예제 #1
def crypto_box_afternm(message, nonce, k):
    Encrypts and returns the message ``message`` using the shared key ``k`` and
    the nonce ``nonce``.

    :param message: bytes
    :param nonce: bytes
    :param k: bytes
    :rtype: bytes
    if len(nonce) != crypto_box_NONCEBYTES:
        raise exc.ValueError("Invalid nonce")

    if len(k) != crypto_box_BEFORENMBYTES:
        raise exc.ValueError("Invalid shared key")

    padded = b"\x00" * crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + message
    ciphertext = ffi.new("unsigned char[]", len(padded))

    rc = lib.crypto_box_afternm(ciphertext, padded, len(padded), nonce, k)
    ensure(rc == 0,
           'Unexpected library error',

    return ffi.buffer(ciphertext, len(padded))[crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES:]
예제 #2
def crypto_secretbox_open(ciphertext, nonce, key):
    Decrypt and returns the encrypted message ``ciphertext`` with the secret
    ``key`` and the nonce ``nonce``.

    :param ciphertext: bytes
    :param nonce: bytes
    :param key: bytes
    :rtype: bytes
    if len(key) != crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES:
        raise exc.ValueError("Invalid key")

    if len(nonce) != crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES:
        raise exc.ValueError("Invalid nonce")

    padded = b"\x00" * crypto_secretbox_BOXZEROBYTES + ciphertext
    plaintext = ffi.new("unsigned char[]", len(padded))

    res = lib.crypto_secretbox_open(plaintext, padded, len(padded), nonce, key)
    ensure(res == 0,
           "Decryption failed. Ciphertext failed verification",

    plaintext = ffi.buffer(plaintext, len(padded))
    return plaintext[crypto_secretbox_ZEROBYTES:]
예제 #3
def crypto_box_open_afternm(ciphertext, nonce, k):
    Decrypts and returns the encrypted message ``ciphertext``, using the shared
    key ``k`` and the nonce ``nonce``.

    :param ciphertext: bytes
    :param nonce: bytes
    :param k: bytes
    :rtype: bytes
    if len(nonce) != crypto_box_NONCEBYTES:
        raise exc.ValueError("Invalid nonce")

    if len(k) != crypto_box_BEFORENMBYTES:
        raise exc.ValueError("Invalid shared key")

    padded = (b"\x00" * crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES) + ciphertext
    plaintext = ffi.new("unsigned char[]", len(padded))

    res = lib.crypto_box_open_afternm(plaintext, padded, len(padded), nonce, k)
    ensure(res == 0,
           "An error occurred trying to decrypt the message",

    return ffi.buffer(plaintext, len(padded))[crypto_box_ZEROBYTES:]
예제 #4
def crypto_box(message, nonce, pk, sk):
    Encrypts and returns a message ``message`` using the secret key ``sk``,
    public key ``pk``, and the nonce ``nonce``.

    :param message: bytes
    :param nonce: bytes
    :param pk: bytes
    :param sk: bytes
    :rtype: bytes
    if len(nonce) != crypto_box_NONCEBYTES:
        raise exc.ValueError("Invalid nonce size")

    if len(pk) != crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES:
        raise exc.ValueError("Invalid public key")

    if len(sk) != crypto_box_SECRETKEYBYTES:
        raise exc.ValueError("Invalid secret key")

    padded = (b"\x00" * crypto_box_ZEROBYTES) + message
    ciphertext = ffi.new("unsigned char[]", len(padded))

    rc = lib.crypto_box(ciphertext, padded, len(padded), nonce, pk, sk)
    ensure(rc == 0, 'Unexpected library error', raising=exc.RuntimeError)

    return ffi.buffer(ciphertext, len(padded))[crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES:]
예제 #5
def crypto_box_open(ciphertext, nonce, pk, sk):
    Decrypts and returns an encrypted message ``ciphertext``, using the secret
    key ``sk``, public key ``pk``, and the nonce ``nonce``.

    :param ciphertext: bytes
    :param nonce: bytes
    :param pk: bytes
    :param sk: bytes
    :rtype: bytes
    if len(nonce) != crypto_box_NONCEBYTES:
        raise exc.ValueError("Invalid nonce size")

    if len(pk) != crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES:
        raise exc.ValueError("Invalid public key")

    if len(sk) != crypto_box_SECRETKEYBYTES:
        raise exc.ValueError("Invalid secret key")

    padded = (b"\x00" * crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES) + ciphertext
    plaintext = ffi.new("unsigned char[]", len(padded))

    res = lib.crypto_box_open(plaintext, padded, len(padded), nonce, pk, sk)
    ensure(res == 0,
           "An error occurred trying to decrypt the message",

    return ffi.buffer(plaintext, len(padded))[crypto_box_ZEROBYTES:]
예제 #6
파일: crypto_box.py 프로젝트: tsrour/pynacl
def crypto_box_seal_open(ciphertext, pk, sk):
    Decrypts and returns an encrypted message ``ciphertext``, using the
    recipent's secret key ``sk`` and the sender's ephemeral public key
    embedded in the sealed box. The box contruct nonce is derived from
    the recipient's public key ``pk`` and the sender's public key.

    :param ciphertext: bytes
    :param pk: bytes
    :param sk: bytes
    :rtype: bytes

    .. versionadded:: 1.2
        isinstance(ciphertext, bytes),
        "input ciphertext must be bytes",

        isinstance(pk, bytes), "public key must be bytes", raising=TypeError

        isinstance(sk, bytes), "secret key must be bytes", raising=TypeError

    if len(pk) != crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES:
        raise exc.ValueError("Invalid public key")

    if len(sk) != crypto_box_SECRETKEYBYTES:
        raise exc.ValueError("Invalid secret key")

    _clen = len(ciphertext)

        _clen >= crypto_box_SEALBYTES,
        ("Input cyphertext must be " "at least {} long").format(

    _mlen = _clen - crypto_box_SEALBYTES

    # zero-length malloc results are implementation.dependent
    plaintext = ffi.new("unsigned char[]", max(1, _mlen))

    res = lib.crypto_box_seal_open(plaintext, ciphertext, _clen, pk, sk)
        res == 0,
        "An error occurred trying to decrypt the message",

    return ffi.buffer(plaintext, _mlen)[:]
예제 #7
def crypto_pwhash_alg(outlen, passwd, salt, opslimit, memlimit, alg):
    Derive a raw cryptographic key using the ``passwd`` and the ``salt``
    given as input to the ``alg`` algorithm.

    :param outlen: the length of the derived key
    :type outlen: int
    :param passwd: The input password
    :type passwd: bytes
    :param opslimit: computational cost
    :type opslimit: int
    :param memlimit: memory cost
    :type memlimit: int
    :param alg: algorithm identifier
    :type alg: int
    :return: derived key
    :rtype: bytes
    ensure(isinstance(outlen, integer_types),
    ensure(isinstance(opslimit, integer_types),
    ensure(isinstance(memlimit, integer_types),
    ensure(isinstance(alg, integer_types),
    ensure(isinstance(passwd, bytes),

    if len(salt) != crypto_pwhash_SALTBYTES:
        raise exc.ValueError("salt must be exactly {0} bytes long".format(

    if outlen < crypto_pwhash_BYTES_MIN:
        raise exc.ValueError(
            'derived key must be at least {0} bytes long'.format(

    elif outlen > crypto_pwhash_BYTES_MAX:
        raise exc.ValueError(
            'derived key must be at most {0} bytes long'.format(

    _check_argon2_limits_alg(opslimit, memlimit, alg)

    outbuf = ffi.new("unsigned char[]", outlen)

    ret = lib.crypto_pwhash(outbuf, outlen, passwd, len(passwd),
                            salt, opslimit, memlimit, alg)

    ensure(ret == 0, 'Unexpected failure in key derivation',

    return ffi.buffer(outbuf, outlen)[:]
예제 #8
def _check_argon2_limits_alg(opslimit, memlimit, alg):

    if (alg == crypto_pwhash_ALG_ARGON2I13):
        if memlimit < crypto_pwhash_argon2i_MEMLIMIT_MIN:
            raise exc.ValueError('memlimit must be at least {0} bytes'.format(
        elif memlimit > crypto_pwhash_argon2i_MEMLIMIT_MAX:
            raise exc.ValueError('memlimit must be at most {0} bytes'.format(
        if opslimit < crypto_pwhash_argon2i_OPSLIMIT_MIN:
            raise exc.ValueError('opslimit must be at least {0}'.format(
        elif opslimit > crypto_pwhash_argon2i_OPSLIMIT_MAX:
            raise exc.ValueError('opslimit must be at most {0}'.format(

    elif (alg == crypto_pwhash_ALG_ARGON2ID13):
        if memlimit < crypto_pwhash_argon2id_MEMLIMIT_MIN:
            raise exc.ValueError('memlimit must be at least {0} bytes'.format(
        elif memlimit > crypto_pwhash_argon2id_MEMLIMIT_MAX:
            raise exc.ValueError('memlimit must be at most {0} bytes'.format(
        if opslimit < crypto_pwhash_argon2id_OPSLIMIT_MIN:
            raise exc.ValueError('opslimit must be at least {0}'.format(
        elif opslimit > crypto_pwhash_argon2id_OPSLIMIT_MAX:
            raise exc.ValueError('opslimit must be at most {0}'.format(
        raise exc.TypeError('Unsupported algorithm')
예제 #9
    def decrypt(self, ciphertext, nonce=None, encoder=encoding.RawEncoder):
        Decrypts the ciphertext using the `nonce` (explicitly, when passed as a
        parameter or implicitly, when omitted, as part of the ciphertext) and
        returns the plaintext message.

        :param ciphertext: [:class:`bytes`] The encrypted message to decrypt
        :param nonce: [:class:`bytes`] The nonce used when encrypting the
        :param encoder: The encoder used to decode the ciphertext.
        :rtype: [:class:`bytes`]
        # Decode our ciphertext
        ciphertext = encoder.decode(ciphertext)

        if nonce is None:
            # If we were given the nonce and ciphertext combined, split them.
            nonce = ciphertext[:self.NONCE_SIZE]
            ciphertext = ciphertext[self.NONCE_SIZE:]

        if len(nonce) != self.NONCE_SIZE:
            raise exc.ValueError("The nonce must be exactly %s bytes long" %

        plaintext = nacl.bindings.crypto_box_open_afternm(

        return plaintext
예제 #10
    def encrypt(self, plaintext, nonce=None, encoder=encoding.RawEncoder):
        Encrypts the plaintext message using the given `nonce` (or generates
        one randomly if omitted) and returns the ciphertext encoded with the

        .. warning:: It is **VITALLY** important that the nonce is a nonce,
            i.e. it is a number used only once for any given key. If you fail
            to do this, you compromise the privacy of the messages encrypted.
            Give your nonces a different prefix, or have one side use an odd
            counter and one an even counter. Just make sure they are different.

        :param plaintext: [:class:`bytes`] The plaintext message to encrypt
        :param nonce: [:class:`bytes`] The nonce to use in the encryption
        :param encoder: The encoder to use to encode the ciphertext
        :rtype: [:class:`nacl.utils.EncryptedMessage`]
        if nonce is None:
            nonce = random(self.NONCE_SIZE)

        if len(nonce) != self.NONCE_SIZE:
            raise exc.ValueError(
                "The nonce must be exactly %s bytes long" % self.NONCE_SIZE, )

        ciphertext = nacl.bindings.crypto_secretbox(plaintext, nonce,

        encoded_nonce = encoder.encode(nonce)
        encoded_ciphertext = encoder.encode(ciphertext)

        return EncryptedMessage._from_parts(
            encoder.encode(nonce + ciphertext),
예제 #11
def crypto_box_seal(message, pk):
    Encrypts and returns a message ``message`` using an ephemeral secret key
    and the public key ``pk``.
    The ephemeral public key, which is embedded in the sealed box, is also
    used, in combination with ``pk``, to derive the nonce needed for the
    underlying box construct.

    :param message: bytes
    :param pk: bytes
    :rtype: bytes

    .. versionadded:: 1.2
    ensure(isinstance(message, bytes),
           "input message must be bytes",

    ensure(isinstance(pk, bytes),
           "public key must be bytes",

    if len(pk) != crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES:
        raise exc.ValueError("Invalid public key")

    _mlen = len(message)
    _clen = crypto_box_SEALBYTES + _mlen

    ciphertext = ffi.new("unsigned char[]", _clen)

    rc = lib.crypto_box_seal(ciphertext, message, _mlen, pk)
    ensure(rc == 0, 'Unexpected library error', raising=exc.RuntimeError)

    return ffi.buffer(ciphertext, _clen)[:]
예제 #12
파일: crypto_box.py 프로젝트: tsrour/pynacl
def crypto_box_seed_keypair(seed):
    Returns a (public, secret) keypair deterministically generated
    from an input ``seed``.

    .. warning:: The seed **must** be high-entropy; therefore,
        its generator **must** be a cryptographic quality
        random function like, for example, :func:`~nacl.utils.random`.

    .. warning:: The seed **must** be protected and remain secret.
        Anyone who knows the seed is really in possession of
        the corresponding PrivateKey.

    :param seed: bytes
    :rtype: (bytes(public_key), bytes(secret_key))
    ensure(isinstance(seed, bytes), "seed must be bytes", raising=TypeError)

    if len(seed) != crypto_box_SEEDBYTES:
        raise exc.ValueError("Invalid seed")

    pk = ffi.new("unsigned char[]", crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES)
    sk = ffi.new("unsigned char[]", crypto_box_SECRETKEYBYTES)

    rc = lib.crypto_box_seed_keypair(pk, sk, seed)
    ensure(rc == 0, "Unexpected library error", raising=exc.RuntimeError)

    return (
        ffi.buffer(pk, crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES)[:],
        ffi.buffer(sk, crypto_box_SECRETKEYBYTES)[:],
예제 #13
def crypto_shorthash_siphashx24(data, key):
    """Compute a fast, cryptographic quality, keyed hash of the input data

    :param data:
    :type data: bytes
    :param key: len(key) must be equal to
                :py:data:`.XKEYBYTES` (16)
    :type key: bytes
    :raises nacl.exceptions.UnavailableError: If called when using a
        minimal build of libsodium.
        "Not available in minimal build",

    if len(key) != XKEYBYTES:
        raise exc.ValueError(
            "Key length must be exactly {0} bytes".format(XKEYBYTES))
    digest = ffi.new("unsigned char[]", XBYTES)
    rc = lib.crypto_shorthash_siphashx24(digest, data, len(data), key)

    ensure(rc == 0, raising=exc.RuntimeError)
    return ffi.buffer(digest, XBYTES)[:]
예제 #14
    def verify(self, smessage, signature=None, encoder=encoding.RawEncoder):
        Verifies the signature of a signed message, returning the message
        if it has not been tampered with else raising

        :param smessage: [:class:`bytes`] Either the original messaged or a
            signature and message concated together.
        :param signature: [:class:`bytes`] If an unsigned message is given for
            smessage then the detached signature must be provided.
        :param encoder: A class that is able to decode the secret message and
        :rtype: :class:`bytes`
        if signature is not None:
            # If we were given the message and signature separately, validate
            #   signature size and combine them.
            if not isinstance(signature, bytes):
                raise exc.TypeError(
                    "Verification signature must be created from %d bytes" %
                    nacl.bindings.crypto_sign_BYTES, )

            if len(signature) != nacl.bindings.crypto_sign_BYTES:
                raise exc.ValueError(
                    "The signature must be exactly %d bytes long" %
                    nacl.bindings.crypto_sign_BYTES, )

            smessage = signature + encoder.decode(smessage)
            # Decode the signed message
            smessage = encoder.decode(smessage)

        return nacl.bindings.crypto_sign_open(smessage, self._key)
예제 #15
    def __init__(self, public_key, encoder=encoding.RawEncoder):
        self._public_key = encoder.decode(public_key)
        if not isinstance(self._public_key, bytes):
            raise exc.TypeError("PublicKey must be created from 32 bytes")

        if len(self._public_key) != self.SIZE:
            raise exc.ValueError(
                "The public key must be exactly {0} bytes long".format(
예제 #16
    def __init__(self, key, encoder=encoding.RawEncoder):
        key = encoder.decode(key)
        if not isinstance(key, bytes):
            raise exc.TypeError("SecretBox must be created from 32 bytes")

        if len(key) != self.KEY_SIZE:
            raise exc.ValueError(
                "The key must be exactly %s bytes long" % self.KEY_SIZE, )

        self._key = key
예제 #17
    def __init__(self, key, encoder=encoding.RawEncoder):
        # Decode the key
        key = encoder.decode(key)
        if not isinstance(key, bytes):
            raise exc.TypeError("VerifyKey must be created from 32 bytes")

        if len(key) != nacl.bindings.crypto_sign_PUBLICKEYBYTES:
            raise exc.ValueError(
                "The key must be exactly %s bytes long" %
                nacl.bindings.crypto_sign_PUBLICKEYBYTES, )

        self._key = key
예제 #18
def crypto_box_beforenm(pk, sk):
    Computes and returns the shared key for the public key ``pk`` and the
    secret key ``sk``. This can be used to speed up operations where the same
    set of keys is going to be used multiple times.

    :param pk: bytes
    :param sk: bytes
    :rtype: bytes
    if len(pk) != crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES:
        raise exc.ValueError("Invalid public key")

    if len(sk) != crypto_box_SECRETKEYBYTES:
        raise exc.ValueError("Invalid secret key")

    k = ffi.new("unsigned char[]", crypto_box_BEFORENMBYTES)

    rc = lib.crypto_box_beforenm(k, pk, sk)
    ensure(rc == 0, 'Unexpected library error', raising=exc.RuntimeError)

    return ffi.buffer(k, crypto_box_BEFORENMBYTES)[:]
예제 #19
def crypto_secretbox(message, nonce, key):
    Encrypts and returns the message ``message`` with the secret ``key`` and
    the nonce ``nonce``.

    :param message: bytes
    :param nonce: bytes
    :param key: bytes
    :rtype: bytes
    if len(key) != crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES:
        raise exc.ValueError("Invalid key")

    if len(nonce) != crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES:
        raise exc.ValueError("Invalid nonce")

    padded = b"\x00" * crypto_secretbox_ZEROBYTES + message
    ciphertext = ffi.new("unsigned char[]", len(padded))

    res = lib.crypto_secretbox(ciphertext, padded, len(padded), nonce, key)
    ensure(res == 0, "Encryption failed", raising=exc.CryptoError)

    ciphertext = ffi.buffer(ciphertext, len(padded))
    return ciphertext[crypto_secretbox_BOXZEROBYTES:]
예제 #20
def crypto_sign_ed25519_sk_to_seed(secret_key_bytes):
    Extract the seed from a secret Ed25519 key (encoded
    as bytes ``secret_key_bytes``).

    Raises a ValueError if ``secret_key_bytes``is not of length

    :param secret_key_bytes: bytes
    :rtype: bytes
    if len(secret_key_bytes) != crypto_sign_SECRETKEYBYTES:
        raise exc.ValueError("Invalid secret key")

    return secret_key_bytes[:crypto_sign_SEEDBYTES]
예제 #21
    def __init__(self, private_key, encoder=encoding.RawEncoder):
        # Decode the secret_key
        private_key = encoder.decode(private_key)
        if not isinstance(private_key, bytes):
            raise exc.TypeError(
                "PrivateKey must be created from a 32 byte seed")

        # Verify that our seed is the proper size
        if len(private_key) != self.SIZE:
            raise exc.ValueError(
                "The secret key must be exactly %d bytes long" % self.SIZE)

        raw_public_key = nacl.bindings.crypto_scalarmult_base(private_key)

        self._private_key = private_key
        self.public_key = PublicKey(raw_public_key)
예제 #22
def crypto_shorthash_siphash24(data, key):
    """Compute a fast, cryptographic quality, keyed hash of the input data

    :param data:
    :type data: bytes
    :param key: len(key) must be equal to
                :py:data:`.KEYBYTES` (16)
    :type key: bytes
    if len(key) != KEYBYTES:
        raise exc.ValueError(
            "Key length must be exactly {0} bytes".format(KEYBYTES))
    digest = ffi.new("unsigned char[]", BYTES)
    rc = lib.crypto_shorthash_siphash24(digest, data, len(data), key)

    ensure(rc == 0, raising=exc.RuntimeError)
    return ffi.buffer(digest, BYTES)[:]
예제 #23
파일: secret.py 프로젝트: jwobith/pynacl
    def encrypt(
        self, plaintext, aad=b"", nonce=None, encoder=encoding.RawEncoder
        Encrypts the plaintext message using the given `nonce` (or generates
        one randomly if omitted) and returns the ciphertext encoded with the

        .. warning:: It is vitally important for :param nonce: to be unique.
            By default, it is generated randomly; [:class:`Aead`] uses XChacha20
            for extended (192b) nonce size, so the risk of reusing random nonces
            is negligible.  It is *strongly recommended* to keep this behaviour,
            as nonce reuse will compromise the privacy of encrypted messages.
            Should implicit nonces be inadequate for your application, the
            second best option is using split counters; e.g. if sending messages
            encrypted under a shared key between 2 users, each user can use the
            number of messages it sent so far, prefixed or suffixed with a 1bit
            user id.  Note that the counter must **never** be rolled back (due
            to overflow, on-disk state being rolled back to an earlier backup,

        :param plaintext: [:class:`bytes`] The plaintext message to encrypt
        :param nonce: [:class:`bytes`] The nonce to use in the encryption
        :param encoder: The encoder to use to encode the ciphertext
        :rtype: [:class:`nacl.utils.EncryptedMessage`]
        if nonce is None:
            nonce = random(self.NONCE_SIZE)

        if len(nonce) != self.NONCE_SIZE:
            raise exc.ValueError(
                "The nonce must be exactly %s bytes long" % self.NONCE_SIZE,

        ciphertext = nacl.bindings.crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_encrypt(
            plaintext, aad, nonce, self._key

        encoded_nonce = encoder.encode(nonce)
        encoded_ciphertext = encoder.encode(ciphertext)

        return EncryptedMessage._from_parts(
            encoder.encode(nonce + ciphertext),
예제 #24
    def __init__(self, seed, encoder=encoding.RawEncoder):
        # Decode the seed
        seed = encoder.decode(seed)
        if not isinstance(seed, bytes):
            raise exc.TypeError(
                "SigningKey must be created from a 32 byte seed")

        # Verify that our seed is the proper size
        if len(seed) != nacl.bindings.crypto_sign_SEEDBYTES:
            raise exc.ValueError("The seed must be exactly %d bytes long" %

        public_key, secret_key = nacl.bindings.crypto_sign_seed_keypair(seed)

        self._seed = seed
        self._signing_key = secret_key
        self.verify_key = VerifyKey(public_key)
예제 #25
def crypto_sign_ed25519_blake2b_seed_keypair(seed):
    Computes and returns the public key and secret key using the seed ``seed``.

    :param seed: bytes
    :rtype: (bytes(public_key), bytes(secret_key))
    if len(seed) != crypto_sign_SEEDBYTES:
        raise exc.ValueError("Invalid seed")

    pk = ffi.new("unsigned char[]", crypto_sign_PUBLICKEYBYTES)
    sk = ffi.new("unsigned char[]", crypto_sign_SECRETKEYBYTES)

    rc = lib.crypto_sign_ed25519_blake2b_seed_keypair(pk, sk, seed)
    ensure(rc == 0, 'Unexpected library error', raising=exc.RuntimeError)

    return (
        ffi.buffer(pk, crypto_sign_PUBLICKEYBYTES)[:],
        ffi.buffer(sk, crypto_sign_SECRETKEYBYTES)[:],
예제 #26
def crypto_sign_ed25519_sk_to_curve25519(secret_key_bytes):
    Converts a secret Ed25519 key (encoded as bytes ``secret_key_bytes``) to
    a secret Curve25519 key as bytes.

    Raises a ValueError if ``secret_key_bytes``is not of length

    :param secret_key_bytes: bytes
    :rtype: bytes
    if len(secret_key_bytes) != crypto_sign_SECRETKEYBYTES:
        raise exc.ValueError("Invalid curve public key")

    curve_secret_key_len = crypto_sign_curve25519_BYTES
    curve_secret_key = ffi.new("unsigned char[]", curve_secret_key_len)

    rc = lib.crypto_sign_ed25519_sk_to_curve25519(curve_secret_key,
    ensure(rc == 0, 'Unexpected library error', raising=exc.RuntimeError)

    return ffi.buffer(curve_secret_key, curve_secret_key_len)[:]
def crypto_sign_ed25519_pk_to_curve25519(public_key_bytes):
    Converts a public Ed25519 key (encoded as bytes ``public_key_bytes``) to
    a public Curve25519 key as bytes.

    Raises a ValueError if ``public_key_bytes`` is not of length

    :param public_key_bytes: bytes
    :rtype: bytes
    if len(public_key_bytes) != crypto_sign_PUBLICKEYBYTES:
        raise exc.ValueError("Invalid curve public key")

    curve_public_key_len = crypto_sign_curve25519_BYTES
    curve_public_key = ffi.new("unsigned char[]", curve_public_key_len)

    rc = lib.crypto_sign_ed25519_pk_to_curve25519(curve_public_key,
    ensure(rc == 0, "Unexpected library error", raising=exc.RuntimeError)

    return ffi.buffer(curve_public_key, curve_public_key_len)[:]