예제 #1
파일: atomseq.py 프로젝트: Wyss/na2pdb
    def transformBases(self, start, end, x, y, z, is_5to3):
        assumes start < end
        start (int): the start index to transform
        end (int): the end_idx to transform (use -1 for the end) (non-inclusive)
        x (int): unit in bases from 0
        y, z (float): units in multiple of RADIUS from 0,0
        is_5to3 (bool): if the bases will be 5' to 3' in the x direction
            or 3' to 5'
        old_coords = self.atom_group._getCoords()   # points to source array
        start_idxs = self.start_idxs
        twist_per_segment = 2.*math.pi/self.bases_per_turn
        theta0 = self.theta_offset

            start_idx = start_idxs[start]
            print("start idx problem:", len(start_idxs), start)
        if end == -1 or end > len(self.seq) - 1:
            # print("doop", end)
            end_idx = len(old_coords)
            # print("goop", end)
            end_idx = start_idxs[end]

        if not is_5to3:
            # 1. Flip 180 degrees about Z to change direction
            m_rev = matrix.makeRotationZ(math.pi)
            self.reverse_queue.append((m_rev, start_idx, end_idx))

            # 2. Translate as required
            # print("translating", x + end - start )
            m = matrix.makeTranslation((x + end - start)*DELTA_X + DELTA_X_REV_OFFSET, 
            if x + end - start - 1 < 1:
                print("tb", len(self.twists), x, end, start, x + end - start - 1)
                raise ValueError("transformBases: issue with start and end")
            self.twists[start:end] = [(q*twist_per_segment + theta0 + THETA_REV_OFFSET)\
                                         for q in range(x + end - start - 1, x - 1, -1)]
            m = matrix.makeTranslation(x*DELTA_X, y*RADIUS, z*RADIUS)

            self.twists[start:end] = \
                            [(q*twist_per_segment + theta0) \
                                for q in range(x, x + end - start)]

        self.base_idxs[start:end] = list(range(0, end - start))

        self.transform_queue.append((m, start_idx, end_idx))
예제 #2
파일: atomseq.py 프로젝트: Wyss/na2pdb
 def linearize(self):
     """  Using self.base_idxs, separate out bases relative to one another
     new_coords = self.atom_group._getCoords()
     bidxs = self.base_idxs
     sidxs = self.start_idxs
     start = 0
     lim = len(sidxs) - 1
     for i in range(lim+1):
         if i < lim:
             next = sidxs[i+1]
             next = len(new_coords)
         base_idx = bidxs[i]
         m = matrix.makeTranslation(base_idx*DELTA_X, 0, 0)
         new_coords[start:next] = matrix.applyTransform(new_coords[start:next], m)
         start = next 
     # end for