        answ = CUrl.download(url, 'compressed', **params)
        ident = self.re_ident.findall(answ)
        if len(ident) == 0:
            print "Can't find video ident!"
            return None

        return MainPage(self.main).start(ident[0])
예제 #8
파일: __init__.py 프로젝트: procool/myvdl
    def login(self):
        login  = raw_input("Login: "******"Password: "******"LoginForm%5Busername%5D=" + login + "&LoginForm%5Bpassword%5D=" + passwd,
	    'cookie': self.cookies_jar_file,
            'cookie-jar': self.cookies_jar_file,
            'dump-header': 'testheader',

        print "LOGIN", 
        answ = CUrl.download(self.url_login, 'compressed', **kwargs)
예제 #9
    def get_route(self, id):
        pinfo = self.get_play_info(id)
        bal = pinfo["video_balancer"]
        url = None
        #def_tp = "default"
        def_tp = "m3u8"
        if def_tp in bal:
            url = bal[def_tp]

        if url is None:
            url = bal.values()[0]

        params = self.curl_get_default_params()
        params['headers']['Accept'] = "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8"
        ##print "BL URL", url
        answ = CUrl.download(url, 'compressed', **params)
        return def_tp, answ, url
예제 #10
파일: __init__.py 프로젝트: procool/myvdl
    def get_video(self, id, url):

        vkwargs = {
            'headers' : self.default_headers,
        ##del vkwargs['headers']['DNT']
        vkwargs['headers']['Host'] = 'player.vimeo.com'
        vkwargs['headers']['Referer'] = self.url
        vdata_s = CUrl.download(url, 'compressed', **vkwargs)

        ## Here, by regexps we can find ids of video and audio tracks:

        #    v_ts = re.findall("""https:\/\/(.*?).vimeocdn.com\/(\d+)-(.*?)\/(\d+)\/video\/""", vdata_s)[0]
        #except Exception as err:
        #    print "Can't find video idents!"
        #    raise err
        ##a_ts = re.findall("""https:\/\/(.*?).vimeocdn.com\/(\d+)-(.*?)\/(\d+)\/audio\/""", vdata_s)

            v_data = re.findall("""function\(e,a\){var t={"cdn_url".*?request":(.*?),"player_url":""", vdata_s)[0]
            v_data = json.loads(v_data)
        except Exception as err:
            print "Can't find video config data!"
            raise err

        #print "VTS", v_ts
        #print "VDATA", json.dumps(v_data, indent=4)

        ## Download as segments:

        ## Check for separate audio & video:
        separate_av = False
        if "separate_av" in v_data["files"]["dash"] and v_data["files"]["dash"]["separate_av"]:
            separate_av = True

        ## Get video url:
        murl = None
        default_cdn = v_data["files"]["dash"]["default_cdn"]
        for cdn, d in v_data["files"]["dash"]["cdns"].items():
            if "skyfire" in cdn:
                if separate_av:
                    murl = re.sub(r"sep\/video\/\d+(.*?)$", "sep/", d["url"])
                    murl = re.sub(r"video\/\d+(.*?)$", "video/", d["url"])
        if murl is None:
            print "Wrong video config"
            return None

        url_a = None
        if separate_av:
            murl += "video/"
            url_a = murl + "audio/"

        ## Get high'st quality:
        stream_id = [0, None]
        for stream in v_data["files"]["dash"]["streams"]:
            try: qa = int(re.findall("^(\d+)p", stream["quality"])[0])
            except: continue
            if qa > stream_id[0]:
                stream_id[0] = qa
                stream_id[1] = str(stream["id"])

        logging.info("Selected quality: %s" % stream_id[0])

        murl += stream_id[1] + '/chop/segment-%s.m4s'
        if separate_av:
            url_a += stream_id[1] + '/chop/segment-%s.m4s'

        print "DOWNLOAD %s: url:" % separate_av, murl

        ## Download as completly mp4 file:

        ## Get high'st quality:
        stream_id = [0, None]
        for stream in v_data["files"]["progressive"]:
            try: qa = int(re.findall("^(\d+)p", stream["quality"])[0])
            except: continue
            if qa > stream_id[0]:
                stream_id[0] = qa
                stream_id[1] = stream["url"]

        print "Found quality: %sp" % stream_id[0]
        print "Download url: ", stream_id[1]

        ext_ = re.sub("\?(.*)$", "", stream_id[1])
        ext_ = re.findall("\/.*?\.([^.]+)$", ext_)[0]
        name = re.findall("item/(.*?)$", self.url)[0]
        flname = "%s_%s.%s" % (name, id, ext_)
        print "Save as: %s" % flname

        vkwargs['output'] = flname
        del vkwargs['headers']['Host']
        vkwargs['print_status'] = True
        CUrl.download(stream_id[1], **vkwargs)
예제 #11
 def get_info(self, ident):
     url = "%s/api/video/%s/" % (self.host, ident)
     params = self.curl_get_default_params()
     params['headers']['Accept'] = "application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01"
     answ = CUrl.download(url, 'compressed', **params)
     return json.loads(answ)
예제 #12
파일: mainpage.py 프로젝트: procool/myvdl
    def start(self, ident):
        print "RUTUBE Mainpage..."
        info = self.main.get_info(ident)

        print "Title", info["title"]
        print "Description", info["description"]
        print "Embed", info["embed_url"]
        print "TrackID", info["track_id"]
        #print "INFO:", json.dumps(info, indent=4)

        ## Get streams:
        def_tp, route, bl_url = self.main.get_route(info["track_id"])

        flname = "%s.avi" % re.sub("""[\"\,\.\'\s\t\&\;\$\*]+""", "_", info["title"])
        url = None
        ## XML data:
        if def_tp == "default":
            print "XML", route
            root = ET.fromstring(route)
            url = root.find('{http://ns.adobe.com/f4m/2.0}baseURL').text.strip()
            best_brate = 0
            vfile = None
            for fl in root.findall('{http://ns.adobe.com/f4m/2.0}media'):
                br = int(fl.attrib['bitrate'])
                if br > best_brate:
                    best_brate = br
                    vfile = fl
            print "Found video format:", vfile.attrib['width'], "x", vfile.attrib['height'], 
            url += vfile.attrib['href']

        ## Text with urls:
            for l in route.split('\n'):
                if l.startswith('http'):
                    url = l.strip()

            cmd_ = '''ffmpeg -i "%s" -y "%s"''' % (bl_url, flname)
            print "RUNING COMMAND: ", cmd_
            params = {
                'stderr': subprocess.PIPE,
                'stdout': subprocess.PIPE,
                'shell': True,
            r = subprocess.Popen(cmd_, **params)
            while True:
                l = r.stderr.read(1)
                if len(l) == 0:
            print "Download complete!"
            print "Saved as: %s" % flname
            return None

        print "URL: ", url

        ## GEtting video:
        params = self.main.curl_get_default_params()
        ##params['headers']['Accept'] = "application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01"
        ##params['headers']['Content-Type'] = "application/json"
        answ = CUrl.download(url, 'compressed', **params)
        print "VIDEO", answ