def packArgs(self, kwargs): keys = set(kwargs.keys()).union(set(TkObject.DEFAULT_PACK_ARGS.keys())) d = {k: kwargs.get(k, TkObject.DEFAULT_PACK_ARGS.get(k)) for k in keys} self._packArgs = Namespace(**d) self._isPacked = True # layout our parent if self.parent is not None: self.parent.rearrangeChildren()
def __init__(self, obj, parent=None): self.obj = obj self.parent = parent self._repr = describe(obj) self._children = [] self._isPacked = False # NB: must NOT use the seter self._packArgs = Namespace(**TkObject.DEFAULT_PACK_ARGS)
SignupCodeType, UserTaskPreference, ) from .common import validate_consistent_keys, award_view_model_translation, task_preferences_model_translation from .org import OrganizationService from .proj import ProjectService from .notifications import NotificationDomain, NotificationService # Namespace declaration # # TODO: continue/extend experiment with Namespaces over *Services # User domain # UserDomain = Namespace('user') @UserDomain def query_pending_volunteer_profiles(user): ensure_rule('volunteer.new_user_review', user) return (VolunteerProfile.objects.filter( volunteer_status=ReviewStatus.NEW).order_by('is_edited', '-creation_date')) @UserDomain def query_signup_codes_by_text(code_name): if not code_name: return None
from namespaces import Namespace from .user import UserDomain marketplace = MarketplaceDomain = Namespace('marketplace') MarketplaceDomain._add_(UserDomain)
from django.conf import settings from django.core.mail import send_mail from namespaces import Namespace from marketplace.models.user import UserNotification LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Namespace declaration # # TODO: continue/extend experiment with Namespaces over *Services # Notification domain # NotificationDomain = Namespace('notification') @NotificationDomain def add_user_notification(user, notification_description, severity, source, target_id): notification = UserNotification.objects.create( user=user, notification_description=notification_description, severity=severity, source=source, target_id=target_id, is_read=False, ) if
#!/usr/bin/python2.2 import random, tramp, rdflib.TripleStore as rts, cgi from namespaces import rss, rdf, Namespace import cgitb; cgitb.enable() x=cgi.FieldStorage() if x.has_key("url"): url = x["url"].value else: url = "" ev = Namespace("") store = rts.TripleStore() store.load(url) channel = tramp.Thing(list(store.triples(None, rdf.type,[0][0], store) print "Content-type: text/plain" print print """BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION :2.0 PRODID :PRODID:-//hacksw/ v1.0//EN""" for item in channel[rss.items]: print "BEGIN:VEVENT\nUID\n :" + str(random.randint(1,100000)) print "SUMMARY\n :" + item[rss.title] print "DTSTART\n :" + item[ev.startdate].replace("-", "") print "DTEND\b :" + item[ev.enddate].replace("-", "") print "END:VEVENT" print "END:VCALENDAR"