def cli_mfa_add_token(): """ Adds an MFA token to be used with role assumption. Tokens will be saved in a .ndt subdirectory in the user's home directory. If a token with the same name already exists, it will not be overwritten.""" parser = get_parser() parser.add_argument("token_name", help="Name for the token. Use this to refer to the token later with " + "the assume-role command.") parser.add_argument("-i", "--interactive", help="Ask for token details interactively.", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-a", "--token_arn", help="ARN identifier for the token.") parser.add_argument("-s", "--token_secret", help="Token secret.") parser.add_argument("-f", "--force", help="Force an overwrite if the token already exists.", action="store_true") argcomplete.autocomplete(parser) args = parser.parse_args() if args.interactive: args.token_secret = _to_bytes(input("Enter token secret: ")) code_1 = mfa_generate_code_with_secret(args.token_secret) print("First sync code: " + code_1) print("Waiting to generate second sync code. This could take 30 seconds...") code_2 = mfa_generate_code_with_secret(args.token_secret) while code_1 == code_2: time.sleep(5) code_2 = mfa_generate_code_with_secret(args.token_secret) print("Second sync code: " + code_2) args.token_arn = _to_str(input("Enter token ARN: ")) elif not args.token_secret: parser.error("Token secret is required.") try: mfa_add_token(args) except ValueError as error: parser.error(error)
def type_guess(val): if not val: return None try: return literal_eval(val) except: return _to_str(val)
def print_profile_expiry(profile): safe_profile = re.sub("[^A-Z0-9]", "_", profile.upper()) expiry = read_profile_expiry(profile) epoc = _epoc_secs(parse(expiry).replace(tzinfo=tzutc())) print("AWS_SESSION_EXPIRATION_EPOC_" + safe_profile + "=" + _to_str(epoc)) print("AWS_SESSION_EXPIRATION_" + safe_profile + "=" + expiry) print("export AWS_SESSION_EXPIRATION_" + safe_profile + " AWS_SESSION_EXPIRATION_EPOC_" + safe_profile + ";")
def print_profile(profile_name, params): safe_profile = re.sub("[^A-Z0-9]", "_", profile_name.upper()) profile = get_profile(profile_name) for key, value in list(profile.items()): upper_param = key.upper() if key == "aws_session_expiration" or key == "aws_expiration": d = parse(value) print("AWS_SESSION_EXPIRATION_EPOC_" + safe_profile + "=\"" + _to_str(_epoc_secs(d)) + "\"") params.append("AWS_SESSION_EXPIRATION_EPOC_" + safe_profile) params.append(upper_param) if value.startswith("\""): value = value[1:-1] print(upper_param + "=\"" + value + "\"") print("export " + " ".join(params) + ";")
def enable_profile(profile_type, profile): profile = re.sub("[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]", "_", profile) safe_profile = re.sub("[^A-Z0-9]", "_", profile.upper()) if profile_type == "iam": _print_profile_switch(profile) elif profile_type == "azure" or profile_type == "adfs": _print_profile_switch(profile) if "AWS_SESSION_EXPIRATION_EPOC_" + safe_profile in os.environ: expiry = int(os.environ["AWS_SESSION_EXPIRATION_EPOC_" + safe_profile]) else: expiry = _epoc_secs( parse(read_profile_expiry(profile)).replace(tzinfo=tzutc())) if expiry < _epoc_secs( if "AWS_SESSION_EXPIRATION_EPOC_" + safe_profile in os.environ: print("unset AWS_SESSION_EXPIRATION_EPOC_" + safe_profile + ";") if profile_type == "azure": profile_data = get_profile(profile) gui_mode = "" if "azure_login_mode" in profile_data and profile_data[ "azure_login_mode"] == "gui": gui_mode = " --mode=gui" print("aws-azure-login --profile " + profile + gui_mode + " --no-prompt") else: print("adfs-aws-login --profile " + profile + " --no-prompt") elif "AWS_SESSION_EXPIRATION_EPOC_" + safe_profile not in os.environ: print_profile_expiry(profile) elif profile_type == "ndt": if "AWS_SESSION_EXPIRATION_EPOC_" + safe_profile in os.environ: expiry = int(os.environ["AWS_SESSION_EXPIRATION_EPOC_" + safe_profile]) else: expiry = _epoc_secs( parse(read_profile_expiry(profile)).replace(tzinfo=tzutc())) if expiry < _epoc_secs( if "AWS_SESSION_EXPIRATION_EPOC_" + safe_profile in os.environ: print("unset AWS_SESSION_EXPIRATION_EPOC_" + safe_profile + ";") profile_data = get_profile(profile) if "ndt_origin_profile" not in profile_data: return origin_profile = profile_data["ndt_origin_profile"] origin_profile_data = get_profile(origin_profile) if "azure_tenant_id" in origin_profile_data: origin_type = "azure" elif "adfs_login_url" in origin_profile_data: origin_type = "adfs" else: origin_type = "iam" enable_profile(origin_type, origin_profile) command = ["ndt", "assume-role"] if "ndt_mfa_token" in profile_data: command.append("-t") command.append(profile_data["ndt_mfa_token"]) if "ndt_default_duration_hours" in profile_data: command.append("-d") duration = _to_str( int(profile_data["ndt_default_duration_hours"]) * 60) command.append(duration) command.append("-p") command.append(profile) command.append(profile_data["ndt_role_arn"]) print(" ".join(command)) elif "AWS_SESSION_EXPIRATION_EPOC_" + safe_profile not in os.environ: print_profile_expiry(profile) _print_profile_switch(profile)
def _preprocess_template(data, root, basefile, path, templateParams): param_refresh_callback = lambda: templateParams.update(_get_params(root, basefile)) param_refresh_callback() global gotImportErrors if isinstance(data, OrderedDict): if 'Fn::ImportFile' in data: val = data['Fn::ImportFile'] file = expand_vars(val, templateParams, None, []) script_import = resolve_file(file, basefile) if script_import: params = OrderedDict(list(templateParams.items())) params.update(data) data.clear() contents = expand_only_double_paranthesis_params(import_script(script_import), params, None, []) data['Fn::Join'] = ["", contents] else: print("ERROR: " + val + ": Can't import file \"" + val + "\" - file not found on include paths or relative to " + basefile) gotImportErrors = True elif 'Fn::ImportYaml' in data: val = data['Fn::ImportYaml'] jmespath = None if "jmespath" in data and data["jmespath"]: jmespath = data["jmespath"] file = expand_vars(val, templateParams, None, []) yaml_file = resolve_file(file, basefile) del data['Fn::ImportYaml'] if yaml_file: contents = yaml_load(open(yaml_file)) params = OrderedDict(list(templateParams.items())) params.update(data) contents = expand_vars(contents, params, None, []) data['Fn::ImportYaml'] = OrderedDict() data['Fn::ImportYaml']['Result'] = contents param_refresh_callback() while True: expanded_result = expand_vars(contents, templateParams, None, []) if expanded_result == contents: break else: contents.clear() contents.update(expanded_result) param_refresh_callback() data.clear() if isinstance(contents, OrderedDict): for k, val in list(contents.items()): data[k] = _preprocess_template(val, root, yaml_file, path + k + "_", templateParams) elif isinstance(contents, list): data = contents for i in range(0, len(data)): data[i] = _preprocess_template(data[i], root, yaml_file, path + str(i) + "_", templateParams) else: print("ERROR: " + path + ": Can't import yaml file \"" + yaml_file + "\" that isn't an associative array or" + " a list in file " + basefile) gotImportErrors = True if jmespath: data = search(jmespath, data) else: if not ('optional' in data and data['optional']): print("ERROR: " + val + ": Can't import file \"" + val + "\" - file not found on include paths or relative to " + basefile) gotImportErrors = True else: for k in data: del data[k] if data and "optional" in data: del data["optional"] data = _preprocess_template(data, root, yaml_file, path, templateParams) elif 'Fn::Merge' in data: merge_list = data['Fn::Merge']['Source'] if 'Source' in data['Fn::Merge'] else data['Fn::Merge'] result = data['Fn::Merge']['Result'] if 'Result' in data['Fn::Merge'] else OrderedDict() data['Fn::Merge'] = OrderedDict([('Source', merge_list), ('Result', result)]) if not isinstance(merge_list, list): print("ERROR: " + path + ": Fn::Merge must associate to a list in file " + basefile) gotImportErrors = True return data merge = _preprocess_template(expand_vars(merge_list.pop(0), templateParams, None, []), root, basefile, path + "/", templateParams) if not result: result = merge data['Fn::Merge'] = OrderedDict([('Source', merge_list), ('Result', result)]) elif not isinstance(merge, type(result)): print("ERROR: " + path + ": First Fn::Merge entries " + "were of type " + str(type(result)) + ", but the following entry was not: \n" + \ json.dumps(merge, indent=2) + "\nIn file " + basefile) gotImportErrors = True elif isinstance(merge, OrderedDict): result.update(merge) elif isinstance(merge, list): result.extend(merge) else: print("ERROR: " + path + ": Unsupported " + str(type(merge))) gotImportErrors = True param_refresh_callback() while True: expanded_result = expand_vars(result, templateParams, None, []) if expanded_result == result: break else: result.clear() result.update(expanded_result) param_refresh_callback() if not merge_list: del data['Fn::Merge'] return result else: return _preprocess_template(data, root, basefile, path + "/", templateParams) elif 'StackRef' in data: stack_var = expand_vars(data['StackRef'], templateParams, None, []) stack_var = _check_refs(stack_var, basefile, path + "StackRef_", templateParams, True) data.clear() stack_value = _resolve_stackref_from_dict(stack_var) if not stack_value: raise StackRefUnresolved("Did not find value for: " + stack_var['paramName'] + \ " in stack " + stack_var['region'] + "." + stack_var['stackName']) param_refresh_callback() return stack_value elif 'TFRef' in data: tf_var = expand_vars(data['TFRef'], templateParams, None, []) tf_var = _check_refs(tf_var, basefile, path + "TFRef_", templateParams, True) data.clear() tf_value = _resolve_tfref_from_dict(tf_var) if not tf_value: ref = stack_var['paramName'] if 'paramName' in stack_var else stack_var['jmespath'] raise TFRefUnresolved("Did not find value for: " + ref + \ " in terraform compnent " + stack_var['component'] + "." + stack_var['terraform']) param_refresh_callback() return tf_value elif 'Encrypt' in data and 'value' in data['Encrypt']: to_encrypt = data['Encrypt']['value'] enc_conf = data['Encrypt'] del enc_conf['value'] vault = Vault(**enc_conf) resolved_value = _preprocess_template(to_encrypt, root, basefile, path + "Encrypt_", templateParams) if not isinstance(resolved_value, six.string_types): raise EncryptException("Encrypted value needs to be a string") return b64encode(vault.direct_encrypt(resolved_value)) elif 'Ref' in data: data['__source'] = basefile elif 'SsmRef' in data: ssm_key = expand_vars(data['SsmRef'], templateParams, None, []) ssm_resp = ssm().get_parameter(Name=ssm_key) return _resolve_ssm_parameter(ssm_key) elif 'ProductAmi' in data: product_code = expand_vars(data['ProductAmi'], templateParams, None, []) return _resolve_product_ami(product_code) elif 'OwnerNamedAmi' in data: owner_named = expand_vars(data['OwnerNamedAmi'], templateParams, None, []) if "owner" in owner_named and "name" in owner_named: return _resolve_onwer_named_ami(owner_named["owner"], owner_named["name"]) else: if 'Parameters' in data: data['Parameters'] = _preprocess_template(data['Parameters'], root, basefile, path + "Parameters_", templateParams) param_refresh_callback() for k, val in list(data.items()): if k != 'Parameters': data[k] = expand_vars(_preprocess_template(val, root, basefile, path + _to_str(k) + "_", templateParams), templateParams, None, []) elif isinstance(data, list): for i in range(0, len(data)): data[i] = _preprocess_template(data[i], root, basefile, path + str(i) + "_", templateParams) return data
def _process_value(value, used_params): value = value.strip() if (value.startswith("\"") and value.endswith("\"")) or (value.startswith("'") and value.endswith("'")): value = value[1:-1] value = expand_vars(value, used_params, None, []) # Don't go into external refs if: # a) resolving base variables like REGION and paramEnvId # b) resolving basic variables used in terraform backend configuration if "DO_NOT_RESOLVE_EXTERNAL_REFS" not in os.environ and "TF_INIT_OUTPUT" not in os.environ: if value.strip().startswith("StackRef:"): stackref_doc = yaml_load(_to_str(value)) stack_value = _resolve_stackref_from_dict(stackref_doc['StackRef']) if stack_value: value = stack_value if value.strip().startswith("TFRef:"): tfref_doc = yaml_load(_to_str(value)) tf_value = _resolve_tfref_from_dict(tfref_doc['TFRef']) if tf_value: value = tf_value if value.strip().startswith("Encrypt:"): enc_doc = yaml_load(_to_str(value)) enc_conf = enc_doc["Encrypt"] if isinstance(enc_conf, OrderedDict): to_encrypt = yaml_save(enc_conf["value"]) else: to_encrypt = enc_conf["value"] value = _process_value(to_encrypt, used_params) del enc_conf["value"] vault = Vault(**enc_conf) value = b64encode(vault.direct_encrypt(value)) if value.strip().startswith("YamlRef:"): yamlref_doc = yaml_load(_to_str(value)) if "file" in yamlref_doc["YamlRef"] and "jmespath" in yamlref_doc["YamlRef"]: yaml_file = yamlref_doc["YamlRef"]["file"] contents = yaml_load(open(yaml_file)) value = search(yamlref_doc["YamlRef"]["jmespath"], contents) if value: value = expand_vars(value, used_params, None, []) if value.strip().startswith("SsmRef:"): ssmref_doc = yaml_load(_to_str(value)) if "SsmRef" in ssmref_doc: ssm_key = ssmref_doc["SsmRef"] ssm_value = _resolve_ssm_parameter(ssm_key) if ssm_value: value = ssm_value if value.strip().startswith("ProductAmi:"): product_doc = yaml_load(_to_str(value)) if "ProductAmi" in product_doc: product_code = product_doc["ProductAmi"] product_ami = _resolve_product_ami(product_code) if product_ami: value = product_ami if value.strip().startswith("OwnerNamedAmi:"): product_doc = yaml_load(_to_str(value)) if "OwnerNamedAmi" in product_doc and "owner" in product_doc["OwnerNamedAmi"] and "name" in product_doc["OwnerNamedAmi"]: owner = product_doc["OwnerNamedAmi"]["owner"] name = product_doc["OwnerNamedAmi"]["name"] owner_ami = _resolve_onwer_named_ami(owner, name) if owner_ami: value = owner_ami return value
stacks = dict() terraforms = dict() parameters = dict() ssm_params = dict() product_amis = dict() owner_amis = dict() CFG_PREFIX = "AWS::CloudFormation::Init_config_files_" ############################################################################ # _THE_ yaml & json deserialize/serialize functions yaml.SafeDumper.yaml_representers[None] = lambda self, data: \ yaml.representer.SafeRepresenter.represent_str( self, _to_str(data), ) SOURCED_PARAMS = None def run_command(command): proc = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) output = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode: raise Exception("Failed to run " + str(command)) return output[0] def _resolve_stackref_from_dict(stack_var): if "region" in stack_var and "stackName" in stack_var and "paramName" in stack_var: