예제 #1
    def elbo_reinforce(self, premise, hypothesis, label):
        # computing the q distribution: p(c | a, b, y)
        q = self.q(premise, hypothesis, label).rename('label', 'latent')
        latent_dist = ds.Categorical(logits=q, dim_logit='latent')

        # generating some samples
        samples = latent_dist.sample([self.sample_size], names=('samples', ))

        # bucketing samples by the sampled model to maximize efficiency
        buckets = defaultdict(list)
        premise_lst = premise.unbind('batch')
        hypothesis_lst = hypothesis.unbind('batch')

        samples_list = samples.transpose('batch', 'samples').tolist()
        for i, batch in enumerate(samples_list):
            p, h = premise_lst[i], hypothesis_lst[i]
            for sample in batch:
                buckets[sample].append((i, p, h))

        # evaluating the sampled models efficiently using batching
        orig_batch_size = premise.shape['batch']
        counts = [0] * orig_batch_size
        res = [None] * (self.sample_size * orig_batch_size)

        correct = label.tolist()
        for c, items in buckets.items():
            # stacking data points into batches
            batch_premise = ntorch.stack([p for _, p, _ in items], 'batch')
            batch_hypothesis = ntorch.stack([h for _, _, h in items], 'batch')
            ids = [i for i, _, _ in items]

            # evaluating the model on that batch
            predictions = self.models[c](batch_premise, batch_hypothesis)

            # updating the result at the appropriate index
            for i, log_probs in zip(ids, predictions.unbind('batch')):
                res[self.sample_size * i +
                    counts[i]] = log_probs.values[correct[i]]
                counts[i] += 1

        # reforming and averaging the results for each sample
        res = torch.stack(res, dim=0).reshape(orig_batch_size,
        res = ntorch.tensor(res, names=('batch', 'sample'))

        # computing a surrogate objective for REINFORCE
        # https://pyro.ai/examples/svi_part_iii.html
        q_log_prob = latent_dist.log_prob(samples)
        surrogate_objective = (q_log_prob * res.detach() + res).mean('sample')

        # adding on the KL regularizing term
        ones = ntorch.ones(self.K, names='latent').log_softmax(dim='latent')
        uniform_dist = ds.Categorical(logits=ones, dim_logit='latent')
        kl = ds.kl_divergence(latent_dist, uniform_dist) * self.kl_importance

        # reporting the surrogate objective as well as the actual elbo
        loss = -(surrogate_objective - kl).mean()
        elbo = -(res.detach().mean('sample') - kl.detach()).mean()
        return loss, elbo
예제 #2
    def reinforce(self, premise, hypothesis, label):
        # REINFORCE
        q = self.q(premise, hypothesis, label).rename('label', 'latent')
        latent_dist = nds.Categorical(logits=q, dim_logit='latent')
        # Sample to appromixate E[]
        samples = latent_dist.sample([self.num_samples], names=('samples', ))

        # Batch premises and hypotheses
        batches = defaultdict(list)
        premise_n = premise.unbind('batch')
        hypothesis_n = hypothesis.unbind('batch')

        # Get some samples
        samples_n = samples.transpose('batch', 'samples').tolist()

        # Idea is to work with samples based on their sampled model
        for i, batch in enumerate(samples_n):
            p = premise_n[i]
            h = hypothesis_n[i]
            for sample in batch:
                batches[sample].append((i, p, h))

        # Can now evaluate sampled models with batching
        batch_size = premise.shape['batch']
        counts = [0] * batch_size
        res = [None] * (self.num_samples * batch_size)

        correct = label.tolist()
        for i, items in batches.items():
            # for item in items:
            #     batch_p = ntorch.
            batch_p = ntorch.stack([p for _, p, _ in items], 'batch')
            batch_h = ntorch.stack([h for _, _, h in items], 'batch')
            batch_i = [i for i, _, _ in items]

            # Evaluate model per batch, then update
            preds = self.models[i](batch_p, batch_h)
            for i, log_probs in zip(batch_i, preds.unbind('batch')):
                res[self.num_samples * i +
                    counts[i]] = log_probs.values[correct[i]]
                counts[i] += 1

        # Finally average results for sample
        res = torch.stack(res, dim=0).reshape(batch_size, self.num_samples)
        res = ntorch.tensor(res, names=(

        # Onward to estimating gradient + calculating loss
        surrogate = (latent_dist.log_prob(samples) * res.detach() +
        prior = ntorch.ones(self.K, names='latent').log_softmax(dim='latent')
        prior = nds.Categorical(logits=prior, dim_logit='latent')
        KLD = nds.kl_divergence(latent_dist, prior) * self.kl_weight

        loss = (KLD - surrogate._tensor).mean()  # -(surrogate = kl)
        elbo = (KLD.detach() - res.detach().mean('sample')._tensor).mean()
        return loss, elbo
예제 #3
 def get_topk(self, k):
     """ get the topk items as a HypothesisMap """
     #keys = ntorch.stack(self.keys, 'map').to(self.device)
     vals = ntorch.stack(self.vals, 'map').to(self.device)
     vals, inds = vals.topk('map', k)
     keys_list = []
     for m in range(inds.shape['map']):
         newbatch = []
         for b in range(inds.shape['batch']):
             newbatch.append(self.keys[m][{'batch': b}])
         keys_list.append(ntorch.stack(newbatch, 'batch'))
     vals_list = [vals[{'map': i}] for i in range(vals.shape['map'])]
     return HypothesisMap(keys=keys_list,
예제 #4
    def state_to_tensor(self, states):
        inputs, scratchs, committeds, outputs, masks, last_actions = zip(

        inputs = np.stack(inputs)
        input_tensor = ntorch.tensor(inputs, ('batch', 'Examples', 'strLen'))
        scratchs = np.stack(scratchs)
        scratch_tensor = ntorch.tensor(scratchs,
                                       ('batch', 'Examples', 'strLen'))
        committeds = np.stack(committeds)
        committed_tensor = ntorch.tensor(committeds,
                                         ('batch', 'Examples', 'strLen'))
        outputs = np.stack(outputs)
        output_tensor = ntorch.tensor(outputs, ('batch', 'Examples', 'strLen'))
        chars = ntorch.stack(
            [input_tensor, scratch_tensor, committed_tensor, output_tensor],
        chars = chars.transpose('batch', 'Examples', 'strLen',
        # print(chars.shape)
        masks = np.stack(masks)
        masks = ntorch.tensor(masks,
                              ('batch', 'Examples', 'inFeatures', 'strLen'))
        # print(masks.shape)
        masks = masks.transpose('batch', 'Examples', 'strLen',

        last_actions = np.stack(last_actions)
        last_actions = ntorch.tensor(last_actions, 'batch').long()

        if self.use_cuda:
            return chars.cuda(), masks.cuda(), last_actions.cuda()
            return chars, masks, last_actions
예제 #5
    def predict(self, x):
        # y = self.Wb
        #y = (self.W.index_select('vocab', x.long()).sum('vocab') + self.b).sigmoid()
        y_ = self.W(x).sigmoid().sum(
            'singular').sigmoid()  # this is a huge hack

        y = ntorch.stack([y_, 1 - y_], 'classes')  #.log_softmax('classes')
        return y
예제 #6
 def enumerate(self, premise, hypothesis, models=None):
     predictions = []
     for model in (models or self.models):
         predictions.append(model(premise, hypothesis))
     return (ntorch.stack(
             'logit', 'logprob'))
예제 #7
    def forward(self, a, b):
        The inputs are vectors, for now
        a: batch x seqlenA x embedding
        b: batch x seqlenB x embedding
        y = ntorch.stack([model(a, b) for model in self.models],

        return y
예제 #8
    def predict(self, x):
        #y = ntorch.tensor(torch.sign(self.W.index_select(x, 'vocab').sum('vocab') + self.b), ['classes', 'batch']) #TODO: sign function, mm
        y_ = self.W.dot('vocab', x) + self.b
        # tensor_a = ntorch.tensor(torch.Tensor([[1, 2], [3, 4]]), ("dim1", "dim2")
        # tensor_b = ntorch.tensor(torch.Tensor([[1, 2], [3, 4]]), ("dim1", "dim2"))
        # tensor_c = ntorch.stack([tensor_a, tensor_b], "dim3")

        print("y_", y_)
        y = ntorch.stack([y_ < 0, y_ >= 0], 'classes')

        return y
예제 #9
 def kl(self, qa, log_qa, log_pa, lens, dim):
     kl = []
     for i, l in enumerate(lens.tolist()):
         qa0 = qa.get("batch", i).narrow(dim, 0, l)
         log_qa0 = log_qa.get("batch", i).narrow(dim, 0, l)
         log_pa0 = log_pa.get("batch", i).narrow(dim, 0, l)
         kl0 =  qa0 * (log_qa0 - log_pa0)
         infmask = log_qa0 != float("-inf")
         # workaround for namedtensor bug that puts empty tensors on different devices
         kl0 = kl0._new(kl0.values.where(infmask.values, torch.zeros_like(kl0.values))).sum(dim)
     return ntorch.stack(kl, "batch")
예제 #10
파일: fns.py 프로젝트: justinchiu/condie
def kl_qz(qz, log_qz, log_pz, lens, dim, batchdim="time"):
    # batchdim other than "batch", could be time or els
    kl = []
    for i, l in enumerate(lens.tolist()):
        qz0 = qz.get("batch", i).narrow(dim, 0, l)
        log_qz0 = log_qz.get("batch", i).narrow(dim, 0, l)
        log_pz0 = log_pz.get("batch", i).narrow(dim, 0, l)
        kl0 = qz0 * (log_qz0 - log_pz0)
        infmask = log_qz0 != float("-inf")
        # workaround for namedtensor bug that puts empty tensors on different devices
        kl0 = kl0.transpose(batchdim, dim)
        kl0 = kl0._new(
    return ntorch.stack(kl, "batch")
예제 #11
파일: crnnlm.py 프로젝트: justinchiu/genie
    def forward(self, x, s, x_info, r, r_info, ue, ue_info, ut, ut_info, v2d):
        emb = self.lutx(x)
        N = emb.shape["batch"]
        T = emb.shape["time"]

        e = self.lute(r[0]).rename("e", "r")
        t = self.lutt(r[1]).rename("t", "r")
        v = self.lutv(r[2]).rename("v", "r")
        # r: R x N x Er, Wa r: R x N x H
        r = self.Wa(ntorch.cat([e, t, v], dim="r").tanh())

        if not self.inputfeed:
            # rnn_o: T x N x H
            rnn_o, s = self.rnn(emb, s, x_info.lengths)
            # ea: T x N x R
            _, ea, ec = attn(rnn_o, r, r_info.mask)
            if self.noattn:
                ec = r.mean("els").repeat("time", ec.shape["time"])
            self.ea = ea
            out = self.Wc(ntorch.cat([rnn_o, ec], "rnns")).tanh()
            out = []
            ect = NamedTensor(
                torch.zeros(N, self.r_emb_sz).to(emb.values.device),
                names=("batch", "rnns"),
            for t in range(T):
                inp = ntorch.cat([emb.get("time", t),
                                  ect.rename("rnns", "x")],
                                 "x").repeat("time", 1)
                rnn_o, s = self.rnn(inp, s)
                rnn_o = rnn_o.get("time", 0)
                _, eat, ect = attn(rnn_o, r, r_info.mask)
                out.append(ntorch.cat([rnn_o, ect], "rnns"))
            out = self.Wc(ntorch.stack(out, "time")).tanh()

        # return unnormalized vocab
        return self.proj(self.drop(out)), s
예제 #12
    def predict(self, x):

        y_ = self.U(self.V(x).relu().sum("seqlen")).sigmoid().sum('score')

        y = ntorch.stack([y_, 1 - y_], 'classes')
        return y
예제 #13
    def pa0(self, emb_x, s, x_info, emb_e, ue_info, emb_t, ut_info, v2dx):
        T = emb_x.shape["time"]
        N = emb_x.shape["batch"]

        log_ea, ea, ec = None, None, None
        log_ta, ta, tc = None, None, None
        log_a, a, c = None, None, None
        output = None

        if not self.inputfeed:
            # rnn_o: T x N x H
            rnn_o, s = self.rnn(emb_x, s, x_info.lengths)
            # ea: T x N x R
            log_ea, ea, ec = attn(rnn_o, emb_e, ue_info.mask)
            #log_t, ea_T, ec_T = attn(rnn_o + ec_E, tA, ut_info.mask)
            log_ta, ta, tc = attn(rnn_o, emb_t, ut_info.mask)
            if self.noattn:
                ec = r.mean("els").repeat("time", ec.shape["time"])
            log_ea = log_ea.rename("els", "e")
            log_ta = log_ta.rename("els", "t")
            log_va = log_ea + log_ta
            vc = log_va.exp().dot(("t", "e"), v2dx)
            va = log_va.exp()

            ea = ea.rename("els", "e")
            ta = ta.rename("els", "t")

            output = rnn_o
            log_ea, ea, ec = [], [], []
            log_ta, ta, tc = [], [], []
            log_va, va, vc = [], [], []
            out = []
            etc_t = ntorch.zeros(
                N, self.r_emb_sz, names=("batch", "rnns")
            for t in range(T):
                etc_t = etc_t.rename("rnns", "x")
                inp = ntorch.cat([emb_x.get("time", t), etc_t], "x").repeat("time", 1)
                rnn_o, s = self.rnn(inp, s)
                rnn_o = rnn_o.get("time", 0)
                log_ea_t, ea_t, ec_t = attn(rnn_o, emb_e, ue_info.mask)
                log_ta_t, ta_t, tc_t = attn(rnn_o, emb_t, ut_info.mask)
                log_ea_t = log_ea_t.rename("els", "e")
                log_ta_t = log_ta_t.rename("els", "t")
                log_va_t = log_ea_t + log_ta_t
                va_t = log_va_t.exp()
                vc_t = va_t.dot(("t", "e"), v2dx)
                    self.Wif(ntorch.cat([rnn_o, vc_t, ec_t, tc_t], "rnns"))


            output = ntorch.stack(out, "time")

            log_ea = ntorch.stack(log_ea, "time")
            ea = ntorch.stack(ea, "time")
            ec = ntorch.stack(ec, "time")
            log_ta = ntorch.stack(log_ta, "time")
            ta = ntorch.stack(ta, "time")
            tc = ntorch.stack(tc, "time")
            log_va = ntorch.stack(log_va, "time")
            va = ntorch.stack(va, "time")
            vc = ntorch.stack(vc, "time")

            ea = ea.rename("els", "e")
            ta = ta.rename("els", "t")

        return log_ea, ea, ec, log_ta, ta, tc, log_va, va, vc, output, s
예제 #14
    def marginal_nll(self,
        x, s, x_info, r, r_info, vt, y, y_info,
        T=128, E=32, R=4, learn=False,
        assert(learn == False)
        # r: R x N x Er
        # Wa r: R x N x H
        e = self.lute(r[0]).rename("e", "r")
        t = self.lutt(r[1]).rename("t", "r")
        v = self.lutv(r[2]).rename("v", "r")
        #r = self.Wa(ntorch.cat([e, t, v], "r").tanh())
        r = ntorch.cat([e, t, v], "r")
        rW = self.Wa(r)

        emb_x = self.lutx(x)

        log_pa, pa, ec, rnn_o, s = self.pa0(emb_x, s, rW, x_info, r_info)

        # what should we do with pa, ec, and rnn_o?
        # ec is only used for a baseline
        R, N, H = r.shape
        K = self.K

        if y is not None:
            emb_y = self.lutx(y)
            log_pa_y, pay, eyc = self.pa_y(emb_y, r, x_info, r_info)
            log_pa_y, pay = None, None

        ctxt = rW
        lyas = []
        # sum_Ai sum_Cj [ sum_{a in Ai} p(a) sum_{c in Ci} p(y|a,c)p(c|a) ]
        for rnn_t, lpa_t, y_t in zip(
            rnn_o.split(T, "time"),
            log_pa.split(T, "time"),
            y.split(T, "time"),
            lyas_t = []
            for ctxt_e, lpa_e, vt_e in zip(
                ctxt.split(E, "els"),
                lpa_t.split(E, "els"),
                vt.split(E, "els"),
                out = self.Wc(ntorch.cat(
                        rnn_t.expand("els", ctxt_e.shape["els"]),
                        ctxt_e.expand("time", rnn_t.shape["time"])
                # is this right
                #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
                log_pc_a = self.log_pc_a(rnn_t, ctxt_e)
                log_pc0_a = log_pc_a.get("copy", 0)
                log_pc1_a = log_pc_a.get("copy", 1)
                # TODO: Need to generalize conditional dists.
                # log p(y|a)
                log_py_ac0 = (self.proj(out)
                    .gather("vocab", y_t.chop("batch", ("lol", "batch"), lol=1), "lol")
                ).get("lol", 0)
                #log_py_ac1 = (vt_e == y_t).float().log()
                py_ac1 = vt_e == y_t
                py_ac1 = py_ac1._new(py_ac1.type(self.dtype))
                log_py_ac1 = py_ac1.log()

                log_py_a = logaddexp(
                    log_py_ac0 + log_pc0_a,
                    log_py_ac1 + log_pc1_a,
                # log p(y|a,c=0)
                log_pya = (log_py_a + lpa_e)
            lyas.append(ntorch.stack(lyas_t, "els").logsumexp("els"))
        # log p(y)
        log_py = ntorch.cat(lyas, "time")
        rvinfo = RvInfo(
            log_py = log_py,
        )       # need E log p(y|a)??
        return rvinfo, s
예제 #15
    def __init__(self, data=None, dataset=None, device=None):
        """Create a Batch from a list of examples."""
        if data is not None:
            self.batch_size = len(data)
            self.dataset = dataset
            self.fields = dataset.fields.keys()  # copy field names
            self.input_fields = [k for k, v in dataset.fields.items() if
                                 v is not None and not v.is_target]
            self.target_fields = [k for k, v in dataset.fields.items() if
                                  v is not None and v.is_target]

            for (name, field) in dataset.fields.items():
                if field is not None:
                    batch = [getattr(x, name) for x in data]
                    setattr(self, name, field.process(batch, device=device))

            # 2d attn
            maxe = max(len(x.uentities) for x in data)
            maxt = max(len(x.utypes) for x in data)
            padded = []
            tostack = []
            tostack_v = []
            for x in data:
                ue = x.uentities
                ut = x.utypes
                lene = len(ue)
                lent = len(ut)
                etmap = {(e,t): v for e,t,v in zip(x.entities, x.types, x.values)}
                array = [
                    [etmap[(e, t)] if (e,t) in etmap else NONE for t in ut]
                        + [PAD] * (maxt - lent)
                    for e in ue
                ] + [[PAD] * maxt] * (maxe - lene)
                tensor = dataset.fields["values_text"].numericalize(
                    (array, [lent] * lene), device=device)
                tensor_v = dataset.fields["values"].numericalize(
                    (array, [lent] * lene), device=device)

                ue, ue_info = self.uentities
                ut, ut_info = self.utypes
                tostack.append(tensor[0].rename("els", "t").rename("batch", "e"))
                tostack_v.append(tensor_v[0].rename("els", "t").rename("batch", "e"))
            setattr(self, "vt2d", ntorch.stack(tostack, "batch"))
            setattr(self, "v2d", ntorch.stack(tostack_v, "batch"))

            # ie stuff
            ie_etv = []
            ie_d = []
            num_cells = 0
            for x in data:
                etvx = x.ie_etv
                etvs = []
                for etv in etvx:
                    T = len(etv)
                    e = [x[0] for x in etv]
                    t = [x[1] for x in etv]
                    v0 = [x[2] for x in etv]
                    e, _ = dataset.fields["entities"].numericalize(
                        ([e], [T]), device="cpu")
                    t, _ = dataset.fields["types"].numericalize(
                        ([t], [T]), device="cpu")
                    v, _ = dataset.fields["values"].numericalize(
                        ([v0], [T]), device="cpu")
                    vt, _ = dataset.fields["values_text"].numericalize(
                        ([v0], [T]), device="cpu")
                        e.get("batch", 0).rename("els", "e"),
                        t.get("batch", 0).rename("els", "t"),
                        v.get("batch", 0).rename("els", "v"),
                        vt.get("batch", 0).rename("els", "x"),
                    num_cells += T

                ie_et_d = x.ie_et_d
                d = {}
                for k, v in ie_et_d.items():
                    T = len(v)
                    e = [x[0] for x in v]
                    t = [x[1] for x in v]
                    e, _ = dataset.fields["entities"].numericalize(
                        ([e], [T]), device="cpu")
                    t, _ = dataset.fields["types"].numericalize(
                        ([t], [T]), device="cpu")
                    d[k] = (
                        e.get("batch", 0).rename("els", "e"),
                        t.get("batch", 0).rename("els", "t"),
                    num_cells += T

            setattr(self, "ie_etv", ie_etv)
            setattr(self, "ie_et_d", ie_d)
            setattr(self, "num_cells", num_cells)

            # indices
            idxs = [x.idx for x in data]
            setattr(self, "idxs", idxs)
예제 #16
파일: crnnlma.py 프로젝트: justinchiu/genie
    def forward(self,
        emb = self.lutx(x)
        N = emb.shape["batch"]
        T = emb.shape["time"]

        e = self.lute(r[0]).rename("e", "r")
        t = self.lutt(r[1]).rename("t", "r")
        v = self.lutv(r[2]).rename("v", "r")
        # r: R x N x Er, Wa r: R x N x H
        r = self.War(ntorch.cat([e, t, v], dim="r").tanh())
        eA = self.Wae(self.lute(ue))
        tA = self.Wat(self.lutt(ut))
        if self.v2d:
            v2dx = self.lutv(v2d.stack(
                ("t", "e"), "els")).chop("els", ("t", "e"),
                                         t=v2d.shape["t"]).rename("v", "rnns")
            # vt2dx
            v2dx = self.lutx(vt2d.stack(
                ("t", "e"),
                "time")).chop("time", ("t", "e"),
                              t=v2d.shape["t"]).rename("x", "rnns")

        if not self.inputfeed:
            # rnn_o: T x N x H
            rnn_o, s = self.rnn(emb, s, x_info.lengths)
            # ea: T x N x R
            log_e, ea_E, ec_E = attn(rnn_o, eA, ue_info.mask)
            #log_t, ea_T, ec_T = attn(rnn_o + ec_E, tA, ut_info.mask)
            log_t, ea_T, ec_T = attn(rnn_o, tA, ut_info.mask)
            if self.noattn:
                ec = r.mean("els").repeat("time", ec.shape["time"])
            ec_ET = ec_E + ec_T
            le = log_e.rename("els", "e")
            lt = log_t.rename("els", "t")
            self.ea = le
            self.ta = lt
            aw = (le + lt).exp()
            ec = aw.dot(("t", "e"), v2dx)
            self.a = aw
            # no ent or typ
            #out = self.Wc(ntorch.cat([rnn_o, ec], "rnns")).tanh()
            # cat ent and type, this seems fine
            out = (self.Wc_nov(ntorch.cat([rnn_o, ec_E, ec_T], "rnns"))
                   if self.noattnvalues else self.Wc(
                       ntorch.cat([rnn_o, ec, ec_E, ec_T], "rnns"))).tanh()
            # add ent and typ
            #out = self.Wc(ntorch.cat([rnn_o, ec + ec_ET], "rnns")).tanh()
            out = []
            self.ea = []
            self.ta = []
            self.a = []
            ec_ETt = ntorch.zeros(N, self.r_emb_sz,
            for t in range(T):
                ec_ETt = ec_ETt.rename("rnns", "x")
                inp = ntorch.cat([emb.get("time", t), ec_ETt],
                                 "x").repeat("time", 1)
                rnn_o, s = self.rnn(inp, s)
                rnn_o = rnn_o.get("time", 0)
                log_e, ea_Et, ec_Et = attn(rnn_o, eA, ue_info.mask)
                log_t, ea_Tt, ec_Tt = attn(rnn_o, tA, ut_info.mask)
                ec_ETt = ec_Et + ec_Tt
                le = log_e.rename("els", "e")
                lt = log_t.rename("els", "t")
                aw = (le + lt).exp()
                ect = aw.dot(("t", "e"), v2dx)
                out.append(ntorch.cat([rnn_o, ect, ec_Et, ec_Tt], "rnns"))
            out = self.Wc(ntorch.stack(out, "time")).tanh()

        # return unnormalized vocab
        return self.proj(self.drop(out)), s
예제 #17
    def beam(self, src, trg, k, beam_len, num_candidates):
        batch_size = src.shape['batch']
        out_dists = HypothesisMap(
            device=self.device)  # map a hypothesis to distribution over words
        scores = HypothesisMap(
                'trgSeqlen': slice(0, 1)
            vals=[ntorch.zeros(batch_size, names='batch')],
            device=self.device)  # map a hypothesis to its score
        end = HypothesisMap(
            device=self.device)  # special buffer for hyptothesis with <EOS>
        attn = []
        EOS_IND = 3

        hidden = self.encoder(src)

        # make predictions
        for l in range(beam_len or trg.shape['trgSeqlen'] - 1):
            new_scores = HypothesisMap(device=self.device)
            hyps = scores.get_topk(k) if l > 0 else scores
            for hyp, score in hyps.items():
                inp = hyp[{'trgSeqlen': slice(l, l + 1)}]

                out, hidden = self.decoder(inp, hidden)
                out = out.log_softmax('logit')
                topk = out.topk('logit', k)

                for i in range(k):
                    pred_prob = topk[0][{'logit': i, 'trgSeqlen': -1}]
                    pred = topk[1][{'logit': i}]
                    new_hyp = ntorch.cat([hyp, pred], 'trgSeqlen')

                    if hyp in out_dists:
                        out_dists[new_hyp] = ntorch.cat([out_dists[hyp], out],
                        out_dists[new_hyp] = out

                    if torch.any((pred[{'trgSeqlen': -1}] == EOS_IND).values):
                        end[new_hyp] = score + pred_prob
                                'trgSeqlen': -1
                            }] != EOS_IND, -float('inf'))
                                'trgSeqlen': -1
                            }] == EOS_IND, -float('inf'))
                    new_scores[new_hyp] = score + pred_prob
            scores = new_scores
        for hyp, score in end.items():
            scores[hyp] = score
        best = scores.get_topk(num_candidates).keys
        out = [out_dists[k] for k in best]

        #store output
        if 'attn' in hidden:

        #format predictions
        return ntorch.stack(out, 'candidates'), ntorch.cat(attn,
예제 #18
 def __call__(self, batch_text):
     return ntorch.stack(
         [model(batch_text) for model in self.models], "model").mean("model")
예제 #19
 def __getitem__(self, key):
     ret = []
     for b in range(key.shape['batch']):
         ret.append(self.key2val[str(key[{'batch': b}])])
     return ntorch.stack(ret, 'batch').to(self.device)
예제 #20
    def trajectories(self, N=100, dt=0.02):
        perimeter = self.params['perimeter']
        T = self.params["T"]
        n = int(T / dt)
        mu, sigma, b = [
            for i in ["mean_rotation", "std_dev_rotation", "std_dev_forward"]

        rotation_velocities = torch.tensor(
            np.random.normal(mu, sigma, size=(n, N))).float()
        forward_velocities = torch.tensor(np.random.rayleigh(
            b, size=(n, N))).float()

        positions = ntorch.zeros((n, 2, N), names=("t", "ax", "sample"))
        vs = torch.zeros((n, N))
        angles = rotation_velocities
        directions = torch.zeros((n, 2, N))

        vs[0] = self.params["v0"]
        theta = torch.rand(N) * 2 * np.pi
        directions[0] = unit_vector(theta)
            "t": 0
        }] = ntorch.tensor(self.scene.random(N), names=("sample", "ax"))

        for i in range(1, n):
            dist, phi = self.scene.closestWall(positions[{
                "t": i - 1
            }].values, directions[i - 1])
            wall = (dist < perimeter) & (phi.abs() < np.pi / 2)
            angle_correction = torch.where(
                phi.sign() * (np.pi / 2 - phi.abs()), torch.zeros_like(phi))
            angles[i] += angle_correction

            vs[i] = torch.where(
                (1 - self.params["velocity_reduction"]) * (vs[i - 1]),
                "t": i
            }] = (positions[{
                "t": i - 1
            }] + directions[i - 1] * vs[i] * dt)

            mat = rotation_matrix(angles[i] * dt)
            directions[i] = torch.einsum("ijk,jk->ik", mat, directions[i - 1])

        idx = np.round(np.linspace(
            0, n - 2, self.params["trajectory_length"])).astype(int)
        # idx = np.array(sorted(np.random.choice(np.arange(n), size=self.params["trajectory_length"], replace=False)))

        dphis = ntorch.tensor(angles[idx] * dt, names=("t", "sample"))
        velocities = ntorch.tensor(vs[idx], names=("t", "sample"))
        vel = ntorch.stack((velocities, dphis.cos(), dphis.sin()), "input")

        xs = ntorch.tensor(positions.values[idx], names=("t", "ax", "sample"))
        # xs0 = positions[{'t': 0}]
        xs0 = ntorch.tensor(self.scene.random(n=N), names=("sample", "ax"))

        hd = torch.atan2(directions[:, 1], directions[:, 0])
        hd0 = ntorch.tensor(hd[0][None], names=("hd", "sample"))
        hd = ntorch.tensor(hd[idx + 1][None], names=("hd", "t", "sample"))

        xs = xs.transpose('sample', 't', 'ax')
        hd = hd.transpose('sample', 't', 'hd')
        vel = vel.transpose('sample', 't', 'input')
        xs0 = xs0.transpose('sample', 'ax')
        hd0 = hd0.transpose('sample', 'hd')

        return xs, hd, vel, xs0, hd0