예제 #1
def test_instance_factory():

    class Service(object):
        foo_proxy = rpc_proxy("foo_service")
        bar_proxy = rpc_proxy("bar_service")

    class OtherService(object):

    # simplest case, no overrides
    instance = instance_factory(Service)
    assert isinstance(instance, Service)
    assert isinstance(instance.foo_proxy, Mock)
    assert isinstance(instance.bar_proxy, Mock)

    # no injections to replace
    instance = instance_factory(OtherService)
    assert isinstance(instance, OtherService)

    # override specific injection
    bar_injection = object()
    instance = instance_factory(Service, bar_proxy=bar_injection)
    assert isinstance(instance, Service)
    assert isinstance(instance.foo_proxy, Mock)
    assert instance.bar_proxy is bar_injection

    # non-applicable injection
    instance = instance_factory(Service, nonexist=object())
    assert isinstance(instance, Service)
    assert isinstance(instance.foo_proxy, Mock)
    assert isinstance(instance.bar_proxy, Mock)
    assert not hasattr(instance, "nonexist")
def test_service(session):

    # create instance, providing the real session for the ``db`` injection
    service = instance_factory(Service, db=session)

    # verify ``save`` logic by querying the real database
    assert session.query(Result.value).all() == [("helloworld",)]
예제 #3
def test_conversion_service():
    # create instance
    # dependencies are replaced with mocks unless otherwise given - see
    # :class:`nameko.testing.services.instance_factory`
    service = instance_factory(ConversionService)

    # replace "math" service
    service.math.multiply.side_effect = lambda x, y: x * y
    service.math.divide.side_effect = lambda x, y: x / y

    # test inches_to_cm business logic
    assert service.inches_to_cm(300) == 762
    service.math.multiply.assert_called_once_with(300, 2.54)

    # test cms_to_inches business logic
    assert service.cms_to_inches(762) == 300
    service.math.divide.assert_called_once_with(762, 2.54)