from myworld.TurtleWorld import TurtleWorld from myworld.World import wait_for_user from myworld.MyTurtle import MyTurtle # the following condition checks whether we are # running as a script, in which case run the test code, # or being imported, in which case don't. if __name__ == '__main__': world=TurtleWorld() bob=MyTurtle() bob.delay = 0 # draw a sequence of three flowers, as shown in the book. bob.move( -100) bob.draw_flower( 7, 60.0, 60.0) bob.move(100) bob.draw_flower(10, 40.0, 80.0) bob.move(100) bob.draw_flower(20, 140.0, 20.0) bob.die() wait_for_user()
from myworld.TurtleWorld import TurtleWorld from myworld.World import wait_for_user from myworld.MyTurtle import MyTurtle # the following condition checks whether we are # running as a script, in which case run the test code, # or being imported, in which case don't. if __name__ == '__main__': world=TurtleWorld() bob=MyTurtle() bob.delay = 0.001 # draw a circle centered on the origin radius = 100 #bob.pu() bob.fd(radius) #bob.pd bob.square(radius) bob.die() wait_for_user()
from myworld.TurtleWorld import TurtleWorld from myworld.World import wait_for_user from myworld.MyTurtle import MyTurtle import math # the following condition checks whether we are # running as a script, in which case run the test code, # or being imported, in which case don't. if __name__ == '__main__': world=TurtleWorld() # Wir erzeugen einen Turtle turty=MyTurtle() # Der Turtle wartet auf uns turty.delay = 0.4 # Die Laenge betraegt 100 Punkte laenge = 100 baum=laenge/2 # Wir drehen turty um 90 # Wir zeichen ein Quadrat turty.square(laenge) # Wir gehen auf das Quadrat hinauf turty.move(laenge) # Der linke Giebel turty.fd(laenge/2*math.sqrt(2)) # und nun der rechte Giebel